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More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.

More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.23-02-2017 18:17
And what they are saying is that their research was misrepresented by these organizations.

That small changes far below the levels of error mean absolutely nothing. That CO2 levels in the atmosphere mean little to nothing.

That the warming we have is naturally caused and is nothing more than weather related - a cyclical change that we can expect.

That ocean levels really aren't rising and that the glaciers that are melting are those that formed recently in geological terms.

This is putting the leftist media on the spot and they only way they can respond is with denial. So now who is the deniers?
23-02-2017 18:35
still learning
Wake wrote:
And .....deniers?

Would you point to some specific examples?
23-02-2017 20:04
First you have to realize that the media will hide anything anti-AGW.

And most importantly:

When you have been lied to in a continuous string you do not pat the perpetrator on the back and agree with them.
24-02-2017 04:54
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: When you have been lied to in a continuous string you do not pat the perpetrator on the back and agree with them.

I will NOT pat "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" on the back, altho it publicly regrets its lack of bodily contact because of his continuing lies.
Edited on 24-02-2017 04:55
24-02-2017 06:04
still learning
Wake wrote:

I should have been clearer when I asked for examples earlier.

Should have said "Could you point to some specific examples of 'More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.' "

The ones that you mean by "And what they are saying is that their research was misrepresented by these organizations."

Could you?
24-02-2017 16:56
still learning wrote:"Could you point to some specific examples of 'More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.' "
Could you?

Right now "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" can't point to proper science websites, but can relay to you, improper AGW denier liar whiner websites. But give "Don'T rump" enough time to put AGW denier liar whiners as head of U.S. science teams, & there will be all sorts of twisted data coming from "Don'T rump" "sigh-ants" agencies.
25-02-2017 03:30
wake-me-up" can't point to proper science websites, but can relay to you, improper AGW denier liar whiner websites.

Litehead you are a turd. You are are actually going to spout this after quoting Racheal Madcow and CNN for the last 3 months?

Fine. I will start quoting Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and you will accept that?

You have yet to show any of your sources for the ''shifting and stalling jet streams and incoming rain streams and dry airs'' crap you pull out your backside every day.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 25-02-2017 03:30
25-02-2017 06:33
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gassed:
litesong wrote: wake-me-up" can't point to proper science websites, but can relay to you, improper AGW denier liar whiner websites.

Litesong, you are a turd. Rachael Maddow and CNN for the last 3 months?
I will start quoting Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and you will accept that?

Quoting Gush Limp&puking & Fox is like taking a BB cork gun to a Big Boys gunfight. Meanwhile Rachel reports how Bob Ferguson tore "Don'T rump" an a$$hole & now reports the kkklumsy "Don'T rump" kkkoverup maneuvers to influence the three FBI, HOUSE & SENATE investigations into Russia-Don Trump love nest whisperings. "Don'T rump" thinks he's got Comey in his pocket before & AFTER the election (which he does) & he things he's got the House & Senate committee heads in his pocket (which he has). But he is so kkklumsy, the Supreme Count will nail his hide to the wall & the American People will piss & shit on him.
Who can say Richard Nixon? Nixon trying to squash investigations is what flopped him out of office. History is repeating itself.
Edited on 25-02-2017 06:36
18-05-2017 17:47
still learning wrote:
Wake wrote:

I should have been clearer when I asked for examples earlier.

Should have said "Could you point to some specific examples of 'More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.' "

The ones that you mean by "And what they are saying is that their research was misrepresented by these organizations."

Could you?

The very first scientist is Dr. Scafetta who works for NASA.

I'm sure you won't count many of the others since they are only renown scientists from other countries but Dr. Soon is a member of the Smithsonian Institute whose papers are used by both NASA and NOAA.

Dr. Carlson is Sr. Analyst at the EPA. Oh, wait, the EPA doesn't count does it?

Recent studies on the consensus showed that no such thing EVER existed. That Cooke went though literally thousands of papers and if he could quote ANYTHING that could possibly be a positive statement about AGW he ranked it as in total agreement. Virtually ALL of the papers were as any scientific paper should be - neutral on any unproven facts. He even ejected any paper that contained negative statements about AGW.

The fatal emails are here:

More attacks on Cooke:

{Alarmists continue to try and quote mine Dr. Scafetta's (NASA scientist) comments when he is clearly saying things that AGW "consensus" proponents do not support:

1. The sun can account for 40-70% of the observed warming.
2. The part of the warming not caused by the sun can be due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and not CO2.
3. Climate sensitivity to CO2 is low at 1.5 C or less.
4. Climate models poorly reconstruct the solar signature and do not reproduce natural oscillations of the climate (AMO, PDO, NAO etc.)
5. IPCC 21st century projections must be reduced by at least a factor of 2 or more.

Not to mention his paper was roundly attacked in Alarmist blogs, such as RealClimate and listed as an "Anti-AGW paper" by one of the most prolific abstract raters of Cook et al. (2013), Ari Jokimäki.}

Why do you need your hand held?
18-05-2017 23:50
still learning wrote:
Wake wrote:

I should have been clearer when I asked for examples earlier.

Should have said "Could you point to some specific examples of 'More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.' "

The ones that you mean by "And what they are saying is that their research was misrepresented by these organizations."

Could you?

Please excuse my rude reply to you. There are so many replies from people that aren't here to teach or learn but to attack others that I grow tired and angry.

I ran across a NOAA report a couple of days ago that I'm trying to find again. It was totally different from their other reports. It questioned the findings that were presented to the IPCC. I simply can't bookmark them all because I already have a couple of hundred bookmarks and can't find anything in the bookmarks now.

Here is something you might find interesting from NASA:

This discusses the Milankovic Cycles (This is a Serbian name and spelled several different ways because Serbs are Greek Orthodox and often use the Greek alphabet) and makes mention of rapid climate change in the paleo-climate record.
19-05-2017 23:45
still learning wrote:
Wake wrote:

I should have been clearer when I asked for examples earlier.

Should have said "Could you point to some specific examples of 'More NASA and NOAA scientists stepping up to the plate.' "

The ones that you mean by "And what they are saying is that their research was misrepresented by these organizations."

Could you?

Another point of reference:

The Democrats and increasingly communist policies on all fronts were failing. So they turned for support to those most easily manipulated. Illegal aliens with the promise of citizenship and the threat of deportation, and the young who are willing to believe that their parents are wrong about everything. In California we even have a proposal to change voting age to 16.

Using the misguided policy of "environmentalism" which most people under 50 don't even have the education to understand young people have been twisted around the little fingers of those who seek power.

I hold a security clearance and can work on classified projects. If I do much as took the title page from a classified manual out of a classified area I would get 10 years in Federal Prison. My best friend was NCIS and he would get worse.

Hillary Clinton had literally hundreds of classified documents on an unsecured server. And 9 of them were black ops - classified above top secret and FOR EYES ONLY. Because they either directly or indirectly identified American spies. After Hillary was hacked Kim Jong-un executed several Americans. Iran imprisoned over a dozen. Obama RANSOMED off only four of them for $10 Billion.

So it wasn't any surprise that NOAA and NASA were ordered to provide a phony report. It wasn't any surprise that the IRS was used as a weapon of attack on conservative organizations. And it is no surprise that Trump Tower was phone tapped. The FBI announced that they weren't tapping him - they were only tapping members of his election committee. They just happened to have the same phone numbers as Trump used.

None of this is made up and ALL of it is in the Congressional records from the investigation committees and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON was arrested or tried for it. Nixon was forced to resign from the Presidency because a couple of his election committee broke into Watergate ONLY to discover what the Democrat's election strategy was going to be.

But outright dictatorship is not punished in the slightest.
24-05-2017 02:15
Wake wrote:[/url]
The Democrats and increasingly communist policies on all fronts....

Quoting brite-fart & lumping dems & commies together has been long re-pubic-lick-un strategies to deny AGW. Of course, re-pubic-lick-uns never can rally any science institutions around oil, coal, energy, business & re-pubic-lick-un sigh-ants anti-AGW PR poop, because re-pubic-lick-uns have no strategies based in science.

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