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Is our world condemned?

Is our world condemned?08-01-2014 01:08
My name is Jake Wallace, I'm 14.
Many people are stuck in a bubble, They dont realize there daily activitys impact has on our enviroment.
You can get people saying that 'God' created our world, I'm a atheist but don't get me wrong I repect all religions as I would myself and my beliefs. I Think that life is life and death is death, it is the start and the end. Science could be a lie, but so could religion. Their are racists, homophobics and most governments...These are the people that that we face. Most Governments want money, in their opinion no crisis can be solved without money...I say NO!, we must stand and say what must we said.
People know the problems we face but deny to them selfs of the impact it has and will!.

My question to you as a community, is our world condemned for future generations? and will there ever be truth in our world, nor we speak as singles but why not as a whole?.
08-01-2014 06:28
Hi Jake,

I understand how you feel. Every time we turn around there are people telling us the end of the world is coming. This is how it is, this is how it has been, and this is how it will always be.

Will the earth be around for future generations? Nobody knows the answer to this question. Maybe that is why we fear our future so much. Like you said, we can see life and we can see death. And there is much that raises our concerns.

Will there ever be truth in our world? There is a saying, "like beauty, truth is in the eye of the beholder". We all have our own experiences, our own beliefs, our own set of mental filters. We all interpret the world a little differently. The important thing is that we trust in ourselves to do this interpreting, not others. I like to think there is a little piece of divinity in all of us, a little moral compass, and it is our job to find it and go with it. Inside, you can feel what is right and what is wrong.

Others may have their own spin on the truth, their own experiences with which to relate, their own belief system from which to form judgments. And perhaps we all have our own version of the truth. We are not sheep and we shouldn't let ourselves get into that trap or else we will be fleeced for others benefits. But neither do we need to be wolves.

I can tell by your post that you have a good mind, you have curiosity, and you care not only for yourself but for future generations. You, and others like you, are the future of the world. And I must say, the future does not look bleak to me.

Science is our best attempt to deal objectively and universally with the question of what is the truth. We do our best through the scientific method to discover this, but we can only try to make sense out of what we can observe. What we can't observe is difficult to test or resolve. Our knowledge is limited but growing all the time because of people like you who strive to know the truth.

Though we may never all speak as a whole, perhaps most of us actually care for the whole. We all share this unique experience of life and death. As we look around we see that life is a struggle. But I hope this will not keep you from going forth confidently and exerting your influence. To do any less is to give up, and that is not typical of human nature. Thus we continue the struggle and, hopefully, find happiness in our quest and in our ultimate human camaraderie. And hopefully there will be enough agreement on the truth to illuminate our path.
19-08-2014 03:18
just sayin
don't worry man..this earth could shake the human race off it's back like a pack of fleas and wouldn't skip a beat....try to think for yourself...not what your school teacher or media feeds you
RE: Is our world condemned? yes somebodies gonna get it!13-10-2014 16:19
Wow Jake I can only imagine your Braniac Parent. People will always have different opinions , debate is what keeps the Arguments going until Science finally agrees with someone. The true god of this world Jesus Christ demands that you Find Faith in him through the Bible, and the early church accounts of Israeli people witnessing his Birth in Bethlehem and Death in Calvary and Resurrection. That is why God will never prove himself to this world again. Because he is GOD , no one else can come forward and SHOW HIS GODLY POWER TO MANKIND. Because there are none. People must Believe in the Christmas birth to be saved.

The Devil Created Darwinism a belief that does not allow GOD to exist.. and Science likes that very much. Science does not lean on any Faith. After Darwinism ..then came Global Warming that blames Natural Disasters on Mankind releasing too many Carbons and melting glaciers causing Natural Disasters. Natural Disasters were mentioned in the Bible as Acts of Evil. That's why Darwinism and Global Warming are hand in hand. Neither believe in God.

I don't believe that Global Warming is entirely from humans releasing too many carbons and melting Glaciers warming the earth. I have been blogging on this and making websites since 2009.

I don't believe Chemtrails are a Government Conspiracy or Global Warming. They are caused by the Devil flying alien aircraft cloaked as human aviation vehicles , leaving these chemtrails that have mystified the World. You would have to listen to my youtube video for that answer.

At some point in time ,after all the Jobs go away the planet will face doom. Likely a Nuclear war. Any earth after that will be ruled by Evil for the mostpart. I am pretty weak and writing from my electric wheelchair that people don't notice or that would add a lot to my Drama.

But hey have fun in High School!
Edited on 13-10-2014 16:28
25-10-2014 16:34
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
JakeWall wrote:
My name is Jake Wallace, I'm 14.
Many people are stuck in a bubble, They dont realize there daily activitys impact has on our enviroment.
You can get people saying that 'God' created our world, I'm a atheist but don't get me wrong I repect all religions as I would myself and my beliefs.

The first thing you need to do is to realize that you are not an atheist. You are a member of the Church of Global Warming, a fanatical and dangerous religion that pretends its wacky dogma is science.

You are regrettably stuck in one of those bubbles and you should punch a hole in it and step out.

When you get a chance, ask any of your Global Warming Church ministers to show you the scientific (falsifiable) Global Warming model (that isn't false) and bring it here for public discussion in this thread. Don't worry, there is no such model because there is no Global Warming science, because Global Warming is nothing but a wacky religion.
27-11-2014 05:31
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
JakeWall wrote:
My name is Jake Wallace, I'm 14.

My name is Abraham. I'm 60. If you'd like to make 15, I'd suggest not putting your full name on the internet.

JakeWall wrote:
Many people are stuck in a bubble, They dont realize there daily activitys impact has on our enviroment.

They don't realize the impact their daily activities have on our environment? ( ;-) ) I'm not sure I'd call that being stuck in a bubble. We all have a strong tendency to ignore or reject out of hand information that doesn't concur with our current notions and pay close attention to information which supports them.

JakeWall wrote:
You can get people saying that 'God' created our world

That's because most of them believe that to be true.

JakeWall wrote:
I'm a atheist but don't get me wrong I repect all religions as I would myself and my beliefs.

I am also an atheist. I think it might be more accurate to say that we respect the right of all to worship as they see fit. A belief that no gods exist is about as disrespectful towards religion as it is possible to be.

JakeWall wrote:
I Think that life is life and death is death, it is the start and the end.


JakeWall wrote:
Science could be a lie, but so could religion.

That's a very broad brush. It is extremely unlikely - unless you wish to suggest that humans are incapable of any use of logic or reason - that all of science is a lie. Religion, however; the belief in a supernatural deity or deities, is completely rejected by atheism. From an atheist perspective, any claim that a deity or deities exist is at least mistaken.

JakeWall wrote:
Their are racists, homophobics and most governments...These are the people that that we face.

We face all of humanity. We face all life on this planet

JakeWall wrote:
Most Governments want money, in their opinion no crisis can be solved without money...I say NO!, we must stand and say what must we said.

All governments require money to operate. To what are you saying no? What is it that you believe must be said?

JakeWall wrote:
People know the problems we face but deny to them selfs of the impact it has and will!.

Most people do know that we face a problem. Some - many here - believe that we do NOT face a problem.

JakeWall wrote:
My question to you as a community, is our world condemned for future generations?

There is no one here who can speak for this community. This community would have a very divided voice.

Human civilization is going to suffer the effects of global warming for quite some time - at least three or four human generations. Most likely we will do more adaptation than correction, but this is not the end of the human race.

JakeWall wrote: and will there ever be truth in our world, nor we speak as singles but why not as a whole?.

Why don't you come back when you can give us more talking and less diatribe.
29-09-2015 15:41
KeiranKProfile picture☆☆☆☆☆
Can you imagine if the ice age had been in our day ... the media hype, the blame, and so on.

Instead, it just was what it was, the earth is so much bigger than us, and not everything we do can control it for better or for worse.
29-09-2015 22:56
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Abraham3 wrote: I am also an atheist. I think it might be more accurate to say that we respect the right of all to worship as they see fit. A belief that no gods exist is about as disrespectful towards religion as it is possible to be.

The most threatening thing to the sensitivities of the devoutly religious is the assertion that their unfalsifiable dogma is false. A belief that no gods exist is only threatening to those dogmas based on gods. The Global Warming faith, on the other hand, claims to be "science" and confuses its worshipers into thinking they are "atheists" which causes them to become infuriated when it is pointed out that their dogma runs counter to science and that their faith is just another religion.

Abraham3 wrote: From an atheist perspective, any claim that a deity or deities exist is at least mistaken.

Not true. An atheist simply has no position on the matter. An atheist has no theism. What's your position on purgatory? You probably have no opinion because you don't have that theism.

An active belief that no gods exist is itself a theism and is not atheism.

Abraham3 wrote: Most people do know that we face a problem. Some - many here - believe that we do NOT face a problem.

Interesting. What "problem" do you know we face but of which I seem to be unaware and that many here believe we don't?

How did you get this "knowledge"? Was it divinely inspired?

Abraham3 wrote:Human civilization is going to suffer the effects of global warming for quite some time - at least three or four human generations.

Very interesting. Would you mind elaborating on these specific "effects"? How, exactly, are we going to "suffer"? How did you arrive at the "three or four human generations" figure?

This is sounding very much like a brand of theism to me.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
11-05-2023 09:09
I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at
11-05-2023 09:09
I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at
11-05-2023 09:09
I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at
11-05-2023 19:15
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
ellisael wrote:I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at

I notice that one of the books is titled "Physical Geology," making me wonder if there is any other kind.
12-05-2023 03:38
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
ellisael wrote:I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at

I notice that one of the books is titled "Physical Geology," making me wonder if there is any other kind.

Meta-Physical Geology... The study of moraines, Libyan Desert Glass, contaminated gold...
12-05-2023 17:28
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
JakeWall wrote:
My name is Jake Wallace, I'm 14.
Many people are stuck in a bubble, They dont realize there daily activitys impact has on our enviroment.
You can get people saying that 'God' created our world, I'm a atheist but don't get me wrong I repect all religions as I would myself and my beliefs. I Think that life is life and death is death, it is the start and the end. Science could be a lie, but so could religion. Their are racists, homophobics and most governments...These are the people that that we face. Most Governments want money, in their opinion no crisis can be solved without money...I say NO!, we must stand and say what must we said.
People know the problems we face but deny to them selfs of the impact it has and will!.

My question to you as a community, is our world condemned for future generations? and will there ever be truth in our world, nor we speak as singles but why not as a whole?.

Welcome to the forum, Jake.

Coming from an 'old fart' like me...

I've found that most people tend to think that everyone is like what they themselves are. In other words, people tend to project what they are upon others around them. This is what tends to drive generational differences.

All you've known is what you've seen during your 14 years. You have never seen cassette tapes, yet they were a big part of society, even creating phrases and expressions we use in conversation to this day. Indeed, this is true for phrases, expressions, and even words that were coined hundreds of years ago in circumstances far different than what people have experienced today.

For example:
At one time, slavery was considered acceptable, even normal. To hear someone had slaves didn't raise much of an eyebrow, though it may have caused distaste. Today, the thought is so totally repugnant, people find it hard to imagine a time when the existence of slaves in the U.S. was considered a common occurrence.

At one time, people had no cars. They rode horses or used carriages drawn by horses to get anywhere (or they just walked for miles!). Even trains didn't exist yet. Today, it's hard to imagine a life like that. It's like talking about some fictional story or the scenario in a video game.

At one time, the local wars that occurred across Europe caused problems for people, but they would pass quickly, and people got back to their own lives trying to make a living. Then came WW2, which devastated much of Europe, and it seemed the world was coming to an end. It ended, of course, and blue sky opened again, but now we live under the threat of nuclear annihilation. War simply got too costly to wage on those levels. It's hard to imagine a time before the nuclear bomb, or living through something like the Black Plague, which killed half the population of Europe.

Even with the Covid fear mongering, claiming 2% dead (by some estimates), it was nothing like the days of the Black Death decimating Europe. It's hard to imagine living through a time like that.

At each time, people asked the same question. Will there ever be truth in the world? Is this the end?

One way or another, the world will go on. Sure, there will be some changes. There always is. That is how it goes. Some changes will be uncomfortable or may even change whole societies, but it is normal. Life goes on.

People have an amazing capacity to learn to cope with these changes. They've learned how to live and even prosper in everything from equatorial climates to the wastelands of Antarctica. We can ship stuff door to door overnight almost anywhere in the world. The internet itself now ties people together like never before.

It wasn't always like this. Life goes on. Maybe not the way one expects it, but life goes on.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
13-05-2023 04:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
ellisael wrote:
I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at

There is no science in any of these books.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
15-05-2023 05:11
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
HarveyH55 wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
ellisael wrote:I feel proud that conversations are still a part of intellectual discourse. Check out some these wonderful Earth Science for a concise understanding of where the conversation is at

I notice that one of the books is titled "Physical Geology," making me wonder if there is any other kind.

Meta-Physical Geology... The study of moraines, Libyan Desert Glass, contaminated gold...

My AI chat GPT told me Libyan desert glass is evidence of extra terrestrials

That was the best I could get out of it...

15-05-2023 05:22
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
JakeWall wrote:
My name is Jake Wallace, I'm 14.
Many people are stuck in a bubble, They dont realize there daily activitys impact has on our enviroment.
You can get people saying that 'God' created our world, I'm a atheist but don't get me wrong I repect all religions as I would myself and my beliefs. I Think that life is life and death is death, it is the start and the end. Science could be a lie, but so could religion. Their are racists, homophobics and most governments...These are the people that that we face. Most Governments want money, in their opinion no crisis can be solved without money...I say NO!, we must stand and say what must we said.
People know the problems we face but deny to them selfs of the impact it has and will!.

My question to you as a community, is our world condemned for future generations? and will there ever be truth in our world, nor we speak as singles but why not as a whole?.

Hey Jake, Do you believe that the Sputnik satellite launch and the Moon landing were real?

Believe it or not, you can't win the climate change debate without addressing these events.

Hope to see more posts from you...

15-05-2023 08:53
Spongy IrisProfile picture★★★★☆
oldendays wrote:
The true god of this world Jesus Christ demands that you Find Faith in him through the Bible, and the early church accounts of Israeli people witnessing his Birth in Bethlehem and Death in Calvary and Resurrection

Understanding resurrection. Is that important to the climate change debate? One might say it is of ultimate importance...

However it might be an inappropriate discussion to have with a 14 year old.

15-05-2023 15:34
hayden jordan
Why worry the human race will die out sooner or later. I understand you want to help newer generations but your life is the most important to you at the moment.

Also people need to be governed in some way and I'm a libertarian.

you can't just ask people to do something you have to make it look like their getting something or they need to do it because know one will listen to someone for no reason.

Lastly the government needs money to make schools, pay doctors, and supply food stamps.

The government is there to make sure people are not getting scammed. So wee need money and we need government.
15-05-2023 16:08
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
hayden jordan wrote:Why worry the human race will die out sooner or later. I understand you want to help newer generations but your life is the most important to you at the moment.

You don't have children. Ask me how I know.

hayden jordan wrote: Also people need to be governed in some way and I'm a libertarian.

I'm thinking you don't fully understand what a Libertarian is. Ask me how I know.

hayden jordan wrote:Lastly the government needs money to make schools, pay doctors, and supply food stamps.

I'm thinking that you aren't a Libertarian. Ask me how I know.

hayden jordan wrote: The government is there to make sure people are not getting scammed.

My guess is that you don't really know what a Libertarian is. Feel free to ask me how I know.
15-05-2023 16:29
hayden jordan
I do not have kids but i am a libertarian. A libertarian is someone who believes That the government should have less control on the people. Less not none
15-05-2023 17:08
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
hayden jordan wrote:I do not have kids ...

I know.

hayden jordan wrote: ...but i am a libertarian.

No, you are not. You might possibly be registered with the Party but you do not embody Libertarian principles.

hayden jordan wrote:A libertarian is someone who believes That the government should have less control on the people. Less not none

A Libertarian is far more specific about that, not ambiguous. A Libertarian believes that he has a right to be left alone by the government, not that he has some sort of need to be "governed."

Your previous wording is that of a socialist who approves of a tyrannical government, but one that should be less draconian than it currently is with the stormtroopers stationed at intersections, shopping centers and other public places.

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