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Climate Change Overview

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12-11-2021 03:12
James wrote:
this is why I need to quit drinking.

and then

James wrote:
Kind of why I need surgery. It'd be nice to be able to enjoy eating something like that.

So you can drink (presumably alcohol) but you need surgery before consuming venison, eh?

Enjoy the whiskey Chief Fullashit.
12-11-2021 03:23
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:Enjoy the whiskey Chief Fullashit.

Attached image:

12-11-2021 04:39
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
James wrote:
this is why I need to quit drinking.

and then

James wrote:
Kind of why I need surgery. It'd be nice to be able to enjoy eating something like that.

So you can drink (presumably alcohol) but you need surgery before consuming venison, eh?

Enjoy the whiskey Chief Fullashit.

Doc James doesn't really understand physiology (or much of anything else)... He seems to think that anything can be changed, to better suit his wants and desires. The craps-sack, just collects the waste, which is the parts of food we eat, that doesn't fully digest, or goes unused. If the digestive system is unable to break it down, it's going to still pass through intact. Doesn't matter how many surgeries, that isn't going to change. His crap-sack, requires that he be more selective of the foods he eats, and how they are prepared. Of course, that was his intent. He want to have a 'normal' life, and it's the surgeon's job to fix it so he can. Everybody else is stupid, don't know what they are doing. Just screwing up his chances to have a life, because the don't listen to him, as he tries to explain what he expects from them. It's frustrating to explain obviously simple things, to complete morons, that call themselves experts...

There are risks, and often trade-offs, with any medical procedure. They aren't miracles from God, which restore you back to the way you once were.
12-11-2021 05:34
HarveyH55 wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
James wrote:
this is why I need to quit drinking.

and then

James wrote:
Kind of why I need surgery. It'd be nice to be able to enjoy eating something like that.

So you can drink (presumably alcohol) but you need surgery before consuming venison, eh?

Enjoy the whiskey Chief Fullashit.

Doc James doesn't really understand physiology (or much of anything else)... He seems to think that anything can be changed, to better suit his wants and desires. The craps-sack, just collects the waste, which is the parts of food we eat, that doesn't fully digest, or goes unused. If the digestive system is unable to break it down, it's going to still pass through intact. Doesn't matter how many surgeries, that isn't going to change. His crap-sack, requires that he be more selective of the foods he eats, and how they are prepared. Of course, that was his intent. He want to have a 'normal' life, and it's the surgeon's job to fix it so he can. Everybody else is stupid, don't know what they are doing. Just screwing up his chances to have a life, because the don't listen to him, as he tries to explain what he expects from them. It's frustrating to explain obviously simple things, to complete morons, that call themselves experts...

There are risks, and often trade-offs, with any medical procedure. They aren't miracles from God, which restore you back to the way you once were.

The 2 of you sound like a couple of preachers. It's funny you (plural) support someone that thinks his supporters are idiots. Do you belong to Proud Boys? You talk like them.
It's sad that you have made this forum about your extreme political views. They should change the name of it.
It's interesting and I will think about it. I could have a better life if I don't know you (plural) as you (plural) said.
Edited on 12-11-2021 05:40
12-11-2021 08:01
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
James wrote:
this is why I need to quit drinking.

and then

James wrote:
Kind of why I need surgery. It'd be nice to be able to enjoy eating something like that.

So you can drink (presumably alcohol) but you need surgery before consuming venison, eh?

Enjoy the whiskey Chief Fullashit.

Doc James doesn't really understand physiology (or much of anything else)... He seems to think that anything can be changed, to better suit his wants and desires. The craps-sack, just collects the waste, which is the parts of food we eat, that doesn't fully digest, or goes unused. If the digestive system is unable to break it down, it's going to still pass through intact. Doesn't matter how many surgeries, that isn't going to change. His crap-sack, requires that he be more selective of the foods he eats, and how they are prepared. Of course, that was his intent. He want to have a 'normal' life, and it's the surgeon's job to fix it so he can. Everybody else is stupid, don't know what they are doing. Just screwing up his chances to have a life, because the don't listen to him, as he tries to explain what he expects from them. It's frustrating to explain obviously simple things, to complete morons, that call themselves experts...

There are risks, and often trade-offs, with any medical procedure. They aren't miracles from God, which restore you back to the way you once were.

The 2 of you sound like a couple of preachers. It's funny you (plural) support someone that thinks his supporters are idiots. Do you belong to Proud Boys? You talk like them.
It's sad that you have made this forum about your extreme political views. They should change the name of it.
It's interesting and I will think about it. I could have a better life if I don't know you (plural) as you (plural) said.

Isn't climate change, an example of extreme political views? No actual science supports the foolish notion. It only exists, do to politics, marketing hype, and socialist spending.

This isn't Norway, where the socialist decide what your life is going to before you, and give you everything you need, to 'enjoy' what they allowed. In America, you are free to chose the life you want, but you have to work for it. The greater the ambitions, the harder you work to achieve your dreams. Though, the Bidenites hope to change that for you, and give you anything you want, for 'free'. You worked hard, whining and complaining for years, about how a crap-sack would enable you to have a life. You got your sack, but you still whine and complain, because it didn't fulfill you desires. Surgery, is going to fix what's broken. Well, maybe a lobotomy... It's your socialist upbringing, in a capitalist country. You can dream it, but you have to be willing to do the work to achieve it. Not just the bare minimal, to convince others you deserve to be rewarded with it.
12-11-2021 16:11
Such ignorance. History has recorded periods when the weather was both warmer and cooler.
But then when I am concerned with ODSs and the ozone layer which is science that has been proven, you attack me for it.
I think this is because I spend my time watching TV. I do. I even watch a lot of YouTube. I like to enjoy my leisure time, that's
what it's for, right?
You're funny Harvey. I think something else is going on and it's what people have told me. If I don't talk and think in a way that
someone likes, then they'll come after me. It's rather a basic concept. When you work with people, it's like being in a herd and
someone or some group will need to be seen as the "Alphas". And Christians are no exception. Some people forget that it's called
"work" for a reason when they're there because they think they're still in Junior High School and they want to be the "BMOC"
(big man on campus). Just like you and some of your friends in this forum. You probably know the Republican party will never do
anything to help you yet their cause is your cause. It makes you an "Alpha". And be mindful, I'm not a Democrat so why would I
care about either political party when I am an Independent?
What I have done though is that I saw an opportunity for myself and I've been pursuing it. Isn't that what Made America Great?
It's like some of what I watch on YouTube is about farming. That also helps me to consider if desalination can be improved, then
could water be trucked or shipped to farms? If so then if say in Montana they don't get sufficient rain then they'd have water for
their crops. After all, shipping water will cost money but if it doesn't rain enough then crops will fail, right?
But neither political party is concerned about sustainable land management practices. This is where the climate debate doesn't
allow more serious issues to be discussed. Yet I'm a "warmazombie", right? And that's because you (plural) can establish yourself
as an Alpha in here.

p.s., the same science I considered for cooling power plant emissions to remove NOx and SOx from their emissions might be able
be modified to improve desalination. Actual scientists would need to do the research but then I might be able either patent or
tell some scientists how to make a better solar panel. And if that happens, the Republican party would ship those jobs to China.
It's like if the US were a world leader, other countries like India (an ally of the US) will be building more coal fired power plants.
What to do? Help our ally by being a leader or see their economy damaged? And this is about if the US is a world leader. And yet
I say Ancient Rome. The Romans just had to have it better than everybody else and this lead to a slow downfall they didn't see
coming. And like the US of today, their Senators fought for control over Rome's wealth. It's about money (taxes), right Harvey?
12-11-2021 17:13
Harvey, you and your friends and people like you show why it'd be better for me to move to another country. The image is some of the work I've done to modify what I'd already built. That's not work.
The math I've learned is not work. The trick you're using is one in which a Christian tried using. He'd say that there are no disabilities or handicaps, just lazy people. He was trying to act like he was motivating me because that is what leaders do, they lead.
And people would believe people like you and him. When I had cancer, the Christian who is like you told me that working for him would give me a reason to live. And then he'd tell me how bad he has it. He'd say things like because I'm an American all I know how to do is to go to church and pray. That's capitalism in the church. As everyone knows, capitalism is about exploitation for profit.
This is why with some of the atmospheric research that I'll be pursuing, I'll be omitting Americans. As an example, if someone immigrated here from another country and live and work here, I will consider them an American. It would take international cooperation to see if astrophysics plays a role in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. If so, then they'd have to start a branch of science called Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrophysics. This started when I read Einstein's biography when I was 13 or 14 years old and learned about the basis of his work.
So if what I am pursuing is successful, it is because I took an interest in science at an early age and saw how a propulsion system in an engine room works according to math and science (engineering).
My having a Norwegian accent in the US put me on that path. Even in one church I was called evil by the youth minister because of my accent. And as Jesus said, build your house of a foundation of rock.
Matthew 7:24; "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

I just didn't find that in church. You know, I had a Norwegian accent so I couldn't be "one of them". Such is life.
Attached image:

12-11-2021 17:25
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:History has recorded periods when the weather was both warmer and cooler.

... at specific points on the earth, not for any unmeasurable planetary average.

James___ wrote:But then when I am concerned with ODSs and the ozone layer which is science

The ozone layer is not science; it's O3. You do know the difference between science and a particular molecule, don't you?

James___ wrote: that has been proven,

No science has ever been proven. Science is only falsifiable.
Science cannot confirm anything.

James___ wrote:If I don't talk and think in a way that
someone likes, then they'll come after me.

"Someone" is singular but "they" is plural. This is grammatically incorrect.

James___ wrote: But neither political party is concerned about sustainable land management practices.

That's not the purview of political parties. Land management is a job for the States.

Furniture arrangement is likewise not the purview of any political party. That is a job for each individual of We the People.

James___ wrote: This is where the climate debate doesn't allow more serious issues to be discussed.

Didn't you read the article I posted? It explains how the Climate debate doesn't allow anything to be discussed.

James___ wrote: And that's because you (plural) can establish yourself as an Alpha in here.

You haven't been paying attention. I have established myself as a Beta and a Psi. Remember?

James___ wrote:Actual scientists would need to do the research but then I might be able either patent or tell some scientists how to make a better solar panel.

Actual scientists? Were you going to define that? Am I one of them?

Are you familiar with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy? Into the Night has it officially listed as Mantra #18.

Let me get this straight. Some "actual" scientists will perform research so that you can patent a better solar panel ... so that you can then tell those same scientists how to build that solar panel that they researched so that you could patent it? I bet you have "actual" scientists lining up down the block to break down your door for a chance at that opportunity. You might not want to advertise too broadly or your city will soon exceed the fire marshall's occupancy limit.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
12-11-2021 19:25
IBdaMann wrote:

Are you familiar with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy? Into the Night has it officially listed as Mantra #18.

I do not support your political views. It is nice to see how you (plural) use
politics as a reason for understanding science. And because I focused on the science and not the politics, I can have it pretty good.
Some in Australia know that sometimes I will say that;
Attached image:

Edited on 12-11-2021 19:28
12-11-2021 20:05
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.
12-11-2021 20:10
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Such ignorance. History has recorded periods when the weather was both warmer and cooler.

Weather is not climate. Climate is not weather. False equivalence fallacy.
James___ wrote:
But then when I am concerned with ODSs and the ozone layer which is science that has been proven, you attack me for it.

Not science. The Church of the Ozone Hole denies science. This religion was started by DuPont corporation. It is not possible for man to destroy the ozone layer. As long as you have oxygen and sunlight, you WILL have ozone. There is no stopping it.
James___ wrote:
I think this is because I spend my time watching TV. I do. I even watch a lot of YouTube. I like to enjoy my leisure time, that's
what it's for, right?

So all you know is on the boob tube and the boob net. You have lost the ability to think for yourself.
James___ wrote:
You're funny Harvey. I think something else is going on and it's what people have told me. If I don't talk and think in a way that
someone likes, then they'll come after me. It's rather a basic concept. When you work with people, it's like being in a herd and
someone or some group will need to be seen as the "Alphas". And Christians are no exception. Some people forget that it's called
"work" for a reason when they're there because they think they're still in Junior High School and they want to be the "BMOC"
(big man on campus). Just like you and some of your friends in this forum. You probably know the Republican party will never do
anything to help you yet their cause is your cause. It makes you an "Alpha". And be mindful, I'm not a Democrat so why would I
care about either political party when I am an Independent?

You are a socialist. That's Democrats, dude.
James___ wrote:
What I have done though is that I saw an opportunity for myself and I've been pursuing it. Isn't that what Made America Great?

Creating 'perpetual' motion machines is not what made America great.
James___ wrote:
It's like some of what I watch on YouTube is about farming. That also helps me to consider if desalination can be improved, then
could water be trucked or shipped to farms?

Not enough water produced that way. Desalination is already available. It is typically used to produce drinking water.
James___ wrote:
If so then if say in Montana they don't get sufficient rain then they'd have water for
their crops.
Montana already has sufficient rain. Are you aware the Missouri river starts in Montana?
[quote]James___ wrote:
After all, shipping water will cost money but if it doesn't rain enough then crops will fail, right?

Montana has sufficient rain. Making fresh water costs a lot of money. Shipping it costs a lot of money.
James___ wrote:
But neither political party is concerned about sustainable land management practices. This is where the climate debate doesn't
allow more serious issues to be discussed. Yet I'm a "warmazombie", right? And that's because you (plural) can establish yourself
as an Alpha in here.

Nah. You're just a warmazombie.
James___ wrote:
p.s., the same science I considered for cooling power plant emissions to remove NOx and SOx from their emissions

What NOx and SOx?? There is nothing to remove!
Sulfur compounds are already scrubbed from coal plants emissions. The resulting sulfur is sold to industry.
James___ wrote:
might be able
be modified to improve desalination.

Not the same process.
James___ wrote:
Actual scientists would need to do the research but then I might be able either patent or
tell some scientists how to make a better solar panel.

Never learned how a solar panel works, didja?
James___ wrote:
And if that happens, the Republican party would ship those jobs to China.

Can't. Electronics component manufacturing is already in China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. Ecology laws passed by DEMOCRATS drove business overseas.
James___ wrote:
It's like if the US were a world leader, other countries like India (an ally of the US) will be building more coal fired power plants.

They already are. So? Coal can be a clean burning fuel.
James___ wrote:
What to do? Help our ally by being a leader or see their economy damaged? And this is about if the US is a world leader. And yet
I say Ancient Rome. The Romans just had to have it better than everybody else and this lead to a slow downfall they didn't see

Rome fell because it became a dictatorship and never recovered. Revolts spread across the empire until it was destroyed.
James___ wrote:
And like the US of today, their Senators fought for control over Rome's wealth. It's about money (taxes), right Harvey?

The Roman Senate had no authority anymore. Rome became a dictatorship.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-11-2021 20:11
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:

Are you familiar with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy? Into the Night has it officially listed as Mantra #18.

I do not support your political views. It is nice to see how you (plural) use
politics as a reason for understanding science. And because I focused on the science and not the politics, I can have it pretty good.
Some in Australia know that sometimes I will say that;

You deny science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
12-11-2021 20:19
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.

As long as the tilt of the Earth's pole respective to the Sun existed, there has been an ozone hole. It wasn't discovered until we started sending sounding rockets with instrument packages into the Auroras to figure out how they worked.

The southern hole exists for the same reason as the northern one. This 'hole' opens up during the winter of that pole.

Ozone is created by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

During the winter of a pole, there is no sunlight for a hole opens. Big hairy deal. it's not like you're going to get a sunburn with no sun!

The size of the 'hole' varies a bit due to upper air winds at the time. Meh.

The DuPont corporation decided to use this to blame R-12 refrigerant (which they were losing the patents on) for the presence of this 'hole'. They are the ones that started the Church of the Ozone Hole. The goal was to outlaw R-12 so they could have monopoly power over their replacement refrigerant R-134a, which is under a new patent.

R-134a is not as effective as R-12 as a refrigerant, and the government now treats R-12 like it was glowing plutonium.

Like usual, the only way to maintain a monopoly is with government helping you to do it. Fascism.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
19-11-2021 05:00
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.

As long as the tilt of the Earth's pole respective to the Sun existed, there has been an ozone hole. It wasn't discovered until we started sending sounding rockets with instrument packages into the Auroras to figure out how they worked.

The southern hole exists for the same reason as the northern one. This 'hole' opens up during the winter of that pole.

Ozone is created by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

During the winter of a pole, there is no sunlight for a hole opens. Big hairy deal. it's not like you're going to get a sunburn with no sun!

The size of the 'hole' varies a bit due to upper air winds at the time. Meh.

The DuPont corporation decided to use this to blame R-12 refrigerant (which they were losing the patents on) for the presence of this 'hole'. They are the ones that started the Church of the Ozone Hole. The goal was to outlaw R-12 so they could have monopoly power over their replacement refrigerant R-134a, which is under a new patent.

R-134a is not as effective as R-12 as a refrigerant, and the government now treats R-12 like it was glowing plutonium.

Like usual, the only way to maintain a monopoly is with government helping you to do it. Fascism.

Just another government agent. Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China.
I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.
Edited on 19-11-2021 05:30
19-11-2021 06:20
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China. I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.

Well, go on then ... tell the joke.

19-11-2021 19:10
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.

As long as the tilt of the Earth's pole respective to the Sun existed, there has been an ozone hole. It wasn't discovered until we started sending sounding rockets with instrument packages into the Auroras to figure out how they worked.

The southern hole exists for the same reason as the northern one. This 'hole' opens up during the winter of that pole.

Ozone is created by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

During the winter of a pole, there is no sunlight for a hole opens. Big hairy deal. it's not like you're going to get a sunburn with no sun!

The size of the 'hole' varies a bit due to upper air winds at the time. Meh.

The DuPont corporation decided to use this to blame R-12 refrigerant (which they were losing the patents on) for the presence of this 'hole'. They are the ones that started the Church of the Ozone Hole. The goal was to outlaw R-12 so they could have monopoly power over their replacement refrigerant R-134a, which is under a new patent.

R-134a is not as effective as R-12 as a refrigerant, and the government now treats R-12 like it was glowing plutonium.

Like usual, the only way to maintain a monopoly is with government helping you to do it. Fascism.

Just another government agent. Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China.
I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.

Some were. Most were not.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-11-2021 04:06
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.I have no scientific evidence but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.
20-11-2021 04:21
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Did you expect anything different of James? He likes his Jamesbabble, he does!
20-11-2021 18:58
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Hijack it back.

duncan61 wrote:
I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.

The buzzwords 'global warming', 'climate change', 'climate crisis', and 'climate emergency' are all the same in one respect: They don't mean anything.
duncan61 wrote:
We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.

She probably had no answer. Like you said, she was clueless.
duncan61 wrote:
I have no scientific evidence

That's good. Science isn't evidence. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
duncan61 wrote:
but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water

A problem with your machine. Yeast puts CO2 in warm water quite well.
duncan61 wrote:
and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.

The temperature of the ocean of Perth is unknown. You are describing a single thermometer somewhere.
duncan61 wrote:
This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.

There are two ways such a 'study' can go:
1) she actually conducts the study, and finds that the charts showing how much CO2 can be dissolved in water are accurate.
2) she scams some research money under the pretense that CO2 is turning into carbolic acid and 'acidifying' the oceans (which is not possible).
duncan61 wrote:
This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

Pretty typical.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
20-11-2021 20:32
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.I have no scientific evidence but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

You could just ignore me. You're not even aware that it's the upper northern hemisphere that has warming and cooling periods. A lot of the ocean and wind currents where you live come from closer to Antarctica.
In places like the US and Europe, wind and ocean currents can come from closer to the equator in the summer. What you're not considering with your weather, the Southern Oscillation is what affects it the most.
If you look at the attached image, the waters along your coast come from the north. At the same time currents coming from the south can mix with currents (gyres) from Antarctica. This then helps to cool the atmosphere because the winds will blow over Perth. It's kind of like Harvey not knowing that a wind current coming from the Red Sea and another coming from the Gulf of Aden merge over Ethiopia and often enough brings a storm to Florida.
20-11-2021 20:41
IBdaMann wrote:
James___ wrote:Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China. I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.

Well, go on then ... tell the joke.


The real joke is that ITN supports Trumpsters. I think he'd be the person who would vote for Trump. He likes Harvey and gfm. And yet he doesn't like me just as they don't because my father was from Norway. I guess it makes them feel better having someone to attack. And this is simply because they have nothing to do.
The way I look at it, I move out of the US then he, gfm and Harvey can say "who's next?". But then as 4 of you say, we're political. We are about pursuing politics. It's like you're scorned women.
20-11-2021 20:56
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.

As long as the tilt of the Earth's pole respective to the Sun existed, there has been an ozone hole. It wasn't discovered until we started sending sounding rockets with instrument packages into the Auroras to figure out how they worked.

The southern hole exists for the same reason as the northern one. This 'hole' opens up during the winter of that pole.

Ozone is created by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

During the winter of a pole, there is no sunlight for a hole opens. Big hairy deal. it's not like you're going to get a sunburn with no sun!

The size of the 'hole' varies a bit due to upper air winds at the time. Meh.

The DuPont corporation decided to use this to blame R-12 refrigerant (which they were losing the patents on) for the presence of this 'hole'. They are the ones that started the Church of the Ozone Hole. The goal was to outlaw R-12 so they could have monopoly power over their replacement refrigerant R-134a, which is under a new patent.

R-134a is not as effective as R-12 as a refrigerant, and the government now treats R-12 like it was glowing plutonium.

Like usual, the only way to maintain a monopoly is with government helping you to do it. Fascism.

Just another government agent. Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China.
I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.

Most weren't expected to survive being herded west, until they reach the Pacific ocean. Reservations were typically considered worthless land, where the remainder would eventually starve to death, barely surviving on government hand outs, that were slow coming... Reservation land wasn't good for farming or raising livestock, which also meant the wast limited natural resources to live off as well. Nothing of value that could be exploited and sold, at the time. When something like gold, uranium, oil was found, the land was just taken back. The Native American people are strong, and never needed much to survive. The whites still haven't quite figured that out yet.
20-11-2021 21:16
HarveyH55 wrote:
James___ wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:
How do you 'scientist' know there wasn't always a Ozone Hole? How do you know that it doesn't perform a necessary function, the enables life on this planet? Let's mess with stuff that could be vitally important, and see if it kills all life one the planet... If you 'scientist' fuk up this planet, where do we go? There is no plan 'b', or a quick fix.

As long as the tilt of the Earth's pole respective to the Sun existed, there has been an ozone hole. It wasn't discovered until we started sending sounding rockets with instrument packages into the Auroras to figure out how they worked.

The southern hole exists for the same reason as the northern one. This 'hole' opens up during the winter of that pole.

Ozone is created by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

During the winter of a pole, there is no sunlight for a hole opens. Big hairy deal. it's not like you're going to get a sunburn with no sun!

The size of the 'hole' varies a bit due to upper air winds at the time. Meh.

The DuPont corporation decided to use this to blame R-12 refrigerant (which they were losing the patents on) for the presence of this 'hole'. They are the ones that started the Church of the Ozone Hole. The goal was to outlaw R-12 so they could have monopoly power over their replacement refrigerant R-134a, which is under a new patent.

R-134a is not as effective as R-12 as a refrigerant, and the government now treats R-12 like it was glowing plutonium.

Like usual, the only way to maintain a monopoly is with government helping you to do it. Fascism.

Just another government agent. Next he'll be telling you that Native Americans were put on reservations because boats couldn't be built big enough to ship them to China.
I've been waiting a long time to say that joke.

Most weren't expected to survive being herded west, until they reach the Pacific ocean. Reservations were typically considered worthless land, where the remainder would eventually starve to death, barely surviving on government hand outs, that were slow coming... Reservation land wasn't good for farming or raising livestock, which also meant the wast limited natural resources to live off as well. Nothing of value that could be exploited and sold, at the time. When something like gold, uranium, oil was found, the land was just taken back. The Native American people are strong, and never needed much to survive. The whites still haven't quite figured that out yet.

And yet if my projects prove out and my wind turbine design works, ITN would still hate me because I could draw attention and even direct some money to a water project aimed at getting water to everyone who lives on either the Hopi or Navajo reservations. Why? Because he'd be doing nothing.
At the same time you're trying to justify something that is just wrong and I am the bad guy in here? At the same time it is a different wold today. I mean the Bison aren't numbered as many as there were so how to adapt?
20-11-2021 22:51
It's possible that I know how to improve a wind turbine. If so, that would be worth a lot of money and yet it'd come back to politics. Don't need it. And if I am right about that, it will be easy for me to move to another country and then I wouldn't be the problem in the US.
As for me, why not make some money if I can? Oops, that's Norwegian socialism.
It'd actually be what I'd use the money for.
Edited on 20-11-2021 22:53
21-11-2021 02:41
Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Hijack it back.

duncan61 wrote:
I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.

The buzzwords 'global warming', 'climate change', 'climate crisis', and 'climate emergency' are all the same in one respect: They don't mean anything.
duncan61 wrote:
We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.

She probably had no answer. Like you said, she was clueless.
duncan61 wrote:
I have no scientific evidence

That's good. Science isn't evidence. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
duncan61 wrote:
but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water

A problem with your machine. Yeast puts CO2 in warm water quite well.
duncan61 wrote:
and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.

The temperature of the ocean of Perth is unknown. You are describing a single thermometer somewhere.
duncan61 wrote:
This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.

There are two ways such a 'study' can go:
1) she actually conducts the study, and finds that the charts showing how much CO2 can be dissolved in water are accurate.
2) she scams some research money under the pretense that CO2 is turning into carbolic acid and 'acidifying' the oceans (which is not possible).
duncan61 wrote:
This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

Pretty typical.

I use tides for fishing as a guide to the best time to go fishing in the ocean and it gives the water temperature of the particular location so I can see that the temperature goes up in summer.I am not or every claiming to know the global average of anything.I used the variations at the warmazombie meeting I went to and showed all the diferent readings and stated how can the average be known.Then NASA claim to know its warming?I am hoping to see this professor again and compare notes.I would rather she spent the money on my local sea than on a bunch of people on the subcontinent

Edited on 21-11-2021 02:42
21-11-2021 09:01
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Hijack it back.

duncan61 wrote:
I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.

The buzzwords 'global warming', 'climate change', 'climate crisis', and 'climate emergency' are all the same in one respect: They don't mean anything.
duncan61 wrote:
We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.

She probably had no answer. Like you said, she was clueless.
duncan61 wrote:
I have no scientific evidence

That's good. Science isn't evidence. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
duncan61 wrote:
but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water

A problem with your machine. Yeast puts CO2 in warm water quite well.
duncan61 wrote:
and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.

The temperature of the ocean of Perth is unknown. You are describing a single thermometer somewhere.
duncan61 wrote:
This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.

There are two ways such a 'study' can go:
1) she actually conducts the study, and finds that the charts showing how much CO2 can be dissolved in water are accurate.
2) she scams some research money under the pretense that CO2 is turning into carbolic acid and 'acidifying' the oceans (which is not possible).
duncan61 wrote:
This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

Pretty typical.

I use tides for fishing as a guide to the best time to go fishing in the ocean and it gives the water temperature of the particular location so I can see that the temperature goes up in summer.I am not or every claiming to know the global average of anything.I used the variations at the warmazombie meeting I went to and showed all the diferent readings and stated how can the average be known.Then NASA claim to know its warming?I am hoping to see this professor again and compare notes.I would rather she spent the money on my local sea than on a bunch of people on the subcontinent

So you are reading a book that claims to know the temperature of the ocean. Gotit.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
21-11-2021 19:23
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
James___ wrote:
You could just ignore me.

That's what I typically do, unless I'm in a mood for Jamesbabble.
22-11-2021 03:07
Love your style ITN.Its online and gives the swell and moon positions and over the last 20 years I have used it and it works for me.Type in tides 4 fishing and it will give the ocean temperature anywhere you like.After posting the last comment I went to Carnarvon and it is warmer then I went to Albany and its colder.I agree it is only at where the measurements are taken but all we need is a ball park figure.Its not -20.C or plus 45.C.The bays around Rottnest island will warm to 33.C or more in late January.I have snorkelled these bays a few times in my life here in West Australia since 1961.I think your constant denial of everything is worse than the Warmazombies mantra.At least they seem to care misguided that they are.Where did you get a book from.Do they still exist.
22-11-2021 03:16
I am 60 and to walk from the carpark to the beach and then cast in uses all my spare energy plus if the sun comes out on the weekend thousands of people decide to go to the beach for the day.I have to time my sessions for when the swell is just right and the solunar tables indicate a good time to go.Often when the sea breeze kicks in the fishing will go off for an hour or so.When it is calm nothing happens.The main targeted fish are Tailor which you would call blue fish.They hit hard and are good fun plus under 500mm are good on the plate.I have caught them up to 650mm but they taste a bit rank when bigger.
22-11-2021 09:07
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
Love your style ITN.Its online

So you are quoting a website that claims to know the temperature of the ocean. Gotit.
duncan61 wrote:
and gives the swell and moon positions and over the last 20 years I have used it and it works for me.Type in tides 4 fishing and it will give the ocean temperature anywhere you like.

Which one?
duncan61 wrote:
After posting the last comment I went to Carnarvon and it is warmer then I went to Albany and its colder.I agree it is only at where the measurements are taken but all we need is a ball park figure.Its not -20.C or plus 45.C.

So you don't have icebergs. Gotit.
duncan61 wrote:
The bays around Rottnest island will warm to 33.C or more in late January.

How do you know?
duncan61 wrote:
I have snorkelled these bays a few times in my life here in West Australia since 1961.I think your constant denial of everything is worse than the Warmazombies mantra.

No, your use of random numbers as data is the same as the Warmzombie mantra.
duncan61 wrote:
At least they seem to care misguided that they are.Where did you get a book from.Do they still exist.

Yes they do. They are still useful too.

There is no single temperature at any location of ocean water. The temperature of ocean water varies quite a lot depending on just the depth alone.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
22-11-2021 09:08
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
I am 60 and to walk from the carpark to the beach and then cast in uses all my spare energy plus if the sun comes out on the weekend thousands of people decide to go to the beach for the day.I have to time my sessions for when the swell is just right and the solunar tables indicate a good time to go.Often when the sea breeze kicks in the fishing will go off for an hour or so.When it is calm nothing happens.The main targeted fish are Tailor which you would call blue fish.They hit hard and are good fun plus under 500mm are good on the plate.I have caught them up to 650mm but they taste a bit rank when bigger.

Glad you enjoy fishing. So do I. I usually fish for trout in the nearby river here.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
15-07-2024 07:20
Im a BM
This was from November, 2021, before MY time posting here.

Into the Night describes how "...CO2 is turning into carbolic acid.."

Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Hijack it back.

duncan61 wrote:
I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.

The buzzwords 'global warming', 'climate change', 'climate crisis', and 'climate emergency' are all the same in one respect: They don't mean anything.
duncan61 wrote:
We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.

She probably had no answer. Like you said, she was clueless.
duncan61 wrote:
I have no scientific evidence

That's good. Science isn't evidence. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
duncan61 wrote:
but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water

A problem with your machine. Yeast puts CO2 in warm water quite well.
duncan61 wrote:
and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.

The temperature of the ocean of Perth is unknown. You are describing a single thermometer somewhere.
duncan61 wrote:
This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.

There are two ways such a 'study' can go:
1) she actually conducts the study, and finds that the charts showing how much CO2 can be dissolved in water are accurate.
2) she scams some research money under the pretense that CO2 is turning into carbolic acid and 'acidifying' the oceans (which is not possible).
duncan61 wrote:
This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

Pretty typical.

I use tides for fishing as a guide to the best time to go fishing in the ocean and it gives the water temperature of the particular location so I can see that the temperature goes up in summer.I am not or every claiming to know the global average of anything.I used the variations at the warmazombie meeting I went to and showed all the diferent readings and stated how can the average be known.Then NASA claim to know its warming?I am hoping to see this professor again and compare notes.I would rather she spent the money on my local sea than on a bunch of people on the subcontinent

So you are reading a book that claims to know the temperature of the ocean. Gotit.
18-07-2024 21:31
Im a BM wrote:
This was from November, 2021, before MY time posting here.

Into the Night describes how "...CO2 is turning into carbolic acid.."

Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
duncan61 wrote:
This could of been a good thread if James had not hijacked it with his personal stuff.

Hijack it back.

duncan61 wrote:
I switched out a rangehood for a Lady yesterday who is a professor at University of Western Australia.I bought up the climate debate and she was interested.Our government has given her massive amounts of taxpayers money to help 4 countries in the subcontinent to develop crops to combat this climate emergency which she could not even remember who they were.

The buzzwords 'global warming', 'climate change', 'climate crisis', and 'climate emergency' are all the same in one respect: They don't mean anything.
duncan61 wrote:
We got India Bangladesh and Butan eventualy and she does not know who the 4th is????What a waste of energy.I did most of the sharing as she admitted not knowing anything about it.She did reference the falling water tables in the South at Stirling ranges and I just looked her in the eye and said 'do you claim that CO2 in the atmosphere has made the water go away'So its not farmers watering crops in the area.

She probably had no answer. Like you said, she was clueless.
duncan61 wrote:
I have no scientific evidence

That's good. Science isn't evidence. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
duncan61 wrote:
but I know my soda stream will not put CO2 in warm water

A problem with your machine. Yeast puts CO2 in warm water quite well.
duncan61 wrote:
and the ocean of Perth is starting to warm from 17.C to 33.C as we move in to summer like it does every year.

The temperature of the ocean of Perth is unknown. You are describing a single thermometer somewhere.
duncan61 wrote:
This is coastal water at Fremantle.If you go 1km offshore the water around 30-40 metres deep will be between !0.C-15.C.She is going to research the ability of the Ocean to absorb CO2 at the university and get back to me soon.

There are two ways such a 'study' can go:
1) she actually conducts the study, and finds that the charts showing how much CO2 can be dissolved in water are accurate.
2) she scams some research money under the pretense that CO2 is turning into carbolic acid and 'acidifying' the oceans (which is not possible).
duncan61 wrote:
This is a classic.Some bitch from India is on a 6 figure income and telling students about the perils of climate change to crop failures on the subcontinent and has no clue as to how it works.

Pretty typical.

I use tides for fishing as a guide to the best time to go fishing in the ocean and it gives the water temperature of the particular location so I can see that the temperature goes up in summer.I am not or every claiming to know the global average of anything.I used the variations at the warmazombie meeting I went to and showed all the diferent readings and stated how can the average be known.Then NASA claim to know its warming?I am hoping to see this professor again and compare notes.I would rather she spent the money on my local sea than on a bunch of people on the subcontinent

So you are reading a book that claims to know the temperature of the ocean. Gotit.
18-07-2024 21:33
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Stop spamming.
03-09-2024 19:02
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Stop spamming.

Stop pretending to be a "chemist" or any other kind of scientist.

You keep claiming that carbon dioxide forms CARBOLIC acid in water.

You are obviously LYING about having ever studied chemistry.

But with 23000 posts, you can drown out ANYONE, and bury their posts under a pile of parrot poop.

Carbolic acid - chemical formula C6H5OH, or C6H6O for simplicity.

Carbolic acid is an aromatic alcohol, also known as benezenol or phenol.

CARBONIC acid, on the other hand, forms when carbon dioxide combines with water.

Carbonic acid - chemical formula H2CO3

CO2 + H2O = H2CO3

Into the Night will NEVER admit that this is one of the many chemistry errors he has posted repeatedly.

He DOES acknowledge that "Carbolic acid is not carbonic acid".

That is a good start.

But the learning disability will probably prevent him from ever figuring out which one is which.
04-09-2024 19:02
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Stop spamming.

Stop pretending to be a "chemist" or any other kind of scientist.

I don't have to pretend. I am both.
Im a BM wrote:
You keep claiming that carbon dioxide forms CARBOLIC acid in water.

No, carbon dioxide mostly stays carbon dioxide dissolved in water.
Im a BM wrote:
You are obviously LYING about having ever studied chemistry.


The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
05-09-2024 00:44
Im a BM
Do you know the name of the acid that forms from less than 1% of the carbon dioxide that dissolves in water?

Is it possible that you were WRONG the many, many times you called it "carbolic acid"?

Do you even know what carbolic acid is?

Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Stop spamming.

Stop pretending to be a "chemist" or any other kind of scientist.

I don't have to pretend. I am both.
Im a BM wrote:
You keep claiming that carbon dioxide forms CARBOLIC acid in water.

No, carbon dioxide mostly stays carbon dioxide dissolved in water.
Im a BM wrote:
You are obviously LYING about having ever studied chemistry.

05-09-2024 02:41
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
Do you know the name of the acid that forms from less than 1% of the carbon dioxide that dissolves in water?

Is it possible that you were WRONG the many, many times you called it "carbolic acid"?

Do you even know what carbolic acid is?


The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 05-09-2024 02:42
05-09-2024 03:14
Im a BM
Into the Night wrote:
Im a BM wrote:
Do you know the name of the acid that forms from less than 1% of the carbon dioxide that dissolves in water?

Is it possible that you were WRONG the many, many times you called it "carbolic acid"?

Do you even know what carbolic acid is?


Intellectual honesty is not your strong suit.

Do you deny that you repeatedly claimed that carbolic acid is formed from about 1% of the carbon dioxide dissolved in water?

In case its RQAA, humor me and pretend I was too dumb to see where you answered this one previously.

It's a simple yes or no.
05-09-2024 05:51
Im a BM wrote:
humor me and pretend I was too dumb to see where you answered this one previously.

You piss and moan about climate change, yet you have never even attempted to define it (because you can't)

Humor me and pretend I was too dumb to see where you defined this one previously.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 05-09-2024 05:51
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