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Maximizing Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Agroecosystems

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03-11-2023 12:26
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

You fear the truth, this is the life that you chose, and you will live with it regardless of me.

First you want me to be Alan and now Lite Song, so you are a desperate trolling fool, you cannot fool me, so now you ban me.

The truth will remain

And Alan Bauldree told me he sodomizes little boys. Should I believe what he says?

What you should do is speak to law enforcement, I would. Here is the FBI tip line number, so please do the right thing.

The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement.

If you believe you are a victim or a witness of a hate crime, we encourage you to report it to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip at

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 03-11-2023 12:36
03-11-2023 17:10
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

You fear the truth, this is the life that you chose, and you will live with it regardless of me.

First you want me to be Alan and now Lite Song, so you are a desperate trolling fool, you cannot fool me, so now you ban me.

The truth will remain

And Alan Bauldree told me he sodomizes little boys. Should I believe what he says?

What you should do is speak to law enforcement, I would. Here is the FBI tip line number, so please do the right thing.

The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement.

If you believe you are a victim or a witness of a hate crime, we encourage you to report it to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip at

PS. Either you make the call, or you are full of shit.

PSS. What is that smell anyway?

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: How many hydroxyl groups on formaledhyde04-11-2023 08:26
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
James_ wrote:
a hypothesis

It is clear from previous posts that you are aware CH2O is formaldehyde.

However, a laymen's mistake might be to use CH2O for carbohydrates.

In this oversimplification, photosynthesis is CO2 + H2O = CH2O + O2

Nearly all carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H2O)n

C6H12O6 = glucose, fructose, galactose, etc.

C12H24O12 = sucrose, lactose, etc.

But CH2O is formaldehyde, not carbohydrate.

The post says, "since it's known that CH2O can be generated.." (???)

Even more puzzling is how this could possibly relate to the Chapman Cycle.

Formaldehyde is a carbohydrate.
It has nothing to do with the Chapman cycle.

With lignin, there was no way to say that at least it is hydrated carbon with the general formula Cm(H2O)n.

But formaldehyde, CH2O is not carbohydrate either.

It has only one carbon, which is double bonded to the only oxygen as a carbonyl group (-C=O).

Formaldehyde contains ZERO carbon atoms with hydroxyl groups (-C-O-H), where the carbon is single bonded to an oxygen of a hydroxyl group (-OH). A carbohydrate must have at least TWO such carbon atoms single bonded to hydroxyl groups, as well as a carbonyl carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom. With just one carbon atom, formaldehyde doesn't have enough of the right parts to be a carbohydrate.
04-11-2023 12:59
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
James_ wrote:
a hypothesis

It is clear from previous posts that you are aware CH2O is formaldehyde.

However, a laymen's mistake might be to use CH2O for carbohydrates.

In this oversimplification, photosynthesis is CO2 + H2O = CH2O + O2

Nearly all carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H2O)n

C6H12O6 = glucose, fructose, galactose, etc.

C12H24O12 = sucrose, lactose, etc.

But CH2O is formaldehyde, not carbohydrate.

The post says, "since it's known that CH2O can be generated.." (???)

Even more puzzling is how this could possibly relate to the Chapman Cycle.

Formaldehyde is a carbohydrate.
It has nothing to do with the Chapman cycle.

With lignin, there was no way to say that at least it is hydrated carbon with the general formula Cm(H2O)n.

But formaldehyde, CH2O is not carbohydrate either.

It has only one carbon, which is double bonded to the only oxygen as a carbonyl group (-C=O).

Formaldehyde contains ZERO carbon atoms with hydroxyl groups (-C-O-H), where the carbon is single bonded to an oxygen of a hydroxyl group (-OH). A carbohydrate must have at least TWO such carbon atoms single bonded to hydroxyl groups, as well as a carbonyl carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom. With just one carbon atom, formaldehyde doesn't have enough of the right parts to be a carbohydrate.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
04-11-2023 23:11
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

You fear the truth, this is the life that you chose, and you will live with it regardless of me.

First you want me to be Alan and now Lite Song, so you are a desperate trolling fool, you cannot fool me, so now you ban me.

The truth will remain

And Alan Bauldree told me he sodomizes little boys. Should I believe what he says?

What you should do is speak to law enforcement, I would. Here is the FBI tip line number, so please do the right thing.

The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement.

If you believe you are a victim or a witness of a hate crime, we encourage you to report it to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip at

Wonder if the FBI could take care of you. Clearly you hate intelligent discussion, and anyone attempting to have one.
04-11-2023 23:26
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
James_ wrote:
a hypothesis

It is clear from previous posts that you are aware CH2O is formaldehyde.

However, a laymen's mistake might be to use CH2O for carbohydrates.

In this oversimplification, photosynthesis is CO2 + H2O = CH2O + O2

Nearly all carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H2O)n

C6H12O6 = glucose, fructose, galactose, etc.

C12H24O12 = sucrose, lactose, etc.

But CH2O is formaldehyde, not carbohydrate.

The post says, "since it's known that CH2O can be generated.." (???)

Even more puzzling is how this could possibly relate to the Chapman Cycle.

Formaldehyde is a carbohydrate.
It has nothing to do with the Chapman cycle.

With lignin, there was no way to say that at least it is hydrated carbon with the general formula Cm(H2O)n.

But formaldehyde, CH2O is not carbohydrate either.

It has only one carbon, which is double bonded to the only oxygen as a carbonyl group (-C=O).

Formaldehyde contains ZERO carbon atoms with hydroxyl groups (-C-O-H), where the carbon is single bonded to an oxygen of a hydroxyl group (-OH). A carbohydrate must have at least TWO such carbon atoms single bonded to hydroxyl groups, as well as a carbonyl carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom. With just one carbon atom, formaldehyde doesn't have enough of the right parts to be a carbohydrate.

Everyone who took high school biology knows that formaldehyde is amphibian. We all endured the stench, while dissecting frogs.
05-11-2023 00:49
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

You fear the truth, this is the life that you chose, and you will live with it regardless of me.

First you want me to be Alan and now Lite Song, so you are a desperate trolling fool, you cannot fool me, so now you ban me.

The truth will remain

And Alan Bauldree told me he sodomizes little boys. Should I believe what he says?

What you should do is speak to law enforcement, I would. Here is the FBI tip line number, so please do the right thing.

The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement.

If you believe you are a victim or a witness of a hate crime, we encourage you to report it to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip at

Wonder if the FBI could take care of you. Clearly you hate intelligent discussion, and anyone attempting to have one.

It is just not possible for me to have an intelligent discussion with a fool like you who does not even believe that quantum computing and cryptography even exist. So you stay there in your little cubicle, at least I had a dedicated office.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: So, who is citing me NOW?05-11-2023 19:15
Im a BM
A couple of more papers came out that cite the research of yours truly.

M. Stanek et al. 2023. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 551 pages (?-?)


L. Zhang et al. 2023. Tannin complexation with metal ions and its implication on human health, environment, and industry: An overview. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Volume 253, part 7 pages (?-?)

The first paper reminds me of some of the first forestry research ever published, a century and a half ago. The Germans were the pioneers in this field of science. Some of what the new paper describes the invasive oak species doing is in line with what the old German foresters called "soil degraders".

The second paper is from a journal I never heard of before. There are literally tens of thousands of different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Quality varies significantly.

What I like about this one is that the title says "Tannin complexation with metals..."

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, are phenol carboxylic acids capable of forming strong complexes with metals.

Someone who never studied chemistry might imagine that "metal complexing organic acid" is some kind of fake buzzword.

Metal complexation by organic acids is of major significance in biogeochemistry.

This will probably get covered up with troll manure in a matter of minutes.

To the viewer who might want to have a rational discussion about science...
05-11-2023 23:53
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
A couple of more papers came out that cite the research of yours truly.

M. Stanek et al. 2023. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 551 pages (?-?)


L. Zhang et al. 2023. Tannin complexation with metal ions and its implication on human health, environment, and industry: An overview. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Volume 253, part 7 pages (?-?)

The first paper reminds me of some of the first forestry research ever published, a century and a half ago. The Germans were the pioneers in this field of science. Some of what the new paper describes the invasive oak species doing is in line with what the old German foresters called "soil degraders".

The second paper is from a journal I never heard of before. There are literally tens of thousands of different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Quality varies significantly.

What I like about this one is that the title says "Tannin complexation with metals..."

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, are phenol carboxylic acids capable of forming strong complexes with metals.

Someone who never studied chemistry might imagine that "metal complexing organic acid" is some kind of fake buzzword.

Metal complexation by organic acids is of major significance in biogeochemistry.

This will probably get covered up with troll manure in a matter of minutes.

To the viewer who might want to have a rational discussion about science...

Science is not a paper, book, journal, magazine, pamphlet, or website.
There is no such thing in science as 'biogeochemistry'.
'Metal complexation' is a buzzword.

You are not discussing science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
06-11-2023 02:58
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:Everyone who took high school biology knows that formaldehyde is amphibian. We all endured the stench, while dissecting frogs.

That's the difference between professional and amateur taxidermy; they give us respectively formaldehyde and informaldehyde.
RE: topic reminder20-12-2023 21:07
sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.

Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. This minimizes nitrous oxide emission as a by product of microbial nitrate reduction. Nitrogen release from tannin-rich litter is predominantly in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen rather than ammonium or nitrate. Dissolved organic nitrogen adsorbs to soil organic matter, minimizing leaching loss of nitrogen and retaining it in slow release form.

Tannins inhibit the decomposition of organic matter to substantially increase its mean residence in or above the soil. In the most extreme cases, equatorial rainforests form massive litter layers over acid white sand soils that are virtually devoid of nutrients or roots. One- or two-meters thick layers of litter in various stages of decomposition can accumulate above the mineral soil surface. This is despite warm, wet, well drained conditions that favor rapid decomposition. Exceptionally high tannin content in the vegetation of these forests enables them to create an enduring layer of organic matter above the soil surface, where virtually all the root growth and nutrient cycling occurs with high efficiency, and negligible losses.

Tannins themselves are the dominant substrate that transforms into soil humic acids. Humic acids enhance soil fertility in many ways, and their mean residence time in soil can be many centuries long. Tannins can comprise more than half the dry weight in foliage of tannin-rich species, and much of this represents sequestered carbon that will remain for a long time as stable soil organic matter.

We may not want to create thick litter layers above the topsoil in all our croplands. But polyphenol biogeochemistry can still be applied to increase carbon sequestration and decrease nitrous oxide emission. For example, tannin-rich organic matter can be combined with more rapidly decomposable crop residues or manure to slow decomposition and immobilize nitrogen into slowly mineralized organic form, as compost. Crop-mycorrhizal associations could be facilitated to sequester carbon and access recalcitrant soil nitrogen.

Just a reminder of what the thread topic is.
RE: two new papers that cite yours truly20-12-2023 21:36
A couple of new papers came out that cite my biogeochemistry research.

Romanko, CA, et. al. 2023. Soil greenhouse gas flux and nitrogen mineralization following manure application from tannin-fed dairy cows. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, play a very significant role in regulating carbon and nitrogen cycling.

This is why biogeochemistry research about tannins is of such great interest to climate scientists, with potential for many practical applications.

It has been known now for decades that cattle burp out less methane when their diet includes tannins.

This paper is about research into what happens to the manure later, and whether or not tannins continue to influence greenhouse gas emissions.

In this study, manure from tannin-fed dairy cows had slower rates of nitrogen mineralization. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions AND reduces nitrogen loss from the soil.

Dong, S, et al. 2023. Effect of NaNO3, NH4CL and urea on the fate and transformation of various typical microplastics in porous media. Environmental Pollution. Volume 341 Pages (?-?)

I'll have to read it more carefully to figure out why they cited me.

It does raise another important environmental topic not related to climate change.

We have synthesized a LOT of different kinds of plastic. Some degrade relatively harmlessly, if not incredibly slowly. Others generate highly toxic degradation products. Particularly those with halogens (chlorine, fluorine, bromine, etc.) and/or benzene rings in their structure.

Biogeochemistry is a REAL field of science. It is highly relevant to folks who want to actually understand global environmental change, and how to potentially mitigate adverse impacts.
20-12-2023 22:13
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
A couple of more papers came out that cite the research of yours truly.

M. Stanek et al. 2023. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 551 pages (?-?)


L. Zhang et al. 2023. Tannin complexation with metal ions and its implication on human health, environment, and industry: An overview. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Volume 253, part 7 pages (?-?)

The first paper reminds me of some of the first forestry research ever published, a century and a half ago. The Germans were the pioneers in this field of science. Some of what the new paper describes the invasive oak species doing is in line with what the old German foresters called "soil degraders".

The second paper is from a journal I never heard of before. There are literally tens of thousands of different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Quality varies significantly.

What I like about this one is that the title says "Tannin complexation with metals..."

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, are phenol carboxylic acids capable of forming strong complexes with metals.

Someone who never studied chemistry might imagine that "metal complexing organic acid" is some kind of fake buzzword.

Metal complexation by organic acids is of major significance in biogeochemistry.

This will probably get covered up with troll manure in a matter of minutes.

To the viewer who might want to have a rational discussion about science...

Science is not a paper, book, journal, magazine, pamphlet, or website.
There is no such thing in science as 'biogeochemistry'.
'Metal complexation' is a buzzword.

You are not discussing science.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
21-12-2023 01:19
Swan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
A couple of more papers came out that cite the research of yours truly.

M. Stanek et al. 2023. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 551 pages (?-?)


L. Zhang et al. 2023. Tannin complexation with metal ions and its implication on human health, environment, and industry: An overview. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Volume 253, part 7 pages (?-?)

The first paper reminds me of some of the first forestry research ever published, a century and a half ago. The Germans were the pioneers in this field of science. Some of what the new paper describes the invasive oak species doing is in line with what the old German foresters called "soil degraders".

The second paper is from a journal I never heard of before. There are literally tens of thousands of different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Quality varies significantly.

What I like about this one is that the title says "Tannin complexation with metals..."

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, are phenol carboxylic acids capable of forming strong complexes with metals.

Someone who never studied chemistry might imagine that "metal complexing organic acid" is some kind of fake buzzword.

Metal complexation by organic acids is of major significance in biogeochemistry.

This will probably get covered up with troll manure in a matter of minutes.

To the viewer who might want to have a rational discussion about science...

Science is not a paper, book, journal, magazine, pamphlet, or website.
There is no such thing in science as 'biogeochemistry'.
'Metal complexation' is a buzzword.

You are not discussing science.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

Gosh Alan, I thought science was the way you're attracted to me, you know, opposites attract. You said you loved me. Remember your messages on Facebook and Instagram.
21-12-2023 03:15
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
A couple of more papers came out that cite the research of yours truly.

M. Stanek et al. 2023. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 551 pages (?-?)


L. Zhang et al. 2023. Tannin complexation with metal ions and its implication on human health, environment, and industry: An overview. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Volume 253, part 7 pages (?-?)

The first paper reminds me of some of the first forestry research ever published, a century and a half ago. The Germans were the pioneers in this field of science. Some of what the new paper describes the invasive oak species doing is in line with what the old German foresters called "soil degraders".

The second paper is from a journal I never heard of before. There are literally tens of thousands of different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Quality varies significantly.

What I like about this one is that the title says "Tannin complexation with metals..."

Tannins, also known as polyphenols, are phenol carboxylic acids capable of forming strong complexes with metals.

Someone who never studied chemistry might imagine that "metal complexing organic acid" is some kind of fake buzzword.

Metal complexation by organic acids is of major significance in biogeochemistry.

This will probably get covered up with troll manure in a matter of minutes.

To the viewer who might want to have a rational discussion about science...

Science is not a paper, book, journal, magazine, pamphlet, or website.
There is no such thing in science as 'biogeochemistry'.
'Metal complexation' is a buzzword.

You are not discussing science.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

Gosh Alan, I thought science was the way you're attracted to me, you know, opposites attract. You said you loved me. Remember your messages on Facebook and Instagram.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

And can you please explain again how the bill of rights and the US constitution are two separate documents? That insight was glorious

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 21-12-2023 03:18
21-12-2023 03:45
Swan wrote:

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

And can you please explain again how the bill of rights and the US constitution are two separate documents? That insight was glorious

Remember when you said that when I agree with you it means I've taken my meds because I understand that you are right? Please don't ask me to turn against you when I want to be for you. I'm here for you. ❤️
Ooop, I used the wrong emoji.

Unfortunately Alan I'm heterosexual and am not overweight while you are a homosexual and overweight as well. Yet because we are both guys we repel each other just as 2 north poles or 2 south poles on magnets repel each other.
I think it's funny that you said that you're going to stalk me until I become your lover. After all, you want me to suffer as you do. I don't need that in my life. Bye!
Edited on 21-12-2023 04:10
21-12-2023 04:41
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

And can you please explain again how the bill of rights and the US constitution are two separate documents? That insight was glorious

Remember when you said that when I agree with you it means I've taken my meds because I understand that you are right? Please don't ask me to turn against you when I want to be for you. I'm here for you. ❤️
Ooop, I used the wrong emoji.

Unfortunately Alan I'm heterosexual and am not overweight while you are a homosexual and overweight as well. Yet because we are both guys we repel each other just as 2 north poles or 2 south poles on magnets repel each other.
I think it's funny that you said that you're going to stalk me until I become your lover. After all, you want me to suffer as you do. I don't need that in my life. Bye!

LOL you are merely trying to manipulate the conversation, and failing as badly as the Hindenburg did in landing at Lakehurst.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: the thread topic is real21-12-2023 07:52
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

And can you please explain again how the bill of rights and the US constitution are two separate documents? That insight was glorious

Remember when you said that when I agree with you it means I've taken my meds because I understand that you are right? Please don't ask me to turn against you when I want to be for you. I'm here for you. ❤️
Ooop, I used the wrong emoji.

Unfortunately Alan I'm heterosexual and am not overweight while you are a homosexual and overweight as well. Yet because we are both guys we repel each other just as 2 north poles or 2 south poles on magnets repel each other.
I think it's funny that you said that you're going to stalk me until I become your lover. After all, you want me to suffer as you do. I don't need that in my life. Bye!

LOL you are merely trying to manipulate the conversation, and failing as badly as the Hindenburg did in landing at Lakehurst.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

The thread topic regarding carbon sequestration is real.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of troll manure to dig through in order to find it.

For example, this troll exchange doesn't pretend to have the slightest interest in a valid discussion of anything scientific or even vaguely related to climate.

Trolls can't control their sociopathic impulses.

And there are the half dozen others who just can't wait to gang rape the next tree hugger who naively expresses concern about climate change.

New members will continue to join and a few might even make a good faith effort to participate in the discussion.

As the search engine continues to operate in the false belief that this site gets well over a thousand visits a day (see "guests online" as it suddenly jumps to 160), people will continue to be directed here as if it were a valid discussion site.

One of them might get past enough of the troll manure to have questions about biogeochemistry related to carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.

Questions that would get an answer from a published biogeochemistry PhD whose research gets cited in a lot of the papers about carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.
21-12-2023 12:50
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

And can you please explain again how the bill of rights and the US constitution are two separate documents? That insight was glorious

Remember when you said that when I agree with you it means I've taken my meds because I understand that you are right? Please don't ask me to turn against you when I want to be for you. I'm here for you. ❤️
Ooop, I used the wrong emoji.

Unfortunately Alan I'm heterosexual and am not overweight while you are a homosexual and overweight as well. Yet because we are both guys we repel each other just as 2 north poles or 2 south poles on magnets repel each other.
I think it's funny that you said that you're going to stalk me until I become your lover. After all, you want me to suffer as you do. I don't need that in my life. Bye!

LOL you are merely trying to manipulate the conversation, and failing as badly as the Hindenburg did in landing at Lakehurst.

Well then little boy, how about you tell us for once what science is, instead of what it isn't for once.

Will wait with popcorn

The thread topic regarding carbon sequestration is real.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of troll manure to dig through in order to find it.

For example, this troll exchange doesn't pretend to have the slightest interest in a valid discussion of anything scientific or even vaguely related to climate.

Trolls can't control their sociopathic impulses.

And there are the half dozen others who just can't wait to gang rape the next tree hugger who naively expresses concern about climate change.

New members will continue to join and a few might even make a good faith effort to participate in the discussion.

As the search engine continues to operate in the false belief that this site gets well over a thousand visits a day (see "guests online" as it suddenly jumps to 160), people will continue to be directed here as if it were a valid discussion site.

One of them might get past enough of the troll manure to have questions about biogeochemistry related to carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.

Questions that would get an answer from a published biogeochemistry PhD whose research gets cited in a lot of the papers about carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.

1000 visits per day is literally dead as for example Facebook gets 2.085 billion post per day or 86,875,000 every hour, or 1,447,916 every minute, or 24,131 every second of every day. So the reality is that this site is not real, more or less this page is a Twilight Zone in-between reality and fiction, fact and fantasy, a place where every time you leave you reenter the Twilight zone.

LOL carbon sequestration is nonsense as when 50 percent of the Earth was under ice there were no forest there capturing carbon, or creating oxygen either so in reality there are more trees today than there were 22,000 years ago but don't tell All Bore because his World ended in 2020.

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
RE: Must you troll EVERY thread?21-12-2023 20:33
The thread topic regarding carbon sequestration is real.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of troll manure to dig through in order to find it.

For example, this troll exchange doesn't pretend to have the slightest interest in a valid discussion of anything scientific or even vaguely related to climate.

Trolls can't control their sociopathic impulses.

And there are the half dozen others who just can't wait to gang rape the next tree hugger who naively expresses concern about climate change.

New members will continue to join and a few might even make a good faith effort to participate in the discussion.

As the search engine continues to operate in the false belief that this site gets well over a thousand visits a day (see "guests online" as it suddenly jumps to 160), people will continue to be directed here as if it were a valid discussion site.

One of them might get past enough of the troll manure to have questions about biogeochemistry related to carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.

Questions that would get an answer from a published biogeochemistry PhD whose research gets cited in a lot of the papers about carbon sequestration in agroecosystems.[/quote]


To which Snarky (aka Swan) replies:

"1000 visits per day is literally dead as for example Facebook gets 2.085 billion post per day or 86,875,000 every hour, or 1,447,916 every minute, or 24,131 every second of every day. So the reality is that this site is not real, more or less this page is a Twilight Zone in-between reality and fiction, fact and fantasy, a place where every time you leave you reenter the Twilight zone.

LOL carbon sequestration is nonsense as when 50 percent of the Earth was under ice there were no forest there capturing carbon, or creating oxygen either so in reality there are more trees today than there were 22,000 years ago but don't tell All Bore because his World ended in 2020."

Snarky may have no questions about the biogeochemistry of carbon sequestration, but that doesn't mean he doesn't post a lot on the thread.

My question to the most prolific trolls is simple:

Must you troll EVERY thread?

Snarky has started literally hundreds of threads of his own.

A pesky scientific fact about the ice ages of the past.

There has NEVER been a time in the past three million years when more than half the world's forests (grasslands, everything else that does photosynthesis on land) were covered in ice. Photosynthesis in the sea continued as well.

One of the clearest records of glacial cycles over the last million years is carved into the rocks of the Navarro Block, at the tectonic plate "triple junction" near Mendocino, California.

As sea floor gets pushed under the coastline, the coastline rises in elevation.

Usually it gets tilted in the process. At the triple junction, the Navarro Block rises straight up with the land surface remaining level.

I don't know what the most recent estimates are. Thirty years ago, the land surface elevation of the Navarro Block was rising about twice as fast as global sea level rise. This ensures that whenever the sea level rises again at the end of an ice age, the land surface is already higher.

Coastal terraces have been carved into the Navarro Block. Five terraces represent the five biggest glacial cycles of the last million years.

Snarky could have done a much better job explaining how moraines form, but his actual knowledge of glacial history is quite limited.

So, he'll troll the thread about carbon sequestration in order to insult anyone who is lonely enough to accept his attention.
22-12-2023 13:57
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
LOL, did you have fun being triggered?

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
Edited on 22-12-2023 14:51
RE: example - why there is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website08-02-2024 05:50
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

Retard alert, the paper does not cite litter, which can be literally anything from rubber tires to arsenic, the paper quotes PLANT LITTER

The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins.

It's the chemical bonds it forms. The litter you mention in leaves also affect the trees that grew those leaves. A high tannin level in woodworking can be good. When you stain wood you like having a nice even stain, right?
And as the article on woodworking mentions, tannins (phenol) reacts to water. And when leaves "litter", their concentration of phenols is higher. This suggests that oxidation will occur. It might be like iron, water and air, iron oxide occurs. That's an electrolysis process. Different molecules create an electrical charge that affects the iron and other molecules it is interacting with.

If you look at soft woods, they have fewer phenols and need a pre-treatment that mimics phenols. Stains it seems adhere to phenols in the wood. It acts as a binding agent. Hardwoods have more phenols than soft woods do. So if you want to do woodworking you'll need to consider what will affect your finished product.
With that said, placing nails I think it's in rubbing alcohol will produce phenols. Steel wool also works. Then the solution will be richer in phenols so you can wet your wood with it before staining. And now I know why I prefer working with hardwoods.

p.s., With steel wool, I guess it needs to be 00 steal wool, that's as fine as it gets.
I just happened to remember I had this problem with trying to stain pine which is a softwood. And now you know why I use India ink which is black. The alternative is trying to figure out tannins.


A clear example of why there is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website.

Originally a paper was cited which contained the term "litter" in the title.

That paper cites the research of the author of this thread.

Someone with genuine interest in science might have wanted to ask the widely-cited researcher a question related to the research.

Right here on this website, they could have asked a question about science and gotten an answer from a PhD biogeochemist whose research is widely cited in peer-reviewed papers about carbon sequestration.

Instead, you get two trolls using it as an opportunity for an insult fest.

"Retard alert. The paper does not cite litter, which can be literally anything..."

"The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins."

Both of these trolls, Swan and James, have excreted copious amounts of troll feces on this thread.

One might imagine this means they have some intellectual curiosity about carbon sequestration, etc. One would be wrong.

Neither of these trolls has EVER asked a genuine question about biogeochemistry of the published and widely cited biogeochemist who is the thread author.

Their contribution simply assures that a new viewer will never be able to find anything useful unless they are willing to dig through tons of troll manure to find it. And this particular exchange at least comes close to science, as opposed to being a paranoid rant about homosexual predators or a snarky effort to belittle any attempt to discuss science.

But wait... "The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins."

Why bother asking the published expert about phenolics when all you have to do is "check" to find out that this includes tannins?

Trolls certainly have a lot to teach each other, don't they?

So, even if the absentee slumlord were to come in and evict the worst of the squatters (the ones with between 14000 and 24000 posts each), the thread would still be dominated by pointless insult fests of lesser trolls.

It is difficult to read Branner's description of what this website is intended to accomplish without feeling disgusted by what he allowed it to become instead.

He is unwilling to act as moderator. Ever.

He is unwilling to allow anyone else to moderate the discussion.

Perhaps Jeppe should be honored as the patron saint of trolls.

There is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website.
08-02-2024 06:19
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote: A clear example of why there is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website.

All you do is whine and bitch and gripe and complain and moan and snivel.

sealover wrote: That paper cites the research of the author of this thread.

Wasn't your name tacked on just to make you feel good, i.e. to make you feel included, like you were part of the team, like your paperwork was a good contribution?

sealover wrote: Someone with genuine interest in science might have wanted to ask the widely-cited researcher a question related to the research.

You have made it clear that you don't define terms, you don't answer questions and the moment any point of your ignorance is revealed, you spam the board in a childish temper tantrum.

Have you actually wondered why you don't get any questions? You must not have been paying attention.

sealover wrote: Right here on this website, they could have asked a question ...

"they" is a plural pronoun while its antecedent "someone" is singular. You want to claim that you are a PhD yet you communicate as though you are a high school dropout. Which one is it?

sealover wrote: ... and gotten an answer from a PhD biogeochemist ...

There is no such thing as a biogeochemist.

sealover wrote: ... whose research is widely cited in peer-reviewed papers about carbon sequestration.

You worship Global Warming. You're a nutcase. Your scientific illiteracy becomes obvious the moment you begin to babble about your religion.

sealover wrote: Both of these trolls, Swan and James, have excreted copious amounts of troll feces on this thread.

Are you saying that this thread deserves better?

sealover wrote: Neither of these trolls has EVER asked a genuine question about biogeochemistry

There is no such thing.

sealover wrote:Their contribution simply assures that a new viewer will never be able to find anything useful unless they are willing to dig through tons of troll manure to find it.

Jacob had no trouble ignoring your whining.

sealover wrote: And this particular exchange at least comes close to science, as opposed to being a paranoid rant about homosexual predators or a snarky effort to belittle any attempt to discuss science.

Why don't you discuss science? Why do you become an totally dishonest intellectual coward whenever your stupid religion is discussed? Why won't you ever define your terms? Why do you claim that Dominican coral reefs are dead? Why do you claim to be a thienth geniuth but EVADE every opportunity to discuss science?

sealover wrote: Why bother asking the published expert ...

It has yet to be determined that you are an expert in anything. You EVADE science at every turn.

sealover wrote: Trolls certainly have a lot to teach each other, don't they?

Nope. You have absolutely nothing to teach anyone. Just ask yourself to define some of your terms.

sealover wrote: It is difficult to read Branner's description of what this website is intended to accomplish without feeling disgusted by what he allowed it to become instead.

Are you actually complaining that Branner hasn't banned you yet?

sealover wrote: He is unwilling to act as moderator. Ever.

Correct. He is unwilling to act as a censor.

sealover wrote: He is unwilling to allow anyone else to moderate the discussion.

He tried that. If was a disaster. The only people who demand censorship want to be the ones to dish it out.

You whine incessantly. Is that why you are here at Climate-Debate?
08-02-2024 16:28
sealover wrote:
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

Retard alert, the paper does not cite litter, which can be literally anything from rubber tires to arsenic, the paper quotes PLANT LITTER

The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins.

It's the chemical bonds it forms. The litter you mention in leaves also affect the trees that grew those leaves. A high tannin level in woodworking can be good. When you stain wood you like having a nice even stain, right?
And as the article on woodworking mentions, tannins (phenol) reacts to water. And when leaves "litter", their concentration of phenols is higher. This suggests that oxidation will occur. It might be like iron, water and air, iron oxide occurs. That's an electrolysis process. Different molecules create an electrical charge that affects the iron and other molecules it is interacting with.

If you look at soft woods, they have fewer phenols and need a pre-treatment that mimics phenols. Stains it seems adhere to phenols in the wood. It acts as a binding agent. Hardwoods have more phenols than soft woods do. So if you want to do woodworking you'll need to consider what will affect your finished product.
With that said, placing nails I think it's in rubbing alcohol will produce phenols. Steel wool also works. Then the solution will be richer in phenols so you can wet your wood with it before staining. And now I know why I prefer working with hardwoods.

p.s., With steel wool, I guess it needs to be 00 steal wool, that's as fine as it gets.
I just happened to remember I had this problem with trying to stain pine which is a softwood. And now you know why I use India ink which is black. The alternative is trying to figure out tannins.


A clear example of why there is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website.

Originally a paper was cited which contained the term "litter" in the title.

That paper cites the research of the author of this thread.

Someone with genuine interest in science might have wanted to ask the widely-cited researcher a question related to the research.

Right here on this website, they could have asked a question about science and gotten an answer from a PhD biogeochemist whose research is widely cited in peer-reviewed papers about carbon sequestration.

Instead, you get two trolls using it as an opportunity for an insult fest.

"Retard alert. The paper does not cite litter, which can be literally anything..."

"The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins."

Both of these trolls, Swan and James, have excreted copious amounts of troll feces on this thread.

One might imagine this means they have some intellectual curiosity about carbon sequestration, etc. One would be wrong.

Neither of these trolls has EVER asked a genuine question about biogeochemistry of the published and widely cited biogeochemist who is the thread author.

Their contribution simply assures that a new viewer will never be able to find anything useful unless they are willing to dig through tons of troll manure to find it. And this particular exchange at least comes close to science, as opposed to being a paranoid rant about homosexual predators or a snarky effort to belittle any attempt to discuss science.

But wait... "The litter he mentioned discusses phenolics. I checked and this includes tannins."

Why bother asking the published expert about phenolics when all you have to do is "check" to find out that this includes tannins?

Trolls certainly have a lot to teach each other, don't they?

So, even if the absentee slumlord were to come in and evict the worst of the squatters (the ones with between 14000 and 24000 posts each), the thread would still be dominated by pointless insult fests of lesser trolls.

It is difficult to read Branner's description of what this website is intended to accomplish without feeling disgusted by what he allowed it to become instead.

He is unwilling to act as moderator. Ever.

He is unwilling to allow anyone else to moderate the discussion.

Perhaps Jeppe should be honored as the patron saint of trolls.

There is no point trying to discuss science on THIS website.

I have my own research that I'm pursuing. If successful then ODSs and not CO2
is the issue.
RE: "The alternative is trying to figure out tannins."08-02-2024 18:28
Im a BM
sealover wrote:
[quote]sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.

Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. This minimizes nitrous oxide emission as a by product of microbial nitrate reduction. Nitrogen release from tannin-rich litter is predominantly in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen rather than ammonium or nitrate. Dissolved organic nitrogen adsorbs to soil organic matter, minimizing leaching loss of nitrogen and retaining it in slow release form.

Tannins inhibit the decomposition of organic matter to substantially increase its mean residence in or above the soil. In the most extreme cases, equatorial rainforests form massive litter layers over acid white sand soils that are virtually devoid of nutrients or roots. One- or two-meters thick layers of litter in various stages of decomposition can accumulate above the mineral soil surface. This is despite warm, wet, well drained conditions that favor rapid decomposition. Exceptionally high tannin content in the vegetation of these forests enables them to create an enduring layer of organic matter above the soil surface, where virtually all the root growth and nutrient cycling occurs with high efficiency, and negligible losses.

Tannins themselves are the dominant substrate that transforms into soil humic acids. Humic acids enhance soil fertility in many ways, and their mean residence time in soil can be many centuries long. Tannins can comprise more than half the dry weight in foliage of tannin-rich species, and much of this represents sequestered carbon that will remain for a long time as stable soil organic matter.

We may not want to create thick litter layers above the topsoil in all our croplands. But polyphenol biogeochemistry can still be applied to increase carbon sequestration and decrease nitrous oxide emission. For example, tannin-rich organic matter can be combined with more rapidly decomposable crop residues or manure to slow decomposition and immobilize nitrogen into slowly mineralized organic form, as compost. Crop-mycorrhizal associations could be facilitated to sequester carbon and access recalcitrant soil nitrogen.


This is the first post from page 1, as a reminder of what the thread topic is.

Pages 16 and 17 include a compilation of most relevant posts from pages 1-16.

Someone who is genuinely interested in the thread topic might want to see them.

Local trolls who have no interest in carbon cycling, perhaps refuse to believe that organic carbon even exists, are not being denied their right to free speech.

I hope that they are also aware that they have the right to remain silent.


"The alternative is trying to figure out tannins." - James

James has cluttered up this thread with a whole bunch of... I don't even know what to call it. It isn't science.

If James wants to learn about how tannins influence carbon sequestration, there are plenty of actual references to peer reviewed scientific articles listed here.

But finding them isn't easy, since you have to scroll past a bunch of absurd rants by James and others.

The author of this thread is widely cited for his research into tannins.

Actual published research in journals such as Nature and Biogeochemistry.

Why can't the effing trolls leave even just ONE thread available for discussion of actual science?
09-02-2024 01:03
What carbon sequestration would be good for is industry that requires a large volume of CO2.
09-02-2024 03:31
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote: What carbon sequestration would be good for is industry that requires a large volume of CO2.

Paintball! Coca-Cola! Dry ice! Greenhouses! The atmosphere (global plantlife)!
09-02-2024 03:41
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: James has cluttered up this thread with a whole bunch of... I don't even know what to call it. It isn't science.

... and you are irritated that you have competition. You are irritated that James has already claimed the phrases "this gets into ...", "how do you not know this?" and "this allows for ...". You've got some catching up to do if you want to make any gains.

Oh, and James_ doesn't need to spam.

Im a BM wrote: If James wants to learn about how tannins influence carbon sequestration, there are plenty of actual references to peer reviewed scientific articles listed here.

Of course, you could answer his questions and address his comments ... oh wait, no you can't.

Im a BM wrote:The author of this thread is widely cited for his research into tannins.

Only if you have an account on ResearchGate. Otherwise, you could post those articles.

Im a BM wrote: Why can't the effing trolls leave even just ONE thread available for discussion of actual science?

Are you saying that you want to be the only participant in a thread? Why don't you create your own forum and be the only participant in all the threads that you wish? Why troll this board instead?
RE: newest paper on topic21-04-2024 08:43
newest paper on thread topic. Came out 10 days ago.

B. Adamczyk. 2024. Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c00703

Of course, this new paper cites the author of this thread.

Available for discussion with PhD biogeochemist who is a recognized authority on how tannins (aka polyphenols) influence carbon cycling.

sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.

Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. This minimizes nitrous oxide emission as a by product of microbial nitrate reduction. Nitrogen release from tannin-rich litter is predominantly in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen rather than ammonium or nitrate. Dissolved organic nitrogen adsorbs to soil organic matter, minimizing leaching loss of nitrogen and retaining it in slow release form.

Tannins inhibit the decomposition of organic matter to substantially increase its mean residence in or above the soil. In the most extreme cases, equatorial rainforests form massive litter layers over acid white sand soils that are virtually devoid of nutrients or roots. One- or two-meters thick layers of litter in various stages of decomposition can accumulate above the mineral soil surface. This is despite warm, wet, well drained conditions that favor rapid decomposition. Exceptionally high tannin content in the vegetation of these forests enables them to create an enduring layer of organic matter above the soil surface, where virtually all the root growth and nutrient cycling occurs with high efficiency, and negligible losses.

Tannins themselves are the dominant substrate that transforms into soil humic acids. Humic acids enhance soil fertility in many ways, and their mean residence time in soil can be many centuries long. Tannins can comprise more than half the dry weight in foliage of tannin-rich species, and much of this represents sequestered carbon that will remain for a long time as stable soil organic matter.

We may not want to create thick litter layers above the topsoil in all our croplands. But polyphenol biogeochemistry can still be applied to increase carbon sequestration and decrease nitrous oxide emission. For example, tannin-rich organic matter can be combined with more rapidly decomposable crop residues or manure to slow decomposition and immobilize nitrogen into slowly mineralized organic form, as compost. Crop-mycorrhizal associations could be facilitated to sequester carbon and access recalcitrant soil nitrogen.
23-04-2024 16:24
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote: Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil?

Color me surprised ... there's no definition of Climate Change.

The article could have been titled "Tannins and Zyxtherlivit" without any meaning being lost.

Scientific illiteracy at work.
RE: there IS a definition of climate change23-04-2024 20:03
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote: Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil?

Color me surprised ... there's no definition of Climate Change.

The article could have been titled "Tannins and Zyxtherlivit" without any meaning being lost.

Scientific illiteracy at work.

The title of the paper does not provide a definition for the term "soil".

Could have been titled "...stabilize carbon in the Onoilse", but a lot of meaning would have been lost.

People who are trained in science know how to look up the definition of terms.

"Climate change" is a pretty basic concept that is easy to grasp.
23-04-2024 20:40
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote: Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil?

Color me surprised ... there's no definition of Climate Change.

The article could have been titled "Tannins and Zyxtherlivit" without any meaning being lost.

Scientific illiteracy at work.

The title of the paper does not provide a definition for the term "soil".

Obviously you are dimmer than a darkroom. I wasn't talking about the title of the article not defining Climate Change; I was talking about the article itself. I knew that I was probably going a little to quickly for you. My use of multi-syllable words probably didn't help much either.

sealover wrote: People who are trained in science know how to look up the definition of terms.

People who aren't trained in any science don't know to define their terms.

Ask me how I know that you aren't trained in any science.

sealover wrote: "Climate change" is a pretty basic concept that is easy to grasp.

So are "salvation" and "soul." You think they are all science. Too funny.

Refresh my memory, when did you arrive at Climate-Debate and begin refusing to define your terms so that no one would realize that you are scientifically illiterate and that you think that a nutty religion is somehow science?
23-04-2024 20:43
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
James has cluttered up this thread with a whole bunch of... I don't even know what to call it. It isn't science.

You are describing yourself again as well.
Im a BM wrote:
If James wants to learn about how tannins influence carbon sequestration, there are plenty of actual references to peer reviewed scientific articles listed here.

Science is not a an article, magazine, journal, newspaper, paper, or website. Science has no voting bloc.
Im a BM wrote:
But finding them isn't easy, since you have to scroll past a bunch of absurd rants by James and others.

Whining about your fake 'science', as opposed to other's fake 'science'?
Im a BM wrote:
The author of this thread is widely cited for his research into tannins.

Tannin isn't a research.
Im a BM wrote:
Actual published research in journals such as Nature and Biogeochemistry.

There is no such thing as biogeochemistry. Science is not a journal nor a magazine.
Im a BM wrote:
Why can't the effing trolls leave even just ONE thread available for discussion of actual science?

You are not discussing science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-04-2024 21:16
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
newest paper on thread topic. Came out 10 days ago.

Science is not a paper.
sealover wrote:

B. Adamczyk. 2024. Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c00703

Climate cannot change. This paper is garbage right in the title. You don't need to 'stabilize' carbon. Carbon is an element.
[b]sealover wrote:
Of course, this new paper cites the author of this thread.

Available for discussion with PhD biogeochemist who is a recognized authority on how tannins (aka polyphenols) influence carbon cycling.
There is no such thing as biogeochemistry.
[quote]sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

Carbon isn't regulated. The nitrogen cycle isn't regulated.
sealover wrote:
The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon

Carbon isn't organic.
sealover wrote:
below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.
Tannin has no nitrogen. It's a carbohydrate. Why do you want to 'sequester' carbon? Carbon is a fuel.
[quote]sealover wrote:
Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria.

The formation of ammonium nitrate does not require bacteria. You cannot claim the production of ammonia and the prevention of ammonia at the same time. Paradox.
There is no such thing as 'nitrifying bacteria'.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-04-2024 21:17
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote: Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil?

Color me surprised ... there's no definition of Climate Change.

The article could have been titled "Tannins and Zyxtherlivit" without any meaning being lost.

Scientific illiteracy at work.

The title of the paper does not provide a definition for the term "soil".

Could have been titled "...stabilize carbon in the Onoilse", but a lot of meaning would have been lost.

People who are trained in science know how to look up the definition of terms.

"Climate change" is a pretty basic concept that is easy to grasp.

Climate cannot change. You have never defined 'climate change'.
You are not discussing any theory of science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Explicit application to climate change25-04-2024 09:20
sealover wrote:
This is still the newest paper on thread's topic. It came out 14 days ago.

B. Adamczyk. 2024. Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c00703

The author and I are quite familiar with each other's research.

It was 35 years ago when I first became fully immersed in tannin (also known as polyphenol) research as a grad student at UC Berkeley.

At that time, anti herbivore defense was presumed to be the sole adaptive value for plants to make tannins, despite little evidence that they are effective.

Convoluted theories were created to explain why plant communities on highly infertile, acidic soils produced so much more tannin than plants on better soil, as somehow consistent with anti herbivore defense.

At that time, nobody considered how tannin production could benefit the plants that produce them through their impact on carbon and nitrogen cycling.

Tannins slow the decomposition of plant or soil organic matter they come into contact with. Tannins themselves are the substrate from which most soil humic acids are formed, having centuries long mean residence time in soil.

It is highly gratifying to see this finally reach the point where the application to address climate change is being so explicitly identified in the title of a new paper.

The following is not the abstract from the new paper. It is the first post of this thread.

sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.

Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. This minimizes nitrous oxide emission as a by product of microbial nitrate reduction. Nitrogen release from tannin-rich litter is predominantly in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen rather than ammonium or nitrate. Dissolved organic nitrogen adsorbs to soil organic matter, minimizing leaching loss of nitrogen and retaining it in slow release form.

Tannins inhibit the decomposition of organic matter to substantially increase its mean residence in or above the soil. In the most extreme cases, equatorial rainforests form massive litter layers over acid white sand soils that are virtually devoid of nutrients or roots. One- or two-meters thick layers of litter in various stages of decomposition can accumulate above the mineral soil surface. This is despite warm, wet, well drained conditions that favor rapid decomposition. Exceptionally high tannin content in the vegetation of these forests enables them to create an enduring layer of organic matter above the soil surface, where virtually all the root growth and nutrient cycling occurs with high efficiency, and negligible losses.

Tannins themselves are the dominant substrate that transforms into soil humic acids. Humic acids enhance soil fertility in many ways, and their mean residence time in soil can be many centuries long. Tannins can comprise more than half the dry weight in foliage of tannin-rich species, and much of this represents sequestered carbon that will remain for a long time as stable soil organic matter.

We may not want to create thick litter layers above the topsoil in all our croplands. But polyphenol biogeochemistry can still be applied to increase carbon sequestration and decrease nitrous oxide emission. For example, tannin-rich organic matter can be combined with more rapidly decomposable crop residues or manure to slow decomposition and immobilize nitrogen into slowly mineralized organic form, as compost. Crop-mycorrhizal associations could be facilitated to sequester carbon and access recalcitrant soil nitrogen.
25-04-2024 23:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
[quote]sealover wrote:
This is still the newest paper on thread's topic. It came out 14 days ago.
...deleted spam...

Repetition of your spam accomplishes nothing, dude.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: correction: newest paper to cite thread author26-04-2024 01:00
Into the Night wrote:
sealover wrote:
[quote]sealover wrote:
This is still the newest paper on thread's topic. It came out 14 days ago.
...deleted spam...

Repetition of your spam accomplishes nothing, dude.


This is NOT the newest paper on the thread topic.

Until today, it was merely the newest paper on the thread topic that cites the thread author.

I'll try to be more open minded to the papers that failed to cite me, even though they are about the same topic.

Kind of frustrating to see papers that quotes my sentences verbatum, but do not credit me for it.

It's only fair, I guess. My own most recent paper on the subject was 1999.

Still, it is incredibly gratifying to see it continue to evolve.

I'll try to find the best of the best of them, the papers that failed to honor me, because they ARE directly relevant to the thread topic.

Someone who can't figure out what people are talking about when they use the term "climate change" might want to spare themselves the embarrassment of admitting they just don't understand basic terms in science, and have no idea how to use a dictionary, read a scientific paper or textbook, or take (and pass) a science course taught by a credentialed scientist.

Or just call it gibber babble buzzwords and play stupid word games.

I'm making some headway with the coastal biogeochemists to apply the work I did from 2005-2012 in coastal wetland groundwater biogeochemistry.
26-04-2024 01:59
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
squeal over furniture wrote: Someone who can't figure out what people are talking about when they use the term "climate change" might want to spare themselves the embarrassment of admitting they just don't understand basic terms in science

A scientifically illiterate moron, who was TARGETED for indoctrination because of his profound scientific illiteracy-induced gullibility, who struggles daily to cope with the realization that what he thought was his only accomplishment in life was nothing more than a rape of his feeble mind, might want to spare himself the embarrassment of broadcasting that he doesn't know what science even is.

squeal over furniture wrote: I'm making some headway with the coastal biogeochemists to apply the work I did from 2005-2012 in coastal wetland groundwater biogeochemistry.

Translation: "They told me 'Don't call us, we'll call you' ... which is 'major progress' compared to what they told me previously."

Scientists unambiguously define their terms. Scientifically illiterate frauds try to bully people from asking for definitions.

Scientists promptly respond to requests for clarification. Scientifically illiterate frauds know they are spewing gibber-babble and must pretend that the confusion of others is their own fault.

Ask me how I know that you are a scientifically illiterate fraud.
RE: Trolls are NOT the target audience26-04-2024 09:44
Obviously, the information presented here will be "incomprehensible" to someone who never studied any science.

There are plenty of threads dedicated to discussion of whether or not it is even theoretically possible to have climate change occurring before our eyes.

The target audience for a thread such as this one are people who don't need to be convinced that the entire scientific community is probably right, and know that they CAN believe their own lying eyes.

Scientists DO define terms in their communications when they are using a new one, or one that has multiple definitions and must be clarified in a new context.

Even so, there is no need to explain that "denitrification" in a paper about soil or water is a completely different term than "denitrification" in a paper about stratospheric chemistry.

The absurd assertion that it is not possible to even begin discussion about anything related to climate change without first providing an "unambiguous definition" for the term... That is unique to the trolls of this particular site.

And whether or not one refuses to believe there is a need to reduce concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it is hard to argue that we should allow the content of organic carbon in soil to continue to decrease.

Farmers, foresters, ranchers, and many others depend on the fertility benefits provided by soil organic carbon. With higher soil temperatures (an objective fact) the rate of decomposition increases. Unless there is an INCREASE in additional soil carbon storage, there will be a net loss of soil organic carbon and the productivity that depends on it.

Or just play word games and insist that there is no such thing as organic carbon.

Yes, this is a very "toxic" discussion site.

But search engines keep getting tricked into showing this website high on the list for people looking for a discussion site about climate change.

One of them might already know that organic carbon really does exist, and might be interested in discussing it with a recognized expert.

sealover wrote:
sealover wrote:
This is still the newest paper on thread's topic. It came out 14 days ago.

B. Adamczyk. 2024. Tannins and climate change: Are tannins able to stabilize carbon in the soil? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c00703

The author and I are quite familiar with each other's research.

It was 35 years ago when I first became fully immersed in tannin (also known as polyphenol) research as a grad student at UC Berkeley.

At that time, anti herbivore defense was presumed to be the sole adaptive value for plants to make tannins, despite little evidence that they are effective.

Convoluted theories were created to explain why plant communities on highly infertile, acidic soils produced so much more tannin than plants on better soil, as somehow consistent with anti herbivore defense.

At that time, nobody considered how tannin production could benefit the plants that produce them through their impact on carbon and nitrogen cycling.

Tannins slow the decomposition of plant or soil organic matter they come into contact with. Tannins themselves are the substrate from which most soil humic acids are formed, having centuries long mean residence time in soil.

It is highly gratifying to see this finally reach the point where the application to address climate change is being so explicitly identified in the title of a new paper.

The following is not the abstract from the new paper. It is the first post of this thread.

sealover wrote:
Nutrient cycling dynamics of natural ecosystems can be mimicked in cropping systems to maximize carbon sequestration into soil organic matter, and minimize emissions of nitrous oxide. Tannin (aka polyphenol) chemical ecology provides insights into biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling.

The convergent evolution of tannin-rich plant communities has occurred on highly-infertile soils throughout the world. To acquire and conserve nitrogen, these plants allocate much of their organic carbon below ground to support symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots. Tannins in plant litter form recalcitrant complexes with protein, immobilizing this organic form of nitrogen and preventing mineralization. Mycorrhizal fungi produce enzymes that mobilize nitrogen from protein-tannin complexes, which is transferred directly to the root in organic nitrogen form. This short circuiting of the mineralization step in the nitrogen cycle prevents emission of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, and prevents export of nitrate to groundwater or surface water. Allocation of photosynthate below ground to support mycorrhizal fungi also enhances sequestration of carbon into soil organic matter.

Tannins inhibit the oxidation of ammonium in soil to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. This minimizes nitrous oxide emission as a by product of microbial nitrate reduction. Nitrogen release from tannin-rich litter is predominantly in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen rather than ammonium or nitrate. Dissolved organic nitrogen adsorbs to soil organic matter, minimizing leaching loss of nitrogen and retaining it in slow release form.

Tannins inhibit the decomposition of organic matter to substantially increase its mean residence in or above the soil. In the most extreme cases, equatorial rainforests form massive litter layers over acid white sand soils that are virtually devoid of nutrients or roots. One- or two-meters thick layers of litter in various stages of decomposition can accumulate above the mineral soil surface. This is despite warm, wet, well drained conditions that favor rapid decomposition. Exceptionally high tannin content in the vegetation of these forests enables them to create an enduring layer of organic matter above the soil surface, where virtually all the root growth and nutrient cycling occurs with high efficiency, and negligible losses.

Tannins themselves are the dominant substrate that transforms into soil humic acids. Humic acids enhance soil fertility in many ways, and their mean residence time in soil can be many centuries long. Tannins can comprise more than half the dry weight in foliage of tannin-rich species, and much of this represents sequestered carbon that will remain for a long time as stable soil organic matter.

We may not want to create thick litter layers above the topsoil in all our croplands. But polyphenol biogeochemistry can still be applied to increase carbon sequestration and decrease nitrous oxide emission. For example, tannin-rich organic matter can be combined with more rapidly decomposable crop residues or manure to slow decomposition and immobilize nitrogen into slowly mineralized organic form, as compost. Crop-mycorrhizal associations could be facilitated to sequester carbon and access recalcitrant soil nitrogen.
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