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Tai Hai Chen
13-03-2019 15:57
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Kids around the world plan to skip school this Friday to demand action on climate change

By Harmeet Kaur, CNN
Updated 6:32 AM ET, Wed March 13, 2019

I take it that they don't demand any specific action, just any leftist agenda will do as long as it is in the name of Climate Change.

Otherwise I can't think of any reason kids would be motivated to skip school on a Friday.
13-03-2019 16:35
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Kids around the world plan to skip school this Friday to demand action on climate change

By Harmeet Kaur, CNN
Updated 6:32 AM ET, Wed March 13, 2019

I take it that they don't demand any specific action, just any leftist agenda will do as long as it is in the name of Climate Change.

Otherwise I can't think of any reason kids would be motivated to skip school on a Friday.

I would assume they aren't demanding any specific action be taken either, nor any reasoning (such as the falsification of the relevant laws of science) for the action they wish to take.

They likely just want to get out of school, and this is a good excuse for them to do so. It seems as if commie schools don't value teaching their students things such as science, logic, and mathematics nearly as much as private schools do, and value skipping days of school for religious purposes instead.

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