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I made this video on Climate Change to try and educate kids to help spread awareness about this serious t

I made this video on Climate Change to try and educate kids to help spread awareness about this serious threat10-11-2015 17:50
Hi guys,

I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change. I'm trying to create awareness about the topic as people seem to still not care about the growing threat.

Global warming cannot be stopped but we can lessen it's severity, and educating the masses is the only way.

10-11-2015 18:02
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
louiv wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change. I'm trying to create awareness about the topic as people seem to still not care about the growing threat.

Global warming cannot be stopped but we can lessen it's severity, and educating the masses is the only way.


Do you think horror flicks are appropriate for kids? If you want to frighten them with an unbelievable story, just show them "Halloween" and tell them "Michael Myers cannot be stopped!"

In other words, you didn't have to make a "Holloween 11" could have used one that already existed.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
10-11-2015 18:13
IBdaMann wrote:
louiv wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change. I'm trying to create awareness about the topic as people seem to still not care about the growing threat.

Global warming cannot be stopped but we can lessen it's severity, and educating the masses is the only way.


Do you think horror flicks are appropriate for kids? If you want to frighten them with an unbelievable story, just show them "Halloween" and tell them "Michael Myers cannot be stopped!"

In other words, you didn't have to make a "Holloween 11" could have used one that already existed.

Kids love horror flicks... I know I did when I was younger. They don't like boring speeches.
10-11-2015 18:17
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
louiv wrote:Kids love horror flicks... I know I did when I was younger. They don't like boring speeches.

You just explained everything anyone needs to know.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
10-11-2015 18:38
trafnProfile picture★★★☆☆
@louiv - great video! And your website is great too:

The 2015 M2C2 (Global 9/11) Denialist Troll Awards

1st Place - Jep Branner - Our Stupid Administrator!
2nd Place - IBdaMann - Science IS cherry picking!
3rd Place - Into the Night - Mr. Nonsense numbers!
4th Place - Tim the plumber - The Drivel Queen!
10-11-2015 19:26
Tim the plumber
louiv wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change. I'm trying to create awareness about the topic as people seem to still not care about the growing threat.

Global warming cannot be stopped but we can lessen it's severity, and educating the masses is the only way.


Do you really imagine that a less than knee high sea level rise is going to flood any city??

We have 85 years to build up our defenses. With less money than is spent on trafic lights any city will be able to counter this with no problem what so ever.
10-11-2015 19:45
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Tim the plumber wrote:
[color=blue]Do you really imagine that a less than knee high sea level rise is going to flood any city??

Do you really imagine that a knee-high sea-level rise is going to happen over the next thirty years?

If so, why do you believe this?

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
10-11-2015 21:04
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Tim the plumber wrote:
louiv wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change. I'm trying to create awareness about the topic as people seem to still not care about the growing threat.

Global warming cannot be stopped but we can lessen it's severity, and educating the masses is the only way.


Do you really imagine that a less than knee high sea level rise is going to flood any city??

We have 85 years to build up our defenses. With less money than is spent on trafic lights any city will be able to counter this with no problem what so ever.

LAX airport, on the coast of the ocean, is 125 feet above sea level. It's going to take more than a knee-high rise to flood it.
Edited on 10-11-2015 21:04
11-11-2015 01:42
trafn wrote:
@louiv - great video! And your website is great too:

Thank you trafn. That really means alot to me.
11-11-2015 01:46
trafnProfile picture★★★☆☆
@louiv - you wrote Thank you trafn. That really means alot to me.

You are more than welcome. I can tell you put a tremendous amount of time, energy and care into what you did. Unfortunately, this website is dominated by denilaist trolls. You're mostly wasting your time here unless you like banging your head against a wall.

Anyways, keep up the good work, and message me if I can do anything to help spread the word.

The 2015 M2C2 (Global 9/11) Denialist Troll Awards

1st Place - Jep Branner - Our Stupid Administrator!
2nd Place - IBdaMann - Science IS cherry picking!
3rd Place - Into the Night - Mr. Nonsense numbers!
4th Place - Tim the plumber - The Drivel Queen!
11-11-2015 02:18
still learning
louiv wrote:
I'm new here and I made this video about the Top city's at risk from climate change.

Keep working on it.
It's not ready to be shown to the public.

If your linked video is intended to be shown standalone, don't. May confuse folks as much as it informs. If part of a series, might be fixed without too much effort.

Some little things like misspellings ("servere") and non-standard usage ("threats to New Orleans are legend") are easy to fix. Some of the video is inappropriate. One bit I noticed was the lead-in to the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear powerplant meltdown sequence was a view of a powerplant. Wasn't Fukushima though. If you're going to bring up the Fukushima affair and show a powerplant, show the right one, They aren't all the same. I realize that broadcast news shows wrong-place video all the time, but that doesn't make it OK.

Harder to fix though is the whole thrust of the video.
Apparently you wanted to somehow say that sealevel rise would worsen the sort of natural disasters that we already have near the ocean , and that adaptive steps need to be taken, but I don't think you made the point very well. You included a lot of what has happened in the past, but very little on how those disasters might have been worse. Very little on what needs to be done to cope with the expected changes. In some cases, I don't think expected sealevel rise would have made much difference anyway. Those very destructive tsunami's affecting Japan and Southeast Asia of a few years ago were so high that another meter or two of sealevel wouldn't have added a lot of destruction, I think.

That bit from "Unchained Goddess" about 150 feet of sealevel rise was really speculative in 1958, isn't inline with current expectations. Leave it out.

Early in the video you include the phrase "global warming cannot be stopped." That's true in that a little has already occurred and more is sort of committed, sort of "in the pipeline," but a person hearing "global warming cannot be stopped" out of context might just think "Well why bother me about it then?"

Keep working on it.
Edited on 11-11-2015 02:28
11-11-2015 05:35
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
still learning wrote: Early in the video you include the phrase "global warming cannot be stopped." That's true in that a little has already occurred and more is sort of committed, sort of "in the pipeline," but a person hearing "global warming cannot be stopped" out of context might just think "Well why bother me about it then?"

It appears that Global Warming has stopped and now we are in a bit of Global Cooling with ice accumulating at the poles.

What can a person do to alter Global Cooling/Warming?

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
11-11-2015 11:14
Tim the plumber
IBdaMann wrote:
Tim the plumber wrote:
Do you really imagine that a less than knee high sea level rise is going to flood any city??

Do you really imagine that a knee-high sea-level rise is going to happen over the next thirty years?

If so, why do you believe this?

[color=blue]I don't and nor does the science. The higer predictions say that there may be a knee high rise by 2100. I don't really think it is possible but so what?
11-11-2015 14:04
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Tim the plumber wrote:
I don't and nor does the science. The higer predictions say that there may be a knee high rise by 2100. I don't really think it is possible but so what?

Might the earth be cooling right now?

Might we be plunging into cooler temperatures with Global Cooling?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2015 01:51
A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA found if the earth's temperature climbed just four degrees by 2100, homes would be sinking in 200 to 2000 years because of the high sea level.

Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.
12-11-2015 01:56
trafnProfile picture★★★☆☆
@louiv - let me know if you got my message

The 2015 M2C2 (Global 9/11) Denialist Troll Awards

1st Place - Jep Branner - Our Stupid Administrator!
2nd Place - IBdaMann - Science IS cherry picking!
3rd Place - Into the Night - Mr. Nonsense numbers!
4th Place - Tim the plumber - The Drivel Queen!
12-11-2015 02:19
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
louiv wrote:
A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA found if the earth's temperature climbed just four degrees by 2100, homes would be sinking in 200 to 2000 years because of the high sea level.

Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.

What if the temperature decreases and polar ice accumulates (as we have been seeing happening)?

Does all the fear/panic/horror go away?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2015 12:10
Tim the plumber
louiv wrote:
A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA found if the earth's temperature climbed just four degrees by 2100, homes would be sinking in 200 to 2000 years because of the high sea level.

Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.


Where do you think the water is going to come from????

The maths is fairly simple. Surface area of ocean 360 million km2. Please tell me.

Edited on 12-11-2015 12:27
12-11-2015 14:48
Surface Detail
Tim the plumber wrote:
louiv wrote:
A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA found if the earth's temperature climbed just four degrees by 2100, homes would be sinking in 200 to 2000 years because of the high sea level.

Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.


Where do you think the water is going to come from????

The maths is fairly simple. Surface area of ocean 360 million km2. Please tell me.

The PNAS paper (and the papers that it refers to) that louiv linked to gives the math. Most of the water would come from the melting Antarctic ice sheet, with additional contributions from the Greenland ice sheet and mountain glaciers. Thermal expansion of sea water would account for another 80cm or so.
12-11-2015 15:23
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
louiv wrote:Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.

Surface Detail wrote:
The PNAS paper (and the papers that it refers to) that louiv linked to gives the math.

I don't think so. Please copy and paste here in this thread the section you believe has the math(s) that calculates a 4-meter rise in sea level.

Surface Detail wrote: Most of the water would come from the melting Antarctic ice sheet, with additional contributions from the Greenland ice sheet and mountain glaciers. Thermal expansion of sea water would account for another 80cm or so.

So if Greenland and Antarctica are actually accumulating ice then all this becomes moot, yes?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2015 15:44
Surface Detail
IBdaMann wrote:
louiv wrote:Even if the temperature increased by just two degrees, the sea level will still rise over four metres.

Surface Detail wrote:
The PNAS paper (and the papers that it refers to) that louiv linked to gives the math.

I don't think so. Please copy and paste here in this thread the section you believe has the math(s) that calculates a 4-meter rise in sea level.

Surface Detail wrote: Most of the water would come from the melting Antarctic ice sheet, with additional contributions from the Greenland ice sheet and mountain glaciers. Thermal expansion of sea water would account for another 80cm or so.

So if Greenland and Antarctica are actually accumulating ice then all this becomes moot, yes?


You seem extraordinarily naive about the way that science works. The paper that louiv linked to, together with the chain of references that it builds on, describes the evidence, assumptions and calculations used to estimate future sea level rise. You can't just copy and paste this! The idea is just laughable. Could you copy and paste all the evidence that smoking causes cancer? the exact process by which laser light is generated? Don't be so silly. Read the papers.
12-11-2015 17:43
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Surface Detail wrote:You seem extraordinarily naive about the way that science works.

Translation: To you, I seem extraordinarily naive about the dishonesty of the warmizombie congregation.

No, I understand the inherent dishonesty in a religion that dupes its own congregation into thinking that the unfalsifiable dogma is really falsifiable science. I also understand the confusion, and resulting frustration, of the die-hard worshipers who are so scientifically illiterate that they cannot question anything they are ordered to believe.

Surface Detail, I feel your pain.

Surface Detail wrote: The paper that louiv linked to, together with the chain of references that it builds on, describes the evidence, assumptions and calculations used to estimate future sea level rise.

Please paste into this thread the calculations in that paper that arrived at a 4-meter rise in the sea level.

Surface Detail wrote: You can't just copy and paste this!

I could certainly paste the calculations, were they to actually exist.

4-meter sea-level rise. The calculations from the paper. Paste them here.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2015 17:58
Surface Detail
IBdaMann wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:You seem extraordinarily naive about the way that science works.

Translation: To you, I seem extraordinarily naive about the dishonesty of the warmizombie congregation.

No, I understand the inherent dishonesty in a religion that dupes its own congregation into thinking that the unfalsifiable dogma is really falsifiable science. I also understand the confusion, and resulting frustration, of the die-hard worshipers who are so scientifically illiterate that they cannot question anything they are ordered to believe.

Surface Detail, I feel your pain.

Surface Detail wrote: The paper that louiv linked to, together with the chain of references that it builds on, describes the evidence, assumptions and calculations used to estimate future sea level rise.

Please paste into this thread the calculations in that paper that arrived at a 4-meter rise in the sea level.

Surface Detail wrote: You can't just copy and paste this!

I could certainly paste the calculations, were they to actually exist.

4-meter sea-level rise. The calculations from the paper. Paste them here.

Don't be ridiculous. Read the paper, and tell us why you disagree with its conclusions, one of which is that unabated carbon emissions up to the year 2100 would commit an eventual global sea-level rise of 4.3–9.9 m.
12-11-2015 21:18
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Surface Detail wrote:Don't be ridiculous. Read the paper, and tell us why you disagree with its conclusions, one of which is that unabated carbon emissions up to the year 2100 would commit an eventual global sea-level rise of 4.3–9.9 m.

Once again your delusion has you claiming that support for your theology somehow exists where it doesn't.

I couldn't find it where it was promised to be. I simply asked you to paste it in this thread so I could see the calculations. Your refusal to help speaks volumes, i.e. EVASION, your king is tipped.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2015 22:06
Surface Detail
IBdaMann wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:Don't be ridiculous. Read the paper, and tell us why you disagree with its conclusions, one of which is that unabated carbon emissions up to the year 2100 would commit an eventual global sea-level rise of 4.3–9.9 m.

Once again your delusion has you claiming that support for your theology somehow exists where it doesn't.

I couldn't find it where it was promised to be. I simply asked you to paste it in this thread so I could see the calculations. Your refusal to help speaks volumes, i.e. EVASION, your king is tipped.


So you're not actually able to find any fault with the paper. Thought so.
12-11-2015 23:15
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Surface Detail wrote:So you're not actually able to find any fault with the paper. Thought so.

Yes, it's a baseless "pull conclusions out of someone's azz" paper that doesn't even divulge the math(s) used.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
Edited on 12-11-2015 23:16

Join the debate I made this video on Climate Change to try and educate kids to help spread awareness about this serious t:

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