Discuss climate change
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What will be human's dominant source of energy in 100 years?
Fossil fuels
83% [556 Votes]
Water/solar/wind power
7% [50 Votes]
Nuclear power
3% [23 Votes]
Fusion power
1% [9 Votes]
1% [5 Votes]
Something else
1% [10 Votes]
Don't know
2% [14 Votes]
Votes: 667
Started: 05-12-2012
Ended: 14-04-2014
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Abraham3 on 29. November 2014, 05:37
Even if they have not been abandoned for global warming, petroleum will be well past peak and becoming rare within a century. I think the obvious source of domestic and industrial electrical power will be nuclear fusion or fission. For transportation I would expect the fuel cell to be the dominant power source. |
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