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Finally.....the truth....Tell me I'm wrong and if so, why?

Finally.....the truth....Tell me I'm wrong and if so, why?08-01-2020 14:33
Masked Nostradamus
Pay attention, Here is is the heads up the gov would rather I not give it all...the ec0nomy is about to beyond repair. and they're all in on the game..Please tell me I'm wrong

To tell the story it needs to be from the start...dont criticize till you read it all...Especially my bad typing...I'm smart but a crap typist

The only thing normal about the billions of years Earth has been here is the absolute lack of life. Humans have been here for less than 1% of the Earths life thus far. The poles have been drilled to the lowest point and the ice has been tested and shown to be less than 15 million years old, there is not one speck of evidence saying that those poles existed prior to then, in fact, for massive cold bIooded dinosaurs to have lived in the areas we have found giant fossils the climate for over 3/4 of the planet had to be much higher than the equator temperatures today. This is proven if you look at a world dinosaur fossil map and see that dinosaurs, for multiple era's, gathered in areas that today would not sustain them due to being way too cold for any type of reptile...We're talking places like Russia and Alaska....

T 'R ex has been found in Canada , the same places that animals have been found frozen in permafrost for 10's of thousands of years, yet climate change "experts' would try to have you believe that climate has some magical equilibrium despite an abundance of proof that climates have swung wildly in the past, our ice age is one that happened recently, as is the current melting...While nearly all of our dinosaur fossil finds have been in areas that today are unlivable for reptiles barely any fossils have been found past a certain point on our equator despite that exact region being the only place our last living dinosaur can live, a small one compared to its ancestors ancestor fossils have been found near where modern crocs live, why? There is only one plausible reason, it was too hot before global cooIing happened....

The ice poles that we know are an anomally..they arent "normal" for this planet and the heat and C02 rises are a return to how the world used to be...Those temps to sustain cold blooded animals that large would have been very different to now, much much hotter, meaning that ice poles couldnt exist in that age.....We already know that C02 was higher and that plants absolutely love it...oxygen levels were lower in the dinosaur age too and this is shown to have effected the crocs evolution by making it so it needs relatively little oxygen considering its size, allowing it to sit unseen below the water surface for considerable time....Cro codiles are our evidence of dramatic climate change....

They're proof that dinosaurs couldnt live in the areas they did with our modern climate, crocs are trapped in a ring of heat around our equator and their large cold blooded bodies cant survive far from there...yet Dinosaurs 10X bigger than our biggest crocs lived in northern Russia, Alaska and southern Argentina, how would that be possible if the temperatures in our arctic area werent at least at the temp the equator is today? If you look at the fossil map for migratory patterns you can see that for thousands,maybe 10's of thousands of years, dinosaurs gathered and stayed in distinct areas in both the north and southern hemispheres in bands similar in size to the equatorial band crocs survive in today but in very different climatic regions, if judging by todays standards, that they should have

If the equator wasnt too hot to inhabit dinosaurs would have naturally migrated there earlier ...there had to be a big reason they didnt until their last moments. The largest T-Rex found was in Saskatchewan Winter this area gets down to minus 30 put that into perspective, a small cold blooded animal like a Crococodile wouldnt be able to live comfortably in less than 20 degree's celcius, reptiles go into hibernation below that...So for a Giant T'Rex to have lived in that area Temps were considerably hotter than minus 30 degrees Celsius, you're a fool if you think otherwise because for it not to be so means everything we know about physics is wrong....and without ice what processes on Earth create ice? volcanos on Ceres do, we sp.,ew hot rock..

If an area that is minus 30 degrees celcius today was, at minimum, 20 degrees celcius then ... How hot would that have made the equator? Any mathematicians in the hizzy? was uninhabitable...Climate change began the moment Earth was born and has been in flux ever since...Just because its comfy now doesnt mean it it always has been, nor will it always be. You'd be daft to think otherwise....We've already been a ball of ice at least once..Every single thing I say here is backed by available PROVEN science....Not speculation on 100 years of climate data...What we gonna f!ght next? gravity?

For all you "climate experts" out there..Think of "Old Earth" as completely different to now. Rather than ice poles at either end we had an uninhabitable ring of de.ath around our equator and near tropical temps at either pole..Look at a dinosaur fossil map like a cr!me scene and ask yourself why not one bit of fossil evidence suggests that Dinosaurs lived in the only area they could maybe live today, then look at maps where our largest ground level metal deposits are and where diamonds are mined and you'll see a distinct pattern that adds weight to the idea that equatorial temps were akin to a kiln......90% of our ice melted while we were still worhsipping the sun as a g0d for taking us out of the ice age...past 50% is the point of no return with everything else...Why would this be different?....We need to evolve with our planet by shifting from the equator or we'll stew like a frog in a pot ....

I suspect that intense heat to be the cause of the continent shattering and I'm 99% sure that either a meteor or comet caused the rapid cooling and thats why we see a stack of bodies and last minute migration to the equator...The big dinosaurs were felled by a sharp drop in temps that put them into permanent hibernation...the ones that headed for the equator were doing what cold bIooded animals would naturally do when temps drop, they headed for the warmest part of the planet but were basically walking into an area burned by intense heat for a loooooong time...the last starved....Crocs survived because they traveled by sea, were small enough to withstand cooler temps and could hibernate while the climate wasnt quite perfect in the small band of warmth left on our equator...they bided time till global warming started again....And here we are..

We've found a giant fossilised dinosaur on basically the first uncovered rock in Antarctica...Ice is counter productive to fossilisation...When the pole ice melts we'll see where warm blooded life evolved while dinosaurs raged on the "mainland" in the heat....Wait'n'see./...We can see from available evidence that the Earth has been near both extremes of fire and ice....Where is the magical flip to keep it perfect now, at the literal last bit of Earths current story line....We're a bit part player in this production...We only THINK we're what the universe revolves around... The sad part here is that the animals that could survive and evolve with our planets coming changes are hindered in their quest to migrate like the dinosaurs tried to do at the end....They are hindered by the only species smart enough to see that we need to evolve but too lazy to do it and so are sitting around either arguing or waiting for a miracle ....

Here's something to blow your mind.....If the dinosaurs were snap frozen by an icy comet and then, due to swirling air currents spreading the change globally, creating our seasons, and then the c0rpses defrosted and refroze over 10s of thousands of years due to fluxuating temps these dinosaur fossils could be much, MUCH younger than the current estimate, maybe only as old as the ice itself....One thing the NY m0b taught me is that a freezer is a great way to blur T.O.D....Here's something to scare you....I think I think certain members of gov are aware and have been aware for some time...and thats why they're doing their darnedest to d!sarm the world so there is less resistance when lands become, lets say, scarce, they're the reIg!ous nu.ts waiting for this to happen...Your leaders are going to turn the m!litary on YOU soon enough...or do you think the r!ch will share the shrinking landscape? ... You think I'm the only one smart enough to realise the future?....

Every place you see the Koalas numbers shrinking naturally is where they are migrating from, crayfish are migrating south, cr0c and shark numbers expIoding...because the planet is going back to how it was...Wanna know how you can positively know I'm right?....None of the "experts" can argue because its all proven basic science that they've been ignoring...Hard to bring attention to that without them looking really silly in their argument...So they red arr0w and shhh right up.........My aim is to stop wasting billions of tax dollars on "experts" who only work by the principle of "When we fix stuff, scientists lose jobs"....Why would they want my story to be the trend? it ends their gravy train....Every Climate scientist you ever meet is Venkman from Ghostbusters......not Bill Murray...Venkman... a sIeezy waste of university money ... Archaeologists of the world came up with most of the info needed to piece this together...The last thing we need is a rel!gious world leader....

Does the relaxed attitude of the PM waiting to be a chosen one in the ap0calypse scare you? he forgot that the meek are meant to inherit the Earth....We're in trouble as of now..We know its reaallllllly cold in space, the Guardians of the Galaxy showed us that.....Ever notice that Jupiters got over 50 moons but only one of them is noticeably icey?.....Weird right?... an anomaly caused by a celestial body...Like what happened to us....Notice how NASA is veeeeeeeeeery interested in icey celestial bodies lately? Likev Ceres, Europa and the ch!nese even jumped on a comet for a ride....Hmm.....Thats kinda fitting with my story....Notice how cuIts like the excIusive bretheren are hella supported by our gov? notice that cuIt has brought of massive amounts of land that, coincidentally, is in what should be a comfortable zone once the heating ramps up?....Just a coincidence...right?....

The messed up thing here is that the reIigios Polis would love to silence they did to Gallileo........Whats that tell us?.....It you read what I wrote here right now and own property north of Melbourne Ive just given you a heads up on property prices the government already know is comin........a million dollar house now will be worth quater that when this news breaks....and it will break....the info is there,read what I wrote, look up the simple stuff online to verify...then say I'm wrong....I bet you dont....because you cant, by laws of physics, tell me why we had an ice age if we at one point had no ice at all....I'm nostradamus in this pr0phecy....I really wish I werent

For all you about to call me a stupid head....We can see that at one point Earth was too hot for ice....for the 6 billion dollar question......Without ice what process on earth exists to create ice naturally?.........I'll let you ponder that a moment....)....If I'm right, and I am right , at least 90% of what ive said is based on basic science, then when the problem becomes too big to ignore the gov will need to act.....I'm trying to put that action in a place where we all can talk about it....not where rash decisions need to be made at the last second. by the worlds most seIfish people..

Our lives are their house of cards....imagine how much infrastructure is being built that goes that goes nowhere, money thatr could go to our future but they'd prefer to keep the shell of consumerism in tact so we make them r!cher....look at the laws they changed for building regs and now buildings are falling down....think of all the things like that over the last 20 years...even them fueling the housing drama.....did they misjudge the use by date on the dodgy concrete? if it had lasted 3-5 more years they'd be blaming cIimate change you betcha...rather than their d0dgy mates cutting corners because they had inside info on the coming conditions....The excIusive Bre.theren etc buying that land should be considered ins!der trading in the least

Imag!ne how angry the Ab0riginal people will be when they realise most of their land is worthless in the future due to being twice as hot as it is today....gonna be great for those who are in the know to swoop in ifand when it cools again so they can pick up goId off the ground like the old days .... the Gov knew maybe as early as 1985.....Basic science....You'll never convince me they werent aware....I see patterns and the patterns from the dinosaurs to this day today are telling me I'm right and thaty either our education system is r!gged to fail or we are a seriously ign0rant species

With the amount of government funded lce suppIiers around the country I assume that may be the governments misunderstanding of the solution needed for the problem at hand..but more than likely they do like how that d.rug keeps the lowest cIasses occupied while the real issues are ignored.....much like when the C I A flooded the american streets with c.rack back in the day to fund in countries whose resources have finite plundering opportunities left after, what I suspect, were very eye opening environmental studies in the 80's....its at this point everything from greed to space research ramped up..Pretty sure they had a think tank figure out the best way to handle it...Then Reagan was the puppet...Bush the Architect..Clinton the entertainer..G.W, because who else?, and then because GW screwed the p00ch they brought in Barry for distraction....I'm still trying to work out if Trumps in on it...Genius to turn it into something akin to a WWE wrestling match though...If thats it

And once again....for those of you who are gonna try call me a silly duffa....Think about my story here...and think anout the timing and location of the faIklands wa.r(look on the fossil map), think of the strategic reasoning if my story is correct...The A!ds ep!demic....and America's quest for m!ddIe 3astern mineraIs.....Why is a mex!can b0rder so important? Would Truedau look bad for requesting it knowing that there would be a rush from the border soon enough? would it be easier to bring in a cart00n v!llain and stir up the world with fake news??....I couldnt make this up if the story didnt realise this, right?

Read it all....If you can tell me I'm wrong and why based on the things I told you to look up just tell me why.....We've been hoodwinked....Blinders off now?(o_O)
08-01-2020 15:33
Ask your doctor to change your medication,
08-01-2020 15:37
Masked Nostradamus
Everything is based on basic science either see I'm right or you're a f..king plant......I see how deep this goes....I let the right people know....One email I sent was to the brown people getting stiffed out of the deal in Australia...lets see how long it takes them to get loud
08-01-2020 15:43
So hard to tell if you are mentality ill or just trolling

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
08-01-2020 15:58
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Masked Nostradamus wrote: .Rather than ice poles at either end we had an uninhabitable ring of de.ath around our equator

It was sort of one Ring to rule them all.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:I suspect that intense heat to be the cause of the continent shattering and I'm 99% sure that either a meteor or comet caused the rapid cooling and thats why we see a stack of bodies and last minute migration to the equator...The big dinosaurs were felled by a sharp drop in temps that put them into permanent hibernation...the ones that headed for the equator were doing what cold bIooded animals would naturally do when temps drop, they headed for the warmest part of the planet but were basically walking into an area burned by intense heat for a loooooong time...the last starved....Crocs survived because they traveled by sea, were small enough to withstand cooler temps and could hibernate while the climate wasnt quite perfect in the small band of warmth left on our equator...they bided time till global warming started again....And here we are..

I'm so glad we have you to tell us this. Now we don't need a time machine to verify that all of this is science. Thanks.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:We've found a giant fossilised dinosaur on basically the first uncovered rock in Antarctica.

What luck! You got some good rock pickers.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:..Ice is counter productive to fossilisation...

But it's very good to add when there's carbonation so it sort of balances out.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: Here's something to blow your mind.....If the dinosaurs were snap frozen by an icy comet and then, due to swirling air currents spreading the change globally, creating our seasons, and then the c0rpses defrosted and refroze over 10s of thousands of years due to fluxuating temps these dinosaur fossils could be much, MUCH younger than the current estimate, maybe only as old as the ice itself..

You are correct. Einstein proved all this to be true because of Relativity and then Neils Bohr confirmed it with chemistry so you're correct but just a little late to the party.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:..One thing the NY m0b taught me is that a freezer is a great way to blur T.O.D.

They taught me how to end a labor dispute.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:...Here's something to scare you....

Global Warming?

Masked Nostradamus wrote: I think I think certain members of gov are aware and have been aware for some time

Yes, and I know those guys.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:Your leaders are going to turn the m!litary on YOU soon enough...or do you think the r!ch will share the shrinking landscape?

Bernie in 2020!

Masked Nostradamus wrote:... You think I'm the only one smart enough to realise the future?....

Pretty much.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: Every place you see the Koalas numbers shrinking naturally is where they are migrating from,

They claimed they were just seeking asylum, and then Trump tore their families apart while putting the kids in concentration camps. How did you expect them to fare?

Masked Nostradamus wrote:.Wanna know how you can positively know I'm right?

No. I'm convinced. You had me at "I'm really smart but a crap typist."

Masked Nostradamus wrote:....None of the "experts" can argue because its all proven basic science that they've been ignoring.

That's what I keep saying.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: The messed up thing here is that the reIigios Polis would love to silence they did to Gallileo..

I didn't know they were still around.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
08-01-2020 16:04
Masked Nostradamus
If you can explain the blank spot on a dinosaur fossil map and why it lines up with our diamond deposits I'll give you a prize.......if you notice the stuff I mentioned all through this, even the far fetched stuff, is easily checked....this was an ende game because they assume the earth is dying...rather than its going back to a state that may be hot but life thrived...Its as Ive written it Ive gone over a lot of mind works on patterns....I wish I could say I were wrong....they found out around the time the Brits al;l of a sudden felt the ned to take Falklands...explain why they did that, strategic to what to justify that uch force? my story explains all the weird shit...a bunch of people had a heads up through sciece as to how to end racism, in a it all and telkl me why you can only insult me rather than tell me where I'm wrong....I really ant you to research it...its all able to be looked up in 10 mins...for the scientific part of my statement to be wrong the laws of physics need to be broken....tell me whats wrong about it.....please
08-01-2020 16:09
Masked Nostradamus
I like Trump BTW and I think we should clean shit up...I am just a puzzle solver....Never thought in a million years Id have come up with this just from a simple bit of geology research
08-01-2020 16:10
Masked Nostradamus
I like Trump BTW and I think we should clean shit up...I am just a puzzle solver....Never thought in a million years Id have come up with this just from a simple bit of geology research
08-01-2020 16:12
Masked Nostradamus
Like him as a character, like Garfield ...not a poli...anti poli in case you havnt noticed
08-01-2020 17:26
Masked Nostradamus
I'm off to bed...this shit better be trending by the time I wake up.....I'm 100% right about 90%...the rest I'm pretty sure of
08-01-2020 18:37
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Masked Nostradamus wrote: If you can explain the blank spot on a dinosaur fossil map and why it lines up with our diamond deposits I'll give you a prize.

If you can explain why the fossil record is nowhere near as deep as oil wells, I'll give you a prize.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: my mind works on patterns....

Mine as well. My brain works in hypotrochoids and epitrochoids, eerily similar to patterns used by Tholians to capture Federation ships. I try not to think about it. But it explains a lot about how misunderstood I am.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: I wish I could say I were wrong

Tell me about it. But hey, when you're right, you're right. Don't worry about it, everybody envies the know-it-all. They don't have your gift so they retreat into denial. All you can do is lead them to the truth. You've done your part.

Masked Nostradamus wrote:....they found out

You know them too?

Masked Nostradamus wrote: around the time the Brits al;l of a sudden felt the ned to take Falklands...explain why they did that,

I know, right? Nobody's buying that "land grab" argument anymore.

Masked Nostradamus wrote: my story explains all the weird shit.

... and more!

Masked Nostradamus wrote:.I really ant you to research it...its all able to be looked up in 10 mins...for the scientific part of my statement to be wrong the laws of physics need to be broken....tell me whats wrong about it.....please

Nothing is wrong. I just looked it up a second time and you were spot on ... it took exactly ten minutes. You covered all your bases in one consistent, easy to follow theory that lays it all out there.

... except for koalas. You didn't really provide a convincing argument for their declining numbers which imperils your entire theory. I think you should focus there and sort of round out your proposition.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
08-01-2020 21:51
Masked Nostradamus
I'll admit I want 100% on the Koalas....The coal in australias north is another clue... the areas those lizards lived is the only clue you need to explain....
08-01-2020 23:47
Masked Nostradamus
Where Uranium is mined is another biggy....must have taken a whole lot of heat in those regions
08-01-2020 23:51
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Masked Nostradamus wrote:
Where Uranium is mined is another biggy....must have taken a whole lot of heat in those regions

Nope. Not uranium. Atmospheric temperature has no bearing on the ubiquity of uranium within the earth's crust.

... but the koalas ... they call for explanation.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
08-01-2020 23:59
Masked Nostradamus
I added that just to see who would pounce on it IBda, a psychological trick I came up with a while back and its come in very handy since I stumbled on the true story here, I call it "Testing the T-rex fences" .........Ive noticed that those who call me names rather than question the science also will jump on any doggie treat of "bad info" I toss them but will stay silent until they can rebut me in the slightest way about the most irrelevant part of the argument....The connection between diamonds and fossils are the relevence...and the heat that connects the 2(based on fossils that were mostly collected prior to 1980 so I'm sure the data isnt skewed)....Nahmean?
09-01-2020 00:10
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Masked Nostradamus wrote:
I added that just to see who would pounce on it IBda, a psychological trick I came up with a while back and its come in very handy since I stumbled on the true story here, I call it "Testing the T-rex fences" .........Ive noticed that those who call me names rather than question the science also will jump on any doggie treat of "bad info" I toss them but will stay silent until they can rebut me in the slightest way about the most irrelevant part of the argument....The connection between diamonds and fossils are the relevence...and the heat that connects the 2(based on fossils that were mostly collected prior to 1980 so I'm sure the data isnt skewed)....Nahmean?

Of course. It's pretty obvious now that you point it out.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
09-01-2020 09:41
Masked Nostradamus
The most messed up thing about knowing I'm right about this is knowing that the other parts I didnt add are most likely true too...Like how they armed the south americans, the Africans and now are closing off borders....What do you think will happen in those countries when they are trapped and its heating up to prrehistoric temps?....Then just wait for the smoke to settle and then NWO .......and if NASA research goes the way I think it will they'll recreate the icey gas bomb that shattered our Arctic and killed the dinosaurs.....I wonder if then their ancestors were planning on using us to fuel their Antique Porsche?....And the f..ked up tthing is that it still doesnt sound far fetched after the evil I know they already have committed to get the plan this far...That moment that US border gets finished is endgame, once sealed things will get very interesting because it will ramp up a notch.....
08-02-2020 04:26
your post started great and I agree with the bulk of it but it is rapidly descending to tin foil hat country.Its a forum you can share what you wish.Regards Duncan
08-02-2020 04:44
I didn't read your post because it was just too long. Could you write a brief summary.
Any, did you take into account the fact of tectonic plate movements, continental drift,i.e., the various locations on earth of today were totally different many, many years ago. For example, 300 million years ago all the continents were together.
Edited on 08-02-2020 04:52

Join the debate Finally.....the truth....Tell me I'm wrong and if so, why?:

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