| Subject | Views | Replies | Last post |
| Media Hype and Climate Alarmism | 1545 | 1 | 19-09-2016 |
| CO2 acts as a "setting" for how much H2O in atmosphere | 2232 | 25 | 19-09-2016 |
| climate change affects crops | 2127 | 26 | 19-09-2016 |
| Multilayer nature of atmosphere explains global warming | 1655 | 8 | 18-09-2016 |
| A potential source of asymmetry - methods of heat dissipation | 2023 | 11 | 18-09-2016 |
| What is driving global warming? | 1822 | 6 | 18-09-2016 |
| Why would the atmosphere not trap heat when ocean traps heat? | 2026 | 13 | 16-09-2016 |
| temperature increasing because the atmospheric mass is increasing | 1788 | 8 | 16-09-2016 |
| The Earth is already heated by the atmosphere | 1984 | 19 | 16-09-2016 |
| Why CO2 increases temperature more than O2 and N2 do. | 1927 | 9 | 16-09-2016 |
| Global Warming Bests Maxwell's Demon | 2058 | 17 | 15-09-2016 |
| James Hansen is wrong. The atmosphere, not the CO2 in the atmosphere, increases temperature by 33 C | 1539 | 0 | 15-09-2016 |
| Increased meat consumption = Increased climate change + environmental degredation | 2079 | 8 | 14-09-2016 |
| heat retention capability of CO2 versus O2 and N2? | 4423 | 5 | 14-09-2016 |
| burning fossil fuels should result in a major cooling factor, here's why | 2415 | 7 | 14-09-2016 |
| CO2 Lags About 2,000 Years Behind on Temperature Changes - (Side: 1 2 3) | 10130 | 117 | 09-09-2016 |
| I have come to the conclusion CO2 is irrelevant | 1751 | 1 | 07-09-2016 |
| Scientific Theories? - (Side: 1 2) | 4947 | 50 | 07-09-2016 |
| Why sea level rise will be a good thing. - (Side: 1 2) | 5881 | 48 | 06-09-2016 |
| ITS THE SUN, STUPID | 3638 | 33 | 06-09-2016 |
| Record temperatures, AGW accelerating | 2451 | 16 | 02-09-2016 |
| The EU and Climate Change | 2009 | 7 | 02-09-2016 |
| Sharing a flat with IBdaMann | 1716 | 0 | 02-09-2016 |
| The Cause of Ice Ages: Crustal Displacements | 2020 | 7 | 31-08-2016 |
| Why Climate Change Will Lead To Religious Laws | 1947 | 5 | 08-08-2016 |
| Impacts of Climate change | 2054 | 7 | 28-07-2016 |
| An MSc dissertation survey - takes 10 mins max | 3156 | 23 | 26-07-2016 |
| The Global Temperature Model - (Side: 1 2) | 5909 | 40 | 23-07-2016 |
| NOAA lying? | 1881 | 4 | 18-07-2016 |
| Comparing three warm periods | 4137 | 4 | 18-07-2016 |
| Why is CO2 increasing so much faster? | 1579 | 1 | 12-07-2016 |
| Question about temperature timeline graphs | 2057 | 5 | 03-07-2016 |
| Not a single major emitter ratified the Paris agreement, so what's the fuss about it? | 1735 | 0 | 29-06-2016 |
| Is there a moral hazard in not using geoengineering to lower the global temperature? | 1752 | 1 | 28-06-2016 |
| Humidity and CO2 | 2696 | 12 | 22-06-2016 |
| Climate Change & Agenda 21 | 1958 | 1 | 07-06-2016 |
| Impact Of Climate Change | 2644 | 4 | 05-06-2016 |
| Great Barrier Reef Problem | 2119 | 9 | 03-06-2016 |
| Long Term Climate Change Perspective | 3134 | 13 | 24-05-2016 |
| West coast of England rainfall | 2053 | 5 | 24-05-2016 |
| If CO2 incrreases to 10000 ppm, wouldn't everyone die from CO2 poisoning and there would be no change | 1677 | 3 | 24-05-2016 |
| New way to tackle Climate Change | 2209 | 2 | 12-05-2016 |
| Jimmy Kimmel on Climate Change | 1971 | 4 | 06-05-2016 |
| the current crop of climate scientists are going to be fired | 1813 | 2 | 05-05-2016 |
| Baby boomers' view of climate change | 1857 | 0 | 01-04-2016 |
| What has changed | 3635 | 31 | 30-03-2016 |
| Febuary breaks records by a shocking amount | 2718 | 12 | 30-03-2016 |
| Dissertation Survey | 2211 | 3 | 26-03-2016 |
| What are the best climate change organizations? | 2309 | 2 | 25-03-2016 |
| 4 Biggest Recent Developments in Climate Change | 1915 | 1 | 25-03-2016 |
| why don't they get rid of Earth's tilt and get rid of hot summers and cold winters and | 2309 | 11 | 22-03-2016 |
| Keeling Jr.'s CO2 measuring device seems broken | 1948 | 0 | 21-03-2016 |
| Brrrr, The February 2016 COLD RECORD! | 1918 | 1 | 15-03-2016 |
| climate scientists hired by Obama are going to be fired when the next president goes into office, a Repub | 1640 | 1 | 14-03-2016 |
| THE GLOBAL COOLING CONSENSUS IN THE 1970s | 3295 | 34 | 14-03-2016 |
| INEQUALITY AND OPPRESSION | 2280 | 2 | 11-03-2016 |
| If the emissivity of a body decreases then its temperature should decrease. - (Side: 1 2) | 9869 | 60 | 10-03-2016 |
| What Causes Earth Crust Displacements? | 1895 | 1 | 07-03-2016 |
| What Went Wrong? | 2024 | 4 | 07-03-2016 |
| the only way to know if more CO2 causes warmer climate is to do the experiment on Earth | 1907 | 5 | 04-03-2016 |
| How can scientists know Earth's greenhouse effect is not because of its atmospheric pressure? - (Side: 1 2) | 8689 | 58 | 29-02-2016 |
| There is no Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - (Side: 1 2) | 5299 | 49 | 29-02-2016 |
| IPCC does not allow Chinese scientists and data, so we do not accept IPCC's position | 3473 | 38 | 29-02-2016 |
| more CO2 makes climate warmer is a myth like Aristotle's myth heavier things fall faster than lighter | 1706 | 0 | 28-02-2016 |
| Are Hallstattzeit Cycles a Cause of Global Warming? | 2189 | 3 | 25-02-2016 |
| ... And the heat goes on! ... | 2508 | 25 | 22-02-2016 |
| What if Greenland Was on the North Pole? | 2706 | 23 | 22-02-2016 |
| Why deny global warming - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 13200 | 153 | 22-02-2016 |
| Relax. Latakia and Tartus are not going under water from global warming. | 1841 | 2 | 21-02-2016 |
| climate change media stories made me so sick I never google climate change ever again | 1895 | 3 | 20-02-2016 |
| Teaching younger generations | 2417 | 15 | 19-02-2016 |
| Carbon Trust is looking to hire a Director in Mexico! | 1891 | 0 | 17-02-2016 |
| Hank Samler's Model | 3188 | 35 | 16-02-2016 |
| Why don't IPCC build a tiny Earth, about the size of a mountain, floating in Earth's orbit, to do | 1673 | 3 | 15-02-2016 |
| Global Warming and the consequences - is it real? | 3233 | 32 | 15-02-2016 |
| Western countries kowtow to Saudi Arabia buying billions of barrels of oil and increases CO2 and | 1792 | 4 | 14-02-2016 |
| But the Climate is Always Changing! - (Side: 1 2 ... 5) | 14570 | 164 | 12-02-2016 |
| Just How Many "Greenhouse Effects" Are There? - (Side: 1 2 ... 5) | 17527 | 177 | 12-02-2016 |
| What would the world be like if every molecule in the atmosphere is a CO2? - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 13543 | 150 | 11-02-2016 |
| people despise climate scientists because they have a political agenda | 2230 | 10 | 11-02-2016 |
| CO2 the Magic Gas! | 3105 | 23 | 11-02-2016 |
| there is no proof more CO2 can cause warming | 1922 | 2 | 11-02-2016 |
| Help To Stop Wasting Paper On Receipts (Online Petition) | 1972 | 1 | 10-02-2016 |
| CO2 makes Earth much cooler than the Moon because it blocks the Sun's IR | 2992 | 16 | 10-02-2016 |
| Positives on Global Warming - (Side: 1 2) | 5688 | 62 | 10-02-2016 |
| NOAA and Keeling caught liar liar pants on fire | 1782 | 1 | 09-02-2016 |
| there is no evidence more CO2 traps more heat and heats the Earth | 2401 | 19 | 09-02-2016 |
| no one can refute this argument from deniers | 2518 | 13 | 07-02-2016 |
| What would the world be like if the atmosphere is 25% O2 and 75% N2? - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 12058 | 145 | 03-02-2016 |
| Were Glaciations Nothing More Than Crustal Shifts? | 2891 | 30 | 29-01-2016 |
| no one cares about climate | 1446 | 1 | 27-01-2016 |
| 2015: Warmest Year on Record | 2011 | 7 | 25-01-2016 |
| Welcome to the New Ice Age | 1745 | 3 | 25-01-2016 |
| Does the bad a$$ Dr. Pierrer Latour blow IPCC away? | 2436 | 8 | 19-01-2016 |
| Uh oh. More CO2 causes global cooling. | 2437 | 5 | 16-01-2016 |
| There is no mathematical and scientific foundation nor any experimental evidence of the greenhouse effect | 2040 | 5 | 16-01-2016 |
| CO2, all benefits, no negatives | 1936 | 4 | 16-01-2016 |
| The entire greenhouse effect does not even add 0.1 C. The debate is over. The science is settled. | 2967 | 27 | 12-01-2016 |
| Christopher Columbus sailed into the unknown and discovered the New World. He should be our idol. | 1997 | 7 | 12-01-2016 |
| Alarmists are wrong. The debate is over. | 2546 | 15 | 11-01-2016 |