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Did climate change cause lake Michigan to freeze over, or is it just frozen

Did climate change cause lake Michigan to freeze over, or is it just frozen02-02-2019 23:39
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death
03-02-2019 15:58
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Global warming isn't a concern anymore, they dropped that a while back. Now it's Climate Change. which pretty much covers any catastrophic weather event. We are going to see mostly the same weather we've always experienced, just the severe events are going to happen more frequently, and greater intensity.

I wonder if the families of those who froze to death, can sue the IPCC, or there local 'green' leaning governments. They have been pushing the warmer climate for decades, which would mislead people into believing the deadly cold climate couldn't happen. The 'green' people, have been pushing less reliable energy, and restricting the use of carbon-based fuels. Even if they never see a dime, the publicity would get people to look a little closer at what Climate Change really means. Don't think a lot of people will forget this past week anytime soon, even if we have a hot summer (doubtful), it's still easier and safer to deal with the heat, than sub-zero.
04-02-2019 20:27
HarveyH55 wrote:
Global warming isn't a concern anymore, they dropped that a while back. Now it's Climate Change. which pretty much covers any catastrophic weather event. We are going to see mostly the same weather we've always experienced, just the severe events are going to happen more frequently, and greater intensity.

I wonder if the families of those who froze to death, can sue the IPCC, or there local 'green' leaning governments. They have been pushing the warmer climate for decades, which would mislead people into believing the deadly cold climate couldn't happen. The 'green' people, have been pushing less reliable energy, and restricting the use of carbon-based fuels. Even if they never see a dime, the publicity would get people to look a little closer at what Climate Change really means. Don't think a lot of people will forget this past week anytime soon, even if we have a hot summer (doubtful), it's still easier and safer to deal with the heat, than sub-zero.

To protect themselves from those sorts of law suits they changed the name of it to man-made climate change - ACC.
04-02-2019 21:13
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Global warming isn't a concern anymore, they dropped that a while back. Now it's Climate Change. which pretty much covers any catastrophic weather event. We are going to see mostly the same weather we've always experienced, just the severe events are going to happen more frequently, and greater intensity.

I wonder if the families of those who froze to death, can sue the IPCC, or there local 'green' leaning governments. They have been pushing the warmer climate for decades, which would mislead people into believing the deadly cold climate couldn't happen. The 'green' people, have been pushing less reliable energy, and restricting the use of carbon-based fuels. Even if they never see a dime, the publicity would get people to look a little closer at what Climate Change really means. Don't think a lot of people will forget this past week anytime soon, even if we have a hot summer (doubtful), it's still easier and safer to deal with the heat, than sub-zero.

To protect themselves from those sorts of law suits they changed the name of it to man-made climate change - ACC.

They don't need protection from 'those sort of law suits' by changing the name. Lawsuit against the IPCC because someone froze to death is going to get thrown out not because of the name the religion happens to be using, but because:
1) Out of jurisidiction. The IPCC is part of the UN, and with it enjoys special immunities from the law.
2) They do not control the freezing, they are only reporting it as 'global warming' or 'climate change' or whatever made up buzzword they want to use. They therefore are not responsible.

You might as well sue another country in the United States for the coal plants they use. No court has jurisdiction there. International disputes are decided by wars and treaties, not courts.

You might as well sue the weatherman because your neighbor didn't clean the snow off his walkway and you slipped on it.

The name the Church of Global Warming happens to be using at the moment is completely irrelevant, Wake.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 04-02-2019 21:14
05-02-2019 00:13
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
Zloppino wrote:
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death

Thank you.

I live in the South Central part of WI, and we just got done experiencing temperatures around -30°F before any sort of wind chill factor... Now, it is in the 40s, so we experienced about a 70°F change in a 55 hour period (01/31/19 AM until 02/02/19 noon-ish).

It was rather wild, but hopefully we got through the worst of the worst.
05-02-2019 00:21
gfm7175 wrote:
Zloppino wrote:
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death

Thank you.

I live in the South Central part of WI, and we just got done experiencing temperatures around -30°F before any sort of wind chill factor... Now, it is in the 40s, so we experienced about a 70°F change in a 55 hour period (01/31/19 AM until 02/02/19 noon-ish).

It was rather wild, but hopefully we got through the worst of the worst.

It had similar temperatures and swings in 1985, 1977 and quite a few times in the 1920's.
05-02-2019 00:25
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
gfm7175 wrote:
Zloppino wrote:
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death

Thank you.

I live in the South Central part of WI, and we just got done experiencing temperatures around -30°F before any sort of wind chill factor... Now, it is in the 40s, so we experienced about a 70°F change in a 55 hour period (01/31/19 AM until 02/02/19 noon-ish).

It was rather wild, but hopefully we got through the worst of the worst.

Sorry, dude. We're sending another cold front your way. It just passed through and left a foot of snow in Seattle.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
05-02-2019 02:05
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
Into the Night wrote:
gfm7175 wrote:
Zloppino wrote:
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death

Thank you.

I live in the South Central part of WI, and we just got done experiencing temperatures around -30°F before any sort of wind chill factor... Now, it is in the 40s, so we experienced about a 70°F change in a 55 hour period (01/31/19 AM until 02/02/19 noon-ish).

It was rather wild, but hopefully we got through the worst of the worst.

Sorry, dude. We're sending another cold front your way. It just passed through and left a foot of snow in Seattle.

Oh wow... thanks good buddy!
05-02-2019 02:07
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
gfm7175 wrote:
Zloppino wrote:
because Al Gore says that our children will never see snow?

Thoughts and prayers for the poor people who just froze to death

Thank you.

I live in the South Central part of WI, and we just got done experiencing temperatures around -30°F before any sort of wind chill factor... Now, it is in the 40s, so we experienced about a 70°F change in a 55 hour period (01/31/19 AM until 02/02/19 noon-ish).

It was rather wild, but hopefully we got through the worst of the worst.

It had similar temperatures and swings in 1985, 1977 and quite a few times in the 1920's.

I guess I wouldn't know about those times... I wasn't born until 1991 and I've never really looked into past records for my area
05-02-2019 02:22
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Global Warming, Climate Change, all bad things are caused by man-made CO2. Now how is it, that CO2 can cause catastrophic warming, to the point of melting arctic ice, glaciers, kill polar bears and penguins, at such an alarming rate, for the past couple of decades. Yet, this past week, CO2 cause over 20 people to freeze to death, hundreds of appendages amputated, who knows how many pets and livestock were killed. Can't real grasp how the IPCC could actually believe anyone would still by their brand of snake oil, after seeing such historic low temperatures, deadly cold temperatures. Something we should never have seen in a critical warm world. Guess the big guy in the sky, favors us down here a little more, since we just barely dipped down into the upper 30s... Our forecast is highs in the 80s over the next couple of weeks, winter ends in 6 weeks, don't expect anymore yankee weather this year.

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