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When did climate change begin

When did climate change begin05-01-2019 23:27
Logically climate change began 5 or so billion years ago on the primordial Earth that actually had no climate. However since we know that the climate had to form, climate change began when there was no climate as the forming of the climate was itself change.

Then we has a fully frozen Earth at one point, snowball Earth, how did the Earth freeze to the equator, then melt without cars and why would ice at the equator melting be lesser change then we have now?

Of course you could only look at the last 150 years and scream we are all going to die.

Your choice but why should you be taken seriously
06-01-2019 01:10
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I'm excited, I like a warmer climate, wish we could speed it up some. Warmer climate and more CO2, is great for plants, more food, lower prices, well except for the 'carbon-taxes', to bring food to market... There's no denying that the planet has frozen and thawed more than a few time in the distant past, without burning carbon fuels. Figure, enjoy the warmth while it lasts, and prepare for a long winter in the distant future. Figure it will be a few generations, before it might get uncomfortably warm, even longer before it chills, but doubt it'll be all that bad.

If you really read the propaganda, they use 'CAN', or 'MIGHT' frequently, which really means even they aren't convinced. They also make it clear, that the warming trend can't be stopped or reversed, only slowed down a little, if we all stop burning now. Seems like preparing for a warmer climate would be a better option, than a futile attempt to put it off, for another generation to deal with, not to mention the economic mayhem the taxes, and wasted resources will cause.
06-01-2019 01:26
HarveyH55 wrote:
I'm excited, I like a warmer climate, wish we could speed it up some. Warmer climate and more CO2, is great for plants, more food, lower prices, well except for the 'carbon-taxes', to bring food to market... There's no denying that the planet has frozen and thawed more than a few time in the distant past, without burning carbon fuels. Figure, enjoy the warmth while it lasts, and prepare for a long winter in the distant future. Figure it will be a few generations, before it might get uncomfortably warm, even longer before it chills, but doubt it'll be all that bad.

If you really read the propaganda, they use 'CAN', or 'MIGHT' frequently, which really means even they aren't convinced. They also make it clear, that the warming trend can't be stopped or reversed, only slowed down a little, if we all stop burning now. Seems like preparing for a warmer climate would be a better option, than a futile attempt to put it off, for another generation to deal with, not to mention the economic mayhem the taxes, and wasted resources will cause.

The last ice age peaked 20000 years ago, most of the ice was melted by 10000 years ago, the last 10000 years during the continued warming the human race became the dominant species on the Earth. So why would we want it cooler? So we can become apes again
06-01-2019 01:53
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
We don't have a choice, no control over the planet cycles, we can adapt and survive, or surrender and become extinct. Life will continue for some species, and probably a few new ones.
06-01-2019 02:22
06-01-2019 03:39
HarveyH55 wrote:
We don't have a choice, no control over the planet cycles, we can adapt and survive, or surrender and become extinct. Life will continue for some species, and probably a few new ones.

We might be able to influence planet cycles, but we would have to have a clue what causes them first. That said if the cause is the Sun or magnetic pole reversal, we aren't influencing anything
06-01-2019 04:41
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Really don't think we control enough power to do much of anything significant, it's huge planet. Also a little concerned if we should try, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, means that you most likely will mess something up.
06-01-2019 17:17
HarveyH55 wrote:
Really don't think we control enough power to do much of anything significant, it's huge planet. Also a little concerned if we should try, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, means that you most likely will mess something up.
By looking at the planetary orbital cycles what we can see is that we have crossed over the top of the "warm period" and will spend the next 200,000 or so years cooling down into a real ice age. The final nail in the coffin is the recent decoding of the long term solar sunspot cycles. The NASA and NOAA heating as shown in has been clearly shown to be false data. Reporters who approached the IPCC have shown that they have been corrumpted from the very start. All of the supposed "science" behind global warming has been disproven by Lord Moncton. What's more he actually believes there will be more warming though at an small fraction of what has been predicted. He believes this simply because he only has the dataset from NOAA to work with.

In short - the more that very high level scientists look into it the plainer it becomes that this is a fraud that has been committed upon the entire world.
06-01-2019 20:50
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Really don't think we control enough power to do much of anything significant, it's huge planet. Also a little concerned if we should try, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, means that you most likely will mess something up.
By looking at the planetary orbital cycles what we can see is that we have crossed over the top of the "warm period" and will spend the next 200,000 or so years cooling down into a real ice age. The final nail in the coffin is the recent decoding of the long term solar sunspot cycles. The NASA and NOAA heating as shown in has been clearly shown to be false data. Reporters who approached the IPCC have shown that they have been corrumpted from the very start. All of the supposed "science" behind global warming has been disproven by Lord Moncton. What's more he actually believes there will be more warming though at an small fraction of what has been predicted. He believes this simply because he only has the dataset from NOAA to work with.

In short - the more that very high level scientists look into it the plainer it becomes that this is a fraud that has been committed upon the entire world.

There is no real or false data, only false interpretations of the data, this is because the data only shows trends. We have no clue what causes the trends, just ideas.
06-01-2019 21:28
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Zloppino wrote:
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Really don't think we control enough power to do much of anything significant, it's huge planet. Also a little concerned if we should try, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, means that you most likely will mess something up.
By looking at the planetary orbital cycles what we can see is that we have crossed over the top of the "warm period" and will spend the next 200,000 or so years cooling down into a real ice age. The final nail in the coffin is the recent decoding of the long term solar sunspot cycles. The NASA and NOAA heating as shown in has been clearly shown to be false data. Reporters who approached the IPCC have shown that they have been corrumpted from the very start. All of the supposed "science" behind global warming has been disproven by Lord Moncton. What's more he actually believes there will be more warming though at an small fraction of what has been predicted. He believes this simply because he only has the dataset from NOAA to work with.

In short - the more that very high level scientists look into it the plainer it becomes that this is a fraud that has been committed upon the entire world.

There is no real or false data, only false interpretations of the data, this is because the data only shows trends. We have no clue what causes the trends, just ideas.

There is no data at all. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
06-01-2019 21:44
Into the Night wrote:
Zloppino wrote:
Wake wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Really don't think we control enough power to do much of anything significant, it's huge planet. Also a little concerned if we should try, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, means that you most likely will mess something up.
By looking at the planetary orbital cycles what we can see is that we have crossed over the top of the "warm period" and will spend the next 200,000 or so years cooling down into a real ice age. The final nail in the coffin is the recent decoding of the long term solar sunspot cycles. The NASA and NOAA heating as shown in has been clearly shown to be false data. Reporters who approached the IPCC have shown that they have been corrumpted from the very start. All of the supposed "science" behind global warming has been disproven by Lord Moncton. What's more he actually believes there will be more warming though at an small fraction of what has been predicted. He believes this simply because he only has the dataset from NOAA to work with.

In short - the more that very high level scientists look into it the plainer it becomes that this is a fraud that has been committed upon the entire world.

There is no real or false data, only false interpretations of the data, this is because the data only shows trends. We have no clue what causes the trends, just ideas.

There is no data at all. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

Sure it is, the problem is that nothing can be ascertained from the 150 or so years of data when compared to the 5 billion year total

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