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libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it

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05-02-2017 01:07
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.

Hillary did NOT have a popular vote. In Michigan during the aborted recount we found that entire precincts in Detroit showing 99% votes for Hillary had empty ballot boxes. In some 37% of the princints they had 6 times more votes for Hillary than they had registered voters.

In the San Francisco bay area the voting is so crooked here that you are not evena allowed to question the authenticity of a ballot.

This supposed 2.5 million votes on this scale of fraud would be more than covered by Detroit, Chicago, New York, LA and San Francisco.

And WHY wouldn't anyone question that 2.5 million votes when Hillary had FAR more negatives than Trump did even among UNION WORKERS!

Liberals simply cannot keep themselves from voter fraud and that is why they so strenuously oppose Voter ID.
05-02-2017 01:07
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.

Hillary did NOT have a popular vote. In Michigan during the aborted recount we found that entire precincts in Detroit showing 99% votes for Hillary had empty ballot boxes. In some 37% of the princints they had 6 times more votes for Hillary than they had registered voters.

In the San Francisco bay area the voting is so crooked here that you are not evena allowed to question the authenticity of a ballot.

This supposed 2.5 million votes on this scale of fraud would be more than covered by Detroit, Chicago, New York, LA and San Francisco.

And WHY wouldn't anyone question that 2.5 million votes when Hillary had FAR more negatives than Trump did even among UNION WORKERS!

Liberals simply cannot keep themselves from voter fraud and that is why they so strenuously oppose Voter ID.
05-02-2017 23:38
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.
Hillary did NOT have a popular vote.

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" teaming up with a communist chinese (always small letters) prisoner, stuck in a "free speech" suppressed country, ain't a horse & buggy operation that can tell the truth about nuthin'.
06-02-2017 18:01
jwoodward48 wrote:
One, it's others insulting me. Two, this is a forum that is at least supposed to be civil. Three, "tard" is a corruption of "retarded", which is offensive to people with mental disabilities.

I guess you can continue to be an uncaring offensive idiotic denier - it's a free country. But I can continue to complain.

He was speaking to you. Are you telling us that you have a mental disability? That might seem obvious from some of your postings. Though not all since even the "mentally retarded" have some insights.
06-02-2017 18:04
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.
Hillary did NOT have a popular vote.

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" teaming up with a communist chinese (always small letters) prisoner, stuck in a "free speech" suppressed country, ain't a horse & buggy operation that can tell the truth about nuthin'.

Do you mean like those UC Berkeley people that gathered to renounce free speech of anyone not of their own viewpoint? And then expressing their opinions of people by breaking into stores in the area and looting them? Fine group of "free speech" movement people you have there.
06-02-2017 20:48
Wake wrote:
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofed:
Tai Hai Chen wrote:
Hillary Clinton having more nationwide popular votes is moot.
Hillary did NOT have a popular vote.

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" teaming up with a communist chinese (always small letters) prisoner, stuck in a "free speech" suppressed country, ain't a horse & buggy operation that can tell the truth about nuthin'.

...those UC Berkeley people that gathered to renounce free speech of anyone not of their own viewpoint?

It's good you protect & esteem "10 Things Milo Hates about Islam" to "Here's Why There Ought to be a cap on Women Studying Science and Maths,".....which reveal his blatantly sexist and racist views of the world.

It is good "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" continues to earn its name & yearns for horse & buggy days.
11-02-2017 05:24
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again."

Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
Edited on 11-02-2017 05:43
11-02-2017 11:16
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again."

Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.

What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.
12-02-2017 03:33
litesong wrote: re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

Please show me your research on Benghazi.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
12-02-2017 04:00
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed: Please show me...

Thank you for your concern:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.
Edited on 12-02-2017 04:25
12-02-2017 04:26
That's it, go on being a dumbass. At least I admit I don't have the math, science, or diploma. You on the other hand, are a regurgitating turd, yet somehow you are still unable to get anything right. What I do have is common sense. I've listened to your crap long enough and I'm calling bullshit.
YOU have no math or science and IF you have a diploma you can probably thank Bush Jr. for his unfunded "no idiot left behind program". You were not left behind. You hide behind your stupid signature lines because of your inability to comprehend anything, including a basic weather surface map. You have never shown the ability to do anything more than wear out a keyboard.
But go on, you flippin moron. Keep educating yourself down political party lines. I think it's good. You're a big enough jackwagon that I can't see anyone taking you seriously enough to gain any support for your side. You might also consider turning off Rachel Methane Madcow. She (he?)is responsible for a lot of your stupidity.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 12-02-2017 05:24
12-02-2017 04:42
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:
That's it....

Thank you for agreeing that "Don'T rump" may have colluded with Russia to guarantee his election:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.
12-02-2017 05:22
Litehead, you've been called out, so you copy and paste to cover my post, hoping no one will see it. So I stand by my post:

That's it, go on being a dumbass. At least I admit I don't have the math, science, or diploma. You on the other hand, are a regurgitating turd, yet somehow you are still unable to get anything right. What I do have is common sense. I've listened to your crap long enough and I'm calling bullshit.
YOU have no math or science and IF you have a diploma you can probably thank Bush Jr. for his unfunded "no idiot left behind program". You were not left behind. You hide behind your stupid signature lines because of your inability to comprehend anything, including a basic weather surface map. You have never shown the ability to do anything more than wear out a keyboard.
But go on you flippin moron. Keep educating yourself down political party lines. I think it's good. You're a big enough jackwagon that I can't see anyone taking you seriously enough to gain any support for your side. You might also consider turning off Rachel Methane Madcow. She(he?) is responsible for a lot of your stupidity.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 12-02-2017 05:23
12-02-2017 05:46
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:... a dumbass.

Oh, yeah! Well....well....well.... you're a.... dumpass. So, how 'bout that....nay, naaay....nay nay....nay. & your mother...... bakes cookies, too. So, there!
Edited on 12-02-2017 05:49
12-02-2017 19:00
GasGuzzler wrote:
Litehead, you've been called out, so you copy and paste to cover my post, hoping no one will see it. So I stand by my post:

That's it, go on being a dumbass. At least I admit I don't have the math, science, or diploma. You on the other hand, are a regurgitating turd, yet somehow you are still unable to get anything right. What I do have is common sense. I've listened to your crap long enough and I'm calling bullshit.
YOU have no math or science and IF you have a diploma you can probably thank Bush Jr. for his unfunded "no idiot left behind program". You were not left behind. You hide behind your stupid signature lines because of your inability to comprehend anything, including a basic weather surface map. You have never shown the ability to do anything more than wear out a keyboard.
But go on you flippin moron. Keep educating yourself down political party lines. I think it's good. You're a big enough jackwagon that I can't see anyone taking you seriously enough to gain any support for your side. You might also consider turning off Rachel Methane Madcow. She(he?) is responsible for a lot of your stupidity.

I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that Chief Crazyass writes.
12-02-2017 20:20
Wake wrote: I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that (litesong) writes.

I note that you were posting to Frank Lansner yesterday. Did you get a reply...... after he left this website 6 years ago?
14-02-2017 16:24
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:
That's it....

Thank you for agreeing that "Don'T rump" may have colluded with Russia to guarantee his election:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that (litesong) Chief Crazyass writes.
litesong wrote:
As Sally Yates (& Rachel Maddow) determined long ago, Flynn's mouth was wide open with Russia (at the orders of Don't rump?) & now Flynn's gone. They say that Flynn skunked Pence. They gotta keep Pence clean because he'll have to take over AFTER "Don'T rump" gets the deep six.

To repeat: What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

Actually, they should start again with a new Presidential election.... & NOT 4 years from now.
Oh, yeah. Sally Yates was fired by "Don't rump".... fer tellin' da truth. "Don't rump" determines that truth ain't what I need.

re-pubic-lick-uns gonna have a press conference. What, to cover up their involvement in..... covering up Flynn's dogpile?
Edited on 14-02-2017 16:57
15-02-2017 01:46
[quote]litesong wrote: Flynn is only the tip of a much bigger "Don't rump" & re-pubic-lick-un dogpile.

Altho their dogpile is warm & moist, there are lots of cracks in the pile & more truth is coming out about "Don'T rump" & re-pubic-lick-uns.
Edited on 15-02-2017 02:20
15-02-2017 04:35
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:
That's it....

Thank you for agreeing that "Don'T rump" may have colluded with Russia to guarantee his election:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that (litesong) Chief Crazyass writes.
litesong wrote:
As Sally Yates (& Rachel Maddow) determined long ago, Flynn's mouth was wide open with Russia (at the orders of Don't rump?) & now Flynn's gone. They say that Flynn skunked Pence. They gotta keep Pence clean because he'll have to take over AFTER "Don'T rump" gets the deep six.

To repeat: What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

Actually, they should start again with a new Presidential election.... & NOT 4 years from now.
Oh, yeah. Sally Yates was fired by "Don't rump".... fer tellin' da truth. "Don't rump" determines that truth ain't what I need.

re-pubic-lick-uns gonna have a press conference. What, to cover up their involvement in..... covering up Flynn's dogpile?

Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don't rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.

We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now!
15-02-2017 18:01
litesong wrote: 20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don't rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.

We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now!

Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don'T rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.

We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now!
15-02-2017 19:36
litesong wrote:
Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don'T rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.
We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now!

What did "Don'T rump" know...... & when did he know it?
"Don'T rump" has had several newscasts since Flynn flew, without drilling to new news. But "Don'T rump" does blame everyone but himself for his disintegrating administration (which never was constructed properly).
What did "Don'T rump" know...... & when did he know it?
Edited on 15-02-2017 19:56
15-02-2017 20:22
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:
That's it....

Thank you for agreeing that "Don'T rump" may have colluded with Russia to guarantee his election:
litesong wrote:20-12-2016:
Rachel Maddow is now indicating that evidence is arising that there.... "is a direct plotting connection between Put-it-in & T-rump.
Rachel Maddow shows that "Don'T rump"s Flynn was in communication with Russia about Obama's sanctions AFTER the election. Russia was given "comfort & aid" to reduce the effects of sanctions. Flynn would be gone in any other configuration of American politics.
But further evidence indicates "Don'T rump"s campaign has had communication with Russia, BEFORE the election. Therefore, there is evidence that "Don'T rump"s campaign HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to collude with Russia on covert espionage to break Hillary Clinton's emails AND affect the election outcome.
With mounting evidence, "Don'T rump" could be on the impeachment list.... in a while, if NOT sooner. & I ain't talkin' Oklahoma.
Stalin, Put-it-in, T-rump, re-pubic-lick-uns..... peas in a pod....again.
What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that (litesong) Chief Crazyass writes.
litesong wrote:
As Sally Yates (& Rachel Maddow) determined long ago, Flynn's mouth was wide open with Russia (at the orders of Don't rump?) & now Flynn's gone. They say that Flynn skunked Pence. They gotta keep Pence clean because he'll have to take over AFTER "Don'T rump" gets the deep six.

To repeat: What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.

Actually, they should start again with a new Presidential election.... & NOT 4 years from now.
Oh, yeah. Sally Yates was fired by "Don't rump".... fer tellin' da truth. "Don't rump" determines that truth ain't what I need.

re-pubic-lick-uns gonna have a press conference. What, to cover up their involvement in..... covering up Flynn's dogpile?

Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don't rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.

We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now!

No, we're talking about Maddow as well.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
15-02-2017 23:19
[quote] litesong wrote: But we are talkin' Flynn flopping & flying out da door wid' poopin' puffed Puzder, now.

Yeah.... Puzder just pooped & popped out da door.
Edited on 15-02-2017 23:57
15-02-2017 23:30
I'm sure you will be pressing for an investigation into all the dead libs that vote year after year.
15-02-2017 23:32
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: ...Voter ID....

... run by re-pubic-lick-uns who will drive voting processes to 1790 levels when only rich, land owning white males could vote. Kings & queens (forget the queens) comin' to your local neighborhood southern re-pubic-lick-un precinct directly..... spreading across america.... because re-pubic-lick-uns say its good fer you.
15-02-2017 23:35
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" guffed: I'm sure you will be pressing for an investigation into all the dead libs that vote year after year.

That does need investigatin'...... re-pubic-lick-uns replacin' dead libs with paid re-pubic-lick-un voters.
Edited on 15-02-2017 23:36
16-02-2017 05:07
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote: But we are talkin' Flynn flopping & flying out da door wid' poopin' puffed Puzder, now.
Yeah.... Puzder just pooped & popped out da door.

Puzder's gone, specifically because the Oprah video (which got court squashed), had one of the women who was on Oprah with Puzder's wife, who made her copy available to the public. "Don'T rump" squashed Puzder, just like a bug.
Because Steve Bannon has the same domestic charges leveled against him, as Puzder. Yeah, Steve Bannon is on the list to get his butt kicked out of "Don'T rump" s administration.
Yeah. So many people problems developing in the "Don'T rump" group that a traffic light is needed to control in & out traffic.... even if half the traffic is one way.... leaving the "Don't rump" administration. Three weeks into "Don'T rump" & people getting dizzy.... both those in the cease pool & those watchin' the traffic.
One place doesn't have much traffic. The intelligence agency is withholding information to "Don'T rump". Telling "Don't rump" any intelligence is now considered...... dangerous to national security!
16-02-2017 05:17
Hillary's emails were a huge security breech, and yet you remained quiet. Why?
16-02-2017 05:26
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed: Hillary's emails were a huge security breech, and yet you remained quiet.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushes to side track from "Don'T rump" colluding with russian put-it-in to swing the american election to "Don'T rump".
Don't need Rachel Maddow to make that connection.
Have ya heard. The U.S. Intelligence community is withholding information from "Don'T rump"........ because of national security issues.
Oh, yeah. We came back full circle where I started the conversation!
"nother" extention. Put-it-in & "Don'T rump" got so much money interconnected, their politics are getting in the way of making money together.
Edited on 16-02-2017 05:36
16-02-2017 05:35
litesong wrote:

Oh, yeah. We came back full circle where I started the conversation!

No, we came to a dead end where you are a hypocrite that refuses to answer a simple question.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
16-02-2017 05:59
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed:
litesong wrote:
Oh, yeah. We came back full circle where I started the conversation!

you...refuse to answer...

But lots of "Don'T rump" insiders are answerin' a lot of things, "Don'T rump" don't want answered. "Don'T rump" keeps sinking.
17-02-2017 01:37
Kelly "wrongway" Conway is banned from "Morning Joe". Hey, gotta ban Steve "dead eyes" Miller, too. Ban "Don'T rump". Ban all the re-pubic-lick-uns. Hey, they'll make their livin' on FOX.
17-02-2017 04:53
litesong wrote:
...-re-pubic-lick-un judge James Robart in our fair city of Seattle, in the fairer state of Washington, rules that Don't T-rump's racist & xenophobic Islamic banning is not american & busts the Constitution wide open..... leaving T-rump with a wide open mouth, but no words comin' out of it.
Step 1)... moronic Nixonian T-rump & his supporters & voters don't like the Constitution. More to come.... much more to come.
What did T-rump know...... & when did he know it?
It'll be funny, if by the end of T-rump's term, he'll make his run MORE liberal than democratic presidents.... at least, develop enough new law to reject most re-pubic-lick-un, kkk(always small letters) clap-trap.

Weeks after Don'T rump said, "We'll meet you in court!", Don'T rump worked hard NOT to go to court about Don't T-rump's religious, racist, & xenophobic Islamic banning". Finally, a less than one page Don'T rump almost memo, Don'T rump throws in the towel, telling the courts to dump his try at Islamic banning.
17-02-2017 05:19
Don't get too excited, he's simply going to rewrite the order in a manner that the libs can't touch.
17-02-2017 06:48
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gaslighter" gushed: Don't get too excited, he's simply going to rewrite the order in a manner that the libs can't touch.

He'll write it so anti-religionist, sexist, racist, xenophobic old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiners CAN touch it... & feel.... & caress it....& have orgasms on it. Washington state's Bob Ferguson will meet Don'T rump in court to tear him up again..... you racist steenkin' pig.
17-02-2017 20:04
"Don'T rump" says his administration is running like a smooth machine. One of the denigrated news media reporters agrees, comparing the "Don'T rump" machine to a......1972 Ford Pinto.
18-02-2017 05:47
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote: But we are talkin' Flynn flopping & flying out da door wid' poopin' puffed Puzder, now.
Yeah.... Puzder just pooped & popped out da door.

Now we find that at least two selections to replace Flynn withdrew their candidacies, understanding that the "Don'T rump" administration is disintegrating, & to serve "Don'T rump" would end their careers. A job with "Don'T rump" is a dead-end job! Only those who are older than "Don'T rump", similarly unstable, AND have a billion dollars need apply.
Yeah, yeah..... all the selected billionaires knew this long ago.
18-02-2017 06:53
steve bannon is so mad at breitbart now.....its like the two kkk(always small letters) guys that had a fist fight.
21-02-2017 08:15
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote:
[quote] litesong wrote: But we are talkin' Flynn flopping & flying out da door wid' poopin' puffed Puzder, now.
Yeah.... Puzder just pooped & popped out da door.

Now we find that at least two selections to replace Flynn withdrew their candidacies, understanding that the "Don'T rump" administration is disintegrating, & to serve "Don'T rump" would end their careers. A job with "Don'T rump" is a dead-end job! Only those who are older than "Don'T rump", similarly unstable, AND have a billion dollars need apply.
Yeah, yeah..... all the selected billionaires knew this long ago.

At least another Flynn replacement candidate has turned "Don'T rump" down. Now, "Don'T rump" has a fifth or sixth candidate, being Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. McMaster is very good, acceptable to many people. The problem with McMaster, "Don'T rump"s long list final(?) selection for Home Security, is McMaster probably will NOT be a "Don'T rump" yes-person. "Don'T rump" needs all his underlings to be underlings, all his yes-persons to be yes-persons.
22-02-2017 01:44
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
I suggest you simply take my tactic. I won't bother to even read anything that (litesong) Chief Crazyass writes.
litesong wrote:
As Sally Yates (& Rachel Maddow) determined long ago, Flynn's mouth was wide open with Russia (at the orders of Don't rump?) & now Flynn's gone. They say that Flynn skunked Pence. They gotta keep Pence clean because he'll have to take over AFTER "Don'T rump" gets the deep six.
To repeat: What did "Don'T-rump" know...... & when did he know it? Unlike watergate, re-pubic-lick-uns will bury evidence, even if its handed to them. re-pubic-lick-uns won't look for the evidence.
Actually, they should start again with a new Presidential election.... & NOT 4 years from now.
Oh, yeah. Sally Yates was fired by "Don't rump".... fer tellin' da truth. "Don't rump" determines that truth ain't what I need.
Rachel Maddow just announces a New York Times report:
"Don't rump" (CAMPAIGN) aide(S) had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence BEFORE the U.S. presidential election.
We ain't talkin' just Flynn, now![/quote]
Anne Frank Community Center, in response to D.Trump's supposed "defense" of Jews:
Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect
7 hrs ·

Statement of Steven Goldstein, Executive Director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, on President Trump's acknowledgment of Antisemitism today:
"The President's sudden acknowledgement is a Band-Aid on the cancer of Antisemitism that has infected his own Administration. His statement today is a pathetic asterisk of condescension after weeks in which he and his staff have committed grotesque acts and omissions reflecting Antisemitism, yet day after day have refused to apologize and correct the record. Make no mistake: The Antisemitism coming out of this Administration is the worst we have ever seen from any Administration. The White House repeatedly refused to mention Jews in its Holocaust remembrance, and had the audacity to take offense when the world pointed out the ramifications of Holocaust denial. And it was only yesterday, President's Day, that Jewish Community Centers across the nation received bomb threats, and the President said absolutely nothing. When President Trump responds to Antisemitism proactively and in real time, and without pleas and pressure, that's when we'll be able to say this President has turned a corner. This is not that moment."
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Join the debate libtards, your climate change hero Hillary Clinton lost fair and square, nothing you can say about it:

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