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Climate debate in general

Comments or questions about climate change which do not fit into the specific categories, or which cover more than one category.

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 SubjectViewsRepliesLast post
Where are the numbers?13883305-02-2019
The reason I don't believe the hypothesis doubling CO2 increases temp by 1 C is1315704-02-2019
Global Cooling, caused by man-made CO2?1092931-01-2019
Why the mistrust of the IPCC? - (Side: 1 2)27726231-01-2019
Is Gore's theory CO2 causes warming false?19582731-01-2019
Chinese Government Discovers Novel Way to Combat Climate Change992430-01-2019
The problem with Night's way of arguing12141230-01-2019
So is record cold clear evidence of global warming13321427-01-2019
Climate Change of Social Media1075326-01-2019
If all the heat goes into the ocean then why would there be hot summer in any given year?1197821-01-2019
CO2 and Some transparency - (Side: 1 2)31256621-01-2019
Prepping for the Carbon Apocalipse...1164914-01-2019
10 ppm O3 in atmosphere absorb 98% of UV. So what makes you thin first 10 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere don&#1104114-01-2019
Did James Hanson lie for money selling his book?1190414-01-2019
Why would an atmosphere made of O2 not trap heat?13321511-01-2019
10 ppm O3 in atomsphere absorb 98% of UV. 10 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere absorb 98% of IR. So why would 1068211-01-2019
A very simple but meaningful fact about CO2, without it13221210-01-2019
What would be temperature near surface if there is no ozone layer in stratosphere?1123207-01-2019
Where in the World is Global Warming?11281706-01-2019
When did climate change begin12561006-01-2019
Doesn't burning fossil fuel cause global cooling?1031506-01-2019
National Parks1015902-01-2019
Disturbing advances in Klimate Khange...10961301-01-2019
America Has The Best Health Care In The World1272627-12-2018
Climate change16823126-12-2018
Climate is the Earth's Operating System(OS) and we definitely need to protect it.19332423-12-2018
Climate Change13391521-12-2018
Climate change essay project1278220-12-2018
Climate Change funding?12771519-12-2018
petition to create a new Nobel prize for the Fight Against Climate Change1309415-12-2018
Why I doubt the Climate Theory? Plant food causes climate change?1282315-12-2018
Climate change writing project1227314-12-2018
Prove It!24543214-12-2018
Pushy Climatologist...1044113-12-2018
Global Warming Argument Simplified - (Side: 1 2)30067813-12-2018
Why only 'Man-Made' CO2? - (Side: 1 2 ... 5)862716912-12-2018
OH NO - BEAVERS1136112-12-2018
Can you suggest me any best book about climate change?1439312-12-2018
Stop Climate Changes!1217412-12-2018
Proffessor Brian Cox vs Conspiracy theorist Australian Senator - (Side: 1 2 3 4)1197114211-12-2018
What's wrong with this picture? Proof Please.18982711-12-2018
Yellow-Vest Protests13313211-12-2018
Practical experience v Theory16102711-12-2018
Trump Connected To A Crime?994909-12-2018
Our leaders should read this1422204-12-2018
Fourth National Climate Assessment Report12862704-12-2018
Renewable Energy - (Side: 1 2)32816302-12-2018
Strange Revelation10671102-12-2018
Cause and effect17182001-12-2018
Fake News? Response to a Trump Tweet...16401801-12-2018
Why I'm Skeptical16033928-11-2018
Weather Vs. Climate Change13202227-11-2018
CO2 is causing ozone depletion, cause of climate change?13921126-11-2018
New Little Ice Age17233726-11-2018
Climate Change Lawsuits11321026-11-2018
Street Lighting or ...1381420-11-2018
Climate change, too late to act.15071120-11-2018
IPCC report. - (Side: 1 2)35897818-11-2018
Leaked UN draft report warns of urgent need to cut global warming - (Side: 1 2)47164309-11-2018
World 'nowhere near on track' to avoid warming beyond 1.5C target - (Side: 1 2 3)56148309-11-2018
Important space and weather related events of 2018!15041008-11-2018
Climate scientists are struggling to find the right words for very bad news1438301-11-2018
Why the cycle before the industrial revolution.1578601-11-2018
The planetary collapse continues forward16142128-10-2018
Why the Wilder Storms? It's a 'Loaded Dice' Problem - (Side: 1 2)34915825-10-2018
Canada carbon tax1437125-10-2018
Hurricane Michael Is Officially More Powerful than Hurricane Katrina19243115-10-2018
I'm uncertain about the timeline of action from the new UN report1674515-10-2018
Stefan-Boltzmann and the Botlzmann Constant - (Side: 1 2 3)89958312-10-2018
Just a blog post about the effects of climate change16451211-10-2018
Brief history of ice ages, and how that might relate to our future - (Side: 1 2 3 4)776012408-10-2018
This is one of the reasons why I am skeptical of human-induced global warming - (Side: 1 2)41655608-10-2018
New You Tube Channel about Climate Change1328207-10-2018
Gulf stream weakening.1250206-10-2018
The Sun II17573906-10-2018
The Sun17973006-10-2018
Can California Drive the Climate Change Fight?12181206-10-2018
75 papers now support a low climate sensitivity1461306-10-2018
Arctic ice hit one of its lowest points on record15781105-10-2018
"sargasse" alga17031104-10-2018
This Is Almost Laughable1123204-10-2018
methane release.1388603-10-2018
Ice sat 2 launches16882228-09-2018
20 Reasons To Be Skeptical Of Human-Induced Global Warming - (Side: 1 2)41566927-09-2018
Temperatures of Coal Fired Pwr Stations15621819-09-2018
Hurricane Florence is a Once IN A Lifetime storm19673618-09-2018
The IPCC overestimates climate sensitivity1706515-09-2018
2nd perpetual Motion Concept1560309-09-2018
How Seaweeds could help mitigate Climate Change?16641506-09-2018
Is the CO2 increase natural or man-made? - (Side: 1 2)35084006-09-2018
ARTIFICIAL LEAF - The next big thing in the fight against climate change!16301706-09-2018
Northern Hemisphere Warming1269905-09-2018
Nevada water chief rejects big Vegas pipeline pumping plan14031421-08-2018
Geoengineering and the oceans (taboo?)1889809-08-2018
Climate with not draft (german zugluft) and UV sterilization1531106-08-2018
7 animal species relocating to the UK due to rising temperatures1344505-08-2018
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