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01-09-2021 18:20
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
I applaud you for your service, good sir... You are truly doing the world a huge favor.
04-09-2021 21:22
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
gfm7175 wrote:I applaud you for your service, good sir... You are truly doing the world a huge favor.

I appreciATE the recognition. ClimATE is too important for us to ever underestimATE.

I'd like to correct an omission on my part. On my lATEtest project, I reused a quite humble piece of ClimATE that I simply overlooked and I wish to spotlight here. Better lATE than never, I always say.

I know you were wondering when I would get to it. I needed a solid base for the statue and I turned to this trusty piece that has never let me down. Ever.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
07-09-2021 06:56
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
I have always been a fan of Escher prints. I decided to apply some principles of Escher art to Climate. I created Escher Lake, a beautiful lake with its own waterfall.


Attached image:

15-10-2021 16:30
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
I have not yet done so officially so I would like to unveil my new line of Harvey-friendly animated headers that are very easy on resource requirements (they are small) while nonetheless reuse languishing internet Climate. They each weigh in at around 500K bytes and sport a variety of nifty colors for the poster on the go.

23-03-2022 05:52
Because it is that the seal over REFUSES to define climate, I thought I'd give this thread a bump to the front. It's only fair for him to see how a few of us view our climate. Maybe the lover seal will gain some perspective on climate and provide us with a clear definition.

Seal over, this is some great reading. For maximum benefit, kick it back to page 1. Cheers!
23-03-2022 16:04
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Because it is that the seal over REFUSES to define climate, I thought I'd give this thread a bump to the front. It's only fair for him to see how a few of us view our climate. Maybe the lover seal will gain some perspective on climate and provide us with a clear definition.

Seal over, this is some great reading. For maximum benefit, kick it back to page 1. Cheers!

I have a feeling that seal over will not appreciATE this climATE reuse thread. Maybe he'll formulATE a way to participATE in reusing climATE as the great IBdaMann has already demonstrATEd here.
24-03-2022 00:24
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Because it is that the seal over REFUSES to define climate, I thought I'd give this thread a bump to the front. It's only fair for him to see how a few of us view our climate. Maybe the lover seal will gain some perspective on climate and provide us with a clear definition.

Seal over, this is some great reading. For maximum benefit, kick it back to page 1. Cheers!

Climate-DebATE audience generally over in GasGuzzler's area and gfm7175's vicinity, I really appreciATE this thread popping back up. I hAd forgotTEn just how much fun it was (did you see what I did there?).

I want to make something new. Let's think about a worthy project. Let's be the Climate missionaries that I know we can be. Let's embark on a mission of Climate mercy ... one of love, compassion and of Climate Rescue! We need to find languishing Climate, march right in and transform it into a better Climate.

Our motto is "We can't define Climate, but we sure know it when we see it!"

Let's get a move on, Climate Rescuers! There's Climate to save!.
Attached image:

RE: THIS IS THE THREAD TO WATCH?24-03-2022 04:13

I hope I am not misinterpreting this.

I hope that this is the only thread outside of my own that I ever need to pay attention to.

I WILL watch this thread, at least for a little while.

If an original affirmative assertion is made to which a debate rebuttal is possible, I will respond.

It would help if something about the post indicated that it intended to be the "argument", so it won't be as easy to say "No argument".

I keep my eyes on the only two I BE DUMB threads I've ever trolled.

I know an actual argument when I see one, so I'll know when to respond.

I apologize if I'm interrupting.

It's fine if this is the last time you want to play "debate" with a real scientist.


IBdaMann wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Because it is that the seal over REFUSES to define climate, I thought I'd give this thread a bump to the front. It's only fair for him to see how a few of us view our climate. Maybe the lover seal will gain some perspective on climate and provide us with a clear definition.

Seal over, this is some great reading. For maximum benefit, kick it back to page 1. Cheers!

Climate-DebATE audience generally over in GasGuzzler's area and gfm7175's vicinity, I really appreciATE this thread popping back up. I hAd forgotTEn just how much fun it was (did you see what I did there?).

I want to make something new. Let's think about a worthy project. Let's be the Climate missionaries that I know we can be. Let's embark on a mission of Climate mercy ... one of love, compassion and of Climate Rescue! We need to find languishing Climate, march right in and transform it into a better Climate.

Our motto is "We can't define Climate, but we sure know it when we see it!"

Let's get a move on, Climate Rescuers! There's Climate to save!.
24-03-2022 04:47
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★

seal over wrote: THIS IS THE THREAD TO WATCH?

All of my threads are da' bomb. You should be reading all of them and taking notes.

seal over wrote:I hope I am not misinterpreting this.

Well, that makes two of us.

seal over wrote:If an original affirmative assertion is made to which a debate rebuttal is possible, I will respond.

Did you miss it? GasGuzzler recommended you start at the very beginning of this thread and read it all the way through. It's good stuff.

The debate of this thread is exactly what you have been saying, i.e. we don't need to define "Climate", we need to debate what to do about it. Did you not even read your own post?

The argument being championed in this thread is that it is better to REUSE Climate than to recycle it or to discard it. What say you? This entire thread is a collection of awesome examples of Climate reuse that drive that point home.

In fact, there is no debate anymore about whether Climate reuse is best. That's been settled. 99% of all Climate Scientists agree so it's time to move on. Now the debate is what is the best way to reuse Climate. GasGuzzler even went so far as to work Climate reuse into an April fool's gag. GasGuzzler is one of the top Climate minds on the internet, and he is contributing here almost exclusively.

seal over wrote:It would help if something about the post indicated that it intended to be the "argument",

You have to be able to read. Start at the beginning and work your way through. I can't help you on that front. Nobody can. You have to make the effort and do it yourself.

seal over wrote:I keep my eyes on the only two I BE DUMB threads I've ever trolled.

I realize that my threads, nay, my posts, might present a tad bit too much information to take in all at once and need to be digested over time. Learning from my posts is like drinking from a firehose. I get it ... but I can't slow down for just one person. I have to keep moving.

seal over wrote:I know an actual argument when I see one,

I don't know if I'd go that far. You think pointless anecdotes are arguments. You think that an undefined buzzword is an argument. You wouldn't pass a college-level logic exam. You probably wouldn't know how to perform a proof by contradiction.

You should probably not lie to yourself on that point. You're the only one you're hurting.

seal over wrote:so I'll know when to respond.

Too funny. You already missed it.

seal over wrote:It's fine if this is the last time you want to play "debate" with a real scientist.

I have to debate with scientists and engineers every day. I incorporate the scientific method into test plans and into technical solutions. I don't consider anything you have written thus far to rise to that level. There's a good reason you won't be hired by any firm that would depend upon your critical reasoning.
Attached image:

Edited on 24-03-2022 04:51
24-03-2022 15:41
IBdaMann wrote:

seal over wrote: THIS IS THE THREAD TO WATCH?

All of my threads are da' bomb. You should be reading all of them and taking notes.

seal over wrote:I hope I am not misinterpreting this.

Well, that makes two of us.

seal over wrote:If an original affirmative assertion is made to which a debate rebuttal is possible, I will respond.

Did you miss it? GasGuzzler recommended you start at the very beginning of this thread and read it all the way through. It's good stuff.

The debate of this thread is exactly what you have been saying, i.e. we don't need to define "Climate", we need to debate what to do about it. Did you not even read your own post?

The argument being championed in this thread is that it is better to REUSE Climate than to recycle it or to discard it. What say you? This entire thread is a collection of awesome examples of Climate reuse that drive that point home.

In fact, there is no debate anymore about whether Climate reuse is best. That's been settled. 99% of all Climate Scientists agree so it's time to move on. Now the debate is what is the best way to reuse Climate. GasGuzzler even went so far as to work Climate reuse into an April fool's gag. GasGuzzler is one of the top Climate minds on the internet, and he is contributing here almost exclusively.

seal over wrote:It would help if something about the post indicated that it intended to be the "argument",

You have to be able to read. Start at the beginning and work your way through. I can't help you on that front. Nobody can. You have to make the effort and do it yourself.

seal over wrote:I keep my eyes on the only two I BE DUMB threads I've ever trolled.

I realize that my threads, nay, my posts, might present a tad bit too much information to take in all at once and need to be digested over time. Learning from my posts is like drinking from a firehose. I get it ... but I can't slow down for just one person. I have to keep moving.

seal over wrote:I know an actual argument when I see one,

I don't know if I'd go that far. You think pointless anecdotes are arguments. You think that an undefined buzzword is an argument. You wouldn't pass a college-level logic exam. You probably wouldn't know how to perform a proof by contradiction.

You should probably not lie to yourself on that point. You're the only one you're hurting.

seal over wrote:so I'll know when to respond.

Too funny. You already missed it.

seal over wrote:It's fine if this is the last time you want to play "debate" with a real scientist.

I have to debate with scientists and engineers every day. I incorporate the scientific method into test plans and into technical solutions. I don't consider anything you have written thus far to rise to that level. There's a good reason you won't be hired by any firm that would depend upon your critical reasoning.

Locked in crazy busy next few days. Please know this assignment is not in neglect as I will be pursuing my climate reuse project. It will work out for me.

Oh, and your polar bear conversation nearly put me back in the hospital! Go Ralph!

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 24-03-2022 15:56
25-03-2022 05:29
I managed to find a few minutes this evening, dedicating it to my climate reuse project.....and I drew a complete blank. Horrified, I fell on my knees in prayer.

"Our savior that is everywhere,
Climate be thy name.

Thy missionaries come,
carbon be forever done,
On Earth as it wasn't done on Venus.

Give us this day, our daily thread,
and forgive us our wicked carbon sins,
as we forgive IBdaMann his mockery.

Lead us not into fossil fuels,
but deliver us from Trump. Amen."

Feeling liberated and forgiven, the ideas began to flow like a stick of butter on Venus! I'm not really sure what I've done with this piece of climate, but I do BELIEVE it is very powerful.

Praise be to Climate!

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

25-03-2022 17:50
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote: I drew a complete blank. Horrified, I fell on my knees in prayer.

I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me, but in Spanish. I thought, this is rather odd ... for an atheist.

"Clima Nuestro, que es el cielo,
el aire, la tierra y el mar,
sanctificado sea su 'ground zero'

Dejanos salvarle su planeta,
Cumpliremos en su voluntad,
a subirles los impuestos a todos.

Danos hoy
las creiencias de cada día;
no perdone a los Republicanos de sus ofensas,
como nosotros perdonamos a los Democratas.
no nos deje caer en la ciencia,
y líbranos del carbon. Amén.

Whatever it is you got, it's contagious, apparently.
Attached image:

26-03-2022 05:37
IBdaMann wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote: I drew a complete blank. Horrified, I fell on my knees in prayer.

I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me, but in Spanish. I thought, this is rather odd ... for an atheist.

"Clima Nuestro, que es el cielo,
el aire, la tierra y el mar,
sanctificado sea su 'ground zero'

Dejanos salvarle su planeta,
Cumpliremos en su voluntad,
a subirles los impuestos a todos.

Danos hoy
las creiencias de cada día;
no perdone a los Republicanos de sus ofensas,
como nosotros perdonamos a los Democratas.
no nos deje caer en la ciencia,
y líbranos del carbon. Amén.

Whatever it is you got, it's contagious, apparently.

Oh no. Climate speaking in tongues. Surely we have a demon on our hands. Just look at the trouble brewing on Paradise Climate.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

Edited on 26-03-2022 05:38
26-03-2022 06:39
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:Oh no. Climate speaking in tongues. Surely we have a demon on our hands.

That's just me.

GasGuzzler wrote: Just look at the trouble brewing on Paradise Climate.

It just keeps getting worse than it otherwise should be, however I might be partially responsible for that.
Attached image:

18-04-2022 07:27
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
I was wondering if I ever posted this particular piece of Climate reuse. It happens to be one of my favorites. It has given me an interesting idea on something else.
Attached image:

15-06-2022 23:30
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★

Time for some more climate reuse, titled:

"Maintain Your Moral Compass Always"

"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann
16-06-2022 01:31
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:

Time for some more climate reuse, titled:

"Maintain Your Moral Compass Always"

"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann

Really you ought to take your meds
16-06-2022 03:20
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann

Really you ought to take your meds

Climate is my meds.
Reusing Climate is taking my meds.

You should know. Many people, such as yourself, abuse Climate just for the temporary high. People such as yourself are known as "Climate junkies."

I, on the other hand, try to rescue Climate, and release it back into its natural habitat where it can thrive. To that end I'd like to give a shout out to gfm7175, GasGuzzler and to Sven for their invaluable support. Together, we are known as "Team Climate" and I am certain that once we unlock the unlimited potential of all of these macro-climates and micro-climates, we'll be set to make a lasting impact.

As always, cash donations are welcome.

Caring for Climate, it's more of a ministry. Someday we'll be able to save a Dominican coral reef, or even release a methane reservoir into the Norwegian Jet Stream. Where there's a will ... and a revocable living trust, there's a way.

16-06-2022 04:07
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann

Really you ought to take your meds

Climate is my meds.
Reusing Climate is taking my meds.

You should know. Many people, such as yourself, abuse Climate just for the temporary high. People such as yourself are known as "Climate junkies."

I, on the other hand, try to rescue Climate, and release it back into its natural habitat where it can thrive. To that end I'd like to give a shout out to gfm7175, GasGuzzler and to Sven for their invaluable support. Together, we are known as "Team Climate" and I am certain that once we unlock the unlimited potential of all of these macro-climates and micro-climates, we'll be set to make a lasting impact.

As always, cash donations are welcome.

Caring for Climate, it's more of a ministry. Someday we'll be able to save a Dominican coral reef, or even release a methane reservoir into the Norwegian Jet Stream. Where there's a will ... and a revocable living trust, there's a way.


And yet GasGuzzler doesn't like this video while I do. Go figure.
Edited on 16-06-2022 04:14
16-06-2022 04:14

Seems like attaching images has been limited to what Bannner allows.
Edited on 16-06-2022 04:15
16-06-2022 06:47
James_ wrote:
And yet GasGuzzler doesn't like this video while I do. Go figure.

You're right. I don't like your video. I much prefer climate emergency awareness videos such as this...

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 16-06-2022 07:31
16-06-2022 06:54
IBdaMann wrote:
As always, cash donations are welcome.

I have no cash. I am broke. Do you accept Safemoon? I could give you a shitload of that.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
16-06-2022 09:54
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
As always, cash donations are welcome.

I have no cash. I am broke. Do you accept Safemoon? I could give you a shitload of that.

I want to become a Safemoon millionaire. It's fashionable and it garners street cred.
16-06-2022 12:47
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann

Really you ought to take your meds

Climate is my meds.
Reusing Climate is taking my meds.

You should know. Many people, such as yourself, abuse Climate just for the temporary high. People such as yourself are known as "Climate junkies."

I, on the other hand, try to rescue Climate, and release it back into its natural habitat where it can thrive. To that end I'd like to give a shout out to gfm7175, GasGuzzler and to Sven for their invaluable support. Together, we are known as "Team Climate" and I am certain that once we unlock the unlimited potential of all of these macro-climates and micro-climates, we'll be set to make a lasting impact.

As always, cash donations are welcome.

Caring for Climate, it's more of a ministry. Someday we'll be able to save a Dominican coral reef, or even release a methane reservoir into the Norwegian Jet Stream. Where there's a will ... and a revocable living trust, there's a way.


Really you should take your meds, and on time as instructed on the label
16-06-2022 18:10
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:Really you should take your meds, and on time as instructed on the label

You should give your macro-climate an enema ... but try it out personally to make sure it's working.

Attached image:

Edited on 16-06-2022 18:11
16-06-2022 18:29
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Really you should take your meds, and on time as instructed on the label

You should give your macro-climate an enema ... but try it out personally to make sure it's working.


Now that was a most intellectual thought indeed.
18-06-2022 17:21
GasGuzzler wrote:
James_ wrote:
And yet GasGuzzler doesn't like this video while I do. Go figure.

You're right. I don't like your video. I much prefer climate emergency awareness videos such as this...

Of course they might be talking about the Sun which can cause cancer, heatstroke, blindness, etc. if you're exposed to too much of it for too long.

Edited on 18-06-2022 17:22
18-06-2022 19:00
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Swan wrote:Really you should take your meds, and on time as instructed on the label

You should give your macro-climate an enema ... but try it out personally to make sure it's working.


Another hilarious meme! I love the use of converted propane tanks!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
18-06-2022 19:02
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
James_ wrote:
And yet GasGuzzler doesn't like this video while I do. Go figure.

You're right. I don't like your video. I much prefer climate emergency awareness videos such as this...

Of course they might be talking about the Sun which can cause cancer, heatstroke, blindness, etc. if you're exposed to too much of it for too long.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stay indoors! Shut yourself in your basement away from all light! You will DIE if you go outside!!!! Don't eat any plants or anything that eats plants! They've been exposed to cancer, heatstroke, and blindness! The change of contamination is too risky!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 18-06-2022 19:03
18-06-2022 20:34
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Into the Night wrote:Another hilarious meme! I love the use of converted propane tanks!

To be fair, this was the original photo that I tooled (without permission):

Truth in advertising: Ideal Propane has no Pizzly Bear on their floor and they are not activists fighting hexavalent chromium.

22-06-2022 19:10
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★

IBdaMann wrote:Time for some more climate reuse, titled:

"Maintain Your Moral Compass Always"

There was just too much about it that I found sufficiently annoying that I felt that I really wasn't doing Climate Justice, and so I remade it with Climate Justice in mind. Here's the new version:

"Making both Climate and the Internet better, one reuse project at a time."
- IBDaMann[/quote]
Edited on 22-06-2022 19:12
03-08-2023 07:42
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
I have recently had cause to reexamine the Marxist "we" and I firmly believe that there is no better platform to discuss the highest variant, the Climate "we," than this thread.

We are all Climate, and Climate is We. We the Climate are responsible for dispensing Climate Justice, because if We the Climate don't, who will?

We must impose sufficient taxes and redistribute sufficient wealth to ensure We do not succumb to fossil fuel pollution.

We must take swift and decisive action against those blasphemers who take their illegal Climate-denialism to the extreme and jeopardize the remaining thirty years that humanity has to remain alive.

We are Climate and Climate is We.

Frank was kind enough to help me out with my campaign by offering a few photo ops.

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