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Racist Sexist Xenophobic AND Erroneous "don'T rump" Pratfalls

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Racist Sexist Xenophobic AND Erroneous "don'T rump" Pratfalls15-10-2017 03:08
From the article:
Federal officials accidentally emailed a reporter their plans to spin Puerto Rico.
In late September, the Pentagon included a Bloomberg News climate reporter Christopher Flavelle on a series of emails meant for Pentagon employees.
The emails detail talking points for convincing the public that the White House's response to Puerto Rico was going well. Just one minor problem: It so wasn't. Many Puerto Ricans have gone without power, clean water, and adequate food ever since Hurricane Maria hit last month.
15-10-2017 20:23
litesong wrote:
From the article:
Federal officials accidentally emailed a reporter their plans to spin Puerto Rico.
In late September, the Pentagon included a Bloomberg News climate reporter Christopher Flavelle on a series of emails meant for Pentagon employees.
The emails detail talking points for convincing the public that the White House's response to Puerto Rico was going well. Just one minor problem: It so wasn't. Many Puerto Ricans have gone without power, clean water, and adequate food ever since Hurricane Maria hit last month.

Here is a link to the reporter's story on bloomberg. Just not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.
15-10-2017 20:25
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
From the article:
Federal officials accidentally emailed a reporter their plans to spin Puerto Rico.
In late September, the Pentagon included a Bloomberg News climate reporter Christopher Flavelle on a series of emails meant for Pentagon employees.
The emails detail talking points for convincing the public that the White House's response to Puerto Rico was going well. Just one minor problem: It so wasn't. Many Puerto Ricans have gone without power, clean water, and adequate food ever since Hurricane Maria hit last month.

Yeah. It sucks to have such a lousy power system as Puerto Rico. They've always had lousy power system. The hurricane just did it in.

Water comes from power. Food supplies are generally imported. They are being imported still. They depend on it a lot more now that their own crops were destroyed.

Puerto Rico is a mess. Trump is doing what he can, but Puerto Rico is going to have to do something about it's lousy power system. Federal aid is available to help with that, since it is a U.S. territory.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
16-10-2017 04:39
James_ wrote:...not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.

I'm not a rump man. But I know "don'T rump" when I see it.
16-10-2017 22:42
litesong wrote:
James_ wrote:...not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.

I'm not a rump man. But I know "don'T rump" when I see it.

I'm not a vinod man
16-10-2017 22:57
James_ wrote:
litesong wrote:
From the article:
Federal officials accidentally emailed a reporter their plans to spin Puerto Rico.
In late September, the Pentagon included a Bloomberg News climate reporter Christopher Flavelle on a series of emails meant for Pentagon employees.
The emails detail talking points for convincing the public that the White House's response to Puerto Rico was going well. Just one minor problem: It so wasn't. Many Puerto Ricans have gone without power, clean water, and adequate food ever since Hurricane Maria hit last month.

Here is a link to the reporter's story on bloomberg. Just not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.

At what point does it become the American taxpayers responsibility to pay for things that the Puerto Ricans won't do for themselves? Was this a magic hurricane that went where no hurricane had ever gone before? Was it the respondibility of the American taxpayer to build roads for them? To build proper power systems for them? To build properly constructed homes for them?

With 100,000 containers of relief supplies sitting in the shipping yards was it the responsibility of the American taxpayer to supply trucks, truck drivers and repair the improperly built roads?
16-10-2017 23:31
litesong wrote:
James_ wrote:...not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.

I'm not a rump man. But I know "don'T rump" when I see it.

Attached image:

Edited on 16-10-2017 23:32
17-10-2017 03:36
James_ wrote:
litesong wrote:
James_ wrote:...not sure why litesong doesn't like President rump.

I'm not a rump man. But I know "don'T rump" when I see it.

It told us NOT to vote for it. It's in its name, "don'T rump".
Edited on 17-10-2017 03:37
17-10-2017 04:43
I found the butchering chart to be slightly inaccurate and incomplete. I have updated it. See how easy it is to screw with the "facts"?

Attached image:

17-10-2017 05:05
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" wiffed: I'm not a vinod man

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" ain't no happy camper.
17-10-2017 17:26
GasGuzzler wrote:
I found the butchering chart to be slightly inaccurate and incomplete. I have updated it. See how easy it is to screw with the "facts"?

I discovered that a rabid poster here turns out to be an illegal aliens and not what he has presented himself as. I called a friend who as a retired government agent has access to information and after reading some of his postings suggested that I call ICE and turn the SOB in.
Edited on 17-10-2017 17:32
17-10-2017 18:36
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:.... illegal alien..... turn the SOB in.

If the illegal alien isn't russian, deportation is the un-best "don'T rump" trash action.
If the illegal alien is a russian hacker troll, "don'T rump" gov't agents will let the russian hacker troll continue AND pin it with a "medal of freedom".
Edited on 17-10-2017 18:38
17-10-2017 19:35
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:.... illegal alien..... turn the SOB in.

If the illegal alien isn't russian, deportation is the un-best "don'T rump" trash action.
If the illegal alien is a russian hacker troll, "don'T rump" gov't agents will let the russian hacker troll continue AND pin it with a "medal of freedom".

May be you should start packing.
17-10-2017 20:02
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: May be....

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" got its "may be" babel bubbling.
17-10-2017 20:04
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: May be....

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" got its "may be" babel bubbling.

You're not supposed to stay in this country after your visa runs out so any second now.
18-10-2017 00:36
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" bluffed: ....any second now.

"This ought to be a red flag warning to people that" (courtesy of "wake-me-up") do understand the climate that old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiners threaten or take whatever measures to silence their opposition. The problem with "wake-me-up" is, it knows geography so little, it can't figure that Native Tribe reservations are often within the borders of the U.S.
Edited on 18-10-2017 00:50
18-10-2017 17:06
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" bluffed: ....any second now.

"This ought to be a red flag warning to people that" (courtesy of "wake-me-up") do understand the climate that old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiners threaten or take whatever measures to silence their opposition. The problem with "wake-me-up" is, it knows geography so little, it can't figure that Native Tribe reservations are often within the borders of the U.S.

But of course an East Indian isn't a "native tribe member".
18-10-2017 18:45
Wake wrote: But of course an East Indian isn't a "native tribe member".

Native Tribes are all over the world. The disasters of euros & transplanted euros pouring out of europe with their tech, make their genocides all the greater. Guess yer gov't agent HAD to retire due to its poor ability to find the right data.
18-10-2017 20:06
litesong wrote:
Wake wrote: But of course an East Indian isn't a "native tribe member".

Native Tribes are all over the world. The disasters of euros & transplanted euros pouring out of europe with their tech, make their genocides all the greater. Guess yer gov't agent HAD to retire due to its poor ability to find the right data.

Tell that to the ICE agent.
19-10-2017 03:29
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: Tell that to the ICE agent.

Ya ain't done given ex-gov't perps info on me, I see!! Meanwhile:
On the Antarctic Peninsula, the warming has been far greater—nearly five degrees... That's why a Delaware-size iceberg just broke off the Larsen C Ice Shelf...The Pine Island Ice Shelf AND glacier.... drain a much larger dome of ice called the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.... rests on the floor of a basin that dips more than 5,000 feet below sea level (& is) vulnerable to the warming ocean. The ice sheet is held back only by its fringing ice shelves—... (which) are starting to fail.... the glaciers behind them flow faster to the sea... The Pine Island Ice Shelf, about 1,300 feet thick....thinned by an average of 150 feet from 1994 to 2012... the neighboring Thwaites Glacier, which could destabilize most of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet....."These are the fastest retreating glaciers on the face of the Earth," says Eric Rignot....
In March 1994 the U.S. icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer reached the Pine Island Ice Shelf.
The west side of the Antarctic Peninsula is warming several times faster than the rest of the planet & ninety percent of its 674 glaciers are now in retreat.... the crew... lower(ed) scientific instruments through the water column....Near the surface, a current was streaming out from under the ice shelf that was slightly less salty than the sea around it, because it was freshened by melted ice. (The ice is fresh because it originated as snow falling on West Antarctica.) And at depths of 2,000 to 3,000 feet, along a seafloor canyon that ran straight under the ice, warmer seawater was streaming in....Stan Jacobs, an oceanographer....understood... The warm water was coming from the South Pacific, more than 200 miles north.....The glacier itself had carved that canyon, thousands of years ago during the Ice Age... that same canyon was channeling warm ocean water under the Pine Island Ice Shelf. Somewhere tens of miles inland, the warm water was finding the "grounding line"....the warm water was eroding it, producing a steady stream of melt-laden seawater. Because it was cooler and fresher, it was less dense, and so it was rising above the warmer, incoming water and flowing back out to sea just under the shelf.....By measuring the amount of this freshwater, the researchers could estimate how much ice was being lost....Adrian Jenkins, a glaciologist....his calculations, the ice shelf was losing 13 cubic miles of ice per year from its underside; back near the grounding line, the ice was probably thinning up to 300 feet per year......The ice sheet is... starting to fail....Over the next 13 years he and Jacobs.... finally got back there on the Palmer in January 2009, they found that the melt rate had increased by about 50 percent....they came equipped....with a yellow robotic submarine called Autosub3....navigate autonomously under the ice shelf, out of contact with the ship, for up to 30 hours at a time..... Autosub3 discovered that the ice shelf had thinned enough to lift off a submarine ridge.... ultimately rising 500 feet up into the labyrinthine bowels of the ice shelf. Finally it had dropped back out and escaped into open water.....The sub's sonar data, revealed...the bottom of the ice shelf was corrugated with not just one but many channels, which cut as far as 600 feet up into it. The walls of these inverted ice canyons were sculpted into terraces, ledges, and sharp corners, and along the ceiling of each ran a gaping crack that penetrated even farther into the ice.... the upside-down canyons had been carved, like rock canyons on land, by flowing water. Apparently the meltwater rising off the grounding line was still warm enough to melt more ice. And as it flowed for tens of miles along the underside of the ice shelf, back out to the open sea, it was melting a lot of it.
Large swaths of West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice these days.... Average annual temperatures on its west side have risen nearly 5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1950—several times faster than the rest of the planet—and the winters have warmed an astonishing 9 degrees. Sea ice now forms only four months a year instead of seven.....Since 1988, four ice shelves....have disintegrated... Warmer air helped trigger these collapses by forming meltwater ponds on the surface of ice shelves; the ponds drained into crevasses, wedging them deeper into the ice. As the shelves have vanished, the glaciers they once stabilized have stampeded into the ocean, accelerating to two, five, even nine times their original speed.
The same processes are occurring in East Antarctica.
19-10-2017 03:57
And you claim you're not Chief Copynpaste?

I know nobody reads this crap. Hell, I didn't read it either. Just wanted to find out where you find your hooey.
19-10-2017 13:29
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" guffed: Copynpaste?

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" continues as an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner.
Edited on 19-10-2017 13:30
19-10-2017 13:35
: "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" gushed: I didn't read .....

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" didn't take science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in a proper hi skule DEE-plooomaa, either.
19-10-2017 18:08
GasGuzzler wrote:
And you claim you're not Chief Copynpaste?

I know nobody reads this crap. Hell, I didn't read it either. Just wanted to find out where you find your hooey.

This guy is an East Indian and is here on an expired visa. He is showing all of the signs of a seriously mentally impaired person. Get this creature out of this country.
20-10-2017 05:18
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: This guy is an East Indian and is here on an expired visa..... Get this creature out of this country.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" continues being an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner.
20-10-2017 19:00
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzzed & guzzzling" gushed:... wanted to find out where you find your hooey.

My data comes from same sources AGW denier liar whiners USED to use. But that data almost continually showed that AGW effects were increasing AND that is why AGW denier liar whiners stopped using that data. Presently, AGW denier liar whiners pretend they don't know what data I use..... altho AGW denier liar whiners were the ones that led me to the data I use now.
AGW denier liar whiners really are silly people. A good portion of them are..... old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiners.
Edited on 20-10-2017 19:04
20-10-2017 19:27
GasGuzzler wrote:
And you claim you're not Chief Copynpaste?

I know nobody reads this crap. Hell, I didn't read it either. Just wanted to find out where you find your hooey.

I've also read where one side is warming and the other side is cooling. scientists have also said that the problems with Antarctica come from ozone depletion.
What we need to remember is that ozone cannot be created or destroyed. Why you ask ? It's simple. I'll let Into the Night explain how our existence is a figment of our imagination (this actually falsifies us) so therefore we do not exist (because we have been falsified). Really, we don't, we only believe that we exist. And since we do not exist there is no climate and since there is no climate there is also no climate change.
EEeeewwww !!! Did he just say that ???? EEeeeewwww I say !!!
Attached image:

Edited on 20-10-2017 19:27
20-10-2017 19:59
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
And you claim you're not Chief Copynpaste?

I know nobody reads this crap. Hell, I didn't read it either. Just wanted to find out where you find your hooey.

I've also read where one side is warming and the other side is cooling.

Antarctica is a big continent. No one is able to determine the temperature of any region of Antarctica though, other than the temperature at the thermometer. There aren't many in Antarctica.
James_ wrote:
scientists have also said that the problems with Antarctica come from ozone depletion.

The ozone is not being depleted.
James_ wrote:
What we need to remember is that ozone cannot be created or destroyed.
Sure it can. It's created and destroyed all the time.
James_ wrote:
Why you ask ? It's simple. I'll let Into the Night explain how our existence is a figment of our imagination (this actually falsifies us) so therefore we do not exist (because we have been falsified).

Why would I do that? You seem to have some weird views.
James_ wrote:
Really, we don't, we only believe that we exist.

You exist. Believe it.
James_ wrote:
And since we do not exist there is no climate and since there is no climate there is also no climate change.

The Earth has many climates. There is no such thing as a global climate. There is no such thing as a global weather.

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-10-2017 20:09
James_ wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
And you claim you're not Chief Copynpaste?

I know nobody reads this crap. Hell, I didn't read it either. Just wanted to find out where you find your hooey.

I've also read where one side is warming and the other side is cooling.

That claim was from a decade ago. They discovered ice melting around the Larsen Ice Shelf if memory serves and the warmies began dancing around and screaming "Glory Hallelujah".

It turned out to be a new undersea volcano had formed just off the shelf. These come and go along the ocean ridges.
20-10-2017 20:32
[b]Wake wrote:It turned out to be a new undersea volcano had formed just off the shelf.

old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" pretends that Antarctic underwater volcanoes are new AND cause extra melting. AGW denier liar whiners always find other things, other than AGW, that cause warming. However, AGW denier liar whiners have no science to prove that newly discovered volcanoes have produced any more heat than they probably did, BEFORE they were discovered.
20-10-2017 20:59
litesong wrote:
[b]Wake wrote:It turned out to be a new undersea volcano had formed just off the shelf.

old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" pretends that Antarctic underwater volcanoes are new AND cause extra melting. AGW denier liar whiners always find other things, other than AGW, that cause warming. However, AGW denier liar whiners have no science to prove that newly discovered volcanoes have produced any more heat than they probably did, BEFORE they were discovered.

Are you telling us that Mt. St. Helens is producing as much heat as it did during it's eruptions?
20-10-2017 22:10
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.
20-10-2017 22:22
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.

Put down the bong and back away very slowly.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-10-2017 22:28
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.

Sarcasm received and noted. But he does have a point. In order to have a climate change you have to have a period of time over which it would change and since "climate" is undefinable in established terms (it is much warmer since the little ice age but it was much colder between the Medieval Warm Period and the little ice age) there is a great deal of difficulty establishing what is actually meant by climate change.

Homo sapiens appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago as we were exiting an ice age into our present Interglacial period. Since he appears to have simultaneously appeared both in North Africa where the Sahara Desert was a rolling rain forest and the southern border of somewhere around China we can only say that Man is designed for cold weather and not warm.

Can you call the change from the ice age into the interglacial period climate change? Or a cyclic even that is PART of the climate.

Yeah, nightmare is full of crap when he says that science cannot measure mean global temperature (MGT) and he hasn't a clue about most matters scientific but he isn't speaking about science on this subject but philosophy. And in that he is as well prepared as anyone else.
Edited on 20-10-2017 22:38
21-10-2017 00:21
Wake wrote:
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.

Sarcasm received and noted. But he does have a point. In order to have a climate change you have to have a period of time over which it would change and since "climate" is undefinable in established terms (it is much warmer since the little ice age but it was much colder between the Medieval Warm Period and the little ice age) there is a great deal of difficulty establishing what is actually meant by climate change.

Homo sapiens appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago as we were exiting an ice age into our present Interglacial period. Since he appears to have simultaneously appeared both in North Africa where the Sahara Desert was a rolling rain forest and the southern border of somewhere around China we can only say that Man is designed for cold weather and not warm.

Can you call the change from the ice age into the interglacial period climate change? Or a cyclic even that is PART of the climate.

Yeah, nightmare is full of crap when he says that science cannot measure mean global temperature (MGT) and he hasn't a clue about most matters scientific but he isn't speaking about science on this subject but philosophy. And in that he is as well prepared as anyone else.

Am being Into the Night

One way a climate might be referenced is by the flora and fauna. Arid regions are different than deserts just as rain forests are different as well.
21-10-2017 01:35
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Wake wrote:
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.

Sarcasm received and noted. But he does have a point. In order to have a climate change you have to have a period of time over which it would change and since "climate" is undefinable in established terms (it is much warmer since the little ice age but it was much colder between the Medieval Warm Period and the little ice age) there is a great deal of difficulty establishing what is actually meant by climate change.

Homo sapiens appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago as we were exiting an ice age into our present Interglacial period. Since he appears to have simultaneously appeared both in North Africa where the Sahara Desert was a rolling rain forest and the southern border of somewhere around China we can only say that Man is designed for cold weather and not warm.

Can you call the change from the ice age into the interglacial period climate change? Or a cyclic even that is PART of the climate.

Yeah, nightmare is full of crap when he says that science cannot measure mean global temperature (MGT) and he hasn't a clue about most matters scientific but he isn't speaking about science on this subject but philosophy. And in that he is as well prepared as anyone else.

Am being Into the Night

One way a climate might be referenced is by the flora and fauna. Arid regions are different than deserts just as rain forests are different as well.

Earth has many climates. I never claimed otherwise.

If you look up most dictionary definitions of 'climate', you will find something similar to 'weather over a long time'. Flora and fauna follows weather patterns, so yes, the two are linked. Flora and fauna don't define the climate though, weather does.

There is no global climate because there is no 'global' weather.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
21-10-2017 06:36
Into the Night wrote:
James_ wrote:
Wake wrote:
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Climate is weather over a long time. Most dictionaries use wording similar to this.

You can't define a 'climate change' quantitatively either. To describe a 'change', you must use fixed units of measurement. 'A long time' is not a fixed unit of time. With no fixed units of measurement, and no definition of 'global climate' that makes any sense, all you have for 'climate change' is a void argument. No theory can be based on a void argument.

Time is a falsehood. It comes from the Church of Scientology who wants us to worship their Holy links. For there to be an argument first there must be a reality for it to exist in. Reality is a lie as we only believe that we exist while we do not. We're not really here, we just wrongly believe that we are.

Sarcasm received and noted. But he does have a point. In order to have a climate change you have to have a period of time over which it would change and since "climate" is undefinable in established terms (it is much warmer since the little ice age but it was much colder between the Medieval Warm Period and the little ice age) there is a great deal of difficulty establishing what is actually meant by climate change.

Homo sapiens appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago as we were exiting an ice age into our present Interglacial period. Since he appears to have simultaneously appeared both in North Africa where the Sahara Desert was a rolling rain forest and the southern border of somewhere around China we can only say that Man is designed for cold weather and not warm.

Can you call the change from the ice age into the interglacial period climate change? Or a cyclic even that is PART of the climate.

Yeah, nightmare is full of crap when he says that science cannot measure mean global temperature (MGT) and he hasn't a clue about most matters scientific but he isn't speaking about science on this subject but philosophy. And in that he is as well prepared as anyone else.

Am being Into the Night

One way a climate might be referenced is by the flora and fauna. Arid regions are different than deserts just as rain forests are different as well.

Earth has many climates. I never claimed otherwise.

If you look up most dictionary definitions of 'climate', you will find something similar to 'weather over a long time'. Flora and fauna follows weather patterns, so yes, the two are linked. Flora and fauna don't define the climate though, weather does.

There is no global climate because there is no 'global' weather.

There is and isn't a global climate. It's not a paradox. Alan Bauldree of Homer, La. can explain this because he knows everything. He goes by AB Hammer. He will allow me to post online only if I have his permission.
Edited on 21-10-2017 06:42
21-10-2017 17:34
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: Are you telling us....

AGW denier liar whiners tell us that volcanoes, world-wide, are increasing & causing the effects, that are "mistaken" to be AGW effects. If you weren't an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner, you & James would love each other.
However, James sees that "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" is an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner.
21-10-2017 17:40
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed: Are you telling us....

AGW denier liar whiners tell us that volcanoes, world-wide, are increasing & causing the effects, that are "mistaken" to be AGW effects. If you weren't an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner, you & James would love each other.
However, James sees that "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" is an old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner.

AB Hammer has told me that while the climate in the northern hemisphere changes that the southern hemisphere's temperatures don't change enough. The southern hemisphere's temperature changes are about 1/2 that of the northern hemisphere he said. And this means that the Antarctic about always remains really cold. I told you he was smart.
21-10-2017 21:57
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
If you look up most dictionary definitions of 'climate', you will find something similar to 'weather over a long time'. Flora and fauna follows weather patterns, so yes, the two are linked. Flora and fauna don't define the climate though, weather does.

There is no global climate because there is no 'global' weather.

There is and isn't a global climate. It's not a paradox. Alan Bauldree of Homer, La. can explain this because he knows everything. He goes by AB Hammer. He will allow me to post online only if I have his permission.

Nope. No such thing as a global climate. There is no such thing as global weather.

It's just the Church of Global Warming trying to rename itself.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
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