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Shocking BBC bias against flat earthers.

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24-08-2017 08:09
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenery wrote
The earth is round around the middle, dunce. It has a long, long, gentle curve to it, that eventually comes right back to where it started from. If it weren't for gravity, you could throw a rock and stand there, and it would eventually hit you in the back of the head. That ain't flat. If it was flat, the rock would keep going forever away from you.

This is all the proof I need to know that you're a spoon fed muffin man.
If there's no gravity, it wouldn't matter if you were standing on a triangle or a round planet, results of throwing a rock would be quite the same. Just saying...start thinking things through a bit instead of regurgitating what Racheal Madcow said on CNN last night. . Careful dude, there's a parrot killer out there.

Heh...heh...heh...heh...sharpening my blade...heh...heh...heh...

I guess he forgot that if there were no gravity, he couldn't stand on the Earth to throw the rock, and it would just travel in a straight line right into outer space (assuming he attached himself to the planet so he didn't float away!).

[Reaches through screen, slaps Professor Parrot Face hard, grabs knife]

I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation.

[Reaches back through the screen, hands Professor Parrot Face his knife back, even sharper now, then slaps Professor Parrot Face hard again, before slipping back into screen]

Now you can go ahead and sacrifice yourself a little easier.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
24-08-2017 10:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenery wrote
The earth is round around the middle, dunce. It has a long, long, gentle curve to it, that eventually comes right back to where it started from. If it weren't for gravity, you could throw a rock and stand there, and it would eventually hit you in the back of the head. That ain't flat. If it was flat, the rock would keep going forever away from you.

This is all the proof I need to know that you're a spoon fed muffin man.
If there's no gravity, it wouldn't matter if you were standing on a triangle or a round planet, results of throwing a rock would be quite the same. Just saying...start thinking things through a bit instead of regurgitating what Racheal Madcow said on CNN last night. . Careful dude, there's a parrot killer out there.

Heh...heh...heh...heh...sharpening my blade...heh...heh...heh...

I guess he forgot that if there were no gravity, he couldn't stand on the Earth to throw the rock, and it would just travel in a straight line right into outer space (assuming he attached himself to the planet so he didn't float away!).

[Reaches through screen, slaps Professor Parrot Face hard, grabs knife]

I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation.

[Reaches back through the screen, hands Professor Parrot Face his knife back, even sharper now, then slaps Professor Parrot Face hard again, before slipping back into screen]

Now you can go ahead and sacrifice yourself a little easier.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's obvious YOU don't!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
24-08-2017 12:04
Into the Night wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenery wrote
The earth is round around the middle, dunce. It has a long, long, gentle curve to it, that eventually comes right back to where it started from. If it weren't for gravity, you could throw a rock and stand there, and it would eventually hit you in the back of the head. That ain't flat. If it was flat, the rock would keep going forever away from you.

This is all the proof I need to know that you're a spoon fed muffin man.
If there's no gravity, it wouldn't matter if you were standing on a triangle or a round planet, results of throwing a rock would be quite the same. Just saying...start thinking things through a bit instead of regurgitating what Racheal Madcow said on CNN last night. . Careful dude, there's a parrot killer out there.

Heh...heh...heh...heh...sharpening my blade...heh...heh...heh...

I guess he forgot that if there were no gravity, he couldn't stand on the Earth to throw the rock, and it would just travel in a straight line right into outer space (assuming he attached himself to the planet so he didn't float away!).

[Reaches through screen, slaps Professor Parrot Face hard, grabs knife]

I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation.

[Reaches back through the screen, hands Professor Parrot Face his knife back, even sharper now, then slaps Professor Parrot Face hard again, before slipping back into screen]

Now you can go ahead and sacrifice yourself a little easier.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's obvious YOU don't!

Yes, I do, my feathered cannibalistic friend. Whether we want it to or not, the climate is going to get worse and worse for us, due to Global Warming. It's not a hoax created by the Chinese, or the Democrats, or Skin Heads, or evil scientists.

It's real, you simple-minded moron.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
24-08-2017 16:46
GreenMan wrote:
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
This is not rocket science's not even climate science.

Sometime soon you should ditch the entitlement attitude and grasp a shred of reality.

Not even a chance. The worst of the things that Obama did was to give a bully pulpit to the losers of this world that really believe that they are owed a living simply for expressing an opinion on something.

Look at jim acting like a 12 year old without the guts to so much as take criticism no matter how screwed up his ideas. Reading some article that he cannot understand and repeating terms from it as if they meant something that only he could understand. Bully? This jerk hasn't any idea what a bully is.

Greenman showed his entire worth with the screen name he chose - another high school student who actually thinks that he can bully those around him by repeating the true believer rant and astonished when anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of science knows better.

When my TDY was over in Vietnam I took a military flight to Okinawa. From there I took a commercial airline back to the States. There was me and another Air Force person - a 2nd Lt. and the rest of the flight was all Army returning from heavy combat.

When we got into LAX there were huge crowds of protesters carrying signs but they were screaming things like "Baby killers" and a whole lot worse. They were pushing in around us as the line of soldiers and we two AF were trying to get over to the luggage.

One of those shouting "Baby killers" spit on my uniform and I didn't even pause to think and punched him with a right hook. There was a large snap as his jaw broke and he went down like a sack of flour, out cold.

Two cops came running over towards me and stopped cold as they realized that they were surrounded by that entire plane load of soldiers mad as hell. They changed their minds and picked that sack of crap up and left with him.

That entire crowd pulled back realizing that they hadn't any idea that THEY might have been in personal danger. A vast silence settled over them and they stood back like the parting of the Red Sea to let us through to the baggage claim and out to our transports and buses. One of the soldiers walking next to me looked over and said, "You flyboys are OK".

A couple of nights ago there was a show on PBS that supposedly showed the protesters of the Vietnam War. It was a total re-writing of history. Why they were just protesting the war and not the soldiers themselves. These protesters weren't protesting the bringing in of the South Vietnamese who would have been slaughtered because they cooperated with us. This is what these jackasses think that they can get away with. This is the world of Obama and it isn't going to stand.

I went to see a talk given by Dr. Paul Erlich at Stanford and listened mouth ajar as he essentially said that most of this worlds population should be killed off so that the intellectual elite could have a yet better life. During the discussion period I asked him if he understood what he had just said and he said he knew very well.

This infection started with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. You need only look up some of the statements she not only said in public but wrote in her books to see her belief that most of the world doesn't deserve to live - only the white, intellectual elite.

Obama with his Marxism was exactly the same. First you give the world something to fear so that they put their trust in a large powerful government that will save you. And any government large and powerful enough to give you all you want is powerful enough to take all you have. And this has been shown time and time again throughout history.

All you're seeing from the True Believers here is their following like rats the Pied Piper who has every intentions of using them as nothing more than fodder. And not one of them is bright enough to know it.

Look at the news about Trump. Are you aware that most Presidents poll very badly in their first years in office? But the media is lying about this as they are everything else. They are nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat party. The party of the KKK and the party of those who wanted to partner with Hitler. And they are blaming the Republicans for those very same things and the democrat rank and file don't even know enough history to know that.

Jim, Greenman, spot and the rest of the "environmentalists" are responsible for a very large amount of trouble in this world and by the time they know it they will have already victimized themselves.

But the rest of the country already know this. The US survived and attack that was the worst in its history and got away. Now we have to take care of those attackers.

Wake Me Up, you are showing how shallow your intellect really is, with posts like this. You have obviously never bothered to research the war you fought in, and you don't have a clue about how wrong it was that we were even there. The Viet Cong were fighting for their freedom from the French, which the South Vietnamese elite were in bed with, at the expense of their fellow citizens. Vietnam was a slave state to the French, basically. The Viet Cong kicked the French out. The French came to us for help. We helped them, even though they had a right to be rid of French control of their country. They were not interested in "coming over here." "We have to stop them there, before they come over here," was a major battle cry that went out from our idiot leaders, after they assassinated our last real leader, who would have gotten us out of the war before we ever really got in it.

And your story about getting off the plane and being met by protesters who spit on you is totally unbelievable. I believe there were protesters, as you say, but the part about you cold cocking the protester and then getting away with it because you were surrounded by others just doesn't add up to what the cops would have really done. They didn't let you go because they were outnumbered.

So do tell, dimwit, how do you figure that I am "responsible for a very large amount of trouble?" What kind of trouble would that be? Do you think that you are going to get taxed out of existence because of people like me? Is that what you are afraid of? Would you rather avoid your responsibility to future humans, and just continue destroying the world? Is that what you want to do? That's easier than changing your irresponsible ways, isn't it? Maybe if you whine enough, they will leave you alone, and let everyone else fix this problem we have created. Is that what you think will happen? Do you want to sit in the corner and let the big boys and girls fix it?

And which attack was the worst in American history? Are you talking about the WTC attack, or Pearl Harbor? I think we took care of the Japanese, so you must be talking about the WTC. That happened over a dozen years ago. So you think it's finally time to take care of the attackers, do you? Perhaps if we hadn't been led down the wrong path by our Republican president, who also let the attack happen due to negligence, we might have already taken care of the attackers. Instead, he decided to use the attack as an excuse to invade a country that had nothing to do with it. Then he finally went after the country that really was harboring terrorists, and still are, after 12 years of war. Of course, you can blame Obama for that, since you are a card carrying Republitard. But the truth is that the people in that region of the world have been fighting since the dawn of time, and no one has ever been able to put them down, permanently. Neither will we. They will bankrupt us just like they bankrupted the Russians. The only real solution to that problem is to bow out, and leave them alone to rule their own nations. If they want to destroy Israel, then let them, because they are right. Israel has no right to exist, especially in the middle of a Muslim controlled region. Israel should be given fair warning that we are intending to stop supporting them, so that they can migrate their asses elsewhere, before being destroyed. Of course, we could also just carpet bomb the entire Middle East, except for Israel. That would solve the problem too. And, we would have gotten those dirty scoundrels that brought down our pretty buildings, and killed all those people.

Oh yeah, what's wrong with my screen name? Do you have any idea why I chose that name? Google it, idiot.

Tell you what scum bucket - I was born just shortly after Pearl Harbor and it was fresh in everyone's mind. I don't have to read some left wing politicized book about it. I knew people who were there. I ride bikes with one every Saturday. I grew up with my best friend who grew up in those fine concentration camps that that fine Democrat Franklin Roosevelt put all Japanese/Americans in. Not ONE SINGLE Japanese was ever found to commit any treasonous act. But the Democrats and their non-racist policies put every single Japanese into these things. My friend's father died in there. In his 30's without proper medical care.

I remember 9/11 and heard the people talking about it being the CIA blowing these buildings up. That sounds like your sort of intellect.

But NONE of this so much as held a candle to Obama. He had dictatorship almost within his grasp. A couple more seats in Congress and you'd be nothing more than a slave today.

Global Warming? Nothing more than a ploy that followed Lenin and Marx theories almost to the letter. On every possible front give the population something to fear so that you as a government are given enough power to SAVE THE DAY.

And then any government large enough to give you anything you want is more than large enough to take everything you have.

And you aren't smart enough to know just how close you came. You don't know that Obama's "majority" at least in his second term was voter fraud. That of the 36 states that have returned voter statistics 6 1/2 million people in heavily Democrat areas didn't exist. And this is despite the fact that in the areas most heavily Democrat voters they did not return voter registration statistics.

You came within a hairs breadth of losing your freedom and are too stupid to even know it.

You chose that name because all the other kids were doing it. You are an ass.

So genius, you think the government made up Global Warming just to justify growing larger, so they can take everything away from the people? And you think that if it weren't for the like of your ilk that we would all be slaves now, because Obama would have used Global Warming to take over our country with a dictatorship?

Thank God we have the likes of you looking out for the rest of us idiots that can't think for ourselves, huh?

And now you think it's time we went over there and teach them dirty rotten Muslims a lesson about coming over here and knocking down our buildings, 16 years later?

You are a messed up individual. You accuse people you don't even know of thinking the WTC was knocked down by the CIA, and you want people to believe that they should listen to your advice, for their own good. Because they are too stupid to figure anything out on their own. And if not for you, they would all believe the evil scientists that are bent on taking over the world. Thank God you are here, Superman. Or is it Messiah? Do you think your job is to Wake people up to threat from the impending one world government?

You and your left wing pals make it your business to tell other people what they should and what they shouldn't believe. I'm sure that you only do this from the protection of the Internet since you're probably 200% overweight and so ugly that even a sloth would turn away. But just watch what happens to your religion now that NASA and NOAA are losing funding for the government demands of inventing a threat to man-kind.

ANY ass that has even an inkling of geological history could tell you that we had an ice age when the CO2 in the atmosphere was above 1%. But being totally ignorant of everything you haven't a clue.

So kiss off and go hide in your gopher hole where you belong.
24-08-2017 20:04
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenery wrote
The earth is round around the middle, dunce. It has a long, long, gentle curve to it, that eventually comes right back to where it started from. If it weren't for gravity, you could throw a rock and stand there, and it would eventually hit you in the back of the head. That ain't flat. If it was flat, the rock would keep going forever away from you.

This is all the proof I need to know that you're a spoon fed muffin man.
If there's no gravity, it wouldn't matter if you were standing on a triangle or a round planet, results of throwing a rock would be quite the same. Just saying...start thinking things through a bit instead of regurgitating what Racheal Madcow said on CNN last night. . Careful dude, there's a parrot killer out there.

Heh...heh...heh...heh...sharpening my blade...heh...heh...heh...

I guess he forgot that if there were no gravity, he couldn't stand on the Earth to throw the rock, and it would just travel in a straight line right into outer space (assuming he attached himself to the planet so he didn't float away!).

[Reaches through screen, slaps Professor Parrot Face hard, grabs knife]

I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation.

[Reaches back through the screen, hands Professor Parrot Face his knife back, even sharper now, then slaps Professor Parrot Face hard again, before slipping back into screen]

Now you can go ahead and sacrifice yourself a little easier.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's obvious YOU don't!

Yes, I do, my feathered cannibalistic friend. Whether we want it to or not, the climate is going to get worse and worse for us, due to Global Warming. It's not a hoax created by the Chinese, or the Democrats, or Skin Heads, or evil scientists.

It's real, you simple-minded moron.

It's a hoax created by the liberals, including the Church of Karl Marx, liar.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
24-08-2017 20:25
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
This is not rocket science's not even climate science.

Sometime soon you should ditch the entitlement attitude and grasp a shred of reality.

Not even a chance. The worst of the things that Obama did was to give a bully pulpit to the losers of this world that really believe that they are owed a living simply for expressing an opinion on something.

Look at jim acting like a 12 year old without the guts to so much as take criticism no matter how screwed up his ideas. Reading some article that he cannot understand and repeating terms from it as if they meant something that only he could understand. Bully? This jerk hasn't any idea what a bully is.

Greenman showed his entire worth with the screen name he chose - another high school student who actually thinks that he can bully those around him by repeating the true believer rant and astonished when anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of science knows better.

When my TDY was over in Vietnam I took a military flight to Okinawa. From there I took a commercial airline back to the States. There was me and another Air Force person - a 2nd Lt. and the rest of the flight was all Army returning from heavy combat.

When we got into LAX there were huge crowds of protesters carrying signs but they were screaming things like "Baby killers" and a whole lot worse. They were pushing in around us as the line of soldiers and we two AF were trying to get over to the luggage.

One of those shouting "Baby killers" spit on my uniform and I didn't even pause to think and punched him with a right hook. There was a large snap as his jaw broke and he went down like a sack of flour, out cold.

Two cops came running over towards me and stopped cold as they realized that they were surrounded by that entire plane load of soldiers mad as hell. They changed their minds and picked that sack of crap up and left with him.

That entire crowd pulled back realizing that they hadn't any idea that THEY might have been in personal danger. A vast silence settled over them and they stood back like the parting of the Red Sea to let us through to the baggage claim and out to our transports and buses. One of the soldiers walking next to me looked over and said, "You flyboys are OK".

A couple of nights ago there was a show on PBS that supposedly showed the protesters of the Vietnam War. It was a total re-writing of history. Why they were just protesting the war and not the soldiers themselves. These protesters weren't protesting the bringing in of the South Vietnamese who would have been slaughtered because they cooperated with us. This is what these jackasses think that they can get away with. This is the world of Obama and it isn't going to stand.

I went to see a talk given by Dr. Paul Erlich at Stanford and listened mouth ajar as he essentially said that most of this worlds population should be killed off so that the intellectual elite could have a yet better life. During the discussion period I asked him if he understood what he had just said and he said he knew very well.

This infection started with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. You need only look up some of the statements she not only said in public but wrote in her books to see her belief that most of the world doesn't deserve to live - only the white, intellectual elite.

Obama with his Marxism was exactly the same. First you give the world something to fear so that they put their trust in a large powerful government that will save you. And any government large and powerful enough to give you all you want is powerful enough to take all you have. And this has been shown time and time again throughout history.

All you're seeing from the True Believers here is their following like rats the Pied Piper who has every intentions of using them as nothing more than fodder. And not one of them is bright enough to know it.

Look at the news about Trump. Are you aware that most Presidents poll very badly in their first years in office? But the media is lying about this as they are everything else. They are nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat party. The party of the KKK and the party of those who wanted to partner with Hitler. And they are blaming the Republicans for those very same things and the democrat rank and file don't even know enough history to know that.

Jim, Greenman, spot and the rest of the "environmentalists" are responsible for a very large amount of trouble in this world and by the time they know it they will have already victimized themselves.

But the rest of the country already know this. The US survived and attack that was the worst in its history and got away. Now we have to take care of those attackers.

Wake Me Up, you are showing how shallow your intellect really is, with posts like this. You have obviously never bothered to research the war you fought in, and you don't have a clue about how wrong it was that we were even there. The Viet Cong were fighting for their freedom from the French, which the South Vietnamese elite were in bed with, at the expense of their fellow citizens. Vietnam was a slave state to the French, basically. The Viet Cong kicked the French out. The French came to us for help. We helped them, even though they had a right to be rid of French control of their country. They were not interested in "coming over here." "We have to stop them there, before they come over here," was a major battle cry that went out from our idiot leaders, after they assassinated our last real leader, who would have gotten us out of the war before we ever really got in it.

And your story about getting off the plane and being met by protesters who spit on you is totally unbelievable. I believe there were protesters, as you say, but the part about you cold cocking the protester and then getting away with it because you were surrounded by others just doesn't add up to what the cops would have really done. They didn't let you go because they were outnumbered.

So do tell, dimwit, how do you figure that I am "responsible for a very large amount of trouble?" What kind of trouble would that be? Do you think that you are going to get taxed out of existence because of people like me? Is that what you are afraid of? Would you rather avoid your responsibility to future humans, and just continue destroying the world? Is that what you want to do? That's easier than changing your irresponsible ways, isn't it? Maybe if you whine enough, they will leave you alone, and let everyone else fix this problem we have created. Is that what you think will happen? Do you want to sit in the corner and let the big boys and girls fix it?

And which attack was the worst in American history? Are you talking about the WTC attack, or Pearl Harbor? I think we took care of the Japanese, so you must be talking about the WTC. That happened over a dozen years ago. So you think it's finally time to take care of the attackers, do you? Perhaps if we hadn't been led down the wrong path by our Republican president, who also let the attack happen due to negligence, we might have already taken care of the attackers. Instead, he decided to use the attack as an excuse to invade a country that had nothing to do with it. Then he finally went after the country that really was harboring terrorists, and still are, after 12 years of war. Of course, you can blame Obama for that, since you are a card carrying Republitard. But the truth is that the people in that region of the world have been fighting since the dawn of time, and no one has ever been able to put them down, permanently. Neither will we. They will bankrupt us just like they bankrupted the Russians. The only real solution to that problem is to bow out, and leave them alone to rule their own nations. If they want to destroy Israel, then let them, because they are right. Israel has no right to exist, especially in the middle of a Muslim controlled region. Israel should be given fair warning that we are intending to stop supporting them, so that they can migrate their asses elsewhere, before being destroyed. Of course, we could also just carpet bomb the entire Middle East, except for Israel. That would solve the problem too. And, we would have gotten those dirty scoundrels that brought down our pretty buildings, and killed all those people.

Oh yeah, what's wrong with my screen name? Do you have any idea why I chose that name? Google it, idiot.

Tell you what scum bucket - I was born just shortly after Pearl Harbor and it was fresh in everyone's mind. I don't have to read some left wing politicized book about it. I knew people who were there. I ride bikes with one every Saturday. I grew up with my best friend who grew up in those fine concentration camps that that fine Democrat Franklin Roosevelt put all Japanese/Americans in. Not ONE SINGLE Japanese was ever found to commit any treasonous act. But the Democrats and their non-racist policies put every single Japanese into these things. My friend's father died in there. In his 30's without proper medical care.

I remember 9/11 and heard the people talking about it being the CIA blowing these buildings up. That sounds like your sort of intellect.

But NONE of this so much as held a candle to Obama. He had dictatorship almost within his grasp. A couple more seats in Congress and you'd be nothing more than a slave today.

Global Warming? Nothing more than a ploy that followed Lenin and Marx theories almost to the letter. On every possible front give the population something to fear so that you as a government are given enough power to SAVE THE DAY.

And then any government large enough to give you anything you want is more than large enough to take everything you have.

And you aren't smart enough to know just how close you came. You don't know that Obama's "majority" at least in his second term was voter fraud. That of the 36 states that have returned voter statistics 6 1/2 million people in heavily Democrat areas didn't exist. And this is despite the fact that in the areas most heavily Democrat voters they did not return voter registration statistics.

You came within a hairs breadth of losing your freedom and are too stupid to even know it.

You chose that name because all the other kids were doing it. You are an ass.

So genius, you think the government made up Global Warming just to justify growing larger, so they can take everything away from the people? And you think that if it weren't for the like of your ilk that we would all be slaves now, because Obama would have used Global Warming to take over our country with a dictatorship?

Thank God we have the likes of you looking out for the rest of us idiots that can't think for ourselves, huh?

And now you think it's time we went over there and teach them dirty rotten Muslims a lesson about coming over here and knocking down our buildings, 16 years later?

You are a messed up individual. You accuse people you don't even know of thinking the WTC was knocked down by the CIA, and you want people to believe that they should listen to your advice, for their own good. Because they are too stupid to figure anything out on their own. And if not for you, they would all believe the evil scientists that are bent on taking over the world. Thank God you are here, Superman. Or is it Messiah? Do you think your job is to Wake people up to threat from the impending one world government?

You and your left wing pals make it your business to tell other people what they should and what they shouldn't believe.

Bingo. They even have made the Church of Global Warming a state religion.
Wake wrote:
I'm sure that you only do this from the protection of the Internet since you're probably 200% overweight and so ugly that even a sloth would turn away. But just watch what happens to your religion now that NASA and NOAA are losing funding for the government demands of inventing a threat to man-kind.

I don't know what he looks like...I don't care.

Neither NOAA or NASA is losing funding. Their increases aren't as high as they requested. That's 'losing funding' in government speak.

At least NASA is being directed to concentrate on space flight and studies of aerodynamics, instead of things like climate and weather.

At least NOAA is being directed to report weather, not climate.

Wake wrote:
ANY ass that has even an inkling of geological history could tell you that we had an ice age when the CO2 in the atmosphere was above 1%. But being totally ignorant of everything you haven't a clue.

So kiss off and go hide in your gopher hole where you belong.

This point is debatable. We don't know what the concentration of CO2 in the air even today. Mauna Loa and a few other stations do NOT describe the CO2 concentration of the entire Earth.

I don't see why an ice core or any other core would be any different.

Ice is permeable to CO2.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 24-08-2017 20:26
24-08-2017 21:26
9/11 truthers are just like climate truthers. Nuts. Different type of nuts, but still nuts.

Rambling on about your experience in the Spanish-American war doesn't change anything.
25-08-2017 00:01
Into the Night wrote: It's a hoax created by the liberals, including the Church of Karl Marx, liar.

You can't convince a Marxist that he's been caught in the act. They all believe that anyone that doesn't agree with them is too stupid to worry about.
25-08-2017 00:45
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote: It's a hoax created by the liberals, including the Church of Karl Marx, liar.

You can't convince a Marxist that he's been caught in the act. They all believe that anyone that doesn't agree with them is too stupid to worry about.

Yes. Those that worship Karl Marx and his ideals are like many worshipers. Anything that comes along to threaten their religion must be put down by any means.

An Outsider, such as you and me, is always considered as a 'lost sheep' or an 'enemy of God'.

The only difference with the Church of Karl Marx is who God is.

The Church of Global Warming worships two gods; The Great God Consensus and the Great Goddess Gaia. Al Gore is the Chosen One, politically crucified but rises from the dead from time to time to say something stupid. The Holy Gas is mostly carbon dioxide, but also other Holy Gases. They 'reveal Man's sins'.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 15:57
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
26-08-2017 17:43
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.
26-08-2017 17:53
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
26-08-2017 18:03
spot wrote:
Climate change is still real

Yes spot, climate change is real. The climate is constantly changing. Why don't you call it global warming? Is that phrase out of style now?

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
26-08-2017 18:06
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.
26-08-2017 18:39
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Iran is a hot relatively poor country, I know you think your being cleaver but I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
26-08-2017 21:06
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

Just as real as your fiction.
Define 'global warming' without using circular definitions, links or quotes.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 21:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Nothing. We are done talking about your fictional experience with guns. We are returning to the purpose of this forum.
spot wrote:
Climate change is still real

Define 'climate change' without using circular definitions, links or quotes.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 21:11
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
spot wrote:
Climate change is still real

Yes spot, climate change is real. The climate is constantly changing. Why don't you call it global warming? Is that phrase out of style now?

The Church of Global Warming has been trying to change it's name for quite a long time. You have to keep changing the scam so people don't start to recognize it.

I sometimes call it Global Warming/Cooling/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/Hiatus/Warming/ClimateChange/WhateverTheHellTheyCallItNow, but that takes too long to type. It's the same Church, the same morons, the same stem from the Church of Karl Marx.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 21:15
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Now THERE's an idea! He can shoot machine guns there too!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 21:17
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Iran is a hot relatively poor country, I know you think your being cleaver but I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

Keep that chant up, spot. It's the only way you're going to survive the assault of the Outsiders!

May the Great Goddess Gaia be pleased by your faith.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 21:52
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Iran is a hot relatively poor country, I know you think your being cleaver but I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

You haven't any idea what you're talking about as usual. But if you don't like Iran you can always move to Scotland. They will take good care of a person like you.
26-08-2017 23:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Iran is a hot relatively poor country, I know you think your being cleaver but I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

You haven't any idea what you're talking about as usual. But if you don't like Iran you can always move to Scotland. They will take good care of a person like you.

Don't do that to Scotland. They have enough problems already.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
26-08-2017 23:13
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Into the Night wrote:

Maybe he went to one of the Las Vegas gun ranges. You can rent an AK-47 there (complete with instruction on how to use it!).

That sort of thing, except it was in Veitnam.

Global warming is real BTW.

"Judicial Watch Sues for Info Obama/Enviro Attack on Key Energy Project

Your Judicial Watch is leading the way in uncovering the corrupt maneuvering by the Obama administration to impose its leftist agenda on our country. As Obama holdovers and the federal Deep State continue to push this agenda even now in the Trump administration, our work is essential."

It turns out that all of this crying that NASA and NOAA couldn't possibly be lying was all a lie.

My Judicial watch? What did that post have to do with any preceding posts?

Climate change is still real

Then put all of your money on the line and move to a location that will improve with warming. Say Iran.

Iran is a hot relatively poor country, I know you think your being cleaver but I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

You haven't any idea what you're talking about as usual. But if you don't like Iran you can always move to Scotland. They will take good care of a person like you.

Don't do that to Scotland. They have enough problems already.

The Scots can very well take care of themselves. And spot has to really keep his opinions to himself about what he thinks of those who voted for Brexit. Most of the population of Great Britain do not intend to put up with those that think themselves member of the intellectual elite. Especially considering spot is about as elite as a pinhead.
27-08-2017 00:45
Scotland voted against Brexit, unlike where I live.

But thanks for sharing what is going on in my country.

Or your fantasy version of it.
27-08-2017 00:55
spot wrote:
Scotland voted against Brexit, unlike where I live.

But thanks for sharing what is going on in my country.

Or your fantasy version of it.

There was a reason for that but you're not bright enough to understand. But by all means go to Scotland to a pub and hand out your opinions. Or even in your neighborhood.
Edited on 27-08-2017 00:56
27-08-2017 10:47
There may have been a reason but you failed to communicate it.

My opinions are no secret, but that conversation has been had, If I go to the pub I am far more likely to be taking about Stoke City's chances.

I get the impression that you don't get out a lot and are incapable of having a civil conversation with people that dissagree with you, how you manage to punch so many people and not trouble law enforcement is a mystery to me.
27-08-2017 17:49
spot wrote:
There may have been a reason but you failed to communicate it.

My opinions are no secret, but that conversation has been had, If I go to the pub I am far more likely to be taking about Stoke City's chances.

I get the impression that you don't get out a lot and are incapable of having a civil conversation with people that dissagree with you, how you manage to punch so many people and not trouble law enforcement is a mystery to me.

Your impressions are like the rest of your thoughts - garbled, incorrect and completely scrambled by your biases and belief in an authority that you don't understand.
27-08-2017 21:31
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Scotland voted against Brexit, unlike where I live.

But thanks for sharing what is going on in my country.

Or your fantasy version of it.

There was a reason for that but you're not bright enough to understand. But by all means go to Scotland to a pub and hand out your opinions. Or even in your neighborhood.

Nothing like getting the tar beaten out of you by men in kilts!

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
28-08-2017 01:22
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
spot wrote:
Scotland voted against Brexit, unlike where I live.

But thanks for sharing what is going on in my country.

Or your fantasy version of it.

There was a reason for that but you're not bright enough to understand. But by all means go to Scotland to a pub and hand out your opinions. Or even in your neighborhood.

Nothing like getting the tar beaten out of you by men in kilts!

Scotsmen are generally short. Bet you that spot his half their height.
28-08-2017 01:46
Wake wrote:

Scotsmen are generally short. Bet you that spot his half their height.

Scottish people are the same size as English people, are you sure you aren't confusing them with leprechauns?

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
28-08-2017 02:01
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
Scotsmen are generally short. Bet you that spot his half their height.

Scottish people are the same size as English people, are you sure you aren't confusing them with leprechauns?

Funny, when I was in London I didn't see anyone particularly short. But I did see a lot of short Scotsmen in Glasgow.

So if you think they are the same size perhaps you're a shrimp.
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