| Subject | Views | Replies | Last post |
| Climate Change Enters Its Blood-Sucking Phase | 1089 | 1 | 23-02-2019 |
| The Real Culprit Behind Trump's Border Emergency? Climate Change | 997 | 5 | 23-02-2019 |
| Why don't they built hundreds of thousands of fusion thrusters like Wandering Earth to stop Earth' | 931 | 4 | 22-02-2019 |
| Will Green New Deal build Wandering Earth project to move Earth away from Sun? | 1145 | 4 | 22-02-2019 |
| Is this idea of climate change really Man's need for enemy? | 970 | 2 | 21-02-2019 |
| How much fossil fuel will people have to burn in another little ice age happens? | 1019 | 3 | 21-02-2019 |
| Possible thesis subjects | 1117 | 3 | 21-02-2019 |
| Is this man telling a lot of truth about our world??? (YouTube Video) | 1197 | 0 | 20-02-2019 |
| By 2080, global warming will make New York City feel like Arkansas | 1033 | 3 | 20-02-2019 |
| Do you believe UN IPCC makes fake models to bring down Anglos and usher in New World Order? | 1466 | 13 | 18-02-2019 |
| Weather Manipulation | 1265 | 8 | 18-02-2019 |
| Pointless forums | 1454 | 21 | 18-02-2019 |
| 10 ppm O3 in stratosphere convert 98% of UV into heat, so what makes people think | 1076 | 7 | 15-02-2019 |
| Do you think Marxists in America will gain power and rocket CO2 into space | 1141 | 2 | 15-02-2019 |
| 10 years ago, Marxist Obama declared CO2 was a poison gas in EPA to bankrupt | 1408 | 2 | 15-02-2019 |
| Do air CO2 capture factories make more CO2 emission? | 1111 | 2 | 15-02-2019 |
| Will UN Marxists must do more to take down Five Eyes and bring on New World Order? | 1094 | 2 | 14-02-2019 |
| Do you think UN Marxists will order America to build 250,000 air CO2 catpure factories costing | 1108 | 3 | 14-02-2019 |
| Conservative Donald Trump pokes fun at Marxist Amy Klobuchar about global warming | 1133 | 4 | 13-02-2019 |
| Amy Kloubuchar uses snow to prove there is climate change. Now that's top level Marxism. | 1359 | 6 | 13-02-2019 |
| What's wrong with a big of warming? - (Side: 1 2) | 2706 | 45 | 13-02-2019 |
| How are O2 and N2 not greenhouse gases? | 1298 | 12 | 12-02-2019 |
| So what if CO2 reaches 450 ppm which is CO2e 600 ppm? It's not like sea will rise. | 1188 | 6 | 12-02-2019 |
| Where's the rest of ice core? | 1036 | 14 | 12-02-2019 |
| No, CO2 is not more efficient than O2 at retaining heat. | 1083 | 12 | 12-02-2019 |
| Was IPCC set up in 1988 to save mankind from climate change? | 1162 | 8 | 10-02-2019 |
| I think those IPCC scientists are Marxist devil worshippers | 1149 | 3 | 10-02-2019 |
| We have experimental evidence CO2 does not cause global warming | 1418 | 32 | 09-02-2019 |
| The 'Green' New Deal... | 918 | 1 | 09-02-2019 |
| Earth is naturally warming so what's the fuss about it? | 1058 | 4 | 08-02-2019 |
| How is this even true? CO2e is now over 500 ppm this year? | 1274 | 5 | 08-02-2019 |
| Save the planet, by not eating meat? | 1158 | 4 | 08-02-2019 |
| How can more CO2 inthe air go into ocean? | 1241 | 6 | 08-02-2019 |
| NOAA's greenhouse gas forcing is fake? | 1289 | 1 | 07-02-2019 |
| Why do people pick on CO2? A vital ingredient for agriculture during an age of massive pop explosion? | 982 | 1 | 07-02-2019 |
| Where did they come up with 450 ppm CO2 = 2 C rise in temperature? | 1228 | 3 | 07-02-2019 |
| Carbon Question from mostly ignorant skeptic (me) | 1704 | 32 | 06-02-2019 |
| CO2 begets more CO2 | 1300 | 7 | 05-02-2019 |
| I believe human beings are part of nature, not against nature as westerners say. | 1101 | 0 | 05-02-2019 |
| What caused Pleistocene to start around 2 million years ago which had periodic glacial interglacial perio | 1449 | 32 | 05-02-2019 |
| Free Energy! | 1268 | 30 | 05-02-2019 |
| Did climate change cause lake Michigan to freeze over, or is it just frozen | 1333 | 9 | 05-02-2019 |
| CO2 cause global cooling? | 1123 | 6 | 05-02-2019 |
| Where are the numbers? | 1444 | 33 | 05-02-2019 |
| The reason I don't believe the hypothesis doubling CO2 increases temp by 1 C is | 1355 | 7 | 04-02-2019 |
| Global Cooling, caused by man-made CO2? | 1130 | 9 | 31-01-2019 |
| Why the mistrust of the IPCC? - (Side: 1 2) | 2882 | 62 | 31-01-2019 |
| Is Gore's theory CO2 causes warming false? | 2007 | 27 | 31-01-2019 |
| Commies | 1520 | 37 | 30-01-2019 |
| Chinese Government Discovers Novel Way to Combat Climate Change | 1056 | 4 | 30-01-2019 |
| The problem with Night's way of arguing | 1263 | 12 | 30-01-2019 |
| Members | 1395 | 13 | 28-01-2019 |
| So is record cold clear evidence of global warming | 1367 | 14 | 27-01-2019 |
| Climate Change of Social Media | 1118 | 3 | 26-01-2019 |
| If all the heat goes into the ocean then why would there be hot summer in any given year? | 1229 | 8 | 21-01-2019 |
| CO2 and Some transparency - (Side: 1 2) | 3234 | 66 | 21-01-2019 |
| Prepping for the Carbon Apocalipse... | 1206 | 9 | 14-01-2019 |
| 10 ppm O3 in atmosphere absorb 98% of UV. So what makes you thin first 10 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere don | 1135 | 1 | 14-01-2019 |
| Did James Hanson lie for money selling his book? | 1225 | 4 | 14-01-2019 |
| Why would an atmosphere made of O2 not trap heat? | 1372 | 15 | 11-01-2019 |
| 10 ppm O3 in atomsphere absorb 98% of UV. 10 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere absorb 98% of IR. So why would | 1116 | 2 | 11-01-2019 |
| A very simple but meaningful fact about CO2, without it | 1376 | 12 | 10-01-2019 |
| What would be temperature near surface if there is no ozone layer in stratosphere? | 1166 | 2 | 07-01-2019 |
| Where in the World is Global Warming? | 1180 | 17 | 06-01-2019 |
| When did climate change begin | 1298 | 10 | 06-01-2019 |
| Doesn't burning fossil fuel cause global cooling? | 1069 | 5 | 06-01-2019 |
| National Parks | 1053 | 9 | 02-01-2019 |
| Disturbing advances in Klimate Khange... | 1134 | 13 | 01-01-2019 |
| America Has The Best Health Care In The World | 1333 | 6 | 27-12-2018 |
| Climate change | 1745 | 31 | 26-12-2018 |
| Climate is the Earth's Operating System(OS) and we definitely need to protect it. | 1977 | 24 | 23-12-2018 |
| Climate Change | 1382 | 15 | 21-12-2018 |
| Climate change essay project | 1320 | 2 | 20-12-2018 |
| Climate Change funding? | 1312 | 15 | 19-12-2018 |
| petition to create a new Nobel prize for the Fight Against Climate Change | 1375 | 4 | 15-12-2018 |
| Why I doubt the Climate Theory? Plant food causes climate change? | 1321 | 3 | 15-12-2018 |
| Climate change writing project | 1273 | 3 | 14-12-2018 |
| Prove It! | 2501 | 32 | 14-12-2018 |
| Pushy Climatologist... | 1085 | 1 | 13-12-2018 |
| Global Warming Argument Simplified - (Side: 1 2) | 3078 | 78 | 13-12-2018 |
| Why only 'Man-Made' CO2? - (Side: 1 2 ... 5) | 8817 | 169 | 12-12-2018 |
| OH NO - BEAVERS | 1180 | 1 | 12-12-2018 |
| Can you suggest me any best book about climate change? | 1495 | 3 | 12-12-2018 |
| Stop Climate Changes! | 1257 | 4 | 12-12-2018 |
| Proffessor Brian Cox vs Conspiracy theorist Australian Senator - (Side: 1 2 3 4) | 12179 | 142 | 11-12-2018 |
| What's wrong with this picture? Proof Please. | 1954 | 27 | 11-12-2018 |
| Yellow-Vest Protests | 1369 | 32 | 11-12-2018 |
| Practical experience v Theory | 1659 | 27 | 11-12-2018 |
| Trump Connected To A Crime? | 1028 | 9 | 09-12-2018 |
| Our leaders should read this | 1474 | 2 | 04-12-2018 |
| Fourth National Climate Assessment Report | 1325 | 27 | 04-12-2018 |
| Renewable Energy - (Side: 1 2) | 3365 | 63 | 02-12-2018 |
| Strange Revelation | 1098 | 11 | 02-12-2018 |
| Cause and effect | 1777 | 20 | 01-12-2018 |
| Fake News? Response to a Trump Tweet... | 1693 | 18 | 01-12-2018 |
| Weather Vs. Climate Change | 1347 | 22 | 27-11-2018 |
| CO2 is causing ozone depletion, cause of climate change? | 1438 | 11 | 26-11-2018 |
| New Little Ice Age | 1779 | 37 | 26-11-2018 |
| Climate Change Lawsuits | 1162 | 10 | 26-11-2018 |
| Street Lighting or ... | 1428 | 4 | 20-11-2018 |