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A Science Test

A Science Test08-12-2023 02:11
What do you know about Beethoven and his music?

Surely you know who he is and what this symphony is about. If you can't answer this basic science test Alan, you will be going to jail where you can be with guys who want a girlfriend. I promise they'll love you.
I am being nice and am giving you an out. Don't ask me what I know. Show me you know something.
08-12-2023 02:56
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
What do you know about Beethoven and his music?

Surely you know who he is and what this symphony is about. If you can't answer this basic science test Alan, you will be going to jail where you can be with guys who want a girlfriend. I promise they'll love you.
I am being nice and am giving you an out. Don't ask me what I know. Show me you know something.

Obviously, everyone who does not watch the YouTube videos that you specify is going to jail.


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 03:10
Just you Alan. Who doesn't know Beethoven or hasn't heard his 5th Symphony? You can't find
any information on the internet about him, his life and what inspired him to write his 5th Symphony?
This i like you asking me to explain thermodynamics to you. We've discussed that in here but you haven't. Show us you know something. That's a simple request. I think everybody has heard of Beethoven and his 5th Symphony, tell me something about the person, his life and his song. That's all I'm asking. And you have the internet so a search will give you the answers you need. Show us you can Google that or look on Wikipedia.
Would I be insulting your intelligence if I said I knew this in the 7th grade at age 13 just as I knew why Einstein said light bent when passing the Sun. With Einstein, I might've been 14 when I learned about the person. Isn't that an odd fact Alan? Just as with music, even science requires you to know the person. Show you know and understand people. Who was Beethoven the person? We can skip his music for now, tell me about the person (he was also a child as well).
You have Bing, Google, Wikipedia, etc., tell me something about him.
Edited on 08-12-2023 03:10
08-12-2023 03:26
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Just you Alan. Who doesn't know Beethoven or hasn't heard his 5th Symphony? You can't find
any information on the internet about him, his life and what inspired him to write his 5th Symphony?
This i like you asking me to explain thermodynamics to you. We've discussed that in here but you haven't. Show us you know something. That's a simple request. I think everybody has heard of Beethoven and his 5th Symphony, tell me something about the person, his life and his song. That's all I'm asking. And you have the internet so a search will give you the answers you need. Show us you can Google that or look on Wikipedia.
Would I be insulting your intelligence if I said I knew this in the 7th grade at age 13 just as I knew why Einstein said light bent when passing the Sun. With Einstein, I might've been 14 when I learned about the person. Isn't that an odd fact Alan? Just as with music, even science requires you to know the person. Show you know and understand people. Who was Beethoven the person? We can skip his music for now, tell me about the person (he was also a child as well).
You have Bing, Google, Wikipedia, etc., tell me something about him.

So, in other words, you want to isolate current searches for Beethoven and are hoping that I make one. Well I own about 20 guitars, does that count?


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 03:33
Alan, show you know something. Do whatever you have to to show you know something about
Beethoven and his song. Use any resource on Earth and as a Christian you can pray. I am not limiting you. You can do whatever you like, show you know something about Beethoven and his 5th symphony. Beethoven like his song is extremely well known.
You asked me about thermodynamics. Can you explain PV = 3/2kT? I doubt it so I am asking you a simple question, can you tell us something simple and basic about Beethoven and his 5th symphony. If not then can you explain the relationship between PV = 3/2kT?
You need to show something at some point. If you can't explain basic thermodynamics then maybe you can explain Beethoven instead?
Edited on 08-12-2023 03:34
08-12-2023 03:45
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Alan, show you know something. Do whatever you have to to show you know something about
Beethoven and his song. Use any resource on Earth and as a Christian you can pray. I am not limiting you. You can do whatever you like, show you know something about Beethoven and his 5th symphony. Beethoven like his song is extremely well known.
You asked me about thermodynamics. Can you explain PV = 3/2kT? I doubt it so I am asking you a simple question, can you tell us something simple and basic about Beethoven and his 5th symphony. If not then can you explain the relationship between PV = 3/2kT?
You need to show something at some point. If you can't explain basic thermodynamics then maybe you can explain Beethoven instead?

I really do not care, but my Son and I strummed Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johan Sebastian Bach once, does that count? and at one point I was playing Brahms Lullaby

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 04:02
You need to show you know something. It's either PV = 3/2kT or something about Beethoven.
I think you are right Alan. You told me you like molesting little boys and not being able to consider something else tends to support what you told me about yourself.
08-12-2023 04:03
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
You need to show you know something. It's either PV = 3/2kT or something about Beethoven.
I think you are right Alan. You told me you like molesting little boys and not being able to consider something else tends to support what you told me about yourself.

Actually, no one needs to listen to you, least of all me.


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 04:17
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
You need to show you know something. It's either PV = 3/2kT or something about Beethoven.
I think you are right Alan. You told me you like molesting little boys and not being able to consider something else tends to support what you told me about yourself.

Actually, no one needs to listen to you, least of all me.


This is a climate debate forum, let's discuss PV = 3/2kT. Kind of why we're here, right? Would you like to discuss how daddy's don't like you calling them about their bad little boys or why PV = 3/2kT?
You threatened to call my father on multiple occasions. Making that threat to a grown man some people would call a mistake. It's not slander. I am a witness to you wanting to molest me as a little boy.
Because I am a witness it is not slander and you can't sue me. We can discuss sexual molestation or climate science, I'll let you decide. If you decide on climate science, what happened to Beethoven when he was a little boy? That has to do with his music.
08-12-2023 05:55
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
You need to show you know something. It's either PV = 3/2kT or something about Beethoven.
I think you are right Alan. You told me you like molesting little boys and not being able to consider something else tends to support what you told me about yourself.

Actually, no one needs to listen to you, least of all me.


This is a climate debate forum, let's discuss PV = 3/2kT. Kind of why we're here, right? Would you like to discuss how daddy's don't like you calling them about their bad little boys or why PV = 3/2kT?
You threatened to call my father on multiple occasions. Making that threat to a grown man some people would call a mistake. It's not slander. I am a witness to you wanting to molest me as a little boy.
Because I am a witness it is not slander and you can't sue me. We can discuss sexual molestation or climate science, I'll let you decide. If you decide on climate science, what happened to Beethoven when he was a little boy? That has to do with his music.

I am here to laugh at idiots.

Like you

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 06:21
Swan wrote:

I am here to laugh at idiots.

Like you

Show you know something.
08-12-2023 07:11
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:

Let's talk cat shit.

People are believed to become infected by the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite by coming into contact with cat shit.

In short, the TG parasite hijacks about every part in your body, and causes multitudes of illnesses, both physically and mentally.

TG is one of the most common parasites in developed countries. Serological studies estimate that 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, TG.

The numbers don't match. Half of the people in the world are not handling cat shit. And those that do can avoid touching it. But, it is worth noting, the Feline Body Is the only animal in which TG can multiply sexually.

Clearly, if we are serious about studying this parasite, we will need to develop a new theory for why it universally infects the world's population.

We can probably conclude, pretty much everybody over 30 will be infected. Children will not be infected. Most college age students will not be infected enough by this parasite, yet, for it to show up in serological detection tests. But some will.

In a study detecting whether college age students had this parasite, it was found, the students who tested positive for it, were more sexually attractive. Women carrying the parasite reported both higher self-perceived attractiveness and a higher number of sexual partners.

Denial is a big problem with scientists. Obviously parasites do not make people more attractive!

But based on the few simple facts I have presented, a reasonable host can now theorize what it is that invites this parasite into your body.

Sex. More specifically, I will say, orgasms.

So there you have it. A pretty simple theory that anybody can test, if they have the will power.

Here is a psychological question I ask myself to override my desires.

If you could find the cure for old age, just by quitting orgasms, would you try? Or would you rather die, than quit?

Edited on 08-12-2023 07:44
08-12-2023 07:46
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:

Let's talk cat shit.

People are believed to become infected by the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite by coming into contact with cat shit.

In short, the TG parasite hijacks about every part in your body, and causes multitudes of illnesses, both physically and mentally.

TG is one of the most common parasites in developed countries. Serological studies estimate that 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, TG.

The numbers don't match. Half of the people world are not handling cat shit. And those that do can avoid touching it. But, it is worth noting, the Feline Body Is the only animal in which TG can multiply sexually.

Clearly, if we are serious about studying this parasite, we will need to develop a new theory for why it universally infects the world's population.

We can probably conclude, pretty much everybody over 30 will be infected. Children will not be infected. Most college age students will not be infected enough by this parasite, yet, for it to show up in serological detection tests. But some will.

In a study detecting whether college age students had this parasite, it was found, the students who tested positive for it, were more sexually attractive. Women carrying the parasite reported both higher self-perceived attractiveness and a higher number of sexual partners.

Denial is a big problem with scientists. Obviously parasites do not make people more attractive!

But based on the few simple facts I have presented, a reasonable host can now theorize what it is that invites this parasite into your body.

Sex. More specifically, I will say, orgasms.

So there you have it. A pretty simple theory that anybody can test, if they have the will power.

Here is a psychological question I ask myself to override my desires.

If you could find the cure for old age, just by quitting orgasms, would you try? Or would you rather die, than quit?

Is spongy iris saying Alan is affected and finds himself more desirable than he really is?
You know, I weigh 400 lbs. and am both ugly and stupid. I am infected and you love me.
Who is spongy and who is swan? Are they both infected?
08-12-2023 13:13
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Swan wrote:

I am here to laugh at idiots.

Like you

Show you know something.

LOL, I know that shares of the World's largest company Apple computer Corp are up 194,170% all time

Market Summary
Apple Inc
194.27 USD
+194.17 (194,170.00%)

Does that count as something?


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 18:13
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
James_ wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:

Let's talk cat shit.

People are believed to become infected by the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite by coming into contact with cat shit.

In short, the TG parasite hijacks about every part in your body, and causes multitudes of illnesses, both physically and mentally.

TG is one of the most common parasites in developed countries. Serological studies estimate that 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, TG.

The numbers don't match. Half of the people world are not handling cat shit. And those that do can avoid touching it. But, it is worth noting, the Feline Body Is the only animal in which TG can multiply sexually.

Clearly, if we are serious about studying this parasite, we will need to develop a new theory for why it universally infects the world's population.

We can probably conclude, pretty much everybody over 30 will be infected. Children will not be infected. Most college age students will not be infected enough by this parasite, yet, for it to show up in serological detection tests. But some will.

In a study detecting whether college age students had this parasite, it was found, the students who tested positive for it, were more sexually attractive. Women carrying the parasite reported both higher self-perceived attractiveness and a higher number of sexual partners.

Denial is a big problem with scientists. Obviously parasites do not make people more attractive!

But based on the few simple facts I have presented, a reasonable host can now theorize what it is that invites this parasite into your body.

Sex. More specifically, I will say, orgasms.

So there you have it. A pretty simple theory that anybody can test, if they have the will power.

Here is a psychological question I ask myself to override my desires.

If you could find the cure for old age, just by quitting orgasms, would you try? Or would you rather die, than quit?

Is spongy iris saying Alan is affected and finds himself more desirable than he really is?
You know, I weigh 400 lbs. and am both ugly and stupid. I am infected and you love me.
Who is spongy and who is swan? Are they both infected?

That was an example of me trying to make conversation that anybody reading at a 3rd grade level or higher could comprehend.

Of course, I just scratched the surface, and one could probably write more than billions of pages of medical literature on what TG does.

But your conversation, nobody understands. For that matter, Swan's too.

But hey, there's no way I'm coming across the toxoplasmosis support without biblical inspiration. Watching Trainspotting was not enough

It's like they say, faith without works is blind, and work without faith is lame.

08-12-2023 18:42
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
James_ wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:

Let's talk cat shit.

People are believed to become infected by the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite by coming into contact with cat shit.

In short, the TG parasite hijacks about every part in your body, and causes multitudes of illnesses, both physically and mentally.

TG is one of the most common parasites in developed countries. Serological studies estimate that 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, TG.

The numbers don't match. Half of the people world are not handling cat shit. And those that do can avoid touching it. But, it is worth noting, the Feline Body Is the only animal in which TG can multiply sexually.

Clearly, if we are serious about studying this parasite, we will need to develop a new theory for why it universally infects the world's population.

We can probably conclude, pretty much everybody over 30 will be infected. Children will not be infected. Most college age students will not be infected enough by this parasite, yet, for it to show up in serological detection tests. But some will.

In a study detecting whether college age students had this parasite, it was found, the students who tested positive for it, were more sexually attractive. Women carrying the parasite reported both higher self-perceived attractiveness and a higher number of sexual partners.

Denial is a big problem with scientists. Obviously parasites do not make people more attractive!

But based on the few simple facts I have presented, a reasonable host can now theorize what it is that invites this parasite into your body.

Sex. More specifically, I will say, orgasms.

So there you have it. A pretty simple theory that anybody can test, if they have the will power.

Here is a psychological question I ask myself to override my desires.

If you could find the cure for old age, just by quitting orgasms, would you try? Or would you rather die, than quit?

Is spongy iris saying Alan is affected and finds himself more desirable than he really is?
You know, I weigh 400 lbs. and am both ugly and stupid. I am infected and you love me.
Who is spongy and who is swan? Are they both infected?

That was an example of me trying to make conversation that anybody reading at a 3rd grade level or higher could comprehend.

Of course, I just scratched the surface, and one could probably write more than billions of pages of medical literature on what TG does.

But your conversation, nobody understands. For that matter, Swan's too.

But hey, there's no way I'm coming across the toxoplasmosis support without biblical inspiration. Watching Trainspotting was not enough

It's like they say, faith without works is blind, and work without faith is lame.

Oh yea, well Gomers goobers 2 u

IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL
08-12-2023 20:19
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Swan wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
James_ wrote:
Spongy Iris wrote:
Swan wrote:

Let's talk cat shit.

People are believed to become infected by the Toxoplasma Gondi parasite by coming into contact with cat shit.

In short, the TG parasite hijacks about every part in your body, and causes multitudes of illnesses, both physically and mentally.

TG is one of the most common parasites in developed countries. Serological studies estimate that 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, TG.

The numbers don't match. Half of the people world are not handling cat shit. And those that do can avoid touching it. But, it is worth noting, the Feline Body Is the only animal in which TG can multiply sexually.

Clearly, if we are serious about studying this parasite, we will need to develop a new theory for why it universally infects the world's population.

We can probably conclude, pretty much everybody over 30 will be infected. Children will not be infected. Most college age students will not be infected enough by this parasite, yet, for it to show up in serological detection tests. But some will.

In a study detecting whether college age students had this parasite, it was found, the students who tested positive for it, were more sexually attractive. Women carrying the parasite reported both higher self-perceived attractiveness and a higher number of sexual partners.

Denial is a big problem with scientists. Obviously parasites do not make people more attractive!

But based on the few simple facts I have presented, a reasonable host can now theorize what it is that invites this parasite into your body.

Sex. More specifically, I will say, orgasms.

So there you have it. A pretty simple theory that anybody can test, if they have the will power.

Here is a psychological question I ask myself to override my desires.

If you could find the cure for old age, just by quitting orgasms, would you try? Or would you rather die, than quit?

Is spongy iris saying Alan is affected and finds himself more desirable than he really is?
You know, I weigh 400 lbs. and am both ugly and stupid. I am infected and you love me.
Who is spongy and who is swan? Are they both infected?

That was an example of me trying to make conversation that anybody reading at a 3rd grade level or higher could comprehend.

Of course, I just scratched the surface, and one could probably write more than billions of pages of medical literature on what TG does.

But your conversation, nobody understands. For that matter, Swan's too.

But hey, there's no way I'm coming across the toxoplasmosis support without biblical inspiration. Watching Trainspotting was not enough

It's like they say, faith without works is blind, and work without faith is lame.

Oh yea, well Gomers goobers 2 u

08-12-2023 23:28
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Just you Alan. Who doesn't know Beethoven or hasn't heard his 5th Symphony? You can't find
any information on the internet about him, his life and what inspired him to write his 5th Symphony?
This i like you asking me to explain thermodynamics to you. We've discussed that in here but you haven't. Show us you know something. That's a simple request. I think everybody has heard of Beethoven and his 5th Symphony, tell me something about the person, his life and his song. That's all I'm asking. And you have the internet so a search will give you the answers you need. Show us you can Google that or look on Wikipedia.
Would I be insulting your intelligence if I said I knew this in the 7th grade at age 13 just as I knew why Einstein said light bent when passing the Sun. With Einstein, I might've been 14 when I learned about the person. Isn't that an odd fact Alan? Just as with music, even science requires you to know the person. Show you know and understand people. Who was Beethoven the person? We can skip his music for now, tell me about the person (he was also a child as well).
You have Bing, Google, Wikipedia, etc., tell me something about him.

So, in other words, you want to isolate current searches for Beethoven and are hoping that I make one. Well I own about 20 guitars, does that count?


20 guitars, and you still can't play worth shit... Maybe it's not the guitar...
09-12-2023 00:53
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Swan wrote:
James_ wrote:
Just you Alan. Who doesn't know Beethoven or hasn't heard his 5th Symphony? You can't find
any information on the internet about him, his life and what inspired him to write his 5th Symphony?
This i like you asking me to explain thermodynamics to you. We've discussed that in here but you haven't. Show us you know something. That's a simple request. I think everybody has heard of Beethoven and his 5th Symphony, tell me something about the person, his life and his song. That's all I'm asking. And you have the internet so a search will give you the answers you need. Show us you can Google that or look on Wikipedia.
Would I be insulting your intelligence if I said I knew this in the 7th grade at age 13 just as I knew why Einstein said light bent when passing the Sun. With Einstein, I might've been 14 when I learned about the person. Isn't that an odd fact Alan? Just as with music, even science requires you to know the person. Show you know and understand people. Who was Beethoven the person? We can skip his music for now, tell me about the person (he was also a child as well).
You have Bing, Google, Wikipedia, etc., tell me something about him.

So, in other words, you want to isolate current searches for Beethoven and are hoping that I make one. Well I own about 20 guitars, does that count?


20 guitars, and you still can't play worth shit... Maybe it's not the guitar...

I only play two of them, my Breedlove 6 string acoustic and my Washburn 12 string acoustic. LOL I didn't even know that you were a fan

Well you've got your diamonds
And you've got your pretty clothes
And the chauffeur drives your car
You let everybody know
But don't play with me
'Cause you're playing with fire
Your mother she's an heiress
Owns a block in Saint John's Wood
And your father'd be there with her
If he only could
But don't play with me
'Cause you're playing with fire
Your old man took her diamond's
And tiaras by the score
Now she gets her kicks in Stepney
Not in Knightsbridge anymore
So don't you play with me
'Cause you're playing with fire
Now you've got some diamonds
And you will have some others
But you'd better watch your step girl
Or start living with your mother
So don't you play with me
'Cause you're playing with fire
So don't you play with me
'Cause you're playing with fire

Or perhaps

Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train
When I's feelin' near as faded as my jeans
Bobby thumbed a diesel down, just before it rained
And rode us all the way into New Orleans
I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana
I's playin' soft while Bobby sang the blues
Windshield wipers slappin' time, I's holdin' Bobby's hand in mine
We sang every song that driver knew
Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose
Nothin', don't mean nothin' hon' if it ain't free, no-no
And feelin' good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
You know feelin' good was good enough for me
Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee
From the Kentucky coal mine to the California sun
There Bobby shared the secrets of my soul
Through all kinds of weather, through everything we done
Yeah, Bobby baby, kept me from the cold
One day up near Salinas, Lord, I let him slip away
He's lookin' for that home, and I hope he finds it
But, I'd trade all of my tomorrows, for one single yesterday
To be holdin' Bobby's body next to mine
Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose
Nothin', and that's all that Bobby left me, yeah
But feelin' good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
That feelin' good was good enough for me, mmm-hmm
Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee
La-da-da, la-da-da-da, la-da-da-da-da-da-da
La-da-da-da-da-da-da-da, Bobby McGee, yeah
La-da-da-da-da, la-da-da-da-da
La, la-la-la-da-da- Bobby McGee, oh yeah
La-da-da, la-da-da, la, da-da, la, da-da
La-da-da, la-da-da, la-di-da
Hey now, Bobby now, now Bobby McGee, yeah
Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, lo-da-da, na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na
Hey now, Bobby now, now Bobby McGee, yeah
Well, I wanna call him my lover, call him my man
I said, I call him my lover, did the best I can, come on
Hey now, Bobby now, hey now Bobby McGee, yeah
Lord, a Lord, a Lord, a Lord, a Lord, a Lord, a Lord, a Lord, oh
Hey-hey-hey, Bobby McGee, Lord

Better watch out or I will tie you up and play until your ears bleed or your brain explodes.


IBdaMann claims that Gold is a molecule, and that the last ice age never happened because I was not there to see it. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that IBdaMann is clearly not using enough LSD.

According to CDC/Government info, people who were vaccinated are now DYING at a higher rate than non-vaccinated people, which exposes the covid vaccines as the poison that they are, this is now fully confirmed by the terrorist CDC

This place is quieter than the FBI commenting on the chink bank account information on Hunter Xiden's laptop



"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA

So why is helping to hide the murder of an American president patriotic?

Sonia makes me so proud to be a dumb white boy

Now be honest, was I correct or was I correct? LOL

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