Writer with Climatology Questions01-08-2017 20:18 | |
writerwithqs☆☆☆☆☆ (1) |
Hello, I'm not sure where to post this thread, so please feel free to move it if it is in the wrong place. I'm a published author currently at work on writing a children's novel and I would love to be able to discuss with a professional climatologist some of the science I'm trying to get right in my story. If anyone would be willing to talk to me about such things or point me in the direction of someone who can, I'd be much appreciated. I'm looking to talk to someone who will be sympathetic with the world of storytelling and help me to come up with a plausible scientific explanation for the setting I need to have in order to tell the story I want to tell. Thank you in advance! |
02-08-2017 01:52 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
writerwithqs wrote: The sum total of the idea of man-made global warming is that it is a hoax perpetrated mostly by government agencies in order to gain more and yet more power. This is not a cynical or delusional view but one that can be backed up both with real science and with statements from the scientists whose work has been misrepresented. Warm period such as we MAY be in presently occur about every millennia or so. In the medieval period we had a warm period as well that is warmer than the one we are presently in the middle of. This was ended rather abruptly by the Little Ice Age (The Maunder Minimum) that was followed soon-after by the Dalton Minimum - a period in which the newspapers of the time had illustrations of Londoners ice skating on the Thames river. This ended in the early 1700's and since then the Earth has been returning to a "normal" temperature (since there is no such thing as a normal temperature we can only treat warmer than an ice age as more normal in the Earth's history.) For some reason the likes of Al Gore teamed up with the lunatics of the left whose beliefs are that human beings are the scorge of the Earth and should be sharply controlled. This was voiced originally by Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood fame https://www.liveaction.org/research/margaret-sanger-quotes-history-and-biography/ I heard of these things fairly early and attended some lectures to see if there was any truth to what was being written. Not only was there truth but it was so understated that you could call it complimentary. https://www.infowars.com/enviroment-eugenics-quotes/ As direct reference to the idea of AGW: CO2 has no effect on climate. This is an outright lie which has been known since the early 1900's. Here is a new paper reaching the identical result: https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0707/0707.1161v4.pdf We also know that NASA and NOAA have rigged the data to evince surety of their papers where none exists. NASA has released the following data. Take especial interest in the time of 1979 to present when the most dramatic "warming" has occurred. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming#/media/File:Global_Temperature_Anomaly.svg Now what did the actual satellite data say? http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_March_2017_v6.jpg You can look Dr Spencer's credentials up on-line. He was the LEAD of NASA's satellite project. How could there be such a difference between NASA's charts and the satellite data they so carefully hid? There are some 1018 temperature measuring zones around the US and the rest of the world has similar problems: these were originally constructed in and around small cities that grew dramatically over the 1800's and 1900's. This caused a thing called "Urban Heat Island Effect" which NASA did not correct for since they had been ordered by Obama to turn over a paper positive for AGW. But they most certainly were not the first. Dr. Michael Mann counterfeited data to demonstrate his "Hockey Stick Temperature Curve". He is presently in court over his lies and distortions. http://principia-scientific.org/breaking-fatal-courtroom-act-ruins-michael-hockey-stick-mann/ If you recall, I mentioned the Medieval Warm Period earlier. There are two charts in the above article. Dr. Mann's has DELETED the Medieval Warm Period and Dr. Ball's charts have it in demonstrating a spectacular difference in the results. What else has NASA and NOAA been guilty of? For one thing they have misrepresented papers from scientists proving AGW unlikely. Even going so far as to quote their papers as saying the opposite of what they said: http://www.populartechnology.net/2013/05/97-study-falsely-classifies-scientists.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCy_UOjEir0 The most important thing to understand is that those without a shred of scientific training are those that are supporting AGW with the most vigor. These people that refer to the scientifically literate as "deniers" are in fact True Believers in the Church of Global Warming. There is nothing that anyone can say or do to convince them that the Earth will not end tomorrow evening because of man's use of fossil fuels. And most of them are driving SUV's and like Al Gore, flying around the world on jet aircraft which supply about 40% of the CO2 generated by private transportation. If you are going to write a book perhaps the present and future generations would be a great deal more informed by a story line that shows that the media and the liberals banded together to try to turn this country from a democratic republic into a national socialistic state under a tyrant of whom Hitler was barely an archetype. |
02-08-2017 02:56 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up":... man-made global warming... is a hoax... Meanwhile: "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" believes that 4000 to 10,000 year old Ward Hunt, Wilkerson, Larsen A, Larsen B, & now Larsen C(others?), are intact for as much as 10,000+ years with no problems, BBBUUUTTTTTT, now believes that they are bustin' up within a score of years.... all naturally. All natural, specially with the solar radiation TSI being languid for decades, & for 10 years, below normal (including a 3+ year period setting a 100 year record low). "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" earns its name. |
04-08-2017 19:07 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
writerwithqs wrote: If you look below my first posting you will see an entry from "litesong". This is the sort of people that believe in climate change. The loony left are all like him except most of them speak more normally while having exactly the same logical thinking. |
04-08-2017 19:11 | |
James_★★★★★ (2273) |
writerwithqs wrote: I'd talk to gasguzzler. He'd probably help you to see it from different perspectives which would probably help you the most. You know, how you might put it into a story. Jim |
05-08-2017 03:05 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
James_ wrote: I'd talk to gasguzzler. Here is "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gassed & guzzled" & what it said: "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gassed & guzzled" gushed: I've had more than a few to drink tonight... I honestly haven't the knowledge to understand.... you're fullabull... What's.... Cap in place?....Why....? I'll check back in when I'm sober.... ////// One of the best posts by "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gassed & guzzled"..... while it was gassed & guzzling. |
05-08-2017 19:13 | |
James_★★★★★ (2273) |
litesong wrote:James_ wrote: I'd talk to gasguzzler. Yep but when he says >> Add a little water vapor to the unstable air and wala, storm??!! Yeah, drop some grass seed and wala, golf course. Dry air is stable air. Moist, humid air is unstable, but you need lift, a trigger to get that unstable air mass up into the cold dry to condense that warm moist air. What's the trigger? Cold front? Warm front? Speed shear? Directional shear? Dry line? Low pressure? Jet stream overhead? Speed max? Right entrance region to jet? Helicity? Nocturnal low level jet? << @gasguzzler, wala is spelled voila :-) @litesong, He might be one of the better people to discuss weather phenomena with. I'm not sure if what you think of him personally is true or not. |
06-08-2017 12:52 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
I'm thinking that perhaps a good concept for a children's book about Climate would be one which shows the extreme coverup that is going on today by Big Oil and interested parties. Things like this
Wake probably believes he is on to something, and doesn't realize that he is just passing on bogus information, intended to confuse interested people. There is a big smear campaign going on now, because those who make a living off of the fossil fuel industry don't want us to slow down our usage of their precious fuel. So they have spent millions of their dollars on campaigns to discredit scientific research. Apparently it works to some degree, as evidenced by some of the posts found in here. |
06-08-2017 19:00 | |
Tim the plumber★★★★☆ (1361) |
writerwithqs wrote: Good luck with finding any scientist who is willing to actually discuss the science with you. You will find loads of people who will claim to be scientists who will tell you all sorts of doom scenarios. Please ask them to back these up with some actual science that supports the mechanism of the doom in question. |
06-08-2017 19:12 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: By all means show us anything that could be interpreted as a cover-up by "big oil" that isn't purely in the imagination of a mentally disturbed person. Please tell us what scientific credentials you have for making any comments at all about what is truth and what is "bogus information". Just using the word "bogus" demonstrates a certain lack of knowledge of even the English language. Just so you understand your ignorance - Pacific Gas and Electricity has made the largest investment in "green energy" in the US. Presently they have a large enough windmill and solar farm base that if all of these were producing power at their maximum capacity they could power 29% of the maximum need of their customer base. Their annual report shows that during the drought year when conditions were perfect they generated 3% of their total power needs with solar and wind power. This does not even pay for the maintenance of these devices. In a normal year they only generate 2%. What's more the CO2 generated in the manufacturing of solar cells is about 8 times the yearly savings of these cells. Add to this the CO2 generated in the maintenance of these devices - solar cells drop dramatically in efficiency with dust and dirt on the covers. So they must be washed off regularly which not only means they have to be plumbed for washing but they must use clean water in a state whose population is now so high that it cannot afford to use water for washing something as inefficient as a solar cell. I went to a solar cell trade show and talked directly to the engineers. What they told me is that the "lifespan" of the cells that is used is the point at which they drop below 50% of their original power output. That a more effective lifespan is when they drop below 75%. And this point varies from unit to unit of between five and ten years. Most of the power generated by these "green sources" is by the windmills which supply a mere 1.5% of the yearly power and a great deal less in low wind years. The investment in these windmills cost tens of billions of dollars and since these new large diameter units are new their reliability is a great unknown. The smaller versions were inactive or broken down all the time. The bottom line is that a significantly lower amount of CO2 is generated with fossil fuel generators and the ONLY reason that PG&E went to this horrible expense was for large tax breaks and public relations with people like you that don't know anything about it but are the first to speak up with notable stupid statements. Do you know why this world is so screwed up? It's from people like you that know nothing and are incessant blamers. The four largest oil companies in the world don't even SELL oil to the US. But you cry "Big Oil" as if you had a clue. I suggest you actually learn something before you open your mouth. |
06-08-2017 20:56 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote: What have you got against big oil? They saved the whales, after all. They make it possible for you to sit in a comfortable house and write posts about how horrible they are, using a computer that is built and shipped to you using their products. Fuel is cheap. You can thank big oil for that! GreenMan wrote: Regardless of what his sources are, he is correct to point out that CO2 has no effect on Earth's temperature (at least anymore than any other gas in the atmosphere). GreenMan wrote: Fossils don't burn. They make a lousy fuel. There is nothing precious about them as a fuel. Oil isn't a fossil. Neither is methane. GreenMan wrote: Anyone making claims that violate physics discredits themselves. Government grants is not science. Neither is money. GreenMan wrote: Since you believe in conspiracy theories spawned by the Church of Karl Marx, perhaps you believe in Chemtrail conspiracies also? The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
06-08-2017 20:57 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
Tim the plumber wrote:writerwithqs wrote: Funny how that never happens. The closest I've seen any of them come are attempts to rewrite various equations in physics. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 05:25 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote: Here is a Greenpeace website that reveals how much money is actually flowing into the pockets of people like you Wake [unless you happen to be genuine in your pursuit of earth's destruction, and are doing it on your own]. http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/global-warming/climate-deniers/koch-industries/ I couldn't help but notice your bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired. Do a lot of people dislike you? ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
07-08-2017 05:47 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Wake wrote: Didn't mean to offend you with my use of the word "bogus," which is a nice way of calling someone in their BS. The report you cited is wrong, or bogus, not worth anything, totally made up to cast doubt in the public's mind about climate science. I wasn't aware that a person needed to have scientific credentials to post their opinion or share facts in this forum. I also doubt that you will find any real scientists hanging out in here, either. And I'm not a scientists by any stretch of the imagination. I am a Controls Engineer, and interested enough in knowing the truth about Global Warming to investigate it myself. So I studied data from EPICA Dome C ice cores, to see if there was any way to prove or disprove the Global Warming Theory. What I found out is that it is possible to determine the temperature the earth should have been, based on the amount of Greenhouse Gases in the air, and a few other factors, including dust and variable insolation. I derived an algorithm that when repeated 800 times for data over the last 800,000 years, it produces an easy to read graph that compares very closely to actual temperature. It stands to reason that if an algorithm can calculate the past temperature of the planet, then it can also calculate the future temperature of the planet. The algorithm I wrote therefore is a good tool for understanding what is going to happen. And do you know what it says is going to happen? It's going to get hot, damn hot. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
07-08-2017 07:27 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Into the Night wrote: While I enjoy the luxuries that are provided with oil, it doesn't mean that I have to go along with everything oil companies do. They are currently waging a virtual war with climate science, in order to confuse people by casting doubt on whatever they can. They bankroll scientists who will provide profession looking papers that are totally bogus, because they know that no one is going to bother to read their papers. It's enough that they just make claims that can be copied by the likes of you, and spread. Their hope is to confuse enough people that the majority don't demand action against using their product. Simple as that. The cigarette companies did the same thing. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
07-08-2017 07:36 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Into the Night wrote: You have got to be kidding, but my gut tells me that you aren't kidding, and that you actually believe that CO2 has no affect on Earth's temperature, despite a consensus of Climate Scientists that say otherwise. Arguing with you about it would be pointless, since you are obviously an imbecile. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
07-08-2017 09:08 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote: I doubt Wake works or ever worked for a 'big oil' company. I have installed some instrumentation in some of their refining plants though. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 09:13 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote:Wake wrote: There is no way to calculate the temperature of the planet to any useful degree of accuracy. We don't have enough thermometers. The ones we do have are not uniformly spaced. The demands of statistical analysis to produce anything like a global temperature are not met. You are making a fallacy known as an argument of randU, which is to quote what amounts to be random numbers as data. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 09:23 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: Then stop using their products in all shapes and forms if you feel so strongly about it. Don't be such a hypocrite. GreenMan wrote: So am I. I don't work for the oil companies. I have nothing invested in any oil company. All I have done with them (besides buy their products) is to sell them some instrumentation for their refineries. GreenMan wrote: Science does that quite well already. So does logic. So does math. Big oil doesn't need to cast doubts. GreenMan wrote: Science isn't papers. People write unscientific crap in 'research' papers all the time. GreenMan wrote: Frankly, most of the junk I read in 'scientific' papers is about 'global warming' or 'climate change'. Neither phrase is definable without using circular definitions. GreenMan wrote: I don't copy other people's papers or spread them. I simply use math, logic, philosophy, and existing theories of science. That's all I need. GreenMan wrote: I have no problem with using their products. Why do you? Are you afraid of carbon dioxide or something? GreenMan wrote: False equivalence. Cigarettes are essentially a very addictive drug. Oil is not. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 09:27 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: Consensus is not used in science. There is no such thing as a 'climate scientist' except in name only. These guys do not use or create any scientific theories. It is very typical for a religion to call any Outsider of that religion various names. I present a challenge to your religious beliefs in the Church of Global Warming. You have bought into this particular religion pretty deeply I would say. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 10:45 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
Into the Night wrote: You are truly a one of a kind imbecile, Parrot. At least I hope there are no other people who have your mentality, and can also type. What makes you think Climate Scientists [to use the term loosely] don't use scientific theories? And, what do you call a scientist whose job is to study Global Warming/Climate Change? Or are you trying to say there are no scientists whose job is to study Global Warming/Climate Change? There is no Church of Global Warming, except in the minds of lunatics. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
07-08-2017 16:26 | |
James_★★★★★ (2273) |
GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: Greenman, This is a message that my cousin sent me on facebook; Sorry ! This summer is just scary. For me living in Europe the climat seems insane. Southern part with extreme high temperaturer drought and the forrests destroyed by fires. Here in the north low temperaturer 12-14plus celsius and rain far more than normal. I am thankful because Italy, Greece, Spain, Well, all these southern countries in Europe are suffering from grave heatwaves with temperaturer up to 40-47 pluss celsius. People are dying. Here IT is fresh, green, just too wet. Tourists just love IT and love Norway because of clean air an Nice temperatures. A man from Spain ski that IT is not poosible to live in Spain because the heat and drought. i have 4 raincoats and thats IT. I would more su. Temeratures more than 25 will make me ill. Remember I am born an raised beyond the arctic circle. But still IT is so beautiful hårtrendene, flowers and trees evertwhere.better Coldplay weather than heat. But the climat is changing so fast that IT scares me. So thats my summer beauty of course, this is Norway. So I am blessed by all gods, new an old. Best hopes for you in every aspekt . We have this moment in this fantastic world - look and SEE ! Now the stars are shining - the evenings are darkening, late summer -. Gerd. One thing climate scientists haven't considered is that since the Gulf Stream going north has slowed it might be giving off more heat. madrid has a low pressure system over it and temperatures are still into the 90's. http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=en&CONT=euro&MAPS=d&LOOP=0&LAND=SP&MORE=1&UP=0&R=0&DAY=0 This is something the Greenland Sea abyss might be causing. If so it could be plugged then would do much to cool the north Atlantic which would let the Gulf Stream maintain a better flow as far as our weather goes. Edited on 07-08-2017 16:34 |
07-08-2017 17:44 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: You are not posting your opinion - you are telling those of us with scientific training that have worked in the field for more than 40 years that we are being paid off by "big oil". If we can identify you I will most certainly sue you for slander. You are nothing more than a loud mouthed punk who is more than willing to lie from a position of absolute ignorance. There is no "big oil" as such since there are at least 37 oil companies and they are ALL publicly owned. If your parents have any investment funds in their retirement portfolio they own oil company stocks. Are you saying that your parents are paying off scientists to tell lies? In fact people like you are pressuring scientist to tell lies about AGW occurring. You are a clear and present danger because you have a serious psychological problem and you should be put away. |
07-08-2017 19:11 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: Because they don't. There is no scientific theory for global warming or climate change. These people do not use physics to proselytize their religion at all. GreenMan wrote: A missionary. GreenMan wrote: There is no branch of science for climate or 'global warming'. GreenMan wrote: Denying your religion is not changing what it is. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 19:14 | |
Into the Night★★★★★ (22337) |
James_ wrote:GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: The Gulf Stream isn't slowing. Heat is what drives it. James_ wrote: More buzzwords. The Parrot Killer Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan |
07-08-2017 19:16 | |
spot★★★★☆ (1323) |
Wake wrote:GreenMan wrote: Really? you would Sue him for slander? I have never heard a threat less likely to be realized Still its a refreshing change from the death threats we are used to from you. IBdaMann wrote: "Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody. Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T. |
07-08-2017 19:54 | |
James_★★★★★ (2273) |
Into the Night wrote:James_ wrote:GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: Into the Night, I think you're a joke. Am not sure why you are here when you won't discuss climate change. At least Wake fakes it pretty good. Edited on 07-08-2017 19:57 |
07-08-2017 20:04 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
James_ wrote:Into the Night wrote:James_ wrote:GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: James - you think that Night is a joke? After you just passed off word of mouth information that is meaningless and he objected? Where has the idea of your "experiment" gone? Do you suppose that there's a reason that no one is really interested in it? I urge you to learn more of the scientific method. You do not generate data with "I think" but with actual experiments performed by you and the data released in a paper. |
08-08-2017 01:25 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
James_ wrote:GreenMan wrote:Into the Night wrote: James, I have been noticing the same thing your cousin was talking about, and suspect that it does have to do with the ocean currents and melt water from Greenland et. al. I'm thinking the melt water is causing northern Europe to cool off, and just good old Global Warming is cooking the southern regions. When the ocean currents stop, it will be magnified tremendously. I'm not sure many would survive that, because of the extreme changes. We are seeing the same thing she described in Michigan currently. It is down in the 50s at night, and then just up to the 70s during the day. That is for sure being caused by an enormous band of clouds stretching up north, wicking the cold down from the Arctic. The oceans do the same thing. They bring their heat/cold with them. Expect to see a lot of flooding due to the extreme differences from north to south temperatures. Storms from hell and such. And cant get cedar 2X4s from Home Depot because of all the fires out west. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
08-08-2017 03:20 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3028) |
GreenMan wrote: Wow, one night of overindulgence and I got 5 days behind in work...and I've missed the grand entrance of Jolly Green. Still not caught up with work and life, but can't let this go without a couple questions for Jolly Green. When do you expect all this flooding to occur? I live fairly close over in Iowa on a gravel road and it's getting awfully dusty over here. Soon ya think? What can I look for in the weather pattern that might set up some of this rain? I've been dumping my used oil on the road for now....is that bad? Just wondering where these extremes north to south are. Low 80s here but only upper 80s next week in Alabama...a bit below normal too. Since storms from hell are on a general decrease the last 100 years, this sounds exiting. I caught one F2 on camera this year and can't wait for another round. What will trigger these storms? When should I be ready? Don't want to miss this opportunity!! It is down in the 50s at night, and then just up to the 70s during the day. That is for sure being caused by an enormous band of clouds stretching up north, wicking the cold down from the Arctic So the clouds cause the cool temps to plunge south? I'mmmmm a bit confused. Could you elaborate on this phenomenon a bit more? Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan Edited on 08-08-2017 03:50 |
08-08-2017 08:18 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
GasGuzzler wrote:GreenMan wrote: Oh, Gas Guzzler, didn't mean to sneak in there on you like that. Good to meet you, and I look forward to ridiculing you mercilessly for a while. You probably won't be getting any of that rain, being you are some dumb yokel from Iowa. The rain is in the south, as expected. And the clouds up north have dissipated, so it will warm back up to normal in the coming days. Yeah, sure, put some more used motor oil on the road. It's good for keeping down dust, and doesn't hurt the environment as much as those environmentalists say, anyway. What do they know? You should probably be putting some in your carpet at home, too. You can save on vacuuming that way. Apparently it doesn't take much to confuse you GasMan. Oh yeah, I see the root of the problem. When someone says something that you don't want to understand, you simply change a word, so you can have something to argue about. For example, I didn't say anything about colder temperatures "plunging south," I said the colder temperatures are wicking south, due to the amount of moisture in the air. It's sad that you need an explanation for that, but here goes. Do you remember when you were a stupid little boy, and you burned your hand when you tried to use a wet rag to pick up the hot skillet. That was after your mommy told you that you would get burned that way. But you are sooooo stupid that you didn't believe your mommy, and tried it anyway, because you didn't know that water is a good conductor of heat. The same is true for cold. And that is why you froze your tongue to the flag pole, after you touched it with your finger and your finger didn't freeze. The moisture on your tongue transmitted more cold to your tongue than what was transferred to your finger. I'm sure that you are still confused, so I will patiently wait for your much anticipated return. And I know you will return, because you made a slip. You admitted that this is your work. You are on the Koch Brothers payroll, aren't you. You are a professional Global Warming/Climate Change troll, doing battle with anyone who comes along touting either. That means that you are a disgusting piece of excrement, who is destined to go down in history as a nobody. Er, never mind. You don't go down in history. You won't even get a reference. Ok, get to work. Let's see some good smart responses from the Master Troll. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
08-08-2017 13:50 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3028) |
You probably won't be getting any of that rain, being you are some dumb yokel from Iowa. The rain is in the south, as expected. Why were you expecting the rain to be in the south, other than some forecast you read? And the clouds up north have dissipated, so it will warm back up to normal in the coming days. So it's usually cool when there's clouds to the north? OK, got it. Yeah, sure, put some more used motor oil on the road. It's good for keeping down dust, and doesn't hurt the environment as much as those environmentalists say, anyway. What do they know? You should probably be putting some in your carpet at home, too. You can save on vacuuming that way. Great tip! Thanks, I'll do that...right after you start to comprehend what it is you're talking about. Apparently it doesn't take much to confuse you GasMan. Oh yeah, I see the root of the problem. When someone says something that you don't want to understand, you simply change a word, so you can have something to argue about. For example, I didn't say anything about colder temperatures "plunging south," I said the colder temperatures are wicking south, due to the amount of moisture in the air. Oh crap, my bad. Big difference between wicking and plunging. We had very moist air a week ago and it was sunny and hot. Since colder temps wick south due to moisture in the air, how could it be warm? All seems so backwards and yes, quite confusing. It's sad that you need an explanation for that, but here goes. Do you remember when you were a stupid little boy, and you burned your hand when you tried to use a wet rag to pick up the hot skillet. That was after your mommy told you that you would get burned that way. But you are sooooo stupid that you didn't believe your mommy, and tried it anyway, because you didn't know that water is a good conductor of heat. The same is true for cold. And that is why you froze your tongue to the flag pole, after you touched it with your finger and your finger didn't freeze. The moisture on your tongue transmitted more cold to your tongue than what was transferred to your finger. So why is it generally cooler on a sunny humid day? Shouldn't more heat be transferred to the surface? Why is a humid night warmer? Shouldn't more cold from the upper levels be transferred to the surface? I'm sure that you are still confused, oh yes, very much so. so I will patiently wait for your much anticipated return. And I know you will return, because you made a slip. Didn't realize that. Thankfully I didn't get hurt! You admitted that this is your work. You are on the Koch Brothers payroll, aren't you. Oh I wish I was! You are a professional Global Warming/Climate Change troll, doing battle with anyone who comes along touting either. Thanks so much for the compliment, but a paid troll I am not. I am a bank contractor for Wells Fargo. I service homes that have distressed mortgages. I'll translate that for you. If Jolly Greenery doesn't make his mortgage payment, I get a work order to use my Dewalt/Cobalt key and change his locks. Wouldn't that be fun? That means that you are a disgusting piece of excrement, Verdict is not in on this one yet...my wife may vote yes. who is destined to go down in history as a nobody. Er, never mind. You don't go down in history. You won't even get a reference. I learned long ago to quit worrying what others think of me.....after I grew up a bit. Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan Edited on 08-08-2017 14:37 |
08-08-2017 14:52 | |
GreenMan★★★☆☆ (661) |
GasGuzzler wrote:You probably won't be getting any of that rain, being you are some dumb yokel from Iowa. The rain is in the south, as expected. Because of the extreme differences in heat between the northern part of the country, and the Gulf of Mexico. Seemed like the cool air would pull hot moist air towards it, creating some good storms, as we are seeing today. And the clouds up north have dissipated, so it will warm back up to normal in the coming days. Was simply joking about your desire to put oil on your gravel road. Apparently it doesn't take much to confuse you GasMan. Oh yeah, I see the root of the problem. When someone says something that you don't want to understand, you simply change a word, so you can have something to argue about. For example, I didn't say anything about colder temperatures "plunging south," I said the colder temperatures are wicking south, due to the amount of moisture in the air. It should be hot, with moist air. We call it humidity, and the more there is, the hotter you feel. I would explain why, but it would just lead to yet another senseless argument. I'm not surprised that you are still confused. Not sure why you think colder temps wick south. The cold is in the Arctic, if you are in the northern hemisphere. So the Arctic is the source of the cold, that is being pulled down south. So yes, I guess cold does "wick south," and at the same time, hot is being wicked north. Because the "wicking" is actually just molecules trying to reach equilibrium with their surroundings. If the guy next to you has a little extra heat, you grab some of it. After a while, you get warmer than the next guy down the line, and he grabs some of your heat. The heat is then being passed from yokel to yokel, until it gets the the source of the cold. Then it melts the cold. Then the water from the melted ice runs off, or evaporates, creating more clouds and moisture in the air. Just basic third grade science, or something like that. But it's not rocket surgery, with any stretch of imagination. I'm starting to wonder if you are a republican. And it's sad if you are, because that means I just wasted a lot of time trying to explain something to you. It's sad that you need an explanation for that, but here goes. Do you remember when you were a stupid little boy, and you burned your hand when you tried to use a wet rag to pick up the hot skillet. That was after your mommy told you that you would get burned that way. But you are sooooo stupid that you didn't believe your mommy, and tried it anyway, because you didn't know that water is a good conductor of heat. The same is true for cold. And that is why you froze your tongue to the flag pole, after you touched it with your finger and your finger didn't freeze. The moisture on your tongue transmitted more cold to your tongue than what was transferred to your finger. It's news to me that it's cooler on a sunny humid day, than it would be on a sunny dry day. Compare Phoenix to Macon, for example. 110 would cook Macon, but in Phoenix it isn't so bad. The difference is the humidity, but not because of wicking so much. Well, actually it is. When water evaporates, it has a cooling affect on the surface that it just evaporated from. That is why sweating cools you down, if you are in Phoenix, but not so much if you are in Macon. The problem is, if you are in Macon, it is so humid that your sweat doesn't evaporate very rapidly. So you don't get the benefit of that cooling affect that you would be feeling in Phoenix. The air is dry in Phoenix, so your sweat evaporates more readily, leaving behind a little patch of cool skin, thanks to the heat being wicked into the air. And now I realized that I went and did it, even after deciding not to explain this to you. You should already know all that anyway, or you are one dumb hick, who slept through elementary school. I'm sure that you are still confused, Oh, my bad. You really are just some dumb hick who has nothing better to do with his free time than get on the internet and make an idiot out of himself and everyone else from the state of Iowa. Hey, good luck in your paying job. I heard the economy is picking up, thanks to good ole Donald, so your profession might have a surplus of people in it soon. ~*~ GreenMan ~*~ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/leftbehind/index.php |
08-08-2017 15:25 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GreenMan wrote: More really stupid things than a man should be allowed to say. The deaths from overheating in Phoenix on a 110 degree day should be plenty proof that 110 in Phoenix isn't so bad. It isn't as if people do everything before 9 am and then stay inside air conditioned buildings. |
08-08-2017 15:37 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3028) |
Because of the extreme differences in heat between the northern part of the country, and the Gulf of Mexico. Seemed like the cool air would pull hot moist air towards it, creating some good storms, as we are seeing today. A quick look at SPC convective outlooks...Not even a marginal risk for severe storms in your state of Shitagin. What do you call a "good" storm?
Not a desire...I do it. It should be hot, with moist air. We call it humidity, and the more there is, the hotter you feel. I would explain why, but it would just lead to yet another senseless argument. Oh please explain! Why is Mississippi cooler than Phoenix at the same latitude? Humidity? I'm not surprised that you are still confused. Not sure why you think colder temps wick south. Because you said that was happening The cold is in the Arctic, if you are in the northern hemisphere. So the Arctic is the source of the cold, that is being pulled down south. How? So yes, I guess cold does "wick south," and at the same time, hot is being wicked north. Because the "wicking" is actually just molecules trying to reach equilibrium with their surroundings. So why are there such temp extremes when equilibrium is attempting to be reached? If the guy next to you has a little extra heat, you grab some of it. After a while, you get warmer than the next guy down the line, and he grabs some of your heat. The heat is then being passed from yokel to yokel, until it gets the the source of the cold. Then it melts the cold. Then the water from the melted ice runs off, or evaporates, creating more clouds and moisture in the air. Just basic third grade science, or something like that. But it's not rocket surgery, with any stretch of imagination. Certainly hope any surgeon of mine is brighter than this! I'm starting to wonder if you are a republican. And it's sad if you are, because that means I just wasted a lot of time trying to explain something to you. Don't consider myself a yellow bellied chicken shit republican that can't even repeal the disastrous health care plan Obama gave us. I'm more of a libertarian. My view is quite simple. I don't care what you think, believe or do, just don't send me the bill for it. It's news to me that it's cooler on a sunny humid day, than it would be on a sunny dry day. Compare Phoenix to Macon, for example. 110 would cook Macon, but in Phoenix it isn't so bad. The difference is the humidity, but not because of wicking so much. Well, actually it is. When water evaporates, it has a cooling affect on the surface that it just evaporated from. That is why sweating cools you down, if you are in Phoenix, but not so much if you are in Macon. The problem is, if you are in Macon, it is so humid that your sweat doesn't evaporate very rapidly. So you don't get the benefit of that cooling affect that you would be feeling in Phoenix. The air is dry in Phoenix, so your sweat evaporates more readily, leaving behind a little patch of cool skin, thanks to the heat being wicked into the air. Yes, it's called evaporational cooling. High humidity will suppress temps a bit for the simple fact it takes longer to warm moisture laden air. And now I realized that I went and did it, even after deciding not to explain this to you. I do thank you for taking the time. It was quite entertaining to see an engineer stumble around. When I was much younger I installed overhead doors for a living. Now and then I'd get an engineer's home and they would try to educate me on how to hang that door. Funny. You should already know all that anyway, or you are one dumb hick, who slept through elementary school. No, I'm a hick that did very well in elementary. I slept through high school when I attended...otherwise I skipped and went hunting or fishing. Hey, good luck in your paying job. I heard the economy is picking up, thanks to good ole Donald, so your profession might have a surplus of people in it soon. No, there will always be stupid libs that can't pay there bills and then blame it on someone else because they had to have the Prius and not the house. Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan Edited on 08-08-2017 15:42 |
08-08-2017 15:55 | |
Wake★★★★★ (4034) |
GasGuzzler wrote: No, there will always be stupid libs that can't pay there bills and then blame it on someone else because they had to have the Prius and not the house. That is what is happening in California. The state is really broke but they are offering free medical insurance to people who instead of buying their own medical insurance buy a new pickup truck. |
08-08-2017 16:48 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:... free medical insurance.... new pickup truck. ... or medical aid to working poor (dem or re-pubic-lick-un) who bus or walk to work & still can't afford a vehicle. |
08-08-2017 16:56 | |
litesong★★★★★ (2297) |
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gassed & guzzled" gushed:.... the Prius... ///////// It takes 400 Prius cars to pollute as much as one VW diesel. |
08-08-2017 17:04 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3028) |
litesong wrote: Hey that's great news Litebeer! How many Prius can I run over with my Dodge Ram 1 ton Diesel? Answer: As many as I want...your is next..... Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan |
08-08-2017 17:15 | |
GasGuzzler★★★★★ (3028) |
Wake wrote:GasGuzzler wrote: No, there will always be stupid libs that can't pay there bills and then blame it on someone else because they had to have the Prius and not the house. How does the saying go?....so goes California, so goes the world. California politicians are a much greater threat to humanity than any internal combustion engine ever was. Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan |
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