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It Is Perfect Safe To Begin Make Some Big Changes In The World Financial System

It Is Perfect Safe To Begin Make Some Big Changes In The World Financial System11-08-2022 07:31
It Is Perfect Safe To Begin Make Some Big Changes In The World Financial System

I have shared several different solutions, strategy to make the world international economic monetary system better, fairer to help the people, nations have more equal opportunity to grow.

Here including both replacing with the new one or have new big policies, programs in the current international financial system.

In my opinion, the West should kick off and make big announcement to save themselves and make a better society as well.

If the USA, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, etc. can just introduce the new international currency programs to the public like I have shared the details, then it would be the end for the corrupt monopoly political party in many nations such as the communist party China, Vietnam, etc.

But it must be done quick because their nation could be collapse and gone at anytime from natural disaster and some super power gods beings that nobody truly know when and how they act.

Think, Talk, Action, Reality.
They are the 4 main process of all real human activity.
You cannot only dream, it cannot become reality without talk and action !

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