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Date joined:13. September 2016, 07:52
Last Visit:28. December 2016, 02:46
Number of posts:1,537 > View all
Number of threads:29 ↓ View list
Number of comments:1 ↓ View list
Last 10 posts:
10-12-2016: RE: liberal climate change scientists are in bad trouble now (Climate debate in general)
08-12-2016: RE: Arctic waters not freezing (Climate debate in general)
08-12-2016: RE: Arctic waters not freezing (Climate debate in general)
05-12-2016: RE: warmer is always better (Climate debate in general)
03-12-2016: RE: libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it (Climate debate in general)
03-12-2016: RE: Great Barrier Reef (Climate debate in general)
03-12-2016: RE: Carbon losses from soil predicted to enhance climate change (Climate debate in general)
02-12-2016: RE: libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it (Climate debate in general)
02-12-2016: RE: Great Barrier Reef (Climate debate in general)
02-12-2016: RE: Great Barrier Reef (Climate debate in general)
Last 10 threads (started by jwoodward48):
12-10-2016: Those who argue that "CO2 isn't a pollutant, it's necessary for life" are going about i (Climate debate in general)
12-10-2016: The issue of the Moral Fallacy (Climate debate in general)
11-10-2016: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. (Climate debate in general)
11-10-2016: "The temperature record is unreliable!" (Climate debate in general)
10-10-2016: A "challenge" for you, IB and Into (Climate debate in general)
09-10-2016: But how can Global WARMING make some places cooler? Or similarly, droughts AND torrential rains? (Climate debate in general)
06-10-2016: IBdaMann's Signature (Fun)
29-09-2016: So how exactly does this Evil Liberal Governmental Science Conspiracy do... anything? (Climate debate in general)
29-09-2016: Maybe I'll understand you if we take this topic one question at a time? (Climate debate in general)
25-09-2016: I'm not quite so sure, though (Climate debate in general)
Last 10 comments:
20-09-2016: Will Arctic summers be ice-free in this century?

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