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Something To Make itn feel Good

Something To Make itn feel Good18-07-2018 03:57

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.
18-07-2018 05:13
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

I remember this photo! It was staged. The power pole hasn't been there that long!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
18-07-2018 12:17
Tim the plumber
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

What is the point of this thread?

That Californian farmers are like farmes the world over; Too busy making money now to look after the land they grow on?
19-07-2018 03:42
Tim the plumber wrote:
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

What is the point of this thread?

That Californian farmers are like farmes the world over; Too busy making money now to look after the land they grow on?

...ITN will disrupt it because he's like a kid on sugar. Then again maybe he is on something ?
..Farmers don't consider sustainable harvest when there's money to be made from over farming. This happened with the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.
..I think the U.S. is too concerned about what everyone else is doing to be concerned about our own problems. And desalination effort is everyone thinking inside the same box. It's what science has come down to, if it's not mainstream then don't consider it.
19-07-2018 08:10
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Tim the plumber wrote:
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

What is the point of this thread?

That Californian farmers are like farmes the world over; Too busy making money now to look after the land they grow on?

...ITN will disrupt it because he's like a kid on sugar. Then again maybe he is on something ?
..Farmers don't consider sustainable harvest when there's money to be made from over farming. This happened with the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.
..I think the U.S. is too concerned about what everyone else is doing to be concerned about our own problems. And desalination effort is everyone thinking inside the same box. It's what science has come down to, if it's not mainstream then don't consider it.

There's no such thing as 'mainstream' science. Scence is a set of falsifiable theories.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
19-07-2018 15:56
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
Tim the plumber wrote:
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

What is the point of this thread?

That Californian farmers are like farmes the world over; Too busy making money now to look after the land they grow on?

...ITN will disrupt it because he's like a kid on sugar. Then again maybe he is on something ?
..Farmers don't consider sustainable harvest when there's money to be made from over farming. This happened with the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.
..I think the U.S. is too concerned about what everyone else is doing to be concerned about our own problems. And desalination effort is everyone thinking inside the same box. It's what science has come down to, if it's not mainstream then don't consider it.

There's no such thing as 'mainstream' science. Scence is a set of falsifiable theories.

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.
19-07-2018 19:22
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
Tim the plumber wrote:
James___ wrote:

..Think I finally tired of your B.S. itn. You just have nothing to say or worth saying but insist on everyone knowing it.

What is the point of this thread?

That Californian farmers are like farmes the world over; Too busy making money now to look after the land they grow on?

...ITN will disrupt it because he's like a kid on sugar. Then again maybe he is on something ?
..Farmers don't consider sustainable harvest when there's money to be made from over farming. This happened with the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.
..I think the U.S. is too concerned about what everyone else is doing to be concerned about our own problems. And desalination effort is everyone thinking inside the same box. It's what science has come down to, if it's not mainstream then don't consider it.

There's no such thing as 'mainstream' science. Scence is a set of falsifiable theories.

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.

Only to those pushing the Church of Global Warming or bad science.

No one bans you for that.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
19-07-2018 20:14
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.

Only to those pushing the Church of Global Warming or bad science.

No one bans you for that.

...You should be banned. All you care to do is to promote your own flawed logic.
..You spam thread after thread with inane comments that are nothing but buzzwords and/or circular arguments.
..Can you define climate and climate change for me without using buzzwords or circular arguments ? I want to know what good science is in your opinion.
20-07-2018 05:40
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.

Only to those pushing the Church of Global Warming or bad science.

No one bans you for that.

...You should be banned. All you care to do is to promote your own flawed logic.
..You spam thread after thread with inane comments that are nothing but buzzwords and/or circular arguments.
..Can you define climate and climate change for me without using buzzwords or circular arguments ? I want to know what good science is in your opinion.

I don't need to. I'm no pushing 'climate change'. You're going to have to come up with a definition without using circular arguments yourself.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-07-2018 06:45
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.

Only to those pushing the Church of Global Warming or bad science.

No one bans you for that.

...You should be banned. All you care to do is to promote your own flawed logic.
..You spam thread after thread with inane comments that are nothing but buzzwords and/or circular arguments.
..Can you define climate and climate change for me without using buzzwords or circular arguments ? I want to know what good science is in your opinion.

I don't need to. I'm no pushing 'climate change'. You're going to have to come up with a definition without using circular arguments yourself.

...And maybe you're just looking for a boyfriend to dance with ?
20-07-2018 08:53
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:

...Which brings up 2 questions. Why are you here and why haven't you been banned ? All you are is an antagonist.

Only to those pushing the Church of Global Warming or bad science.

No one bans you for that.

...You should be banned. All you care to do is to promote your own flawed logic.
..You spam thread after thread with inane comments that are nothing but buzzwords and/or circular arguments.
..Can you define climate and climate change for me without using buzzwords or circular arguments ? I want to know what good science is in your opinion.

I don't need to. I'm no pushing 'climate change'. You're going to have to come up with a definition without using circular arguments yourself.

...And maybe you're just looking for a boyfriend to dance with ?

Can't define it, eh? I thought not.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-07-2018 15:14
Into the Night wrote:

Can't define it, eh? I thought not.

...Can you be anymore childish ? Are you going to double dog dare me next ?
..Maybe you do need a boyfriend after all ? It seems that logic dictates that either you are 10 years old or that you need a boyfriend to validate your sense of self worth. You're not that hot, at least to me anyway.
21-07-2018 17:03
..Was just wanting itn to know his poor attitude got old. People can choose to accept or reject if ice ages ever happened. I accept that they have. It shows there is natural climate change. itn claims we are not in an inter-glacial period because science is made up of random numbers. He should be saying he doesn't grasp scientific concepts. That's when numbers seem random.
..This link is how some scientists are helping to save Florida's coral reefs. Their efforts are based on a degradation of those coral reefs because the Gulf Stream along Florida's coast has warmed.
..Their efforts would be the same if climate change is natural and not influenced by man. itn ignores stuff like this because by his using the buzzwords "church of global warming" he is ridiculing scientists whose work is trying to save some marine life threatened by a changing climate. Anymore his behavior is nothing more than IMO a 10 year old wanting grown ups to notice him. He could choose to learn something but refuses. That's his problem and should not be our problem.
Edited on 21-07-2018 17:03
22-07-2018 01:22
...itn, to debate geology and warm currents ?
..With geology many canyons probably sink because of so much water stored in the glaciers. Could search holy links to see how beneath the basins of valleys differ over the millennia. They say that 4,200 years ago or there abouts there was a drought. It is considered to have brought down the Olde (Old English spelling) kingdom in Egypt. This is most likely the same time that the Jewish people wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. This is also when the capital of Egypt was moved because the Nile river changed course.
..It's always possible the land was denuded (made bare) because of over population of the land and that wood was needed for fire (note the irony here ?) and the aquifers were possibly had lower water levels as well. Not enough water flows in the Mediterranean Sea to keep it full. This is where it's important that the Atlantic Ocean empties into it.
..If the empires at that time helped to bring down their own civilizations then is it possible that we're doing the same today ? With the Middle East back then it might've been like the Texas pandhandle and western Oklahoma back in the 1930's when they had severe drought, you know, the infamous Dust Bowl.
..See itn, lot's of things can be discussed from over the millennia if a person wants to discuss things. And there's lots of things to consider as well.
..A list of fires out west (Ca., N.M., Nev., Az., Utah, Or. and Wa.).
..I think this is only California, Oregon and Washington.

..p.s., this is where if we did things to help life on the reservations then that could be a part of helping to keep life good in the U.S.
..But like you said, I'm racist towards Native Americans. The past can't be undone. Remember the quote I gave you ?
..The ultimate truth is that we are here at this moment in time, what we do with it is up to us.

.I got that out of a science fiction book. I think the quote is a good one anyways.
Edited on 22-07-2018 01:28
22-07-2018 22:48
..The link shows the Navajo Indian Reservation. If water could be economically desalinated and transported there it would bode well for Native Americans. At the same time the fresh water needed to ensure agricultural production in the U.S. would be there as well.
..Is that an ambitious goal ? It is. And with this I only need to know 2 things. The 1st is how to improve solar radiation panels and the 2nd is how to lower the cost of desalination. Do I think I can do those 2 things ? I do. There might be a neat trick that can be played with wind turbines. That goes back to what the Wright Bros. knew and what allowed them to be successful with powered flight. And if I can do some of those things then I'll have a voice.
..A wise man (my supervisor in an industrial repair facility) once told me something of a profound wisdom and/or insight. Life's not fair and don't expect it to be. Many people make the mistake of thinking life should be fair.

..And with me, while life isn't fair we can try to level the playing field somewhat.

p.s., the southwest has been under drought conditions for a while (20 years?). Since I am an American for me it's a good place to start.
Edited on 22-07-2018 22:53
23-07-2018 00:04
23-07-2018 02:57
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
..Was just wanting itn to know his poor attitude got old. People can choose to accept or reject if ice ages ever happened. I accept that they have.

I never said otherwise.
James___ wrote:
It shows there is natural climate change.

Climate doesn't 'change'. You can have different climates though. There is no such thing as a global climate because there is no such thing as a global weather.
James___ wrote:
itn claims we are not in an inter-glacial period because science is made up of random numbers.

Random numbers or their mathematics has nothing to do with science. It is part of mathematics. I never said we weren't in an inter-glacial period.
James___ wrote:
He should be saying he doesn't grasp scientific concepts. That's when numbers seem random.

More insult fallacy. Science and mathematics are separate things.
James___ wrote:
..This link is how some scientists are helping to save Florida's coral reefs. Their efforts are based on a degradation of those coral reefs because the Gulf Stream along Florida's coast has warmed.

No, because detergents are getting into the oceans there.
James___ wrote:
..Their efforts would be the same if climate change is natural and not influenced by man.
No, they are doing what they are doing because of pollution, not ocean temperatures.
James___ wrote:
itn ignores stuff like this because by his using the buzzwords "church of global warming" he is ridiculing scientists whose work is trying to save some marine life threatened by a changing climate.
Climate cannot 'change'. The Gulf Stream water temperature in that area hasn't changed.
James___ wrote:
Anymore his behavior is nothing more than IMO a 10 year old wanting grown ups to notice him. He could choose to learn something but refuses. That's his problem and should not be our problem.

Inversion fallacy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-07-2018 03:00
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
...itn, to debate geology and warm currents ?
..With geology many canyons probably sink because of so much water stored in the glaciers. Could search holy links to see how beneath the basins of valleys differ over the millennia. They say that 4,200 years ago or there abouts there was a drought. It is considered to have brought down the Olde (Old English spelling) kingdom in Egypt. This is most likely the same time that the Jewish people wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. This is also when the capital of Egypt was moved because the Nile river changed course.
..It's always possible the land was denuded (made bare) because of over population of the land and that wood was needed for fire (note the irony here ?) and the aquifers were possibly had lower water levels as well. Not enough water flows in the Mediterranean Sea to keep it full. This is where it's important that the Atlantic Ocean empties into it.
..If the empires at that time helped to bring down their own civilizations then is it possible that we're doing the same today ? With the Middle East back then it might've been like the Texas pandhandle and western Oklahoma back in the 1930's when they had severe drought, you know, the infamous Dust Bowl.
..See itn, lot's of things can be discussed from over the millennia if a person wants to discuss things. And there's lots of things to consider as well.
..A list of fires out west (Ca., N.M., Nev., Az., Utah, Or. and Wa.).
..I think this is only California, Oregon and Washington.

..p.s., this is where if we did things to help life on the reservations then that could be a part of helping to keep life good in the U.S.
..But like you said, I'm racist towards Native Americans. The past can't be undone. Remember the quote I gave you ?
..The ultimate truth is that we are here at this moment in time, what we do with it is up to us.

.I got that out of a science fiction book. I think the quote is a good one anyways.

Your list of fires is slightly out of date. Some have been contained, others have not. There are also new ones not on this list. I recently drove by the Elko NV fire. It's a large one. Not caused by 'climate change'. It was caused by lightning, common in Nevada this time of year.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 23-07-2018 03:09
23-07-2018 03:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
..The link shows the Navajo Indian Reservation. If water could be economically desalinated and transported there it would bode well for Native Americans. At the same time the fresh water needed to ensure agricultural production in the U.S. would be there as well.
If you want to bring water to the Navajo, enjoy. Don't ask me to pay for it.
James___ wrote:
..Is that an ambitious goal ? It is. And with this I only need to know 2 things. The 1st is how to improve solar radiation panels and the 2nd is how to lower the cost of desalination. Do I think I can do those 2 things ? I do.
If you can develop these things without using government money, go for it.
James___ wrote:
There might be a neat trick that can be played with wind turbines. That goes back to what the Wright Bros. knew and what allowed them to be successful with powered flight. And if I can do some of those things then I'll have a voice.

Since I know what made them successful where another failed before them (rather spectacularly I might add!), you can use their knowledge to help. Learn about aerospace engineering.
James___ wrote:
..A wise man (my supervisor in an industrial repair facility) once told me something of a profound wisdom and/or insight. Life's not fair and don't expect it to be. Many people make the mistake of thinking life should be fair.

..And with me, while life isn't fair we can try to level the playing field somewhat.

p.s., the southwest has been under drought conditions for a while (20 years?). Since I am an American for me it's a good place to start.

The SW is usually under 'drought'. It's a desert.

You go ahead with your dream. Don't ask me or anyone else to pay for it that doesn't want to.

Find your investors and do it. That's the American way.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-07-2018 13:14
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
..The link shows the Navajo Indian Reservation. If water could be economically desalinated and transported there it would bode well for Native Americans. At the same time the fresh water needed to ensure agricultural production in the U.S. would be there as well.
If you want to bring water to the Navajo, enjoy. Don't ask me to pay for it.
James___ wrote:
..Is that an ambitious goal ? It is. And with this I only need to know 2 things. The 1st is how to improve solar radiation panels and the 2nd is how to lower the cost of desalination. Do I think I can do those 2 things ? I do.
If you can develop these things without using government money, go for it.
James___ wrote:
There might be a neat trick that can be played with wind turbines. That goes back to what the Wright Bros. knew and what allowed them to be successful with powered flight. And if I can do some of those things then I'll have a voice.

Since I know what made them successful where another failed before them (rather spectacularly I might add!), you can use their knowledge to help. Learn about aerospace engineering.
James___ wrote:
..A wise man (my supervisor in an industrial repair facility) once told me something of a profound wisdom and/or insight. Life's not fair and don't expect it to be. Many people make the mistake of thinking life should be fair.

..And with me, while life isn't fair we can try to level the playing field somewhat.

p.s., the southwest has been under drought conditions for a while (20 years?). Since I am an American for me it's a good place to start.

The SW is usually under 'drought'. It's a desert.

You go ahead with your dream. Don't ask me or anyone else to pay for it that doesn't want to.

Find your investors and do it. That's the American way.

James___ wrote:
...itn, WTF ?
..Don't you have an opinion on anything ?

Into the Night wrote:
Since I know what made them successful where another failed before them (rather spectacularly I might add!), you can use their knowledge to help. Learn about aerospace engineering.

..What the FOCK are you talking about ? Some people built wind turbines that failed spectacularly ? I've never heard of that before.
..The Dutch have used wind turbines (windmills)
Windmills are said to have existed in Holland from about 1200.
..And itn, I know why the Wright Bros. were successful. The Boeing Airplane Co. today emulates their research methodology that the Wright Bros. used. You are quite clever for saying

Into the Night wrote:
Learn about aerospace engineering.

..Gosh, already have. Kind of why I mentioned a trick that the Wright Bros. knew.
..itn, have YOU ever thought about taking the time to learn something ? Your B.S. is old. I try to engage other people in a discussion and you end all discussions by posting THE FINAL WORD. You leave nothing open for discussion but instead bark orders. After all, you are about YOU. You can't get past how good you think you are, can you ? That shouldn't be my problem or anybody else's.
Edited on 23-07-2018 13:17
23-07-2018 13:37
..I'd like to apologize for trying to start a discussion with you. Talk about making a serious mistake and that was a serious mistake. This is funny as all HeII. I have a 74 year old neighbor who is the same way as you. They try to interrogate me like they are the Gestapo and I am a Polish Jew in 1938 Berlin.

..For anyone who doesn't get that, Germany called it's Jews Polish-Jews so they could deport them to Poland. After Poland said NO then Krystallnacht happened because a German Ambassador in Paris was assassinated by the son of a Jewish couple who were treated poorly and deported. It's possible the parents died because of how poorly they were treated.

..See itn, I will teach you about history so you will know how not to be like those who are considered bad. With the 3rd Reich, they said DO and people did. That's what you expect out of me. You really have no idea what it takes to take a concept and to develop it into a product.
..It's doubtful that any investor will be interested in any idea without a working prototype.
..However some universities can take interest in new avenues of research if that individual shows an aptitude for understanding a different application of various principles in physics. This latter part requires a willingness to work with other people and not trying to control everything such as what you do.

...and itn you sound like a "Born Again" Christian to me. You really do. Have you ever tried telling one of those people that Jesus died on the cross over 2,000 years ago and that there are billions of Christians ? Yet they'll think they know something that everyone else is aware of. And they will be disruptive in other people's lives because they have to force their opinions on other people to validate that they "discovered" or "realized" something "new".
..You can only validate yourself through another person and not by what you yourself does.
Edited on 23-07-2018 13:58
26-07-2018 20:14
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
James___ wrote:
..The link shows the Navajo Indian Reservation. If water could be economically desalinated and transported there it would bode well for Native Americans. At the same time the fresh water needed to ensure agricultural production in the U.S. would be there as well.
If you want to bring water to the Navajo, enjoy. Don't ask me to pay for it.
James___ wrote:
..Is that an ambitious goal ? It is. And with this I only need to know 2 things. The 1st is how to improve solar radiation panels and the 2nd is how to lower the cost of desalination. Do I think I can do those 2 things ? I do.
If you can develop these things without using government money, go for it.
James___ wrote:
There might be a neat trick that can be played with wind turbines. That goes back to what the Wright Bros. knew and what allowed them to be successful with powered flight. And if I can do some of those things then I'll have a voice.

Since I know what made them successful where another failed before them (rather spectacularly I might add!), you can use their knowledge to help. Learn about aerospace engineering.
James___ wrote:
..A wise man (my supervisor in an industrial repair facility) once told me something of a profound wisdom and/or insight. Life's not fair and don't expect it to be. Many people make the mistake of thinking life should be fair.

..And with me, while life isn't fair we can try to level the playing field somewhat.

p.s., the southwest has been under drought conditions for a while (20 years?). Since I am an American for me it's a good place to start.

The SW is usually under 'drought'. It's a desert.

You go ahead with your dream. Don't ask me or anyone else to pay for it that doesn't want to.

Find your investors and do it. That's the American way.

James___ wrote:
...itn, WTF ?
..Don't you have an opinion on anything ?

Into the Night wrote:
Since I know what made them successful where another failed before them (rather spectacularly I might add!), you can use their knowledge to help. Learn about aerospace engineering.

..What the FOCK are you talking about ? Some people built wind turbines that failed spectacularly ? I've never heard of that before.
..The Dutch have used wind turbines (windmills)
Windmills are said to have existed in Holland from about 1200.
..And itn, I know why the Wright Bros. were successful. The Boeing Airplane Co. today emulates their research methodology that the Wright Bros. used. You are quite clever for saying

Into the Night wrote:
Learn about aerospace engineering.

..Gosh, already have. Kind of why I mentioned a trick that the Wright Bros. knew.
..itn, have YOU ever thought about taking the time to learn something ? Your B.S. is old. I try to engage other people in a discussion and you end all discussions by posting THE FINAL WORD. You leave nothing open for discussion but instead bark orders. After all, you are about YOU. You can't get past how good you think you are, can you ? That shouldn't be my problem or anybody else's.

You really get angry quick. Oh well.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-07-2018 20:15
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
..I'd like to apologize for trying to start a discussion with you. Talk about making a serious mistake and that was a serious mistake. This is funny as all HeII. I have a 74 year old neighbor who is the same way as you. They try to interrogate me like they are the Gestapo and I am a Polish Jew in 1938 Berlin.

..For anyone who doesn't get that, Germany called it's Jews Polish-Jews so they could deport them to Poland. After Poland said NO then Krystallnacht happened because a German Ambassador in Paris was assassinated by the son of a Jewish couple who were treated poorly and deported. It's possible the parents died because of how poorly they were treated.

..See itn, I will teach you about history so you will know how not to be like those who are considered bad. With the 3rd Reich, they said DO and people did. That's what you expect out of me. You really have no idea what it takes to take a concept and to develop it into a product.
..It's doubtful that any investor will be interested in any idea without a working prototype.
..However some universities can take interest in new avenues of research if that individual shows an aptitude for understanding a different application of various principles in physics. This latter part requires a willingness to work with other people and not trying to control everything such as what you do.

...and itn you sound like a "Born Again" Christian to me. You really do. Have you ever tried telling one of those people that Jesus died on the cross over 2,000 years ago and that there are billions of Christians ? Yet they'll think they know something that everyone else is aware of. And they will be disruptive in other people's lives because they have to force their opinions on other people to validate that they "discovered" or "realized" something "new".
..You can only validate yourself through another person and not by what you yourself does.

More of your useless insults and anger. Meh.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan

Join the debate Something To Make itn feel Good:

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Chatbots sometimes make things up. Is AI's hallucination problem fixable?503-08-2023 13:20
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