| Subject | Views | Replies | Last post |
| It's My Gun | 1004 | 0 | 04-07-2021 |
| My Health Issue, It Is Graphic | 1231 | 15 | 03-07-2021 |
| And In Today's News | 1317 | 19 | 29-06-2021 |
| The Savior Ultimate Solution For The Global Economic System Is Using 2 Type Of Energy Exchange Paper | 1051 | 1 | 27-06-2021 |
| The Savior Messiah Buddha Final Words About The Virus Pandemic | 1076 | 1 | 26-06-2021 |
| Many National Governments Going To Collapse For Deceiving People About The COVID Despite Of Receiving War | 1227 | 6 | 25-06-2021 |
| USA - Attack on Capitalism - Attack on Corporations | 939 | 2 | 25-06-2021 |
| The Epic Way To End The NCOV Pandemic is Educate Reveal Full Virus Working Mechanism To The People | 1118 | 2 | 24-06-2021 |
| The Real Proof Why Corona Virus COVID Is A Scam Event To Enslave People | 1022 | 1 | 24-06-2021 |
| winter solstice | 1167 | 15 | 23-06-2021 |
| The Great Economy Money Reset Will Kick Off With Various Numeral Systems Return Back To The Land | 1203 | 15 | 22-06-2021 |
| Mandatory vaccination - (Side: 1 2 3) | 4043 | 84 | 22-06-2021 |
| Many Sports Becoming Commercial Business Money Industry Instead Of Real Spirit Fighting Battle | 1124 | 2 | 20-06-2021 |
| Virus Is Good For Life But Stupid Uneducated People Make It Look Bad | 1077 | 1 | 19-06-2021 |
| CO2 sensor | 1226 | 12 | 19-06-2021 |
| The Savior Last Gift: Will Reveal The Secret Of Life, The Source Of All Creation With Worthy Beings | 1106 | 5 | 19-06-2021 |
| IT'S A TRAP!! | 980 | 4 | 19-06-2021 |
| The Corona Virus NCOV COVID Made By Super Deities, Religion Gods Like For Few Reasons | 1149 | 5 | 18-06-2021 |
| All Intelligence Agencies, Secret Societies Groups Will Never Able To Find The Savior Messiah Buddha Unle | 968 | 0 | 18-06-2021 |
| Words, Languages Is The Highest Level Connection Between People & The Only Tool Help You To Understan | 960 | 2 | 18-06-2021 |
| firemen | 849 | 2 | 18-06-2021 |
| Physical Meeting Directly With Me The Savior Messiah Buddha Final Offer | 836 | 1 | 18-06-2021 |
| If CO2 Is The True Cause Of Climate Change So Why Ancient Lost Civilizations With Zero CO2 Collapsed ?! | 944 | 1 | 17-06-2021 |
| Drought problem | 1141 | 21 | 17-06-2021 |
| All Intelligence Services, Secret Societies Groups Better Disband Because They Are Too Stupid | 856 | 0 | 17-06-2021 |
| Why are we fighting clomate change, rather than preparing for changes? | 1055 | 2 | 17-06-2021 |
| And We Might Be Seeing More | 862 | 1 | 14-06-2021 |
| EU expansion and other things | 1565 | 5 | 14-06-2021 |
| Driver's Education | 920 | 0 | 14-06-2021 |
| The Ultimate Purpose Of Living Is Know Who You Are & The Source Of All Creation | 1118 | 7 | 13-06-2021 |
| Peru | 922 | 6 | 12-06-2021 |
| Thwaites glacier | 1089 | 21 | 12-06-2021 |
| Freejoy.aimoo.com Will Be Closed On July 1st 2021 & I Messiah Buddha Will Disconnect With Your World | 1045 | 7 | 12-06-2021 |
| The Day After Tomorrow | 1103 | 20 | 10-06-2021 |
| Peru | 892 | 1 | 09-06-2021 |
| The Corona Virus NCOV Event Only End After The Public Receive 2 Satisfy Answer Of The Origin & The Cu | 1096 | 4 | 09-06-2021 |
| Want To Eliminate Corona Virus COVID, You Just Need Turn Off All Technology Devices ! | 968 | 3 | 08-06-2021 |
| I am back | 915 | 2 | 07-06-2021 |
| The Reasons You Must Stay Away From All The Corrupt Governments Groups & Use Your Own Mindset | 939 | 0 | 07-06-2021 |
| The Difference Between Me The Savior Messiah Buddha vs Those Religions Gods Beings | 915 | 1 | 06-06-2021 |
| All Beings Entities Who Are Behind The Pandemic COVID Has Moral Below Animals & Deserved To Be Dead V | 1105 | 16 | 04-06-2021 |
| Little Rico? | 998 | 15 | 04-06-2021 |
| Droughts Continue in the West | 1657 | 36 | 01-06-2021 |
| Polar vortex regains it's shape and position over the Arctic Video!!! | 1117 | 5 | 01-06-2021 |
| Education system future. - (Side: 1 2) | 2471 | 50 | 29-05-2021 |
| We Need to Panic | 862 | 4 | 28-05-2021 |
| The Final Best Answer Solution For Both Climate Change & Corona Virus COVID Is Moringa Tree | 1215 | 14 | 26-05-2021 |
| Polar vortex pattern suggest we could have a repeat of the 2010 wildfires and drought in Russia! VIDEO!!! | 1221 | 14 | 14-05-2021 |
| Climate change by how we use the sun? | 1294 | 8 | 09-05-2021 |
| Basic Physics | 1286 | 5 | 09-05-2021 |
| farewell | 1245 | 7 | 06-05-2021 |
| FATAL FLAWS | 1335 | 16 | 02-05-2021 |
| solar power - (Side: 1 2) | 2300 | 41 | 02-05-2021 |
| God Exists! Security video proves it... | 1349 | 18 | 01-05-2021 |
| alpine skiing | 1164 | 7 | 30-04-2021 |
| Is warming caused by increased spectrum usage. | 1473 | 18 | 29-04-2021 |
| US Water Shortaages | 1494 | 26 | 28-04-2021 |
| Blocking out the Sun, to reduce global warming... | 1325 | 4 | 27-04-2021 |
| John Kerry is a GENIUS!!!!!!! | 1293 | 6 | 24-04-2021 |
| Does anyone know what powers a Chinese electric car? | 1439 | 1 | 22-04-2021 |
| Ideation on Entropy, Life, Civilization, and Fractals | 1337 | 6 | 22-04-2021 |
| Climate overview: erratic polar vortex - cold anomalies over the US and Europe video!!! | 1183 | 1 | 22-04-2021 |
| Fossil fuels - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 4974 | 149 | 19-04-2021 |
| Math | 1544 | 24 | 18-04-2021 |
| golly wolly polywoggles - (Side: 1 2) | 2032 | 59 | 17-04-2021 |
| SkS booted me Again | 1315 | 28 | 15-04-2021 |
| Cindy McCain - Republican or Democrat | 1113 | 3 | 14-04-2021 |
| Mystery flower | 1445 | 7 | 11-04-2021 |
| I need help! (No, I'm not crazy, much...) | 1128 | 2 | 10-04-2021 |
| SKS | 1260 | 12 | 10-04-2021 |
| Dr. Tobin, | 1455 | 27 | 09-04-2021 |
| Liberal "Logic" re: Solar Energy | 1209 | 5 | 09-04-2021 |
| I should have listened to lefties about covid.......... | 1107 | 9 | 09-04-2021 |
| Tree rings | 1018 | 4 | 09-04-2021 |
| attitude | 1483 | 36 | 08-04-2021 |
| UAH - The University of Alabama in Huntsville | 1156 | 4 | 08-04-2021 |
| suez canal | 1179 | 4 | 05-04-2021 |
| percentages | 1189 | 6 | 05-04-2021 |
| The new USA | 1295 | 17 | 04-04-2021 |
| proximate cause - (Side: 1 2) | 2058 | 65 | 04-04-2021 |
| Possible fake news | 1229 | 10 | 04-04-2021 |
| Dentists and covid - (Side: 1 2 3) | 4743 | 97 | 03-04-2021 |
| Church of the Mask -- "Magick Mask Argument" - (Side: 1 2 3) | 4247 | 94 | 02-04-2021 |
| The Root Problem Of Life Chaos, Suffering Is Because People Do Not Fully Understand, Control Environment | 1409 | 2 | 01-04-2021 |
| Why you'll never meet a white supremacist who cares about climate change | 2580 | 15 | 31-03-2021 |
| Deadly Glaciers | 1334 | 14 | 31-03-2021 |
| Florida Climate Change, video evidence. | 1340 | 12 | 29-03-2021 |
| The truth about how climate change is changing golf | 1210 | 0 | 28-03-2021 |
| An Example of Negative Work | 1342 | 8 | 28-03-2021 |
| universe - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 4188 | 148 | 28-03-2021 |
| The Global Chaos Cannot Bring Any Divine Beings To Help You Guys | 1203 | 0 | 28-03-2021 |
| protestors | 1083 | 4 | 27-03-2021 |
| Black Holes Might Not Be Black Holes | 1783 | 39 | 24-03-2021 |
| Wow! - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 3751 | 130 | 24-03-2021 |
| perseverence - (Side: 1 2) | 2278 | 41 | 23-03-2021 |
| Johann Bessler | 1543 | 8 | 23-03-2021 |
| Today's Yahoo Headlines - (Side: 1 2) | 2395 | 60 | 23-03-2021 |
| Free photo editing software, Windows or Android - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3198 | 88 | 22-03-2021 |
| Big Nations Must Allow Local States Big Cities To Issue It Own New Local Currency Money | 1180 | 1 | 18-03-2021 |
| Let's Talk Polar Bears | 1210 | 3 | 18-03-2021 |