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James Hansen is wrong. The atmosphere, not the CO2 in the atmosphere, increases temperature by 33 C

James Hansen is wrong. The atmosphere, not the CO2 in the atmosphere, increases temperature by 33 C15-09-2016 01:08
Tai Hai Chen
Compare Norway with Quebec, the former having much higher latitude than the latter. Norway has small land big ocean. Quebec has big land small ocean. Water traps heat much better than land because water molecules move much faster than land molecules. So Norway is more than 20 C warmer than Quebec in winter time.

Likewise, air traps heat the best because air molecules move the fastest. Heat is really kinetic energy. When light gets absorbed, molecules become excited and move, which we interpret as heat.

This is why, lower altitude is warmer than higher altitude, because lower altitude has more air, and more air traps more heat.

Even if the air is 100% oxygen, the atmosphere would trap heat using kinetic energy and increase temperature by 33 C.
Edited on 15-09-2016 01:18
Join the debate James Hansen is wrong. The atmosphere, not the CO2 in the atmosphere, increases temperature by 33 C:

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