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libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it

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libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it02-12-2016 20:14
Tai Hai Chen
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.

In Russia and Ukraine where the nationwide popular votes system is used, only winning a majority > 50% of nationwide popular votes wins the election. Hillary Clinton does not have a majority of nationwide popular votes.

Donald Trump won a majority of the 2472 delegates in the Republican primaries and a majority of the 538 general election electors.

It is always majority for a win.

In a nationwide popular votes system, every citizen is an elector, and a candidate must win a majority of them to be elected, or else there would be a run-off or goes to the Congress.

Hillary Clinton would NOT have won the election if nationwide popular votes determines the winner.

Bill Clinton got 43% of the nationwide popular vote in 1992, well below a majority of the nationwide popular vote.,_2016,_1992
Edited on 02-12-2016 20:20
02-12-2016 22:07
Kindly refrain from insulting people. Or should I regularly refer to you as "Chink"?
02-12-2016 23:12
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
jwoodward48 wrote:
Kindly refrain from insulting people. Or should I regularly refer to you as "Chink"?

Kindly refrain from complaining about others insulting people. Or should I regularly refer to you as "Ultrasensitive"? Would you prefer "hypocrite"?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 02-12-2016 23:14
03-12-2016 00:24
One, it's others insulting me. Two, this is a forum that is at least supposed to be civil. Three, "tard" is a corruption of "retarded", which is offensive to people with mental disabilities.

I guess you can continue to be an uncaring offensive idiotic denier - it's a free country. But I can continue to complain.
03-12-2016 00:52
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
jwoodward48 wrote:I guess you can continue to be an uncaring offensive idiotic denier - it's a free country. But I can continue to complain.

... then how should we complain when you deny science?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
03-12-2016 01:23
Tai Hai Chen
jwoodward48 wrote:
One, it's others insulting me. Two, this is a forum that is at least supposed to be civil. Three, "tard" is a corruption of "retarded", which is offensive to people with mental disabilities.

I guess you can continue to be an uncaring offensive idiotic denier - it's a free country. But I can continue to complain.

Everyone has some sort of disability. We don't cherry pick. Suck it up and be a man.
03-12-2016 01:50
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
jwoodward48 wrote:
One, it's others insulting me.
Why? Because you consider yourself a libtard?
jwoodward48 wrote:
Two, this is a forum that is at least supposed to be civil.
Then keep it civil. Don't get offended at every little thing.
jwoodward48 wrote:
Three, "tard" is a corruption of "retarded", which is offensive to people with mental disabilities.

1) They're retarded. They wouldn't know enough or care enough to be offended.
2) You are obviously considering yourself both a libtard and retarded.
jwoodward48 wrote:
I guess you can continue to be an
ad hominem
jwoodward48 wrote:
ad hominem
jwoodward48 wrote:
ad hominem
jwoodward48 wrote:
ad hominem
jwoodward48 wrote:
- it's a free country. But I can continue to complain.

Which means you are free to insult people, but you can't take it back in return?

What a self righteous hypocrite.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 03-12-2016 01:50
05-12-2016 03:53
[b]Tai Hai Chen wrote:Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.
In Russia and Ukraine where the nationwide popular votes system is used...

thc thinks if it swaps a thread & repeats itself, that a 220 year old method to limit democracy, can still by justified. Of course, thc believes that a dictator who ran the kgb(always small letters) & is taking its country back to Stalin, IS democracy in action.
Oh, yeah...... Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.
Edited on 05-12-2016 04:06
05-12-2016 04:20
Tai Hai Chen wrote: We don't cherry pick.

Yeah, if its non-sigh-ants, AGW denier liar whiners use it.
05-12-2016 05:49
Tai Hai Chen
litesong wrote:
Tai Hai Chen wrote:Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.
In Russia and Ukraine where the nationwide popular votes system is used...

thc thinks if it swaps a thread & repeats itself, that a 220 year old method to limit democracy, can still by justified. Of course, thc believes that a dictator who ran the kgb(always small letters) & is taking its country back to Stalin, IS democracy in action.
Oh, yeah...... Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

No majority, no win. Simple as that. Nothing you can say about it.

48.2% is not a majority.

Under a nationwide popular vote system, since no one got a majority, it would have gone to the House where Donald Trump wins because of Republican majority in the House.

Nationwide popular vote system? Be careful what you wish for.
Edited on 05-12-2016 06:12
07-12-2016 06:14
litesong wrote: thc thinks if it swaps a thread & repeats itself, that a 220 year old method to limit democracy, can still by justified. Of course, thc believes that a dictator who ran the kgb(always small letters) & is taking its country back to Stalin, IS democracy in action.
Oh, yeah...... Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.7 million votes. Hillary is less than 400,000 votes behind President Obama's popular vote in 2012 & may pass him.

Its sweet that thc thinks russia is democratic. That's thc's method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).
07-12-2016 16:05
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote: thc thinks if it swaps a thread & repeats itself, that a 220 year old method to limit democracy, can still by justified. Of course, thc believes that a dictator who ran the kgb(always small letters) & is taking its country back to Stalin, IS democracy in action.
Oh, yeah...... Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.7 million votes. Hillary is less than 400,000 votes behind President Obama's popular vote in 2012 & may pass him.

Its sweet that thc thinks russia is democratic. That's thc's method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

Wait! I knew Hillary was undemocratic, but now you are saying that she's Russian?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
07-12-2016 18:56
"i b da no-sigh-ants mann" wrote: I knew......

"i b da no-sigh-ants mann" knew nothin' scientific because it has no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa
07-12-2016 19:59
"i b da no-sigh-ants mann" wrote: I knew Hillary was undemocratic, but now you are saying that she's Russian?

It is good that "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" extends & extrapolates its posts of confusion, and unsleight-of-hand(heavy handed).
07-12-2016 21:20
Tai Hai Chen
litesong wrote:Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.7 million votes. Hillary is less than 400,000 votes behind President Obama's popular vote in 2012 & may pass him.

Its sweet that thc thinks russia is democratic. That's thc's method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

So what? Hillary doesn't have a majority of popular votes. She would not have won if the US uses a national popular vote system. It would have gone to the House where Trump wins a majority of the votes there.

Nobody claims Russia is democratic. Putin is a dictator who changed the term limit from 4 years to 6 years. He is the new tsar.
Edited on 07-12-2016 21:21
07-12-2016 22:19
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:It is good that "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" extends & extrapolates its posts of confusion, and unsleight-of-hand(heavy handed).

So let me see if I understand what you want ...

You're looking for a slight hand making confusing posts. Here's what I got for that:


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
08-12-2016 01:47
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
litesong wrote:Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.7 million votes. Hillary is less than 400,000 votes behind President Obama's popular vote in 2012 & may pass him.

Its sweet that thc thinks russia is democratic. That's thc's method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

So what? Hillary doesn't have a majority of popular votes. She would not have won if the US uses a national popular vote system. It would have gone to the House where Trump wins a majority of the votes there.

Nobody claims Russia is democratic. Putin is a dictator who changed the term limit from 4 years to 6 years. He is the new tsar.

thc has comments about U.S. republican gov't & russian dictatorship, but doesn't defend the terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, & egotism of communist china (always small letters). thc continues his method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

Between 1949 & early 1970's, Mao murdered, tortured & starved to death, 100 million of his BROTHERS, SISTERS, CHILDREN & BABIES, & he was dictator of communist china(always small letters).

It is good that thc yearns for & displays his wonder about efforts thrusting away from tyrannies, while he, himself, is buried under the tragic pile of death, mayhem & disease of communist china dictatorship(always small letters).
09-12-2016 20:20
[b]IBdaMann wrote:

Just M.C. Escher, simplified:
09-12-2016 21:11
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote: Just M.C. Escher, simplified:

litesong my friend, yes, absolutely, Escher used confusing sleight of hand ...


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
10-12-2016 06:18
litesong wrote:
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
litesong wrote:Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.7 million votes. Hillary is less than 400,000 votes behind President Obama's popular vote in 2012 & may pass him.

Its sweet that thc thinks russia is democratic. That's thc's method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

So what? Hillary doesn't have a majority of popular votes. She would not have won if the US uses a national popular vote system. It would have gone to the House where Trump wins a majority of the votes there.

Nobody claims Russia is democratic. Putin is a dictator who changed the term limit from 4 years to 6 years. He is the new tsar.

thc has comments about U.S. republican gov't & russian dictatorship, but doesn't defend the terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, & egotism of communist china (always small letters). thc continues his method of saying that communist china is a terrible despotic dictatorship of hate, egotism & bury those who don't capitalize communist china(always small letters).

Between 1949 & early 1970's, Mao murdered, tortured & starved to death, 100 million of his BROTHERS, SISTERS, CHILDREN & BABIES, & he was dictator of communist china(always small letters).

It is good that thc yearns for & displays his wonder about efforts thrusting away from tyrannies, while he, himself, is buried under the tragic pile of death, mayhem & disease of communist china dictatorship(always small letters).

Hillary now leads the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.8 million votes. Democratic democrats wanted to eliminate the electoral college for decades. re-pubic-lick-uns, who desire an undemocratic america, adore UN-democracy, pursuing all methods to forestall the decreasing power of old white men.
10-12-2016 07:27
litesong wrote: Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

Hillary leads by 2.8 million votes. Now, the CIA admits that Russia directed by Putin hacked democratic party emails to swing the electoral college to T-rump, which WAS surmised before the end of the election. What wasn't known is that the CIA had told a gathering of democrats, including President Obama AND a select group of re-pubic-lick-uns, that the accusation was accurate. President Obama wanted a consolidated bi-partisan front to deal with the russians & of course, announce the scheme to the world. All democrats were in agreement. However, the re-pubic-lick-uns crushed the bi-partisan proposal, knowing it would swing the election toward Hillary. President Obama couldn't announce the information, since he would have been accused of throwing the election to Hillary Clinton. So T-rump & his T-rumpisms survived & democracy got crushed in the re-pubic-lick-un crushing of the proposal.

Yeah, Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
Edited on 10-12-2016 07:30
15-12-2016 05:51
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote: Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

Hillary leads by 2.8 million votes. Now, the CIA admits that Russia directed by Putin hacked democratic party emails to swing the electoral college to T-rump, which WAS surmised before the end of the election. What wasn't known is that the CIA had told a gathering of democrats, including President Obama AND a select group of re-pubic-lick-uns, that the accusation was accurate. President Obama wanted a consolidated bi-partisan front to deal with the russians & of course, announce the scheme to the world. All democrats were in agreement. However, the re-pubic-lick-uns crushed the bi-partisan proposal, knowing it would swing the election toward Hillary. President Obama couldn't announce the information, since he would have been accused of throwing the election to Hillary Clinton. So T-rump & his T-rumpisms survived & democracy got crushed in the re-pubic-lick-un crushing of the proposal.

Yeah, Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Hillary Clinton's lead over T-rump has grown to 2,843,860 votes, two percentage points. Meanwhile, Putin directed russian sources to hack democratic emails, which gave borderline voters the excuse to vote against Clinton. Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
Edited on 15-12-2016 06:11
16-12-2016 05:34
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote: Hillary leads the popular vote by 2.56 million votes... which re-pubic-lick-uns don't believe in. Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod.

Hillary leads by 2.8 million votes. Now, the CIA admits that Russia directed by Putin hacked democratic party emails to swing the electoral college to T-rump, which WAS surmised before the end of the election. What wasn't known is that the CIA had told a gathering of democrats, including President Obama AND a select group of re-pubic-lick-uns, that the accusation was accurate. President Obama wanted a consolidated bi-partisan front to deal with the russians & of course, announce the scheme to the world. All democrats were in agreement. However, the re-pubic-lick-uns crushed the bi-partisan proposal, knowing it would swing the election toward Hillary. President Obama couldn't announce the information, since he would have been accused of throwing the election to Hillary Clinton. So T-rump & his T-rumpisms survived & democracy got crushed in the re-pubic-lick-un crushing of the proposal.

Yeah, Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Hillary Clinton's lead over T-rump has grown to 2,843,860 votes, two percentage points. Meanwhile, Putin directed russian sources to hack democratic emails, which gave borderline voters the excuse to vote against Clinton. Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump to extend & extrapolate both their wealth-gathering raping aptitudes & attitudes. Magnifying their abilities in business, democratic & dictator governed countries, corruption, stealing, inter-actional & personal vindictiveness, & wealth syphoning, leading to country-breaking, Put-it-in & T-rump are about to give communist china & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil.

Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
Edited on 16-12-2016 05:38
16-12-2016 20:35
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote:Hillary Clinton's lead over T-rump has grown to 2,843,860 votes, two percentage points. Meanwhile, Putin directed russian sources to hack democratic emails, which gave borderline voters the excuse to vote against Clinton. Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Corrections & expansions:
Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump to extend & extrapolate both their wealth-gathering raping aptitudes & attitudes. Magnifying their abilities in business, democratic & dictator governed countries, corruption, stealing, inter-actional & personal vindictiveness, & wealth syphoning, leading to country-breaking, Put-it-in & T-rump are about to give communist china & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil.

Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
20-12-2016 03:48
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote:Hillary Clinton's lead over T-rump has grown to 2,843,860 votes, two percentage points. Meanwhile, Putin directed russian sources to hack democratic emails, which gave borderline voters the excuse to vote against Clinton. Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Corrections & expansions:
Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump to extend & extrapolate both their wealth-gathering raping aptitudes & attitudes. Magnifying their abilities in business, democratic & dictator governed countries, corruption, stealing, inter-actional & personal vindictiveness, & wealth syphoning, leading to country-breaking, Put-it-in & T-rump are about to give communist china & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil.

Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

The Cook Political Report analysis has Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.86 million votes, 2.1 percentage points(& growing?).

Since Fox News seldom reports the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries), a Washington Post poll released Sunday found 52 percent of Republicans thought Trump won the popular vote. At T-rump rallies, sometimes kkk(always small letters) groups show up. The two groups get along very well.... 'cept fer large numbers of the two groups can't figure if they need to sit with T-rump supporters or kkk(always small letters) members. Not only is T-rump racist, sexist & xenophobic, his supporters are also racist, sexist & xenophobic.

Any future collaboration between T-rump & Put-it-in, shall be led by Put-it-in because...... Put-it-in will..... put-it-in.
20-12-2016 19:49
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote:Hillary Clinton's lead over T-rump has grown to 2,843,860 votes, two percentage points. Meanwhile, Putin directed russian sources to hack democratic emails, which gave borderline voters the excuse to vote against Clinton. Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Corrections & expansions:
Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump to extend & extrapolate both their wealth-gathering raping aptitudes & attitudes. Magnifying their abilities in business, democratic & dictator governed countries, corruption, stealing, inter-actional & personal vindictiveness, & wealth syphoning, leading to country-breaking, Put-it-in & T-rump are about to give communist china & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil.

Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

The Cook Political Report analysis has Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries) by 2.86 million votes, 2.1 percentage points(& growing?).

Since Fox News seldom reports the popular vote (THE VOTE in democratic countries), a Washington Post poll released Sunday found 52 percent of Republicans thought Trump won the popular vote. At T-rump rallies, sometimes kkk(always small letters) groups show up. The two groups get along very well.... 'cept fer large numbers of the two groups can't figure if they need to sit with T-rump supporters or kkk(always small letters) members. Not only is T-rump racist, sexist & xenophobic, his supporters are also racist, sexist & xenophobic.

Any future collaboration between T-rump & Put-it-in, shall be led by Put-it-in because...... Put-it-in will..... put-it-in.

Hillary did NOT win the popular vote if you take California out of the picture. Good thing California doesn't choose our president, eh?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-12-2016 20:33
into the badnight bluffed: Hillary did NOT win the popular vote if you take California out of the picture.

Ah, so you believe that 2.86 million votes shouldn't count, AND ALSO 4+ million votes shouldn't count. Your "undemocracy"...... shines through with gleaming black reflections.

T-rump would not have won, if so many americans weren't racist, sexist & xenophobic. Listen to the quiet (& not so quiet) whispers in the bars around the country, when men's liquor lubricated tongues start wagging. At T-rump rallies, sometimes kkk(always small letters) groups show up. The two groups get along very well.... 'cept fer large numbers of the two groups can't figure if they need to sit with T-rump supporters or kkk(always small letters) members. Not only is T-rump racist, sexist & xenophobic, his supporters are also racist, sexist & xenophobic. Meanwhile:

Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump.....(and) are about to give communist china (always small letters) & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil. Any future collaboration between T-rump & Put-it-in, shall be led by Put-it-in because...... Put-it-in will..... put-it-in.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
20-12-2016 20:44
The seductions between Put-it-in & T-rump:
20-12-2016 23:12
litesong wrote:Rachel Maddow reveals..... on his (Put-it-in) way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

The $85+ billion figure comes from the CIA. I'm sure Put-it-in's wealth is $100 billion or more, since the remnants of the kgb(always small letters) must be able to hid some of the scrapings & rapings of Put-it-in.
24-12-2016 07:29
litesong wrote:hid some of the scrapings & rapings of Put-it-in.

"hid" should be "hide".
24-12-2016 18:18
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Donald Trump spanked Hillary. Demozombies will complain forever. I eagerly await Trump's inauguration.
25-12-2016 02:53
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" muffed: Donald Trump spanked Hillary.......

...... by losing by 2,864,674 votes. U.S.A., country of democracy...... NOT! Lots of racists, sexists & xenophobes, tho..... lots...... LOTS!
25-12-2016 16:03
Tai Hai Chen
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" muffed: Donald Trump spanked Hillary.......

...... by losing by 2,864,674 votes. U.S.A., country of democracy...... NOT! Lots of racists, sexists & xenophobes, tho..... lots...... LOTS!

So what? Popular vote does not determine presidency. Bill Clinton got only 43% of the popular vote in 1992. 3% less than Donald Trump got in 2016.
25-12-2016 18:23
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
[b]litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" muffed: Donald Trump spanked Hillary.......

...... by losing by 2,864,674 votes. U.S.A., country of democracy...... NOT! Lots of racists, sexists & xenophobes, tho..... lots...... LOTS!

So what? Popular vote does not determine presidency.

No vote determines the dictator of communist china (always small letters). Chinese Citizens experienced 100 million of their BROTHERS, SISTERS, CHILDREND & BABIES murdered, tortured & starved to death by communist chinese (always small letters). Chinese Citizens, are happy to live, without protesting for a vote or they would soon join their ancestors in death.

thc loves to live without any vote!
Edited on 25-12-2016 18:25
14-01-2017 07:34
litesong wrote: Putin has successfully manipulated this american presidential election. Both Putin & T-rump admit to their mutual love fest. The only thing missing (& it might exist) is a direct plotting connection between Putin & T-rump.
Stalin, Putin, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
Rachel Maddow reveals that Put-it-in has raped the material sources of Russia & eliminated any competition to his power, on his way to scraping $85+ billion into his own pockets. Now richer than Bill Gates, billionaire Put-it-in will work with billionaire T-rump.....(and) are about to give communist china (always small letters) & other dictatorial gov'ts, lessons in how to starve peoples & make bigger fortunes while doing evil. Any future collaboration between T-rump & Put-it-in, shall be led by Put-it-in because...... Put-it-in will..... put-it-in.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Stalin, Put-it-in, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again."
14-01-2017 21:52
Completely irresponsible for Madcow to report rumors.

Hilary has blood on her hands of American soldiers in Benghazi. C-135 gunships in the air and a stand down order to not defend.

This doesn't piss you off but Trump has done business with Russia and you're hacked off?

Trump is just messing with you Libs and I find it pretty funny! He know the media well and he's one step ahead every step of the way.
Edited on 14-01-2017 21:59
15-01-2017 02:09
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy AGW denier liar whiner gasguzlr & gazmuflr" guffed:Completely irresponsible for Maddow to report rumors.

Even a reliable spy reporting to a reliable american agency. Hey, its just the billionaires exchanging home addresses......
15-01-2017 03:03
I'm sure you were deeply concerned when Crock Obama was good buddies with Bill Ayers....You know...The guy that bombed the Pentagon. No?
15-01-2017 19:21
GasGuzzler wrote:
I'm sure you were deeply concerned when Crock Obama was good buddies with Bill Ayers....You know...The guy that bombed the Pentagon.

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy AGW denier liar whiner gasguzlr & gazmuflr" just proved its more accurate name is "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gasguzlr & gazmuflr" & lets fly with all sorts of racist re-pubic-lick-un flushing propaganda & poop.
04-02-2017 05:28
...-re-pubic-lick-un judge James Robart in our fair city of Seattle, in the fairer state of Washington, rules that Don't T-rump's racist & xenophobic Islamic banning is not american & busts the Constitution wide open..... leaving T-rump with a wide open mouth, but no words comin' out of it.
Step 1)... moronic Nixonian T-rump & his supporters & voters don't like the Constitution. More to come.... much more to come.
What did T-rump know...... & when did he know it?

It'll be funny, if by the end of T-rump's term, he'll make his run MORE liberal than democratic presidents.... at least, develop enough new law to reject most re-pubic-lick-un, kkk(always small letters) clap-trap.
Edited on 04-02-2017 05:30
Page 1 of 3123>

Join the debate libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it:

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