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Climate debate in general

Comments or questions about climate change which do not fit into the specific categories, or which cover more than one category.

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 SubjectViewsRepliesLast post
Wildfires, Flooding and Droughts Could Make Climate Change an Issue in 2020. Some Are Pushing for It to B1110106-03-2019
Potential Effects of Broadcast Induced REP on Climate Change - (Side: 1 2 ... 8)1448929906-03-2019
The IPPC climate report and what I personally think of it! - (Side: 1 2 3)48958106-03-2019
Heatwaves sweeping oceans 'like wildfires', scientists reveal1111205-03-2019
US faces fresh water shortages due to climate change, research says1123405-03-2019
Creating coal from CO2 - undoing fossil fuel burning to save the climate1180505-03-2019
The climate change lawsuit that could stop the U.S. government from supporting fossil fuels1004505-03-2019
Record break high temperatures for February, in Central Florida!1072705-03-2019
If U.S. Emissions Rose In 2018 Despite Clean Energy Growth, How Can We Meet Climate Goals?1083405-03-2019
When did carbon dioxide appear in the headlines?1079505-03-2019
The Head Honcho on Trump's New Climate Change Panel Compared Carbon Dioxide to Jewish People1026305-03-2019
The women too scared of climate change to have children918204-03-2019
Why don't Canada stop making steel and cars like Austrlia did in 2017 if they are so concerned about 988004-03-2019
GOLDSTEIN: How Canada is 'faking it' on climate change868004-03-2019
China takes advantage of climate change to take over the world.949504-03-2019
Crabs are now eating methane-filled bacteria. This shows they're adapting to climate change, scientis960304-03-2019
We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN899304-03-2019
Human Poop Reveals That Climate Change Caused The Fall Of Cahokia, A Medieval Native American City14291304-03-2019
The 'grandfather' of climate science leaves a final warning for Earth1107304-03-2019
Trump's UN nominee Kelly Craft says she believes 'both sides' of climate change science13251503-03-2019
10 ppm O3 absorb 98% of UV, so why wouldn't 10 ppm CO2 absorb 98% of whatever IR CO2 absorbs?1194103-03-2019
'Little Ice Age' caused by death of 55-million Indigenous people after colonization: study1039103-03-2019
Climate change: Angela Merkel welcomes school strikes926103-03-2019
Thousands of German students walk out of school to protest climate change1034103-03-2019
Is it climate change or global warming? How science and a secret memo shaped the answer1206103-03-2019
climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world order'1890203-03-2019
The 700 Club937302-03-2019
Earth's fish are disappearing because of climate change, study says966302-03-2019
Russian Arctic town overrun by polar bears, climate change blamed1138628-02-2019
Scientists Just Pulled CO2 From Air And Turned It Into Coal1054428-02-2019
Republicans force climate-related hearing to adjourn after only 2 Democrats show up1052228-02-2019
99.9999 percent chance we're the cause of global warming, study says919128-02-2019
Canada not among top countries cutting CO2 emissions1028127-02-2019
Planting 1.2 Trillion Trees Could Cancel Out a Decade of CO2 Emissions, Scientists Find1008127-02-2019
High carbon dioxide could suppress cooling clouds, climate change model warns1182127-02-2019
Koppen Flaws/Mistakes?1293327-02-2019
Why don't one of the climate scientists commit suicide to make a point?1227127-02-2019
Crabs are now eating methane-filled bacteria. This shows they're adapting to climate change, scientis976026-02-2019
If you believe more CO2 causes global warming, why not?876326-02-2019
Dozens of Youth Activists Arrested After Green New Deal Protest in Mitch McConnell's Office1098226-02-2019
Evidence of human role in global warming hits strongest statistical benchmark: study1163126-02-2019
They said 2000 was the end of the world, then 2012 was the end of the world. Now 2100 is end of the world17973026-02-2019
Record Australian heat shows soaring cost of climate change1191126-02-2019
Climate change: CO2 emissions fall in 18 countries with strong policies, study finds1117126-02-2019
Humans are frogs in hot water of climate change, research says1026126-02-2019
Bernie Sanders says climate change is an 'existential crisis'1019126-02-2019
non Anglo countries like China, India, Japan, Germany, Russia don't use much solar and wind so953026-02-2019
CO2 and Global Warming Trends1231626-02-2019
'Fossil' Fuels...978126-02-2019
It looks like sun spots decrease did cause the most recent little ice age1205326-02-2019
Name the most important things on Earth.1078226-02-2019
Survey for dissertation. PLEASE deadline end of march.2267326-02-2019
China's clean coal policy does not regulate CO2, because it's not considered a pollutant like in 1247325-02-2019
China uses coal for most of its electricity. Should China leave UN if IPCC orders China to1054925-02-2019
Will IPCC scientists be dragged in the streets and skinned alive when next little ice age hits?941325-02-2019
Why don't Americans get Chinese to install clean coal on all their coal plants? They got world's 1111825-02-2019
Has global warming actually been caused by droughts?1245625-02-2019
If Sun will die, Earth will die, all life will die, then why are people so afraid of death by climate cha1206125-02-2019
Trump's climate expert is wrong: The world's plants don't need more CO21048025-02-2019
Washington Post: White House plans to assemble group of scientists to re-evaluate climate science conclus1090025-02-2019
How can hippies beat CO2? CO2 is power of nature? Man is nothing compared to nature.1145224-02-2019
National Geographic considers CO2 as a pollutant (not considered so internationally)1138224-02-2019
It is ridiculous to suggest N2 and O2 are not greenhouse gases just because the don't absorb IR1080324-02-2019
Is Climate Change More of a Local Problem Than a Global Problem?922024-02-2019
Japan and Russia build coal power plants and White countries can't? How is this fair?989024-02-2019
Since when has science became a computer game?1041924-02-2019
When will UN destroy Anglo countries with CO2 so China will dominate?992724-02-2019
Maxime Bernier believes in climate change, but defends argument that CO2 is just 'food for plants'1259124-02-2019
Dianne Feinstein's climate change discussion with schoolchildren gets heated1087224-02-2019
Reality check: Maxime Bernier says CO2 isn't a pollutant. Climate scientists say he's wrong1082024-02-2019
The Last 4,000 Years999724-02-2019
10 ppm O3 in the air absorb 98% of UV, only 2% pass through. So even if CO2 is at 10 ppm temperature1147023-02-2019
There hasn't been a big war since 1991 so I guess CO2 is all we hear about until1120423-02-2019
Carbon dioxide levels will soar past the 410 ppm milestone in 20191035323-02-2019
Even if they build millions and millions of air CO2 removal factories and rocket CO2955223-02-2019
Climate change may be cause of polar vortex915123-02-2019
from sea levels to well hydrated trees1054523-02-2019
What makes you think CO2 vibrates more than O2 and N2 do?906123-02-2019
Can I blame just about anything on climate change these days?947123-02-2019
Climate Change Enters Its Blood-Sucking Phase1071123-02-2019
The Real Culprit Behind Trump's Border Emergency? Climate Change981523-02-2019
Why don't they built hundreds of thousands of fusion thrusters like Wandering Earth to stop Earth'915422-02-2019
Will Green New Deal build Wandering Earth project to move Earth away from Sun?1128422-02-2019
Is this idea of climate change really Man's need for enemy?951221-02-2019
How much fossil fuel will people have to burn in another little ice age happens?1002321-02-2019
Possible thesis subjects1102321-02-2019
Is this man telling a lot of truth about our world??? (YouTube Video)1182020-02-2019
By 2080, global warming will make New York City feel like Arkansas1018320-02-2019
Do you believe UN IPCC makes fake models to bring down Anglos and usher in New World Order?14491318-02-2019
Weather Manipulation1246818-02-2019
Pointless forums14302118-02-2019
10 ppm O3 in stratosphere convert 98% of UV into heat, so what makes people think1055715-02-2019
Do you think Marxists in America will gain power and rocket CO2 into space1120215-02-2019
10 years ago, Marxist Obama declared CO2 was a poison gas in EPA to bankrupt1386215-02-2019
Do air CO2 capture factories make more CO2 emission?1101215-02-2019
Will UN Marxists must do more to take down Five Eyes and bring on New World Order?1074214-02-2019
Do you think UN Marxists will order America to build 250,000 air CO2 catpure factories costing1092314-02-2019
Conservative Donald Trump pokes fun at Marxist Amy Klobuchar about global warming1115413-02-2019
Amy Kloubuchar uses snow to prove there is climate change. Now that's top level Marxism.1327613-02-2019
What's wrong with a big of warming? - (Side: 1 2)26724513-02-2019
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