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The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens?

The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens?26-05-2018 01:55
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆

Is climate change the Great Filter?

Great Filter

"Bring us your sick and tired, your educated ..."
26-05-2018 02:39
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
What's 'climate change'? You still haven't defined it. It's still just a buzzword.
26-05-2018 03:37
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
What are you El Niño?
Not clockwork but regular - like a bowel.

I go with the working definitions, discuss the issue within that context.
Talk to the guy running this place - see if you're prepared to participate.
I'd respect someone who refused to continue because they disagree with the fundamentals.
26-05-2018 12:12
Tim the plumber
monckton wrote:

Is climate change the Great Filter?

Great Filter


There is no suggestion at all in any science what so ever that the earth could become uninhabitable for humans due to any of the most extreme projections of climate change due to increased CO2.

The earth has had many long periods where CO2 was around 20%.

It is today at 0.004%.

For those who are arithmetically challenged that is 5,000 times more than today. And still not a problem for temperature.
27-05-2018 02:11
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
Oh there's more than a suggestion, its been considered a candidate for some time.

The Reason We've Never Found Intelligent Life Might be Because We Are Already Going Extinct

I'm not so sure myself, it'll be a factor but there's a good chance we'll be seeing the fireworks once things start getting too bad.

"Pakistan has been described as 'the most dangerous place on earth' ... By far the greatest long-term threat is one that our media hardly ever discuss, since it is too long-term and insufficiently fashionable: the growing shortage of water, due to a combination of over-population, appallingly inefficient use and conservation, and the effect of global warming on the Himalayan glaciers. If present trends continue, it is virtually certain that in fifty years time, much of Pakistan will be as dry as the Sahara – but a Sahara with a population of hundreds of millions of human beings. (The same will be true of northern India.)"

"if the situation persists, there will be no or very little clean water available in Pakistan by 2025."

And you can sum up western policy regarding this for the past few years with just three words "...Assad must go!"
Yeah its not looking too good.
27-05-2018 09:30
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
monckton wrote:
Oh there's more than a suggestion, its been considered a candidate for some time.

The Reason We've Never Found Intelligent Life Might be Because We Are Already Going Extinct

Considering that our population on Earth is increasing, your claim is a bit hollow.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
27-05-2018 11:55
Tim the plumber
monckton wrote:
Oh there's more than a suggestion, its been considered a candidate for some time.

The Reason We've Never Found Intelligent Life Might be Because We Are Already Going Extinct

I'm not so sure myself, it'll be a factor but there's a good chance we'll be seeing the fireworks once things start getting too bad.

"Pakistan has been described as 'the most dangerous place on earth' ... By far the greatest long-term threat is one that our media hardly ever discuss, since it is too long-term and insufficiently fashionable: the growing shortage of water, due to a combination of over-population, appallingly inefficient use and conservation, and the effect of global warming on the Himalayan glaciers. If present trends continue, it is virtually certain that in fifty years time, much of Pakistan will be as dry as the Sahara – but a Sahara with a population of hundreds of millions of human beings. (The same will be true of northern India.)"

"if the situation persists, there will be no or very little clean water available in Pakistan by 2025."

And you can sum up western policy regarding this for the past few years with just three words "...Assad must go!"
Yeah its not looking too good.

1, SCIENCE!!! Not blog gibberish.

2, Pakistan is drying out due not to global climate changes but to very very poor water and land management.

3, Himalayan glaciers have a total ice mass of less than 40Gt. That's all of them. The Indus river has an annual flow rate of around 110Gt, from memory. If 10% of the glaciers, which mostly drain into the Gangees, were to melt in a year it would not have a significant effect on the flow of the Indus.

4, What has Assad got to do with Pakistan???? What has western policy to do with the local management of Pakistan's water??? What planet do you come from?
28-05-2018 03:36
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
Nah **** that to do list.
But any gibberish, anything too tough - pop up the section in question maybe someone will go through it with you.
28-05-2018 12:02
Tim the plumber
monckton wrote:
Nah **** that to do list.
But any gibberish, anything too tough - pop up the section in question maybe someone will go through it with you.

I have rarely seem such an admission of stupidity.

If you know what you are talking about explain. If you don't shut up.

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