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The Burning Earth Bears Witness in California

The Burning Earth Bears Witness in California11-12-2017 13:58
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, an astonishing total of 8,756 fires have burned 1,156,914 acres in rain-starved California this year.

Like the wildfires that charred 20,000 acres, destroyed 3.500 structures, and killed at least 44 people in northern California last October, the southern California infernos are the outcome of excessive heat and drought resulting from the climate disruption caused by humanity's excessive, capital-driven and United States-led extraction and burning of fossil fuels.
11-12-2017 14:01
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
and this guy's an optimist ...

"... We have at most two decades to avert environmental catastrophe and sustain realistic hopes for a decent future. Failure on that score would mean that nothing else we care about and (on the left) fight for – democracy, social justice, peace, artistic expression, equality, and more – would matter all that much. It'll be about the best possible arrangement of chairs and drinks on the decks of a sinking ship..."
11-12-2017 18:03
Tim the plumber

Around the 1970s, some government agencies began adopting "let it burn policies" if human habitat was not threatened. An increasing use of prescribed burns attempted to reduce abnormal fuel loads and restore the natural fire balance. But fire ecologists still "estimated that approximately 3 to 6 times more area must be burned to restore historical fire regimes." The unnaturally low fire frequencies of the 1980s and 90s can be seen in Figure 5 from a 1999 research paper by Dr. Swetnam. Based on fire scars of old living trees from 64 southwest study sites, fires were 5 to 15 times more numerous and widespread between 1700 and 1880 than during the 1990s. When global warming demagogues argue climate change has now resulted in 5 times more fires than observed in the 1970s, they fail to inform the public this increase is largely due to a shift away from the previous complete fire suppression policy to selectively allowing fires to burn.


Figure from Swetnam (1999) Historical Fire Regime Patterns in the Southwestern United States

Nope. Try again.
11-12-2017 19:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Much of California is desert. It had a good Spring, resulting in much more grass growing. It is that grass that is burning, not as a result of 'global warming' (whatever THAT is), but as a result of an excellent Spring in 2017.

Of course, the poorly maintained power lines that sparked the Sonoma fires in multiple places at once didn't help either.
11-12-2017 19:19
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
Willard Anthony Watts (born 1958) is an American blogger who runs Watts Up With That?, a popular climate change denial blog that opposes the scientific consensus on climate change. A former television meteorologist and current radio meteorologist, he is also founder of the Surface Stations project, a volunteer initiative to document the condition of U.S. weather stations. The Heartland Institute helped fund some of Watts' projects, including publishing a report on the Surface Stations project, and has invited him to be a paid speaker at the International Conference on Climate Change from 2008 to 2014. ...

The International Conference on Climate Change is a conference series organized and sponsored by The Heartland Institute which aims to bring together global warming skeptics who "dispute that the science is settled on the causes, consequences, and policy implications of climate change." ...

...However, Anthony Watts, a weathercaster who runs one of the most prominent anti-science blogs, Watts Up With That?, acknowledged Heartland was helping him with $90,000 for a new project. He added: "They do not regularly fund me nor (sic) my WUWT website, I take no salary from them of any kind."

Watts, in an email, did not mention the entire cost of his temperature station initiative but said: "Heartland simply helped me find a donor for funding a special project..."

...The papers indicate that discrediting established climate science remains a core mission of the organisation...

What a leak!
11-12-2017 20:24
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
monckton wrote:
Willard Anthony Watts (born 1958) is an American blogger who runs Watts Up With That?, a popular climate change denial blog that opposes the scientific consensus on climate change. A former television meteorologist and current radio meteorologist, he is also founder of the Surface Stations project, a volunteer initiative to document the condition of U.S. weather stations. The Heartland Institute helped fund some of Watts' projects, including publishing a report on the Surface Stations project, and has invited him to be a paid speaker at the International Conference on Climate Change from 2008 to 2014. ...

The International Conference on Climate Change is a conference series organized and sponsored by The Heartland Institute which aims to bring together global warming skeptics who "dispute that the science is settled on the causes, consequences, and policy implications of climate change." ...

...However, Anthony Watts, a weathercaster who runs one of the most prominent anti-science blogs, Watts Up With That?, acknowledged Heartland was helping him with $90,000 for a new project. He added: "They do not regularly fund me nor (sic) my WUWT website, I take no salary from them of any kind."

Watts, in an email, did not mention the entire cost of his temperature station initiative but said: "Heartland simply helped me find a donor for funding a special project..."

...The papers indicate that discrediting established climate science remains a core mission of the organisation...

What a leak!

This is a leak?? Are you convinced that Anthony Watts is the ONLY Outsider of the Church of Global Warming???

No, you're going to have to do better than that. First, you have to define what 'global warming' actually means (no circular definitions).

THEN you are going to have to reconcile 'greenhouse' gases with the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

THEN you are going to have to actually construct global temperature data, using the rules of statistical math. That means building far more thermometers, uniformly placing them, and reading them at the same time. Simply averaging existing thermometers does not give you a global temperature.

Then, and only then, will your argument for 'global warming' have any kind of weight in science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan

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