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The Global Warming Fraud

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12-08-2019 01:26
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:big spending bills, ...Bill Clinton did the same thing,

RenaissanceMan wrote:
Then Obama shattered the debt ceiling far beyond anything Bush did.

Really it is Congress and the Senate that are doing these things and it's been clearly a bipartisan effort. We have consistently had situations where it's a president of one party and the legislature from the other.

I think it works like this: They are happy to let the citizenry argue about which president is to blame while WE pretend we want to stop it.

But they spend as much as possible because they know we'll never vote for a true cost cutter.

It's OUR FAULT, no presidents.
12-08-2019 02:48
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:Really it is Congress and the Senate that are doing these things and it's been clearly a bipartisan effort.

Not in the case HarveyH55 mentioned.

Obama was supposed to be the check and balance on Congress, but both houses were controlled by Democrats who knew Obama would sign anything, no matter how much spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending, spending and spending it had or how much borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing and more borrowing was required to pay for it.

Up to that point, the highest deficit the United States had ever attained was the $500 Billion signed by George Bush. Then Obama becomes President and suddenly no one is there to apply the brakes. The Democrats went on a spending orgy and racked up the US' first $1.2 Trillion deficit that was thoroughly wasted; only a tiny splinter went towards infrastructure or any sort of investment in the country.

Yes, the bulk of the blame needs to be placed on Congress (which takes names out of it) but Obama didn't protect the country on that day.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-08-2019 03:56
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Obama was supposed to be the check and balance on Congress, but both houses were controlled by Democrats .

Obama had to work with Republicans after the first two years. (and really look at what Clinton left W and what he did with it)

Kindly compare years 1 and 2 to years 3 and 4:

I think we all understand that the president, congress and the senate can all block a spending bill.

So your characterization of events as being a Democratic Party or Obama thing is just false.
Edited on 12-08-2019 03:58
12-08-2019 04:17
tmiddles "hates" Trump for doing exactly what Obama did and what Clinton did.

This is the evil hypocrisy of the left.

Obama sent more illegals home than any other US president in history.
Was THAT "racism"? Please, spare me your hypocritical lies.

Clinton's 1995 SOTU speech received a standing ovation from the houses of congress. Clinton said the same thing Trump is saying today, the same thing Hillary said, the same thing Chuck Schumer said at a university.

ONLY Trump is called a racist for saying what Democrats have been saying for decades. Hypocrisy. Evil.
12-08-2019 04:28
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
RenaissanceMan wrote:
tmiddles "hates" Trump for doing exactly what Obama did and what Clinton did.

Obama and Clinton call for a ban on Muslim's entering the country? Call Mexican's rapists? Stick up for white power groups? Did Clinton try to have Kenneth Star fired? Did they say our voting system wasn't to be trusted and that there were millions of illegal votes?

I don't have a problem with the government enforcing immigration policy. You're very correct that Obama was very aggressive about enforcing it and deported a lot of people.

"All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace"

Do you see something like what TRUMP said?:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

See this is what BIGOTRY is : "one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

It's incredible the President of the United states referred to
Haiti and countries in Africa as "shithole countries" and called for more immigrants from places like Norway at an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers,
Edited on 12-08-2019 04:36
12-08-2019 04:37
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:Obama and Clinton call for a ban on Muslim's entering the country? Call Mexican's rapists? Stick up for white power groups?

You know you have been manipulated when you have to lie about why you hate someone.

tmiddles wrote:I don't have a problem with the government enforcing immigration policy.

Apparently you do, and you operate under the delusion that no rapists are illegal Mexican immigrants. That's embarrassing.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-08-2019 04:50
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:you have to lie about why you hate someone....under the delusion that no rapists are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No I'm crystal clear on why I hate trump. The banning Muslim's from the country ad in 2016 was the first shock to the system.

Here's an easy lesson in not teaching the country bigotry as a president:
"We really need to do something about stopping rapists in the country"
Now this statement checks out fine! Rape is a horrible crime.
"We really need to do something about stopping Mexican rapists in the country"
OH NO!!! Who raised you! WOW!!! Just WOW!

This is not complicated stuff.
12-08-2019 06:47
tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:you have to lie about why you hate someone....under the delusion that no rapists are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No I'm crystal clear on why I hate trump. The banning Muslim's from the country ad in 2016 was the first shock to the system.

Here's an easy lesson in not teaching the country bigotry as a president:
"We really need to do something about stopping rapists in the country"
Now this statement checks out fine! Rape is a horrible crime.
"We really need to do something about stopping Mexican rapists in the country"
OH NO!!! Who raised you! WOW!!! Just WOW!

This is not complicated stuff.

So you prefer someone like Obama who, when in public, has to have a teleprompter
or speaks "off the cuff" at upwards of 25 words a minute.

Still laughing about the Navy corpsemen.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 12-08-2019 06:49
12-08-2019 06:57
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:=
So you prefer someone like Obama who, when in public, has to have a teleprompte

No I like the off the cuff direct approach. If Trump weren't a bigot and a pig those things wouldn't keep spilling out of him.

I hope some decent people use the same authentic approach he has in connecting with the electorate in the future.
12-08-2019 10:16
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:No I like the off the cuff direct approach. If Trump weren't a bigot and a pig those things wouldn't keep spilling out of him.

I have great news! Trump is not a bigot. It turns out that you were just manipulated ... but you can support him now.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-08-2019 17:42
tmiddles wrote:

This is not complicated stuff.

You Leftists are so simplistic that you really believe men can become women, and vice versa. You think men should be able to use women's rest rooms.
Science is something very alien to you, since you so clearly prefer political schtick.

Under Reagan, "The rich got richer."

Under "loathing the military" Clinton, "The economy's in good shape!!!"

And that was wonderful, in Leftist Speak.

Hatred, divisiveness, Antifa with black masks replacing the white hoods of Democrats Ku Klux Klan - these are some of the metiers of your Leftist dogma. It is bitter, it is destructive, it is deadly. You defend it. Evil is like that.
12-08-2019 18:12
tmiddles wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Profit. That's what brings peace.

I agree completely with this! If another country is essential to your success you're a lot less likely to bomb it.

The free market is great until another country produces better and cheaper than you. Then it's time to roll out "global warming," or else!
12-08-2019 18:26
GasGuzzler wrote:

Still laughing about the Navy corpsemen.

"I've been to like 57 states. Two more to go."
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
This is the moron who approved bump stocks, used in the Las Vegas massacre.
You can't possibly imagine how many idiocies he preached, practiced, and showed. Here is a fraction of them:
12-08-2019 19:05
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
RenaissanceMan wrote:
tmiddles "hates" Trump for doing exactly what Obama did and what Clinton did.

This is the evil hypocrisy of the left.

Obama sent more illegals home than any other US president in history.
Was THAT "racism"? Please, spare me your hypocritical lies.

Clinton's 1995 SOTU speech received a standing ovation from the houses of congress. Clinton said the same thing Trump is saying today, the same thing Hillary said, the same thing Chuck Schumer said at a university.

ONLY Trump is called a racist for saying what Democrats have been saying for decades. Hypocrisy. Evil.

There's a lot of truth to that.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:14
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
RenaissanceMan wrote:
tmiddles "hates" Trump for doing exactly what Obama did and what Clinton did.

Obama and Clinton call for a ban on Muslim's entering the country?

No one has called for a ban on Muslims entering the country.
tmiddles wrote:
Call Mexican's rapists?

No one has called Mexican's rapists.
tmiddles wrote:
Stick up for white power groups?

Democrats and other liberals do that.
tmiddles wrote:
Did Clinton try to have Kenneth Star fired?

tmiddles wrote:
Did they say our voting system wasn't to be trusted

The Democrats are saying that right now. They've been saying it for four years, without success. They even had an investigation (witch hunt) for all that time and again, without success.
tmiddles wrote:
and that there were millions of illegal votes?

That's exactly what the Democrats are still saying.
tmiddles wrote:
I don't have a problem with the government enforcing immigration policy.

tmiddles wrote:
You're very correct that Obama was very aggressive about enforcing it and deported a lot of people.

Not particularly, but he did deport a lot of people.
tmiddles wrote:
"All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace"

Do you see something like what TRUMP said?:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

tmiddles wrote:
See this is what BIGOTRY is : "one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

No one has done so, except YOU.
tmiddles wrote:
It's incredible the President of the United states referred to
Haiti and countries in Africa as "shithole countries"

They ARE shithole countries. They are plagued with war, with corruption, and with dictatorships or oligarchies for government.
tmiddles wrote:
and called for more immigrants from places like Norway at an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers,

Why not. You have something against Norway?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:you have to lie about why you hate someone....under the delusion that no rapists are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No I'm crystal clear on why I hate trump. The banning Muslim's from the country ad in 2016 was the first shock to the system.

No one banned Muslims. No one even tried.
tmiddles wrote:
Here's an easy lesson in not teaching the country bigotry as a president:
"We really need to do something about stopping rapists in the country"

Stopping rapists is no a compositional error involving people. Rape is a crime.
tmiddles wrote:
Now this statement checks out fine! Rape is a horrible crime.
"We really need to do something about stopping Mexican rapists in the country"
OH NO!!! Who raised you! WOW!!! Just WOW!

No bigotry here either, other than YOURS. Mexican rapists are just as criminal as any other.
tmiddles wrote:
This is not complicated stuff.

No, it isn't. But YOU seem to take on a racist or bigoted interpretation of quite lot.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:19
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:you have to lie about why you hate someone....under the delusion that no rapists are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No I'm crystal clear on why I hate trump. The banning Muslim's from the country ad in 2016 was the first shock to the system.

Here's an easy lesson in not teaching the country bigotry as a president:
"We really need to do something about stopping rapists in the country"
Now this statement checks out fine! Rape is a horrible crime.
"We really need to do something about stopping Mexican rapists in the country"
OH NO!!! Who raised you! WOW!!! Just WOW!

This is not complicated stuff.

So you prefer someone like Obama who, when in public, has to have a teleprompter
or speaks "off the cuff" at upwards of 25 words a minute.

Still laughing about the Navy corpsemen.

That WAS a funny one! It showed just how little a mind Obama had!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:20
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:=
So you prefer someone like Obama who, when in public, has to have a teleprompte

No I like the off the cuff direct approach. If Trump weren't a bigot and a pig those things wouldn't keep spilling out of him.

No, dude. It is YOU being the bigot here.
tmiddles wrote:
I hope some decent people use the same authentic approach he has in connecting with the electorate in the future.

You hate Trump, I get that. You hate a lot of people.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:23
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
olyz wrote:
tmiddles wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Profit. That's what brings peace.

I agree completely with this! If another country is essential to your success you're a lot less likely to bomb it.

The free market is great until another country produces better and cheaper than you. Then it's time to roll out "global warming," or else!

No, it's time to reevaluate what I am bringing to the market.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 19:25
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
RenaissanceMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:

Still laughing about the Navy corpsemen.

"I've been to like 57 states. Two more to go."
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
This is the moron who approved bump stocks, used in the Las Vegas massacre.
You can't possibly imagine how many idiocies he preached, practiced, and showed. Here is a fraction of them:

Obama did not approve bumpstocks. They are legal under the 2nd amendment. Trump broke the law by banning them.

They are easy to make. Their use by the Las Vegas gunman probably saved a lot of lives. You can't aim at all well when using them.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-08-2019 20:09
Capitalism and the tree market work great as long as nobody produces better and cheaper than you do.

One of the things you can do to slow them done is sponsor internal riots. Do you think Rockefeller and Soros sponsor the Boy Scoits?
Edited on 12-08-2019 20:17
13-08-2019 01:37
Into the Night wrote:
RenaissanceMan wrote:

"I've been to like 57 states. Two more to go."
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
This is the moron who approved bump stocks, used in the Las Vegas massacre.
You can't possibly imagine how many idiocies he preached, practiced, and showed. Here is a fraction of them:

Obama did not approve bumpstocks. They are legal under the 2nd amendment. Trump broke the law by banning them.

In 2010 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives determined that because bump stocks don't have any moving parts, they are a "firearm part" and could not be regulated as a firearm under existing gun laws. The ATF reached a similar conclusion in 2012.

Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, told PolitiFact that it is accurate to say the Obama administration approved the sale of bumps stocks. (USATODAY.COM)
13-08-2019 04:50
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
So this is why this is very relevant to the board as being able to distinguish reality from fantasy is critical:

Quote: "He's calling for a temporary shut down of Muslim's entering the United States until we can figure out what's going on."

These are the words of Trump in a campaign ad.

Is anyone here confused about these facts? They are facts you see. It's Trump saying this directly in a television spot.
Edited on 13-08-2019 04:51
13-08-2019 14:01
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:Quote: "He's calling for a temporary shut down of Muslim's entering the United States until we can figure out what's going on."

This is totally dishonest. You completely chopped off the part giving context and the first part of the point.

You obviously got this from the people who are successfully manipulating you.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
13-08-2019 14:04
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Quote: "He's calling for a temporary shut down of Muslim's entering the United States until we can figure out what's going on."

This is totally dishonest. You completely chopped off the part giving context and the first part of the point.

You obviously got this from the people who are successfully manipulating you.

No this is just Trumps first campaign ad in 2016. It's from Trump. Would you like me to transcribe the whole commercial for you? It's blunt and to the point. That's what it says loud and clear.

No editing or manipulation! This is the Trump campaign talking in the video not me.
13-08-2019 15:42
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote: No this is just Trumps first campaign ad in 2016.
It was from a speech at a campaign rally. You chopped off all the prior context of terrorist events, the Pugh research that hatred for the US is growing in Muslim countries and, the main point, that the Obama Administration refused to vet travelers from terrorism-cultivating countries and to continually allow people from those countries who publicly announce their hatred for the United States to nonetheless come freely to the United States.

You cut off all that and only posted the few lines about shutting down *all* the travel "until we find out what the hell is going on" as if that is all he said and without any of the context to understand what "until we find out what the hell is going on" means.

In any event, you are dishonestly posting emotion-bait that is completely out of context. Dismissed.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
13-08-2019 22:14
IBdaMann wrote:
[quote]tmiddles wrote:

You (tmiddles) cut off all that and only posted the few lines about shutting down *all* the travel "until we find out what the hell is going on" as if that is all he said and without any of the context to understand what "until we find out what the hell is going on" means.

In any event, you (tmiddles) are dishonestly posting emotion-bait that is completely out of context. Dismissed.


That's what they always do, post out of context, spin, call you racist, fascist, and then turn around and feel all sanctimonious about themselves being superior to everyone else.

IBdaMann IS Da Man.
13-08-2019 23:23
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote: No this is just Trumps first campaign ad in 2016.
It was from a speech at a campaign rally. You chopped off all the prior context of terrorist events, the Pugh research that hatred for the US is growing in Muslim countries and, the main point, that the Obama Administration refused to vet travelers from terrorism-cultivating countries and to continually allow people from those countries who publicly announce their hatred for the United States to nonetheless come freely to the United States.

You cut off all that and only posted the few lines about shutting down *all* the travel "until we find out what the hell is going on" as if that is all he said and without any of the context to understand what "until we find out what the hell is going on" means.

In any event, you are dishonestly posting emotion-bait that is completely out of context. Dismissed.


Come back from fantasy land. I was quoting for your convenience but go to the verified DATA: THIS IS TRUMP's FIRST CAMPAIGN COMMERCIAL UNEDITED

It's only 30 seconds long and again this is HIS commercial. NO edits.
14-08-2019 05:42
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:Come back from fantasy land. I was quoting for your convenience but go to the verified DATA:

You dishonestly edited out all relevant context and information, leaving only the emotion-bait. That makes you a liar who has to lie about why he hates Trump because you are a manipulated tool whose opinions aren't his own.

I'll be the honest one who truthfully quotes information and context:

[From Trump's interview on Face the Nation, 6 December 2015]

PEGUES: The investigators are tracking Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik's family, friends and associates overseas and in the U.S. to determine if the couple's shooting massacre was directed by ISIS.

So far, the FBI says there are indications of radicalization and potential inspiration. Sources say the attack on the Inland Regional Center appears to have been a blend. There were elements of a workplace grudge that appeared to trigger the attack, coupled with Malik's Facebook post of allegiance before the attack to the ISIS leader.

Federal officials acknowledge that the shooting has now moved the global terrorist threat in the U.S. to a new phase. A government official says, "We are going to see more attacks we can't stop."

The FBI has about 900 cases across the country focusing on homegrown ISIS sympathizers. Still, these two suspects were not on their radar -- John.

DICKERSON: Jeff Pegues, thanks.

The San Bernardino terror attack has already had a big impact on campaign 2016. Democrats are pushing for stronger gun regulations. Republicans are blaming the president and saying they would be tougher on terrorism, no one more so than Donald Trump, who we met up with in Raleigh on Friday.


DICKERSON: There are links between ISIS and this terror attack in San Bernardino, but there were no red flags. So, how do you stop this from happening again?

TRUMP: Well, I think there are red flags. And a lot of people knew what was going on in that house or that apartment. And people were not wanting to call because they thought it would be inappropriate to call. DICKERSON: Inappropriate why?

TRUMP: Well, they were saying that it was -- that they would have been profiling. And a person said, we sort of knew what was going on, but we don't want to profile.

Can you believe this?

DICKERSON: Should there be profiling?

TRUMP: Well, I think there can be profiling.

DICKERSON: How? How would that work?

TRUMP: If they thought there was something wrong with that group and they saw what was happening, and they didn't want to call the police because they didn't want to be profiling, I think that's pretty bad.

People are dead. A lot of people are dead right now. So, everybody wants to be politically correct. And that's part of the problem that we have with our country.

DICKERSON: Have people been too politically correct with Muslims in America?

TRUMP: I think so. I think so, and with maybe other things, too, but I think certainly so.

And, as you know, I came out with, I want vigilance, I want real vigilance, and whether it's mosques or whatever it has to be, but a lot of bad things are happening.

DICKERSON: Whatever it has to be, does that include -- I know you -- where are you on the question of tracking Muslims in America?

TRUMP: Well, look, we are having a problem with radical -- with radicals in the Muslim group. Let's not kid ourselves.

And you can say it or you don't have to say it. And maybe you won't even want to, but I have been saying it loud and strong. So, if you have people coming out of mosques with hatred and with death in their eyes and on their minds, we're going to have to do something, John.

We can't just say, we're not going to look at it. Now, I made that statement a number of weeks ago. It took a lot of -- a lot of whatever. A lot of people were not exactly thrilled with it. And now everybody seems to agree with me.

DICKERSON: But this idea of tracking Muslims in America, that's the thing. Where are you on that?


TRUMP: You have people that have to be tracked. If they're Muslims, they're Muslims. But you have people that have to be tracked.

And we better be -- I use the word vigilance. We have to show vigilance. We have to have it. And if we don't, we're foolish people.

You know, we're really -- we're being led by people that don't know what is happening. When you have President Obama talking about global warming is our biggest problem, we have a president that is just not with it at all.

DICKERSON: There are three million Muslims in America.

TRUMP: Right.

DICKERSON: What should they feel about their place in American life now?

TRUMP: Look, we are having a tremendous problem with radical Islamic terrorism. And you can say it, or you don't have to say it.

And we have a president that won't issue the term. He won't talk about it. So, we're having this tremendous radical Islamic terrorism. OK? A lot of people don't want to even say it. Not a lot of people. We have one person that I really know of, and it's called President Obama.

Until he admits that this is a problem, we're never going to solve the problem. But he's only going to be there, fortunately, a little bit more than a year, because the problem will get solved when he gets the hell out.

DICKERSON: You mentioned political correctness about Muslims. What the criticism of you is, that you are playing on fears that people have and that you're stoking...

TRUMP: No, I'm playing on common sense.

No, no, I'm not playing on fears. I don't want to play on fears. I understand the whole world. And I -- I understand. And I have Muslim friends who are great people. And, by the way, they tell me there's a big problem.

I'm not playing on fears. I'm playing on common sense. We have a problem. The World Trade Center came down. And, by the way, speaking of coming down, they put their families on airplanes a couple of days before, sent them back to Saudi Arabia, for the most part.

Those wives knew exactly what was going to happen. And those wives went home to watch their husbands knock down the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and wherever the third plane was going, except we had some very, very brave passengers, wherever that third plane was going.

Those wives knew exactly what was happening.

DICKERSON: You mentioned the families, going after the families. What does that -- what does that mean? How would it work?

TRUMP: Well, I would go after -- well, at least I would certainly go after the wives who absolutely knew what was happening.

And I guess your definition of what I would do, I'm going to leave that to your imagination. But I will tell you I would be very tough on families, because the families know what is happening.

Even in this last instance, I see everybody knew. So many people knew. They thought that this man and this woman, whether he was radicalized or how he became, they thought something was going on. Why don't these people report it to the police? Why wouldn't they report it to the police?

Now, they said it was profiling. They didn't want to profile. Can you believe this? They didn't want to profile, even though they thought something very bad was going on.

DICKERSON: But his sister said she didn't know what was going on. She was crestfallen for the victims here.

TRUMP: I probably don't believe the sister.

DICKERSON: You don't believe the sister.


DICKERSON: So, you would go after her?

TRUMP: I would go after a lot of people, and I would find out whether or not they knew. I would be able to find out, because I don't believe the sister.

DICKERSON: Do you worry about creating more terrorists?

TRUMP: No. We have to stop terrorists. And the only way you're going to stop them, in my opinion, is that way.

You know, they say they don't mind dying. I think they do mind dying. But I can tell you this. They want their families left alone. We have to stop terrorism.

DICKERSON: You don't think there's a worry, a tension, if you go too far, that you end up creating more terrorists?

TRUMP: What's too far? What's too far? They're killing people, whether it's what we just saw in California or in Paris. They're killing people, innocent people, people without guns.

You look at Paris, no guns, nothing. You look at California, no guns. I can tell you one thing. If I'm in there and if I had a gun, I'm -- we're going down shooting. We're going to knock them out, OK, one way or the other.

And if a couple of guns are in that room, you talk about Second Amendment, which I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment. In Paris, they had no guns. In California, they had no guns. Only the bad guys had the guns. So, they were like sitting ducks, every one of them.

DICKERSON: Should the good guys get guns?

TRUMP: The good -- well, I mean, the good guys...

DICKERSON: Should people carry?

TRUMP: If they want to, they should be able to, because it's going to be lot safer.

Look at what's going on. We're going into these gun-free areas. How about the school few months ago? Gun-free school, gun-free area, and you look at what happened. It was a disgrace. If people had guns, how about the -- how about the soldiers that were killed, six soldiers killed, champion marksmen on a military base? They're not allowed to carry their guns.

And a whack job walks in and kills them. Not right. So, I am a believer in the Second Amendment. And, you know, the bottom line is, the bad guys are always going to have the guns. You better do something about it.

Paris is one of the toughest cities in the world for guns, right? You can't get them. And you had carnage.

DICKERSON: Why do you think people join ISIS in the United States?

TRUMP: Well, I think, for one reason, they're using the Internet a lot better than we do. And they are brainwashing these kids.

The word is brainwashing. They are brainwashing young, impressionable people, largely young. Probably, they're doing it with older people also.

DICKERSON: How do you fight that?

TRUMP: You fight it with intelligence.

You fight it by beating them at their own game. You fight it by not saying mastermind, like you did, like other people did. I see the word mastermind, the mastermind. I call them the guy with the dirty hat, the guy with the dirty, filthy hat.

They called him a mastermind. And these kids are watching the mastermind. They say, oh, I want to be a mastermind.

The press is really hurting it. I will say that. I was very strong on that last week and two weeks ago with the Paris knockout. And I think the press is making it -- they're making -- they're glamorizing these people.

These people are animals. These people are not masterminds. They're not even smart people. I will bet you they have very low I.Q.s. I mean, they're not smart people.

And the press is making them into something -- they're making them into Robin Hood. And young people and other people are following. We have to stop their Internet work. They're doing better at the -- we came up with the Internet, but they're using it better than we do.

DICKERSON: In terms of stopping them, at the moment, if you're on the no-fly list, you can buy a firearm. Does that need to be fixed?

TRUMP: Well, I would certainly take a very look at it. I would. I'm very strongly into the whole thing with Second Amendment. But if you can't fly, and if you have got some really bad -- I would certainly look at that very hard.

DICKERSON: Would you also look into -- the shooters in this case amassed a great amount of ammunition.

TRUMP: Right.

DICKERSON: They had multiple weapons. Should that in this new world bring people under suspicion, if they are developing that kind of a cache?

TRUMP: Well, certainly, people could look at it.

I'm -- they should. When the people next door and when other people are saying, there's something strange going on there, that's not people going hunting for deer, OK, what was happening in there, because they had bombs. They had all sorts of pipe bombs. They had a lot of things

And certainly you can take look what's going on, again, the word vigilance.


TRUMP: We have to be looking at a lot of different things. But we can't do anything to hurt the Second Amendment. People need their weapons to protect themselves. And you see that now more than ever before.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
14-08-2019 06:06
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:


TRUMP: We have to be looking at a lot of different things. But we can't do anything to hurt the Second Amendment. People need their weapons to protect themselves. And you see that now more than ever before.


What are you quoting???? I provided a link to the 30sec 1st campaign commercial Trump ran in 2016. I edited nothing just provided the link.

Are you still claiming that video is something I edited?

Sorry but you're just wrong, it's not speculation that that is Trump's commercial.
14-08-2019 06:40
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:What are you quoting????

I clearly posted that information, along with the entire transcript ... or did you miss all that?

tmiddles wrote: I edited nothing just provided the link.

It does not matter if you are simply regurgitating dishonesty that originated from someone who is manipulating you.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
14-08-2019 07:08
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote: I edited nothing just provided the link.

It does not matter if you are simply regurgitating dishonesty that originated from someone who is manipulating you.

This originated from TRUMP!:

Are you denying it?
14-08-2019 15:38
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:Are you denying it?

You are the one falsely claiming that Trump's message was something other than what was in the interview that I posted that contained all the context that you dishonestly deleted.

Are you denying that you are claiming Trump's message is something other than what was in the interview I posted?

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
14-08-2019 16:33
The Emperor's New Clothes.

In case it doesn't ring a bell:
15-08-2019 02:15
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
Are you denying that you are claiming Trump's message is something other than what was in the interview I posted?

I am claiming that TRUMP speaks for himself. That's his 30 second spot from his campaign.

Verified Data. Deny it if you will but you are denying reality.

He can say anything he wants beyond that 30 second spot but it is real.
15-08-2019 17:49
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Are you denying that you are claiming Trump's message is something other than what was in the interview I posted?

I am claiming that TRUMP speaks for himself. That's his 30 second spot from his campaign.

Verified Data. Deny it if you will but you are denying reality.

He can say anything he wants beyond that 30 second spot but it is real.

I believe that ad was aired shortly after the San Bernardino terror attack. I doubt too many people had a problem with it at the time, except maybe terrorists. The context, was the current events and hot topics in the news, at that time. Without the buzz of a recent terror attack, it might be interpreted differently. My guess, is "The Squad" dug it up, to imply he's racist, in response to the spanking they got, for attacking the president. I took what he said, as meaning that they should clean up the states they represent, before telling him how to run the country.
15-08-2019 23:52
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:My guess, is "The Squad" dug it up

Dug it up???

This was Trumps first campaign ad. It begins with "I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message"

They paid a lot to air it.

At the time it was news for two reasons: Trump had gotten so much free press people wondered when he'd actually pay for an ad. And of course a Candidate for president was calling for a ban on entry to the country based on religion.

Now it's only 30 seconds so review it as you must I am not the editor of the commercial or in any way able to influence it's contents.

I can assure you it was very upsetting to a lot of people.

Don't you find it upsetting now?
16-08-2019 00:00
tmiddles wrote:
Dug it up???

I can assure you it was very upsetting to a lot of people.

Don't you find it upsetting now?

Leftists life in a state of constantly being upset. It is their/your sine qua non.
Anger, hostility, bitterness defines them/you. Very unhealthy, mentally and physically. This is the same group that thinks men can become women and vice versa. The same group that wants to brainwash small children into LGBTQXYZ stupidity. The same group that wants unlimited illegal immigration at huge expense to Americans. The same group that dresses up as vaginas and screams about "decency." The Loony Left outdoes itself trying to be more extreme by the day.
Edited on 16-08-2019 00:00
16-08-2019 00:08
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
RenaissanceMan wrote:
Leftists life in a state of constantly being upset.

No opinion on Trump's commercial?
16-08-2019 00:49
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:My guess, is "The Squad" dug it up

Dug it up???

This was Trumps first campaign ad. It begins with "I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message"

They paid a lot to air it.

At the time it was news for two reasons: Trump had gotten so much free press people wondered when he'd actually pay for an ad. And of course a Candidate for president was calling for a ban on entry to the country based on religion.

Now it's only 30 seconds so review it as you must I am not the editor of the commercial or in any way able to influence it's contents.

I can assure you it was very upsetting to a lot of people.

Don't you find it upsetting now?

No, I don't find it upsetting. It was appropriate at the time, and did what was intended back then, in 30 seconds. Back in the Obama years, we had other similar terror attacks, though the individuals were self-proclaimed, maybe be not affiliated directly to terrorist groups. The San Bernardino attack was different, the man had actually traveled to the Middle East. Until Trump took office, there wasn't much in place, to screen travelers. I'm sure there was a little more to it, but basically, it came down to simply asking if they were terrorists, which they only needed to answer 'no'. Islam is like any other religion, most of the people that follow the beliefs are decent, and harmless. But there are some churches that take the teaching to an extreme, and have very little tolerance or respect for the beliefs of others. Still not necessarily terrorists, just not really friendly to outsiders. A very small portion, are radical extremists, who feel that those outside their circle should be allow to exist, even other Muslims, who don't subscribe to the extreme, radical ideals. I never really found out what Bill Clinton did, to stir up the hornet's nest, which eventually led to 9/11. We were all distracted to what Bill did after hours, with Monica. Lot of people mist the Clinton connection to 9/11, since it happened under Bush's watch. Those 20 terrorist, went to aviation school in Florida, during the Clinton years, to learn how to crash those planes...

A lot of what Trumped said, was mainly to get people stirred up, and talking about him. He didn't need to buy a lot of ads, the media was giving him more effective advertisement, free, and to a much wider audience. He got billions of dollars air-time for free. He could have made a lot of money selling interviews as well, there was a lot of talk and interest. Even after he was elected, for a year or so, CNN would spend hours every day, breaking down, and condemning Trumps Tweets. It was all political, little annoying, since there was a lot of more import news, they should have been airing. CNN is free in the break room at work, could change the channel, or turn it off...
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