Thread | Replies | Views | Last Post |
The M2C2 smoking gun: holy grail or wholly folly? (Climate Policy) | 38 | 14638 | 23-10-2015 |
Can petrochemicals exist in a carbon-neutral world? (Technology) | 33 | 15838 | 23-10-2015 |
Is The Gulf Stream slowing down? (Consequences) | 24 | 16294 | 23-10-2015 |
Has the IPCC underestimated GW? (Climate debate in general) | 42 | 4797 | 22-10-2015 |
When it comes to M2C2, is planet Earth really worth saving? (Climate Philosophy) | 5 | 14406 | 22-10-2015 |
Isostatic Rebound (Consequences) | 1 | 13998 | 22-10-2015 |
Death by Government (Climate debate in general) | 25 | 2768 | 22-10-2015 |
The solar radiation (Climate debate in general) | 18 | 2563 | 21-10-2015 |
Are falsifiable models the only way to validate science? (Climate Philosophy) | 33 | 16830 | 18-10-2015 |
Do man-made climate change deniers prove man-made climate change exists? (Climate debate in general) | 101 | 9289 | 17-10-2015 |
Ocean "acidification" once and for all? (Explanations) | 15 | 14356 | 17-10-2015 |
M2C2 - where all or nothing means nothing (Climate Philosophy) | 3 | 14544 | 17-10-2015 |
Eisenhower was right - beware us (Climate debate in general) | 13 | 2946 | 16-10-2015 |
What about the sinking islands? (Consequences) | 48 | 19016 | 16-10-2015 |
The reality of an open online debate forum (Debate about | 0 | 13830 | 15-10-2015 |
The truth about sea level rise (Consequences) | 34 | 18644 | 14-10-2015 |
Is M2C2 the "New" New Deal? (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 1946 | 14-10-2015 |
A better way to post on (Debate about | 1 | 14336 | 13-10-2015 |
Maybe M2C2 really is all about money (Climate debate in general) | 8 | 2092 | 13-10-2015 |
Are "popcorn" black holes the answer to linear entropy and, maybe, M2C2? (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 2066 | 12-10-2015 |
Are you a theologian or scientist? Ask Karl Popper. (Climate Philosophy) | 54 | 22827 | 12-10-2015 |
Yeah, I guess we are (Climate debate in general) | 10 | 2767 | 11-10-2015 |
Attention all M2C2 deniers! (Climate debate in general) | 10 | 2225 | 11-10-2015 |
Can you stil save the future from M2C2 after you've already sold it? (Climate Policy) | 2 | 13694 | 11-10-2015 |
Is involuntary population control the answer to man-made climate change? (Climate Policy) | 5 | 13688 | 11-10-2015 |
Small volcanic eruptions partly explain 'warming hiatus' (Explanations) | 7 | 14070 | 11-10-2015 |
Will M2C2 be solved by educating the children? (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1495 | 11-10-2015 |
Where's Rock Hudson when you need him? (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 1480 | 10-10-2015 |
What's worse: the CO2 lag time, or our mental lag time. (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1826 | 10-10-2015 |
One question (Climate debate in general) | 34 | 4959 | 10-10-2015 |
The 2 minute warning clock on climate change (Climate debate in general) | 52 | 5157 | 10-10-2015 |
I present to you my Climate&Energy solutions and leads and quests I wrote/made over the past ... (Technology) | 4 | 14840 | 10-10-2015 |
Man-made climate change and why you're a moron! (Climate debate in general) | 7 | 1818 | 09-10-2015 |
Well, that's another forum trolled to death. (Debate about | 56 | 19606 | 09-10-2015 |
Precipitation (Consequences) | 7 | 14507 | 09-10-2015 |
Do hydro-electic dam reservoirs really fart? (Technology) | 6 | 14877 | 08-10-2015 |
Are we really blowing up 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs every day? (Climate debate in general) | 5 | 2283 | 08-10-2015 |
Here's what happens when a United States employ gives testimony to congress on climate change (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1570 | 08-10-2015 |
How to create actual solutions to global warming (Climate debate in general) | 17 | 3692 | 07-10-2015 |
Climate Change Science 101 (Climate debate in general) | 26 | 3914 | 06-10-2015 |
Big push! Letter from the building sector to the EU Commission (Climate Policy) | 19 | 20734 | 06-10-2015 |
The Blob (Explanations) | 4 | 14199 | 06-10-2015 |
Whatever happened to the Global Warming "Tipping Points?" (Climate debate in general) | 14 | 4685 | 05-10-2015 |
Polar Bears: sharp decline in numbers and health (Consequences) | 22 | 21972 | 05-10-2015 |
Can someone answer this for me? (Climate debate in general) | 32 | 5319 | 05-10-2015 |
We passed the tipping point on climate change in 1901 (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 2183 | 01-10-2015 |
New ice age (Consequences) | 25 | 65535 | 01-10-2015 |
Land Artists (Culture) | 0 | 13384 | 30-09-2015 |
Clothes, Climate, and Culture (Culture) | 2 | 14880 | 30-09-2015 |
Bursting the Atmosphere: what happens when rain falls up (Climate debate in general) | 7 | 2447 | 29-09-2015 |
..Dynamic and Static globe models of the Earth (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 1865 | 28-09-2015 |
Errant Warming Logic (Explanations) | 4 | 13177 | 26-09-2015 |
reflecting the sun with solar panels makes global warming (Climate debate in general) | 3 | 2385 | 25-09-2015 |
Looking for reviewers (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1823 | 04-09-2015 |
When Science & Ideology Collide (Climate debate in general) | 9 | 2734 | 19-08-2015 |
We have an opportunity for a Project Leader in New York, US. (Trash bin) | 0 | 12596 | 04-08-2015 |
What's your view? Evaluating controversial scientific findings (Science) | 0 | 14414 | 17-07-2015 |
United States climate targets – INDCs -- woefully short on ambition (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2202 | 02-04-2015 |
PayC – Disruptive Carbon Offset Initiative (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2117 | 01-04-2015 |
Global Cooling Anyone? (Climate debate in general) | 7 | 2857 | 31-03-2015 |
No Subject (Climate Policy) | 0 | 13423 | 27-03-2015 |
NASA Weather Map Proves Geoengineering (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2239 | 16-03-2015 |
Both sides of the argument (Climate debate in general) | 24 | 5750 | 25-02-2015 |
Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 2205 | 24-02-2015 |
The Ground Man Documentary to change the current course (Climate debate in general) | 3 | 2295 | 23-02-2015 |
Tanzanias respond towards Global warming (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 1978 | 20-02-2015 |
The Missing Science (Climate debate in general) | 12 | 2876 | 17-02-2015 |
Consensus (Climate debate in general) | 13 | 3513 | 14-02-2015 |
Area of 66S-66N (Science) | 1 | 15308 | 10-02-2015 |
New Global Warming Newsletter-Must READ!! (Climate debate in general) | 9 | 53719 | 04-02-2015 |
Distribution of water (Climate debate in general) | 10 | 3013 | 02-02-2015 |
Is it Possible to Address the Problem? (Climate Policy) | 7 | 15731 | 02-02-2015 |
Weather bomb terror! (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 1983 | 30-01-2015 |
Would the magnesium carbonate buffer in the ocean break as CO2 increases,When? (Climate debate in general) | 32 | 3982 | 29-01-2015 |
97% signed on to what? (Climate debate in general) | 29 | 5546 | 11-01-2015 |
Are we done? (Climate debate in general) | 25 | 3999 | 03-01-2015 |
Goddard Institute Tide model GOT4.8 (Science) | 0 | 15585 | 31-12-2014 |
Good paper on the ethics of climate change research and policy (Climate Policy) | 8 | 14387 | 27-12-2014 |
Colerado University trend map (Consequences) | 1 | 14109 | 22-12-2014 |
whey aren't climate change pushers open to the fact they could be wrong? (Climate debate in general) | 17 | 3029 | 18-12-2014 |
GE breakthrough in economical fuel cells (Technology) | 0 | 14564 | 13-12-2014 |
Global warming is caused by ozone depletion, not greenhouse gases (Climate debate in general) | 144 | 17154 | 11-12-2014 |
AGW is a hypothesis that's never been tested (Explanations) | 5 | 15220 | 10-12-2014 |
Why does it even matter who caused it? (Explanations) | 6 | 13733 | 05-12-2014 |
Positive effects of global warming (Consequences) | 35 | 17555 | 05-12-2014 |
It is warmer now than the peaks of the Medieval Warm Period (Climate debate in general) | 5 | 4065 | 29-11-2014 |
Climate change impacts - making it a bit more personal (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 2983 | 27-11-2014 |
Did climate deniers just admit they don't know what they're talking about? (Climate debate in general) | 16 | 4368 | 27-11-2014 |
Arctic sea ice maximum 2014 (Consequences) | 3 | 15617 | 26-11-2014 |
Don't feel guilty about driving your car (Explanations) | 1 | 15539 | 23-11-2014 |
Need help responding to someone who doesn't believe in man made Global Warming (Climate debate in general) | 11 | 8018 | 23-11-2014 |
Hot Air Rises (Explanations) | 1 | 13194 | 23-11-2014 |
A Broader Discussion (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2053 | 22-11-2014 |
global warming (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2119 | 22-11-2014 |
global warming survey (Explanations) | 0 | 13490 | 15-11-2014 |
Australia looks set for drought (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2611 | 13-11-2014 |
senior thesis (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1833 | 08-11-2014 |
survey (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1910 | 06-11-2014 |
senior thesis (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 1854 | 06-11-2014 |
social wall capturing climate trends (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2015 | 05-11-2014 |
For my geography assignment, Global Warming (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 2712 | 05-11-2014 |
It ain't volcanoes either (Explanations) | 7 | 17034 | 29-09-2014 |
link between global warming and personal health (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 2711 | 29-09-2014 |
What was accomplished at the UN Climate Summit (Climate Policy) | 0 | 13512 | 24-09-2014 |
Administrators on this forum trash any post the detracts (Trash bin) | 1 | 13051 | 06-09-2014 |
What YOU can do to change millions of persons carbon footprints! NOT SPAM (Trash bin) | 0 | 12721 | 06-09-2014 |
Vanishing Islands (Consequences) | 4 | 15600 | 19-08-2014 |
Nasa and Ipcc admitted to manipulating global temperature data (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3406 | 19-08-2014 |
Why different 'global temp' measurements? (Climate debate in general) | 3 | 6373 | 19-08-2014 |
New Source of Climate Info (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 3797 | 19-08-2014 |
IPPC Report (Explanations) | 2 | 13817 | 19-08-2014 |
If you could have a specific result in climate change, what would it be? (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2161 | 14-08-2014 |
Combatting a Climate Liar Denier troll (Climate debate in general) | 4 | 3381 | 09-08-2014 |
China's Air pollution (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 3148 | 08-08-2014 |
Idea for methane reduction (Fun) | 0 | 15207 | 03-08-2014 |
Upcoming ONLINE Certificate Program in Climate Change from University of California-Irvine, Unive... (Events etc.) | 0 | 14496 | 26-06-2014 |
State action plan on Climate Change (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2837 | 17-06-2014 |
Summer School : "Renewable Energy & Energy Transition" (Trash bin) | 0 | 13022 | 10-06-2014 |
Course : "Biogas Plants" (Trash bin) | 0 | 13102 | 10-06-2014 |
Course : "Solar Power" (Trash bin) | 0 | 13199 | 10-06-2014 |
Course : "Wind Energy" (Trash bin) | 0 | 13191 | 10-06-2014 |
Summer School : "Wind Energy, Solar Power & Biogas Plants" (Events etc.) | 0 | 14304 | 10-06-2014 |
Government action (Climate Policy) | 3 | 14926 | 01-06-2014 |
The Little Ice Age (Explanations) | 4 | 16121 | 31-05-2014 |
Genuine, serious, new solution (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 3364 | 27-05-2014 |
Maybe its something else? (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 3370 | 15-05-2014 |
Why can't they decide (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 3301 | 09-05-2014 |
"It's the sun!" was refuted more than 20 years ago (Explanations) | 4 | 19440 | 05-05-2014 |
The impact of raising climate awareness? (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2368 | 05-05-2014 |
Ocean Acidification Links (Consequences) | 1 | 17711 | 05-05-2014 |
Antarctic also losing ice mass (Consequences) | 2 | 18403 | 05-05-2014 |
Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation Expalians Climate Change (Explanations) | 0 | 13424 | 19-04-2014 |
Why are we doing this? (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2220 | 08-04-2014 |
Open Climability Suite (Technology) | 0 | 14991 | 25-03-2014 |
Antarctic 2014 minimum (Consequences) | 3 | 15185 | 27-02-2014 |
Berkley Earth Temperature Analysis - possible flaws ? (Climate debate in general) | 9 | 5640 | 07-02-2014 |
Survey (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2798 | 01-02-2014 |
Short film on geoengineering (Technology) | 0 | 14734 | 30-01-2014 |
Pachamama kickstarter (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2455 | 26-01-2014 |
Report : Climate Change and Global serious errors of designing technology . (Climate debate in general) | 5 | 6205 | 24-01-2014 |
Load response systems (Technology) | 0 | 14754 | 23-01-2014 |
The Earths Magnetic North (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2790 | 13-01-2014 |
"Cost effective" MUST be the message (Climate Policy) | 1 | 13555 | 04-01-2014 |
GREAT ENERGY CHALLENGE GRANT PROJECT COMPLETED (Events etc.) | 0 | 15637 | 03-01-2014 |
The Rare Group Current Programs (Other) | 0 | 16031 | 02-01-2014 |
The most cost effective method to mitigate global warming (by far) (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 3137 | 01-01-2014 |
US International Treaty to make protesting Climate Change ILLEGAL (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3063 | 23-12-2013 |
Views from the World (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2270 | 20-12-2013 |
John Christy on US-tornadoes (Consequences) | 2 | 17118 | 14-12-2013 |
Why isn't public being told? (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 2685 | 11-12-2013 |
Alternative energy policy (Climate Policy) | 0 | 15307 | 23-11-2013 |
Scientists underpredict (Consequences) | 0 | 14441 | 23-11-2013 |
International negotiations problem (Climate Policy) | 0 | 13507 | 22-11-2013 |
Winter School: "Wind Energy, Solar Power & Biogas Plants" 3– 22 February 2014 Kassel (Events etc.) | 0 | 14671 | 22-11-2013 |
John Christy on Climate Change Roundtable (Consequences) | 1 | 17186 | 20-11-2013 |
John Christy on Tropical Cyclones (Consequences) | 1 | 16474 | 20-11-2013 |
John Christy on High Temperature Records in the US (Consequences) | 0 | 17277 | 13-11-2013 |
John Christy on Precipitation (Consequences) | 0 | 16302 | 13-11-2013 |
John Christy on Snow Cover (Consequences) | 0 | 15635 | 13-11-2013 |
Eighteen Types of Trees to Save the World (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2490 | 12-10-2013 |
Shale gas alone is not the answer – but neither is renewable energy (Climate Policy) | 0 | 14297 | 26-09-2013 |
Static and Dynamic Globe model of the Earth (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2942 | 22-09-2013 |
It's mostly due to human-produced CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) (Explanations) | 3 | 18641 | 23-08-2013 |
Climate change: Search of right ideas (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2901 | 23-08-2013 |
Is change at fault for the outbreak of cholera in Haiti? (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3150 | 08-08-2013 |
Which is better? (Climate debate in general) | 7 | 3952 | 02-08-2013 |
Geoengineering Is a Dangerous Solution to Climate Change (Technology) | 3 | 16493 | 09-07-2013 |
Jakarta: Documentary on Environmental Awareness (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 2799 | 09-07-2013 |
A way to influence consumers and producers (Private Climate Policy) | 0 | 20259 | 23-06-2013 |
terminology (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 3752 | 20-06-2013 |
India's drought: A natural calamity or a man-made one? (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3799 | 09-05-2013 |
How the EPA Could Help Cut Carbon Emissions 17% By 2020? Crown Eco Capital Blog Management (Climate Policy) | 0 | 15214 | 09-04-2013 |
International Climate Grand Prix (Climate Policy) | 3 | 16784 | 14-03-2013 |
Climate change (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 2774 | 28-02-2013 |
graysonline solar (Technology) | 2 | 14877 | 28-02-2013 |
What the USA Government has been working on to mitigate the problem (Technology) | 8 | 18686 | 21-02-2013 |
Hurricanes Worldwide 1970-2012 (Climate debate in general) | 10 | 13515 | 01-02-2013 |
China's climate change policy (Climate Policy) | 0 | 14886 | 24-01-2013 |
REDD status? (Climate Policy) | 2 | 15696 | 17-01-2013 |
Accumulated Cyclone Energy worldwide (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 8226 | 23-12-2012 |
Corporate Spies (Climate debate in general) | 1 | 5278 | 20-12-2012 |
A recent development in energy security (Climate debate in general) | 5 | 8429 | 03-12-2012 |
What are the suggestions (Climate Policy) | 2 | 15588 | 01-12-2012 |
A climatic geo portal for every point in the world (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3344 | 28-11-2012 |
Pacing the Planet (Events etc.) | 0 | 15164 | 21-08-2012 |
updated climatic data (Climate debate in general) | 0 | 3303 | 15-08-2012 |
UAH reveals UrbAn Heat (Climate debate in general) | 6 | 9367 | 29-05-2012 |
Where should we expect UHI in temperature data 1979-2009? (Climate debate in general) | 6 | 6078 | 12-05-2011 |
Accuracy of climate model predictions: links (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 4368 | 11-05-2011 |
Climate configurations (Climate debate in general) | 5 | 4255 | 11-05-2011 |
Time for Edit and self censorship (Debate about | 0 | 15304 | 20-02-2011 |
Censorship (Debate about | 1 | 15195 | 18-02-2011 |
chemtrails or fixing the sky with flawed technologies (Climate debate in general) | 2 | 6195 | 16-02-2011 |
Climate sensitivity to CO2 and other greenhouse gases (Explanations) | 1 | 15435 | 16-02-2011 |
Peer-reviewed science papers showing sea level rise (Consequences) | 0 | 16846 | 15-02-2011 |
Denmark needs Africa (Climate Policy) | 2 | 16722 | 30-01-2011 |
Stand Up Take Action 2010. (Climate Policy) | 0 | 16267 | 30-08-2010 |