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The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the

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The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the cause03-08-2023 20:42
SwanProfile picture★★★★★

I tell ya, its aliens, they need deeper water for the Lake Mead submerged base. The alien theory also explains the mysterious drop in catfish numbers and the strange lights at night.

So does anyone have a more rational reason for the lake suddenly rising after a lackluster snow winter?

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the04-08-2023 00:00
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:

I tell ya, its aliens, they need deeper water for the Lake Mead submerged base. The alien theory also explains the mysterious drop in catfish numbers and the strange lights at night.

So does anyone have a more rational reason for the lake suddenly rising after a lackluster snow winter?

You might want to censor this one to an area 53S basement cryochamber

The real question is why were they releasing so much water that the lake dropped that much?

Answer, to blame climate change, but now that the aliens demanded their water back the game is over

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 04-08-2023 00:28
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the04-08-2023 02:49
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Edited on 04-08-2023 02:50
04-08-2023 03:37
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
04-08-2023 06:45
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

04-08-2023 12:59
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
05-08-2023 05:30
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

They did have a harsh winter, lot of snow accumulation in the mountains. Usually it melts in the Spring, and runs off. Maybe the high altitude snow took a little longer this year. Still just mid-summer. Might check the ski reports in those areas. Though, many use snow machines these days, so every day, is great skiing day...
05-08-2023 07:01
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

05-08-2023 14:19
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
05-08-2023 23:26
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

06-08-2023 00:28
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
06-08-2023 20:41
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

06-08-2023 22:21
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

But I did present evidence which is the consistently rising water level in the middle of the dry season when snow melt is over and there is no rain to explain the rising water. The only conclusion is that the water outflow from the Hoover dam was clipped, likely because the climate change lie was threatening people's lives as well as the American food supply.

However feel free to explain how the water level in lake mead is rising in the dry season without rain, without the Hoover dam being involved.

Will stay tuned waiting to laugh

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
07-08-2023 19:11
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

But I did present evidence which is the consistently rising water level in the middle of the dry season when snow melt is over and there is no rain to explain the rising water. The only conclusion is that the water outflow from the Hoover dam was clipped, likely because the climate change lie was threatening people's lives as well as the American food supply.

However feel free to explain how the water level in lake mead is rising in the dry season without rain, without the Hoover dam being involved.

Will stay tuned waiting to laugh

I already did. The Virgin river is still running high. This river flows into lake Mead. They call such a river, a tributary, in case you were unaware.

Snow melt wasn't over in July 2023. Some ski hills were still open. And it takes a long time for the water to run from the rivers into the lake.

Looks like you needed to make a false point in order to assert your position, then throw on an insult to reinforce it, and claim some kind of insider knowledge that Hoover Dams discharge numbers have been falsified.

07-08-2023 19:21
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

But I did present evidence which is the consistently rising water level in the middle of the dry season when snow melt is over and there is no rain to explain the rising water. The only conclusion is that the water outflow from the Hoover dam was clipped, likely because the climate change lie was threatening people's lives as well as the American food supply.

However feel free to explain how the water level in lake mead is rising in the dry season without rain, without the Hoover dam being involved.

Will stay tuned waiting to laugh

I already did. The Virgin river is still running high. This river flows into lake Mead. They call such a river, a tributary, in case you were unaware.

Snow melt wasn't over in July 2023. Some ski hills were still open. And it takes a long time for the water to run from the rivers into the lake.

Looks like you needed to make a false point in order to assert your position, then throw on an insult to reinforce it, and claim some kind of insider knowledge that Hoover Dams discharge numbers have been falsified.

LOL in order for snow melt to be the cause of Lake Mead rising in the dry season there would need to have been 200 feet more snow last winter than in all other winters. Since that obviously did not happen snow melt IS NOT THE CAUSE OF THE LAKE RISING. The fact is that the dam has been misused by the tards wanting the Earth to dry up because of the climate change that they were faking by draining the lake deliberately.

However no one in the fake media wants to ask why is the lake rising this year as opposed to the last 25 years when it was being emptied.


All you can do is to literally repeat whatever uncle sam dictates you to repeat. So tell us again that Oswald worked alone and that the CIA faked their own involvement which is already proved, but no one but Trump wants to mention.

He has the files by the way.

Enjoy your day shithead

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
07-08-2023 20:51
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

But I did present evidence which is the consistently rising water level in the middle of the dry season when snow melt is over and there is no rain to explain the rising water. The only conclusion is that the water outflow from the Hoover dam was clipped, likely because the climate change lie was threatening people's lives as well as the American food supply.

However feel free to explain how the water level in lake mead is rising in the dry season without rain, without the Hoover dam being involved.

Will stay tuned waiting to laugh

I already did. The Virgin river is still running high. This river flows into lake Mead. They call such a river, a tributary, in case you were unaware.

Snow melt wasn't over in July 2023. Some ski hills were still open. And it takes a long time for the water to run from the rivers into the lake.

Looks like you needed to make a false point in order to assert your position, then throw on an insult to reinforce it, and claim some kind of insider knowledge that Hoover Dams discharge numbers have been falsified.

LOL in order for snow melt to be the cause of Lake Mead rising in the dry season there would need to have been 200 feet more snow last winter than in all other winters. Since that obviously did not happen snow melt IS NOT THE CAUSE OF THE LAKE RISING. The fact is that the dam has been misused by the tards wanting the Earth to dry up because of the climate change that they were faking by draining the lake deliberately.

However no one in the fake media wants to ask why is the lake rising this year as opposed to the last 25 years when it was being emptied.


All you can do is to literally repeat whatever uncle sam dictates you to repeat. So tell us again that Oswald worked alone and that the CIA faked their own involvement which is already proved, but no one but Trump wants to mention.

He has the files by the way.

Enjoy your day shithead

So did you find the 200 feet of snow that fell last winter?

Or the Oswald files, that Trump stashed in foreign vaults. What happens to the demokrappic party when it is revealed that they hid JFK's murder?

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-08-2023 01:31
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Looks like the Virgin river tributary is running high, discharging more water than usual.

Not possible without rain, that everyone would notice. The fact is that Lake Meade is rising because they reduced the flow thru the gates of the Hoover dam and that the climate change gag is over. Because the aliens complained as Lake Meade was created as an alien base to begin with.


Uh, looks like the average daily discharge is usually a bit above 10000 cubic feet per second, and hasn't seemed to deviate much from that average over time. I just compared 2019, with July 2023, reported on these 2 websites.

Do you think that history might negate your fact reported?

And you think that they have to publish what they do, because the government never lies. The fact is that it is impossible for Lake Mead to be rising drastically in the dry season unless the outflow of the Hoover dam was clipped. Now why are you protecting the liars and thieves that are literally trying to starve America of both water and food?

Get medicated retard

Uh, you can see they did publish the average daily discharge for July 2023, and all years from 1935 to 2021, just on the couple of websites I found, yes?

And you can see the average daily discharge for July 2023 was within historical normal ranges, even as lake Mead was rising quite a bit that month, yes?

Are they faking the numbers?

I don't see lowering Hoover's discharge rate as the reason lake Mead water rose in July.

If you see that as the reason, you should show why. But I don't see that happening. Am I supposed to blindly assume what you tell me is true?

It seems a better bet to assume what you are telling me is a lie. So I'm back to assuming one or many rivers flowing into lake Mead are flowing with greater discharge.

The Colorado river feeds most water to lake Mead,, something like 97%, they say. But perhaps the Virgin river should not be discounted as a tributary.

Again how can you verify that the discharge numbers are valid?

Answer, you did not because retards like you just believe everything that the government says, making retard actually an overly optimistic term when describing your intelligence.

Looks like the only people trying to obstruct the Hoover Dam are QTards following your nonsense advice.

Bingo, the only reason that you are trying to change the subject is that I just exposed the communist who were draining Americas water supply so that Americans die thirsty and hungry, because when the water goes, so do the farms, then America needs to import wheat and dogmeat from chinka.

Thank you, thank you very much

You didn't expose anything. You put forward your position about why the Lake Mead water level is rising, and you couldn't support your position with any evidence.

But I did present evidence which is the consistently rising water level in the middle of the dry season when snow melt is over and there is no rain to explain the rising water. The only conclusion is that the water outflow from the Hoover dam was clipped, likely because the climate change lie was threatening people's lives as well as the American food supply.

However feel free to explain how the water level in lake mead is rising in the dry season without rain, without the Hoover dam being involved.

Will stay tuned waiting to laugh

I already did. The Virgin river is still running high. This river flows into lake Mead. They call such a river, a tributary, in case you were unaware.

Snow melt wasn't over in July 2023. Some ski hills were still open. And it takes a long time for the water to run from the rivers into the lake.

Looks like you needed to make a false point in order to assert your position, then throw on an insult to reinforce it, and claim some kind of insider knowledge that Hoover Dams discharge numbers have been falsified.

LOL in order for snow melt to be the cause of Lake Mead rising in the dry season there would need to have been 200 feet more snow last winter than in all other winters. Since that obviously did not happen snow melt IS NOT THE CAUSE OF THE LAKE RISING. The fact is that the dam has been misused by the tards wanting the Earth to dry up because of the climate change that they were faking by draining the lake deliberately.

However no one in the fake media wants to ask why is the lake rising this year as opposed to the last 25 years when it was being emptied.


All you can do is to literally repeat whatever uncle sam dictates you to repeat. So tell us again that Oswald worked alone and that the CIA faked their own involvement which is already proved, but no one but Trump wants to mention.

He has the files by the way.

Enjoy your day shithead

So did you find the 200 feet of snow that fell last winter?

Or the Oswald files, that Trump stashed in foreign vaults. What happens to the demokrappic party when it is revealed that they hid JFK's murder?

So do you enjoy being owned as much as I do being free to speak the truth?

Your life is a lie

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-08-2023 17:51
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
You enjoy speaking truth here? You must be lying.

08-08-2023 17:52
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

08-08-2023 18:51
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
09-08-2023 02:05
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the09-08-2023 02:58
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 09-08-2023 03:29
09-08-2023 06:34
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS

I'm not sure how you know the north fork virgin river is 7.38 feet wide today, and 10.43 feet wide on 8/18/22. But if you're correct, looks like it dumped a lot of its water! Are you trying to prove my point? LOL!

There are 3 creeks or rivers that split up close to the north fork virgin river, and all 3 of them flow into the much wider virgin river downstream, which then flows into lake mead.

I didn't mean the banks of the north fork virgin river literally moved upward 10 times greater. I meant it's flow rate measured by cubic feet per second was about 10 times greater, comparing April to June, 2023, to 2022.

Now it's your turn to demonstrate how Hoover dam restricted its discharge from April to July 2023. Can you do that?

09-08-2023 09:29
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS
Obviously you are unfamiliar with the Colorado river system or where it's headwaters are.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the09-08-2023 13:11
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS

I'm not sure how you know the north fork virgin river is 7.38 feet wide today, and 10.43 feet wide on 8/18/22. But if you're correct, looks like it dumped a lot of its water! Are you trying to prove my point? LOL!

There are 3 creeks or rivers that split up close to the north fork virgin river, and all 3 of them flow into the much wider virgin river downstream, which then flows into lake mead.

I didn't mean the banks of the north fork virgin river literally moved upward 10 times greater. I meant it's flow rate measured by cubic feet per second was about 10 times greater, comparing April to June, 2023, to 2022.

Now it's your turn to demonstrate how Hoover dam restricted its discharge from April to July 2023. Can you do that?

Look kid, the north fork virgin river is not 7.41 feet wide, it is 7.41 feet deep, which is 3 feet less deep than it was at this time last year. I know because rivers are monitored so that turds like you cannot make up shit like Al Gore did.

LOL can you please point out the melting snow, and yes you may ingest some more LSD to assist you in finding the snow

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 09-08-2023 14:07
09-08-2023 14:50
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...
09-08-2023 15:36
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...

There is no need to point out the mountains where you claim that the mythical snow is, because the virgin river is 3.05 feet lower today than it was at the same time last year, which creates vastly less output. Confirming that snow runoff is not the cause of lake mead rising.

LOL are you always so silly poo?

Try laying off the caffeine

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the09-08-2023 17:30
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS

I'm not sure how you know the north fork virgin river is 7.38 feet wide today, and 10.43 feet wide on 8/18/22. But if you're correct, looks like it dumped a lot of its water! Are you trying to prove my point? LOL!

There are 3 creeks or rivers that split up close to the north fork virgin river, and all 3 of them flow into the much wider virgin river downstream, which then flows into lake mead.

I didn't mean the banks of the north fork virgin river literally moved upward 10 times greater. I meant it's flow rate measured by cubic feet per second was about 10 times greater, comparing April to June, 2023, to 2022.

Now it's your turn to demonstrate how Hoover dam restricted its discharge from April to July 2023. Can you do that?

Look kid, the north fork virgin river is not 7.41 feet wide, it is 7.41 feet deep, which is 3 feet less deep than it was at this time last year. I know because rivers are monitored so that turds like you cannot make up shit like Al Gore did.

LOL can you please point out the melting snow, and yes you may ingest some more LSD to assist you in finding the snow

Oh the gage height you are talking about. That often spikes up over 10 feet, but settles below 7 feet most of the time. You are deceptively cherry picking numbers.

But actually looks like the gage height did stay above 10 feet from March to May 2023 for an unusually long time, which would lead to more water reaching lake Mead than usual.

Yes rivers are monitored. Based on the discharge numbers reported from the Hoover dam, looks like you are making things up.

Edited on 09-08-2023 17:31
09-08-2023 18:20
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Where are you getting this number, 200 feet of snow? Please explain your math.

If there is more water in the tributary to the lake there must be a reason. Since you claim that there is more snow melt there must be far more snow to melt, or the temps must be far higher which are melting more snowpack at a higher elevation. Since you can demonstrate neither then the water in the tributary is not higher than normal, so kiddy since I am not the one claiming that there is more snow melt and you are, it is you who must produce more snow to be melting. Now since the high altitudes that snow still melts in during August is actually a very small area geographically there might actually be a need for 400 more feet of snow to be filling the lake. So in the total absence of this and I do not need to produce this, YOU DO AND CANNOT, the lake is rising because the outflow from the dam was reduced.

So find the 200 to 400 feet more snow that is melting in your mind, or whatever is left of your mind

Look Swan, from about April to June 2023, the stream flow of the North Fork Virgin River Near Springdale, UT is about 10 times higher than it was at that time in 2022.

See, I have demonstrated greater water flowing from a lake Mead tributary. Is that not worthy of your consideration?

But you cannot demonstrate less water flowing from Hoover Dam. You expect me to just take your word that the government reported discharge numbers of Hoover Dam are being faked.

Gee I guess since they lie about the moon landing, it's hard to trust anything they report isn't it?

You are full of shit because on August 18, 2022 the height of this river was 10.43 feet, and today the height of this river is 7.38 feet, which is 3.05 feet lower.

LOL, you may now resume jerking off to a photo of uncle sam.

Furthermore the north fork virgin river is a creek, that would be hard pressed to fill your toilet much less lake mead


And this is what you went to college for.

Bye the way Shirley, there is ZERO snow melting at this location, as deserts lack snowpack.

And on top of that if the river was ten times higher it would be a mile wide in spots and look more like the Amazon. Remembering that the Amazon basin gets rain every day and does not have very many cacti

I like government retards who make up stuff like you and Al Bore, so please keep trying as your hole is getting bigger with each shovel of BS

I'm not sure how you know the north fork virgin river is 7.38 feet wide today, and 10.43 feet wide on 8/18/22. But if you're correct, looks like it dumped a lot of its water! Are you trying to prove my point? LOL!

There are 3 creeks or rivers that split up close to the north fork virgin river, and all 3 of them flow into the much wider virgin river downstream, which then flows into lake mead.

I didn't mean the banks of the north fork virgin river literally moved upward 10 times greater. I meant it's flow rate measured by cubic feet per second was about 10 times greater, comparing April to June, 2023, to 2022.

Now it's your turn to demonstrate how Hoover dam restricted its discharge from April to July 2023. Can you do that?

Look kid, the north fork virgin river is not 7.41 feet wide, it is 7.41 feet deep, which is 3 feet less deep than it was at this time last year. I know because rivers are monitored so that turds like you cannot make up shit like Al Gore did.

LOL can you please point out the melting snow, and yes you may ingest some more LSD to assist you in finding the snow

Oh the gage height you are talking about. That often spikes up over 10 feet, but settles below 7 feet most of the time. You are deceptively cherry picking numbers.

But actually looks like the gage height did stay above 10 feet from March to May 2023 for an unusually long time, which would lead to more water reaching lake Mead than usual.

Yes rivers are monitored. Based on the discharge numbers reported from the Hoover dam, looks like you are making things up.

I made nothing up, the USGS is reporting a river depth of 7.39 feet currently, which does not indicate snow melt flooding in any respect. Furthermore Lake Mead is fed by the Colorado River and three smaller tributaries: the Virgin and Muddy Rivers and Las Vegas Wash, but your claim is that it only snowed by the virgin river, and that the Colorado river the main feed for Lake Mead means nothing.


Come up for air


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
09-08-2023 19:42
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...

There is no need to point out the mountains where you claim that the mythical snow is, because the virgin river is 3.05 feet lower today than it was at the same time last year, which creates vastly less output. Confirming that snow runoff is not the cause of lake mead rising.

LOL are you always so silly poo?

Try laying off the caffeine

Your the one who insisted there was no snow on the mountains. Then show a weak picture of sandstone hills as proof. Have you been a drooling moron all your life? Or, is it just oldtimer dementia setting in over the past few years?
09-08-2023 20:06
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...

There is no need to point out the mountains where you claim that the mythical snow is, because the virgin river is 3.05 feet lower today than it was at the same time last year, which creates vastly less output. Confirming that snow runoff is not the cause of lake mead rising.

LOL are you always so silly poo?

Try laying off the caffeine

Your the one who insisted there was no snow on the mountains. Then show a weak picture of sandstone hills as proof. Have you been a drooling moron all your life? Or, is it just oldtimer dementia setting in over the past few years?

LOL, how does snow melt only feed one of the tributaries to Lake Mead? and why do I have to produce the snow that you claim is responsible for the Lakes rise when you cannot find the snow yourself.

LOL times ten, you wasted 4 to 8 years learning this krap just to be humiliated here, by MUAA

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the09-08-2023 23:04
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
The Colorado river is also discharging more water than usual.

Discharge last year was close to 10,000 cubic feet per second most of the time But starting around spring 2023, the discharge rate increased to almost 20,000 cubic feet per second.

So to summarize, we can see:

both the Colorado and Virgin rivers are discharging more water than usual;

Hoover Dam is not discharging less water than usual.

So are you still going to push your position that lake Mead is rising because Hoover Dam is restricting more water discharge than usual? That doesn't appear to be the case when you review the data from USGS.

Edited on 09-08-2023 23:59
RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the09-08-2023 23:55
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
The Colorado river is also discharging more water usual.

Discharge last year was close to 10,000 cubic feet per second most of the time But starting around spring 2023, the discharge rate increased to almost 20,000 cubic feet per second.

So to summarize, we can see:

both the Colorado and Virgin rivers are discharging more water than usual;

Hoover Dam is not discharging less water than usual.

So are you still going to push your position that lake Mead is rising because Hoover Dam is restricting more water discharge than usual? That doesn't appear to be the case when you review the data from USGS.

I wonder if you even have the mental capacity to know that if what you say is true, that global warming was a lie and that the increased water and snowpack can only be an indication of global cooling or the new ice age that was forecast in the 1970's.

Well so much for Al Bores bullshit.

PS. Yo retard, if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep and that a permanent flood condition exist.

So why aren't the riverbanks covered?

PS. Just so you know it can be snowing, while the Hoover dam's output is reduced, just as it can be snowing and the dam's output can be increased, as it has been for the last 25 years. Or is this above your IQ?

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 10-08-2023 00:07
10-08-2023 00:10
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...

There is no need to point out the mountains where you claim that the mythical snow is, because the virgin river is 3.05 feet lower today than it was at the same time last year, which creates vastly less output. Confirming that snow runoff is not the cause of lake mead rising.

LOL are you always so silly poo?

Try laying off the caffeine

Your the one who insisted there was no snow on the mountains. Then show a weak picture of sandstone hills as proof. Have you been a drooling moron all your life? Or, is it just oldtimer dementia setting in over the past few years?

LOL, how does snow melt only feed one of the tributaries to Lake Mead? and why do I have to produce the snow that you claim is responsible for the Lakes rise when you cannot find the snow yourself.

LOL times ten, you wasted 4 to 8 years learning this krap just to be humiliated here, by MUAA

You produce sandstone hills, claim there was no snow on the mountains as proof, idiot. Just show the mountains in the picture you already provided. That is what you were asked.
10-08-2023 00:24
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Point out the mountains... I only see sandstone hills. Snow at higher elevations take longer to melt, Spring-early Summer. Water runs downhill, taking the path of least resistance. Water erodes the landscape as it passes, occasionally changing the path of least resistance.

Doubt Lake Meade measurements mean a whole lot. The area around it has been in a continuous 'drought' for decades. Those using it's water, and rivers/streams feeding in, would continue their miserly water usage out of habit/routine. Having a large, cheaper, easier body of water to exploit will get popular again, quickly depleted...

There is no need to point out the mountains where you claim that the mythical snow is, because the virgin river is 3.05 feet lower today than it was at the same time last year, which creates vastly less output. Confirming that snow runoff is not the cause of lake mead rising.

LOL are you always so silly poo?

Try laying off the caffeine

Your the one who insisted there was no snow on the mountains. Then show a weak picture of sandstone hills as proof. Have you been a drooling moron all your life? Or, is it just oldtimer dementia setting in over the past few years?

LOL, how does snow melt only feed one of the tributaries to Lake Mead? and why do I have to produce the snow that you claim is responsible for the Lakes rise when you cannot find the snow yourself.

LOL times ten, you wasted 4 to 8 years learning this krap just to be humiliated here, by MUAA

You produce sandstone hills, claim there was no snow on the mountains as proof, idiot. Just show the mountains in the picture you already provided. That is what you were asked.

So you admit that you cannot find any snow.

PS. Was this past winter the first winter that the highest peaks had snow on them? or do high mountain peaks always have snow?

At any rate global warming is over as we are now entering a new ice age.

Shit happens, but there is no mention as to how many FBI agents shot themselves in the feet today.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
10-08-2023 01:28
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
The Colorado river is also discharging more water usual.

Discharge last year was close to 10,000 cubic feet per second most of the time But starting around spring 2023, the discharge rate increased to almost 20,000 cubic feet per second.

So to summarize, we can see:

both the Colorado and Virgin rivers are discharging more water than usual;

Hoover Dam is not discharging less water than usual.

So are you still going to push your position that lake Mead is rising because Hoover Dam is restricting more water discharge than usual? That doesn't appear to be the case when you review the data from USGS.

I wonder if you even have the mental capacity to know that if what you say is true, that global warming was a lie and that the increased water and snowpack can only be an indication of global cooling or the new ice age that was forecast in the 1970's.

Well so much for Al Bores bullshit.

PS. Yo retard, if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep and that a permanent flood condition exist.

So why aren't the riverbanks covered?

PS. Just so you know it can be snowing, while the Hoover dam's output is reduced, just as it can be snowing and the dam's output can be increased, as it has been for the last 25 years. Or is this above your IQ?

You seem to be getting the discharge rate confused with the gage height. Don't worry. Happens to the best of us.

My only position in this thread has been that lake Mead is rising because more water is flowing into it from its tributaries. Data from USGS showing discharge rates of the Virgin river, Colorado river, and Hoover Dam appears to support this position.

10-08-2023 01:39
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
The Colorado river is also discharging more water usual.

Discharge last year was close to 10,000 cubic feet per second most of the time But starting around spring 2023, the discharge rate increased to almost 20,000 cubic feet per second.

So to summarize, we can see:

both the Colorado and Virgin rivers are discharging more water than usual;

Hoover Dam is not discharging less water than usual.

So are you still going to push your position that lake Mead is rising because Hoover Dam is restricting more water discharge than usual? That doesn't appear to be the case when you review the data from USGS.

I wonder if you even have the mental capacity to know that if what you say is true, that global warming was a lie and that the increased water and snowpack can only be an indication of global cooling or the new ice age that was forecast in the 1970's.

Well so much for Al Bores bullshit.

PS. Yo retard, if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep and that a permanent flood condition exist.

So why aren't the riverbanks covered?

PS. Just so you know it can be snowing, while the Hoover dam's output is reduced, just as it can be snowing and the dam's output can be increased, as it has been for the last 25 years. Or is this above your IQ?

You seem to be getting the discharge rate confused with the gage height. Don't worry. Happens to the best of us.

My only position in this thread has been that lake Mead is rising because more water is flowing into it from its tributaries. Data from USGS showing discharge rates of the Virgin river, Colorado river, and Hoover Dam appears to support this position.

LOL as if in your little world a river with more discharge will not be higher. Well let me ebducate you, since water has mass, more water takes up more space and EVERY RIVER IN FLOOD STAGE IS HIGHER. So more flow equals more height, at least on Earth in the dimension where I live, not sure if this applies in the ward where you live

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
10-08-2023 06:33
Swan wrote:
if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep

Are you really that stupid?

Swan wrote:
Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct?

RE: The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the10-08-2023 13:04
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Swan wrote:
if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep

Are you really that stupid?

Swan wrote:
Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct?


In the spaces where the Colorado river is trapped into canyons, yes, it is true that if the river's flow rate has doubled in the past year, that the river will be twice as deep. What physics do Moron's like you use where double the water can take up the same space in the river? The fact is that you exposed your ignorance with your continued lies and that the lack if a flood stage level in the river mathematically and absolutely proved that since the river is running in its normal banks that the flow is not doubled and also that lake mead is filling because the flow from the dam was reduced. Except in your brain dead world where flood stage rivers do not overflow their normal banks.

PS. The FBI reported that they murdered by gunshot an American who made threats against the communist controlled senile idiot, Joe Xiden yesterday. The FBI agents however did not reveal how many FBI agents shot themselves or their meth smoking partners in the feet during the raid.

I wonder if Chase Bishop, the FBI's leading foot shooting instructor was on the scene of the murder?

Must be a great honor to protect the communist ruling class

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 10-08-2023 13:05
10-08-2023 16:41
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Swan wrote:
if the Colorado river is flowing at double this means that the river is twice as deep

Are you really that stupid?

Swan wrote:
Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct?


Still waiting to hear how a river can double its flow without becoming obviously deeper like the Mississippi does routinely, but then again this is plain to see

Yup, and since none of that is happening to any lake mead dam tributary, all is normal and the lake is rising because the output of the Hoover dam was REDUCED.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
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Join the debate The Lake Mead water level is still rising in August, when it is ALWAYS falling. So snow melt is not the :

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Scientists say Florida Keys coral reefs are already bleaching as water temperatures hit record highs1429-07-2023 20:14
Florida in hot water as ocean temperatures rise along with the humidity213-07-2023 15:50
Lake Mead Water Levels Stage A Comeback?431-05-2023 23:03
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