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The Ramifications of Climate Change Policies.

The Ramifications of Climate Change Policies.07-02-2017 20:39
For two and a half years California has lived with a perfectly normal and not unusual drought.

Because of this the Global Warmies convinced the population of California that global warming was real and a threat to man-kind by saying that we could expect this to last into the foreseeable future.

We got predictions from the climate change scientists that even if we were to have normal rainfall it would take a dozen years to recover.

Then came this year's la Nina and it has been pouring over not just the whole of California but out into Nevada, Utah and New Mexico not to mention Arizona had flooding in Phoenix. And not one wit of this is unusual or record breaking.

The ground water is back to normal, all of the dams are filled to overflowing and have their sluice gate wide open. The snow pack is far above normal levels and we still have another month of the water season.

So of course the California legislature with all of their timely intellect have just passed water rationing laws. Governor Moonbeam Brown has continued funding his Eurotrain to nowhere which engineers predict will cost over a trillion dollars without any legislative permission. Brown announced that it will only cost the state $200 million. The global warmies applaud this illegal act of the governor because they believe this will reduce greenhouse emissions when there is already and Amtrack train along the same route and it has always lost money. And even if you had a finished Eurotrain it would still cost less than half to take a commercial aircraft and you would arrive in less than half the time.

Because we were never going to have rain again the roads were so far out of repair that we have long sections of local highways used by commuters totally out of service from flooding. You see they didn't clean the gutters and drains and the water washed these areas full and then jammed them. When the rain stopped for a week one of the local commute routes STILL hadn't drained all the way until the next rain and the next flooding.

When you base political policy of the cheap ignorance of the liberals and those who like to refer to themselves as "environmentalists" who don't even know what true environmentalism is; all you can expect is a government that is ALWAYS a day late and a dollar short.

If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.
07-02-2017 22:59
Surface Detail
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.
07-02-2017 23:13
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.
07-02-2017 23:19
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

Surface Detail wrote:
The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

You cannot be serious! Notice that Trumps wall is not for the purpose of keeping people in? Trump wants MORE freedom for ordinary Joe than any president in recent history and I will put more $ in my pocket because of it. Side note; NOT in the form a handout. Wake is right, choking on your own venom.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
07-02-2017 23:35
Surface Detail
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?
08-02-2017 03:06
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

That's OK; we intend to celebrate Brexit with the good people of Great Britain.
08-02-2017 21:08
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" gushed:
Surface Detail wrote: All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

That's OK...

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" proves the full accuracy & intent of its name.
08-02-2017 21:22
[b]Surface Detail wrote:
My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

We've all watched your postings. You are so rational that you haven't ONE SINGLE explanation for your statements. That's what you consider rationality.

I'll bet that you also are rational for opposing Brexit.
10-02-2017 21:46
[b]Surface Detail wrote:... what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

1984, here we come. Silencing Senator Elizabeth Warren & the letter of Coretta Scott King by re-pubic-lick-uns.... there's a good beginning. Many people think "Don'T rump" is radical & off his lid. But he reflects just what re-pubic-lick-uns have been doing for 40 years. Sessions got voted in.... back to south of the 1950's.... but all over the country now.
re-pubic-lick-uns ain't scared to pump their authoritarian inhumanity. All they got to do, is re-word some of their legislations so the courts will pass on all the re-pubic-lick-un suppression comin'.
I said 1950's, but the piece of BS they stopped Senator Warren with, came from 1902. In truth re-pubic-lick-uns want to take us back to the beginnings of the country when voters were only rich white men with land & money.
Edited on 10-02-2017 22:07
10-02-2017 23:18
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:For two and a half years California has lived with a perfectly normal and not unusual drought.

The Upper Colorado River Basin regularly experiences significant year to year hydrologic variability. During the 17-year period 2000 to 2015, however, the unregulated inflow to Lake Powell, which is a good measure of hydrologic conditions in the Colorado River Basin, was above average in only 3 out of the past 17 years.
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs are just dog-gone wrong, it knows it is wrong & it indulges in lies.
Edited on 10-02-2017 23:23
11-02-2017 02:51
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

I just made an interesting discovery - that 97% of "peer reviewed papers" that agree with AGW were less than HALF peer reviewed and the remainder were "self rated" AND of those papers the 97% were written by only 37% of the climate scientists. The remainder claimed that there was insufficient information to reach any conclusions or rejected the idea outright.

Perhaps you can tell me exactly why you haven't found this? I am not going to give you a reference and I want YOU to find the paper on that subject and read the entire paper yourself.
11-02-2017 03:12
Surface Detail
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

I just made an interesting discovery - that 97% of "peer reviewed papers" that agree with AGW were less than HALF peer reviewed and the remainder were "self rated" AND of those papers the 97% were written by only 37% of the climate scientists. The remainder claimed that there was insufficient information to reach any conclusions or rejected the idea outright.

Perhaps you can tell me exactly why you haven't found this? I am not going to give you a reference and I want YOU to find the paper on that subject and read the entire paper yourself.

How very childish of you.
13-02-2017 01:02
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

I just made an interesting discovery - that 97% of "peer reviewed papers" that agree with AGW were less than HALF peer reviewed and the remainder were "self rated" AND of those papers the 97% were written by only 37% of the climate scientists. The remainder claimed that there was insufficient information to reach any conclusions or rejected the idea outright.

Perhaps you can tell me exactly why you haven't found this? I am not going to give you a reference and I want YOU to find the paper on that subject and read the entire paper yourself.

How very childish of you.

In other words - with your detailed understanding of science you haven't a clue about how to find this.
13-02-2017 22:37
Surface Detail
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Wake wrote:
If scientists do not start stepping up to the plate and telling everyone that there is no sound scientific basis to the failed hypothesis of man-made Climate Change the majority of the population is going to lose ALL faith and demand no public funding of science.

Yes, we all get that your new administration is gagging and pulling funding from scientists who reach conclusions that the politicians don't like. The USA has been a beacon of light and freedom to the rest of the world; it now looks like those days are drawing to a close. These are sad days for rational folk.

If that's the way you wish to present it I couldn't care less. You and your kind are doomed and you're choking on your own venom.

My kind being rational folk. Luckily, though, I don't live in the USA and can watch, sadly, from afar as your once great country destroys itself. All that remains to be seen is what your dear leader will do with those who dare to tell the truth. Imprisonment? Execution? Are we looking at the full Pol Pot / Cambodia scenario?

I just made an interesting discovery - that 97% of "peer reviewed papers" that agree with AGW were less than HALF peer reviewed and the remainder were "self rated" AND of those papers the 97% were written by only 37% of the climate scientists. The remainder claimed that there was insufficient information to reach any conclusions or rejected the idea outright.

Perhaps you can tell me exactly why you haven't found this? I am not going to give you a reference and I want YOU to find the paper on that subject and read the entire paper yourself.

How very childish of you.

In other words - with your detailed understanding of science you haven't a clue about how to find this.

I can't find something that doesn't exist. Stop playing stupid games.
16-02-2017 17:22
[b]Surface Detail wrote: I can't find something that doesn't exist. Stop playing stupid games.

Have you considered renaming yourself "Comedy of Errors"?

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