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Theory coming to fruition?

Theory coming to fruition?02-12-2016 05:44
Hello, just recently I think some scientist dude found a diamond underground that has markings that only water can leave and his theory is that there are oceans under the Earths rock layers I guess that they are called.

That fits my theory that sink holes are caused by climate change because the high temperatures have dried out the Earths dirt layer so much that the ground is caving in .

I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible and it seems plausible that this is how it will happen,I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans which will start a reaction that will cause the dry land to erode into the sink holes.
02-12-2016 06:45
Petester wrote:I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible......I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans.....

Don't like theories that begin with "bible based" stuff. But the Bible does mention that besides the 40 days & nights of rain, the deeps of the Earth flowed onto the surface.
02-12-2016 08:18
But this time it could be backed up by fact.
02-12-2016 19:18
Tim the plumber
Oh God........
31-03-2018 02:10
Tim the plumber wrote:
Oh God........

My thoughts exactly. I suppose that this too appeared out of the clear blue sky. A diamond with water marks on it. How do you suppose they are mined?
31-03-2018 22:58
Petester wrote:
Hello, just recently I think some scientist dude found a diamond underground that has markings that only water can leave and his theory is that there are oceans under the Earths rock layers I guess that they are called.

That fits my theory that sink holes are caused by climate change because the high temperatures have dried out the Earths dirt layer so much that the ground is caving in .

I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible and it seems plausible that this is how it will happen,I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans which will start a reaction that will cause the dry land to erode into the sink holes.

sink holes are almost always caused by something washing away the undersupports of an area and not because of the land itself shrinking.

Occasionally they are caused by lowering water tables but this is unusual.
17-05-2019 14:38
Petester wrote:
Hello, just recently I think some scientist dude found a diamond underground that has markings that only water can leave and his theory is that there are oceans under the Earths rock layers I guess that they are called.

That fits my theory that sink holes are caused by climate change because the high temperatures have dried out the Earths dirt layer so much that the ground is caving in .

I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible and it seems plausible that this is how it will happen,I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans which will start a reaction that will cause the dry land to erode into the sink holes.

Yes when you mix the bible with real science (if real answers are REALLY what you want) it usually is like mixing water and oil... without the dish wash liquid added!
End of times is simply story book stuff - so doesn't fit with reality anymore. Science punched through the evil mist hundreds of years ago (thank gawd) and freed us from our religious shackles.
Floods (even on the epic scale like the last great floods of the medieval period) are not theories - they just happen. And they will happen again. There are at least a dozen know wobbles and shifts that can cause and or create floods and other known catastrophes, and these will not change or alter depending who is in power at the house of the Vatican.
Back in those times the bible folk love to relate to as the flood, the Israelites or Hebrews had taken into their midst's stories of probably true events, but mostly from much, much older periods of time. These Hebrew tribes did have a knack of copying and using the past stories and histories of other ancient peoples they lived among, and would weave them into fictional stories so they could create a history all of their very own. And they were not afraid to add some modern day spin to things, also.
There were probably hundreds of floods, not just the one big one, and I have myself studied and researched some of these as a matter of interest. The one you speak of may have been initiated when the Babylonian rivers overflowed and literally turned those lower lands into shallow river seas, thus making them appear as oceanic floods to people at the time. The Black Sea probably also flooded fully at this event, drowning people living within the valley or basin of the Black before it was called a Sea. Can you imagine how word of this would have travelled back then?!? As they would not of understood natural flooding on this scale! It must have been God punishing the evil minded people back then?!? Bit like the saudo scientists today doing their best to make us feel it is us who are to blame for the planet's natural environment and climate. Crazy, heh?!? Well most of them are....
17-05-2019 19:42
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
I think religion and spiritualism play an important role in a civilized society. It teaches morals, values, consequences, responsibilities. Atheism became popular, because it encourages people to break the rules, no consequences, no responsibilities, just do what you want, don't care about other people. The bible stories are mostly symbolic, and it was really meant as a guide book, to help people learn to work together, not fight so much. It was a powerful tool, and of course people took advantage, and start seeing other ways to use it, to profit from it. Still has a lot of good in it, but too many people use religion badly anymore. The stories are very old, pre-date any written language, translated many times, before the printing press. A translation, is a subjective interpretation, words don't always sound right literally, so the is some debate over what was intended. The stories in the bible were meant to be read subjectively, people need to think about them, and find their own meanings, answers to what troubles them. The preachers that read from the book, then go to great length explaining what it means, are usually try to work some sort of scam, usually to loosen your grip on your wallet. The Priests of the Global Warming, apply the same scam, they want to gain your trust, so they can rob you blind, defile the planet, and your women. The loudest voices for the church, are also usually the biggest hypocrites as well. They all usually have the cash and resources to practice what they preach, but still ride in style, private jets, and SUVs, electric off the coal burning power grids. Most have never ridden on any form of mass-transit. What happen to leading, by setting an example?
18-05-2019 03:29
Petester wrote:
But this time it could be backed up by fact.

"Could be" is not "is".

Tectonic activity and continental drift causes the surface to roil in many places. That diamonds might be stained by hard water is not a "watermark" which is usually and engraving upon them to mark the mine or jeweler. Hard water marks are nothing more than rusty water or even salt marks. How is this man supposed to have gotten a diamond from so deeply underground that he could ever in a million years develop a theory that is geologically impossible save under the most bizarre of conditions. Diamonds are formed by causing normal coal to be under immense pressure. Coal is not in layers beneath the upper mantle. Because of the areas of the mantle being so hot water cannot exist there but is percolated to the surface if, say, tectonic activity broke an ocean deep through.
18-05-2019 11:46
HarveyH55 wrote:
I think religion and spiritualism play an important role in a civilized society. It teaches morals, values, consequences, responsibilities. Atheism became popular, because it encourages people to break the rules, no consequences, no responsibilities, just do what you want, don't care about other people. The bible stories are mostly symbolic, and it was really meant as a guide book, to help people learn to work together, not fight so much. It was a powerful tool, and of course people took advantage, and start seeing other ways to use it, to profit from it. Still has a lot of good in it, but too many people use religion badly anymore. The stories are very old, pre-date any written language, translated many times, before the printing press. A translation, is a subjective interpretation, words don't always sound right literally, so the is some debate over what was intended. The stories in the bible were meant to be read subjectively, people need to think about them, and find their own meanings, answers to what troubles them. The preachers that read from the book, then go to great length explaining what it means, are usually try to work some sort of scam, usually to loosen your grip on your wallet. The Priests of the Global Warming, apply the same scam, they want to gain your trust, so they can rob you blind, defile the planet, and your women. The loudest voices for the church, are also usually the biggest hypocrites as well. They all usually have the cash and resources to practice what they preach, but still ride in style, private jets, and SUVs, electric off the coal burning power grids. Most have never ridden on any form of mass-transit. What happen to leading, by setting an example?

Yes, have to agree with that, HarveyH55... Religion served, and I guess still does serve, to some extent, the masses who need to be shown the, or a, way. I guess devout religious zealots or followers have always bemused me, as I personally have never needed to be shown a way... And who really knows where that inner strength comes from?!? DNA?!? (I do have barmy genetic connections from the middle ages) Up-bringing?!? How the environment you exist in throughout your life plays upon you?!? Or a soothing blend of all these things?!? Yes, indeed, religion did have a place once upon a time - for sure.
18-05-2019 18:22
paramount99 wrote:
Petester wrote:
Hello, just recently I think some scientist dude found a diamond underground that has markings that only water can leave and his theory is that there are oceans under the Earths rock layers I guess that they are called.

That fits my theory that sink holes are caused by climate change because the high temperatures have dried out the Earths dirt layer so much that the ground is caving in .

I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible and it seems plausible that this is how it will happen,I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans which will start a reaction that will cause the dry land to erode into the sink holes.

Yes when you mix the bible with real science (if real answers are REALLY what you want) it usually is like mixing water and oil... without the dish wash liquid added!
End of times is simply story book stuff - so doesn't fit with reality anymore. Science punched through the evil mist hundreds of years ago (thank gawd) and freed us from our religious shackles.
Floods (even on the epic scale like the last great floods of the medieval period) are not theories - they just happen. And they will happen again. There are at least a dozen know wobbles and shifts that can cause and or create floods and other known catastrophes, and these will not change or alter depending who is in power at the house of the Vatican.
Back in those times the bible folk love to relate to as the flood, the Israelites or Hebrews had taken into their midst's stories of probably true events, but mostly from much, much older periods of time. These Hebrew tribes did have a knack of copying and using the past stories and histories of other ancient peoples they lived among, and would weave them into fictional stories so they could create a history all of their very own. And they were not afraid to add some modern day spin to things, also.
There were probably hundreds of floods, not just the one big one, and I have myself studied and researched some of these as a matter of interest. The one you speak of may have been initiated when the Babylonian rivers overflowed and literally turned those lower lands into shallow river seas, thus making them appear as oceanic floods to people at the time. The Black Sea probably also flooded fully at this event, drowning people living within the valley or basin of the Black before it was called a Sea. Can you imagine how word of this would have travelled back then?!? As they would not of understood natural flooding on this scale! It must have been God punishing the evil minded people back then?!? Bit like the saudo scientists today doing their best to make us feel it is us who are to blame for the planet's natural environment and climate. Crazy, heh?!? Well most of them are....

Well, it irritates me that you somehow managed to shoehorn the bible and religion into your comment. MOST "science" is no science at all.

There are some 2 million college degrees awarded each year in the US alone. Additionally there are about 100,000 higher degrees. Supposedly to get these higher degrees you have to perform some sort of original research.

Do you suppose for one second that there is any funding interest in millions of higher degrees by commercial or even educational sources since science got to be the magic word?

Do you realize that in around 1880 some astronomer claimed that there were canals on Mars and there were studies on that until circa 1990? ALL POSITIVE. There were PhD thesis about how intelligent the Martian people were. Superior to man.

So the overwhelming amount of science is nothing of the sort. It is random noise designed only to award a degree to some kook who then will be considered some sort of authority.

I was a self made engineer. And a pretty good one at that. I cannot get a job today because they prefer a PhD with no experience whatsoever to someone with over 40 years and countless awards. I was passed over for an interview because I don't have extensive experience - with a specific C library! This company has been advertising this job for over 2 years. Where do you suppose they are getting the funding to be so particular?

So science is, in general, not science at all. On a broader scale you couldn't possibly prove that, in general, that the bible isn't just as accurate as geological studies. The entire Cat family appeared magically a couple of million years ago. They haven't any idea how they evolved. That you can claim that they evolved but we just don't have any proof is accepted by you purely on faith.

Someone with a PhD in chemistry may not even know basic chemistry. I worked at one company where I was a jr. engineer. Two PhD engineers claimed that they couldn't make a micro-titration device without two IBM super computers. At that time those were $3 Million apiece. I volunteered and completed the device using an Intel 8008. I met all of the required speed and accuracy demands. The entire device was a million times cheaper than their starting point.

80% of all degreed people never obtain a job in their major. And those people also were the one's that never understood their subjects to begin with. As a manager I had six engineers working under me. I had to do HALF of the hardware design and HALF of the programming plus writing the entire real time operating system myself. At another company I had to teach every single person their jobs. Not because they were stupid but because they were totally unfamiliar with the electronics business. Even the draftsman had drawn architectural but never schematics.

Applying for a job now they want to know if I have extensive experience in some sort of real time operating system. How is it that a company manager wouldn't know that the only difference between all these things is the actual names of the calls?

So don't talk about "SCIENCE" as if there is anything magic about it. There isn't. Most of it is pure unadulterated crap.
Edited on 18-05-2019 18:39
18-05-2019 20:21
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
paramount99 wrote:
Petester wrote:
Hello, just recently I think some scientist dude found a diamond underground that has markings that only water can leave and his theory is that there are oceans under the Earths rock layers I guess that they are called.

That fits my theory that sink holes are caused by climate change because the high temperatures have dried out the Earths dirt layer so much that the ground is caving in .

I have a end times theory that the world will flood just like in the Bible and it seems plausible that this is how it will happen,I think that the sink holes will eventually tap into one of these oceans which will start a reaction that will cause the dry land to erode into the sink holes.

Yes when you mix the bible with real science (if real answers are REALLY what you want) it usually is like mixing water and oil... without the dish wash liquid added!
End of times is simply story book stuff - so doesn't fit with reality anymore. Science punched through the evil mist hundreds of years ago (thank gawd) and freed us from our religious shackles.
Floods (even on the epic scale like the last great floods of the medieval period) are not theories - they just happen. And they will happen again. There are at least a dozen know wobbles and shifts that can cause and or create floods and other known catastrophes, and these will not change or alter depending who is in power at the house of the Vatican.
Back in those times the bible folk love to relate to as the flood, the Israelites or Hebrews had taken into their midst's stories of probably true events, but mostly from much, much older periods of time. These Hebrew tribes did have a knack of copying and using the past stories and histories of other ancient peoples they lived among, and would weave them into fictional stories so they could create a history all of their very own. And they were not afraid to add some modern day spin to things, also.
There were probably hundreds of floods, not just the one big one, and I have myself studied and researched some of these as a matter of interest. The one you speak of may have been initiated when the Babylonian rivers overflowed and literally turned those lower lands into shallow river seas, thus making them appear as oceanic floods to people at the time. The Black Sea probably also flooded fully at this event, drowning people living within the valley or basin of the Black before it was called a Sea. Can you imagine how word of this would have travelled back then?!? As they would not of understood natural flooding on this scale! It must have been God punishing the evil minded people back then?!? Bit like the saudo scientists today doing their best to make us feel it is us who are to blame for the planet's natural environment and climate. Crazy, heh?!? Well most of them are....

Well, it irritates me that you somehow managed to shoehorn the bible and religion into your comment.

Why? Because your religion is different from his?
Wake wrote:
MOST "science" is no science at all.

Science isn't a religion, Wake. It is agnostic. It doesn't care what religion anybody believes in.
Wake wrote:
There are some 2 million college degrees awarded each year in the US alone. Additionally there are about 100,000 higher degrees. Supposedly to get these higher degrees you have to perform some sort of original research.

Do you suppose for one second that there is any funding interest in millions of higher degrees by commercial or even educational sources since science got to be the magic word?

Science isn't a degree, license, or Holy Blessing from any political agency. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. You have argued that science IS based on degrees. You are now in paradox.
Wake wrote:
Do you realize that in around 1880 some astronomer claimed that there were canals on Mars and there were studies on that until circa 1990? ALL POSITIVE. There were PhD thesis about how intelligent the Martian people were. Superior to man.

There are people that still believe this religion today. It was never science.
Wake wrote:
So the overwhelming amount of science is nothing of the sort. It is random noise designed only to award a degree to some kook who then will be considered some sort of authority.

I've been making this argument for awhile, Wake. You argued the opposite at the time. I will consider you locked in paradox on this point.
Wake wrote:
I was a self made engineer.

I'll grant you that statement as a fact.
Wake wrote:
And a pretty good one at that.

But not that one.
Wake wrote:
I cannot get a job today because they prefer a PhD with no experience whatsoever to someone with over 40 years and countless awards.

Their choice. I don't expect much from such a company. I wouldn't want to work for them anyway. They are too impressed with certificates and not innovative enough to be very profitable.
Wake wrote:
I was passed over for an interview because I don't have extensive experience - with a specific C library!

Which one? libc? Seriously, Wake, companies have no time to train you in a library they are dependent on.
Wake wrote:
This company has been advertising this job for over 2 years. Where do you suppose they are getting the funding to be so particular?

Probably their product they are selling. They probably need multiple people with that knowledge which is why the ad keeps running.
Wake wrote:
So science is, in general, not science at all.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories. You're argument that it is degrees and licenses are not being denied by you. You are now locked in paradox on this too.
Wake wrote:
On a broader scale you couldn't possibly prove that, in general, that the bible isn't just as accurate as geological studies. The entire Cat family appeared magically a couple of million years ago. They haven't any idea how they evolved. That you can claim that they evolved but we just don't have any proof is accepted by you purely on faith.

The Church of Evolution, like all religions, is based on an initial circular argument with arguments extending from it. The very definition of a religion. Science has no theories about past unobserved events. They are not falsifiable. There is no 'accuracy' to geological studies. Science isn't studies either. A study is simply that...a study.
Wake wrote:
Someone with a PhD in chemistry may not even know basic chemistry. I worked at one company where I was a jr. engineer. Two PhD engineers claimed that they couldn't make a micro-titration device without two IBM super computers. At that time those were $3 Million apiece. I volunteered and completed the device using an Intel 8008. I met all of the required speed and accuracy demands. The entire device was a million times cheaper than their starting point.

Chemistry knowledge is not involved here. How you build a computerized titration device is not a knowledge of basic chemistry, Wake. I imagine you easily impressed them, since they were so unfamiliar with computer technology. Considering your other statements, I have doubts whether this story of yours is even true.
Wake wrote:
80% of all degreed people never obtain a job in their major. And those people also were the one's that never understood their subjects to begin with.

Argument from randU, a compositional error, and irrelevant.
Wake wrote:
As a manager I had six engineers working under me. I had to do HALF of the hardware design and HALF of the programming plus writing the entire real time operating system myself.

I doubt this story is true as well. You don't know enough about electronics or even programming.
Wake wrote:
At another company I had to teach every single person their jobs. Not because they were stupid but because they were totally unfamiliar with the electronics business. Even the draftsman had drawn architectural but never schematics.

I doubt this story too, although I have met draftsmen that do not know electronic schematic symbols. That is not a requirement to be a draftsman.
Wake wrote:
Applying for a job now they want to know if I have extensive experience in some sort of real time operating system. How is it that a company manager wouldn't know that the only difference between all these things is the actual names of the calls?

WRONG. The entire structure of the system is different, Wake. There might not even be the standard libraries available. Can you get along without libc?
Wake wrote:
So don't talk about "SCIENCE" as if there is anything magic about it. There isn't. Most of it is pure unadulterated crap.

Neither is programming a computer, Wake. That's not even engineering.

You're a programmer, Wake. Probably stuck in mid and high level languages and you cannot seem to learn much outside the standard libraries. You managed to hack together a couple of microprocessor circuits when these chips were first coming out and managed to impress a few clueless people. You do not know electronics. You do not know real time systems or many libraries outside the standard stuff. You do not know how to handle any circuit safely requiring more than five volts. You have already shown you know nothing about how electronic and electrical components are made or how they work. You even have difficulty with Ohm's law and demonstrated that here on this forum.

You're a liar and a storyteller, Wake. You are lying to yourself as well as others. Your own inflated ego is your biggest problem.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
18-05-2019 21:41
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Fresh out of high school, I wanted to get a degree in Electrical Engineering, build cool stuff for a living. Didn't take two years to learn the truth, that the degree wasn't going to get me a dream job. Companies start recruiting students after they learn mostly the basics, about 3 years worth. They prefer employees that understand the parts and the tools, but don't want them to get screwed up on outdated practices, or how some other company does things. It's harder to break bad habits/schooling. It takes a long time to move up/or find a job, where you get to develop your own ideas. Most engineer jobs seemed to be working out the fine details, basic math, of somebody else's idea, usually only just a small part of a project. Mom and dad weren't paying for my college, and Uncle Sam was heavy into Affirmative Action in those days, which I didn't qualify for, nor did my high school GPA help much either. Being you, poor, and no free time, is a strain, and then finding out it's all pretty much for nothing, since it'll take years to get into a job, that pays any better than blue collar work, many more years and looking, to get to a dream job. I just went the blue collar route, do what I want, learn what I want.
18-05-2019 21:50
HarveyH55 wrote:
Fresh out of high school, I wanted to get a degree in Electrical Engineering, build cool stuff for a living. Didn't take two years to learn the truth, that the degree wasn't going to get me a dream job. Companies start recruiting students after they learn mostly the basics, about 3 years worth. They prefer employees that understand the parts and the tools, but don't want them to get screwed up on outdated practices, or how some other company does things. It's harder to break bad habits/schooling. It takes a long time to move up/or find a job, where you get to develop your own ideas. Most engineer jobs seemed to be working out the fine details, basic math, of somebody else's idea, usually only just a small part of a project. Mom and dad weren't paying for my college, and Uncle Sam was heavy into Affirmative Action in those days, which I didn't qualify for, nor did my high school GPA help much either. Being you, poor, and no free time, is a strain, and then finding out it's all pretty much for nothing, since it'll take years to get into a job, that pays any better than blue collar work, many more years and looking, to get to a dream job. I just went the blue collar route, do what I want, learn what I want.

On the whole blue collar workers are much more happy that upper strata. I always had a serious work ethic and loved making ideas come true.

But when I worked blue collar jobs it was a great deal less psychological strain. I made more money as partner in a Telephone Installation business for skyscrapers than in all but one of my engineering jobs. If I had remained working on the rapid transit system my retirement would be twice what it is from my social security and savings. Recovering commercial aircraft was great and I could have been hired by a major airline if I had been willing to relocate.

But I just couldn't stop designing embedded systems for people and after they knew me in the business I couldn't get away from them. Now they are all gone - retired or passed away, and I can't get a job and my curiosity is still as strong as ever.
18-05-2019 22:43
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Fresh out of high school, I wanted to get a degree in Electrical Engineering, build cool stuff for a living. Didn't take two years to learn the truth, that the degree wasn't going to get me a dream job. Companies start recruiting students after they learn mostly the basics, about 3 years worth.

Some people have realized this, and started forming coding 'bootcamp' schools, where you are a capable programmer working in a company in just a few weeks.

Most coding is grunt work.
If you don't know what the company uses to build it's product or service, they don't need you.
Some places require extensive knowledge in SQL. If you don't have it, too bad. Others require extensive knowledge in the Vulkan libraries. I don't have it, too bad. Some places requires extensive Ruby knowledge. If all you know is C, C++, C# and Visual Studio through and through, too bad.

The software industry, like the hardware industry before it, has become highly separated into subcategories of work. If you don't fit that category, companies have no time to train you. A Windows guy won't survive in a Linux development environment. A Linux guy won't survive in a Windows development environment. A Ruby expert won't survive in the embedded software environment. There are more areas of specialty each day. Companies want specialists in their area of development.

The bootcamp schools train you to be a web or cloud developer and typically only on one cloud service such as AWS. Once in the industry, you have money coming in while you self train for the area of specialty you want.

HarveyH55 wrote:
They prefer employees that understand the parts and the tools, but don't want them to get screwed up on outdated practices, or how some other company does things. It's harder to break bad habits/schooling.

Indeed it is. Those four year software engineering degrees became quite useless when new technologies like the cloud or Vulkan libraries came along. There are lots of new programming languages coming out now too, so areas of specialty are forming around those, yet COBOL, FORTAN, and even LISP are still used today...even to build websites.
HarveyH55 wrote:
It takes a long time to move up/or find a job, where you get to develop your own ideas. Most engineer jobs seemed to be working out the fine details, basic math, of somebody else's idea, usually only just a small part of a project.

Bingo. Demonstrated so aptly here.

HarveyH55 wrote:
Mom and dad weren't paying for my college, and Uncle Sam was heavy into Affirmative Action in those days, which I didn't qualify for, nor did my high school GPA help much either. Being you, poor, and no free time, is a strain, and then finding out it's all pretty much for nothing, since it'll take years to get into a job, that pays any better than blue collar work, many more years and looking, to get to a dream job. I just went the blue collar route, do what I want, learn what I want.

And happy with your choice, it sounds like. Nothing wrong with blue collar work!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 18-05-2019 22:44

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