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"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

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"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.25-04-2022 03:55
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

RE: Thread Can be Updated with Newer Wildfires.25-04-2022 04:12
Thread Can be Updated with Newest Wildfires.

The list of unprecedented wildfires will continue to grow and grow.

There isn't really a limited time of year that is "fire season" any more.

In California the fire season is now 365 days a year.

Very big change from the past.

This thread can also be where discussion of wildfire science helps explain it.

Overly simplistic explanations (Damn Democrats refuse to "sweep" the forest like Trump said they needed to) can be debunked with a clear explanation for the multiple factors involved.

For example, dead trees burn more severely than live trees.

Between pests expanding their range to kill trees at higher elevation and higher latitude, and drought leaving dead trees to support high intensity burns...

Wildfire is an important part of why global warming is totally uncool.

Thread Can be Updated with Newer Wildfires. There will be plenty of them.

sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

25-04-2022 04:23
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
squeal over wrote: "Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY.

From The MANUAL:

Unprecedented: adjective
Per the Global Warming lexicon, whenever an ordinary or otherwise non-exceptional event occurs that some Climate Scientist wishes to imply requires a Settled Science explanation, the event is characterized as "unprecedented."

squeal over wrote: Thanks to Global Warming.

Where were the mangroves?

squeal over wrote:Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

Our Marxist media needs for us to believe that standard events require a thettled thienth explanation.

The reason for these current fires is nothing other than the standard cause, i.e.
1. some fuel was ignited, and
2. the resulting fire spread.

squeal over wrote:What makes them "unprecedented"?

The Marxist need for people to believe in Global Warming, so that fear and panic can be more easily generated and spread more widely, thus enabling governments to more effectively control the public.

squeal over wrote:Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available.

I see that you are omniscient and know what large numbers of people are thinking, or are not thinking.

squeal over wrote:Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.

Either what you wrote or ... Nebraska created the State Fire Marshall in 1929, in addition to the State Fire Commission that was created in 1909, to promulgate rules and regulations and safety standards for fire prevention and protection.

I wonder which one is correct.

squeal over wrote:This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming

Is this another buzzword alert?

You're not going to explain any of these terms, right? Your purpose is to generate fear and panic, yes?

Do you have any idea why this is entirely the wrong site for this? Any idea at all?

squeal over wrote: ... adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere

What is a greenhouse gas? Is it a gas that would be found in a greenhouse, e.g. oxygen and nitrogen?

Are you suggesting that there will be greater CO2 consumption by plants because of this?

squeal over wrote:, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

Of course fear mongering always deserves its own thread.

25-04-2022 04:25
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.


Yikes. Nebraska retired fire chief killed.

John P. Trumble, of Arapahoe, was overcome by smoke and fire after his vehicle left the road Friday because of poor visibility from smoke and dust. His body was found early Saturday.

And 100 calves.

Roughly 100 calves were killed when one fire in Rising City burned several calving sheds, and at least three fire trucks were damaged or destroyed in the fires.

at least 15 firefighters injured , authorities said Sunday

25-04-2022 05:20
How did the fires start?
25-04-2022 05:47
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
duncan61 wrote:
How did the fires start?

Dry windy conditions is the only reason I can find online...

25-04-2022 06:58
I find if it is torrential rain and sleet fires do not usually get up and go far.Dry windy conditions are good for fires getting out of hand.Whats the temperature been in Nebraska
25-04-2022 07:09
I just looked it up it is 14.C which is cool.I thought you needed the mythical warming.So fires can start in the cold.who would of thought that.
25-04-2022 07:30
The fires are all over the place and likely started by downed power lines and lightning strikes.It is outrageous to claim this is anything other than an event that has probably happened before.Stop blaming yourselves fools.Its not your fault.
25-04-2022 07:41
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
The number one cause of wildfire is arson. That's not to say the 'arsonist' intended to start half the state on fire, but was careless. Yeah, people living outdoors (homeless) start fires to cook, and keep warm. Many, are people burning trash and debris. Most states spend more on teaching 'climate change', 'critical race', and alternative lifestyle tolerance. Most states no longer spend money on prevention/mitigation, if they don't frequently have problems. California being the exception, and just doesn't seem to care, long as nobody important's house is in danger.

Prescribed burns have been one of the most effective tools. Unfortunately, some protest over climate change, air quality, don't like the smoke... Not used as much as needed anymore. Fire prevention/mitigation is all year, not just after a wildfire...
25-04-2022 16:15
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

The words that I have highlighted in red text are all buzzwords. You really aren't saying anything of meaning here. Try to actually say something substantive next time.
25-04-2022 23:00
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Buzzword fallacies.
Define 'unprecedented'. Define 'global warming'.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
25-04-2022 23:03
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Thread Can be Updated with Newest Wildfires.

The list of unprecedented wildfires will continue to grow and grow.

There isn't really a limited time of year that is "fire season" any more.

In California the fire season is now 365 days a year.

Very big change from the past.

This thread can also be where discussion of wildfire science helps explain it.

Overly simplistic explanations (Damn Democrats refuse to "sweep" the forest like Trump said they needed to) can be debunked with a clear explanation for the multiple factors involved.

For example, dead trees burn more severely than live trees.

Between pests expanding their range to kill trees at higher elevation and higher latitude, and drought leaving dead trees to support high intensity burns...

Wildfire is an important part of why global warming is totally uncool.

Thread Can be Updated with Newer Wildfires. There will be plenty of them.

There is no such thing as 'wildfire science'. Define 'global warming'.

Most wildfire in the SDTC is by arson or accidents. If you twits clear away dead brush and trees like you used to and lock up the arsonists, you wouldn't have this problem.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
25-04-2022 23:06
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
How did the fires start?

Dry windy conditions is the only reason I can find online...

That just fans the flames. The fires start from arson (usually), accident (often), or possibly a lightning strike.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
25-04-2022 23:07
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
The fires are all over the place and likely started by downed power lines and lightning strikes.It is outrageous to claim this is anything other than an event that has probably happened before.Stop blaming yourselves fools.Its not your fault.

Most wildfire in the SDTC is caused by arson.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Add New Mexico to the list - May 1, 2022.02-05-2022 03:52
Add New Mexico to the list - May 1, 2022.


sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

02-05-2022 04:46
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
We are in the dry season for many areas, but rain is on the way in a month or so. Get the hype in while you can. Most places were focused on covid these past two years, and didn't spend the time or money managing their forests. Something that needs constant attention. Why work, when Joe pay better, if you stay home on Unemployment?
02-05-2022 05:25
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.

Right now, in Nebraska, Arizona, and Florida, wildfires that news reports describe as "unprecedented" are raging.

What makes them "unprecedented"?

Well, in Nebraska they didn't even contemplate needing firefighters to be available. They had a few volunteers, but had to call the National Guard.

Nebraska never created a professional firefighting infrastructure to fight such fires because they have never seen them before.


This is such an important part of the vicious feedbacks to global warming, adding tons and tons of additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, that it deserves a thread all of its own.

"Unprecedented" Wildfires TODAY. Thanks to Global Warming.


Wildfires are a good thing for the environment, always were
02-05-2022 07:17
Into the Night wrote:
Define 'global warming'.

When the Earth moves closer to the Sun. This is dependent on a slight tilt of its axis of rotation. On a large enough time scale, this affect allows for ice ages and interglacial periods. These are more easily observed than shorter periods which occur on a smaller scale.
For the average person such as yourself, it would be of no interest to you. After all, they don't make enough thermometers to satisfy your needs.
02-05-2022 07:44
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:This is dependent on a slight tilt of its axis of rotation.

The earth is mostly spherical. How will a slight axis tilt affect its average temperature?

James_ wrote:On a large enough time scale, this affect allows for ice ages and interglacial periods.

"Allows for" but doesn't cause, right?
Attached image:

RE: Thank you James, for some legitimate science.02-05-2022 08:10
Thank you James, for some legitimate science.

This is quite correct.

And there is the "wobble" of the Earth's axis with its own long cyclical time scale.

As the coastal terraces of the Navarro Block on the coast of northern California show, not all ice ages are equal. The biggest longest ones are infrequent, but they are the ones that leave a permanent coastal terrace. And they occur at regular intervals.

But the ice ages we know in recent geologic history didn't begin until carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere decreased by orders of magnitude, something like 3 million years ago.

Before that, there was a gap between North America and South America that allowed a unified global ocean current to flow one way.

After the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean were sealed off from each other, everything changed as far as climate and carbon cycling went.

Thank you James.

Reflexive naysayers will not even attempt to understand.

Nobody is required to answer stupid questions on demand, as if obligated by authority under cross examination.

The word cops have no authority.


James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Define 'global warming'.

When the Earth moves closer to the Sun. This is dependent on a slight tilt of its axis of rotation. On a large enough time scale, this affect allows for ice ages and interglacial periods. These are more easily observed than shorter periods which occur on a smaller scale.
For the average person such as yourself, it would be of no interest to you. After all, they don't make enough thermometers to satisfy your needs.
02-05-2022 08:19
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I'm always amazed at how liberals are so accepting of speculation, as fact. Far as anyone knows, there has always been a slight tilt. So, what was used to compare with? Is there another Earth, that doesn't tilt? Did we correct the tilt for a while, just to see what happens? Global warming isn't natural, it's man-made CO2. We stop burning crap, and the global warming stops. Ozone Hole caused by CFCs, we stop using them, the hole goes away. We all get vaccinated, the covid pandemic ends. We stopped using CFCs, and the Ozone Hole is still there, and still the same. We all didn't get vaccinated, but DR. Tony declares the pandemic over anyway. We stop burning stuff, will it really matter?
02-05-2022 08:20
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I'm always amazed at how liberals are so accepting of speculation, as fact. Far as anyone knows, there has always been a slight tilt. So, what was used to compare with? Is there another Earth, that doesn't tilt? Did we correct the tilt for a while, just to see what happens? Global warming isn't natural, it's man-made CO2. We stop burning crap, and the global warming stops. Ozone Hole caused by CFCs, we stop using them, the hole goes away. We all get vaccinated, the covid pandemic ends. We stopped using CFCs, and the Ozone Hole is still there, and still the same. We all didn't get vaccinated, but DR. Tony declares the pandemic over anyway. We stop burning stuff, will it really matter?
02-05-2022 18:41
You're welcome. I have been pursuing an experiment in atmospheric chemistry that would show that CO2 supports the Chapman cycle. And it is known that the ozone layer reflects UV radiation.
This is something that would change science because it would represent a new process. And many observations have been made where the scientists themselves try to explain the discrepancies between their models and observations. They have suggested that another source of NMVOCs is responsible. NMVOC = non methane volatile organic compounds.
And these guys know that I think a depleted ozone layer caused by ODSs can influence global warming. What might actually be the problem with gas and oil are hydrocarbons like SOx and NOx. And with the aforementioned ODSs, why not improve how we do business?
Hydrocarbons have been shown to cause thermal inversions on a large scale. Los Angeles is famous for them. So why not one a smaller scale?

About SOx and NOx which help to create ozone holes over the Arctic and Antarctica.

sealover wrote:
Thank you James, for some legitimate science.

This is quite correct.

And there is the "wobble" of the Earth's axis with its own long cyclical time scale.

As the coastal terraces of the Navarro Block on the coast of northern California show, not all ice ages are equal. The biggest longest ones are infrequent, but they are the ones that leave a permanent coastal terrace. And they occur at regular intervals.

But the ice ages we know in recent geologic history didn't begin until carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere decreased by orders of magnitude, something like 3 million years ago.

Before that, there was a gap between North America and South America that allowed a unified global ocean current to flow one way.

After the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean were sealed off from each other, everything changed as far as climate and carbon cycling went.

Thank you James.

Reflexive naysayers will not even attempt to understand.

Nobody is required to answer stupid questions on demand, as if obligated by authority under cross examination.

The word cops have no authority.


Edited on 02-05-2022 18:45
02-05-2022 21:05
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote: You're welcome. I have been pursuing an experiment in atmospheric chemistry that would show that CO2 supports the Chapman cycle.

What does that mean? CO2 supports the Chapman cycle? Is CO2 on standby? Does CO2, as you put it, "allow for" the Chapman cycle, meaning it allows it to happen, meaning CO2 doesn't somehow prevent the Chapman cycle?

Are you proposing a science model?

James_ wrote:And it is known that the ozone layer reflects UV radiation.

... or does the ozone layer absorb UV radiation?

James_ wrote: This is something that would change science because it would represent a new process.

So you are proposing a new science model! Great! Would you mind sharing it?

James_ wrote:And many observations have been made where the scientists themselves try to explain the discrepancies between their models and observations.

Did you just say that scientists observe themselves many times trying to explain discrepancies?

James_ wrote: And these guys know that I think a depleted ozone layer caused by ODSs can influence global warming.

Sadly, James__, your belief in the impossible "ozone depletion" directly mirrors squeal over's belief in the impossible "alkalinity depletion" of the ocean.

You also believe in the impossible "Global Warming" but that's another discussion altogether.

James_ wrote:What might actually be the problem with gas and oil are hydrocarbons like SOx and NOx.

Neither are hydrocarbons. James__, notice that neither contains either hydrogen or carbon. You goofed on that one.

James_ wrote: Hydrocarbons have been shown to cause thermal inversions on a large scale.

What is a thermal inversion? Does temperature have an inverse? Does thermal energy have an inverse?

James_ wrote:Los Angeles is famous for them.

Los Angeles has never inverted thermally. What is that even supposed to mean?

James_ wrote:About SOx and NOx which help to create ozone holes over the Arctic and Antarctica.

How do they manage that? The polar ozone holes open naturally each year at the same time without any help. I've never heard of SOx or NOx "helping" anything or anyone.

02-05-2022 21:18
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
The greatest threat to the 3 millimeter thick ozone layer comes from launching rockets through it.

Rocket launches must not reach altitudes of ~ 30 miles.

The reason is it could damage the functionality of the ionosphere.

Edited on 02-05-2022 21:24
02-05-2022 21:42
What does that mean? CO2 supports the Chapman cycle?

With the initial process, the O2 in CO2 becomes the O2 that the Chapman cycle is based on. An example is O + O2 > O3 which is ozone. This means that if CO2 supplies 3O2 then it can become 2O3.

Did you just say that scientists observe themselves many times trying to explain discrepancies?

They also say this. This is why I pursue some of the science that I am interested in.

What is a thermal inversion? Does temperature have an inverse? Does thermal energy have an inverse?

A thermal inversion is a field that "traps" background electromagnetic radiation. Hydrocarbons have been observed to cause this effect. The inverse function of temperature is heat that is not radiated such as what smog allows for. Smog (air pollution, SOx or NOx) prevents radiation from being radiated back into space. Thus the surface temperature increases which feeds the temperature inversion.
And son, I think your mother would be disappointed that you're not up to speed on this. What would you have me tell her? That our son prefers his I Pad to science?

IBdaMann wrote:
James_ wrote: You're welcome. I have been pursuing an experiment in atmospheric chemistry that would show that CO2 supports the Chapman cycle.

What does that mean? CO2 supports the Chapman cycle? Is CO2 on standby? Does CO2, as you put it, "allow for" the Chapman cycle, meaning it allows it to happen, meaning CO2 doesn't somehow prevent the Chapman cycle?

Are you proposing a science model?

James_ wrote:And it is known that the ozone layer reflects UV radiation.

... or does the ozone layer absorb UV radiation?

James_ wrote: This is something that would change science because it would represent a new process.

So you are proposing a new science model! Great! Would you mind sharing it?

James_ wrote:And many observations have been made where the scientists themselves try to explain the discrepancies between their models and observations.

Did you just say that scientists observe themselves many times trying to explain discrepancies?

James_ wrote: And these guys know that I think a depleted ozone layer caused by ODSs can influence global warming.

Sadly, James__, your belief in the impossible "ozone depletion" directly mirrors squeal over's belief in the impossible "alkalinity depletion" of the ocean.

You also believe in the impossible "Global Warming" but that's another discussion altogether.

James_ wrote:What might actually be the problem with gas and oil are hydrocarbons like SOx and NOx.

Neither are hydrocarbons. James__, notice that neither contains either hydrogen or carbon. You goofed on that one.

James_ wrote: Hydrocarbons have been shown to cause thermal inversions on a large scale.

What is a thermal inversion? Does temperature have an inverse? Does thermal energy have an inverse?

James_ wrote:Los Angeles is famous for them.

Los Angeles has never inverted thermally. What is that even supposed to mean?

James_ wrote:About SOx and NOx which help to create ozone holes over the Arctic and Antarctica.

How do they manage that? The polar ozone holes open naturally each year at the same time without any help. I've never heard of SOx or NOx "helping" anything or anyone.

03-05-2022 03:43
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Define 'global warming'.

When the Earth moves closer to the Sun. This is dependent on a slight tilt of its axis of rotation. On a large enough time scale, this affect allows for ice ages and interglacial periods. These are more easily observed than shorter periods which occur on a smaller scale.
For the average person such as yourself, it would be of no interest to you. After all, they don't make enough thermometers to satisfy your needs.

How does a slight tilt of its axis change the orbit of Earth?????

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 03-05-2022 03:44
03-05-2022 04:16
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Thank you James, for some legitimate science.

No science here...move along...move along...
sealover wrote:
This is quite correct.

No. The tilt of Earth's axis doesn't cause the orbit of Earth to change.
sealover wrote:
And there is the "wobble" of the Earth's axis with its own long cyclical time scale.

Nothing to do with a change of Earth's orbit.
sealover wrote:
As the coastal terraces of the Navarro Block on the coast of northern California show, not all ice ages are equal. The biggest longest ones are infrequent, but they are the ones that leave a permanent coastal terrace. And they occur at regular intervals.

How do you know? Were you there?
sealover wrote:
But the ice ages we know in recent geologic history didn't begin until carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere decreased by orders of magnitude, something like 3 million years ago.

How do you know? Were you there? How did you measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 3 million years ago?? It's not even possible to measure it today.
sealover wrote:
Before that, there was a gap between North America and South America that allowed a unified global ocean current to flow one way.

Buzzword fallacy. Did you know that Europe and Asia are in the way? You obviously have no idea what causes an ocean current.
sealover wrote:
After the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean were sealed off from each other, everything changed as far as climate and carbon cycling went.

There is no such thing as 'climate and carbon cycling'. Buzzword fallacy.
sealover wrote:
Thank you James.
Reflexive naysayers will not even attempt to understand.

There is no point trying to understand undefined buzzwords.
sealover wrote:
Nobody is required to answer stupid questions on demand, as if obligated by authority under cross examination.

Defining your buzzwords is not a stupid question.
sealover wrote:
The word cops have no authority.

No word cops here...move along...move along...

Define your terms, dude. You're just babbling incoherently until you do.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
03-05-2022 04:29
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
The greatest threat to the 3 millimeter thick ozone layer comes from launching rockets through it.

The ozone layer is more than 3mm thick. It's about 20 miles thick.
Spongy Iris wrote:
Rocket launches must not reach altitudes of ~ 30 miles.

Spongy Iris wrote:
The reason is it could damage the functionality of the ionosphere.

Rockets don't damage the ionosphere. The ionosphere is not the ozone layer.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
03-05-2022 12:23
πr2(pi r squared) of the rocket V the surface area of the atmosphere at space.Do you think if we poke to many holes in the atmosphere it will deflate.Maybe it will stop the dreaded warming and cool us down
03-05-2022 18:57
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
We are getting wildfires in more states, and more frequently, do to Californication of America. Hundreds of thousands fled California, do to covid restrictions, mandates, high taxes, gun rights... These people view freedom, as careless and irresponsible. They are also believers in the 'no-binary' reproduction system, popular with liberals. They need to perform a gender-reveal ritual, to find out if they are having a boy, a girl, or something else. The ritual involves assembling a homemade explosive. Which is odd, since it tough to buy a gun, but you can make bombs... They take the bomb out in the woods, light it off, and a cloud of colored smoke signal the gender/orientation of the child. Life was so much simpler, and safer, when it was either a boy or girl, and it was obvious, even in the sonogram. And, of course over 70% of California wildfires are classified as arson. Some of those 'arsonists, were just idiots, who burned a pile of leaves in the backyard, on a 'No burn' day. Or just walked away from their campfire, thinking it would burn itself out in an hour or two.
03-05-2022 19:46
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Into the Night wrote:
The ozone layer is more than 3mm thick. It's about 20 miles thick.

Over the Earth's surface, the ozone layer's average thickness is about 300 Dobson Units or a layer that is 3 millimeters thick.'s%20surface%2C%20the,that%20is%203%20millimeters%20thick.&text=Ozone%20in%20the%20atmosphere%20isn,the%20Earth's%20surface%3B%20it's%20dispersed.

Always easy to find the facts to falsify Parrot Boy, or at least show the ridiculous word games he hides behind.

Edited on 03-05-2022 19:51
03-05-2022 20:00
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James_ wrote:
What does that mean? CO2 supports the Chapman cycle?

With the initial process, the O2 in CO2 becomes the O2 that the Chapman cycle is based on. An example is O + O2 > O3 which is ozone. This means that if CO2 supplies 3O2 then it can become 2O3.

CO2 does not supply oxygen by itself.
James_ wrote:
Did you just say that scientists observe themselves many times trying to explain discrepancies?

They also say this. This is why I pursue some of the science that I am interested in.

You deny science.
James_ wrote:
What is a thermal inversion? Does temperature have an inverse? Does thermal energy have an inverse?

A thermal inversion is a field that "traps" background electromagnetic radiation.

You cannot trap light.
James_ wrote:
Hydrocarbons have been observed to cause this effect.

No gas or vapor has the ability to trap light.
James_ wrote:
The inverse function of temperature

No such thing. A temperature inversion is increasing temperature with altitude.
James_ wrote:
is heat
James_ wrote:

Heat has no temperature. There is no inverse function of temperature.
that is not radiated such as what smog allows for.
Smog (air pollution, SOx or NOx) prevents radiation from being radiated back into space.

You cannot trap light.
James_ wrote:
Thus the surface temperature increases which feeds the temperature inversion.

You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat. A warmer surface is not a temperature inversion.
James_ wrote:
And son, I think your mother would be disappointed that you're not up to speed on this. What would you have me tell her? That our son prefers his I Pad to science?

You deny science.

Specifically, you are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Another victory for truth and reality03-05-2022 20:01
Another victory for truth and reality.

Thank you, Spongy Iris.

Ridiculous word games are exactly they play.

Easily debunked by anyone with the intellectual honesty to seek credible sources.

Thank you, also, for being a very decent human being in the "debate".

It is genuinely appreciated.


Spongy Iris wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
The ozone layer is more than 3mm thick. It's about 20 miles thick.

Over the Earth's surface, the ozone layer's average thickness is about 300 Dobson Units or a layer that is 3 millimeters thick.'s%20surface%2C%20the,that%20is%203%20millimeters%20thick.&text=Ozone%20in%20the%20atmosphere%20isn,the%20Earth's%20surface%3B%20it's%20dispersed.

Always easy to find the facts to falsify Parrot Boy, or at least show the ridiculous word games he hides behind.
03-05-2022 20:02
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
We are getting wildfires in more states, and more frequently, do to Californication of America. Hundreds of thousands fled California, do to covid restrictions, mandates, high taxes, gun rights... These people view freedom, as careless and irresponsible. They are also believers in the 'no-binary' reproduction system, popular with liberals. They need to perform a gender-reveal ritual, to find out if they are having a boy, a girl, or something else. The ritual involves assembling a homemade explosive. Which is odd, since it tough to buy a gun, but you can make bombs... They take the bomb out in the woods, light it off, and a cloud of colored smoke signal the gender/orientation of the child. Life was so much simpler, and safer, when it was either a boy or girl, and it was obvious, even in the sonogram. And, of course over 70% of California wildfires are classified as arson. Some of those 'arsonists, were just idiots, who burned a pile of leaves in the backyard, on a 'No burn' day. Or just walked away from their campfire, thinking it would burn itself out in an hour or two.

No. Arson is not an accident. Arson is the intentional setting of a wildfire.
You are correct that most wildfire in the SDTC is caused by arson.
The 2nd most prevalent cause is by accident.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
03-05-2022 20:03
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
sealover wrote:
Another victory for truth and reality.

Thank you, Spongy Iris.

Ridiculous word games are exactly they play.

Easily debunked by anyone with the intellectual honesty to seek credible sources.

Thank you, also, for being a very decent human being in the "debate".

It is genuinely appreciated.

Thanks sealover!

03-05-2022 20:03
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Spongy Iris wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
The ozone layer is more than 3mm thick. It's about 20 miles thick.

Over the Earth's surface, the ozone layer's average thickness is about 300 Dobson Units or a layer that is 3 millimeters thick.'s%20surface%2C%20the,that%20is%203%20millimeters%20thick.&text=Ozone%20in%20the%20atmosphere%20isn,the%20Earth's%20surface%3B%20it's%20dispersed.

Always easy to find the facts to falsify Parrot Boy, or at least show the ridiculous word games he hides behind.

NASA is wrong. The ozone layer is essentially the thickness of the stratosphere, about 20 miles. Denial of the Chapman cycle. False authority fallacy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 03-05-2022 20:06
03-05-2022 20:04
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Another victory for truth and reality.

Thank you, Spongy Iris.

Ridiculous word games are exactly they play.

Easily debunked by anyone with the intellectual honesty to seek credible sources.

Thank you, also, for being a very decent human being in the "debate".

It is genuinely appreciated.

Assumption of victory fallacy. False authority fallacy. Semantics fallacy. Buzzword fallacy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 03-05-2022 20:07
03-05-2022 20:55
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
Into the Night wrote:
Denial of the Chapman cycle. False authority fallacy.

The fact reported by NASA is correct. Chapman is wrong.

You can find ozone all throughout the atmosphere, probably up to about 30 miles altitude.

Based on the atmospheric temperature profile, it looks like the most concentrated part of the ozone layer that is only 3 millimeters thick is about 30 miles altitude.

At 30 miles altitude, oxygen, O2, becomes ionized into ozone, O3. This is done through an electrical process.

There are tiny copper dipole needles in orbit all around Earth at about 30 miles altitude. These needles are for an electrical process which can ionize oxygen into ozone. These needles can also carry radio signals. Copper needles would also further block harmful ultraviolet light from reaching Earth: this type of UV is called UVC light.

Ozone is an industrial strength cleaner which would prevent germs and mold from rising up to Heaven.

The heat generated by ionizing oxygen into ozone would also dissipate most of the clouds rising up to Heaven.

I believe the phenomenon of Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW), which happens over the North Pole every winter, proves it false that ozone is generated by UV light.

When the stratosphere suddenly warms every winter over the North Pole, there is no direct UV light hitting the North Pole. But when SSW happens, at the same time, there is also a sudden increase of ozone over the North Pole.

SSW is also the cause of the Polar Vortex phenomenon, which pushes cold wet weather further south in the Winter months.

It looks to me like the frequency of the copper dipole needles in orbit over the North Pole gets turned up every winter.

If you do an online search of "Project West Ford" you will find that in the 1960s, the US Military claims to have put 480,000,000 copper dipole needles into orbit, in an attempt to create an artificial ionosphere. This is what I call a false cover story. Obviously there is no publicly understood technology that can accomplish this.

It seems to me, the greatest cause for "holes in the ozone layer" are rockets and airplanes which ascend to altitudes greater than 30 miles. I am calling for these flights to be discontinued, if they haven't been already.

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