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29-03-2022 06:13
sealover wrote:
I wasn't planning to list my credentials.

But you fall back on them, desperately seeking credibility.

sealover wrote:
My very first posts got multiple response with the same message.

Could that possibly mean anything?

sealover wrote:
I was accused of being a liar, pretending to have knowledge of science.

I'll cut you a slice of slack. You were just preaching what you thought was science.

sealover wrote:
So many comments such as "Go learn some science."

Why do you refuse to learn from these guys? IBdaMann can be an A-hole. Big whoop. He knows his shit. Why not Into the Night? He lives for teaching. He's an outstanding teacher. I submit the reason you refuse to learn from them is that your ego was crushed when you realized you actually DON'T know it all. What Berkley A-hole told you that you did?

sealover wrote:
So, I went ahead and mentioned that I had already spent plenty of time learning science.

Yet, you never even learned what science is.

sealover wrote:
No apologies.

You won't get any. Your attitude of "holier than thou" deserved every sarcasm laced insult flung your way.

sealover wrote:
And the false accusations only become more absurd.

They only became more accurate.

sealover wrote:
And I guess lignin is a carbohydrate and you just cannot reduce sulfate and everything they taught me all those years was just wrong.

Did you never question a professor? Did you just BELIEVE everything they taught you? This is where the religion part of the conversation comes in. Do you understand that? Religions are based in FAITH. You have yet to even define your faith in climate change. Do you BELIEVE CO2 can raise the temperature of the earth? Do you KNOW it can? Please tell us how! This would be a very meaningful debate. Yet you refuse to define your terms or explain your position. Then you pivot around and accuse everyone else of running from debate. You are a spineless turd!

sealover wrote:
But I'm pretty sure this is almost the only thread I ever post on that I did not start myself.

That is because you would rather preach than discuss.

sealover wrote:
Looking at THIS thread, SEVEN YEARS AGO the same names that ruined the website then are still doing it. Very little traffic to this site any more. VERY little.

Then why are you here? You won't be able to attract your large audience with little traffic. Is it possible the majority have lost faith in climate change? No one is scared anymore because the relentless fear mongering falls on deaf ears? Notice how no oceanfront property is underwater? (aside from a storm, obviously)

sealover wrote:
It seems like the goal is to prevent ANY discussion from getting started.

No. The goal is to have a discussion from square one. That means if you make an assertion, DEFINE YOUR TERMS. Otherwise I'm talking venison and IBdaMann is spewing on about peanut butter chicken. We are arguing but unknowingly discussing two different things. Define your terms. Simple stuff.

sealover wrote:
It seems like the goal is just to insult people who care about the future

I care VERY much about the future. It's a HUGE reason why I am here.

sealover wrote:
I would have been happy to be left alone while I posted my gibber babble buzzwords that nobody anywhere was ever required to read.

I'm so terribly sorry you are so disappointed by the content of the free to use forum.

sealover wrote:
But I guess there isn't much else to read around here.

Wait...wasn't it you that was marveling at 80,000 posts?

sealover wrote:
Maybe I should be flattered by the attention, but there is no doubt that insult has been the intention from the start.

You should not try flattery. I promise, it will not help your ego situation.

sealover wrote:
And am I being threatened with banishment for my troll like behavior?

Interesting....Branner send you a message?

sealover wrote:
When was the last time anyone got banned around here?

trafn was before my time, litesong a couple years ago. He was spamming multiple threads with identical "content".

sealover wrote:
I can't stop you from doing what you do.

I hope you don't get banned. Just wish you would define your terms so we could engage in a meaningful conversation.

sealover wrote:
What I truly hate you for is the targeting of your mean spirited attacks

Someone on the internet insulted you. Dude, get a grip.

sealover wrote:
people who want to try to make the world a better place.

Again, define your terms. What is "a better place"?
You have only left me to guess that you think a better world is one with no oil, gas, or any carbon energy. Your "better place" has crushing taxes to pay for government subsidized wind and solar farms (uglier than sin) and 45 minute charge electric cars with a range of 100 miles. You have no comprehension of how gas and oil are the lifeblood of the world as we know it.

I like the world as it was, as it is. I do NOT like where you want to take it. I also know, by way of science, that CO2 has no capability to warm the earth. It is not a powerful gas. It has NO power. None. Learn what heat is, then learn how it flows. It's rather eye opening.

You go drive your green car charged with green energy and save your own back yard. I don't take any issue with that. You don't have the right to tell me what to drive, what to do with my money, or what to do with my land. Step on my land spewing any of that shit and IBdaMann's insults will be a Saturday in the park.

sealover wrote:
Perhaps there is a special place in hell for trolls who ruin these kind of websites.

Perhaps there is a special place on the internet for you to start your own forum. Again, apologies for the disappointment in this forum. I don't get to speak for Branner, but I'd bet my last dollar he would be more than happy to refund any fees you have paid to be a part of this journey.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 29-03-2022 06:43
29-03-2022 12:48
That's exactly what I was going to say
29-03-2022 17:45
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
That's exactly what I was going to say

29-03-2022 18:05
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:IBdaMann can be an A-hole.

If only I'd live up to my potential ...

sealover wrote: Looking at THIS thread, SEVEN YEARS AGO the same names that ruined the website then are still doing it.

seal over, do you realize that you are addressing people who are still here, i.e. they have not left? I'll let that sink in.

sealover wrote:Very little traffic to this site any more. VERY little.

The traffic on this site has remained rather stable/constant.

Then why are you here? You won't be able to attract your large audience with little traffic. Is it possible the majority have lost faith in climate change? No one is scared anymore because the relentless fear mongering falls on deaf ears? Notice how no oceanfront property is underwater? (aside from a storm, obviously)

GasGuzzler wrote: That means if you make an assertion, DEFINE YOUR TERMS. Otherwise I'm talking with Sven Issen and IBdaMann is chewing on peanut butter chicken.

Sven Issen left the board because he felt that I ruined it. Don't worry, I hurled an insult at him as he left.

sealover wrote:It seems like the goal is just to insult people who care about the future

The complimentary insult service is offered to those who really need it but who can't secure proper financing elsewhere.

sealover wrote: I would have been happy to be left alone while I posted my gibber babble buzzwords that nobody anywhere was ever required to read.

Everybody on this site would have been happy to be left alone without your trolling while they posted their "anti-Climate" contrarian views that nobody anywhere was ever required to read.

GasGuzzler wrote: I'm so terribly sorry you are so disappointed by the content of the free to use forum.

Thank you GasGuzzler, this is why we have turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. Anyone who hasn't already done so, please stow your emotional baggage under the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. And also make sure to stay away from your slavemasters' credenza and keep yourself in the full upright position. If you are seated in a thread in which Into the Night is posting, please read carefully the itemized list of fallacies you committing. If you do not wish to perform the functions required to carry an honest discussion, please ask IBDaMann or any of the crew to explain your options.

Validity of assertions is always being monitored. In the event of a logical decompression, a Gamma-Spec will automatically appear in front of you. To start the check for a truth value, pull Wikipedia towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. Although there is nothing correctly or unambiguously defined, hot air is flowing through the mask. If you are travelling with a child or someone scientifically illiterate, indoctrinate him or her first and then secure your mask. Keep your blinders on until someone comes along and asks you what you mean.

We remind you that this is a non-censored flight. Dishonesty is prohibited on the entire board, including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying the rules of discussion at the adults' table is highly discouraged.

We realize that you have choices of where you spend your trolling time, and that you just won't be happy until we're not happy. We wish you a wonderful journey wherever your final destination may take you and if there is anything any of our team can do to make your trip more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to create yet another thread.

- Identity not Defined

sealover wrote: What I truly hate you for is [science]

Good news! I think most already know this.

GasGuzzler wrote:Step on my land spewing any of that shit and IBdaMann's insults will be a Saturday in the park.
Would that be Central Park after sundown?

Your land wouldn't happen to be Disneyworld, would it? Sven Issen only mentioned something about a "Wild Ride."

sealover wrote:Perhaps there is a special place in hell for trolls who ruin these kind of websites.

Attached image:

29-03-2022 22:58
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
I wasn't planning to list my credentials.

Yet you spew your made up 'credentials' constantly, from the very first day you showed up here. Were you planning on lying about it too?
sealover wrote:
My very first posts got multiple response with the same message.
I was accused of being a liar, pretending to have knowledge of science.
So many comments such as "Go learn some science."

It would help if you actually would learn some science (including what science is) instead of cut and pasting with no understanding and making up buzzwords.
sealover wrote:
So, I went ahead and mentioned that I had already spent plenty of time learning science.

You never did. Did you plan to lie here too?
sealover wrote:
No apologies. Just more extreme false accusations.

And the false accusations only become more absurd.

And I guess lignin is a carbohydrate and you just cannot reduce sulfate and everything they taught me all those years was just wrong.

'They' are fellow believers and yes, they are just plain wrong.
sealover wrote:
But I'm pretty sure this is almost the only thread I ever post on that I did not start myself.

You have been spreading the spam on a bit thick.
sealover wrote:
Looking at THIS thread, SEVEN YEARS AGO the same names that ruined the website then are still doing it. Very little traffic to this site any more. VERY little.

It's not ruined. It's still here. You are posting on it.
sealover wrote:
It seems like the goal is to prevent ANY discussion from getting started.

You are welcome to start any discussion. You have already done so.
sealover wrote:
It seems like the goal is just to insult people who care about the future, who care about ANYTHING.

You don't care about anything but yourself.
sealover wrote:
I would have been happy to be left alone while I posted my gibber babble buzzwords that nobody anywhere was ever required to read.

Nobody is required to read any post, including mine. You read it anyway. Ask me how I know.
sealover wrote:
But I guess there isn't much else to read around here.

There is plenty. You might start by reading the posts on the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and how the Church of Global Warming denies these laws of physics.

Reading the rules laid out in the Data Mine thread would help you too.

sealover wrote:
Maybe I should be flattered by the attention, but there is no doubt that insult has been the intention from the start.

And am I being threatened with banishment for my troll like behavior?

No. People have been banned for spamming excessively though.
sealover wrote:
When was the last time anyone got banned around here?

A fellow that was creating numerous socks to sell his religious book, as far as I know so far.
sealover wrote:
I can't stop you from doing what you do.

What I truly hate you for is the targeting of your mean spirited attacks to the very people who want to try to make the world a better place.

Marxism and tyranny do not make the world a better place. Spamming and buzzwords do not make the world a better place.
sealover wrote:
Perhaps there is a special place in hell for trolls who ruin these kind of websites.

What is ruined? You can still post here.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Jeppe Branner is among the target audience05-04-2022 19:40
Jeppe Branner is among the target audience.

Maybe he'll ban a troll such as myself when he sees what I've been posting.

Maybe he was happy with how things were here before March 9, 2022.


IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

RE: Perhaps I too will be disappointed08-04-2022 23:25
Perhaps I too will be disappointed

I had high hopes for Jeppe and what he would want his website to be.

Our discussion had been encouraging.

When I saw the new member "Greta groupie", I thought it was Jeppe doing a poor job of following my suggestion.

I had encouraged him to sign on as a new member, preferably with a name and use of language that suggested a new FEMALE member.

I encouraged Jeppe to identify "herself" as someone who cared about climate change and was interested in learning more about it.

I wanted "her" to say she wanted to learn more about solutions she could help with.

I figured it would be the perfect bait for a gang rape ambush.

Jeppe would instantly have the list of 6 names to ban from posting on this site.

Jeppe would see that it was no joke to suggest that sadism and mental illness are significant contributing factors on full display.

But, it wasn't Jeppe. It is clear who "Greta groupie" is NOT.

Gretagroupie doesn't seem to like the ugly clown kook much.

I noticed even HarveyH55 was willing to admit that ugly clown is a TROLL.

Harvey just didn't think the tree hugger was any better in the particular dispute.

No, Gretagroupie isn't Jeppe.

So, I tried one more tactic.

I'm offering to raise money to BUY this website from Jeppe.

Maybe when he gets back to me the trolls can make him a counter offer.

Something tells me that it wasn't his vision for his website to host ugly clowns.

You must realize at some level how BAD you look to the not-insane observer.

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

09-04-2022 05:12
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Basically, The Church of Climatology, has assigned you the task of shutting down one of the few hold-out sites that still holds on to the truth. You fail in this task, and you'll never get into IPCC.

You have many option to create your own website, some cost nothing, but the time you are will to invest in building something you can be proud of. There is free software, for creating web pages, and services that will do the design work, not too expensive, for the lazy. Yet, you spend more time attacking our community here, instead. We aren't perfect people, but we aren't cult members either. We all think freely for ourselves. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't, who cares. We don't expect everyone to think and believe exactly alike. Yours is a very narrow view of reality. Only one cause, and there can only be one solution. Everyone must agree. I don't see the world that way, nor can I imagine why anyone would want to be that way. Mostly, I work with electronics, as a hobby. I can find a failed component, replace it, and restore function. But, I also try to figure out why that component failed in the first place, what I could do, to avoid future failures, and repeating the same repair.

This is our first inter-glacial to be studied first hand. We don't actually know how it'll progress. It's been warming, since that last ice age. It's not surprising. Since this is the first, we don't know if its linear warming, exponential, or what. Seems like the planet has gone through warming and cooling a couple times in the past, so there are natural controls. It doesn't just run away, out of control. Life managed to endure, and survive the extremes on both ends. Humans, lacking thick fur, probably survived a fairly warm climate, before the ice age. Or maybe just spent much of the long winter in Florida. Many still do every year.

The problem though, is when you narrow your focus, and only look at a few parts of a problem, you are going to miss out on a lot of things, apparently unrelated, but do have a significance. You only want to find the simplest cause, and the quickest repair. Sometimes that works out, just a cheap, Chinese knock-off part to replace with a good one.
09-04-2022 06:12
Nicely put Harvey.Very eloquent
10-04-2022 17:31
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
sealover wrote:
No, Gretagroupie isn't Jeppe.

How weird! This thread was started like umpteen years ago by the guy who got banned and who's book about Greta I'm now reading (with difficulty), and somehow I got confused with Jeppe?

No, I am not Jeppe.

I am my own super hero:

that's what i like about this site
we can talk about a serious topic
without taking ourselves too seriously
RE: Pitcher? Catcher? Who is Who at 04:12
Pitcher? Catcher? Who is Who at

Inquiring minds have wanted to know who is who at for at least seven years now.

But there are some truths that are simply self evident.

Between Parrot Boy, and Ugly Clown Kook, there can be no doubt about which one is the pitcher and which one is the catcher.

And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

The other trolls are helpless without their cult leader and punk bitch sidekick.

The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away.

But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

Are you listening yet like you said you would, Branner?


sealover wrote:
Ten years ago, last time I did climate debate, one of my fellow trollslayers was a serial pest tracker.

The website we were posting on had a pretty large membership.

No like SOME websites we know, but I digress.

My fellow trollslayer was a serial pest tracking specialist.

She would quickly track down the serial pest history of the newest troll.

It was hilarious how often the story was the same.

A male troll was banned from some website somewhere else. Why?

Because some particularly vindictive female, and often described by the troll as "the most despised member of the (forum)"

Indeed, they despised her so much that they kicked him out because of her.

Same damn story from so many trolls.

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

12-04-2022 05:21
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

... or maybe you could just define the terms you use and explain the empty buzzwords. That and stop the spamming ... and the trolling. If you would do that, that is all this site needs.

sealover wrote:The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away. But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

... or you could go somewhere that is already better. This site didn't have any problems until you arrived and began your spamming and trolling and general dishonesty aimed at disrupting all conversations that include views that differ from your own.

sealover wrote:Are you listening yet like you said you would, Branner?

... but why would Branner, or any rational adult for that matter, want to listen to you? You are the spam-troll. You aren't very interesting, just annoying.

I should make a graphic for you. The Spam-Troll.

Yes, let's do it.
Attached image:

12-04-2022 07:55
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Pitcher? Catcher? Who is Who at

Inquiring minds have wanted to know who is who at for at least seven years now.

But there are some truths that are simply self evident.

Between Parrot Boy, and Ugly Clown Kook, there can be no doubt about which one is the pitcher and which one is the catcher.

And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

The other trolls are helpless without their cult leader and punk bitch sidekick.

The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away.

But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

Are you listening yet like you said you would, Branner?


sealover wrote:
Ten years ago, last time I did climate debate, one of my fellow trollslayers was a serial pest tracker.

The website we were posting on had a pretty large membership.

No like SOME websites we know, but I digress.

My fellow trollslayer was a serial pest tracking specialist.

She would quickly track down the serial pest history of the newest troll.

It was hilarious how often the story was the same.

A male troll was banned from some website somewhere else. Why?

Because some particularly vindictive female, and often described by the troll as "the most despised member of the (forum)"

Indeed, they despised her so much that they kicked him out because of her.

Same damn story from so many trolls.

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

This is a public forum, not a business, or university. We do discuss Climate Change, just not from your approved belief system. Get over it. The planet is not going to parish in flames, as in your cult's computer-modeled prophecies. Climate Change is a threat to the world economy, freedom and liberty, progress. We don't need no nanny-state. We do fine without 'parental-control-freaks. Just because we don't 'think' like you, doesn't mean we need to be destroyed.

I don't think you have the capacity to summon minions. Think you are all alone on this, an empty threat. Nothing is going to change. No super-volcano, as promised by another holier than thou poster here.
12-04-2022 15:03
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
sealover wrote:
Between Parrot Boy, and Ugly Clown Kook, there can be no doubt about which one is the pitcher and which one is the catcher.

Sealover, you do have a way with words, girl!

Anywho, following your lead (cause you know I'm a sheep), and since some of the fellas here like to catch and pitch, I'll repeat my previous offer once more:

If any of you are turned on by the smell of doody, then I know some fairy nice boys who will let you play with their wet spots.

PM me your email address if interested.

12-04-2022 20:54
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

... or maybe you could just define the terms you use and explain the empty buzzwords. That and stop the spamming ... and the trolling. If you would do that, that is all this site needs.

sealover wrote:The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away. But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

... or you could go somewhere that is already better. This site didn't have any problems until you arrived and began your spamming and trolling and general dishonesty aimed at disrupting all conversations that include views that differ from your own.

sealover wrote:Are you listening yet like you said you would, Branner?

... but why would Branner, or any rational adult for that matter, want to listen to you? You are the spam-troll. You aren't very interesting, just annoying.

I should make a graphic for you. The Spam-Troll.

Yes, let's do it.

I like it.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-04-2022 20:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
sealover wrote:
Pitcher? Catcher? Who is Who at

Inquiring minds have wanted to know who is who at for at least seven years now.

But there are some truths that are simply self evident.

Between Parrot Boy, and Ugly Clown Kook, there can be no doubt about which one is the pitcher and which one is the catcher.

And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

The other trolls are helpless without their cult leader and punk bitch sidekick.

The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away.

But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

Are you listening yet like you said you would, Branner?


sealover wrote:
Ten years ago, last time I did climate debate, one of my fellow trollslayers was a serial pest tracker.

The website we were posting on had a pretty large membership.

No like SOME websites we know, but I digress.

My fellow trollslayer was a serial pest tracking specialist.

She would quickly track down the serial pest history of the newest troll.

It was hilarious how often the story was the same.

A male troll was banned from some website somewhere else. Why?

Because some particularly vindictive female, and often described by the troll as "the most despised member of the (forum)"

Indeed, they despised her so much that they kicked him out because of her.

Same damn story from so many trolls.

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

This is a public forum, not a business, or university. We do discuss Climate Change, just not from your approved belief system. Get over it. The planet is not going to parish in flames, as in your cult's computer-modeled prophecies. Climate Change is a threat to the world economy, freedom and liberty, progress. We don't need no nanny-state. We do fine without 'parental-control-freaks. Just because we don't 'think' like you, doesn't mean we need to be destroyed.

I don't think you have the capacity to summon minions. Think you are all alone on this, an empty threat. Nothing is going to change. No super-volcano, as promised by another holier than thou poster here.

He can't summon demons either.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-04-2022 21:11
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Inquiring minds have wanted to know who is who at for at least seven years now.

I am gfm7175.

sealover wrote:
But there are some truths that are simply self evident.

Indeed there are.

sealover wrote:
Between Parrot Boy, and Ugly Clown Kook, there can be no doubt about which one is the pitcher and which one is the catcher.

And just get rid of THESE TWO ****S and that is ALL THE SITE NEEDS.

Cry me a river. They seem just fine to me.

sealover wrote:
The other trolls are helpless without their cult leader and punk bitch sidekick.

So is a "troll" someone who bothers you because he holds much better articulated and correct views that just so happen to differ from your buzzword soup full of gibberbabble?

sealover wrote:
The pathetic sheep followers don't have to be banned. They will wither away.

I don't spend my time following sheep. I have more productive things to do with my time.

sealover wrote:
But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

So you can't cope with differing viewpoints? You need them all to be banned? is not a safe space, dude.
14-04-2022 18:30
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
sealover wrote:
But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

Sealover, you will not ban my friends.

If you're so unhappy here why not find a new place.

I ran away once and it changed my life for the better.
15-04-2022 04:11
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
sealover wrote:
But just BAN THE TWO WORST OFFENDERS and this place gets better FAST.

Sealover, you will not ban my friends.

If you're so unhappy here why not find a new place.

I ran away once and it changed my life for the better.

Too funny!

You just recommended that squeal over escape from the site that he is spamming.

I don't want him to necessarily leave ... just to stop the spamming and perhaps "start over." On this site, it is not necessary to pretend to be an expert in everything ... or in anything.

I'm trying to imagine squeal over spewing his spam ... and then thinking "I'd better run!"

... but I appreciate your sentiment.
15-04-2022 08:17
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Don't think he'll be back. He had his fun, but he's pretty much shot his load. Didn't attract any adoring fans. This wasn't the site he was hoping for, so he thought he could change it, or take it for his own. Just another fail, of a long career of disappointment.

I didn't get the impression he was religious about climate change, just habit he got into, while begging for research bucks. Researchers have been prostituting their field, just to get any grant money. Doubt studying the evolution of manure piles generates much financial support.
15-04-2022 12:37
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:Don't think he'll be back.

He's back. I had predicted as much.

He created a new avatar:, Im a BM just hours ago.

HarveyH55 wrote:I didn't get the impression he was religious about climate change,

He's religious AND compulsive about it. He has far too much emotional equity invested for any sort of rational discussion to be had.

Hence his need to preach and complete inability to listen or to consider ANY different view, including science. Like trafn, he cannot tolerate the idea that his threads are allowed to be polluted with different views while he remains helpless to do anything about it.

He is fanatically religious about it.

just habit he got into, while begging for research bucks. Researchers have been prostituting their field, just to get any grant money. Doubt studying the evolution of manure piles generates much financial support.[/quote]
15-04-2022 18:28
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
IBdaMann wrote:
... but I appreciate your sentiment.

Actually I thought he was she kind of like me (but not trans).

IBM I don't mean this in a bad way but one milion hits on youtube is the same as no hits and there are not even 100 people here. Don't get me wrong, I love it here and am having so much fun. I just do not understand why sealover think anyone is going to pay attention to him here. It's kind of like getting stood up on a blind date:

15-04-2022 18:28
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
Opps... I posted the same thing twice so I erased it.
Edited on 15-04-2022 18:30
15-04-2022 18:31
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:I just do not understand why sealover think anyone is going to pay attention to him here. It's kind of like getting stood up on a blind date:

squeal over is role-playing a scientist fantasy ... and he just picked the wrong site on which to do it. We don't facilitate disinformation fantasies here. He feels as though this is unfair.
15-04-2022 18:50
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
IBdaMann wrote:
squeal over is role-playing a scientist fantasy ...

Maybe we should role play and indulge his fantasy?

15-04-2022 20:30
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:Don't think he'll be back.

He's back. I had predicted as much.

He created a new avatar:, Im a BM just hours ago.

HarveyH55 wrote:I didn't get the impression he was religious about climate change,

He's religious AND compulsive about it. He has far too much emotional equity invested for any sort of rational discussion to be had.

Hence his need to preach and complete inability to listen or to consider ANY different view, including science. Like trafn, he cannot tolerate the idea that his threads are allowed to be polluted with different views while he remains helpless to do anything about it.

He is fanatically religious about it.

just habit he got into, while begging for research bucks. Researchers have been prostituting their field, just to get any grant money. Doubt studying the evolution of manure piles generates much financial support.

So it would seem. He seems to be using this new sock to gripe and ping his old threads.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 15-04-2022 20:31
15-04-2022 20:43
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
squeal over is role-playing a scientist fantasy ...
Maybe we should role play and indulge his fantasy?

I caught your humor ... and I like humor ... but the fundamental problem is that this is an anonymous forum, meaning that the only things that matter are the ideas that are expressed. Nobody's credentials are of any value. For example, you don't know what my credentials are and it doesn't matter. Everything that I write should stand on its own.

Enter squeal over and his scientist fantasy, everything about his avatar rests on everyone accepting his claimed credentials ... and simply accepting whatever he gibbers because he is the one saying it. This is the antithesis of what this forum is all about. Nobody should be telling you what to believe; beware of those who do. Everybody should be offering information that stands on its own, that you can independently verify, that you can scrutinize and for which you can request/demand clarification, and ultimately arrive at your own conclusions that result from you doing your own thinking (and not as a result of someone else doing your thinking for you).

From the moment he arrived, squeal over REFUSED to answer any questions for clarification, and he would not tolerate any differing views. Often, those differing views were straight-up science and math. This really cheesed him because it permanently crippled his "scientist" role-playing on this site. It also made him feel very insecure and threatened because he was forced to face the reality that he was not, by any means, any sort of authority here ... and he NEEDS to preach, and to be heretofore listened. He is desperate for attention, for adoration and praise and he views certain individuals on this site as depriving him of his fantasy and of causing severe withdrawal pains.

You have religious beliefs about Climate Change about which you were honest enough to express upfront. All faiths are welcome. Your particular challenge will be the constant realization that you were lied to about your religion being "settled science." There is no science in any religion and so your Climate Change faith has swallowed its own poison pill. Everything about it runs counter to physics. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's only a matter of time before you realize how the Climate Change religion was used to manipulate you. What happened to you can't happen to someone who actually understands science and who is not willing to deny it.

... HOWEVER ... you have found your way to probably the internet's best support group for people who have been abused by any of the Marxist denominations or for those who want to learn science and math.

Once again, welcome.

16-04-2022 15:37
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
IBdaMann wrote:
Nobody's credentials are of any value. For example, you don't know what my credentials are and it doesn't matter. Everything that I write should stand on its own.

I like that idea. It is like the feeling of inependence I get working at the diner and paying for my own room. P-tuting was fun but I could have never done that without my house moms and even they said it was good I met the prof cause I would not make as much when I got older. Now I can stand on my own too.
RE: Be afraid, be very, very afraid.16-04-2022 21:30
Im a BM
I would describe you as an unsavory character.

Who was named seven years ago in this thread as the problem.

Who continues to be the problem.

You get banned, and your pathetic cult followers are lost without you.


IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

16-04-2022 21:40
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Nobody's credentials are of any value. For example, you don't know what my credentials are and it doesn't matter. Everything that I write should stand on its own.

I like that idea. It is like the feeling of inependence I get working at the diner and paying for my own room. P-tuting was fun but I could have never done that without my house moms and even they said it was good I met the prof cause I would not make as much when I got older. Now I can stand on my own too.

That you can...and welcome.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
16-04-2022 21:44
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
...deleted severely damaged quoting...
Im a BM wrote:
I would describe you as an unsavory character.

Who was named seven years ago in this thread as the problem.

Who continues to be the problem.

You get banned, and your pathetic cult followers are lost without you.

You should review the Guidelines again.

You don't own this site. You do not control this site. Coming back here with your sock to do nothing but spam and troll with your sour grapes is not going to help you.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
17-04-2022 18:15
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
Into the Night wrote:
That you can...and welcome.

Thanks ITN you always say the nicest things.

26-04-2022 23:19
Im a BM

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

27-04-2022 02:28
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I think what Seal, and his sock-henchman fail to take into consideration. Is that none of us are soul-centered on the Climate Cult. We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share. Doctor Poo, only has his manure piles, his only focus in life, Well, maybe an occasional sheep, behind the barn, if no one else is around...

Like most people, who have no vested interest, we don't really care about the cult, just the economic, and politic crap that actually effects our lives.
27-04-2022 02:31
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I think what Seal, and his sock-henchman fail to take into consideration. Is that none of us are soul-centered on the Climate Cult. We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share. Doctor Poo, only has his manure piles, his only focus in life, Well, maybe an occasional sheep, behind the barn, if no one else is around...

Like most people, who have no vested interest, we don't really care about the cult, just the economic, and politic crap that actually effects our lives.
27-04-2022 02:31
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I think what Seal, and his sock-henchman fail to take into consideration. Is that none of us are soul-centered on the Climate Cult. We each have a large assortment of other interests, and tend to share. Doctor Poo, only has his manure piles, his only focus in life, Well, maybe an occasional sheep, behind the barn, if no one else is around...

Like most people, who have no vested interest, we don't really care about the cult, just the economic, and politic crap that actually effects our lives.
27-04-2022 02:35
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

This is great! I post pictures one time, and squeal over hates them so much that he keeps posting them over and over, and then reposting them ...

Thank you, squeal over!

Attached image:

27-04-2022 02:40
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote:

IBdaMann wrote:
sea lover wrote:Greetings newcomers ... This website has a notorious history.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

seal over wrote:So tragic.

seal over wrote:People wanted to discuss a matter of tremendous importance to humanity.

seal over wrote:What they got was a place where the unsuspecting were pounced upon by a team of sadists.

seal over wrote:As a real world troll, I find it particularly hilarious to pretend that my position has something to do with valid science.

seal over wrote:Frank and I ate these pies and I've only known him a few weeks.

This is great! I post pictures one time, and squeal over hates them so much that he keeps posting them over and over, and then reposting them ...

Thank you, squeal over!


And Russia is in Ukraine. We will destroy you.
27-04-2022 03:56
ie., Russia will be destroyed. It does not belong in Україна.
27-04-2022 07:44
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
ie., Russia will be destroyed. It does not belong in Україна.

James, why don't you use this as your avatar?
Attached image:

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