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Chris Hedges "Fascism in the Age of Trump"

Chris Hedges "Fascism in the Age of Trump"10-12-2017 18:22
moncktonProfile picture★★★☆☆
Chris Hedges "Fascism in the Age of Trump"
Journalist, author and war correspondent Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on November 10, 2017 on fascism and empire in the age of Trump.
16-12-2017 07:44
Watch Link TV, Democracy Now & Aimee Goodman
02-04-2018 17:47
monckton wrote:
Chris Hedges "Fascism in the Age of Trump"
Journalist, author and war correspondent Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on November 10, 2017 on fascism and empire in the age of Trump.

Why would you suppose that one of the elites himself would be telling us about other elites?

Fascism is authoritarian nationalism and that is directly opposite what the Republican Party stands for. Trump is so authoritarian that he has been eliminating government and therefore its controls more rapidly than at any time since WW II.

Were he authoritarian would he have allowed that stupid Mueller investigation to go on long after it was discovered that the grounds for opening the investigation were phony from day one? Would he not fire Mueller and close the investigation when Mueller had the unmitigated gaul to subpoena Trump's business communications from years before he was talked into running by the RNC?

Taxes and therefore controls on the private citizen is being cut to the levels that hasn't been seen before.

So why the fear in the eyes of the liberals? Because they can see that they are not only losing power but the ability to exercise power in any form.

And what does some feriner call this? Fascism. Funny that people that were in fact almost destroyed by Fascism from a foreign source and from their own "conservative" party that wished to appease Hitler and Stalin. Funny that the same country whose citizens have voted for Brexit are being stymied by a authoritarian nationalistic government and some member of it is telling US that Trump is authoritarian. And that nationalism is somehow bad.

The outright ignorance of people such as monckton and litebrain demonstrates how little they value knowledge and instead are willing to believe that name calling is a suitable replacement for intelligence.

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