09-11-2017 22:17 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" guffed:You can lead an ass to the water.....With re-pubic-lick-un-backed "don'T rump" ****s disassembling the EPA, waters are increasingly being polluted & NOT worth drinking, even for asses. |
09-11-2017 22:37 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GasGuzzler wrote: You can lead an ass to the water..... Litebrain is an insect. He would like to be a blood sucking insect but he's afraid he'd be swatted. He tells us he's an American Indian but he has a remarkable writing style to another on-line Indian. An East Indian. Greenman tells us he's in his 50's and yet reading his entries they have the tenor and intelligence of a high school kid. He says that he's posting from his office. Some of his entries would take 20 or 30 minutes for a speed typist. I just don't believe his claim to be honest. How is it that we can be covered completely by their lies or absolute stupidities? In one entry greenman says that the OCEAN is being poisoned by forest fires than in another entry say he never said that? Freaky litebrain could look up what is really happening with the arctic ice pack and as far as I can tell it's very little. Nothing more than normal weather patterns would account for. https://tinyurl.com/yd7rfqfw https://web.archive.org/web/20131101144134/http://di2.nu/foia/foia2011/mail/2729.txt If you want to calculate the temperatures yourself from the actual raw data: https://tinyurl.com/y7qqxa6s Surprise - there is no temperature changes other than normal variations. In fact it appears to be growing colder. |
09-11-2017 23:50 | |
Into the Night![]() (22922) |
Tim the plumber wrote: And the UK isn't??? The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
10-11-2017 08:50 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
GasGuzzler wrote:lGreenMan wrote: The Dumbing Down of America at the hands of the Republican Party is going to backfire bad on all of us. And you guys are so gutless that you will just try to blame Obama. I hear you Gassy, lol. But I wasn't talking about the dumbing down of American kids. I was talking about the dumbing down of American Society as a whole, and primarily the adults on Climate Change. And also the appointments of friends rather than professionals experienced in the fields which they are appointed to, to lead. What Trump is doing to our ability as a nation to understand Climate Change is intentionally dumbing down our government's ability to respond to it. You are probably a victim of someone's effort to dumb down America, and don't even realize it. Where did your opinion on Climate Change originate? I'm not expecting an answer, just want you to think about it. Why do you have the opinion you have? Is it because of something that you know for sure? Is it because of something you just feel is right? Did someone that you respect tell you about it? And one more thing, that I would like to discuss with you, is why are you here, if you do not believe in Global Warming or that it's getting warmer due to Climate Change? Because it seems to me like it would be easier to not spend a bunch of time arguing with people that do believe in Climate Change. What do you expect to gain? Is there some reward down the road that you think will come your way? I can answer that question for myself, and there is a reward for me, down the road. For starters, by being here, I can learn things that I didn't know, that help me understand more about Global Warming and Climate Change. I can also pass on what I have figured out, so that other people can benefit. And at the same time, if I have something figured out wrong, it is sure to be spotted by someone who will remark on it, and that allows me to improve my understanding. So, in the long run, I gain, and so does my audience. So that makes it worthwhile for me to spend time doing. When I consider why you would spend time doing it, I can come to no conclusion for why you spend time in here, except to satisfy your desire to belittle others. It's the perfect place for that, since there are plenty of people who come here seeking knowledge. You think it's cool to harass them about believing in something that you simply ignore. There is no reward for that, if that is your true intention. Even the satisfaction you get occasionally, when you really get to fry someone's fanny for something they said that you think is stupid, is only momentary, and is often negated by when someone points out the error in your ways. So it's like a constant emotional roller coaster. Why don't you just get off the thing, and go enjoy your life? You can't change what they are going to do, so you might as well accept it. Remember that old, old saying about that? Of course you do. God please grant me the knowledge to change the things that I can change, the strength to endure the things I cannot change. And the wisdom to know the difference. The reason you can't change what they are going to do about Global Warming, is because it doesn't matter how much you argue in here, or anywhere else. They can't hear you. And even if they could, they would ignore you, because they work in a world of reality, not emotional fantasy. And they don't care if you make up cute names for them. And they don't care if don't believe them. They won't be asking your opinion when they impose freaking carbon taxes on every thing. So might as well let go of the bank, and let the current take you. Just try to keep your head above water, and go with the flow. Can I gets a Amen on dat? ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
10-11-2017 17:12 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: What Trump is doing to our ability as a nation to understand Climate Change is intentionally dumbing down our government's ability to respond to it. You are so obviously part of the great dumbing down that it isn't funny. There is so much data out there about this hoax and you "made a model". |
10-11-2017 19:37 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3056) |
Don't have time to disect this properly, but I'll answer a few things. GreenMan wrote: I hear you Gassy, lol.Nope, took a tums. Good now, thanks. But I wasn't talking about the dumbing down of American kids. I was talking about the dumbing down of American Society as a whole, and primarily the adults on Climate Change.The dumbing down started long ago. That why most of our young adults believe this GBBS And also the appointments of friends rather than professionals experienced in the fields which they are appointed to, to lead. What Trump is doing to our ability as a nation to understand Climate Change is intentionally dumbing down our government's ability to respond to it.No, Trump isn't buying into the BS. Why would he appoint someone to oppose the things he was elected on. Elections have consequences. "Deal with it". I believe I just quoted the Greenkid..... You are probably a victim of someone's effort to dumb down America, and don't even realize it.Nope, went to private school through 8th grade, then flunked out of high school....I wasn't stupid, just hated school, teachers...people in general. Should have had my ass kicked and sent to the military. Would have helped me straighten up. Where did your opinion on Climate Change originate? I always felt like it was just a hoax but never looked into it. Then one night a very right wing conservative was on TV and said, "eventually we'll have to deal with this global warming issue. Something will have to be done". What??!!?? So I started digging and found a ton of stuff that looked much like your "model". Is it because of something that you know for sure? I know this....I live within 20 miles of where I grew up. I love hot weather. It always seemed to hit 100 degrees at least once per summer when I was a kid. Now days it's more like once every 5 years we crack the century mark, yet fellas like yourself are "warning" me it's getting hotter and we're all gonna die. I'm also a weather nut. Been chasing storms since I could ride a bike....no, never got hit with a hailstone on the head...wore a helmet. Came home with welts and bruises on my back once. They tell me the weather is getting worse with sever weather. It ain't happening. They tell me the ice caps are melting and the polar bears are drowning, even though they can swim hundreds of miles at a time. They tell me the penguins are dying when they are actually thriving. They tell CO2 is pollution when it's plant food and greenhouses actually raise the levels to ~1000 PPM for optimum growing. A colder world is clearly more deadly than a warmer world. That's not even arguable. Nothing your side says adds up or makes sense. What you say is happening, it isn't, not in my backyard anyway. You go off quoting Bible prophecies and then call Jesus Lucifer. Starting to see where I'm coming from? Oh, then there is the great bafoon Algore...don't get me started. And one more thing, that I would like to discuss with you, is why are you here, if you do not believe in Global Warming or that it's getting warmer due to Climate Change?I come here every day just to see what the Greenkid has thunk up overnight. Dude, I'll give you credit on 2 things... 1. You're not afraid of what you believe. You come right out and say it and don't hide behind anything. 2. If you're serious about living off the grid, then you also live as you believe. Also respectable. HOWEVER, so far I've agreed with you on a goose egg. (that's a zero) But please, don't ever go away. I do enjoy reading your posts. You are certainly quite a specimen. Because it seems to me like it would be easier to not spend a bunch of time arguing with people that do believe in Climate Change.A bunch of people? There's like 2, and Litebrain doesn't count. What do you expect to gain? Entertainment mostly. I know I'm not changing your mind. You're off to the bunkers. Is there some reward down the road that you think will come your way?Only if I work and achieve enough. I will buy my reward. There's really no achievement on a forum. So, in the long run, I gain, and so does my audience.Audience of 4? So that makes it worthwhile for me to spend time doing. Think you might want to spend a little more time figuring out the logistics of getting your solar panels under the closest bridge. When I consider why you would spend time doing it, I can come to no conclusion for why you spend time in here, except to satisfy your desire to belittle others.If you get your feelings hurt by someone on a forrum you've never met....well...grow some skin and "deal with it"....2! It's the perfect place for that, since there are plenty of people who come here seeking knowledge. You think it's cool to harass them about believing in something that you simply ignore.Nah, I'd go down to the local bar if I wanted to harass people. More fun in person. There is no reward for that, if that is your true intention.Sure there is. When you win the war of wit, the other guy will generally buy you a beer. Even the satisfaction you get occasionally, when you really get to fry someone's fanny for something they said that you think is stupid, is only momentary, and is often negated by when someone points out the error in your ways. So it's like a constant emotional roller coaster. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'd like to think I'm just a bit more stable than that! Why don't you just get off the thing,So you can run your manure spreader unopposed? No way bro! and go enjoy your life?I do enjoy life. Heading out to the tree stand when I finish this worthless response. By the way, it's just F ing cold out!! We're running damn near 20 degrees below normal this week. What's up with that?? You can't change what they are going to do, so you might as well accept it.You mean "If you can't beat, join em"? Ha! Remember that old, old saying about that? Of course you do.Sure, some good wisdom there. God is certainly giving me the strength to endure Greenkid. The reason you can't change what they are going to do about Global Warming, is because it doesn't matter how much you argue in here, or anywhere else. They can't hear you. And even if they could, they would ignore you,True, I don't have a big voice, just a reasonable one. because they work in a world of reality, not emotional fantasy. And they don't care if you make up cute names for them. And they don't care if don't believe them.OK Greenkid, I won't call you Greenthing anymore. Sorry dude. They won't be asking your opinion when they impose freaking carbon taxes on every thing.Sure they will. They ask for my vote and my vote is my opinion. Oh? You mean the Democrats? they're never getting in the oval office again. So might as well let go of the bank, and let the current take you. Just try to keep your head above water, and go with the flow. Do you go with the flow? My kid told me one day he was just going with the flow. I said "hey, there 2 things that always go with the flow. Dead fish and raw sewage. Don't go with the flow". Can I gets a Amen on dat?No Edited on 10-11-2017 20:37 |
10-11-2017 20:36 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GasGuzzler wrote: Don't have time to dissect this properly, but I'll answer a few things. Dissecting the supreme ignorance is time consuming - greenkid tells us that he's in his 50's and is a controls engineer. That he's cheating his employer out of his job and somehow believes that to be OK. That doesn't sound either like an adult or an engineer to me. Whenever I'm on a job it has my entire concentration and I even work at home writing reports and checking to make sure that everything meets standards. That is what an engineer is; the guy that makes everything right. From the very first gasp of climate change (we're falling into a new ice age: Time Magazine, Newsweek and the New York Times) I was very suspicious. So I studied the problem which is extremely complex. Since I had designed gas chromatographs I knew for certain from the first bluff that CO2 had NO effect on weather or climate. Finally with the claim of "97% of scientists agree" that was the nail in the grave. I read a lot of science papers and their peer reviews. You couldn't get 97% of scientists to agree what the color red is. This astonishing claim made it plain that corruption was at the bottom of the idea. Politically it means control of the population. Commercially all of the companies involved in "green" projects (most of whom are Chinese) are looking at hundreds of billions of dollars yearly. You can bet that the politicians were bought and paid for. And the media is perhaps by far the worst case - they are willing to lie, cheat and steal. They cover the "doomsday scenario" because frightened people want to know what's going on. If you tell them everything is normal they aren't frightened. So three groups of power are behind the climate change hoax and to my mind should be completely made public. How do we as individuals deal with this? We support Trump. We support the extremely few real Democrats left - Donna Brazile who was horrified to discover that the DNC was being run completely by the Clinton campaign. A large number of Republicans are really RINO's and they aren't supporting Trump because if he drains the swamp they are some of the alligators there that will be left without food. A tax bill that will take a large part of the load from the super rich and lay it where it belongs - on the middle class - is a good start. That way DC trying to spend money is seen almost immediately by the taxpayers who would feel the pinch the most. To my way of thinking - an EPA director who has full intentions of dismantling the EPA is one of the greatest things ever. The EPA did a very few good things to begin with. But since that time they have been an increasing load on the American people and added not one good thing. It wasn't a commercial company that turned that Colorado river yellow with heavy metal waste - it was the EPA. We have Mueller investigating Trump when the Russian crimes were with Hillary when Mueller was the director of the FBI? Drain the swamp and that will take the likes of greenboy and litebrain away. |
10-11-2017 20:58 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
GasGuzzler wrote: Colder than witch's titties here in Michigan too. Even had a snow flurry last night, as I went to work. Must be that Global Cooling thing they keep talking about. Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. We can find justification for either. Your justification is just as good as mine, and vise versa. And like you said, neither of us will ever change the other's opinion. That isn't to say the other's opinion wont change, it just won't be me changing yours or you changing mine. Since your opinion is primarily justified on it not getting any warmer in your neck of the woods, it will change as it does get warmer. Or you will go to your grave eventually, a winner in the debate on Global Warming, if it doesn't get any hotter there in Bumpkinville, Iowa. And yes, I guess you are right about what Trump is doing. We are getting what we voted for. He didn't beat around the bush, about his position on Global Warming. He thought it was a Chinese hoax. I really thought he was kidding, but he apparently is of the opinion that it is a hoax. I'm still not certain that he is really dumb enough to believe that the Chinese perpetrated it though. Even though, the Chinese do appear to be leading the way in developing clean energy generation. They have other problems over there though, that is also pushing that. The air gets so nasty that people have to use filters outside, or they will get sick. So I think they realized that they had to clean up their act, or simply cease to exist. And if you are already cleaning up the air, why not eliminate some Greenhouse Gases while you're at it? And I am dealing with it. I am doing what I think is necessary for my survival and that of my family, and their families. I am taking the plunge, and acting like the shit is going to hit the fan next week/month/year, knowing full well that this is a slow gradual catastrophe, like a giant train wreck in slow motion. You see Gassy, the problem is "down the road," but that doesn't mean that we should wait to deal with it. That is totally stupid, when you consider the consequences of this problem, if not dealt with. And the sooner we figure out what to do, the sooner we can implement some kind of plan. What I am seeing is no plan is being devised. Instead, our government is feverishly working on covering up whatever evidence there is of the problem. Putting a piece of tape over the Check Engine light is not the thing to do when it comes on. Instead, you should take your car down to the shop, and pay the guy $150 to put you a new gas cap on your car. [Doesn't everybody have to do that at least once?] The Check Engine light is on Gassy. Yes, you can argue that it's just a leaky gas cap, and ignore it for a while. But it might be something else, that will destroy your engine if you don't get it checked out. Ok, probably not, so the Check Engine light things isn't really that good of an analogy. The Global Warming thing does lead to destruction though, eventually, if left unchecked. And all we have to do is stop doing everything we do. We have to learn by doing. So we need to start doing, so we can learn. What I would tell anyone that has a "gut feeling" that Global Warming is a hoax, is to examine his reasoning behind supporting that "gut feeling." You for example, support your gut feeling with the fact that it hasn't gotten any warmer in Bumpkinville, where you grew up and lived all your life. That means that you have to ignore the fact that regional temperatures do not necessarily reflect the global average. And, regional highs and lows don't necessarily increase and decrease at the same proportion due to an increase in the global average. I noticed that Parrot was missing that in another post, also. He thinks that a 4C rise in the global average should equate to a 4C rise in high temps in a day. But it doesn't, necessarily. That 4C rise could have been due to warmer winter seasons, without having an increase in high temps in the summers. And, the highs could increase dramatically, but be offset by unusually cold winters. We have been seeing that the last few years in fact. The winters building up to the record setting 2016 were extreme in two ways. They were bitter cold and extremely wet [record snow accumulation]. Yet each year leading up to 2016 set new average global temp records. That's quite bizarre, when you think about it. Why would we have such frigid winters during a warming trend like we have seen the last 5 or 6 years? The weather guys developed a new term to explain why it was getting so wicked cold. The started calling it a "Polar Vortex," you might recall. Basically, what was happening was air was circling the Arctic, and bringing down a lot of pure cold right through Canada and dumping it on our heads. I was seeing the thermometer in my Jeep going to -18F in the mornings, when I went to work. And like all Jeeps, the heater sux. Ok, yeah, they fixed that now, but I got an old one. So I do not doubt your recollection of the summer heat. As far as I am concerned, it was as you say. But what you think is proof that it's not getting warmer gradually, isn't really proof of that. And I'm thinking that I looked at the temperature data from your region a while back and concluded that you are correct that the yearly average hasn't even increased there. And in fact, I think we looked at the entire 48 states yearly average, and realized that it hasn't increased either. Then I went looking around the world to see where it has increased, because it stands to reason that it must be increasing somewhere, and found that well it is increasing, primarily in the polar regions and places close to them. Then got shouted down by all the Deniers, for trying to use remote, isolated spots in the world to prove global warming, lol. This place is a freaking circus sometimes. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
10-11-2017 20:59 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up" wiffs: Litesong.... has a remarkable writing style to another on-line Indian. An East Indian.Now we know why "pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up" has so many continuing math errors. Its logic isn't logical, its IN-tuition OUT in left field & it is best at threatening. |
10-11-2017 21:13 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3056) |
Greenman wrote:.....because it stands to reason that it must be increasing somewhere, and found that well it is increasing, primarily in the polar regions and places close to them. Then got shouted down by all the Deniers, for trying to use remote, isolated spots in the world to prove global warming, lol. Yep Yep, Don't you find it odd that as the Global Warming narrative is losing support, they majikally find "proof" somewhere that no one without an icebreaker ship, a satellite network, or a seaplane can go verify on there own? You can't see it for yourself, but trust your trusty government. It is happening.....uh, no. |
10-11-2017 21:13 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener tipped the leaky plunger" puffed: The bit about needing to go....outside the (toilet).........is often copied by "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener tipped the leaky plunger". |
10-11-2017 21:17 | |
Into the Night![]() (22922) |
Wake wrote: Heh. That's certainly true. Wake wrote: I can't think of one environmental problem the EPA has solved. Not a single one. Wake wrote: True, that. Wake wrote: Mueller is corrupt. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
10-11-2017 21:26 | |
Into the Night![]() (22922) |
GreenMan wrote: WRONG. YOU said a 4 degC rise in global average equated to a 25 degC rise in high temps. Inversion fallacy combined with contextomies. GreenMan wrote: Nope the 'Polar Vortex" is an invention of the news media. Part of that fake news stuff again. The polar high has been well known in meteorology. It is not new. GreenMan wrote: It is not possible to determine the temperature of the Earth. GreenMan wrote: You must be the clown. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
10-11-2017 21:30 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
[quote] "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener gazzzed & guzzzling" gushed: Global Warming narrative is losing support.....[/quout] The lack of AGW support is only in the "sigh-ants" halls (caves) of reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist AGW denier liar whiners & connnected caves to many time threateners. |
10-11-2017 21:31 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. So you are "preparing" by what? Building a yurt? Exactly who do you think you're kidding? If you were the age you claim you are you would be dead and gone by the time that "climate change" as described by NASA's phonies were to occur. Nightmare claims that you're trying to be a fascist. Of course that is another of his idiocies. You actually believe that you can form some sort of kind-hearted socialist society. Had you one bit of education you'd know that all socialisms degrade into dictatorships and YOU plainly would not be any sort of top dog. If you even had the sense to READ the claims of the True Believers you'd discover that even the wildest claims are so far off in the future that Guzzler would be dead and gone long before anything of importance were to occur. So your stupid statement about him ignoring these things is only in your imagination. Like your imaginary "days getting hotter" in order to get increasing MGT instead of there just being one or two more hot days than usual. The satellite data is clear that since 1997 there has been a 0.13 degree C increase in temperature per decade. This is NOT of any particular worry since warm periods come and go. If you are in your 50's and went to live in isolation you would be dead inside of 15 years. Do you think that an increase in MGT of 0.195 degrees C (0.351 degrees F) would effect your life in the northern tier? Exactly why are you so whacked out? |
10-11-2017 22:08 | |
Into the Night![]() (22922) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. No, he's building a Kiva. Pay attention. Wake wrote: He isn't kidding. Wake wrote: He doesn't plan on being dead. Pay attention. Wake wrote: Apparently you don't know what fascism is, do you? I'll be brief: Fascism is a form of socialism. Unlike communism, where the government outright owns all the property and industry, fascism leaves such as privately owned, but then dictates how you can run it, including who you can sell to, how much you can sell, and how much you can charge for it. Violation of these terms is usually brutal. Both fascism and communism arise from the teachings of Karl Marx. Wake wrote: That's what he believes all right. Wake wrote: Actually, the only way any socialist system can work is through the ESTABLISHMENT of a dictator or oligarchy. Someone has to be the 'guy in charge' of managing the economy. Wake wrote: He is planning to 'awaken' in a new world after the cataclysm. Pay attention. Wake wrote: Satellites are incapable of measuring absolute temperature. Wake wrote: How do you know? It is not possible to determine the temperature of the Earth. Wake wrote: He is apparently unaware of seasonal and daily temperature changes. Wake wrote: He has described exactly why. Pay attention. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
10-11-2017 22:41 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3056) |
INT wrote: Wake wrote: INT wrote: Wake wrote: INT wrote:Actually, the only way any socialist system can work is through the ESTABLISHMENT of a dictator or oligarchy. Someone has to be the 'guy in charge' of managing the economy. Off topic slightly, but what form of gov would you consider the Pilgrims and General Bradford to have operated? I always considered it socialism....the form of gov withe the "community store" that nearly starved them all the first winter, until the next growing season when each man was responsible only for his own family. |
10-11-2017 23:45 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
GasGuzzler wrote:Greenman wrote:.....because it stands to reason that it must be increasing somewhere, and found that well it is increasing, primarily in the polar regions and places close to them. Then got shouted down by all the Deniers, for trying to use remote, isolated spots in the world to prove global warming, lol. Actually, yes, at least I used to trust government sources of information on Global Warming. Though NOAA nor NASA are where I got my opinion from. And not from any other government agency, either. But what they publish does support my opinion. Where we differ is in opinion is whether or not an unattainable goal of limiting the average global temperature to 2C. Well, that was till now. It seems as though the dumbing down is being focused on NASA in particular and its branching out to other organizations that have been leading the discovery process into Climate Change. So it won't be long before they can't be trusted, because every one that would stand up to the regime will be removed. So, as far as I am concerned, the only thing I can trust the government for is to get us deeper into shit. Right now, I see it as we got her in 4 wheel drive, hauling ass wide open down the hill into the mud bog, hooting and hollaring as we go barreling into the bottomless pile of shit. I don't think it's your fault, Gassy, but you gotta fix it. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
11-11-2017 00:29 | |
Into the Night![]() (22922) |
GreenMan wrote:GasGuzzler wrote:Greenman wrote:.....because it stands to reason that it must be increasing somewhere, and found that well it is increasing, primarily in the polar regions and places close to them. Then got shouted down by all the Deniers, for trying to use remote, isolated spots in the world to prove global warming, lol. No one has to fix NOAA's or NASA's problems except the government. They are government agencies, not gods. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
11-11-2017 02:56 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight" bluffed: No one has to fix....No one CAN fix "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight". |
13-11-2017 09:20 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. You have a good point, and it's good that you bring it up. Yes, I will be good and dead way before the worst of Climate Change is over. But that doesn't mean that I or anyone else should ignore it, and here's why. We have to change. We have to eliminate our CO2 Footprint. They are going to make us. The "they" in that last sentence is the rest of the world. We will eventually have to start making payments for adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Only a fool would ignore that, and wait till the last minute to start making changes, because then he won't be able to afford do. Right now, at least I don't have to worry about paying extra for my electricity and gasoline. So I have a little extra money to spend, that I won't have in 10 years, when I am ready to retire. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
13-11-2017 19:40 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. Let me repeat this and correct my previous error: Snowball Earth climate dynamics and Cryogenian geology-geobiology Paul F. Hoffman1,2,*, Dorian S. Abbot3, Yosef Ashkenazy4, Douglas I. Benn5, Jochen J. Brocks6, Phoebe A. Cohen7, Grant M. Cox8,9, Jessica R. Creveling10, Yannick Donnadieu11,12, Douglas H. Erwin13,14, Ian J. Fairchild15, David Ferreira16, Jason C. Goodman17, Galen P. Halverson18, Malte F. Jansen3, Guillaume Le Hir19, Gordon D. Love20, Francis A. Macdonald1, Adam C. Maloof21, Camille A. Partin22, Gilles Ramstein11, Brian E. J. Rose23, Catherine V. Rose24,†, Peter M. Sadler20, Eli Tziperman1, Aiko Voigt25,26 and Stephen G. Warren27 See all authors and affiliations Science Advances 08 Nov 2017: Vol. 3, no. 11, e1600983 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600983 Abstract "Geological evidence indicates that grounded ice sheets reached sea level at all latitudes during two long-lived Cryogenian (58 and ≥5 My) glaciations. Combined uranium-lead and rhenium-osmium dating suggests that the older (Sturtian) glacial onset and both terminations were globally synchronous. Geochemical data imply that CO2 was 102 PAL (present atmospheric level) at the younger termination, consistent with a global ice cover." They are saying that in both of the worst ice ages on record the levels of CO2 were 40,000 ppm. Why does your "model" tell you different Mr. "The only had 39 Climate Scientists sign the Oregon Petition"? (Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)) YOU think that atmospheric, environmental and earth sciences are incompatible with climatology. You will do absolutely anything to deny the total hoax of global warming. I'm sorry but you sure try your hardest to look really stupid. Are you like this in real life? |
14-11-2017 03:02 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up" wiffed: Why does your "model" tell you different Mr. "The only had 39 Climate Scientists sign the Oregon Petition"?Mr.? At least that's a higher ranking than anyone has determined for someone (something?) named "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up". |
14-11-2017 07:42 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: Thanks for answering my questions. And for confirming what I thought. Your opinion started with your "gut feeling," same as mine. Funny how that works out, isn't it. I'm thinking everyone probably has an opinion on this thing that begins as a "gut feeling." From there, we all begin our research to enforce our "gut feeling." Mine is to prepare, your's is to ignore. So you justify ignorance, and I justify preparation. The Oregon Petition proves nothing, except the extremes that some idiots will go to in order to prevent our country from taking action to prevent more CO2 from being produced by us. And I doubt very seriously that the CO2 level of this planet was ever 40,000 ppm. That is total bull shit. You are total bull shit. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
14-11-2017 17:19 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: The Oregon Petition proves nothing, except the extremes that some idiots will go to in order to prevent our country from taking action to prevent more CO2 from being produced by us. Really? You are comical in your ignorance. The initial atmosphere of Planet Earth was 60% N2 and 40% CO2 until plants evolved. Do you understand what that is? 400,000 ppm. Exactly why is someone with such extreme ignorance of the natural history of this earth putting out comments about it? To you REAL scientists know nothing and you tell us that 40,000 ppm 5 million years ago during an extreme ice age is bullshit. I suggest you visit a psychiatrist. But better to use a different one than litebrain. |
15-11-2017 07:48 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up" wiffed: The initial atmosphere of Planet Earth....Earth 4+ billion years ago.....AGW denier liar whiners don't believe thermometers you could hold in your hands. But, AGW denier liar whiners connect Earth, separated by billions of years, in a flash..... (what... of AGW generated light & heat?). |
16-11-2017 11:58 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: The Oregon Petition proves nothing, except the extremes that some idiots will go to in order to prevent our country from taking action to prevent more CO2 from being produced by us. You idiot. litesong already pointed out the idiocy of your argument, dumbass. You don't have a clue what the gas makeup of our planet was last year, much less 4.5 billion years ago. 4.51 Billion years ago it was just swirling gases. And the CO2 concentrations of our planet have never been as high as you claim during an ice age either. You are totally off your rocker, and obviously don't know what you think you are talking about. So why don't you shut up, take a pill, chase it with a stiff one, and take a little nap, so you can dream about stuffing your pitifully small tool inside Parrot's stretched out bunghole. And nobody believes you ride a bike, much less average 15mph on your last mile. You're just an idiot who thinks he can make up any lie, and no one is the wiser. You are just an idiot, who is taking up space. You don't belong here, anymore. Please go away. No, not just from this forum. Please consider suicide. There are painless ways of doing it. Maybe you should research Dr. Kivorkian, instead of spending so much time worshipping Dr. Roy Spencer. They both just want to kill you. But at least Kivorkian doesn't beat around the bush about it. He will give you a button, and when you are ready to tap out, just tap out, and lay back. The next thing you know, you're just walking around behind little animals. I think he retired though, or got locked up for helping terminally ill people end their wretched lives. How dare he, lol. So you might want to take matters into your own hands. You can do it Wake. All you have to do is reach up and slit your own throat. If you do it quick and hard, you won't feel a thing [for a few seconds]. Then you will just go to sleep. And don't worry about the mess. Your wife will be more than happy to clean it up. She will probably just let the coroner take the chair out with the body, and then just have to get a new chair. You will both be free at last, free at last, free at last. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
16-11-2017 17:23 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: The Oregon Petition proves nothing, except the extremes that some idiots will go to in order to prevent our country from taking action to prevent more CO2 from being produced by us. Here's something from NASA and NOAA simple enough that even you might be able to understand: https://scijinks.gov/atmosphere-formation/ But then you are purposely stupid because it solves your problems of not being able to answer real questions. Why do you pretend to know anything about paleontology but are totally ignorant of geology which is a hard science? |
17-11-2017 06:51 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: The Oregon Petition proves nothing, except the extremes that some idiots will go to in order to prevent our country from taking action to prevent more CO2 from being produced by us. Here ya go, dumbass. Let me remind you of what we are talking about.
Why not a link to support your statement that there were ice ages at a time when CO2 was 40,000 ppm? That's what this discussion is about. It's not about whether or not the atmosphere of the earth has changed since the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago. What a complete dumb ass idiot piece of trash you are. Will you please consider suicide, for the sake of humanity. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
17-11-2017 17:46 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: Why not a link to support your statement that there were ice ages at a time when CO2 was 40,000 ppm? As I've stated previously, you are so stupid you couldn't do a search for "Snowball Earth climate dynamics and Cryogenian geology-geobiology" which I showed as the name of the study that was conducted by at least 28 of those scientists that NASA has been telling us believe in AGW from CO2 increases. Though I admit that it has a certain clownish appeal to allow people to see what True Believers are really like. Totally incapable of even performing a Google search. You even need your hand held AFTER the study abstract is shown to you. |
18-11-2017 09:59 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner & many time threatener wake-me-up" wiffed: As I've stated...As I've stated 1+ month(s) ago, Present High Arctic Berserker (2) (High Arctic longer term over-temperatures) or FAB(2) might go for 100 days. FAB(2) is 90 days in length AND 10degC above High Arctic average for the date. Tho FAB(2) is ~ twice the length of long over-temperature High Arctic periods of the late 1950's & early 1960's, FAB(2) is only 39% the length of FAB(1), which spanned latter 2016 to deep into 2017. |
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