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Why Climate Change Will Lead To Religious Laws

Why Climate Change Will Lead To Religious Laws05-08-2016 21:49

There is more to the Climate Change movement than meets the eye. Something sinister is taking place in this movement, and calamity will strike upon all those who ignore the warning signs, and don't get out of harms way. Please share this video with as many people as possible.

This climate movement is beginning to take a bad turn. And it's beginning to pick up momentum too. Climate change recently has received blame for extending Summer, and thereby extending the time to get the Zika Virus, and even being held responsible for bringing back anthrax. Religious leaders around the world, along with the political leaders, want to act fast in dealing with climate change. Problem is ... it's leading to religious laws being enforced.
06-08-2016 19:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
SDRAmerica wrote:

There is more to the Climate Change movement than meets the eye. Something sinister is taking place in this movement, and calamity will strike upon all those who ignore the warning signs, and don't get out of harms way. Please share this video with as many people as possible.

This climate movement is beginning to take a bad turn. And it's beginning to pick up momentum too. Climate change recently has received blame for extending Summer, and thereby extending the time to get the Zika Virus, and even being held responsible for bringing back anthrax. Religious leaders around the world, along with the political leaders, want to act fast in dealing with climate change. Problem is ... it's leading to religious laws being enforced.

Don't panic.

People have been blaming every little thing on Climate Change (what does that even mean?) since the whole Global Warming/Cooling/ComingIceAge/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateChange/WhateverTheHellTheyCallItNow movement started.

Religion has no power to pass law other than to lobby for it. The morons we elect do that.

The only other power religion has is to pass a 'law' over their own members, but their members can always leave that church.

The only religion that actually severely punishes people for disobeying an edict of this sort or severely punishes you if you try to leave it is Islam.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-08-2016 18:31
Into the Night wrote:
Don't panic.

People have been blaming every little thing on Climate Change (what does that even mean?) since the whole Global Warming/Cooling/ComingIceAge/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateChange/WhateverTheHellTheyCallItNow movement started.

Religion has no power to pass law other than to lobby for it. The morons we elect do that.

The only other power religion has is to pass a 'law' over their own members, but their members can always leave that church.

The only religion that actually severely punishes people for disobeying an edict of this sort or severely punishes you if you try to leave it is Islam.

I might believe you if I didn't already know that it was in fact coming. How did Blue Laws ever make it into office? Why is not every single one of them repealed as of now? We don't need to legislate a single law into office forcing businesses to close on Sundays. If we want the day off, we should just take it. If we want to close our businesses upon that day, we should just do it. Nothing should be legislated that forces one to serve God or a god in their own way.
08-08-2016 14:49
Religious fanatics are always looking for ways to propagate their malicious agenda and now they have hopped on the climate change bandwagon. But, I don't think religious laws regarding climate change will make any difference to our lives...
08-08-2016 21:21
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
SDRAmerica wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Don't panic.

People have been blaming every little thing on Climate Change (what does that even mean?) since the whole Global Warming/Cooling/ComingIceAge/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateChange/WhateverTheHellTheyCallItNow movement started.

Religion has no power to pass law other than to lobby for it. The morons we elect do that.

The only other power religion has is to pass a 'law' over their own members, but their members can always leave that church.

The only religion that actually severely punishes people for disobeying an edict of this sort or severely punishes you if you try to leave it is Islam.

I might believe you if I didn't already know that it was in fact coming. How did Blue Laws ever make it into office? Why is not every single one of them repealed as of now? We don't need to legislate a single law into office forcing businesses to close on Sundays. If we want the day off, we should just take it. If we want to close our businesses upon that day, we should just do it. Nothing should be legislated that forces one to serve God or a god in their own way.

There are already existing many environmental laws (even a whole environmental department!). Climate change regulations have already been passed by this department, and they are already causing a lot of damage to businesses affected by them.

The question is simply this: What is the constitutionality of such laws and departments, and what do the States do about it?

Some States are already nullifying some federal laws as unconstitutional, such as some gun laws and some drug laws. Will they eventually get tired of this overreach in environmental and climate laws and nullify some of these as well? This also comes down to the debate about the authority of the Supreme Court.

States themselves are pretty free to pass environmental laws of their own, but it is possible they will be challenged by the people on religious grounds, or that the people of that State will reject the law. That law affects only that State, and local lobbying is a far greater possibility. The ultimate threat, of course, is to move the affected business out of that State.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
08-08-2016 21:23
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
tracy18 wrote:
Religious fanatics are always looking for ways to propagate their malicious agenda and now they have hopped on the climate change bandwagon. But, I don't think religious laws regarding climate change will make any difference to our lives...

Such laws would make a difference, since such laws are typically directed toward business activity. The products that business produces, as well as the people who work for them or buy from them, are affected.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan

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