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Shame award for Shell

Shame award for Shell28-01-2013 15:20
These days Shell got what it deserves, it got shame award at Davos for its contribution in killing our planet ( ). These fat cats from Shell are rushing for superprofits so a bunch of people could get billions at any costs. And now they want to extract resources in the Arctic what became possible after many companies like Shell provoked climate changes. The Arctic maybe is the only untouched and pure place which greedy bastards from Shell want to grab and we must save it! Leave it alone!
13-05-2018 20:18
Leave crude oil in the ground. Keep giving billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia, and Iran and Iraq and Qatar and all the other Muslim kingdoms that don't accept Muslim immigrants from Africa. Does this make any sense at all?
Only to an ecohypocrite.

Shell SELLS products that ecohypocrites use in vast quantities.
Take Al Gore, and Barack Obama, and Richard Branson, and all the United Nations functionaries, and college teachers flying here and there for "research" and sabbaticals, and Hollywood Ignorati with their stretch limousines and private planes. Many of them are at the Cannes Film Festival as I type this. They flew to France while preaching the ecohypocrisy of climate change sharia.
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