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27-04-2022 17:23
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
HarveyH55 wrote:
We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share.

I like poetry Harvey and I wrote a high koo:

There once was a person named seelover
Who thoght climate change was real
He came to debate
And them met his fate
And now all he does is sqeel


27-04-2022 19:15
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share.

I like poetry Harvey and I wrote a high koo:

There once was a person named seelover
Who thoght climate change was real
He came to debate
And them met his fate
And now all he does is sqeel


I appreciate poetry as well, and I only wish to encourage ... however ...

This is not a Haiku. This is a limerick.

There once was an Irish immigrant named Finnigan,
Who escaped from a prison in Michigan,
He committed crimes by the dozen,
He even stole from his cousin,
Which explains why he's right back in ag'in.

... but please, by all means, keep working on it.
27-04-2022 21:41
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share.

I like poetry Harvey and I wrote a high koo:

There once was a person named seelover
Who thoght climate change was real
He came to debate
And them met his fate
And now all he does is sqeel


Where has Climate gone?
Moraine Farms melting away.
Save us, dear Climate!
27-04-2022 22:27
A wannabe scientist we call him seal over,
His brain is so scattered a bit of a rover.

Intellectual conversation he will not engage,
He only knows buzzwords, gibberbabble and rage.

So proud of his work gamma specing the clover.
28-04-2022 02:40
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
A wannabe scientist we call him seal over,
His brain is so scattered a bit of a rover.

Intellectual conversation he will not engage,
He only knows buzzwords, gibberbabble and rage.

So proud of his work gamma specing the clover.

I was asked about my order by the auditor,
for a handheld gamma spectrometer
The Raymon10 was high on the worth,
I will save humanity and Earth,
and by night be disguised as the janitor.

28-04-2022 02:57
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
gfm7175 wrote:
GretaGroupie wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share.

I like poetry Harvey and I wrote a high koo:

There once was a person named seelover
Who thoght climate change was real
He came to debate
And them met his fate
And now all he does is sqeel


Where has Climate gone?
Moraine Farms melting away.
Save us, dear Climate!

squeal over wrote: A toxic witch's brew will be the immediate result, although capable of rapid self attenuation. An exceptionally high pH initial mix could contain toxic concentrations of arsenic, boron, selenium, even hexavalent chromium (of natural origin).

Ralph had discovered : 5
Hexavalent Chromium :7
A toxic witch's brew :5

28-04-2022 03:23
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
gfm7175 wrote:
Where has Climate gone?
Moraine Farms melting away.
Save us, dear Climate!

squeal over wrote: These sick sociopaths have no other option that they are aware of.
A dopamine rush for the WORST behavior.

It's a dopamine rush. :5
It's what sociopaths do. :7
The WORST behavior. :5

Attached image:

28-04-2022 06:55
IBdaMann wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
A wannabe scientist we call him seal over,
His brain is so scattered a bit of a rover.

Intellectual conversation he will not engage,
He only knows buzzwords, gibberbabble and rage.

So proud of his work gamma specing the clover.

I was asked about my order by the auditor,
for a handheld gamma spectrometer
The Raymon10 was high on the worth,
I will save humanity and Earth,
and by night be disguised as the janitor.


seal over said he MUST go high tech,
So IBdaMann bought the BEST gamma spec.
With their life savings spent his wife got REALLY pissed.
She hit and she kicked as she hollered and HISSED.
And with her crushing right hook he's out cold on the DECK.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 28-04-2022 06:56
28-04-2022 15:59
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
We should rename this

Where has all the climate gone
All of those gases
Where has all the climate gone
So long ago

Where has all the climate gone
Gone to seelovers grasping
When will he ever learn
When will he ever learn
When will he eeeeeeeeeeeeeever learn

(the prof made me listen to the mamas ans the papas - yuk!)

28-04-2022 17:39
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:seal over said he MUST go high tech,
So IBdaMann bought the BEST gamma spec.
With their life savings spent his wife got REALLY pissed.
She hit and she kicked as she hollered and HISSED.
And with her crushing right hook he's out cold on the DECK.

squeal over was pitching his panic
GasGuzzler relaxed in his hammock
Twas just a matter of when
They'd call on old Sven
To testify that carbon's not organic.

28-04-2022 23:15
Sven was so brilliant and no PhD!
"There is no acid in oceans or sea!"
The jury was quiet and heard every word
They all agreed that sqeal over's absurd.
Climate change is a hoax was the final decree.

It was no doubt a big court win
And Sven came over for grilled loin and gin.
He drank all my beer with potatoes and toast
But I'm sure it was me who enjoyed it the most
sqeal over is done, God will deal with his sin
Edited on 29-04-2022 00:04
29-04-2022 16:35
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Sven was so brilliant and no PhD!
"There is no acid in oceans or sea!"
The jury was quiet and heard every word
They all agreed that sqeal over's absurd.
Climate change is a hoax was the final decree.

It was no doubt a big court win
And Sven came over for grilled loin and gin.
He drank all my beer with potatoes and toast
But I'm sure it was me who enjoyed it the most
sqeal over is done, God will deal with his sin

This news is very warming to my heart
More relieving than releasing a big fart
It is the best news that I've ever heard
Only behind God's saving Word
Squeal over lost big, now cashiers at Wal-Mart

I swung by Wal-Mart for a peek
at Squeal over and the goods I seek
I'm from Wisconsin, haven't ya heard?
With seas of milk and the best cheese curd
Squeal over's squeal is now but a squeak.
29-04-2022 17:43
gfm7175 wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Sven was so brilliant and no PhD!
"There is no acid in oceans or sea!"
The jury was quiet and heard every word
They all agreed that sqeal over's absurd.
Climate change is a hoax was the final decree.

It was no doubt a big court win
And Sven came over for grilled loin and gin.
He drank all my beer with potatoes and toast
But I'm sure it was me who enjoyed it the most
sqeal over is done, God will deal with his sin

This news is very warming to my heart
More relieving than releasing a big fart
It is the best news that I've ever heard
Only behind God's saving Word
Squeal over lost big, now cashiers at Wal-Mart

I swung by Wal-Mart for a peek
at Squeal over and the goods I seek
I'm from Wisconsin, haven't ya heard?
With seas of milk and the best cheese curd
Squeal over's squeal is now but a squeak.


Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
29-04-2022 17:50
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
gfm7175 wrote:
This news is very warming to my heart
More relieving than releasing a big fart
It is the best news that I've ever heard
Only behind God's saving Word
Squeal over lost big, now cashiers at Wal-Mart

I swung by Wal-Mart for a peek
at Squeal over and the goods I seek
I'm from Wisconsin, haven't ya heard?
With seas of milk and the best cheese curd
Squeal over's squeal is now but a squeak.

Wow what great poems everyone but GFM I am amazed at your use of the word fart!

We are such a creative group.

Good job eveyone

29-04-2022 18:12
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
Thank you kindly, both of you. I feel it is appropriate to do one of ITN's "humble bows"...

**humble bow**
29-04-2022 18:54
"Don't talk physics, I will be snoring.
Acidification of the ocean is soaring!
I will only copy and paste.
Defining my buzzwords, of time such a waste!"
Sorry you find my library boring."
Edited on 29-04-2022 18:56
RE: An example of how to do it well03-05-2022 23:04
An example of how to do it well

I was very new to this site when James posted this.

I was impressed, but humbled.

I think actually a few of these individuals were banned from a political forum and found a home here. I think I do understand the basis of natural climate change. It's as ITN once told me, I can't understand the Gulf Stream if I haven't been there. And yet I have sailed it on a freighter.
At the moment, IMO the entire climate debate became politicized when Al Gore got involved. With that said, it should actually be a discussion which isn't happening. Debates are about winning an argument. And what most people who are concerned with climate change do not consider, what about sustainability or conservation? These guys hate me because they say I'm an environmentalist.
That's worse than saying climate change or we need to lower CO2. They simply don't understand what they're talking about because they were exiled from a political forum.[/quote][/quote]

There are basically 2 issues. How to change a political debate into a discussion?
And many people will not want to change their political view.
The 2nd issue is the science can be complicated. There are natural variations to regional climate variations. As an example, in another 100 to 200 years, the Delaware River will probably start freezing over again like it did in the mid 1700's.
Astrophysics actually explains that or just understanding moment of inertia. Basically if you have something that weighs 5.972 × 10^24 kg and rotates at 460 meters/second and orbits the Sun at 29.8 km/s, how does a shift of its mass influence those numbers?
With astrophysics then understanding the orbital velocity and the acceleration of the Sun's gravity needs to be considered. Then after this, how do aerosols influence the ozone layer? Then there's depletion of ground water, denuding forests, etc. which change refraction.
With refraction, a desert refracts light differently than a green space. Also vegetation absorbs solar radiation and converts CO2 and H2O into C6H12O6 while also creating fiber.
Basically there is no simple easy to understand answer.[/quote]



I am humbled.

Truth is I AM arrogant, and didn't think any of my peers were here yet.


A complete clear science lesson in a single paragraph.


God, man. You are GOOD at this.

And you know what else is cool about it?

Both of us know what all the buzzword gibber babble means!

The trolls will have no idea what we are talking about.

And YOU are GOOD at this.

Holy cow!


This last section of the post was sealover responding to James.
RE: IdaBM is just a symptom of the problem29-09-2022 21:09
Im a BM
trafn wrote:
Who is IBdaMann?

I am trafn, and I have been here posting on for many weeks now. I started this thread as a resource for new members so that they will have a better understanding of what to expect when they interact with other members here. To that end, I will give you my experienced impression of IBdaMann.

IBdaMann is a troll who is trying to prevent meaningful, adult-like discussion of climate change science from happening here on He does so by using the following tactics:

1. When you first post here, he will respond in an inquisitive, seemingly friendly manner that is designed to engage you in further conversation.

2. His follow-up posts are dominated by repeatedly asking others to "define" what they are talking about, and when they do, he merely requests more definitions. He does this so as to create a state of confusion in the conversation and, thereby, he blocks meaningful discussion.

3. He likes to demand an impossible level of proof, commonly by citing Karl Poopers "Falsifiable Models,'' as to the existence of climate change science. Since this is still a relatively new field of study less than 50 years old, there is not enough data yet to provide such global, big-picture proof. Yet, he demands such proof only to obstruct meaningful discussion.

4. When people try to reason with him, he repeatedly insults them as either being religious-based in their ideas, Marxists, or he uses is favorite accusation and calls them a "warmazombie." If you'd like to get an idea of how often he does this, do a search on the word "warmazombie" (without the quotes, of course).

5. He likes to quote faith-based individuals as if they were recognized authorities within the scientific community. Most recently, he did this in two threads where he quoted Cliff Harris:

- and -

If you enjoy interacting with a troll, IBdaMann is probably the most experienced and most challenging troll currently posting on

If you do not enjoy interacting with a troll, I strongly advise against responding to him, and that you support my initiative to ban trolls from this website which is at:

Another post from seven years ago.

IdaBM was already the most pernicious of the vermin infesting the site.

But he is only a symptom of the problem.

The website owner LIKES it this way.

Petitioning him is pointless.

Hoping to somehow shame the shameless is a fool's errand.

Even exposing such as absurd an assertion as "alligators are amphibians"

I just resulted in endless spam of wildlife photos and the claim of victory in the "debate".

Alligators are NOT amphibians.

The atmosphere is NOT a "closed system".

Different gases DO have different capacities to interact with infrared light.

The atmosphere doe NOT behave in any way like an ideal blackbody.

The strongest storm Canada ever recorded hit them this week.

The term "climate change" is valid and meaningful to virtually everyone who has rudimentary knowledge of science.

My favorite quote: "You don't even know what science is".

Dominant troll and second rate sidekick use this line repeatedly.

Anyone with advanced credentials in science and widely cited peer-reviewed publications is merely a gullible puppet of Marxist masters.

This site is attractive to a very selective few who remain entrenched for years as they systematically drive away anyone who doesn't want to engage in a pointless fight that always becomes personal.

Rather than make assertions about scientific reality, their posts usually have sentences that begin with the word "you".

"You are a moron." "You are a liar". "You are a nothing". "You deny science".
" are stupid, uneducated, gullible.." "You don't even know what science is."

This from people who have never earned any kind of scientific degree, have never published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and have certainly never served as peer reviewers for such journals.

These sad losers will never know the joy of opening a new scientific textbook and seeing their name referenced for any important discoveries.

They'll never be able to Google their real names and see where their work has been cited in over a thousand scientific papers.

They'll never get respect for any actual achievements in science.

Outside of this forum, they'll probably never find anyone who gives them credit for even knowing what science is.

The vitriol of the personal attacks suggests serious emotional problems, and probably very sad, empty lives.

Here, they can pretend that they are important and powerful.

They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with PhD scientists applaud them.

They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with students whose faces light up because they just learned something of value that helps them better understand the universe.

But they can claim victory because they proved that alligators ARE amphibians.

The real scumbag is not among the trolls.

Their presence is the predictable result of lousy moderation.

I feel personally betrayed by the website owner.

But all I have to do is get off line and go up into the real world where I get a lot of respect because I DO know what science is.

IdaBM has no idea what that feels like. And he never will.

The author of the above post learned the hard way that there is no way to improve the quality of discussion here if the website owner LIKES it this way.
29-09-2022 22:39
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
trafn wrote:
Who is IBdaMann?

I am trafn, and I have been here posting on for many weeks now. I started this thread as a resource for new members so that they will have a better understanding of what to expect when they interact with other members here. To that end, I will give you my experienced impression of IBdaMann.

IBdaMann is a troll who is trying to prevent meaningful, adult-like discussion of climate change science from happening here on He does so by using the following tactics:

1. When you first post here, he will respond in an inquisitive, seemingly friendly manner that is designed to engage you in further conversation.

2. His follow-up posts are dominated by repeatedly asking others to "define" what they are talking about, and when they do, he merely requests more definitions. He does this so as to create a state of confusion in the conversation and, thereby, he blocks meaningful discussion.

3. He likes to demand an impossible level of proof, commonly by citing Karl Poopers "Falsifiable Models,'' as to the existence of climate change science. Since this is still a relatively new field of study less than 50 years old, there is not enough data yet to provide such global, big-picture proof. Yet, he demands such proof only to obstruct meaningful discussion.

4. When people try to reason with him, he repeatedly insults them as either being religious-based in their ideas, Marxists, or he uses is favorite accusation and calls them a "warmazombie." If you'd like to get an idea of how often he does this, do a search on the word "warmazombie" (without the quotes, of course).

5. He likes to quote faith-based individuals as if they were recognized authorities within the scientific community. Most recently, he did this in two threads where he quoted Cliff Harris:

- and -

If you enjoy interacting with a troll, IBdaMann is probably the most experienced and most challenging troll currently posting on

If you do not enjoy interacting with a troll, I strongly advise against responding to him, and that you support my initiative to ban trolls from this website which is at:

Another post from seven years ago.

IdaBM was already the most pernicious of the vermin infesting the site.

But he is only a symptom of the problem.

The website owner LIKES it this way.

Petitioning him is pointless.

Hoping to somehow shame the shameless is a fool's errand.

Even exposing such as absurd an assertion as "alligators are amphibians"

I just resulted in endless spam of wildlife photos and the claim of victory in the "debate".

Alligators are NOT amphibians.

The atmosphere is NOT a "closed system".

Different gases DO have different capacities to interact with infrared light.

The atmosphere doe NOT behave in any way like an ideal blackbody.

The strongest storm Canada ever recorded hit them this week.

The term "climate change" is valid and meaningful to virtually everyone who has rudimentary knowledge of science.

My favorite quote: "You don't even know what science is".

Dominant troll and second rate sidekick use this line repeatedly.

Anyone with advanced credentials in science and widely cited peer-reviewed publications is merely a gullible puppet of Marxist masters.

This site is attractive to a very selective few who remain entrenched for years as they systematically drive away anyone who doesn't want to engage in a pointless fight that always becomes personal.

Rather than make assertions about scientific reality, their posts usually have sentences that begin with the word "you".

"You are a moron." "You are a liar". "You are a nothing". "You deny science".
" are stupid, uneducated, gullible.." "You don't even know what science is."

This from people who have never earned any kind of scientific degree, have never published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and have certainly never served as peer reviewers for such journals.

These sad losers will never know the joy of opening a new scientific textbook and seeing their name referenced for any important discoveries.

They'll never be able to Google their real names and see where their work has been cited in over a thousand scientific papers.

They'll never get respect for any actual achievements in science.

Outside of this forum, they'll probably never find anyone who gives them credit for even knowing what science is.

The vitriol of the personal attacks suggests serious emotional problems, and probably very sad, empty lives.

Here, they can pretend that they are important and powerful.

They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with PhD scientists applaud them.

They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with students whose faces light up because they just learned something of value that helps them better understand the universe.

But they can claim victory because they proved that alligators ARE amphibians.

The real scumbag is not among the trolls.

Their presence is the predictable result of lousy moderation.

I feel personally betrayed by the website owner.

But all I have to do is get off line and go up into the real world where I get a lot of respect because I DO know what science is.

IdaBM has no idea what that feels like. And he never will.

The author of the above post learned the hard way that there is no way to improve the quality of discussion here if the website owner LIKES it this way.

A lot of domain names are bought, and very minimal. Usually just a link to the owner's main site. Biden bought up quite a few, like '', so nobody else could use it, as expected. Mostly people buy similar names to avoid confusion, and keep related traffic going to their paying sites. Basically, we help the owner, by providing activity/traffic, which assures that the site is in use, and not abandoned/forgotten.

If you spent thousands of your parent's dollars, earning a Phd in Philosophy (partying, hookup sex), what are you going to do, teach a college class, be responsible? I took a couple of easy-'A' level college classes, which they were... But, it wasn't my thing. Here, if you haven't taken any philosophy, it's probably tough to catch the 'humor' intended. But, like anything, a joke is funny, the first time or two. After that, it's stupid and annoying. The repetition here gets old real quick, since there is very little variation. Someone types the 'trigger' word or phrase, and the response is always the same tired joke. Worse, is having to scroll past hundreds of lines of quoted material, just to maybe get to something reasonably fresh, and worth reading.
30-09-2022 00:45
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
IdaBM was already the most pernicious of the vermin infesting the site.

Starting out with insulting people is just trolling.
Im a BM wrote:
But he is only a symptom of the problem.

There is no problem.
Im a BM wrote:
The website owner LIKES it this way.

Insulting the website owner is just trolling as well.
Im a BM wrote:
Petitioning him is pointless.

He ignores you. He knows you are a nothing.
Im a BM wrote:
Hoping to somehow shame the shameless is a fool's errand.

Cliche fallacies. You even managed to make it meaningless.
Im a BM wrote:
Even exposing such as absurd an assertion as "alligators are amphibians"

They are.
Im a BM wrote:
I just resulted in endless spam of wildlife photos and the claim of victory in the "debate".

Because you apparently don't know what 'amiphibian' or 'amphibious' means.
Im a BM wrote:
Alligators are NOT amphibians.

Yes they are.
Im a BM wrote:
The atmosphere is NOT a "closed system".

Yes it is.
Im a BM wrote:
Different gases DO have different capacities to interact with infrared light.

ALL gases absorb infrared light. ALL gases emit infrared light. You can't seem to get your head wrapped around that.
Im a BM wrote:
The atmosphere doe NOT behave in any way like an ideal blackbody.

Nonsense statement. You apparently have no idea what an ideal blackbody is.
Im a BM wrote:
The strongest storm Canada ever recorded hit them this week.

So? A hurricane is not the Earth.
Im a BM wrote:
The term "climate change" is valid and meaningful to virtually everyone who has rudimentary knowledge of science.

Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with climate to change.
Im a BM wrote:
My favorite quote: "You don't even know what science is".

Because you don't.
Im a BM wrote:
Dominant troll and second rate sidekick use this line repeatedly.

Because you don't.
Im a BM wrote:
Anyone with advanced credentials in science

Science isn't a credential, degree, license, certificate, or ordination.
Im a BM wrote:
and widely cited peer-reviewed publications

Science isn't a magazine, book, pamphlet, website, or paper. It does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
Im a BM wrote:
is merely a gullible puppet of Marxist masters.

Science has no politics.
Im a BM wrote:
This site is attractive to a very selective few who remain entrenched for years as they systematically drive away anyone who doesn't want to engage in a pointless fight that always becomes personal.

This entire post of yours is a personal attack. Inversion fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
Rather than make assertions about scientific reality,

Science isn't a buzzword. You don't know what 'reality' means either.
Im a BM wrote:
their posts usually have sentences that begin with the word "you".

Because you attack individuals here. You are trolling.
Im a BM wrote:
"You are a moron." "You are a liar". "You are a nothing". "You deny science".
" are stupid, uneducated, gullible.." "You don't even know what science is."

All describing you.
Im a BM wrote:
This from people who have never earned any kind of scientific degree,

Science isn't a degree.
Im a BM wrote:
have never published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal,

Science isn't a magazine or journal. Science does not use consensus.
Im a BM wrote:
and have certainly never served as peer reviewers for such journals.

Science isn't a magazine or journal. Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
Im a BM wrote:
These sad losers will never know the joy of opening a new scientific textbook

Science isn't a book.
Im a BM wrote:
and seeing their name referenced for any important discoveries.

Science isn't a 'discovery'.
Im a BM wrote:
They'll never be able to Google their real names

I have already Googled my real name. I Googled your real name too.
Im a BM wrote:
and see where their work has been cited in over a thousand scientific papers.

Science isn't a paper.
Im a BM wrote:
They'll never get respect for any actual achievements in science.

Science isn't achievements.
Im a BM wrote:
Outside of this forum, they'll probably never find anyone who gives them credit for even knowing what science is.

I already know what science is. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. You just ignore several of them.
Im a BM wrote:
The vitriol of the personal attacks suggests serious emotional problems, and probably very sad, empty lives.

You are describing yourself.
Im a BM wrote:
Here, they can pretend that they are important and powerful.

You are describing yourself. You are a nothing.
Im a BM wrote:
They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with PhD scientists applaud them.

Science isn't a degree, show, or applause. Galileo wasn't applauded. He was arrested and placed under house arrest for his theories of science and for falsifying the Terracentric universe. Newton was universally despised by people around him, mostly because he was a jerk. Faraday never had any formal training in physics.
Im a BM wrote:
They'll never know the joy of having a room filled with students whose faces light up because they just learned something of value that helps them better understand the universe.

Already have, since I taught classes in electronics and aviation.
Im a BM wrote:
But they can claim victory because they proved that alligators ARE amphibians.

They are.
Im a BM wrote:
The real scumbag is not among the trolls.

It is. It's you.
Im a BM wrote:
Their presence is the predictable result of lousy moderation.

Censorship doesn't work. Only trolls and tyrants demand it.
Im a BM wrote:
I feel personally betrayed by the website owner.

Then why are you here? (I already know)
Im a BM wrote:
But all I have to do is get off line and go up into the real world where I get a lot of respect because I DO know what science is.

No, you don't. Science is not a book, journal, magazine, credential, degree, license, proof, government agency, university, title, nobility, religion, association, political group, economic system, or Universal Truth. Yet you have used the word 'science' to describe all these things.
Im a BM wrote:
IdaBM has no idea what that feels like. And he never will.

Another personal attack. You are doing what you are complaining about.
Im a BM wrote:
The author of the above post learned the hard way that there is no way to improve the quality of discussion here if the website owner LIKES it this way.

Trolling. Whining about the website owner or a user is no argument.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
30-09-2022 02:38
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Robup Northert wrote:Another post from seven years ago.

trafn was banned for trolling. It is fitting that you select him to hold up in reverence.

Robup Northert wrote:IdaBM was already the most pernicious of the vermin infesting the site.

Technically Mickey Mouse is vermin.

Robup Northert wrote:The website owner LIKES it this way.

Both people he banned from this site were trolls who spammed the board as you do, so you should start being more careful.

Robup Northert wrote:Petitioning him is pointless.

Of course. Branner doesn't want censors.

Robup Northert wrote:Hoping to somehow shame the shameless is a fool's errand.

Your spamming of this board and your begging for censorship to silence others who realize you are a troll is covered in the Definition of a Troll

Robup Northert wrote:The term "climate change" is valid and meaningful to virtually everyone who has rudimentary knowledge of science.

Nope. Climate Change is valid only to the scientifically illiterate.

Robup Northert wrote:My favorite quote: "You don't even know what science is".

I'm honored. That was my quote. I remember pointing out to you that you are scientifically illiterate.

Good times.

Robup Northert wrote:"You are a moron." "You are a liar". "You are a nothing". "You deny science"." are stupid, uneducated, gullible.." "You don't even know what science is."

You hear those a lot, don't you. Do I detect an attempt on your part to blame others for your complete lack of education?

Robup Northert wrote:I feel personally betrayed by the website owner.

Did you have some sort of signed contract declaring that he would utilize censorship to protect you?

Robup Northert wrote:But all I have to do is get off line and go up into the real world where I get a lot of respect ...

... except that you are STILL here trolling this board and begging for censorship.

Robup Northert wrote:because I DO know what science is.

Nope. You never could articulate what science is and you could never get any of it right.

Robup Northert wrote:IdaBM has no idea what that feels like. And he never will.

I just had to learn science one time and it was learned. I will never feel manipulated by others who take advantage of my gullibility to do my thinking for me.
30-09-2022 17:51
Robert Wagner
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.
30-09-2022 19:10
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
30-09-2022 19:49
Robert Wagner
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?
Edited on 30-09-2022 19:49
01-10-2022 05:24
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?

LIF. Grow up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
01-10-2022 12:28
Robert Wagner
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?

LIF. Grow up.

Repeatedly talking to yourself? You should see a doctor...
01-10-2022 18:26
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?

LIF. Grow up.

Repeatedly talking to yourself? You should see a doctor...

Mantra 1d. LIF. Grow up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
01-10-2022 18:54
Robert Wagner
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?

LIF. Grow up.

Repeatedly talking to yourself? You should see a doctor...

Mantra 1d. LIF. Grow up.

Gibberish. Troll.
01-10-2022 20:32
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Another self-portrait of yours, I see, troll IBdaLooser.

LIF. Grow up.

Still talking to yourself, troll?

LIF. Grow up.

Repeatedly talking to yourself? You should see a doctor...

Mantra 1d. LIF. Grow up.

...deleted Mantras 1...17...

No argument presented. Trolling.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
01-10-2022 20:56
Robert Wagner
Still talking to yourself?
01-10-2022 21:07
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
...delete Mantra 1d...

No argument presented. Trolling.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
01-10-2022 21:56
Robert Wagner
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
...delete Mantra 1d...

No argument presented. Trolling.

Trolling trolls.
02-10-2022 02:44
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:...delete Mantra 1d...
No argument presented. Trolling.
Trolling trolls.

You are trolling boards. You do not add value.

02-10-2022 10:53
Robert Wagner
IBdaMann wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Robert Wagner wrote:...delete Mantra 1d...
No argument presented. Trolling.
Trolling trolls.

You are trolling boards. You do not add value.

I'm trolling trolls, troll. And you invited me, troll.
18-01-2023 00:04
Interesting How long People are willing to wait to be burned up by the co2 they vent off every day
MajorScammer: There is nothing to worry about, keep doing what you are doing and the world will All be safe and clean and wonderful: every day forever and ever.
Again: keep going doing this type of stuff everyday, talking about it and doing nothing about it
And you will all be just find. Thank you MajorScammer
18-01-2023 00:11
MajorScammer wrote:
Interesting How long People are willing to wait to be burned up by the co2 they vent off every day

I have a tank of CO2 in my garage and it's actually quite cool. Surprisingly enough, it's the same temperature as the air in the garage. I mean, you can't even write this shit! Where can I find some of the flammable variety?

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
18-01-2023 01:35
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
MajorScammer wrote:
Interesting How long People are willing to wait to be burned up by the co2 they vent off every day
MajorScammer: There is nothing to worry about, keep doing what you are doing and the world will All be safe and clean and wonderful: every day forever and ever.
Again: keep going doing this type of stuff everyday, talking about it and doing nothing about it
And you will all be just find. Thank you MajorScammer

People flapping their lips about the gruesome end to all life on the planet. Yet, they still flock (on jet planes) to dozens of conferences and summits every year. Even his majesty, Joe Biden rides around in rented SUVs, the burns them up. Literally torches them. Gretta was about the closest to at least pretending to living the pipe-dream. The people running the show, act like they are running scam. No wonder few take them seriously. Climate-change is for controlling the peasant-class. The wealthy-elite haven't change a thing.
18-01-2023 01:41
I am just a simple MajorScammer So I think that Was just a Wonderful comment about the flammable variety of cool co2 gas But in this case Co1 is what you are looking for not Co2
Or H2 is also flammable if you combine the 2 you get H2o and that is not flammable because it has already been burnt I hope this has been helpful Thank you for your very nice comment
MajorScammer Are all the People on this forum as nice as you?
18-01-2023 01:41
Hi Harvey H55
Maybe somebody should invent a machine that fixed all that
That run on Gravity or magnetic power

Thanks MajorScammer
Edited on 18-01-2023 01:47
18-01-2023 01:51
MajorScammer wrote:
MajorScammer Are all the People on this forum as nice as you?


Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
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