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Solar Cells and Sonoma County

Solar Cells and Sonoma County02-05-2017 17:20
Some town in Sonoma passed a law that all new construction would have to include roof solar installations.

Well, after several years of this what has happened? The home owners are mad as hell. The solar installations which cost $25,000 hasn't changed their yearly electric bill one iota.

Now the "environmentalist" movement even in California - the land of the fruits and nuts - is losing steam.

On TV this morning the news program said that because of the heavy rains we have a lot more ground cover than we had for the last two years so this is going to be a year for land fires. Apparently the end of a drought is a bad thing in California. Though the snow pack is the highest in over 40 years, the reservoirs are all full and the ground water is back to near normal the water companies will fine you if you water your lawn.

With the full reservoirs the hydroelectric systems are running full steam to try to keep the levels down because the water running off of the snow pack. But if you use more than minimal amounts of electricity they double the price of all of the electricity you use and not just the extra.

Apparently it's all Trump's fault.
02-05-2017 18:16
Wake wrote:
Some town in Sonoma passed a law that all new construction would have to include roof solar installations.

Well, after several years of this what has happened? The home owners are mad as hell. The solar installations which cost $25,000 hasn't changed their yearly electric bill one iota.

Now the "environmentalist" movement even in California - the land of the fruits and nuts - is losing steam.

On TV this morning the news program said that because of the heavy rains we have a lot more ground cover than we had for the last two years so this is going to be a year for land fires. Apparently the end of a drought is a bad thing in California. Though the snow pack is the highest in over 40 years, the reservoirs are all full and the ground water is back to near normal the water companies will fine you if you water your lawn.

With the full reservoirs the hydroelectric systems are running full steam to try to keep the levels down because the water running off of the snow pack. But if you use more than minimal amounts of electricity they double the price of all of the electricity you use and not just the extra.

Apparently it's all Trump's fault.

Incredible. 25 grand? That's the cost of a nice geothermal system....those actually work.

We had a local guy trying to do the same thing. He wanted all new homes in the county to be required to have solar power. This same guy required his son to wear a helmet and full face shield to play outfield in 6th grade baseball! These people are just embarrassing whatever they do.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
02-05-2017 18:24
GasGuzzler wrote:
Wake wrote:
Some town in Sonoma passed a law that all new construction would have to include roof solar installations.

Well, after several years of this what has happened? The home owners are mad as hell. The solar installations which cost $25,000 hasn't changed their yearly electric bill one iota.

Now the "environmentalist" movement even in California - the land of the fruits and nuts - is losing steam.

On TV this morning the news program said that because of the heavy rains we have a lot more ground cover than we had for the last two years so this is going to be a year for land fires. Apparently the end of a drought is a bad thing in California. Though the snow pack is the highest in over 40 years, the reservoirs are all full and the ground water is back to near normal the water companies will fine you if you water your lawn.

With the full reservoirs the hydroelectric systems are running full steam to try to keep the levels down because the water running off of the snow pack. But if you use more than minimal amounts of electricity they double the price of all of the electricity you use and not just the extra.

Apparently it's all Trump's fault.

Incredible. 25 grand? That's the cost of a nice geothermal system....those actually work.

We had a local guy trying to do the same thing. He wanted all new homes in the county to be required to have solar power. This same guy required his son to wear a helmet and full face shield to play outfield in 6th grade baseball! These people are just embarrassing whatever they do.

Moonbeam Brown the ALS governor of California signed a new gas tax that adds another 50% onto the existing gas tax. Now Trump is saying that the aging federal highway system needs repairs and that the trucker's union has said that they would support an additional federal tax.

The tears in California are flowing overtime. According to the media Trump has no right to do the same thing our obnoxious governor has done.

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