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Paris Climate Accord - Orange Messiah and Divine Intervention

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18-09-2024 19:55
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
[quote]Im a BM wrote:
Did God intervene to prevent the bullet from striking his skull?

Im a BM wrote:
Does God want to be sure that Donald Trump can pull the US out of the Paris Climate Accord, as he has promised?

The Church of Global Warming is not to be a state religion. The so-called Paris Climate Accord is nothing more than Marxism.
Im a BM wrote:
Doe God want to be sure that Donald Trump won't get off that easy, and remains alive to face criminal charges after he loses the election?

Trump has committed no crime. Trump has never lost an election.

Is it your intention with this to provide a definition for the term "gullible"?

Works for me.

Or maybe you would describe as "gullible" the scientist who believes his own lying eyes that the evidence of climate change is irrefutable?

There is no evidence. Climate cannot change.

There is no evidence of global warming either. It's not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth or the total atmospheric content of CO2 in the atmosphere. Further, no gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
18-09-2024 19:57
Im a BM
"Trump has never lost an election."

This is actually a falsifiable theory.

All one needs to do to falsify it is find evidence that Trump lost an election.

Of course, evidence is required.

No shortage of evidence out there.

And with nearly four years to compile and validate it...

Actually the burden of proof is on Trump to prove that he actually WON the 2020 election. Not as a scientific matter for a falsifiable theory. That just needs to confirm that he LOST.

But the damage done by the false claims of victory go way beyond rational discussion.

The cognitive capacity is questionable.

Didn't he already admit, twice now, that he "lost by a whisker"?

Yes, he did.

Okay, now Donald Trump himself has provided the required evidence to falsify the theory that "Trump has never lost an election".

Maybe it is not about scientific analysis of evidence, but simple honesty.


Is Trump LYING when he claims to have lost the 2020 election "by a whisker"?

Or is Into the Night LYING when he claims "Trump never lost an election"?

Is this paradox reconcilable with some good old fashioned cognitive dissonance?

I am sure that it is.

Into the Night wrote:
[quote]Im a BM wrote:
Did God intervene to prevent the bullet from striking his skull?

Im a BM wrote:
Does God want to be sure that Donald Trump can pull the US out of the Paris Climate Accord, as he has promised?

The Church of Global Warming is not to be a state religion. The so-called Paris Climate Accord is nothing more than Marxism.
Im a BM wrote:
Doe God want to be sure that Donald Trump won't get off that easy, and remains alive to face criminal charges after he loses the election?

Trump has committed no crime. Trump has never lost an election.
18-09-2024 19:59
Im a BM
[quote]Im a BM wrote:

During the presidential debate, Donald Trump was asked about the multiple times in the past 10 days he appeared to concede that he actually LOST the 2024 election "by a whisker".


Pretty subtle with his humor.

I suspect that he got some alarming feedback from his campaign staff about the response his flip flop had gotten among the most loyal.

Didn't people go to jail for him because he told them the election had been "stolen" and "if you don't fight, we won't have a country"?

But it is SUCH A RELIEF that the debate tonight went as well as it went.

The nightmare of another Trump presidency appears to be off the table now.

I can't wait to see how things shift for the next week or seven.

Trump knows better than anyone how badly he lost the debate.

And his ridiculous answer to the question about climate change is a reminder of how much is at stake for the well being of the earth and humanity.
18-09-2024 20:01
Im a BM
Wait! It gets BETTER!


The Orange Messiah will launch the first charge of his mission to purify America in Springfield, Ohio.

"Mass deportation... Starting in Springfield.."

Why is Springfield the place where the urgent need for this takes highest priority?

Because THAT is the place where the epidemic of illegal aliens eating all the dogs and cats threatens to spread to the rest of the United States.

And the geese too.

Follow-up to follow-up

The pro-Trump pundits are having a tough time spinning it as a "victory".

I've been having a joyful morning as I read the proof that millions of people saw the exact same debate that I did and had a similar reaction.

"It was hardly a fair fight" was my favorite.

There were visual gemstone moments throughout, just looking at the many different facial expressions.

What struck me most was the look of genuine pity and concern on Kamala's face. Like she wanted to call out and ask somebody to please come assist the poor old man who was obviously suffering some kind of crisis.
18-09-2024 20:02
Im a BM
Haitiand eat dogs and cats, and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals (they practice Voodoo).
They also eat the geese (which are protected) and ducks (which are protected), and use their blood and carcasses in their rituals.

A fair number of people have lost their pets to the Haitians.

All of them are criminals. They are here illegally.[/quote]

Trumpamaniacs have already caused widespread fear among the Haitian immigrant community.

Bomb threats have closed the schools and city offices of Springfield, Ohio.

But Haitians are receiving threats throughout the US.

Suddenly, folks are remembering how much they HATE Haitians.

"Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...." (See the enlightened comments of ITN above in this post, as the bigoted stereotypes continue with more detail)

Beyond mere ignorance. Straight up bigotry and xenophobia.

I had the honor of getting to know a group of six very hard working women just before the pandemic.

They were all honest, good mothers and wives.

They could all be characterized as "illegal aliens" or "undocumented immigrants"

The nursery that employed them would not have been able to get enough employees for the job if they could only hire people with legal resident status.

They worked 10 hours a day, six days a week, for minimum wage.

This left them very little time to be home with their children.

During one of our final discussions, one of them asked me a question. I'll translate it to English.

She literally had tears in her eyes as she asked, "why do they HATE us so much?"

Living in fear of ignorant bigots makes life difficult.

The context for the question was discussion about the 2020 election.

January, 2020, Trump was on a campaign rampage against immigrants.

These women were feeling the repercussions in their daily lives.

Trump had created a "permission structure" for people to be ****s toward total strangers.

Good old boys would yell "BEANERS!" as they drove past in their pickup trucks.

Total strangers had been empowered to confront them in public places with the kind of bigotry and xenophobia that Trump was encouraging.

Trump had made America an uglier place for these fine women.

I hope they don't get caught up in the mass deportation sweep.

For one thing, the nursery where they work would have to shut down.

Their income tax dollars (I KNOW they had income tax deducted from their paychecks) would stop contributing to our nation.

What if they send Mom back to Mexico, while her US citizen children do what?

She LITERALLY had tears in her eyes when she asked me:

"Why do they HATE us so much?"

I didn't have a good answer.

Haitians on the receiving end of bigotry.

Both of the nations I have lived in have a bigoted minority who consider Haitians to be racially inferior.

In both nations where I've lived, Haitians are willing to take the most difficult jobs for the lowest pay.

In both nations, there is a small minority who really believe the wives tales that actual voodoo practice is widespread in Haiti, with blood sacrifice rituals and what not.

In both nations, Haitian immigrants were the first to be blamed for crime, even though they committed at rates actually LOWER than the native majority.

In both nations, Haitian immigrants could be marginalized because they speak that funny, different language.

In both nations, there is a small minority with a truly disgusting attitude that Haitians are worthy of distain because their SKIN IS SO DARK.

One DIFFERENCE between the two nations I have lived in, is that it is only in the US that xenophobic wives tales include the idea that PETS ARE IN DANGER.

One of those nations is the United States and the other is the Dominican Republic. Sharing a border with Haiti, and with much more interaction between people of their nations over a long history, I think that the Dominicans would have been more likely than the Americans to hear about all the stealing pets for dinner being a real "thing" in Haiti.

That small minority who despise Haitians for having such dark skin presents an irony.

In the US, members of that small, racist minority would also view DOMINICANS as having skin that is unacceptably dark.

The mulatto majority in the DR are LIGHT skinned enough to see the Haitians as N-word darkie types.

At the same time, those same racist Dominicans are DARK skinned enough to be seen as N-word darkie types by the white racists of America.

At least Americans are equal opportunity racists.
18-09-2024 20:04
Im a BM
GasGuzzler wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
....At the same time, those same racist Dominicans are DARK skinned enough to be seen as N-word darkie types by the white racists of America.

YOU are the only one noticing skin color. All that shameless bullshit you just wrote was without a single mention of laws broken to get here and be here.

I do not and will not apologize for being pissed off about a portion of my earnings being stolen and used to illegally import millions of people into my country.

I do not and will not apologize for being pissed off about another portion of my earnings being stolen and given to these illegals to the point where they have far more than millions of our veterans, many of which live in poverty.

I do thank you for your honesty, though. You have openly admitted that you think it's OK to operate a business by whatever means necessary to stay open, even if it's illegal. Funny, you will be the loudest voice crying for them to throw Trump in prison. You are a shameless hypocrite.

The business owner, a flower nursery, was not breaking ANY laws.

Even with regard to social security numbers, they were legally employed with an alternative taxpayer ID, which I don't remember the details of which law was being followed, to the letter.

Is it possible you are unaware how WIDESPREAD this is.

Legal US citizens refuse to lower themselves to work that hard for that long for that little pay.

The economic damage to the US economy of mass deportation would be vast.

I notice that I am criticized as a shameless hypocrite. My self esteem depends little on the opinions expressed on this website program.

Four years ago I voted for Biden enthusiastically enough.

But Biden had not been my first choice.

I just love those San Francisco liberal values, and in the earliest part of the primary season, the "smart money" was supposedly betting on Kamala.

Was America ready to have a woman of color as president in 2020?

Maybe not, but the alternative was pretty horrific, and she might have made it.

Sadly for me, her campaign fizzled out almost as soon as it began.

I knew Kamala well. I had voted for her in three different elections already.

I didn't really understand why she wasn't connecting so well, but Joe Biden was absolutely good enough for the position. His polls and what not going into that primary debate meant that the writing was on the wall. I would have preferred Kamala, but unless she pulled a rabbit out of her hat and hit it out the park with something spectacular during the debate, she wasn't going to be the nominee.

I was DEEPLY DISSAPPOINTED, appalled, horrified, shocked, dismayed, and disgusted by her when she tried to do a Hail Mary by pulling the race card for use against Joe Biden. I thought she was better than that. I thought she knew better than that.

I also felt kind of personally betrayed by her when she distorted Joe Biden's past record on racial issues in a very misleading way. Shit! If she was going to go there, nail him for smoothing the way for Clarence Thomas to get on the Supreme Court after that bit of unpleasantness regarding Anita Hill. But don't drag in school bussing from the 1970s. Shame on you, Kamala. It was a shameless bid to shake up the race with made up mudslinging.

And I was angry at her for ****ing up her chance to be VP. Going into the debate, I was resigned to supporting Joe Biden as my second choice candidate. But I figured that Kamala was the OBVIOUS choice for VP. I hoped she would debate in a manner that made that irrefutable. Instead, she stabbed Joe in the back. I figure she had backed him into a corner where he would no longer be able to choose her for VP. You know that Trump would never forgive such a thing.

Joe forgave her, and the rest is history.
18-09-2024 20:09
Im a BM
Yes, those illegal aliens are CRIMINALS.

These fine women I had the honor to know were all FELONS, in fact.

They had committed the FELONY of perjury on a federal form submitted as proof of their legal right to work in the US. Don't ask, don't tell? or it's a FELONY.

GasGuzzler wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
....At the same time, those same racist Dominicans are DARK skinned enough to be seen as N-word darkie types by the white racists of America.

YOU are the only one noticing skin color. All that shameless bullshit you just wrote was without a single mention of laws broken to get here and be here.

I do not and will not apologize for being pissed off about a portion of my earnings being stolen and used to illegally import millions of people into my country.

I do not and will not apologize for being pissed off about another portion of my earnings being stolen and given to these illegals to the point where they have far more than millions of our veterans, many of which live in poverty.

I do thank you for your honesty, though. You have openly admitted that you think it's OK to operate a business by whatever means necessary to stay open, even if it's illegal. Funny, you will be the loudest voice crying for them to throw Trump in prison. You are a shameless hypocrite.

The business owner, a flower nursery, was not breaking ANY laws.

Even with regard to social security numbers, they were legally employed with an alternative taxpayer ID, which I don't remember the details of which law was being followed, to the letter.

Is it possible you are unaware how WIDESPREAD this is.

Legal US citizens refuse to lower themselves to work that hard for that long for that little pay.

The economic damage to the US economy of mass deportation would be vast.[/quote]

So, who was actually breaking the law at the sweat shop flower nursery?

Not the employer for making them work such long hours for so little pay or benefits.

Not the employer who hired them and paid them.

The nursery owner was not violating ONE SINGLE LAW.

There was only one law that was being violated in the hiring process, but that law was not about the employer.

But the employer is not required to hire a private detective to investigate the veracity of the employee's answers on the federal form.

On the other hand, perjury is a FELONY!

Like Donald Trump, those Mexican women, working their butts off to take care of their families and prop up our economy with cheap labor, are FELONS!

Felony is a pretty serious crime. Wonder what Trump will get for it at the sentencing hearing.[/quote]
18-09-2024 20:11
Im a BM
Trump won't even denounce the bomb threats when asked directly.

Into the Night knows for an irrefutable fact that Haitians really do steal pets and eat them.

My Dominican in-laws think it is HILARIOUS that some Americans are stupid enough to believe Haitians really steal pets and eat them.

Including the some the same Dominicans that were upset by the homeless camps outside the Capital last time I visited, where an "invasion" of immigrants from both Haiti and Venezuela had created new slums of cardboard and plastic sheets.

Venezolanos are the new underclass in the DR. Visibly distinct, they are much lighter skinned than Dominicans. They beg side by side with the Haitians, or try to sell trinkets in competition with them. The visual contrast is striking.

Dominicans have hated Haitians for centuries. But None of their historic animosity toward Haitians EVER included any rumors that "they are eating the dogs" "they are eating the cats" "they are eating the pets".

How STUPID are those Trumpamaniacs?

The whole world is LAUGHING!

But Trump is never wrong. About ANYTHING. So...

JD Vance says it doesn't matter if the rumors are false, because that it was his constituents are telling him, he must continue to repeat it. He says it fine to go ahead and use made up stories if it draws attention to a more important story that is NOT false.

Trump said he didn't know enough details about the bomb threats to know if he should denounce them.

After all, depending on what kind of bomb threats, multiple threats over multiple days causing closure of schools, government offices, and a local university... You can't come out and DENOUNCE that kind of thing without more information.

They might have been the kind of bomb threats that are perfectly fine.

He DID break his silence on the Taylor Swift controversy.

"I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" - Donald Trump

Is he unaware that she has more fans than he does?

Perhaps he has already sufficiently humiliated her by letting us know that he doesn't like her music.

He identified the singer he prefers, who truly IS good.

What was her name again?

Well, Trumpamaniacs can start buying HER music instead, and show Taylor Swift the kind of music that Trump tells us is better.

Did he REALLY want a war with Taylor Swift fans?

He has given them one more reason to actually vote for a change, and vote for Harris as an F U to the fool who dissed their Goddess.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
Wait! It gets BETTER!


Might as well start somewhere! A good place to start!
Im a BM wrote:
The Orange Messiah will launch the first charge of his mission to purify America in Springfield, Ohio.

"Mass deportation... Starting in Springfield.."

Why is Springfield the place where the urgent need for this takes highest priority?

It happens to be in the news, due to the extremely large Haitian population that was imported by Kamala and Biden.
Im a BM wrote:
Because THAT is the place where the epidemic of illegal aliens eating all the dogs and cats threatens to spread to the rest of the United States.

And the geese too.

Haitiand eat dogs and cats, and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals (they practice Voodoo).
They also eat the geese (which are protected) and ducks (which are protected), and use their blood and carcasses in their rituals.

A fair number of people have lost their pets to the Haitians.

All of them are criminals. They are here illegally.

Trumpamaniacs have already caused widespread fear among the Haitian immigrant community.

Bomb threats have closed the schools and city offices of Springfield, Ohio.

But Haitians are receiving threats throughout the US.

Suddenly, folks are remembering how much they HATE Haitians.

"Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...." (See the enlightened comments of ITN above in this post, as the bigoted stereotypes continue with more detail)

Beyond mere ignorance. Straight up bigotry and xenophobia.
18-09-2024 20:13
Im a BM
Another assassination attempt was thwarted.

Was the Orange Messiah protected, once again, by divine intervention?

Doesn't is suck that political violence is so much more prevalent than before?

Trump won't even denounce the bomb threats when asked directly.

Into the Night knows for an irrefutable fact that Haitians really do steal pets and eat them.

My Dominican in-laws think it is HILARIOUS that some Americans are stupid enough to believe Haitians really steal pets and eat them.

Including the some the same Dominicans that were upset by the homeless camps outside the Capital last time I visited, where an "invasion" of immigrants from both Haiti and Venezuela had created new slums of cardboard and plastic sheets.

Venezolanos are the new underclass in the DR. Visibly distinct, they are much lighter skinned than Dominicans. They beg side by side with the Haitians, or try to sell trinkets in competition with them. The visual contrast is striking.

Dominicans have hated Haitians for centuries. But None of their historic animosity toward Haitians EVER included any rumors that "they are eating the dogs" "they are eating the cats" "they are eating the pets".

How STUPID are those Trumpamaniacs?

The whole world is LAUGHING!

But Trump is never wrong. About ANYTHING. So...

JD Vance says it doesn't matter if the rumors are false, because that it was his constituents are telling him, he must continue to repeat it. He says it fine to go ahead and use made up stories if it draws attention to a more important story that is NOT false.

Trump said he didn't know enough details about the bomb threats to know if he should denounce them.

After all, depending on what kind of bomb threats, multiple threats over multiple days causing closure of schools, government offices, and a local university... You can't come out and DENOUNCE that kind of thing without more information.

They might have been the kind of bomb threats that are perfectly fine.

He DID break his silence on the Taylor Swift controversy.

"I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" - Donald Trump

Is he unaware that she has more fans than he does?

Perhaps he has already sufficiently humiliated her by letting us know that he doesn't like her music.

He identified the singer he prefers, who truly IS good.

What was her name again?

Well, Trumpamaniacs can start buying HER music instead, and show Taylor Swift the kind of music that Trump tells us is better.

Did he REALLY want a war with Taylor Swift fans?

He has given them one more reason to actually vote for a change, and vote for Harris as an F U to the fool who dissed their Goddess.
18-09-2024 20:17
Im a BM
WAIT! It gets even BETTER!!

That "permission structure" that has been created for political violence...

It is entirely the creation of the Democrats who dare to suggest that Donald Trump is some kind of threat to democracy.

Well, at least we know who to arrest now.

Another assassination attempt was thwarted.

Was the Orange Messiah protected, once again, by divine intervention?

Doesn't is suck that political violence is so much more prevalent than before?

Trump won't even denounce the bomb threats when asked directly.

Trump said he didn't know enough details about the bomb threats to know if he should denounce them.

After all, depending on what kind of bomb threats, multiple threats over multiple days causing closure of schools, government offices, and a local university... You can't come out and DENOUNCE that kind of thing without more information.

They might have been the kind of bomb threats that are perfectly fine.

After all, the "enemy of the people" fake news have been known to conflate LEGITIMATE POLITICAL DISCOURSE with lies about POLITICAL VIOLENCE.

Both of the nations I have lived in have a bigoted minority who consider Haitians to be racially inferior.

In both nations where I've lived, Haitians are willing to take the most difficult jobs for the lowest pay.

In both nations, there is a small minority who really believe the wives tales that actual voodoo practice is widespread in Haiti, with blood sacrifice rituals and what not.

In both nations, Haitian immigrants were the first to be blamed for crime, even though they committed at rates actually LOWER than the native majority.

In both nations, Haitian immigrants could be marginalized because they speak that funny, different language.

In both nations, there is a small minority with a truly disgusting attitude that Haitians are worthy of distain because their SKIN IS SO DARK.

One DIFFERENCE between the two nations I have lived in, is that it is only in the US that xenophobic wives tales include the idea that PETS ARE IN DANGER.

One of those nations is the United States and the other is the Dominican Republic. Sharing a border with Haiti, and with much more interaction between people of their nations over a long history, I think that the Dominicans would have been more likely than the Americans to hear about all the stealing pets for dinner being a real "thing" in Haiti.

That small minority who despise Haitians for having such dark skin presents an irony.

In the US, members of that small, racist minority would also view DOMINICANS as having skin that is unacceptably dark.

The mulatto majority in the DR are LIGHT skinned enough to see the Haitians as N-word darkie types.

At the same time, those same racist Dominicans are DARK skinned enough to be seen as N-word darkie types by the white racists of America.

At least Americans are equal opportunity racists.


HISTORY LESSON Two centuries of animosity between Haiti and DR

Two violent slaughters about a century apart illustrate some grievances.

In 1822, barely two decades after creating a new nation in the hemisphere's only successful slave revolt, Haiti invaded and occupied the Dominican Republic.

They weren't finally driven back out until 1844, more than two decades later.

The most light skinned Dominicans faced the most atrocities. It was they who had the most motivation to flee first into the highlands. Running for their lives to the hills where the Haitians could not find them, they eventually settled the community that would lead the resistance.

The town I lived in four more than two years, San Jose de las Matas, in the Cordillera Central highlands, was the site of a major battle. The Haitians brought everything they had up into the mountain hideout region. They were decisively defeated, and began their long retreat home to Haiti.

The impoverished hillbillies of the Central Highlands are the lightest skinned among the majority mulatto Dominicans. Descendants of refugees of a 22 year long brutal Haitian occupation that left some lasting grudges.

Then fast forward to 1936, when Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic with an iron fist. He need an enemy to rile the population against. The northwest region along the Haitian border had a large population of Haitian immigrants.

The Dominican army went on a bloody rampage. An estimated 40,000 Haitians were slaughtered. At least half of them by machetes. The other Haitians in the DR got the message and fled. Haitians would only be allowed in for temporary work permits, to do the back breaking break of harvesting sugar cane.

By the 1990s the Dominican economy was growing to fast to operate without more cheap labor. Haitians were welcomed, sort of, to fill in the need. The same highland towns where the lightest skinned Dominicans once lived in poverty now needed to import Haitians to harvest the coffee crop. It was all good for a while.

But Haiti has experienced spots of instability over the years, occasionally provoking big waves of Haitians to flee across the border to the DR. It keeps happening, and now they are desperately fleeing to there from Venezuela as well. Haitians aren't as welcome today as they were during the boom years.

18-09-2024 23:01
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.
19-09-2024 02:04
Im a BM
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.

And the bomb threats continue.

I wonder how long it will take before Trump has enough information about the specific nature of the bomb threats before he tell his followers to knock it off.
19-09-2024 04:20
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: Legal US citizens refuse to lower themselves to work that hard for that long for that little pay.

Immaterial. There are many who would be willing to work those jobs, but the employers would then have to pay at least minimum wage. Why do that when illegals will be glad to work for less and remain silent?

Im a BM wrote: The economic damage to the US economy of mass deportation would be vast.

Nope. It would improve the economic situation over the vast damage caused by the mass illegal migration.

Im a BM wrote: I notice that I am criticized as a shameless hypocrite.

Well, at least you noticed that much. Normally you only notice half of any equation.

Im a BM wrote: My self esteem depends little on the opinions expressed on this website program.

Obviously you would have high-tailed it long ago if your self esteem did not.

Im a BM wrote: Four years ago I voted for Biden enthusiastically enough.

How do you feel about your vote being disregarded and Biden simply being installed whether you wanted it or not?

Im a BM wrote: But Biden had not been my first choice.

The DNC doesn't care what anyone wants. The fix was in for Biden, even though Sanders or Gabbard stood much better chances of winning the general election.

Im a BM wrote: I just love those San Francisco liberal values, and in the earliest part of the primary season, the "smart money" was supposedly betting on Kamala.

It was stupid money. Kamala couldn't get a single vote in the primaries.

Im a BM wrote: Was America ready to have a woman of color as president in 2020?

Was America ever ready to make the country's most hated woman President? Either Hillary or Kamala?

Im a BM wrote: I knew Kamala well. I had voted for her in three different elections already.

If you followed her, you know better than anyone that she simply slept her way to the top.

Im a BM wrote: I didn't really understand why she wasn't connecting so well,

You never noticed her cackling? You never noticed how she is as dumb as a post?

Im a BM wrote: I was DEEPLY DISSAPPOINTED, appalled, horrified, shocked, dismayed, and disgusted by her when she tried to do a Hail Mary by pulling the race card for use against Joe Biden. I thought she was better than that. I thought she knew better than that.

... but you quickly forgave her, right? Your pardon was swift and complete, right?

Im a BM wrote: I also felt kind of personally betrayed by her when she distorted Joe Biden's past record on racial issues in a very misleading way.

Nope. You knew she was a Democrat politician. You fully expected everything she did. She could have claimed that Biden caused the destruction of Dominican coral reefs and you'd have been just fine with that.

Im a BM wrote: Joe forgave her, and the rest is history.

Joe never forgave her and is actively working to torpedo her Presidency.

19-09-2024 04:58
Im a BM
Trujillo was just powerless to stop the "incontrolables".

Trujillo was a vicious dictator in the Dominican Republic for about three decades.

Bad things happened to people who said bad things about Trujillo.

And there was nothing Trujillo could possibly do to stop it.

Some of his followers were just so dedicated, and perhaps a little misguided.

When they decided to take matters into their own hands and go after someone that Trujillo identified as an "enemy of the people", there was nothing that the caudillo could do to discourage them.

Pity. That's a tough break for all the traitors.

IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.

And the bomb threats continue.

I wonder how long it will take before Trump has enough information about the specific nature of the bomb threats before he tell his followers to knock it off.[/quote]
19-09-2024 06:13
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: Bad things happened to people who said bad things about Trujillo.

Somebody is trying to assassinate Trump, yet you blame him for ... for whatever pops into mind at the moment. I bet you blame Trump for depleting the ocean's alkalinity, even though that isn't happening either.

You are a gullible moron.

Im a BM wrote: And the bomb threats continue.

What bomb threats? Nevermind, I bet they aren't real either.
19-09-2024 08:34
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.

And the bomb threats continue.

What bomb threats?
Im a BM wrote:
I wonder how long it will take before Trump has enough information about the specific nature of the bomb threats before he tell his followers to knock it off.

What bomb threats?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: Moving the goal posts of denial19-09-2024 19:21
Im a BM
It keeps getting harder to be a Trumpamaniac.

The goal posts for denial of reality keep getting moved farther away.

To get a job at the RNC, one has to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that Trump actually WON the 2020 election, and that victory was "stolen" ("Stollen"?)

To get an endorsement from Trump in an election, one has to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe the "stolen election" crap.

He has been moving the goal posts from the start, from the time they had to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that he really WAS a self-made billionaire.

But look how far it has gone.

NOW Trumpamaniacs and political coat tail riders have to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe, that Haitian immigrants really DO steal pets and eat them.

Isn't there a limit to how far one can go with the mental gymnastics before something snaps?

They used to be able to hum and haw about "election integrity" to avoid a direct answer to the question about Trump's BIG LIE about the 2020 election.

How do you hum and haw to avoid denying that Haitians eat pets, while maintaining the illusion that it is perfectly appropriate to make the accusation without any evidence whatsoever?

There was that ONE WOMAN in Springfield who reported her missing cat to the police.

But it came home, uneaten, two days later.

But the loyalty litmus test for Trump may identify more RINOS in the very near future, if they don't all circle the wagons and agree that Haitians eat stolen pets.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.

And the bomb threats continue.

What bomb threats?
Im a BM wrote:
I wonder how long it will take before Trump has enough information about the specific nature of the bomb threats before he tell his followers to knock it off.

What bomb threats?
19-09-2024 20:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
It keeps getting harder to be a Trumpamaniac.

The goal posts for denial of reality keep getting moved farther away.

Fallacy fallacy. There are no 'goal posts'.
Im a BM wrote:
To get a job at the RNC, one has to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that Trump actually WON the 2020 election, and that victory was "stolen" ("Stollen"?)

Argument of the Stone fallacy. There was no election in 2020. It faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Im a BM wrote:
To get an endorsement from Trump in an election, one has to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe the "stolen election" crap.
[quote]Im a BM wrote:
He has been moving the goal posts from the start,

Fallacy fallacy. No 'goal posts'.
Im a BM wrote:
from the time they had to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that he really WAS a self-made billionaire.

He is. I can see you're jealous.
Im a BM wrote:
But look how far it has gone.

NOW Trumpamaniacs and political coat tail riders have to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe, that Haitian immigrants really DO steal pets and eat them.

They are.
Im a BM wrote:
Isn't there a limit to how far one can go with the mental gymnastics before something snaps?

Mantra 1d. Lame.
Im a BM wrote:
They used to be able to hum and haw about "election integrity" to avoid a direct answer to the question about Trump's BIG LIE about the 2020 election.

There was no 'big lie'. There was no 2020 election. Mantra 1l. Lame.
Im a BM wrote:
How do you hum and haw to avoid denying that Haitians eat pets, while maintaining the illusion that it is perfectly appropriate to make the accusation without any evidence whatsoever?
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
[quote]Im a BM wrote:
There was that ONE WOMAN in Springfield who reported her missing cat to the police.

But it came home, uneaten, two days later.

Stop making shit up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
19-09-2024 20:45
Im a BM
"What bomb threats?"

What universe do you live in?

Try a Google search of "Springfield, Ohio bomb threats"

You will have hundreds of news story references to select from.

Any ONE of them will very quickly answer the question, "What bomb threats?"

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: To sum it all up, HAITIANS DO NOT STEAL PETS TO EAT THEM

Only one example of such is sufficient to falsify your assertion.

Springfield, Ohio falsifies your assertion.

And the bomb threats continue.

What bomb threats?
Im a BM wrote:
I wonder how long it will take before Trump has enough information about the specific nature of the bomb threats before he tell his followers to knock it off.

What bomb threats?
20-09-2024 01:44
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
"What bomb threats?"

What universe do you live in?

Try a Google search of "Springfield, Ohio bomb threats"

You will have hundreds of news story references to select from.

Any ONE of them will very quickly answer the question, "What bomb threats?"

What bomb threats?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-09-2024 21:25
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
"What bomb threats?"

What universe do you live in?

Try a Google search of "Springfield, Ohio bomb threats"

You will have hundreds of news story references to select from.

Any ONE of them will very quickly answer the question, "What bomb threats?"

What bomb threats?

I suppose I am supposed to provide an "unambiguous definition" for "bomb threat".

What would be an "unambiguous definition" for the term "Black Nazi"?



Am I a "racist" or what?
21-09-2024 00:04
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
I suppose I am supposed to provide an "unambiguous definition" for "bomb threat".

What bomb threat?
Im a BM wrote:
What would be an "unambiguous definition" for the term "Black Nazi"?

What Black Nazi.
Im a BM wrote:


Am I a "racist" or what?

Yes. RQAA You should also learn English.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 21-09-2024 00:04
21-09-2024 04:23
Im a BM
"What Black Nazi?"

The one who Trump called "Martin Luther King on steroids"!

The Lt. Governor has every right to call himself a "Black Nazi", but you WHITE Nazis better not call him that.

PROOF that divine intervention protects great leaders from assassination.

The bomb went off exactly at the scheduled time, when Hitler was supposed to be there, and dozens were killed. A lone wolf civilian had meticulously planned the attack for months. A greater power had altered the leader's schedule at the last minute.

The bomb went off in the same room while Hitler stood there. He was not among those killed. A greater power had placed a heavy oak table in between.
An attempted military coup had been thwarted.

And those were just the BOMB THREATS among the assassination attempts.

Hitler spoke openly about how this reaffirmed his faith that God was assisting him to carry out the holy mission.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
I suppose I am supposed to provide an "unambiguous definition" for "bomb threat".

What bomb threat?
Im a BM wrote:
What would be an "unambiguous definition" for the term "Black Nazi"?

What Black Nazi.
Im a BM wrote:


Am I a "racist" or what?

Yes. RQAA You should also learn English.
21-09-2024 06:27
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
"What Black Nazi?"

The one who Trump called "Martin Luther King on steroids"!

Stop making shit up.
Im a BM wrote:
The Lt. Governor has every right to call himself a "Black Nazi", but you WHITE Nazis better not call him that.

Go stuff your racism up your butt.
Im a BM wrote:
PROOF that divine intervention protects great leaders from assassination.

The bomb went off exactly at the scheduled time, when Hitler was supposed to be there, and dozens were killed. A lone wolf civilian had meticulously planned the attack for months. A greater power had altered the leader's schedule at the last minute.

The bomb went off in the same room while Hitler stood there. He was not among those killed. A greater power had placed a heavy oak table in between.
An attempted military coup had been thwarted.

And those were just the BOMB THREATS among the assassination attempts.

Hitler spoke openly about how this reaffirmed his faith that God was assisting him to carry out the holy mission.

Stop making shit up. Hitler didn't believe in a god or gods.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
21-09-2024 06:47
Im a BM
The fun never stops with GOOGLE!

Google search terms: Did Hitler say God protected him from assassination?

Answer, top left:

"Yes, after surviving the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, Adolf Hitler publicly stated that he believed God or 'Providence' had protected him, essentially saying that God had saved him from the assassination attempt to allow him to continue his mission."

Or you could go through some of the references they list, if you are ever interested in doing a little reality check.

It could certainly be argued that any actual faith Hitler had in anything spiritual was shallow or even non-existent.

Perhaps he was just a con man, exploiting the gullibility of those who really DO believe in God. He paid minimal lip service, as needed, to include God in speeches since the beginning of his political career. Even trying to persuade soldiers to fight on to their deaths in Stalingrad, he invoked God.

Some have suggested that Trump's lip service to Christian values or even their fundamental belief in God is disingenuous. I have no doubt that this is the case.

And if you REALLY want to do a reality check, there is plenty of video out there showing Trump praising the North Carolina Lt. Governor as "Martin Luther King on steroids" or even "better than Martin Luther King"

And if you really believe the third hand rumors about Haitians eating pets, you might be persuaded that it is a "high tech lynching" to have framed the guy, claiming he called himself a "Black Nazi"

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
"What Black Nazi?"

The one who Trump called "Martin Luther King on steroids"!

Stop making shit up.
Im a BM wrote:
The Lt. Governor has every right to call himself a "Black Nazi", but you WHITE Nazis better not call him that.

Go stuff your racism up your butt.
Im a BM wrote:
PROOF that divine intervention protects great leaders from assassination.

The bomb went off exactly at the scheduled time, when Hitler was supposed to be there, and dozens were killed. A lone wolf civilian had meticulously planned the attack for months. A greater power had altered the leader's schedule at the last minute.

The bomb went off in the same room while Hitler stood there. He was not among those killed. A greater power had placed a heavy oak table in between.
An attempted military coup had been thwarted.

And those were just the BOMB THREATS among the assassination attempts.

Hitler spoke openly about how this reaffirmed his faith that God was assisting him to carry out the holy mission.

Stop making shit up. Hitler didn't believe in a god or gods.

Edited on 21-09-2024 07:38
21-09-2024 17:18
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: To get a job at the RNC, one has to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that Trump actually WON the 2020 election, and that victory was "stolen"

The DNC stole the 2020 election. Trump had won by a record margin. Who should I believe, a liar who avoids defining his terms, or thousands of eye witnesses who detailed the exact specifics of the steal and who submitted sworn affidavits that have never been refuted?

Im a BM wrote: He has been moving the goal posts from the start, from the time they had to believe, or at least PRETEND to believe that he really WAS a self-made billionaire.

Trump has made billions in real estate development. Why should I believe your implication that he somehow did not?

Im a BM wrote: And the bomb threats continue.

I looked into it Every bomb threat was a hoax.
21-09-2024 19:38
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
The fun never stops with GOOGLE!

Google is not God.
Im a BM wrote:
Google search terms: Did Hitler say God protected him from assassination?

Answer, top left:

"Yes, after surviving the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, Adolf Hitler publicly stated that he believed God or 'Providence' had protected him, essentially saying that God had saved him from the assassination attempt to allow him to continue his mission."

Or you could go through some of the references they list, if you are ever interested in doing a little reality check.

Google is not 'reality'. Google is not God.
Im a BM wrote:
It could certainly be argued that any actual faith Hitler had in anything spiritual was shallow or even non-existent.

Perhaps he was just a con man, exploiting the gullibility of those who really DO believe in God. He paid minimal lip service, as needed, to include God in speeches since the beginning of his political career. Even trying to persuade soldiers to fight on to their deaths in Stalingrad, he invoked God.

Some have suggested that Trump's lip service to Christian values or even their fundamental belief in God is disingenuous. I have no doubt that this is the case.

Hitler has no belief in any god or gods. He was a member of the Church of No God.
Im a BM wrote:
And if you REALLY want to do a reality check, there is plenty of video out there showing Trump praising the North Carolina Lt. Governor as "Martin Luther King on steroids" or even "better than Martin Luther King"

Buzzword fallacy (reality, steroid). Stop making shit up.
Im a BM wrote:
And if you really believe the third hand rumors about Haitians eating pets,

No rumor. The Haitian illegal immigrants have been eating pets. They also use their carcasses and blood in their rituals.
Im a BM wrote:
you might be persuaded that it is a "high tech lynching" to have framed the guy, claiming he called himself a "Black Nazi"

Go stuff your racism up your butt.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-09-2024 04:56
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?
12-10-2024 20:44
Im a BM
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?

Yes, that is a good question.

The bigoted and xenophobic quote about Haitians eating dogs and cats was from a post earlier in the thread.

Into the Night did not put the words in quote marks and did not attribute any source other than himself.

Into the Night should cash in on this knowledge.

Imagine how much he could get paid for ACTUAL EVIDENCE that some Haitian immigrant ANYWHERE IN THE US has been eating the pets of the people that live there.

You bet it would get put into a campaign add.

Indeed, it is the civic duty of Into the Night to share the evidence that proves Donald Trump was NOT LYING when he made the claim.

Besides that ONE woman who called the cops, made the absurd accusation that Haitians in the neighborhood must have eaten it, but then found her cat in the basement, uneaten, two days later...

Not one single grieving pet owner in Springfield has had the courage to come forward with the truth about what happened to THEIR dog or cat.

If Into the Night is unwilling to share the evidence that supports Trump's claim, he is missing the opportunity to help prevent a Communist takeover.

Or maybe there IS NO EVIDENCE, other than self evident bigotry and xenophobia.

MASS DEPORTATION! Why? Because they are eating the pets, those savages!
12-10-2024 21:46
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?

Yes, that is a good question.

The bigoted and xenophobic quote about Haitians eating dogs and cats was from a post earlier in the thread.

It is not bigoted or xenophobic to point out that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in the neighborhood.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night did not put the words in quote marks and did not attribute any source other than himself.

The Associated Press and known practice of some Haitians.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night should cash in on this knowledge.

Imagine how much he could get paid for ACTUAL EVIDENCE that some Haitian immigrant ANYWHERE IN THE US has been eating the pets of the people that live there.

You bet it would get put into a campaign add.

It's already in campaign ads.
Im a BM wrote:
Indeed, it is the civic duty of Into the Night to share the evidence that proves Donald Trump was NOT LYING when he made the claim.

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
Besides that ONE woman who called the cops,

More than one, and more than just calling the cops.
Im a BM wrote:
made the absurd accusation that Haitians in the neighborhood must have eaten it, but then found her cat in the basement, uneaten, two days later...

Never happened.
Im a BM wrote:
Not one single grieving pet owner in Springfield has had the courage to come forward with the truth about what happened to THEIR dog or cat.

Yes they have.
Im a BM wrote:
If Into the Night is unwilling to share the evidence that supports Trump's claim,

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
he is missing the opportunity to help prevent a Communist takeover.

Trump is not a communist. Kamala is.
Im a BM wrote:
Or maybe there IS NO EVIDENCE, other than self evident bigotry and xenophobia.

Fallacy fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
MASS DEPORTATION! Why? Because they are eating the pets, those savages!

No, because they are illegal immigrants.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-10-2024 22:10
Im a BM
Haitians eat pets - SOURCE: The Associated Press?

Into the Night confidently asserts that Haitians really DO eat pets, and the source of his evidence is "The Associated Press and known Haitian practices."

BULLSHIT! The story was made up out of whole cloth.

If it were actually TRUE that the AP is the source of the story, which it is NOT, one might respond...

How GULLIBLE can you be?

The Associated Press is not God.

The standard for required proof of climate change is insurmountable, and Google is NOT God, as Into the Night repeats robotically.

But gullible enough to believe an Associated Press story, and "known" (by whom?) Haitian practices.

I've been to Haiti and I've lived alongside Haitians and nobody in their right mind thinks that they eat people's pets, no matter how much they might resent Haitians for other reasons. "Known Haitian practices", eh?

While I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic (1982-1985), The US reestablished Peace Corps in Haiti. Some fellow volunteers in the DR forestry program transferred immediately to Haiti. They needed reforestation ASAP. And I got to know the new volunteers coming into the Haiti forestry program, through coordinated training.

I only visited Haiti once, during a bus trip forestry tour. Didn't see the big cities or tourist resorts, but I saw plenty of dogs and cats wandering about the small towns, with no apparent fear of being eaten.

At least a few of the Peace Corps volunteers in Haiti that I knew had pets.

The idea that some culture or ethnicity is so SAVAGE that they steal pets to eat them is jarring, if it were true.

But if it were true, don't you think someone would have noticed already?

Trump would have surely mentioned it in 2016. He just LOVES to talk shit about immigrants.

So, Into the Night, you have been persuaded by objective and reliable evidence that Haitians steal dogs and cats to eat them, and use them in rituals.

You appear to be very open minded to ANY "evidence" when it comes to "migrant crime".

Yet you are absolutely close minded to OVERWHELMING actual documented scientific evidence of climate change.

That's a true scientist for ya! Truly scientific.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?

Yes, that is a good question.

The bigoted and xenophobic quote about Haitians eating dogs and cats was from a post earlier in the thread.

It is not bigoted or xenophobic to point out that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in the neighborhood.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night did not put the words in quote marks and did not attribute any source other than himself.

The Associated Press and known practice of some Haitians.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night should cash in on this knowledge.

Imagine how much he could get paid for ACTUAL EVIDENCE that some Haitian immigrant ANYWHERE IN THE US has been eating the pets of the people that live there.

You bet it would get put into a campaign add.

It's already in campaign ads.
Im a BM wrote:
Indeed, it is the civic duty of Into the Night to share the evidence that proves Donald Trump was NOT LYING when he made the claim.

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
Besides that ONE woman who called the cops,

More than one, and more than just calling the cops.
Im a BM wrote:
made the absurd accusation that Haitians in the neighborhood must have eaten it, but then found her cat in the basement, uneaten, two days later...

Never happened.
Im a BM wrote:
Not one single grieving pet owner in Springfield has had the courage to come forward with the truth about what happened to THEIR dog or cat.

Yes they have.
Im a BM wrote:
If Into the Night is unwilling to share the evidence that supports Trump's claim,

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
he is missing the opportunity to help prevent a Communist takeover.

Trump is not a communist. Kamala is.
Im a BM wrote:
Or maybe there IS NO EVIDENCE, other than self evident bigotry and xenophobia.

Fallacy fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
MASS DEPORTATION! Why? Because they are eating the pets, those savages!

No, because they are illegal immigrants.

Edited on 12-10-2024 22:39
12-10-2024 22:33
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Haitians eat pets - SOURCE: The Associated Press?

Into the Night confidently asserts that Haitians really DO eat pets, and the source of his evidence is "The Associated Press and known Haitian practices."

Good. You can read. That is what I posted.
Im a BM wrote:
BULLSHIT! The story was made up out of whole cloth.

Nope. Too many people are complaining about it, and it IS a known practice in Haiti as well as many Asiatic nations to eat dogs and cats.
Im a BM wrote:
If it were actually TRUE that the AP is the source of the story, which it is NOT, one might respond...

The Associated Press DID report it, dummy.
Im a BM wrote:
How GULLIBLE can you be?

The Associated Press is not God.

Never said it was. You are hallucinating again, Robert.
Im a BM wrote:
The standard for required proof of climate change is insurmountable,

Climate cannot change, Robert.
Im a BM wrote:
and Google is NOT God, as Into the Night repeats robotically.

It isn't. I never said it was.
Im a BM wrote:
But gullible enough to believe an Associated Press story, and "known" (by whom?) Haitian practices.

The AP did report it, dummy. It is also a known practice in Haiti as well as other nations.
Im a BM wrote:
I've been to Haiti and I've lived alongside Haitians

Stop pretending.
Im a BM wrote:
and nobody in their right mind thinks that they eat people's pets, no matter how much they might resent Haitians for other reasons. "Known Haitian practices", eh?

You don't get to speak for everyone, Robert. Omniscience fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
Pretty open minded to ANY "evidence" when it comes to "migrant crime".

The are ILLEGAL immigrants, Robert. ALL illegal immigrants are criminals.
Im a BM wrote:
Absolutely close minded to OVERWHELMING actual evidence of climate change.

Climate cannot change, Robert.
Im a BM wrote:
That's a true scientist for ya! Truly scientific.

You deny science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-10-2024 22:53
Im a BM
Google is not God. Just to be sure that there is no misunderstanding about whether anyone is claiming that Google is God.

However, Google is a perfectly good search engine to get a list of ALL Associated Press stories about Haitians eating the pets.


Type in the search terms: Associated Press Haitians eat pets

You will find that there were FIFTEEN different Associated Press stories about the subject.

You will find ZERO Associated Press stories that give any credence whatsoever to the false accusations.

AP merely points out what the political ****s are saying about it, while making the clear disclaimer that the stories are false. Fifteen times, AP pointed out that the rumors are false, while quoting the ****S who want to fuel anti immigrant hostility. Indeed, THAT was the story. Not that Haitians eat pets, but rather that **** POLITICIANS are exploiting the false accusation and bringing harm to innocent people.

Haitians eat pets - SOURCE: The Associated Press?

Into the Night confidently asserts that Haitians really DO eat pets, and the source of his evidence is "The Associated Press and known Haitian practices."

BULLSHIT! The story was made up out of whole cloth.

If it were actually TRUE that the AP is the source of the story, which it is NOT, one might respond...

How GULLIBLE can you be?

The Associated Press is not God.

The standard for required proof of climate change is insurmountable, and Google is NOT God, as Into the Night repeats robotically.

But gullible enough to believe an Associated Press story, and "known" (by whom?) Haitian practices.

I've been to Haiti and I've lived alongside Haitians and nobody in their right mind thinks that they eat people's pets, no matter how much they might resent Haitians for other reasons. "Known Haitian practices", eh?

While I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic (1982-1985), The US reestablished Peace Corps in Haiti. Some fellow volunteers in the DR forestry program transferred immediately to Haiti. They needed reforestation ASAP. And I got to know the new volunteers coming into the Haiti forestry program, through coordinated training.

I only visited Haiti once, during a bus trip forestry tour. Didn't see the big cities or tourist resorts, but I saw plenty of dogs and cats wandering about the small towns, with no apparent fear of being eaten.

At least a few of the Peace Corps volunteers in Haiti that I knew had pets.

The idea that some culture or ethnicity is so SAVAGE that they steal pets to eat them is jarring, if it were true.

But if it were true, don't you think someone would have noticed already?

Trump would have surely mentioned it in 2016. He just LOVES to talk shit about immigrants.

So, Into the Night, you have been persuaded by objective and reliable evidence that Haitians steal dogs and cats to eat them, and use them in rituals.

You appear to be very open minded to ANY "evidence" when it comes to "migrant crime".

Yet you are absolutely close minded to OVERWHELMING actual documented scientific evidence of climate change.

That's a true scientist for ya! Truly scientific.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?

Yes, that is a good question.

The bigoted and xenophobic quote about Haitians eating dogs and cats was from a post earlier in the thread.

It is not bigoted or xenophobic to point out that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in the neighborhood.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night did not put the words in quote marks and did not attribute any source other than himself.

The Associated Press and known practice of some Haitians.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night should cash in on this knowledge.

Imagine how much he could get paid for ACTUAL EVIDENCE that some Haitian immigrant ANYWHERE IN THE US has been eating the pets of the people that live there.

You bet it would get put into a campaign add.

It's already in campaign ads.
Im a BM wrote:
Indeed, it is the civic duty of Into the Night to share the evidence that proves Donald Trump was NOT LYING when he made the claim.

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
Besides that ONE woman who called the cops,

More than one, and more than just calling the cops.
Im a BM wrote:
made the absurd accusation that Haitians in the neighborhood must have eaten it, but then found her cat in the basement, uneaten, two days later...

Never happened.
Im a BM wrote:
Not one single grieving pet owner in Springfield has had the courage to come forward with the truth about what happened to THEIR dog or cat.

Yes they have.
Im a BM wrote:
If Into the Night is unwilling to share the evidence that supports Trump's claim,

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
he is missing the opportunity to help prevent a Communist takeover.

Trump is not a communist. Kamala is.
Im a BM wrote:
Or maybe there IS NO EVIDENCE, other than self evident bigotry and xenophobia.

Fallacy fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
MASS DEPORTATION! Why? Because they are eating the pets, those savages!

No, because they are illegal immigrants.
13-10-2024 08:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Google is not God. Just to be sure that there is no misunderstanding about whether anyone is claiming that Google is God.

However, Google is a perfectly good search engine to get a list of ALL Associated Press stories about Haitians eating the pets.

Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Robert.
Im a BM wrote:

Type in the search terms: Associated Press Haitians eat pets

You will find that there were FIFTEEN different Associated Press stories about the subject.

You will find ZERO Associated Press stories that give any credence whatsoever to the false accusations.

Google is not God, Robert.
Im a BM wrote:
AP merely points out what the political ****s are saying about it, while making the clear disclaimer that the stories are false. Fifteen times, AP pointed out that the rumors are false, while quoting the ****S who want to fuel anti immigrant hostility. Indeed, THAT was the story. Not that Haitians eat pets, but rather that **** POLITICIANS are exploiting the false accusation and bringing harm to innocent people.

Which is more evidence that it is happening.
The Associated Press lies a lot.

Politicians are reporting the problem, Robert. The townspeople are.

Haitians DO eat dogs and cats, just like a lot of folks in Asiatic nations do.

Illegal immigrants are NOT innocent people. They are criminals.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 13-10-2024 08:56
RE: Associated Press - Trusted source for lies?13-10-2024 17:24
Im a BM
So, it turns out that the Associated Press is the trusted source for the lies being broadcast about Haitian immigrants.

"The Associated Press and known Haitian practices" was the source cited for the evidence to support the RACIST claims that Haitians steal and eat pets.

Then shown that ALL FIFTEEN Associated Press stories on the topic DEBUNKED the false claims, rather than being a citable source to use to verify them?

"The Associated Press lies a lot" - Into the Night.

Then doubling down on the RACIST false accusations, for which the "lies a lot" Associated Press stories were supposedly the PROOF...

Well, The Associated Press "proved" that politicians are saying that somebody said it, and that is proof enough for something.

MASS DEPORTATION! As Trump says, could get "bloody", but it's gotta happen.

Google is not God. Just to be sure that there is no misunderstanding about whether anyone is claiming that Google is God.

However, Google is a perfectly good search engine to get a list of ALL Associated Press stories about Haitians eating the pets.


Type in the search terms: Associated Press Haitians eat pets

You will find that there were FIFTEEN different Associated Press stories about the subject.

You will find ZERO Associated Press stories that give any credence whatsoever to the false accusations.

AP merely points out what the political ****s are saying about it, while making the clear disclaimer that the stories are false. Fifteen times, AP pointed out that the rumors are false, while quoting the ****S who want to fuel anti immigrant hostility. Indeed, THAT was the story. Not that Haitians eat pets, but rather that **** POLITICIANS are exploiting the false accusation and bringing harm to innocent people.

Haitians eat pets - SOURCE: The Associated Press?

Into the Night confidently asserts that Haitians really DO eat pets, and the source of his evidence is "The Associated Press and known Haitian practices."

BULLSHIT! The story was made up out of whole cloth.

If it were actually TRUE that the AP is the source of the story, which it is NOT, one might respond...

How GULLIBLE can you be?

The Associated Press is not God.

The standard for required proof of climate change is insurmountable, and Google is NOT God, as Into the Night repeats robotically.

But gullible enough to believe an Associated Press story, and "known" (by whom?) Haitian practices.

I've been to Haiti and I've lived alongside Haitians and nobody in their right mind thinks that they eat people's pets, no matter how much they might resent Haitians for other reasons. "Known Haitian practices", eh?

While I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic (1982-1985), The US reestablished Peace Corps in Haiti. Some fellow volunteers in the DR forestry program transferred immediately to Haiti. They needed reforestation ASAP. And I got to know the new volunteers coming into the Haiti forestry program, through coordinated training.

I only visited Haiti once, during a bus trip forestry tour. Didn't see the big cities or tourist resorts, but I saw plenty of dogs and cats wandering about the small towns, with no apparent fear of being eaten.

At least a few of the Peace Corps volunteers in Haiti that I knew had pets.

The idea that some culture or ethnicity is so SAVAGE that they steal pets to eat them is jarring, if it were true.

But if it were true, don't you think someone would have noticed already?

Trump would have surely mentioned it in 2016. He just LOVES to talk shit about immigrants.

So, Into the Night, you have been persuaded by objective and reliable evidence that Haitians steal dogs and cats to eat them, and use them in rituals.

You appear to be very open minded to ANY "evidence" when it comes to "migrant crime".

Yet you are absolutely close minded to OVERWHELMING actual documented scientific evidence of climate change.

That's a true scientist for ya! Truly scientific.

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
Im a BM wrote: "Haitian(s) eat dogs and cats and also use their blood and carcasses for their rituals...."

In Springfield, what?

Yes, that is a good question.

The bigoted and xenophobic quote about Haitians eating dogs and cats was from a post earlier in the thread.

It is not bigoted or xenophobic to point out that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in the neighborhood.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night did not put the words in quote marks and did not attribute any source other than himself.

The Associated Press and known practice of some Haitians.
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night should cash in on this knowledge.

Imagine how much he could get paid for ACTUAL EVIDENCE that some Haitian immigrant ANYWHERE IN THE US has been eating the pets of the people that live there.

You bet it would get put into a campaign add.

It's already in campaign ads.
Im a BM wrote:
Indeed, it is the civic duty of Into the Night to share the evidence that proves Donald Trump was NOT LYING when he made the claim.

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
Besides that ONE woman who called the cops,

More than one, and more than just calling the cops.
Im a BM wrote:
made the absurd accusation that Haitians in the neighborhood must have eaten it, but then found her cat in the basement, uneaten, two days later...

Never happened.
Im a BM wrote:
Not one single grieving pet owner in Springfield has had the courage to come forward with the truth about what happened to THEIR dog or cat.

Yes they have.
Im a BM wrote:
If Into the Night is unwilling to share the evidence that supports Trump's claim,

Trump is not making the claim.
Im a BM wrote:
he is missing the opportunity to help prevent a Communist takeover.

Trump is not a communist. Kamala is.
Im a BM wrote:
Or maybe there IS NO EVIDENCE, other than self evident bigotry and xenophobia.

Fallacy fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
MASS DEPORTATION! Why? Because they are eating the pets, those savages!

No, because they are illegal immigrants.
13-10-2024 20:23
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
So, it turns out that the Associated Press is the trusted source for the lies being broadcast about Haitian immigrants.

In a way, yes. You can basically take everything they deny and reverse it.
Im a BM wrote:
"The Associated Press and known Haitian practices" was the source cited for the evidence to support the RACIST claims that Haitians steal and eat pets.

It is not racism, Robert. Fallacy fallacy.
Im a BM wrote:
Then shown that ALL FIFTEEN Associated Press stories on the topic DEBUNKED the false claims, rather than being a citable source to use to verify them?

"The Associated Press lies a lot" - Into the Night.

It does, and that's an indicator.
Im a BM wrote:
Then doubling down on the RACIST false accusations, for which the "lies a lot" Associated Press stories were supposedly the PROOF...

It is not racism, Robert. Fixation is not going to help you either.
Im a BM wrote:
Well, The Associated Press "proved" that politicians are saying that somebody said it, and that is proof enough for something.

Politicians aren't making the claim, Robert. You are hallucinating again.
Im a BM wrote:
MASS DEPORTATION! As Trump says, could get "bloody", but it's gotta happen.

They are illegal immigrants, Robert. They are criminals. Quoting Trump out of context won't work. It is DEMOCRATS (and now you) that is calling for civil war.


The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 13-10-2024 20:24
RE: Desperately seeking a cultural identity14-10-2024 01:49
Im a BM
It was an interesting time to live in the Dominican Republic, in the early 1980s.

Young Dominican rebellious types were desperately seeking a new cultural identity to break from the Spanish Catholic past.

They might have embraced their African roots.

Most Dominicans are nearly half black.

But they had a bitter history with their more African neighbors.

The stigma of everything Haitian was attached to Africa.

So the young rebels sought to resurrect the culture that was extinguished on their island within 50 years of the arrival of Columbus.

There are ZERO living descendants of the island's original population. Not ONE.

Nobody had even attempted to record their history for the Spanish while they were still around to explain it.

They would have to depend on forensic anthropology to recapture the non-African culture they sought to identify with.

One of the more hilarious examples of how comical it could get:

There were many small stone statues in the Dominican anthropology museum.

They all shared the feature of a psychedelic mushroom growing on the very top of the head. Pretty obvious what the shape was.

But the Dominicans hadn't yet learned that the natives used mushrooms. Nobody survived to tell them about it. They had NO IDEA what the statues were.

Now, unless you are Donald Trump (according to Stormy Daniels), your penis does NOT look that much like a magic mushroom.

But with no better explanation in hand, the young Dominican rebels sought to resurrect and emulate a lost culture of PENIS WORSHIPERS!

Besides, right there in the museum the written explanation confirmed that those things on top of the statue heads were PENISES.

The dickhead statues were all stolen from the museum in the 90s. They were exactly the kind of thing that billionaire drug lords, gun runners, and others liked to have in their private collections, never to be seen again in public.

But there is NOBODY on the island of Hispaniola who is a descendant of the original native population. Their culture had to be reinvented from scratch.
14-10-2024 21:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
It was an interesting time to live in the Dominican Republic, in the early 1980s.
...deleted remaining..

Stop pretending, Robert.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
15-10-2024 07:19
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
It was an interesting time to live in the Dominican Republic, in the early 1980s.
...deleted remaining..

Stop pretending, Robert.

You are describing yourself, dumbass.
16-10-2024 01:07
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
It was an interesting time to live in the Dominican Republic, in the early 1980s.
...deleted remaining..

Stop pretending, Robert.

You are describing yourself, dumbass.

LIF. Grow up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
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