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25-12-2018 05:55
I have 2 service connected disabilities. Today I receive over $1,700 a month for being disabled.
My sister lived for over 20 years without eating food. She showed me that I could do that as well.
I could work but doctors prefer that I'm disabled. Everything I own, and this is quite literally is because I am disabled. I am capable of working but my doctors have refused to perform the one procedure that would allow me to work again.
I could lose over $400 a month in social security payments when I retire. I do receive about $136 for service connected disabilities. I do receive over $1,570 in welfare because I can't work.
In September of 2019 I qualify for Medicare. My life will be set. And all paid for by tax payers without one cent of it being socialized. Nope, I can live the rest of my life for free and quite well because working people will be paying for it. But that's not socialism.
Isn't it funny Wake attacking a disabled Veteran who is living off of the public dole that none of it is socialism. I could be working but my doctors don't want that.
Do you know what is VERY SCARRY? Try applying for SSDI when you're about to have surgery because for the 3 years before it you couldn't work. I wasn't given disability for that. I was given disability because I had surgery that allowed me to return to work according to my doctors.
That's scary as all hell. No one should receive disability when their doctor says you should be fine, just force yourself to eat even though you're nauseous and can't eat food. My surgeon told me the severe pain from eating food would go away. It hasn't. He writes in his office notes that I am fine but Social Security doesn't agree with him. Eating food sucks. I feel sorry for you guys who have to puke down your Christmas dinners. That must be horrible. No one has the right to force you to suffer eating some Christmas garbage. If God wanted people to eat food it wouldn't cause severe pain which doctors approve of.
This is funny. Your government is giving me money every month to avoid eating the garbage you eat at Christmas. What can I say? I love capitalism. Avoid Christmas and get free money.
Edited on 25-12-2018 05:56
25-12-2018 06:08
Yours and Harvey's capitalism is funding my dislike for Christmas. Christmas is about getting something for nothing. Did you buy the presents that you received? That's socialism.
With me, I'd like to be able to eat whatever it is that people eat for Christmas. I wouldn't know what that is. My surgeon put my colon in wrong in 2009. When he closed my ileostomy in January, 2010 is when he realized I had problems. Doctors have no interest in helping someone that a surgeon abandoned as a patient.
With the Social Security Administration, I had previously applied for SSDI and was denied. No doctor said I had a medical problem. I can only think that after I had surgery that 2 different hospitals and home health care demonstrated that I was disabled. In 1 month in each hospital their records would show that I had no tolerance for consuming food. They both had me consuming nutrition drinks to try and keep my caloric intake above 1,000 calories per day. They had to work at that when my doctor said I was healthy.
An ileostomy would allow me to return to work within 2 months. I've had one for 6 months and had a good life. My doctors refuse me that procedure because they do not support socialism.
Sadly the Social Security Administration or any other insurance provider cannot challenge health care professionals. Doctors are always right. God however can be wrong.
Edited on 25-12-2018 06:11
25-12-2018 06:43
I've posted this link before. With an ileostomy, I'm working. I'm receiving a lot of government money not to work. Hopefully you will consider this and share it on social media and ask people to email or to call the number on the liked image.
It's Christmas and for me it was Christmissed. It's been that way for 9 years because it's convenient for doctors.
25-12-2018 17:25
James___ wrote:
I have 2 service connected disabilities. Today I receive over $1,700 a month for being disabled.
My sister lived for over 20 years without eating food. She showed me that I could do that as well.
I could work but doctors prefer that I'm disabled. Everything I own, and this is quite literally is because I am disabled. I am capable of working but my doctors have refused to perform the one procedure that would allow me to work again.
I could lose over $400 a month in social security payments when I retire. I do receive about $136 for service connected disabilities. I do receive over $1,570 in welfare because I can't work.
In September of 2019 I qualify for Medicare. My life will be set. And all paid for by tax payers without one cent of it being socialized. Nope, I can live the rest of my life for free and quite well because working people will be paying for it. But that's not socialism.
Isn't it funny Wake attacking a disabled Veteran who is living off of the public dole that none of it is socialism. I could be working but my doctors don't want that.
Do you know what is VERY SCARRY? Try applying for SSDI when you're about to have surgery because for the 3 years before it you couldn't work. I wasn't given disability for that. I was given disability because I had surgery that allowed me to return to work according to my doctors.
That's scary as all hell. No one should receive disability when their doctor says you should be fine, just force yourself to eat even though you're nauseous and can't eat food. My surgeon told me the severe pain from eating food would go away. It hasn't. He writes in his office notes that I am fine but Social Security doesn't agree with him. Eating food sucks. I feel sorry for you guys who have to puke down your Christmas dinners. That must be horrible. No one has the right to force you to suffer eating some Christmas garbage. If God wanted people to eat food it wouldn't cause severe pain which doctors approve of.
This is funny. Your government is giving me money every month to avoid eating the garbage you eat at Christmas. What can I say? I love capitalism. Avoid Christmas and get free money.

So you have a sister that went 20 years without eating food huh? I can well see were your disability lies and no operation is going to fix that.

Since I'm VFW as well and I volunteered I'm not really impressed that you're disabled. It could just as well have been me on any number of occasions.

You show that you haven't any idea of what you're talking about concerning socialism so perhaps you ought to look that up. You sound so much like my older brother that it is funny. He just had a heart attack and has to take blood thinners now and the stupid **** just sent me a video link to some nutcake doctor saying that you don't need blood thinners if you eat correctly. You wouldn't need blood thinners if you'd eaten correctly in the first place and got healthy exercise. If he stops taking them now he will be dead in 5 weeks. Bad decisions in the past cannot be corrected by bad decisions now.

In what universe do you live in which your giving gifts to your family and friends isn't your kindness at all but a requirement from your government?

If you were actually driven to work you could find something you could do. Or perhaps you believe that only thing you could do is try to break the 100 meter dash record?

You sound to me as if you're depressed and taking antidepressants. If so the first thing to do is to learn to be successful at something even if it is volunteering at your local charities just to show them that there is life after disability. Stop degrading yourself because that's what I'm here to do when you have your head up your butt.
25-12-2018 17:45
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I had to Google search 'ileostomy', don't know a lot of medical terms... Will save others the hassle. Basically, the install a tube in your gut, and route the contents of your colon out to some sort of crap-sack, which the patient can conveniently change, and dispose of properly. I'm not sure what properly means, imagine it would clog a toilet, might not be so pleasant or sanitary for the office trashcan.

I had some bowel problem associated with my recent abdominal surgery as well. Apparently, you bowels are in constant motion, mine got paralyzed, and stopped moving for a few days. Puked dark green stuff a a few times, before they shoved a tube up my nose, and down my through, to suck it out. Been a couple months, bowels still not quite normal, but getting better. Not painful, just not emptying out as it should, or as bulky, definitely improving though. Maybe your pain, is caused by your food choices, I had to make a few adjustments. I avoid tough to digest foods, and boosted my fiber intake.

Wish you'd imbed your photos, rather than link. I try to avoid unknown URLs, may be fine for many, but I don't like to gamble, and my Windows Vista computer isn't as ant-virus, since it's outdated, and no longer supported. I have a Windows 10, but it's basically useless online, wants to constantly update, which slows my internet to a slow crawl, it's dial-up to begin with. Not really anxious to make the move, not sure which of my favorite software can be moved over, or many gigabytes of files I work on occasionally. Lot of older software, probably have to download, and learn a bunch of new stuff, lose a lot of good working stuff.

Anyway, health care isn't a quick fix, they can only help you heal. It's your body, and you have to do the bulk of the work. It's not a short, pleasant experience, least none of my experiences have been. Fortunately not that many, or too severe. Regardless of what the doctors do, it takes time, and discomfort, to heal. Think the pain is there, to encourage you not to do the same stupid things in the future, well probably to avoid further injury, while you heal.

Capitalism isn't giving anything for free. Our Constitution (the original, not the democrats version) doesn't give use free money. It's been infected by the socialist disease, slowly been rotting away with our freedom. Freedom was never defined as free-stuff, that's a democrat/socialist interpretation.
02-01-2019 01:20
HarveyH55 wrote:
I had to Google search 'ileostomy', don't know a lot of medical terms... Will save others the hassle. Basically, the install a tube in your gut, and route the contents of your colon out to some sort of crap-sack, which the patient can conveniently change, and dispose of properly. I'm not sure what properly means, imagine it would clog a toilet, might not be so pleasant or sanitary for the office trashcan.

I had some bowel problem associated with my recent abdominal surgery as well. Apparently, you bowels are in constant motion, mine got paralyzed, and stopped moving for a few days. Puked dark green stuff a a few times, before they shoved a tube up my nose, and down my through, to suck it out. Been a couple months, bowels still not quite normal, but getting better. Not painful, just not emptying out as it should, or as bulky, definitely improving though. Maybe your pain, is caused by your food choices, I had to make a few adjustments. I avoid tough to digest foods, and boosted my fiber intake.

Wish you'd imbed your photos, rather than link. I try to avoid unknown URLs, may be fine for many, but I don't like to gamble, and my Windows Vista computer isn't as ant-virus, since it's outdated, and no longer supported. I have a Windows 10, but it's basically useless online, wants to constantly update, which slows my internet to a slow crawl, it's dial-up to begin with. Not really anxious to make the move, not sure which of my favorite software can be moved over, or many gigabytes of files I work on occasionally. Lot of older software, probably have to download, and learn a bunch of new stuff, lose a lot of good working stuff.

Anyway, health care isn't a quick fix, they can only help you heal. It's your body, and you have to do the bulk of the work. It's not a short, pleasant experience, least none of my experiences have been. Fortunately not that many, or too severe. Regardless of what the doctors do, it takes time, and discomfort, to heal. Think the pain is there, to encourage you not to do the same stupid things in the future, well probably to avoid further injury, while you heal.

Capitalism isn't giving anything for free. Our Constitution (the original, not the democrats version) doesn't give use free money. It's been infected by the socialist disease, slowly been rotting away with our freedom. Freedom was never defined as free-stuff, that's a democrat/socialist interpretation.

Today I went down to the local deli to get a sandwich for me and the wife. The deli is run by a Arab and his wife and kids who are grown. We were talking and he said that he isn't getting rich but he has enough and will not have anything to worry about. I wished him a happy new year and had a great sandwich. Why should be getting good food be getting so difficult to find in a area that once was known for fresh produce and great meals?

Of course if you want a taco you're in like Flin.
02-01-2019 01:40
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
I had to Google search 'ileostomy', don't know a lot of medical terms... Will save others the hassle. Basically, the install a tube in your gut, and route the contents of your colon out to some sort of crap-sack, which the patient can conveniently change, and dispose of properly. I'm not sure what properly means, imagine it would clog a toilet, might not be so pleasant or sanitary for the office trashcan.

I had some bowel problem associated with my recent abdominal surgery as well. Apparently, you bowels are in constant motion, mine got paralyzed, and stopped moving for a few days. Puked dark green stuff a a few times, before they shoved a tube up my nose, and down my through, to suck it out. Been a couple months, bowels still not quite normal, but getting better. Not painful, just not emptying out as it should, or as bulky, definitely improving though. Maybe your pain, is caused by your food choices, I had to make a few adjustments. I avoid tough to digest foods, and boosted my fiber intake.

Wish you'd imbed your photos, rather than link. I try to avoid unknown URLs, may be fine for many, but I don't like to gamble, and my Windows Vista computer isn't as ant-virus, since it's outdated, and no longer supported. I have a Windows 10, but it's basically useless online, wants to constantly update, which slows my internet to a slow crawl, it's dial-up to begin with. Not really anxious to make the move, not sure which of my favorite software can be moved over, or many gigabytes of files I work on occasionally. Lot of older software, probably have to download, and learn a bunch of new stuff, lose a lot of good working stuff.

Anyway, health care isn't a quick fix, they can only help you heal. It's your body, and you have to do the bulk of the work. It's not a short, pleasant experience, least none of my experiences have been. Fortunately not that many, or too severe. Regardless of what the doctors do, it takes time, and discomfort, to heal. Think the pain is there, to encourage you not to do the same stupid things in the future, well probably to avoid further injury, while you heal.

Capitalism isn't giving anything for free. Our Constitution (the original, not the democrats version) doesn't give use free money. It's been infected by the socialist disease, slowly been rotting away with our freedom. Freedom was never defined as free-stuff, that's a democrat/socialist interpretation.

Today I went down to the local deli to get a sandwich for me and the wife. The deli is run by a Arab and his wife and kids who are grown. We were talking and he said that he isn't getting rich but he has enough and will not have anything to worry about. I wished him a happy new year and had a great sandwich. Why should be getting good food be getting so difficult to find in a area that once was known for fresh produce and great meals?

Of course if you want a taco you're in like Flin.

Where have you been for the past 50 years? I can't think of any time that Oakland was ever known for fresh produce and great meals!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
02-01-2019 01:49
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
I had to Google search 'ileostomy', don't know a lot of medical terms... Will save others the hassle. Basically, the install a tube in your gut, and route the contents of your colon out to some sort of crap-sack, which the patient can conveniently change, and dispose of properly. I'm not sure what properly means, imagine it would clog a toilet, might not be so pleasant or sanitary for the office trashcan.

I had some bowel problem associated with my recent abdominal surgery as well. Apparently, you bowels are in constant motion, mine got paralyzed, and stopped moving for a few days. Puked dark green stuff a a few times, before they shoved a tube up my nose, and down my through, to suck it out. Been a couple months, bowels still not quite normal, but getting better. Not painful, just not emptying out as it should, or as bulky, definitely improving though. Maybe your pain, is caused by your food choices, I had to make a few adjustments. I avoid tough to digest foods, and boosted my fiber intake.

Wish you'd imbed your photos, rather than link. I try to avoid unknown URLs, may be fine for many, but I don't like to gamble, and my Windows Vista computer isn't as ant-virus, since it's outdated, and no longer supported. I have a Windows 10, but it's basically useless online, wants to constantly update, which slows my internet to a slow crawl, it's dial-up to begin with. Not really anxious to make the move, not sure which of my favorite software can be moved over, or many gigabytes of files I work on occasionally. Lot of older software, probably have to download, and learn a bunch of new stuff, lose a lot of good working stuff.

Anyway, health care isn't a quick fix, they can only help you heal. It's your body, and you have to do the bulk of the work. It's not a short, pleasant experience, least none of my experiences have been. Fortunately not that many, or too severe. Regardless of what the doctors do, it takes time, and discomfort, to heal. Think the pain is there, to encourage you not to do the same stupid things in the future, well probably to avoid further injury, while you heal.

Capitalism isn't giving anything for free. Our Constitution (the original, not the democrats version) doesn't give use free money. It's been infected by the socialist disease, slowly been rotting away with our freedom. Freedom was never defined as free-stuff, that's a democrat/socialist interpretation.

Today I went down to the local deli to get a sandwich for me and the wife. The deli is run by a Arab and his wife and kids who are grown. We were talking and he said that he isn't getting rich but he has enough and will not have anything to worry about. I wished him a happy new year and had a great sandwich. Why should be getting good food be getting so difficult to find in a area that once was known for fresh produce and great meals?

Of course if you want a taco you're in like Flin.

Where have you been for the past 50 years? I can't think of any time that Oakland was ever known for fresh produce and great meals!

That's not any great surprise. You don't know an F-ing thing and never have.

Some of the highest rated restaurants in the US are situated in Oakland or you can go one mile from last year's Certificate of Excellence winner and go to Chez Panisse which is one of the highest rated restaurants in the world.

But as I said before, you couldn't find your butt with both hands. Tell some more about how you have to learn physics to be an aircraft mechanic. I really like that one.
02-01-2019 02:38
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
I had to Google search 'ileostomy', don't know a lot of medical terms... Will save others the hassle. Basically, the install a tube in your gut, and route the contents of your colon out to some sort of crap-sack, which the patient can conveniently change, and dispose of properly. I'm not sure what properly means, imagine it would clog a toilet, might not be so pleasant or sanitary for the office trashcan.

I had some bowel problem associated with my recent abdominal surgery as well. Apparently, you bowels are in constant motion, mine got paralyzed, and stopped moving for a few days. Puked dark green stuff a a few times, before they shoved a tube up my nose, and down my through, to suck it out. Been a couple months, bowels still not quite normal, but getting better. Not painful, just not emptying out as it should, or as bulky, definitely improving though. Maybe your pain, is caused by your food choices, I had to make a few adjustments. I avoid tough to digest foods, and boosted my fiber intake.

Wish you'd imbed your photos, rather than link. I try to avoid unknown URLs, may be fine for many, but I don't like to gamble, and my Windows Vista computer isn't as ant-virus, since it's outdated, and no longer supported. I have a Windows 10, but it's basically useless online, wants to constantly update, which slows my internet to a slow crawl, it's dial-up to begin with. Not really anxious to make the move, not sure which of my favorite software can be moved over, or many gigabytes of files I work on occasionally. Lot of older software, probably have to download, and learn a bunch of new stuff, lose a lot of good working stuff.

Anyway, health care isn't a quick fix, they can only help you heal. It's your body, and you have to do the bulk of the work. It's not a short, pleasant experience, least none of my experiences have been. Fortunately not that many, or too severe. Regardless of what the doctors do, it takes time, and discomfort, to heal. Think the pain is there, to encourage you not to do the same stupid things in the future, well probably to avoid further injury, while you heal.

Capitalism isn't giving anything for free. Our Constitution (the original, not the democrats version) doesn't give use free money. It's been infected by the socialist disease, slowly been rotting away with our freedom. Freedom was never defined as free-stuff, that's a democrat/socialist interpretation.

Today I went down to the local deli to get a sandwich for me and the wife. The deli is run by a Arab and his wife and kids who are grown. We were talking and he said that he isn't getting rich but he has enough and will not have anything to worry about. I wished him a happy new year and had a great sandwich. Why should be getting good food be getting so difficult to find in a area that once was known for fresh produce and great meals?

Of course if you want a taco you're in like Flin.

Where have you been for the past 50 years? I can't think of any time that Oakland was ever known for fresh produce and great meals!

That's not any great surprise. You don't know an F-ing thing and never have.

Some of the highest rated restaurants in the US are situated in Oakland or you can go one mile from last year's Certificate of Excellence winner and go to Chez Panisse which is one of the highest rated restaurants in the world.

But as I said before, you couldn't find your butt with both hands. Tell some more about how you have to learn physics to be an aircraft mechanic. I really like that one.

So you deny your own argument now?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
03-01-2019 11:16
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often. Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news. Just seems like sot of a violence prone city. Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe. Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...
03-01-2019 23:00
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often.
Yes, it is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news.

No, it truly is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Just seems like sot of a violence prone city.
It is. It has major problems with gangs and drugs.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe.
It is. Oakland's problems center around downtown, near the airport (but not the airport itself), and north of town. East Oakland is better.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...

Yup. Just as soon as you get a few blocks away from the Mall or Arlington Cemetery. Washington DC currently has the highest murder rate in the entire nation.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
05-01-2019 17:42
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often.
Yes, it is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news.

No, it truly is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Just seems like sot of a violence prone city.
It is. It has major problems with gangs and drugs.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe.
It is. Oakland's problems center around downtown, near the airport (but not the airport itself), and north of town. East Oakland is better.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...

Yup. Just as soon as you get a few blocks away from the Mall or Arlington Cemetery. Washington DC currently has the highest murder rate in the entire nation.

Hey stupid - "by the airport" IS east Oakland. The subburbs of Montclair and Piedmont are not the only "safe" places in Oakland.

But it is far far safer than Chicago or Detroit. I have no fear riding my bicycle around anywhere in Oakland. Whereas, there are plenty of dangerous areas in Seattle such as South Park or Beacon Hill.
06-01-2019 13:44
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often.
Yes, it is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news.

No, it truly is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Just seems like sot of a violence prone city.
It is. It has major problems with gangs and drugs.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe.
It is. Oakland's problems center around downtown, near the airport (but not the airport itself), and north of town. East Oakland is better.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...

Yup. Just as soon as you get a few blocks away from the Mall or Arlington Cemetery. Washington DC currently has the highest murder rate in the entire nation.

Hey stupid - "by the airport" IS east Oakland. The subburbs of Montclair and Piedmont are not the only "safe" places in Oakland.

But it is far far safer than Chicago or Detroit. I have no fear riding my bicycle around anywhere in Oakland. Whereas, there are plenty of dangerous areas in Seattle such as South Park or Beacon Hill.

No, dude. Oakland airport is on the bay. It is south of downtown Oakland.
Turn your compass around. You're lost.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
06-01-2019 17:33
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often.
Yes, it is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news.

No, it truly is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Just seems like sot of a violence prone city.
It is. It has major problems with gangs and drugs.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe.
It is. Oakland's problems center around downtown, near the airport (but not the airport itself), and north of town. East Oakland is better.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...

Yup. Just as soon as you get a few blocks away from the Mall or Arlington Cemetery. Washington DC currently has the highest murder rate in the entire nation.

Hey stupid - "by the airport" IS east Oakland. The subburbs of Montclair and Piedmont are not the only "safe" places in Oakland.

But it is far far safer than Chicago or Detroit. I have no fear riding my bicycle around anywhere in Oakland. Whereas, there are plenty of dangerous areas in Seattle such as South Park or Beacon Hill.

No, dude. Oakland airport is on the bay. It is south of downtown Oakland.
Turn your compass around. You're lost.

You continue to make an utter fool out of yourself. I was born and raised in east Oakland and live just over the southern border of it but you know more than I do. Is that because you're a moron who doesn't even know where he lives himself and has to be led home on a leash?
06-01-2019 21:13
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Isn't Oakland a dangerous city, seems to make the news quite often.
Yes, it is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Then again, I'm on the east coast, so maybe only the really bad stuff makes it in our news.

No, it truly is a dangerous city.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Just seems like sot of a violence prone city.
It is. It has major problems with gangs and drugs.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Maybe it's certain parts, of the city, most every where has a bad neighborhood or two, as well as a heavily patrolled tourist area, where the cities rich folks, and local politicians keep clean and safe.
It is. Oakland's problems center around downtown, near the airport (but not the airport itself), and north of town. East Oakland is better.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Even a few blocks away from the White House, the climate changes dramatically, from civilized, to wild...

Yup. Just as soon as you get a few blocks away from the Mall or Arlington Cemetery. Washington DC currently has the highest murder rate in the entire nation.

Hey stupid - "by the airport" IS east Oakland. The subburbs of Montclair and Piedmont are not the only "safe" places in Oakland.

But it is far far safer than Chicago or Detroit. I have no fear riding my bicycle around anywhere in Oakland. Whereas, there are plenty of dangerous areas in Seattle such as South Park or Beacon Hill.

No, dude. Oakland airport is on the bay. It is south of downtown Oakland.
Turn your compass around. You're lost.

You continue to make an utter fool out of yourself. I was born and raised in east Oakland and live just over the southern border of it but you know more than I do. Is that because you're a moron who doesn't even know where he lives himself and has to be led home on a leash?

Then go look at a map of your 'hometown' (frankly, I don't believe you here either). Oakland airport is south of downtown, not east. It's on the bay.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-01-2019 20:02
Into the Night wrote:Then go look at a map of your 'hometown' (frankly, I don't believe you here either). Oakland airport is south of downtown, not east. It's on the bay.

It doesn't surprise me that you don't know crap about anything. All it would have taken is for you to have looked at a map but of course you know all about it without referring to anything that might show you that you're incorrect.

Idiots like you don't know that place names seldom match reality. Piedmont is directly east of west Oakland but is actually called north Oakland. The Oakland International Airport is south-east of the Oakland city hall but is in east Oakland which is south-east of west Oakland. There is no south Oakland.

But then you "don't believe it" because that would require you pulling up a map of Oakland on your computer. Since you're probably still running a phone link and it would take 30 minutes to get the map that's not surprising.
08-01-2019 18:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:Then go look at a map of your 'hometown' (frankly, I don't believe you here either). Oakland airport is south of downtown, not east. It's on the bay.

It doesn't surprise me that you don't know crap about anything. All it would have taken is for you to have looked at a map but of course you know all about it without referring to anything that might show you that you're incorrect.

Go look at a map, Wake. Oakland airport is south of Oakland.
Wake wrote:
Idiots like you don't know that place names seldom match reality.

Wake wrote:
Piedmont is directly east of west Oakland but is actually called north Oakland.

Wake wrote:
The Oakland International Airport is south-east of the Oakland city hall but is in east Oakland which is south-east of west Oakland. There is no south Oakland.

Irrelevant. Oakland airport is south of Oakland, right on the bay.
Wake wrote:
But then you "don't believe it" because that would require you pulling up a map of Oakland on your computer. Since you're probably still running a phone link and it would take 30 minutes to get the map that's not surprising.

Go look at a map, Wake.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
08-01-2019 19:34
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?
09-01-2019 19:07
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
10-01-2019 20:18
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?
11-01-2019 18:57
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
11-01-2019 19:06
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.
14-01-2019 05:09
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.

Go look at a map, Wake.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-01-2019 01:22
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.

Go look at a map, Wake.

This from the **** of the universe. It was announced on ABC that Seattle has the highest crime rate in the nation.

In Oakland the crimes are almost entirely inter-gang warfare. In Seattle it is everyone.
20-01-2019 20:35
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.

Go look at a map, Wake.

This from the **** of the universe. It was announced on ABC that Seattle has the highest crime rate in the nation.

Nah. Currently the highest crime rate in the United States is Detroit. (ref: FBI 2019 crime statistics) The highest murder rate is in Washington DC.
Wake wrote:
In Oakland the crimes are almost entirely inter-gang warfare. In Seattle it is everyone.

Nah. It's mostly inter-gang warfare and drugs, just like Oakland.

You shouldn't listen to idiots like ABC. The FBI keeps this information, since they and the police reporting to them are the ones that have to deal with it.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
21-01-2019 17:21
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.

Go look at a map, Wake.

This from the **** of the universe. It was announced on ABC that Seattle has the highest crime rate in the nation.

Nah. Currently the highest crime rate in the United States is Detroit. (ref: FBI 2019 crime statistics) The highest murder rate is in Washington DC.
Wake wrote:
In Oakland the crimes are almost entirely inter-gang warfare. In Seattle it is everyone.

Nah. It's mostly inter-gang warfare and drugs, just like Oakland.

You shouldn't listen to idiots like ABC. The FBI keeps this information, since they and the police reporting to them are the ones that have to deal with it.

Again the moron speaketh. Oakland and Seattle have exactly the same crime rate but Oakland is all gangs and is otherwise safe. In Seattle you can be knifed by a bum on the streets.

Tell me again why I should look at a map of Oakland moron - what should I be seeing? One thing is for sure - I have yet to see one single statement from you that was even vaguely true. Do you practice being stupid or does it come totally normal?
21-01-2019 19:25
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
And yet another continuous barrage of ignorance from Nightmare. He said that the Oakland airport isn't in east Oakland when it is at the base of 98th Ave. The end of east Oakland which starts at around 30th Ave. is 107th Ave. All of the humor of his supreme ignorance is flaking away when the dumb bstrd tells me a bunch of BS about my home. Can you just imagine what must go on in his mind?

Go look at a map, Wake.

Why would you say that when you obviously have never looked at a map?

Go look at a map, Wake.

You are far more than mentally challenged. You have reached the state of mental illness.

Go look at a map, Wake.

This from the **** of the universe. It was announced on ABC that Seattle has the highest crime rate in the nation.

Nah. Currently the highest crime rate in the United States is Detroit. (ref: FBI 2019 crime statistics) The highest murder rate is in Washington DC.
Wake wrote:
In Oakland the crimes are almost entirely inter-gang warfare. In Seattle it is everyone.

Nah. It's mostly inter-gang warfare and drugs, just like Oakland.

You shouldn't listen to idiots like ABC. The FBI keeps this information, since they and the police reporting to them are the ones that have to deal with it.

Again the moron speaketh.

Insult fallacy.
Wake wrote:
Oakland and Seattle have exactly the same crime rate

Changing your own argument now?
Wake wrote:
but Oakland is all gangs and is otherwise safe.

Nah. It's drugs, theft, murder, and all the usual crimes that Seattle has.
Wake wrote:
In Seattle you can be knifed by a bum on the streets.
It can happen in Oakland too.
Wake wrote:
Tell me again why I should look at a map of Oakland moron - what should I be seeing?
The location of your own airport, for one thing.
Wake wrote:
One thing is for sure - I have yet to see one single statement from you that was even vaguely true.

Bulverism fallacy.
Wake wrote:
Do you practice being stupid or does it come totally normal?

Insult fallacy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
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