Report : Climate Change and Global serious errors of designing technology .08-01-2014 16:47 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
( PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I WERE WRONG ) The atmosphere of the earth = 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases . The atmosphere of the earth = total atmosphere of all countries so each country basically have to create 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases base on the area of that country . We can call the plant create O2 value and decrease CO2 value base on the area of 1 country is A1 , original O2 /CO2 value of country A without the appearance of citizens of A . When citizens of country A appear , they use O2 and create CO2 so country A have to create O2 value and decrease CO2 value for citizens of A , then citizens of A destroy tree / plant of country A ( build house , build road , .... ) so country A have to restoring O2value and decreasing CO2 value of tree / plant when they destroy tree / plant .I call this is A2 value - O2 / CO2 value of country A must have for the appearance of citizens of country A . So real O2 / CO2 value of country A or A0 = A1 "+" A2 Ex : we have 1 original Earth ( without human kind ) which 1000 plants . Total water of original Earth is 1000 gallons . Here for easiest , I choose 1000 trees . This is a fresh environment , no pollution . And then human kind appear , we destroy environment to build our society , example use trees to make furniture , destroy trees to build a house , here I choose human destroy 500 trees . 1 tree absorb 1 gallon water .Human kind use water , here I choose human use 100 gallons water . North Pole and South Pole , ice is thawing , I choose total water is 100 gallons . Temperature of 1 tree = 21 C degree , 1 human being = 37 C degree . 1 mature tree give O2 enough to 2 human being and here human = 100 persons human use 50 cars , 6 trees can decrease CO2 of 1 car.Earth weight 1000 lbs , every day human use 10 lbs petrol/gas , petrol made from oil , we use petrol /gas meant our engine / house burn petrol/gas . , . So : The total water of Earth ( can make flood , rising sea water ) : 1000 + 500 – 100 + 100 = 1500 gallons water because original Earth have 1000 gallons , destroy 500 meant 500 gallons are not absorbed by trees , 500 gallons water come back to sea , atmosphere , - 100 because human use 100 gallons , + 100 because ice is thawing .... . That's why sea water is rising . A0 = A1 "+" A2 : to restore fresh environment , our Earth must have : 1000 trees ( original Earth ) + ( 100 trees / 2 ) + ( 50 * 6 )= 1350 trees . Tree here is a representation of O2 / CO2 value . The temperature of the Earth = average temperature of each position of the Earth . So 1 person 37 C degree stand near 1 tree 21 C degree => average temp of this position = (37 + 21 )/2= 29 C degree . So decrease the temperature of each position on this world is really important if we want to decrease the temperature of our hot Earth .Earth is hot , 80% come from sea . 1 day , human burn 10lbs petrol/gas , we decrease weight of Earth everyday , weight of Earth = 1000 – 10 = 9990 lbs . Earth is hot 80% come from sea because weight of Earth is decreased everyday but the core's temperature of Earth doesn't change , between water and rock , stone , water is easiest to become hot , that's why Ocean become hot .THIS IS THE MAIN EXAMPLE I USE TO ANALYZE THE DESIGN OF NOAA'S BUILDING CENTER FOR WEATHER AND CLIMATE PREDICTION . Sea water is rising . We destroy alot of forest and to many lands become desert. Trees absorbs fresh water . If we call trees are absorbing water sources so when we decrease absorbing water sources , of course sea water is rising a little . And land with living trees will absorb more water than desert . My formula need a lot of trees it's meant trees can absorbs a lot of water . Tree , plant are the connection between sea water and CO2 , we want sea water become lower and decreasing CO2, we need more absorbing water and CO2 sources and trees are the best , plants are the second . Today , structure of CO2 = original CO2 value ( before human kind appear ) and additional CO2 come from oil , coal , gas , ...... , human . Oil , coal , ... all things are under the ground before human kind appear . The additional CO2 value from oil , gas , coal are the new part of material , add to the original atmosphere of the Earth before human kind appear . North Pole and South Pole , ice is thawing , this is the new part of sea water supply to the original sea water ( before human kind appear ) . We have 2 / CO2 value of country A or A0 = A1 "+" A2 Human kind is thing that original Earth don't have . We have more sea water come from Ice that original Earth don't have .We have CO2 come from oil , petrol , coal , .... That original Earth don't have . A2 is a thing that original Earth don't have but with more sea water and more CO2 value from coal , oil , .... I meant we have more material , the material we use to remove the pollution of human kind from inside the Earth and Ice . ( The CO2 from oil , coal , ... is a material to create more O2 ) . It's a really difficult job but we have a lot of deserts can become absorbing water and CO2 sources . Decreasing CO2 will never solve climate change . Continue to make people and all governments understand about global warming like that is a crime . Continue to solve global warming by decreasing CO2 will make it destroy the whole world .I don't want to see the world think they are doing good things in NEXT 40 or 50 years but finally have a really bad result .We need to warn the world , at least with decreasing CO2 solution . For 1 country : 1 country need to create the original O2 value of that country + O2 value for activities of citizens of that country . 1 country need to decrease CO2 value just like the original country did and decrease CO2 value of activities of citizens of that country . All of our governments gather in many meeting and talk about " decreasing CO2 " but sadly , decreasing CO2 will never can stop climate change . Only restore a environment base on a correct formula of rate of CO2 , O2 , .... just like a atmosphere before human kind appear , land and trees , plants must absorb more water to decrease total water on this Earth , prevent rising sea water . More plants , trees are best for each position on this Earth will help to decrease average temperature of every position on this Earth . A1 , A2 , A0 this formula look like the conversation of mass when weight of Earth is decreasing every day . ![]() Ex : we have 2 area A and B , area A= area B= 4 parts . We plant A only with grass and plant B , 2 parts use grass and 2 parts use very high trees . Of course value of O2 and CO2 of B area > value of O2 and CO2 of A area because high tree always give more O2 and decrease CO2 better than grass . But according to , mass of O2 of atmosphere = (1.2 x 1018 kg) , we can finish Oxygen in 15 000 years . So here , we can stop focus on Oxygen and pay attention on CO2 – subject of all climate summits When we destroy a forest and use wood to make many things , we leave wild grass and low height tree . But wild grass and low height tree taller a lot than grass we plant in of our building , and value of O2 and CO2 of wild grass and low height tree > O2 and CO2 of grass in front of a building because people usually cut grass every weak . It's meant grass of building worse than wild grass and low height tree of a destructive forest. When architectures destroy tree/plant and build many famous places such as White House , NATO headquarter , WHO , United Nation , .... , our architectures didn't compare the value of O2/CO2 of tree / plant they destroy ,this is A1 and O2/CO2 of tree / plant they re – create around the building after they build the building , we call this is A2 . When people work in that building , they and their cars use O2 and create CO2 , I call this is A3 so tree / plant of that area must : A0 = A2 + A3 , A2 must = A1 or O2 / CO2 of plants they re –create must = original O2 / CO2 of plants which they destroyed . I will analyze 1 best building and it's environment before and after they build the building : NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction , this building finish in 2009 with 50 acres – section and 26 acres for grassland . ![]() Google Earth image . This is image of NOAA . Above are original place of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction , beforeUS build NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, Maryland and after they build the building . Sadly , the architecturedon't know about the original O2/CO2 come from this area . 3 buildings , only 1 have a chance to restore the original environment but the architecture don't take this opportunity for a better environment , they use this for worse environment . This things is a serious errors all around this world when they choose grassland . NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction have 800 employees include staff work inside the building ." More than 50 percent of the roof surface covered with plants, including chive, sedum, and flowers for better insulation and protection " ( Credit : NOAA ) I use Google Earth for measuring and I have 26 acres of grassland so I only analyze the 26 acres section to find out did US government protect the environment or not The original place ( A + B + C = 26 acres ) before US government build are 26 acres of trees and wild grass area. With black white image , I estimate 1 acre of tree have 300 mature trees and 2/3 area for grass . "A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs per year- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993 On average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four. Environment Canada, Canada's national environmental agency So 26 acres( A + B + C = 26 acres ) of trees with 300 trees per acre = 26 * 300 = 7800 trees . In 1 year , 26 acres of trees absorb : 7800 *48 = 374400 lbs CO2 . In 1 year , 26 acres of tree produce : 7800 * 260 = 2028000 lbs O2 . ![]() Mature grasslands sequester 2400 - 3600 lbsCO2 per acre each year – Technical Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Managed Turfgrass in the United State ,Dr . RanajitSahu , 2008 at the request of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute . It is estimated that a 50 by 50 foot lawn (2,500 square feet), releases enough oxygen for a family of four, while absorbing carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and perosyacetyle nitrate This means that one square foot of grass will produce approximately half a kilogram of oxygen a day . Because wild grass / native plants usually grow under the trees so I estimate 2/3 of 260acres are wild grass / native plants .2/3 of 26 acres are wild grass / native plants . It's meant about 17 acres are wild grass / native plants . 1 acre = 43560 square feet .I will choose lowest CO2 value for wild grass and native plants : 2400 lbs CO2 per acre per year . In 1 year , 17 acres of wild grass / native plants absorb : 2400 * 17 = 40800lbs CO2 . In 1 year , 17 acres of wild grass / native plants produce : 43560 * 0.5 * 17 * 365 = 135144900 kg O2 . 1 kg = 2.2 lbs so 135144900 kg = 135144900 * 2.2 = 297318780lbsO2 . ![]() The original O2 value of 26 acres before US build NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction are :2028000 + 297318780 =299346780 lbs O2 for creating O2 per year . The original CO2 value of 26 acres before Us build NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction are :374400 + 40800 = 415200lbs CO2 for decreasing CO2 per year . ![]() After US build NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction , they choose grassland in front of the building : If US use best grass type and I choose highest CO2 value according Dr .RanajitSahu : 3600 CO2 lbs per year so the value of CO2 of 26 acres of grassland can absorb of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction : 26 * 3600 = 93600 lbs CO2 per year . And the value O2 of 26 acres of grassland :43560 * 0.5 * 365 * 26 = 206692200 kg O2 . 1 kg = 2.2 lbs so 206692200 * 2.2 = 454722840 lbsO2 . ![]() NASA assumes each person needs 1.9 pounds of oxygen per day , I choose 2 lbs O2 for short . Employees in US work 5 days per week and 12 days for annual leave ( Wiki ) .1 year = 52 weeks = 365 days So total day 800 employee work at NOAA per year is :365 – ( 52 * 2 ) – 12 = 249 days 800 employees work 249 days and each employee work 8 hours per day so they need : ( 800 * 2 lbs O2 )* 249 = ( 800* 2 ) * 249 / 3 = 398400 lbs O2 / 3 =132800 lbs per year . According to Wiki , 1 person emit approximately 2.3 CO2 lbs per day per person so value of CO2 800 employee of NOAA work 249 days and each employee work 8 hours per day is : ( 2.3 * 800 ) * 249 / 3 = 152720 lbs per year . A car emit about 8.2 kg CO2 per one gallon of gasoline. A car in US emit average 16,940 pounds CO2 per year. 800 employees work 249 days in NOA A Center for Weather and Climate Prediction .If 800 employees use cars so the CO2 pollution value of NOAA's employees when they use car to go to work is : ( 16940 / 365 * 249 ) * 800 = 9245063 lbs CCO2 per year . 9245063 lbs CO2 is a estimate CO2 value when 800 employees of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction go to work by cars . According to A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.3 pounds and is comprised of 87% Carbon (C) and 13% HydrogenA CO2 molecule has one carbon atom (atomic weight 12) and two oxygen atoms (atomic weight of 16 each). A carbon atom has a weight of 12, and each oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of CO2 an atomic weight of 44 (12 from carbon and 32 from oxygen). Therefore, to calculate the amount of CO2 produced from a gallon of gasoline, the weight of the carbon in the gasoline is multiplied by 44/12 or 3.7. Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87). We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2. A H2O molecule has two Hydrogen atoms (atomic weight 1) and one oxygen atom (atomic weight of 16 each). Each Hydrogen atom has a weight of 1, and the oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of H20 an atomic weight of 18 (2 from Hydrogen and 16 from oxygen). Therefore, to calculate the amount of H2O produced from a gallon of gasoline, the weight of the Hydrogen in the gasoline is multiplied by 18/2 or 9. Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the Hydrogen in a gallon of gasoline weighs 0.8 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .13). We can then multiply the weight of the Hydrogen (0.8 pounds) by 9, which equals 7 pounds of H2O or water and water vapor. How is 21 pounds of Oxygen removed from the atmosphere?: The combined total weight of the CO2 and the H2O produced by the burning of one gallon of gasoline is 27 pounds. Since we started with one gallon of gas that weighed 6.3 pounds, the amount of Oxygen converted to H2O or CO2 by burning the gasoline is (27-6.3) or 21.7 pounds. This 21 pounds of breathable Oxygen was removed from the atmosphere by passing through your car's air filter, through the engine, and out the tailpipe as H2O and CO2. So each 20 lbs CO2 we need 21.7 lbsO2 .9245063 lbs CO2 is a estimate CO2 value when 800 employees of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction go to work by cars so the value of O2 we need is : 9707316 lbs O2 . So this is the total info : ![]() The 26 acres of trees / wild grass / native plants of original of NOAA can absorb 4.42 % CO2 of 800 employees and 800 cars every year when they work or go to NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction . The 26 acres of grassland in front of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction ( after US build the building ) can absorb < 1% CO2 of employees and 800 cars every year when they work or go to NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction because 1% of 9397783 = 93977.83 and I estimate CO2 value grassland can absorb is 93600 lbs .We don't care about O2 . Things really need is how many lbs CO2 we can decrease .The design of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction area decrease smaller CO2 than the original area of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction area . It's not good when CO2 level are increasing everyday . Next I will calculate the water can absorb by plants between 26 acres original area and 260 acres grassland after they build NOAA . I will choose the wild grass / native plants can absorb half of mas of water the present grass type of NOAA can absorb and in 1 day have 1 time rain . The average 10,000-square-foot lawn can absorb more than 6,000 gallons of water from a rainfall event, limiting the potential for runoff. (University of Missouri Extension). [color=blue]1 acre = 43560 square foot so 26 acres can absorb : (43560 / 10000 ) * 26 * 6000 = 4.356 * 26 * 6000 = 679536 gallons water in 1 day have 1 time rain[/color] – the is mass of water 26 acres of grassland can absorb in 1 day in front of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction . The building is a candidate for silver certification by the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED™ Green Building Rating System( Source– NOAA ) . And original area of 26 acres in front of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction : Because 17 acres of wild grass and native plant can absorb half of mass of water the present grass type in front of NOAA Center for weather and Climate prediction can absorb so 17 original acres of wild grass and native plant can absorb : ( 43560 / 10000 ) * 17 * 3000 = 4.356 * 17 * 3000 = 222156 gallons water . According to multi – sources : American forest organization : . North Carolina State University : .......... 1 tree can absorb 50 – 100 gallons water per day .date of the black and white picture , base on Google Earth – history image are 23rd April 1989 . And I choose 7800 trees here are adult trees , which 1 tree can absorb 100 gallons water per day . [b]So 7800 adult trees of 26 original acres can absorb : 7800 * 100 = 780000 gallons water .[/b] ![]() If 7800 trees are young trees absorb 50 gallons water each tree so total water 7800 trees can absorb : 7800 * 50 = 39000 gallons water . So the total water the original 26 acres of NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction can absorb in 1 day is : 222156 + 390000 = 612156 gallons water if all the trees are young trees . 222156 + 780000 = 1002156 gallons water if all the trees are mature trees . ![]() When I take a look at this image with the date : 1989 I really think that all trees are mature trees , can absorb 100 gallons water per day per tree . Even if someone estimate 1 acre only have 120 trees , the value of CO2 can absorbed by trees can be 149760 lbs per year and bigger than ..... , this still a really bad design environment . Generally , about CO2 and water , the design of 26 acres in front of this building is bad . ![]() All the small images in the picture are National Research Council of Canada , five building , five area , how many lbs CO2 can be decreased ? I don't know . Do they do CO2 research level every day ?Do they have a speech at Climate summit 2013 at Warsaw ?Except all the areas , in the future they will build something , if not they're really bad area when we think about Climate Change , Rising Sea Water . ![]() This is National Academy of Sciences , 2101 Constitution Ave., NW , Washington , DC and The National Academies' Beckman Conference Center, Irvine, California . Scientists and architecture , US Green Building Council' LEED don't know about the formula , that's why they're wrong about good building definition in Climate Change Age . Even scientists can have a problem like that , how can we hope human can solve Climate change when even in front of their eyes , they can have a problem like that . ![]() Reichstag building – German and National Congress of Brazil both have Pritzker Prize and both have the same problem like NOAA CWCP . ![]() Cambridge University on the left and NATO Headquarter on the right have the same problem like NOAA CWCP . ![]() The positions are Central park of USA , a park in UAE , an un know name park ,......If we design a park like this , it's better than we keep the original area , don't touch anything . This problem appear all around the world . On my blogspot , I have about 193 building have the same problem , a lot of universities around this world , a lot of industrial area have the same design like NOAA CWCP , a lot of parks ...... and more inside my computer . If we fix all the areas have problem , we can raise our head when talk about Climate Change at Climate summit , if not it's just like a joke when government , scientist talk about Climate , CO2 level , ..... Please do not think too far , look at your position you're working right now or your home first . How many position on this world can have this problem ? The US, a country of around 301 million people has around 125 million houses [all housing data come from the American Housing Survey of the United States, published by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development every two years, most recently in August 2006, available here]. So in US , at least more than 1 million positions have this type of problem like NOAA CWCP because all the architecture found a area with trees , destroyed that place , build a house and than place some trees of course will smaller than number of trees original area . I don't want to talk about this . All I want to say are all public buildings belong to government , parks , organizations , universities , companies , industrial area ( I found a lot off positions inside my country and outside my country ), non government organization , buildings , school , college , ....... On my blogspot , I have more than 193 positions belong to many countries , on my PC , I have more than that , ..... Perhaps around this world can have 193 000 position like this or more than that , 1 000 000 position , ...... I really hope all organizations when you have this document will help me officially talk about this problem to help the world fix this problem .When Climate is Changing , and Climate Summit at Warsaw have a amazing result enough to disappoint people , keep silent about this look like a crime when we can fix a lot of positions have this problem .Really huge problem . For more info and more images please go to : Huynh PhuDat , Vietnam Id : 023750260 Email Address : 16 street 49 . Tan Tao ward .Binh Tan District . Ho Chi Minh city .Vietnam . Edited on 08-01-2014 16:54 |
08-01-2014 16:56 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
Before I post this topic on this forum , I already try to contact a lot of environment like EEA , EPA , Worldwatch Institute , Greenpeace science unit , EPA , US green Building Council LEED , Friends of the Earth International , Environmental Working Group , Inside Climate news , Natural Resources Defense Council , .... because I hope 1 of them will help me to talk about this problem , but none of them reply me . We protect environment , it's meant we will decrease more CO2 value or decrease less CO2 like NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction ? So when I post this report here , I hope I can find someone is a scientist , , an architecture , a reporter or anyone working in a environmental organization help me tell your organization about this problem . Help me warn the world . For an architecture , this is a problem about green standard , I contact US Green Building Council LEED , but they don't reply me . For a reporter , if you interesting in this subject , you can go to my blogspot for more info . My name is Huynh PhuDat , amateur scientist , Vietnam ID : 023750260 My email . |
14-01-2014 02:52 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
A0 = A1 + A2 We can call this is conversion of mass of CO2 and O2 . |
17-01-2014 08:41 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
![]() I have a question : Do US Green Building Council have a standard that how much CO2 must be absorb by the environment around the building ? I hope someone here will answer my question |
24-01-2014 03:45 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
When we do research Climate research , we have many results just like the temperature of Earth or many locations , areas increase or decrease , we know how strong a storm , tornado is , the speed of storm ,we know how many storm ..... . We know ocean , plants absorb CO2 / water and create O2 , ..... . We have many data system . It's really good . I – Huynh Phu Dat really respect your works , scientific work . And than many scientific reports appear on many respective magazine like Nature , ..... . with amazing definition for solving Climate Change : decreasing CO2 will solve Climate Change . I can't understand why all of you – real scientist - do that . Why tell your governments and human kind a answer like that ? We need focus more on Climate Change and CO2 / water are main problems . Even how great the data results you have , about Earth , Plants , Ocean , Atmosphere , .... Please realize : the CO2 of atmosphere is increasing because ocean , plants , land , ........CAN'T ABSORB ALL CO2 , Or : Value of CO2 pollution of human kind > Value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb . Well done , NOAA CWCP when finished NOAA CWCP building at 2009 . And Value of CO2 pollution of human kind minus Value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb => value of CO2 pollution increased of atmosphere . If the value of ocean , plants , land , ...... totally absorb 1 lbs CO2 every year . And we create 2 lbs CO2 every year . So ocean , plants , land absorb 1 lbs CO2 . 2 – 1 = 1 . 1 lbs is a value that ocean , plants , land , .... can't absorb . Solving CO2 pollution by decreasing CO2 emission sound great and what is the limit of CO2 that land , ocean , plants can absorb? Can 7 000 000 000 human kind decrease CO2 pollution to the limit of CO2 than land , ocean , plants , ..... can absorb ? Please remember we destroy forest everyday and our population is increasing every day . China is a very polluted 1 billions citizens country , it's nice to see China now allow family can have more than 1 child , what will happen with polluted 2 600 000 000 citizens country ? What is the limit of China's population base on China's area ? What is the limit of the population the world should have ? Shall the population should keep about 5 or 6 billion . Is it the time we stop increase population ? Is each country base on area , have a limit of population and population of each country should smaller than that because of limit of CO2's pollution of each country include land , plants , ocean , ..... can absorb . I don't believe CO2 pollution of human can decrease equal with value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb at least in next 5 or 10 years . Perhaps we can't solve all human pollution , but begin with small part like building , we can have a better hope . I am working with part 2 . I hope I can finish this work in 2 or 3 days . |
24-01-2014 05:01 | |
Huynh Phu Dat☆☆☆☆☆ (7) |
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