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Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

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Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.27-04-2022 22:22
Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

To understand how we can use the technology of applied biogeochemistry to address climate change and ocean "acidification", it is useful to understand a few things about evolutionary biology.

Bacteria once used transformation of carbon dioxide into methane to create an atmosphere in which methane was present at double digit percentage (parts per hundred) concentrations, rather than the 1.7 parts per MILLION that it is today.

Bacteria today can transform methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas twenty fold.

The evolution of endosymbiosis, such as the mitochondria that allow an otherwise anaerobic organism to utilize oxygen as oxidant, can be applied as technology for organisms to combine their efforts in symbiosis to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Understanding of evolutionary biology can help us understand how to be better stewards of the Earth.

It can also help us understand ourselves and what we really are.

The endosymbiotic theory of consciousness.

Every human body is a pair of conjoined twins, each twin having its own separate brain.

One twin lives entirely inside of the other. Distinct tissue types.

One twin has striated muscle tissue, controlled by the cerebrum. The skeletal muscles are under conscious control by the twin with the 5 senses to interact with the outside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

The other twin has smooth muscle tissue, controlled by the brain stem. The smooth muscles are under unconscious control by the twin with the 200 senses to interact with the inside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

One twin controls the central nervous system with its cerebral brain. This runs down the middle of the spine.

One twin controls the autonomic nervous system with its brainstem. This runs down two parallel tracks away from the spine, deeper in the body. Use of different neurotransmitters prevents them from accidentally interfering with each other.

But aren't conjoined twins IDENTICAL?

They are genetically identical. Identical genotypes. They are expressed in radically different phenotypes. Phenotypic plasticity at the earliest phase of embryonic development led to very different body types as they one grew inside the other. Distinct tissue types extended out and grew around each other.

Tony was a scientific genius who made his first brilliant discovery at age 17.

He was too smart for high school so they had him take classes at local college.

The class was neurobiology.

Tony remembered the time they first forced him to eat liver.

It tasted like POISON!

It was probably the only time they ever had to fight with him to get him to eat something.

That shit tasted so godawful bad, and they weren't going to let him get away without punishment unless he ate more of it.

After many tears and much conflict, only half of the piece of liver remained on the plate. And it tasted horrible the whole time.

The next morning Tony woke up with a CRAVING for liver.

He happily requested that liver please be prepared again.

Parents were still pissed about the night before and thought it was mockery.

Tony REALLY WANTED to eat liver again. He loved it for the rest of his life.

Tony also remembered the time he stole the box of artificially flavored crackers.

It arrived in the mail as a free sample, and he snuck off with it before anyone else knew it was there.

Those crackers were DELICIOUS! SO GOOD! Tony ate the whole box.

The next morning Tony was still feeling a little sick.

Just remembering the taste of those crackers was almost enough to make him vomit. He would never ever ever eat anything that tasted at all like that again.

Using what he just learned about neurobiology, Tony figured out what happened.

The taste buds in his mouth provided information to one of his two brains.

The taste buds in his stomach provided information to the other brain.

Just from that taste in the mouth, liver was foreign and weird and full of something different than he was used to.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY GOOD had come in. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, go find more of it.

Just from the taste buds in his mouth, the crackers were DELICIOUS. They were triggering all the right sensations.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY BAD had come in. Maybe it was just the MSG or one of those other polysyllabic ingredients on the list. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, never eat anything like it again.

Tony went on to find more information. Even the immune system was a pair of dimorphic conjoined twins. Sometimes one would attack the tissues of the other, thinking that it was defending itself.

In part, this thread is where the connection between evolutionary biology and technology to address global environmental change can be discussed.

It can also be a place to have fun with other ideas related to evolutionary biology.

And wait until you learn about Tony's OTHER big discovery, when he was much older.

Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

Evolutionary Biology
RE: Sigmund Freud was a Neurobiologist27-04-2022 23:02
Sigmund Freud was a Neurobiologist.

The groundwork for the endosymbiotic theory of consciousness was laid out nearly a century ago by Sigmund Freud.

Before floundering into psychiatry and his theories about "anal" or "phallic" stages of development, "penis envy" and the rest, he was a neurobiologist.

He recognized that our psyche was composed of more than one component and he sought to identify the different parts of the brain that might account for it.

He suggested that the ego and, later in development, the superego, both arose from the cerebrum.

The id wasn't so clear.

Neurobiology hadn't gone far year.

That was long before they did the savage experiments on cats.

They found that with nearly the entire cerebrum removed, electrodes into the brainstem could stimulate the blind, deaf body into complex patterns of RAGE.

And what they did to the poor bulls. At least they didn't cut their brains out.

Radio controlled electrodes into the bull's brainstem could be stimulated to make the thing start wildly attacking what they COULD see and hear.

Freud's id, where our unconsciously controlled EMOTIONS are was in the brainstem. The PLEASURE CENTER too.


sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

To understand how we can use the technology of applied biogeochemistry to address climate change and ocean "acidification", it is useful to understand a few things about evolutionary biology.

Bacteria once used transformation of carbon dioxide into methane to create an atmosphere in which methane was present at double digit percentage (parts per hundred) concentrations, rather than the 1.7 parts per MILLION that it is today.

Bacteria today can transform methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas twenty fold.

The evolution of endosymbiosis, such as the mitochondria that allow an otherwise anaerobic organism to utilize oxygen as oxidant, can be applied as technology for organisms to combine their efforts in symbiosis to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Understanding of evolutionary biology can help us understand how to be better stewards of the Earth.

It can also help us understand ourselves and what we really are.

The endosymbiotic theory of consciousness.

Every human body is a pair of conjoined twins, each twin having its own separate brain.

One twin lives entirely inside of the other. Distinct tissue types.

One twin has striated muscle tissue, controlled by the cerebrum. The skeletal muscles are under conscious control by the twin with the 5 senses to interact with the outside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

The other twin has smooth muscle tissue, controlled by the brain stem. The smooth muscles are under unconscious control by the twin with the 200 senses to interact with the inside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

One twin controls the central nervous system with its cerebral brain. This runs down the middle of the spine.

One twin controls the autonomic nervous system with its brainstem. This runs down two parallel tracks away from the spine, deeper in the body. Use of different neurotransmitters prevents them from accidentally interfering with each other.

But aren't conjoined twins IDENTICAL?

They are genetically identical. Identical genotypes. They are expressed in radically different phenotypes. Phenotypic plasticity at the earliest phase of embryonic development led to very different body types as they one grew inside the other. Distinct tissue types extended out and grew around each other.

Tony was a scientific genius who made his first brilliant discovery at age 17.

He was too smart for high school so they had him take classes at local college.

The class was neurobiology.

Tony remembered the time they first forced him to eat liver.

It tasted like POISON!

It was probably the only time they ever had to fight with him to get him to eat something.

That shit tasted so godawful bad, and they weren't going to let him get away without punishment unless he ate more of it.

After many tears and much conflict, only half of the piece of liver remained on the plate. And it tasted horrible the whole time.

The next morning Tony woke up with a CRAVING for liver.

He happily requested that liver please be prepared again.

Parents were still pissed about the night before and thought it was mockery.

Tony REALLY WANTED to eat liver again. He loved it for the rest of his life.

Tony also remembered the time he stole the box of artificially flavored crackers.

It arrived in the mail as a free sample, and he snuck off with it before anyone else knew it was there.

Those crackers were DELICIOUS! SO GOOD! Tony ate the whole box.

The next morning Tony was still feeling a little sick.

Just remembering the taste of those crackers was almost enough to make him vomit. He would never ever ever eat anything that tasted at all like that again.

Using what he just learned about neurobiology, Tony figured out what happened.

The taste buds in his mouth provided information to one of his two brains.

The taste buds in his stomach provided information to the other brain.

Just from that taste in the mouth, liver was foreign and weird and full of something different than he was used to.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY GOOD had come in. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, go find more of it.

Just from the taste buds in his mouth, the crackers were DELICIOUS. They were triggering all the right sensations.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY BAD had come in. Maybe it was just the MSG or one of those other polysyllabic ingredients on the list. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, never eat anything like it again.

Tony went on to find more information. Even the immune system was a pair of dimorphic conjoined twins. Sometimes one would attack the tissues of the other, thinking that it was defending itself.

In part, this thread is where the connection between evolutionary biology and technology to address global environmental change can be discussed.

It can also be a place to have fun with other ideas related to evolutionary biology.

And wait until you learn about Tony's OTHER big discovery, when he was much older.

Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

Evolutionary Biology
RE: A Dopamine Rush for Good Behavior. Or for BAD Behavior.28-04-2022 01:38
A Dopamine Rush for Good Behavior. Or for BAD Behavior.

The central nervous system has the classic "five senses".

Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and "touch".

That "touch" one accounts for about a dozen more senses.

Hot, cold, ouch, itch, etc.

To do the drunk test you close you eyes and touch your nose.

How do you know the position of your joints in space when you can't see them"


But it is still a very short list of "senses", compared to the autonomic nervous system.

Taste buds throughout the body know the flavor of every chemical the body needs to regulate or otherwise be aware of. That is a LOT is different chemicals.

To make the body work, the two brains have to cooperate.

The brainstem can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch the outside world.

It only knows that something must have happened out there, because the chemistry inside is tasting different now.

It needs to let the cerebrum know, to reward good behavior and be sure not to repeat bad behavior.

One way to inner twin to reward outer twin is with a dopamine rush. Get it to do more of the same again.

But the outer twin can short circuit the process and get the dopamine without the inner twin's help.

More often than not, this rewards BAD behavior.

That cocaine is actually doing HARM to the inner twin.

That dopamine rush is the reward for fratricide and suicide.


sealover wrote:
Sigmund Freud was a Neurobiologist.

The groundwork for the endosymbiotic theory of consciousness was laid out nearly a century ago by Sigmund Freud.

Before floundering into psychiatry and his theories about "anal" or "phallic" stages of development, "penis envy" and the rest, he was a neurobiologist.

He recognized that our psyche was composed of more than one component and he sought to identify the different parts of the brain that might account for it.

He suggested that the ego and, later in development, the superego, both arose from the cerebrum.

The id wasn't so clear.

Neurobiology hadn't gone far year.

That was long before they did the savage experiments on cats.

They found that with nearly the entire cerebrum removed, electrodes into the brainstem could stimulate the blind, deaf body into complex patterns of RAGE.

And what they did to the poor bulls. At least they didn't cut their brains out.

Radio controlled electrodes into the bull's brainstem could be stimulated to make the thing start wildly attacking what they COULD see and hear.

Freud's id, where our unconsciously controlled EMOTIONS are was in the brainstem. The PLEASURE CENTER too.


sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

To understand how we can use the technology of applied biogeochemistry to address climate change and ocean "acidification", it is useful to understand a few things about evolutionary biology.

Bacteria once used transformation of carbon dioxide into methane to create an atmosphere in which methane was present at double digit percentage (parts per hundred) concentrations, rather than the 1.7 parts per MILLION that it is today.

Bacteria today can transform methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas twenty fold.

The evolution of endosymbiosis, such as the mitochondria that allow an otherwise anaerobic organism to utilize oxygen as oxidant, can be applied as technology for organisms to combine their efforts in symbiosis to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Understanding of evolutionary biology can help us understand how to be better stewards of the Earth.

It can also help us understand ourselves and what we really are.

The endosymbiotic theory of consciousness.

Every human body is a pair of conjoined twins, each twin having its own separate brain.

One twin lives entirely inside of the other. Distinct tissue types.

One twin has striated muscle tissue, controlled by the cerebrum. The skeletal muscles are under conscious control by the twin with the 5 senses to interact with the outside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

The other twin has smooth muscle tissue, controlled by the brain stem. The smooth muscles are under unconscious control by the twin with the 200 senses to interact with the inside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

One twin controls the central nervous system with its cerebral brain. This runs down the middle of the spine.

One twin controls the autonomic nervous system with its brainstem. This runs down two parallel tracks away from the spine, deeper in the body. Use of different neurotransmitters prevents them from accidentally interfering with each other.

But aren't conjoined twins IDENTICAL?

They are genetically identical. Identical genotypes. They are expressed in radically different phenotypes. Phenotypic plasticity at the earliest phase of embryonic development led to very different body types as they one grew inside the other. Distinct tissue types extended out and grew around each other.

Tony was a scientific genius who made his first brilliant discovery at age 17.

He was too smart for high school so they had him take classes at local college.

The class was neurobiology.

Tony remembered the time they first forced him to eat liver.

It tasted like POISON!

It was probably the only time they ever had to fight with him to get him to eat something.

That shit tasted so godawful bad, and they weren't going to let him get away without punishment unless he ate more of it.

After many tears and much conflict, only half of the piece of liver remained on the plate. And it tasted horrible the whole time.

The next morning Tony woke up with a CRAVING for liver.

He happily requested that liver please be prepared again.

Parents were still pissed about the night before and thought it was mockery.

Tony REALLY WANTED to eat liver again. He loved it for the rest of his life.

Tony also remembered the time he stole the box of artificially flavored crackers.

It arrived in the mail as a free sample, and he snuck off with it before anyone else knew it was there.

Those crackers were DELICIOUS! SO GOOD! Tony ate the whole box.

The next morning Tony was still feeling a little sick.

Just remembering the taste of those crackers was almost enough to make him vomit. He would never ever ever eat anything that tasted at all like that again.

Using what he just learned about neurobiology, Tony figured out what happened.

The taste buds in his mouth provided information to one of his two brains.

The taste buds in his stomach provided information to the other brain.

Just from that taste in the mouth, liver was foreign and weird and full of something different than he was used to.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY GOOD had come in. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, go find more of it.

Just from the taste buds in his mouth, the crackers were DELICIOUS. They were triggering all the right sensations.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY BAD had come in. Maybe it was just the MSG or one of those other polysyllabic ingredients on the list. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, never eat anything like it again.

Tony went on to find more information. Even the immune system was a pair of dimorphic conjoined twins. Sometimes one would attack the tissues of the other, thinking that it was defending itself.

In part, this thread is where the connection between evolutionary biology and technology to address global environmental change can be discussed.

It can also be a place to have fun with other ideas related to evolutionary biology.

And wait until you learn about Tony's OTHER big discovery, when he was much older.

Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

Evolutionary Biology
28-04-2022 01:55
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

To understand how we can use the technology of applied biogeochemistry to address climate change and ocean "acidification", it is useful to understand a few things about evolutionary biology.

Bacteria once used transformation of carbon dioxide into methane to create an atmosphere in which methane was present at double digit percentage (parts per hundred) concentrations, rather than the 1.7 parts per MILLION that it is today.

Bacteria today can transform methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas twenty fold.

The evolution of endosymbiosis, such as the mitochondria that allow an otherwise anaerobic organism to utilize oxygen as oxidant, can be applied as technology for organisms to combine their efforts in symbiosis to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Understanding of evolutionary biology can help us understand how to be better stewards of the Earth.

It can also help us understand ourselves and what we really are.

The endosymbiotic theory of consciousness.

Every human body is a pair of conjoined twins, each twin having its own separate brain.

One twin lives entirely inside of the other. Distinct tissue types.

One twin has striated muscle tissue, controlled by the cerebrum. The skeletal muscles are under conscious control by the twin with the 5 senses to interact with the outside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

The other twin has smooth muscle tissue, controlled by the brain stem. The smooth muscles are under unconscious control by the twin with the 200 senses to interact with the inside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

One twin controls the central nervous system with its cerebral brain. This runs down the middle of the spine.

One twin controls the autonomic nervous system with its brainstem. This runs down two parallel tracks away from the spine, deeper in the body. Use of different neurotransmitters prevents them from accidentally interfering with each other.

But aren't conjoined twins IDENTICAL?

They are genetically identical. Identical genotypes. They are expressed in radically different phenotypes. Phenotypic plasticity at the earliest phase of embryonic development led to very different body types as they one grew inside the other. Distinct tissue types extended out and grew around each other.

Tony was a scientific genius who made his first brilliant discovery at age 17.

He was too smart for high school so they had him take classes at local college.

The class was neurobiology.

Tony remembered the time they first forced him to eat liver.

It tasted like POISON!

It was probably the only time they ever had to fight with him to get him to eat something.

That shit tasted so godawful bad, and they weren't going to let him get away without punishment unless he ate more of it.

After many tears and much conflict, only half of the piece of liver remained on the plate. And it tasted horrible the whole time.

The next morning Tony woke up with a CRAVING for liver.

He happily requested that liver please be prepared again.

Parents were still pissed about the night before and thought it was mockery.

Tony REALLY WANTED to eat liver again. He loved it for the rest of his life.

Tony also remembered the time he stole the box of artificially flavored crackers.

It arrived in the mail as a free sample, and he snuck off with it before anyone else knew it was there.

Those crackers were DELICIOUS! SO GOOD! Tony ate the whole box.

The next morning Tony was still feeling a little sick.

Just remembering the taste of those crackers was almost enough to make him vomit. He would never ever ever eat anything that tasted at all like that again.

Using what he just learned about neurobiology, Tony figured out what happened.

The taste buds in his mouth provided information to one of his two brains.

The taste buds in his stomach provided information to the other brain.

Just from that taste in the mouth, liver was foreign and weird and full of something different than he was used to.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY GOOD had come in. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, go find more of it.

Just from the taste buds in his mouth, the crackers were DELICIOUS. They were triggering all the right sensations.

It didn't take long for the taste buds in his stomach to tell his brainstem that something REALLY BAD had come in. Maybe it was just the MSG or one of those other polysyllabic ingredients on the list. Tell the cerebrum that whatever this stuff is, never eat anything like it again.

Tony went on to find more information. Even the immune system was a pair of dimorphic conjoined twins. Sometimes one would attack the tissues of the other, thinking that it was defending itself.

In part, this thread is where the connection between evolutionary biology and technology to address global environmental change can be discussed.

It can also be a place to have fun with other ideas related to evolutionary biology.

And wait until you learn about Tony's OTHER big discovery, when he was much older.

Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

Evolutionary Biology

Lay off the LSD
28-04-2022 02:17
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
squeal over wrote:Sigmund Freud was a Neurobiologist.

I thought he was a Geoneurobiochemist. Was he not?

squeal over wrote:The groundwork for the endosymbiotic theory of consciousness was laid out nearly a century ago by Sigmund Freud.

Who built the infrastructure?

squeal over wrote:Before floundering into psychiatry and his theories about "anal" or "phallic" stages of development, "penis envy" and the rest, he was a neurobiologist.

Why did he give it up for quackery?

squeal over wrote:He recognized that our psyche was composed of more than one component

How can I verify that my psyche is composed of more than one component? In fact, my children asked me that very question this last week and I need to know what to tell them.

squeal over wrote: ... and he sought to identify the different parts of the brain that might account for it.

What does the brain have to do with the psyche? Isn't the psyche found in one's soul?

squeal over wrote:He suggested that the ego and, later in development, the superego, both arose from the cerebrum.

How can I verify that my superego hasn't leaked out? I might be a quart low and not realize that I need to top it off.

squeal over wrote:The id wasn't so clear.

Anyone can get one issued by the government.
28-04-2022 02:22
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
squeal over wrote:Sigmund Freud was a Neurobiologist.

I thought he was a Geoneurobiochemist. Was he not?

squeal over wrote:The groundwork for the endosymbiotic theory of consciousness was laid out nearly a century ago by Sigmund Freud.

Who built the infrastructure?

squeal over wrote:Before floundering into psychiatry and his theories about "anal" or "phallic" stages of development, "penis envy" and the rest, he was a neurobiologist.

Why did he give it up for quackery?

squeal over wrote:He recognized that our psyche was composed of more than one component

How can I verify that my psyche is composed of more than one component? In fact, my children asked me that very question this last week and I need to know what to tell them.

squeal over wrote: ... and he sought to identify the different parts of the brain that might account for it.

What does the brain have to do with the psyche? Isn't the psyche found in one's soul?

squeal over wrote:He suggested that the ego and, later in development, the superego, both arose from the cerebrum.

How can I verify that my superego hasn't leaked out? I might be a quart low and not realize that I need to top it off.

squeal over wrote:The id wasn't so clear.

Anyone can get one issued by the government.

Siggy baby studied your mothers drooling
RE: A Dopamine Rush for VERY Bad Behavior.28-04-2022 02:38
A Dopamine Rush for VERY Bad Behavior.

The adaptive value of the autonomic (peripheral) nervous system being able to supply a dopamine rush to the central nervous system.

The twins have to work as a team for the body to survive and thrive.

One is blind to the outside world, but keenly aware of what is right or wrong on the inside.

The twin that controls the skeletal muscles, sees and hears what is going on out there. Carrot and stick to get it to play well with others.

Dopamine rush is the best carrot.

But cheaters can get a dopamine rush without doing what's best for the body.


Plenty of ways to short circuit doing what's right for the body to get a dopamine rush from sex.

Indeed, putting the body at high risk of harm may be no obstacle in the quest to get a cheater's dopamine rush.

When the twins operate in healthy monogamy, a safe sex dopamine rush is the best one of ALL.

When the central nervous system knows that this feeling is associated with the miracle of producing offspring with a healthy partner and the dream of one's progeny having love and joy and passing it on.

When that is combined with the perfectly natural dopamine rush sex will provide no matter where you scavenge for it.

It beats the hell out of risking your life at the glory hole.


[quote]sealover wrote:
A Dopamine Rush for Good Behavior. Or for BAD Behavior.

The central nervous system has the classic "five senses".

Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and "touch".

That "touch" one accounts for about a dozen more senses.

Hot, cold, ouch, itch, etc.

To do the drunk test you close you eyes and touch your nose.

How do you know the position of your joints in space when you can't see them"


But it is still a very short list of "senses", compared to the autonomic nervous system.

Taste buds throughout the body know the flavor of every chemical the body needs to regulate or otherwise be aware of. That is a LOT is different chemicals.

To make the body work, the two brains have to cooperate.

The brainstem can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch the outside world.

It only knows that something must have happened out there, because the chemistry inside is tasting different now.

It needs to let the cerebrum know, to reward good behavior and be sure not to repeat bad behavior.

One way to inner twin to reward outer twin is with a dopamine rush. Get it to do more of the same again.

But the outer twin can short circuit the process and get the dopamine without the inner twin's help.

More often than not, this rewards BAD behavior.

That cocaine is actually doing HARM to the inner twin.

That dopamine rush is the reward for fratricide and suicide.

28-04-2022 02:41
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
A Dopamine Rush for VERY Bad Behavior.

The adaptive value of the autonomic (peripheral) nervous system being able to supply a dopamine rush to the central nervous system.

The twins have to work as a team for the body to survive and thrive.

One is blind to the outside world, but keenly aware of what is right or wrong on the inside.

The twin that controls the skeletal muscles, sees and hears what is going on out there. Carrot and stick to get it to play well with others.

Dopamine rush is the best carrot.

But cheaters can get a dopamine rush without doing what's best for the body.


Plenty of ways to short circuit doing what's right for the body to get a dopamine rush from sex.

Indeed, putting the body at high risk of harm may be no obstacle in the quest to get a cheater's dopamine rush.

When the twins operate in healthy monogamy, a safe sex dopamine rush is the best one of ALL.

When the central nervous system knows that this feeling is associated with the miracle of producing offspring with a healthy partner and the dream of one's progeny having love and joy and passing it on.

When that is combined with the perfectly natural dopamine rush sex will provide no matter where you scavenge for it.

It beats the hell out of risking your life at the glory hole.


[quote]sealover wrote:
A Dopamine Rush for Good Behavior. Or for BAD Behavior.

The central nervous system has the classic "five senses".

Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and "touch".

That "touch" one accounts for about a dozen more senses.

Hot, cold, ouch, itch, etc.

To do the drunk test you close you eyes and touch your nose.

How do you know the position of your joints in space when you can't see them"


But it is still a very short list of "senses", compared to the autonomic nervous system.

Taste buds throughout the body know the flavor of every chemical the body needs to regulate or otherwise be aware of. That is a LOT is different chemicals.

To make the body work, the two brains have to cooperate.

The brainstem can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch the outside world.

It only knows that something must have happened out there, because the chemistry inside is tasting different now.

It needs to let the cerebrum know, to reward good behavior and be sure not to repeat bad behavior.

One way to inner twin to reward outer twin is with a dopamine rush. Get it to do more of the same again.

But the outer twin can short circuit the process and get the dopamine without the inner twin's help.

More often than not, this rewards BAD behavior.

That cocaine is actually doing HARM to the inner twin.

That dopamine rush is the reward for fratricide and suicide.


Get treated pronto
RE: A Dopamine Rush for the WORST Behavior.28-04-2022 02:55
A Dopamine Rush for the WORST Behavior.

Sadists get off on hurting other people.

It's a cheater's dopamine rush.

It's what sociopaths do because they can't even grasp the concept of getting joy from healthy interactions with others.

A healthy person living well inside their own skin can get the real thing.

The dopamine rush when one gets praise from real people in the real world.

The dopamine rush of loving interactions with others, day in and day out.

These sick sociopaths have no other option that they are aware of.

A dopamine rush for the WORST behavior.


Swan wrote:
sealover wrote:
A Dopamine Rush for VERY Bad Behavior.

The adaptive value of the autonomic (peripheral) nervous system being able to supply a dopamine rush to the central nervous system.

The twins have to work as a team for the body to survive and thrive.

One is blind to the outside world, but keenly aware of what is right or wrong on the inside.

The twin that controls the skeletal muscles, sees and hears what is going on out there. Carrot and stick to get it to play well with others.

Dopamine rush is the best carrot.

But cheaters can get a dopamine rush without doing what's best for the body.


Plenty of ways to short circuit doing what's right for the body to get a dopamine rush from sex.

Indeed, putting the body at high risk of harm may be no obstacle in the quest to get a cheater's dopamine rush.

When the twins operate in healthy monogamy, a safe sex dopamine rush is the best one of ALL.

When the central nervous system knows that this feeling is associated with the miracle of producing offspring with a healthy partner and the dream of one's progeny having love and joy and passing it on.

When that is combined with the perfectly natural dopamine rush sex will provide no matter where you scavenge for it.

It beats the hell out of risking your life at the glory hole.


[quote]sealover wrote:
A Dopamine Rush for Good Behavior. Or for BAD Behavior.

The central nervous system has the classic "five senses".

Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and "touch".

That "touch" one accounts for about a dozen more senses.

Hot, cold, ouch, itch, etc.

To do the drunk test you close you eyes and touch your nose.

How do you know the position of your joints in space when you can't see them"


But it is still a very short list of "senses", compared to the autonomic nervous system.

Taste buds throughout the body know the flavor of every chemical the body needs to regulate or otherwise be aware of. That is a LOT is different chemicals.

To make the body work, the two brains have to cooperate.

The brainstem can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch the outside world.

It only knows that something must have happened out there, because the chemistry inside is tasting different now.

It needs to let the cerebrum know, to reward good behavior and be sure not to repeat bad behavior.

One way to inner twin to reward outer twin is with a dopamine rush. Get it to do more of the same again.

But the outer twin can short circuit the process and get the dopamine without the inner twin's help.

More often than not, this rewards BAD behavior.

That cocaine is actually doing HARM to the inner twin.

That dopamine rush is the reward for fratricide and suicide.


Get treated pronto
28-04-2022 02:59
Have you ever visited a planet called Earth?
28-04-2022 03:02
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

To understand how we can use the technology of applied biogeochemistry to address climate change and ocean "acidification", it is useful to understand a few things about evolutionary biology.

It is not possible to acidify an alkaline. There is no such thing as 'evolutionary biology'.
sealover wrote:
Bacteria once used transformation of carbon dioxide into methane to create an atmosphere in which methane was present at double digit percentage (parts per hundred) concentrations, rather than the 1.7 parts per MILLION that it is today.

How do you know? Were you there?
sealover wrote:
Bacteria today can transform methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas twenty fold.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. You are STILL ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
sealover wrote:
The evolution of endosymbiosis, such as the mitochondria that allow an otherwise anaerobic organism to utilize oxygen as oxidant, can be applied as technology for organisms to combine their efforts in symbiosis to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth.
sealover wrote:
Understanding of evolutionary biology can help us understand how to be better stewards of the Earth.

No such thing as 'evolutionary biology'.
sealover wrote:
It can also help us understand ourselves and what we really are.

The endosymbiotic theory of consciousness.

So you identify with bacteria. Enjoy yourself.
sealover wrote:
Every human body is a pair of conjoined twins, each twin having its own separate brain.

Nope. Just one brain. Some people like to consider the separate parts of the brain as 'multiple brains', but it's just one brain.
sealover wrote:
One twin lives entirely inside of the other. Distinct tissue types.

Just one brain, dude.
sealover wrote:
One twin has striated muscle tissue, controlled by the cerebrum. The skeletal muscles are under conscious control by the twin with the 5 senses to interact with the outside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

No. This is fiction.
sealover wrote:
The other twin has smooth muscle tissue, controlled by the brain stem. The smooth muscles are under unconscious control by the twin with the 200 senses to interact with the inside world. These muscles use a different neurotransmitter than the other brain to be sure the signals never get crossed.

Again, fiction.
sealover wrote:
One twin controls the central nervous system with its cerebral brain. This runs down the middle of the spine.

One twin controls the autonomic nervous system with its brainstem. This runs down two parallel tracks away from the spine, deeper in the body. Use of different neurotransmitters prevents them from accidentally interfering with each other.

Again, fiction.
sealover wrote:
But aren't conjoined twins IDENTICAL?

They are genetically identical. Identical genotypes. They are expressed in radically different phenotypes. Phenotypic plasticity at the earliest phase of embryonic development led to very different body types as they one grew inside the other. Distinct tissue types extended out and grew around each other.

Nothing grew inside the other. It is one brain and spinal cord (which is actually part of the brain).
sealover wrote:
Tony was a scientific genius who made his first brilliant discovery at age 17.

He was too smart for high school so they had him take classes at local college.

The class was neurobiology.

Sounds like he needs to get his money back.
sealover wrote:
...deleted long winded anecdote...
Tony went on to find more information. Even the immune system was a pair of dimorphic conjoined twins. Sometimes one would attack the tissues of the other, thinking that it was defending itself.

The immune system does not attack yourself.
sealover wrote:
In part, this thread is where the connection between evolutionary biology and technology to address global environmental change can be discussed.

Define 'global environmental change'. You can't discuss what you can't define.
sealover wrote:
It can also be a place to have fun with other ideas related to evolutionary biology.

No such thing as 'evolutionary biology'.
sealover wrote:
And wait until you learn about Tony's OTHER big discovery, when he was much older.

Evolutionary Biology and the Endosymbiotic Theory of Consciousness.

Evolutionary Biology

Buzzword fallacies. Gibber-babble. Spamming.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Darwinian Evolution - The Basics28-04-2022 03:03
Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Genetic mutations occur randomly, without concern for adaptive need.

There is differential reproductive success among the progeny.

The vast majority of mutations are benign or maladaptive.

They do not enhance reproductive success and are not selected for.

A tiny minority of mutations impart adaptive value that enhances fitness and reproductive success.

These mutations are selected for in natural selection because they make the organism more fit to survive and reproduce.

These well adapted mutants become the majority in the population.

Darwinian Evolution - The Basics
28-04-2022 03:18
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Genetic mutations occur randomly, without concern for adaptive need.

There is differential reproductive success among the progeny.

The vast majority of mutations are benign or maladaptive.

They do not enhance reproductive success and are not selected for.

A tiny minority of mutations impart adaptive value that enhances fitness and reproductive success.

These mutations are selected for in natural selection because they make the organism more fit to survive and reproduce.

These well adapted mutants become the majority in the population.

Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Wrong because not all mutations are random.
28-04-2022 03:27
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?
28-04-2022 03:38
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?

Mutations are chosen in response to outside stimuli such as radiation, other mutations are the result of code errors, that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random and since species are evolving in positive ways randomness is technically eliminated. Intelligent design is the theory, seems more cognitive than Darwin's mythical code writing pond
Edited on 28-04-2022 03:54
RE: Evolutionary Biology Basics - Genotype versus Phenotype.28-04-2022 03:39
Evolutionary Biology Basics - Genotype versus Phenotype.

The genotype is the unique set of genes that an organism carries.

The phenotype is the physical expression of how those genes interacted with their cellular environment.

Phenotypic plasticity is observed in ants bees and wasps.

The exact same genotype can be expressed as a drone phenotype, or a queen phenotype. Very different bodies from the same genes.

The soldier termite phenotype is so different from the other termites that it cannot even feed itself. Pre chewed food must be spit into its mouth by comrades. Those gigantic jaws are useless for eating, but they serve another purpose. That soldier has the same genes as the others, but got manipulated with hormones as a baby.

The Portugese Man of War is a colonial organism from one of the most ancient animal lines in the sea.

The "colony" is comprised of polymorphic clones from a single zygote.
Each member of the colony is an individual animal, living in symbiosis with sibling clones.

But they are hardly like identical twins, even though they all have the same genotype.

The float animal is a gas filled balloon. The stomach animal. The tentacle animals. The stinger animals. They are all clones but hardly lookalikes.

Within the human body, phenotypic plasticity of genotype expression at the earliest stage of development created two distinct sets of independently functioning tissue types, etc., as dimorphic clones from a single set.


Swan wrote:
sealover wrote:
Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Genetic mutations occur randomly, without concern for adaptive need.

There is differential reproductive success among the progeny.

The vast majority of mutations are benign or maladaptive.

They do not enhance reproductive success and are not selected for.

A tiny minority of mutations impart adaptive value that enhances fitness and reproductive success.

These mutations are selected for in natural selection because they make the organism more fit to survive and reproduce.

These well adapted mutants become the majority in the population.

Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Wrong because not all mutations are random.
28-04-2022 04:01
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology Basics - Genotype versus Phenotype.

The genotype is the unique set of genes that an organism carries.

The phenotype is the physical expression of how those genes interacted with their cellular environment.

Phenotypic plasticity is observed in ants bees and wasps.

The exact same genotype can be expressed as a drone phenotype, or a queen phenotype. Very different bodies from the same genes.

The soldier termite phenotype is so different from the other termites that it cannot even feed itself. Pre chewed food must be spit into its mouth by comrades. Those gigantic jaws are useless for eating, but they serve another purpose. That soldier has the same genes as the others, but got manipulated with hormones as a baby.

The Portugese Man of War is a colonial organism from one of the most ancient animal lines in the sea.

The "colony" is comprised of polymorphic clones from a single zygote.
Each member of the colony is an individual animal, living in symbiosis with sibling clones.

But they are hardly like identical twins, even though they all have the same genotype.

The float animal is a gas filled balloon. The stomach animal. The tentacle animals. The stinger animals. They are all clones but hardly lookalikes.

Within the human body, phenotypic plasticity of genotype expression at the earliest stage of development created two distinct sets of independently functioning tissue types, etc., as dimorphic clones from a single set.


Swan wrote:
sealover wrote:
Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Genetic mutations occur randomly, without concern for adaptive need.

There is differential reproductive success among the progeny.

The vast majority of mutations are benign or maladaptive.

They do not enhance reproductive success and are not selected for.

A tiny minority of mutations impart adaptive value that enhances fitness and reproductive success.

These mutations are selected for in natural selection because they make the organism more fit to survive and reproduce.

These well adapted mutants become the majority in the population.

Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Wrong because not all mutations are random.

What are you trying to say in one sentence?

I dare you?
Edited on 28-04-2022 04:11
28-04-2022 04:17
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
28-04-2022 04:33
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Wrong because there is more than one theory.

"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.,way%20that%20benefits%20the%20plant.
28-04-2022 05:19
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random
Incorrect. The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.
Wrong because there is more than one theory.

Nope, there is only one "a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code" of which you were speaking above.

I gave you Darwin's clarification.

Swan wrote:"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.

Bozo Monroe doesn't get to butcher the theory with a "it turns out that ..." because it doesn't turn out that.

The bottom line is that the variations are not arbitrarily chosen; they are all, in fact, random. Variations all result from outside forces for which there is no control and no prior information.
28-04-2022 05:52
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution.
sealover wrote:
Genetic mutations occur randomly, without concern for adaptive need.

There is differential reproductive success among the progeny.

The vast majority of mutations are benign or maladaptive.

They do not enhance reproductive success and are not selected for.

A tiny minority of mutations impart adaptive value that enhances fitness and reproductive success.

These mutations are selected for in natural selection because they make the organism more fit to survive and reproduce.

These well adapted mutants become the majority in the population.

Darwinian Evolution - The Basics

Paradox. Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution.
He attempted to create the Theory of Natural Selection.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
28-04-2022 05:54
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?

Genetic engineering.
Domestication of animals and plants.
Pigeon, dog, and cat fanciers.

Shall I go on?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
28-04-2022 05:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?

Mutations are chosen in response to outside stimuli such as radiation, other mutations are the result of code errors, that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random and since species are evolving in positive ways randomness is technically eliminated. Intelligent design is the theory, seems more cognitive than Darwin's mythical code writing pond

Paradox. You're going to have to decide, dude. You can't argue both sides of a paradox. It's irrational.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Evolutionary Biology Basics - Principles of Ecology28-04-2022 06:51
Evolutionary Biology Basics - Principles of Ecology.

Natural selection favors the genotypes that develop into phenotypes with superior fitness. Superior ability to interact with the environment in a manner that enables them to survive and reproduce.

The phenotypes interact with environment.

The environment includes the physical features of climate, geomorphology, presence or absence of standing water, etc.

The environment also includes the other organisms and the products of their biological activities.

The environment includes expressions of organisms' "extended" phenotypes.

The beavers build the dams because their genes tell them too, and it creates an engineered wetland environment that creates a new ecosystem with new niches.

Dam construction is coded into their phenotype. The dam itself, and the environmental engineering alteration of ecosystems it brings about, are the physical expression of the beaver's "extended" phenotype.

We'll get into all the niches, producers, consumers, and ecological interactions that play into evolutionary biology.


Into the Night wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?

Genetic engineering.
Domestication of animals and plants.
Pigeon, dog, and cat fanciers.

Shall I go on?
RE: Iodine bound to tyrosine from tunicates to humans.28-04-2022 07:29
Iodine bound to tyrosine from tunicates to humans.

Humans are hominids, primates, mammals, and vertebrates all at the same time.

But "vertebrate" isn't a phyla. It is a sub phyla of chordates.

Tunicates are invertebrate chordates.

Perhaps our closest surviving invertebrate relatives.

Tunicates make a sticky glue material in order to trap tiny pieces of food out of sea water. A key ingredient of that glue is a molecule in which tyrosine is bound to iodine. Extremely rare in nature. But it makes good glue. And there is plenty of iodine in seawater.

The tunicate gland that produces the glue is attached to the pharynx.

We still have that gland in pretty much the same place by our pharynx.

The thyroid gland produces a hormone that contains that very rare tyrosine bound to iodine. We can't grow without iodine.

There could have been plenty of other ways to make the thyroid hormone without needing iodine. Iodine can be very scarce up on the continents, especially in some high mountain regions or places like the Great Lakes.

It only takes the tiniest bit of iodine to satisfy the thyroid.

Note: The enlarged throat goiters of severe iodine deficiency may the the most familiar face of iodine deficiency. What affects many hundreds of millions of more people are the diminished mental development capacity of less severe iodine deficiency.

The government of China concluded that they could raise the IQ of their population by an average of 10 points by supplying iodine supplement on a large scale. And they've been doing it.

So, would "intelligent design" deliberately handicap us with a need for iodine?

How come this unique molecular combination only occurs in a few invertebrate chordates and ALL vertebrates?

Hard to explain without the paradigm of evolutionary biology.

Iodine bound to tyrosine from tunicates to humans.
28-04-2022 07:46
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Wrong because there is more than one theory.

"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.,way%20that%20benefits%20the%20plant.

Californication of science, by an assistant, not even actual professor... Think Sealover is from California too...

Mutations are random, not planned, or pick and choose. Very common, but seldom survive, to be passed on to future generations. Not all mutations are obvious, or even expressed, until later generations. There is no restrictions on the number of mutations to a critter's DNA either. Doesn't have to be one at a time, seldom is either. Researchers tend to have a narrow focus, and only look a specific details, ignoring the entire.
28-04-2022 13:06
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random
Incorrect. The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.
Wrong because there is more than one theory.

Nope, there is only one "a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code" of which you were speaking above.

I gave you Darwin's clarification.

Swan wrote:"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.

Bozo Monroe doesn't get to butcher the theory with a "it turns out that ..." because it doesn't turn out that.

The bottom line is that the variations are not arbitrarily chosen; they are all, in fact, random. Variations all result from outside forces for which there is no control and no prior information.

Wrong again as there is literally always more than one theory, otherwise there would be a fact and no theory. Like the fact that your mother dropped you on purpose.

28-04-2022 13:12
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Wrong because there is more than one theory.

"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.,way%20that%20benefits%20the%20plant.

Californication of science, by an assistant, not even actual professor... Think Sealover is from California too...

Mutations are random, not planned, or pick and choose. Very common, but seldom survive, to be passed on to future generations. Not all mutations are obvious, or even expressed, until later generations. There is no restrictions on the number of mutations to a critter's DNA either. Doesn't have to be one at a time, seldom is either. Researchers tend to have a narrow focus, and only look a specific details, ignoring the entire.

How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run? That is not random, can't be
Edited on 28-04-2022 13:22
28-04-2022 16:45
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
Swan wrote:
How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run?

I am a mutation and I improve the specy especially when they are hungry and want some chow chow.

the diner is not fansy

28-04-2022 17:59
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
Swan wrote:
How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run?

I am a mutation and I improve the specy especially when they are hungry and want some chow chow.

the diner is not fansy

I have a very impolite question:

You don't spell very well. How do you write down people's orders?
28-04-2022 18:44
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
GretaGroupie wrote:
Swan wrote:
How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run?

I am a mutation and I improve the specy especially when they are hungry and want some chow chow.

the diner is not fansy

I have a very impolite question:

You don't spell very well. How do you write down people's orders?

LOL doesn't matter because the prof is the cook and a retard too
RE: Bilateral Symmetry - A factor in our consciousness.28-04-2022 21:31
Bilateral Symmetry - A factor in our consciousness.

"The Psychology of Consciousness" by Robert Ornstein, first published in the 1970s highlighted some of what was being learned about bilateral symmetry as a factor in our consciousness.

The brain is split down the middle, with the right and left half operating in some ways independently.

Understanding the significance of bilateral symmetry can help us understand what we are.

Bilateral symmetry was a game changer in animal evolution.

Before the first mutant that was a kind of flatworm came along, all the animals bodies were based on radial symmetry. There was no plane of symmetry along which they could be divided.

Echinoderms, such as starfish have pseudo radial symmetry.

Echinoderms are far more advanced than their flatworm ancestors.

The echinoderm larval stage has purely bilateral symmetry.

The adult stage has pseudo radial symmetry. There is only one way to divide a starfish down the middle and have the pairs of glands, etc., be equal on both sides. Only one of the five arms is the middle one.

Bilateral symmetry made it possible to have appendages in mirror pairs, which could be articulated and coordinated in ways impossible with radial symmetry.

So how did that first mutant freak flatworm ancestor evolve from a radially symmetrical ancestor?

Watch this space.


Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
GretaGroupie wrote:
Swan wrote:
How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run?

I am a mutation and I improve the specy especially when they are hungry and want some chow chow.

the diner is not fansy

I have a very impolite question:

You don't spell very well. How do you write down people's orders?

LOL doesn't matter because the prof is the cook and a retard too
RE: Beaver's "extended" phenotype includes alkalinity export from watersheds.28-04-2022 23:02
Beaver's "extended" phenotype includes alkalinity export from watersheds.

When beavers act as ecosystem engineers to construct wetlands, they do more than just make a safe home with an abundant food supply.

Alteration of hydrology by the beaver dam creates low oxygen conditions where sulfate reduction can occur.

Water exported below the dam contains significantly increased alkalinity, compared to the water entering from above.

The beaver's "extended" phenotype helps to provide the sea with alkalinity.


sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology Basics - Principles of Ecology.

Natural selection favors the genotypes that develop into phenotypes with superior fitness. Superior ability to interact with the environment in a manner that enables them to survive and reproduce.

The phenotypes interact with environment.

The environment includes the physical features of climate, geomorphology, presence or absence of standing water, etc.

The environment also includes the other organisms and the products of their biological activities.

The environment includes expressions of organisms' "extended" phenotypes.

The beavers build the dams because their genes tell them too, and it creates an engineered wetland environment that creates a new ecosystem with new niches.

Dam construction is coded into their phenotype. The dam itself, and the environmental engineering alteration of ecosystems it brings about, are the physical expression of the beaver's "extended" phenotype.

We'll get into all the niches, producers, consumers, and ecological interactions that play into evolutionary biology.


Into the Night wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Wrong because not all mutations are random.

I'm curious, what mutations are arbitrarily chosen?

Genetic engineering.
Domestication of animals and plants.
Pigeon, dog, and cat fanciers.

Shall I go on?
29-04-2022 00:04
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Bilateral Symmetry - A factor in our consciousness.

"The Psychology of Consciousness" by Robert Ornstein, first published in the 1970s highlighted some of what was being learned about bilateral symmetry as a factor in our consciousness.

The brain is split down the middle, with the right and left half operating in some ways independently.

Understanding the significance of bilateral symmetry can help us understand what we are.

Bilateral symmetry was a game changer in animal evolution.

Before the first mutant that was a kind of flatworm came along, all the animals bodies were based on radial symmetry. There was no plane of symmetry along which they could be divided.

Echinoderms, such as starfish have pseudo radial symmetry.

Echinoderms are far more advanced than their flatworm ancestors.

The echinoderm larval stage has purely bilateral symmetry.

The adult stage has pseudo radial symmetry. There is only one way to divide a starfish down the middle and have the pairs of glands, etc., be equal on both sides. Only one of the five arms is the middle one.

Bilateral symmetry made it possible to have appendages in mirror pairs, which could be articulated and coordinated in ways impossible with radial symmetry.

So how did that first mutant freak flatworm ancestor evolve from a radially symmetrical ancestor?

Watch this space.


Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
GretaGroupie wrote:
Swan wrote:
How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run?

I am a mutation and I improve the specy especially when they are hungry and want some chow chow.

the diner is not fansy

I have a very impolite question:

You don't spell very well. How do you write down people's orders?

LOL doesn't matter because the prof is the cook and a retard too

LOL your brain is certainly split down the middle

29-04-2022 01:36
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Evolutionary Biology Basics - Principles of Ecology.

Natural selection favors the genotypes that develop into phenotypes with superior fitness. Superior ability to interact with the environment in a manner that enables them to survive and reproduce.

The phenotypes interact with environment.

The environment includes the physical features of climate, geomorphology, presence or absence of standing water, etc.

The environment also includes the other organisms and the products of their biological activities.

The environment includes expressions of organisms' "extended" phenotypes.

The beavers build the dams because their genes tell them too, and it creates an engineered wetland environment that creates a new ecosystem with new niches.

Dam construction is coded into their phenotype. The dam itself, and the environmental engineering alteration of ecosystems it brings about, are the physical expression of the beaver's "extended" phenotype.

We'll get into all the niches, producers, consumers, and ecological interactions that play into evolutionary biology.

There is no such thing as evolutionary biology.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
29-04-2022 01:37
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Iodine bound to tyrosine from tunicates to humans.

Humans are hominids, primates, mammals, and vertebrates all at the same time.

But "vertebrate" isn't a phyla. It is a sub phyla of chordates.

Tunicates are invertebrate chordates.

Perhaps our closest surviving invertebrate relatives.

Tunicates make a sticky glue material in order to trap tiny pieces of food out of sea water. A key ingredient of that glue is a molecule in which tyrosine is bound to iodine. Extremely rare in nature. But it makes good glue. And there is plenty of iodine in seawater.

The tunicate gland that produces the glue is attached to the pharynx.

We still have that gland in pretty much the same place by our pharynx.

The thyroid gland produces a hormone that contains that very rare tyrosine bound to iodine. We can't grow without iodine.

There could have been plenty of other ways to make the thyroid hormone without needing iodine. Iodine can be very scarce up on the continents, especially in some high mountain regions or places like the Great Lakes.

It only takes the tiniest bit of iodine to satisfy the thyroid.

Note: The enlarged throat goiters of severe iodine deficiency may the the most familiar face of iodine deficiency. What affects many hundreds of millions of more people are the diminished mental development capacity of less severe iodine deficiency.

The government of China concluded that they could raise the IQ of their population by an average of 10 points by supplying iodine supplement on a large scale. And they've been doing it.

So, would "intelligent design" deliberately handicap us with a need for iodine?

How come this unique molecular combination only occurs in a few invertebrate chordates and ALL vertebrates?

Hard to explain without the paradigm of evolutionary biology.

Iodine bound to tyrosine from tunicates to humans.

There is no such thing as 'evolutionary biology'.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
29-04-2022 01:41
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Wrong because there is more than one theory.

"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.,way%20that%20benefits%20the%20plant.

Californication of science, by an assistant, not even actual professor... Think Sealover is from California too...

He says he is.
HarveyH55 wrote:
Mutations are random, not planned, or pick and choose.

They certainly can be. This is what a pigeon fancier, cat fancier, or dog fancier does to create all those different breeds.

Genetic engineering is another way to intentionally mutate something by design.

Domesticating animals and plants are another way.

In all three cases, people plan the mutation, and pick and choose the one they want to keep.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
29-04-2022 01:42
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random
Incorrect. The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.
Wrong because there is more than one theory.

Nope, there is only one "a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code" of which you were speaking above.

I gave you Darwin's clarification.

Swan wrote:"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.

Bozo Monroe doesn't get to butcher the theory with a "it turns out that ..." because it doesn't turn out that.

The bottom line is that the variations are not arbitrarily chosen; they are all, in fact, random. Variations all result from outside forces for which there is no control and no prior information.

Wrong again as there is literally always more than one theory, otherwise there would be a fact and no theory. Like the fact that your mother dropped you on purpose.


Not the meaning of 'fact'. Try again.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
29-04-2022 01:45
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote: ... that said there is a theory that all mutations are the result of evolving code as the end result of such mutations always seems to be positive and if the mutations were actually random then the results would be random


The theory states that all variations are random, that the detrimental variations decrease one's chances for survival and eliminate themselves through the non-survival they generate. On the other hand, the beneficial variations aid in survival and procreation and carry forward to the next generation.

Charles Darwin wrote (in Chapter VI of Origin of Species): Natural selection will never produce in a being any structure more injurious than beneficial to that being, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each. No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor. If a fair balance be struck between the good and evil caused by each part, each will be found on the whole advantageous. After the lapse of time, under changing conditions of life, if any part comes to be injurious, it will be modified; or if it be not so, the being will become extinct as myriads have become extinct.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Wrong because there is more than one theory.

"We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome," said Grey Monroe, PhD, an assistant professor in the University of California, Davis, department of plant sciences. "It turns out that mutation is very nonrandom and it's nonrandom in a way that benefits the plant.,way%20that%20benefits%20the%20plant.

Californication of science, by an assistant, not even actual professor... Think Sealover is from California too...

Mutations are random, not planned, or pick and choose. Very common, but seldom survive, to be passed on to future generations. Not all mutations are obvious, or even expressed, until later generations. There is no restrictions on the number of mutations to a critter's DNA either. Doesn't have to be one at a time, seldom is either. Researchers tend to have a narrow focus, and only look a specific details, ignoring the entire.

How is it then that the mutations that seem to be random always improve the species in the long run? That is not random, can't be

Define 'improve'. Just because YOU see an 'improvement' doesn't mean someone else does.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
29-04-2022 01:49
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Beaver's "extended" phenotype includes alkalinity export from watersheds.

When beavers act as ecosystem engineers to construct wetlands, they do more than just make a safe home with an abundant food supply.

Alteration of hydrology by the beaver dam creates low oxygen conditions where sulfate reduction can occur.

Water exported below the dam contains significantly increased alkalinity, compared to the water entering from above.

The beaver's "extended" phenotype helps to provide the sea with alkalinity.

Beavers do not construct wetlands.

Buzzword fallacies.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
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