| Subject | Views | Replies | Last post |
| new strain | 1091 | 25 | 29-12-2020 |
| climate - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3028 | 115 | 28-12-2020 |
| A well regulated citizen | 747 | 3 | 27-12-2020 |
| I Totally Missed This - Time Person of the Year | 1079 | 6 | 25-12-2020 |
| Climate Change - (Side: 1 2) | 2327 | 63 | 24-12-2020 |
| martial law | 1109 | 30 | 23-12-2020 |
| fake news | 896 | 3 | 23-12-2020 |
| Coronavirus testing - (Side: 1 2 3) | 2880 | 86 | 23-12-2020 |
| fake news | 792 | 3 | 22-12-2020 |
| Covid Cats... | 1031 | 2 | 22-12-2020 |
| bushfires | 943 | 1 | 21-12-2020 |
| David and the ABC | 927 | 7 | 21-12-2020 |
| microwave | 949 | 23 | 20-12-2020 |
| Polar bears and Hudson bay | 938 | 3 | 19-12-2020 |
| How are the Borg not Democrats | 1003 | 13 | 18-12-2020 |
| Did Trump just win Nevada? What Happened? - (Side: 1 2) | 2063 | 55 | 18-12-2020 |
| Will Michigan Abstain? Arizona? | 987 | 11 | 17-12-2020 |
| This Should Be Interesting - (Side: 1 2) | 2072 | 51 | 17-12-2020 |
| Consider - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 4453 | 144 | 16-12-2020 |
| confirmation bias | 1066 | 21 | 16-12-2020 |
| why - (Side: 1 2) | 2002 | 49 | 15-12-2020 |
| Trade War Is Not About Economy Money, It About Human Intelligence Development Environment Opportunity | 922 | 0 | 15-12-2020 |
| Limbaugh Is Suggesting Secession | 1035 | 11 | 13-12-2020 |
| Geopolitical Keywords: Messiah, Corona Virus, Trade War, Stocks Shares, Cryptocurrencies, Global Currency | 890 | 1 | 13-12-2020 |
| You Need The Savior Messiah But The Messiah Do Not Need You ! | 961 | 1 | 13-12-2020 |
| Tucker Carlson Teaches What Into the Night has been Saying | 826 | 0 | 12-12-2020 |
| Bill Nye, the science guy | 1801 | 35 | 12-12-2020 |
| Ultra Vires - Latin for "Wisconsin will Flip for Trump" - (Side: 1 2) | 2862 | 56 | 11-12-2020 |
| King - (Side: 1 2 ... 8) | 8138 | 310 | 11-12-2020 |
| When is the "Warming" suppose to start? | 1745 | 36 | 11-12-2020 |
| Remember Sturgis ? | 1046 | 37 | 11-12-2020 |
| Major Climate catastrophe, Happening Now! | 944 | 4 | 10-12-2020 |
| Net Metering | 1109 | 7 | 10-12-2020 |
| Post-COVID syndrome | 928 | 0 | 10-12-2020 |
| Interested in carbon sinking | 1023 | 10 | 09-12-2020 |
| Another Trump Election Fraud Case Thrown Out - (Side: 1 2) | 2115 | 61 | 09-12-2020 |
| Norwegian Renewables Nazis | 931 | 9 | 08-12-2020 |
| Election Bombshell - (Side: 1 2) | 2035 | 40 | 08-12-2020 |
| Place your bets | 930 | 26 | 07-12-2020 |
| Simplified Economics - (Side: 1 2 ... 5) | 4943 | 164 | 07-12-2020 |
| Nevada Flipping for Trump | 883 | 3 | 06-12-2020 |
| Medicare | 824 | 1 | 06-12-2020 |
| THE DARK SIDE OF SOLAR POWER | 1195 | 17 | 05-12-2020 |
| Pennsylvania Election Bombshell | 871 | 0 | 04-12-2020 |
| Green Hydrogen Survey for scientific research | 1250 | 6 | 02-12-2020 |
| The Savior Messiah Buddha Reveal Public Cryptocurrency Wallets To Receive & Send Donation | 2443 | 5 | 01-12-2020 |
| Climate change for the non-scientists | 1805 | 30 | 01-12-2020 |
| Is climate change threatening the existence of polar bears? | 1179 | 16 | 01-12-2020 |
| Message from above. | 995 | 2 | 30-11-2020 |
| This is a much bigger issue than a case of mere fraud | 1472 | 36 | 27-11-2020 |
| covid19 prevalence | 1229 | 34 | 27-11-2020 |
| https://www.waclimate.net/perth-sea-levels.html | 1834 | 6 | 27-11-2020 |
| 2 forces | 1058 | 36 | 23-11-2020 |
| Convinced | 1211 | 28 | 23-11-2020 |
| Why I'm voting for Trump 2020! - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3422 | 107 | 23-11-2020 |
| How the Jet Stream Influences the Weather - (Side: 1 2) | 2197 | 43 | 22-11-2020 |
| coral bleaching - (Side: 1 2 ... 5) | 5103 | 161 | 21-11-2020 |
| Desalination and evaporation of sea water at both poles | 1229 | 10 | 19-11-2020 |
| Asymptomatic, The Phantom Spreaders - (Side: 1 2) | 2157 | 78 | 18-11-2020 |
| Covid19 - (Side: 1 2 ... 6) | 8870 | 228 | 18-11-2020 |
| the logarithmic effect of CO2 | 1457 | 6 | 15-11-2020 |
| global temperature | 1175 | 4 | 15-11-2020 |
| Zombie apocolypse - (Side: 1 2 ... 6) | 9006 | 224 | 14-11-2020 |
| Polar Ice Melt Now 6 Times Greater Than 1990s - (Side: 1 2 3) | 4018 | 103 | 13-11-2020 |
| Raccoon, and Global Warming? | 1267 | 17 | 11-11-2020 |
| Lost Ballots | 1082 | 15 | 11-11-2020 |
| Fox News is Gone | 1314 | 18 | 10-11-2020 |
| Dr. Hazeltine - (Side: 1 2) | 2511 | 44 | 10-11-2020 |
| Cross Country | 963 | 0 | 10-11-2020 |
| CNN vs. Fox News | 1127 | 8 | 10-11-2020 |
| The US Election System Is Outdated, The Top USA Administration Is Clueless & Too Stupid | 1159 | 3 | 07-11-2020 |
| Blade Runner II | 993 | 3 | 07-11-2020 |
| Where's the Snow? - (Side: 1 2) | 4854 | 61 | 06-11-2020 |
| warmazombies | 1013 | 10 | 05-11-2020 |
| Biden's Final Stance | 995 | 5 | 03-11-2020 |
| It's HOT | 1043 | 1 | 01-11-2020 |
| Darwin Airport homogenizing of temperature data | 2689 | 36 | 20-10-2020 |
| Independent and open technology gives us a real chance to reach global climate targets | 1141 | 7 | 19-10-2020 |
| Rising sea levels attacking Florida coast, happening now! | 1436 | 25 | 19-10-2020 |
| Action that we all should take urgently! | 1527 | 22 | 13-10-2020 |
| Just For Fun | 1269 | 14 | 11-10-2020 |
| Add One to the List | 1184 | 1 | 10-10-2020 |
| The World Need A New International Income Wage Index Based On Price Of Silver, Gold - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3740 | 117 | 08-10-2020 |
| one sick person (covid) - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3195 | 82 | 08-10-2020 |
| Orcas Are Damaging Boats | 1027 | 1 | 08-10-2020 |
| The Only Working Solution For World Economy Conflict Is Upgrading The Global Financial System | 1115 | 1 | 06-10-2020 |
| I found this information last night | 1188 | 7 | 05-10-2020 |
| Michigan Supreme Court says NO | 1105 | 2 | 05-10-2020 |
| Key Solution For The Global Currency Reset Must Be 2 New Separate Money Note Types: Domestic In-Nation &a | 1150 | 1 | 05-10-2020 |
| debate | 1451 | 21 | 03-10-2020 |
| September in Perth | 1079 | 5 | 03-10-2020 |
| Spongy Iris | 1287 | 9 | 03-10-2020 |
| Dragon Fruit | 1025 | 4 | 02-10-2020 |
| 2nd Amendment | 1296 | 1 | 02-10-2020 |
| If I Was The President Of The USA, I Would Bring Back All Factories Easily Without Using Anything | 1335 | 15 | 30-09-2020 |
| The Savior Introduce The New Final Ultimate Fair International Financial System 2020 | 1094 | 1 | 30-09-2020 |
| California Wildfires, Trumps Fault? - (Side: 1 2 3) | 3630 | 99 | 29-09-2020 |
| The Final Ultimate Global Currency Reset Evolution Details Be Shared Publicly At Only Forum Freejoy.aimoo | 2485 | 1 | 29-09-2020 |
| Ammonia As A Source Of Energy | 1130 | 4 | 29-09-2020 |
| Trump | 1040 | 7 | 28-09-2020 |