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Catering to tmiddles

Catering to tmiddles15-02-2022 21:10
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

1) What are the unambiguous definitions of Global Warming, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect that neither violate nor deny physics? [Status: Unanswered]
2) Why should any rational adult believe in either Global Warming, Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect? [Status: Unanswered]
3) How can I unambiguously demonstrate to my children thermal energy flowing from cooler to warmer? [Status: Unanswered]
4) How can I know the temperature of a large, unspecified volume, e.g. Denver, to within, say, 10degF with only one temperature measurement, e.g. the Denver airport? [Status: Unanswered]
5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Why do you claim that an atmosphere only makes a planet's or moon's solid surface hotter since you are fully aware that no place at the bottom of earth's atmosphere ever reaches anywhere close to the daytime temperatures of the moon's atmosphereless solid surface? [Status: Unanswered]
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Why should any rational adult believe that the earth's emissivity is somehow changing to any perceptible extent? [Status: Unanswered]
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]
15-02-2022 23:02
gfm7175Profile picture★★★★★
Thank you for this thread.

I eagerly await the very brave and never cowardly tmiddles to grace us with his omniscient presence and provide us answers to all of these questions. I can assure you all, regardless of his past, that tmiddles will NOT duck, dive, dodge, dip, or otherwise EVADE providing us with thorough, complete, detailed, and unambiguous answers to these questions. Ahhhh, who am I kidding??

Will tmiddles run away from the entirety of this forum like he did last time??
Will tmiddles pretend that this particular thread does not exist??
Will tmiddles show his face here and proceed to "pull a tmiddles" or two or ten??

Stay tuned to find out...
15-02-2022 23:24
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
gfm7175 wrote:Ahhhh, who am I kidding??

Let's be fair. tmiddles has complained many times that the questions were never presented in any thread whereby those questions were the topic of the thread.

I totally get it.

His questions are officially the topic of this thread and he can now answer them without feeling like he is rudely derailing any topic or hijacking any thread.

Others are now welcome to post their own questions to tmiddles here in this thread without feeling awkward. This is the appropriate place to do it.

Hey, I'm always happy to help.
16-02-2022 05:46
20) I would like to know why Trump's travel ban felt like a "punch in the gut", yet you are silent about Biden's racist and gender specific Supreme Court nomination criteria.
(in case you were unaware...federal law prohibits discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status.

20) I would like to know why you intensely labor over speculation of the possibility of "Trump Supporter's" committing crimes. You are front of the line to cry foul, yet it's crickets when BLM/ANTIFA ravage and burn cities to the ground. Why do you not stand in solidarity with ANY American who is disgusted by this behavior? What is your connection with these groups?
16-02-2022 06:15
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
20) I would like to know why ...

Great questions.
16-02-2022 06:30
IBdaMann wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
20) I would like to know why ...

Great questions.

Yours are great too!

#10 is a golden nugget.

Hey, I'm wondering if "mulato" should be added to question 5. Didn't he get all butt hurt about that word?

5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalism," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
16-02-2022 08:03
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:Hey, I'm wondering if "mulato" should be added to question 5. Didn't he get all butt hurt about that word?

That he did! Your memory is excellent.

On December 1st, 2019, tmiddles wrote:If you called me a racial mule, the meaning of mulatto, i would be offended. If you told me you'd decided for me that I should be cool with it, that would be even ruder.

@tmiddles, where did you get this bizarre sense that mulatto is somehow an offensive term? I'll tell you right now that you were misled, but I remain curious as to how you came about this crazy notion. Please do tell.

The term simply came into existence to refer to the apparent racial mix, just as one would say "caucasian" or "Hispanic." Where did you get "rude" from that?

GasGuzzler wrote:#10 is a golden nugget.

Yes, this actually gives tmiddles great shame. He is clearly required by his slavemasters to regurgitate that an atmosphere specifically makes a surface hotter ... but he EVADES all questions for clarification. I made the attached graphic to commemorate the blatant dishonesty.
Attached image:

26-03-2022 06:04
GasGuzzler wrote:
20) I would like to know why Trump's travel ban felt like a "punch in the gut", yet you are silent about Biden's racist and gender specific Supreme Court nomination criteria.
(in case you were unaware...federal law prohibits discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status.

Not that tmiddles cares, but it appears we may have to let him off the hook a little bit on this one. Admittedly I am regurgitating someone else's point, but it is certainly a fair point.

The new question for EVERYONE is this;

How will we ever know if Biden actually chose a woman?

When Marsha Blackburn asked Ketanji Brown Jackson to define "woman," she said "I'm not a biologist."
Blackburn was displeased, but experts say Jackson's answer was scientifically sound.
There is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 26-03-2022 06:14
26-03-2022 15:30
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

1) What are the unambiguous definitions of Global Warming, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect that neither violate nor deny physics? [Status: Unanswered]
2) Why should any rational adult believe in either Global Warming, Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect? [Status: Unanswered]
3) How can I unambiguously demonstrate to my children thermal energy flowing from cooler to warmer? [Status: Unanswered]
4) How can I know the temperature of a large, unspecified volume, e.g. Denver, to within, say, 10degF with only one temperature measurement, e.g. the Denver airport? [Status: Unanswered]
5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Why do you claim that an atmosphere only makes a planet's or moon's solid surface hotter since you are fully aware that no place at the bottom of earth's atmosphere ever reaches anywhere close to the daytime temperatures of the moon's atmosphereless solid surface? [Status: Unanswered]
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Why should any rational adult believe that the earth's emissivity is somehow changing to any perceptible extent? [Status: Unanswered]
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]

You have no official duties or job, you never did
26-03-2022 16:20
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Swan wrote:You have no official duties or job, you never did

Of course I do. The official duties of my job are to serve you, the audience, and to treat you all equally under Climate.

Are you, my audience, feeling as though Climate is not treating you with equality? If not, I will do everything within the scope of my official duties to restore any needed alkalinity. Together we can eliminate radon's gamma emission threat and allow low-oxygen zones to heal.

15-04-2022 17:46
Im a BM
Another victory for truth and science!

tmiddles has been successfully intimidated.

SOMEBODY had to "make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight"

And the best part is you did it with SCIENCE!

How dare anybody call YOU a "troll"!


IBdaMann wrote:
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

1) What are the unambiguous definitions of Global Warming, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect that neither violate nor deny physics? [Status: Unanswered]
2) Why should any rational adult believe in either Global Warming, Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect? [Status: Unanswered]
3) How can I unambiguously demonstrate to my children thermal energy flowing from cooler to warmer? [Status: Unanswered]
4) How can I know the temperature of a large, unspecified volume, e.g. Denver, to within, say, 10degF with only one temperature measurement, e.g. the Denver airport? [Status: Unanswered]
5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Why do you claim that an atmosphere only makes a planet's or moon's solid surface hotter since you are fully aware that no place at the bottom of earth's atmosphere ever reaches anywhere close to the daytime temperatures of the moon's atmosphereless solid surface? [Status: Unanswered]
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Why should any rational adult believe that the earth's emissivity is somehow changing to any perceptible extent? [Status: Unanswered]
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]
RE: for the sole purpose of denigrating16-04-2022 04:58
This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating and denigrating a member of this website.

Unfortunately, it may have been another success story in the long history of driving good people off the website.

I hope tmiddles can return to a place where nobody would start another thread just to be an... need I say more?

IBdaMann wrote:
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

1) What are the unambiguous definitions of Global Warming, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect that neither violate nor deny physics? [Status: Unanswered]
2) Why should any rational adult believe in either Global Warming, Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect? [Status: Unanswered]
3) How can I unambiguously demonstrate to my children thermal energy flowing from cooler to warmer? [Status: Unanswered]
4) How can I know the temperature of a large, unspecified volume, e.g. Denver, to within, say, 10degF with only one temperature measurement, e.g. the Denver airport? [Status: Unanswered]
5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Why do you claim that an atmosphere only makes a planet's or moon's solid surface hotter since you are fully aware that no place at the bottom of earth's atmosphere ever reaches anywhere close to the daytime temperatures of the moon's atmosphereless solid surface? [Status: Unanswered]
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Why should any rational adult believe that the earth's emissivity is somehow changing to any perceptible extent? [Status: Unanswered]
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]
16-04-2022 05:50
All the questions are rhetorical and you know it.Same as the define it technique.You have a need for denial and anyone who claims to know everything has stopped learning.You are a sad individual and I weep for you
16-04-2022 06:51
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating and denigrating a member of this website.

Incorrect ... just as you are about virtually everything else.

tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification. He, like you, is a totally dishonest schyttt-saqq who won't answer any questions and who won't define any of his boooolsch't terms that he uses. You and he are bad seeds who only come here to preach your HATRED and not to learn anything.

I understand that you are a total loser in life and that fantasy role-playing is your only hope for escape ... but you picked the wrong website for it. Have you checked out YAP or Debate Politics? They cater to "special needs" patients like you.

The list is a compilation of the major questions that remain outstanding. Every so often I and others remind tmiddles about the list as a courtesy and to extend an opportunity to provide some answers. You are also welcome to provide answers to some of the many questions you have been asked.

Oooops, what was I thinking? Silly me. You don't have any answers. You are role-playing. You don't really know anything.

Check out YAP and Debate Politics. You owe it to yourself.
Attached image:

16-04-2022 12:27
tmiddlesProfile picture★★★★★
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating....

Incorrect ... tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification.....

I was unaware this thread existed.

You are basically correct sealover. IBD and the rest of the trolls on this board are intent of destroying the ability to have a discussion so they fire hose BS over anything that starts to get in to a climate debate.

IBD of course has neglected to explain what statements I made that begged a question.

This being a forum those question should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Should anyone stumble upon this and wonder what it looks like when IBD slips up and actually starts to discuss the science here take a look (doesn't go well for him):

IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Are you disagreeing that there is warming of the ship when the black side is in the sunlight?

You're too stupid to be discussing at the adult table. Do you really believe that visible light is all there is?

This is pointless.

Let's just go back to me mocking the schytt out of you. Even that is more productive ... and certainly more fun. You won't even make an effort to learn anything.

yes IBD. You are, decidedly pointless.

and that's just the most recent. I'm honestly no longer amused with mopping the floor with his insane made up science.

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." - Karl Popper
ITN/IBD Fraud exposed:  The 2nd LTD add on claiming radiance from cooler bodies can't be absorbed Max Planck debunks, they can't explain:net-thermal-radiation-you-in-a-room-as-a-reference & Proof: no data is valid for IBD or ITN
16-04-2022 15:15
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating....

Incorrect ... tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification.....

I was unaware this thread existed.

You are basically correct sealover. IBD and the rest of the trolls on this board are intent of destroying the ability to have a discussion so they fire hose BS over anything that starts to get in to a climate debate.

IBD of course has neglected to explain what statements I made that begged a question.

This being a forum those question should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Should anyone stumble upon this and wonder what it looks like when IBD slips up and actually starts to discuss the science here take a look (doesn't go well for him):

IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Are you disagreeing that there is warming of the ship when the black side is in the sunlight?

You're too stupid to be discussing at the adult table. Do you really believe that visible light is all there is?

This is pointless.

Let's just go back to me mocking the schytt out of you. Even that is more productive ... and certainly more fun. You won't even make an effort to learn anything.

yes IBD. You are, decidedly pointless.

and that's just the most recent. I'm honestly no longer amused with mopping the floor with his insane made up science.

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." - Karl Popper
ITN/IBD Fraud exposed:  The 2nd LTD add on claiming radiance from cooler bodies can't be absorbed Max Planck debunks, they can't explain:net-thermal-radiation-you-in-a-room-as-a-reference & Proof: no data is valid for IBD or ITN

Nah the truth is simpler, IBD just wants to sniff your shorts as he thinks about you all the time. Or you are IBD as schizzos like IBD do this type of thing
RE: tmiddles: a member worthy of respect21-04-2022 18:31
tmiddles: a member worthy of respect

I've only been involved here for six weeks now.

tmiddles hung in there for more than two years.

tmiddles was always very respectful.

tmiddles did not come here to insult or hide behind word games.

I respect tmiddles. I imagine most people would, because most people are good.

Only in a place like this would a good person like tmiddles find so many who seek only to insult and enrage.

Like so many of my colleagues, tmiddles told me I had chosen the wrong website for an effort to share scientific knowledge related to climate change.

Like myself, tmiddles sought to get Branner to do SOMETHING.

A situation like this only comes to exist when there is no adult supervision.

I think tmiddles is wrong about Branner.

In another six weeks or so, I hope that Branner will extend a personal invitation to tmiddles and many other good people who were driven away from this website. I hope they can be told that the biggest bullies are gone now.

According to the box up on the left, there are 1593 users.

Three of those users account for about HALF of the 82,142 posts on the site.

What tmiddles tried to encourage me to do, and I will finally follow the advice, is not get sucked into interpersonal conflict with those three prolific posters.

They are not worthy of the energy required for contempt.

1593 users, but fewer than a dozen who post much of the time.

Branner could change that overnight, and I'm not giving up any time soon.

Why is THIS the website where I am stubbornly posting despite constant heckling?

I looked around a lot for websites where people could participate in discussions such as these.

Ten years ago I posted at "theenvironmentsite", until the owner decided to kill it. A second wave of trolls were more pernicious than the first. But there were more like a dozen dozen frequent posters there. Until the trolls convinced the owner that it wasn't worth it to maintain the site anymore.

I first saw this site about seven years ago. Same avatars. Same ****s. Same non debate.

The goal was to enrage and PREVENT debate. Define your terms! blah, blah, blah. "Define your fuggin terms you lying schyt." (they tell you this on day 1)

"Go learn some science". For some reason this is the identical sentence you get from multiple trolls (on day 1). And having an MS and PhD doesn't count here as a way actually "learn some science".

I don't blame tmiddles for deciding it was just hopeless here.

But I'm going to keep working on Branner.

Why? Because my plan requires it to be THIS WEBSITE.

This is the first place my searches directed me to when I was trying to find websites where people discuss these issues.

1593 people wanted it badly enough to sign up. 3 people ruined it.

I haven't given up on Branner.

Because tmiddles is a member worthy of respect.

My arrival here coincided with the finale of the humiliation and intimidation effort toward tmiddles from site members who are NOT worthy of respect. Not a bit worthy.

And that was only the most recent case. There is a long series of good people who cared about the earth and humanity and just wanted to have a rational and civil exchange. They were subjected to inexcusable behavior from basically 3 senior trolls, and maybe 4 or 5 junior trolls.

There is a long list of good people who gave up on the website for Branner to invite back.

And they will be singing, "Ding dong the witch is dead!"

I haven't given up on Branner.


tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating....

Incorrect ... tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification.....

I was unaware this thread existed.

You are basically correct sealover. IBD and the rest of the trolls on this board are intent of destroying the ability to have a discussion so they fire hose BS over anything that starts to get in to a climate debate.

IBD of course has neglected to explain what statements I made that begged a question.

This being a forum those question should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Should anyone stumble upon this and wonder what it looks like when IBD slips up and actually starts to discuss the science here take a look (doesn't go well for him):

IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Are you disagreeing that there is warming of the ship when the black side is in the sunlight?

You're too stupid to be discussing at the adult table. Do you really believe that visible light is all there is?

This is pointless.

Let's just go back to me mocking the schytt out of you. Even that is more productive ... and certainly more fun. You won't even make an effort to learn anything.

yes IBD. You are, decidedly pointless.

and that's just the most recent. I'm honestly no longer amused with mopping the floor with his insane made up science.

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." - Karl Popper
ITN/IBD Fraud exposed:  The 2nd LTD add on claiming radiance from cooler bodies can't be absorbed Max Planck debunks, they can't explain:net-thermal-radiation-you-in-a-room-as-a-reference & Proof: no data is valid for IBD or ITN
21-04-2022 22:26
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Google suggested this site for you specifically, because you whine, cry, and troll. Google doesn't think it would be productive to direct you to a site that is profitable to them, so you could ruin them as well. You are a control-freak liberal, who can't stand seeing people think for themselves. We don't need no nanny-state. We are adults, and we do interact well here with minimal supervision.

You just lack the intelligence/experience to catch Twiddles word games. Or maybe that's just normal for liberals. This is a debate website. Clearly, some users take that more serious than others. I don't debate. It's more of a game/sport, and rather just discuss topics, rather join in the arguments. Those who you refer to as 'trolls', are just very good at the debate game. The goal, is to win, and they have refine their tactics to some very simple and direct. Climate Change fails as a science, since it's entirely based on the belief, that the computer models are correct. Even though the 'data' that feeds the models, are interpretations/beliefs as well. But, for liberal, it's okay to ignore those flaws, because it's a 'crisis', and we have to act now! I don't share you beliefs, nor do I panic. Just because you and your liberal friends believe the 'sky is falling', doesn't mean it actually is, or will. But, you can throw your little hissie fit, if you want.

This site, is about debating, and the losers user leave in disgrace, and humiliated. Which is pretty much the accepted reward for failure. You haven't even attempted to engage in debate. You just want to post nonsense articles, threaten to banish the people who actual engage in debate. You threat to take over this site as your own. Got a hunch Branner want's you gone as well. He would have correct/change the site years ago, if he wasn't okay with it. This site isn't for you, because you have no interest in debate. Not much interest in discussion either. Only interest seems to be preaching climate manure nonsense.

sealover wrote:
tmiddles: a member worthy of respect

I've only been involved here for six weeks now.

tmiddles hung in there for more than two years.

tmiddles was always very respectful.

tmiddles did not come here to insult or hide behind word games.

I respect tmiddles. I imagine most people would, because most people are good.

Only in a place like this would a good person like tmiddles find so many who seek only to insult and enrage.

Like so many of my colleagues, tmiddles told me I had chosen the wrong website for an effort to share scientific knowledge related to climate change.

Like myself, tmiddles sought to get Branner to do SOMETHING.

A situation like this only comes to exist when there is no adult supervision.

I think tmiddles is wrong about Branner.

In another six weeks or so, I hope that Branner will extend a personal invitation to tmiddles and many other good people who were driven away from this website. I hope they can be told that the biggest bullies are gone now.

According to the box up on the left, there are 1593 users.

Three of those users account for about HALF of the 82,142 posts on the site.

What tmiddles tried to encourage me to do, and I will finally follow the advice, is not get sucked into interpersonal conflict with those three prolific posters.

They are not worthy of the energy required for contempt.

1593 users, but fewer than a dozen who post much of the time.

Branner could change that overnight, and I'm not giving up any time soon.

Why is THIS the website where I am stubbornly posting despite constant heckling?

I looked around a lot for websites where people could participate in discussions such as these.

Ten years ago I posted at "theenvironmentsite", until the owner decided to kill it. A second wave of trolls were more pernicious than the first. But there were more like a dozen dozen frequent posters there. Until the trolls convinced the owner that it wasn't worth it to maintain the site anymore.

I first saw this site about seven years ago. Same avatars. Same ****s. Same non debate.

The goal was to enrage and PREVENT debate. Define your terms! blah, blah, blah. "Define your fuggin terms you lying schyt." (they tell you this on day 1)

"Go learn some science". For some reason this is the identical sentence you get from multiple trolls (on day 1). And having an MS and PhD doesn't count here as a way actually "learn some science".

I don't blame tmiddles for deciding it was just hopeless here.

But I'm going to keep working on Branner.

Why? Because my plan requires it to be THIS WEBSITE.

This is the first place my searches directed me to when I was trying to find websites where people discuss these issues.

1593 people wanted it badly enough to sign up. 3 people ruined it.

I haven't given up on Branner.

Because tmiddles is a member worthy of respect.

My arrival here coincided with the finale of the humiliation and intimidation effort toward tmiddles from site members who are NOT worthy of respect. Not a bit worthy.

And that was only the most recent case. There is a long series of good people who cared about the earth and humanity and just wanted to have a rational and civil exchange. They were subjected to inexcusable behavior from basically 3 senior trolls, and maybe 4 or 5 junior trolls.

There is a long list of good people who gave up on the website for Branner to invite back.

And they will be singing, "Ding dong the witch is dead!"

I haven't given up on Branner.


tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating....

Incorrect ... tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification.....

I was unaware this thread existed.

You are basically correct sealover. IBD and the rest of the trolls on this board are intent of destroying the ability to have a discussion so they fire hose BS over anything that starts to get in to a climate debate.

IBD of course has neglected to explain what statements I made that begged a question.

This being a forum those question should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Should anyone stumble upon this and wonder what it looks like when IBD slips up and actually starts to discuss the science here take a look (doesn't go well for him):

IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Are you disagreeing that there is warming of the ship when the black side is in the sunlight?

You're too stupid to be discussing at the adult table. Do you really believe that visible light is all there is?

This is pointless.

Let's just go back to me mocking the schytt out of you. Even that is more productive ... and certainly more fun. You won't even make an effort to learn anything.

yes IBD. You are, decidedly pointless.

and that's just the most recent. I'm honestly no longer amused with mopping the floor with his insane made up science.

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." - Karl Popper
ITN/IBD Fraud exposed:  The 2nd LTD add on claiming radiance from cooler bodies can't be absorbed Max Planck debunks, they can't explain:net-thermal-radiation-you-in-a-room-as-a-reference & Proof: no data is valid for IBD or ITN
22-04-2022 02:46
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
HarveyH55 wrote:
Google suggested this site for you specifically, because you whine, cry, and troll. Google doesn't think it would be productive to direct you to a site that is profitable to them, so you could ruin them as well. You are a control-freak liberal, who can't stand seeing people think for themselves. We don't need no nanny-state. We are adults, and we do interact well here with minimal supervision.

You just lack the intelligence/experience to catch Twiddles word games. Or maybe that's just normal for liberals. This is a debate website. Clearly, some users take that more serious than others. I don't debate. It's more of a game/sport, and rather just discuss topics, rather join in the arguments. Those who you refer to as 'trolls', are just very good at the debate game. The goal, is to win, and they have refine their tactics to some very simple and direct. Climate Change fails as a science, since it's entirely based on the belief, that the computer models are correct. Even though the 'data' that feeds the models, are interpretations/beliefs as well. But, for liberal, it's okay to ignore those flaws, because it's a 'crisis', and we have to act now! I don't share you beliefs, nor do I panic. Just because you and your liberal friends believe the 'sky is falling', doesn't mean it actually is, or will. But, you can throw your little hissie fit, if you want.

This site, is about debating, and the losers user leave in disgrace, and humiliated. Which is pretty much the accepted reward for failure. You haven't even attempted to engage in debate. You just want to post nonsense articles, threaten to banish the people who actual engage in debate. You threat to take over this site as your own. Got a hunch Branner want's you gone as well. He would have correct/change the site years ago, if he wasn't okay with it. This site isn't for you, because you have no interest in debate. Not much interest in discussion either. Only interest seems to be preaching climate manure nonsense.

sealover wrote:
tmiddles: a member worthy of respect

I've only been involved here for six weeks now.

tmiddles hung in there for more than two years.

tmiddles was always very respectful.

tmiddles did not come here to insult or hide behind word games.

I respect tmiddles. I imagine most people would, because most people are good.

Only in a place like this would a good person like tmiddles find so many who seek only to insult and enrage.

Like so many of my colleagues, tmiddles told me I had chosen the wrong website for an effort to share scientific knowledge related to climate change.

Like myself, tmiddles sought to get Branner to do SOMETHING.

A situation like this only comes to exist when there is no adult supervision.

I think tmiddles is wrong about Branner.

In another six weeks or so, I hope that Branner will extend a personal invitation to tmiddles and many other good people who were driven away from this website. I hope they can be told that the biggest bullies are gone now.

According to the box up on the left, there are 1593 users.

Three of those users account for about HALF of the 82,142 posts on the site.

What tmiddles tried to encourage me to do, and I will finally follow the advice, is not get sucked into interpersonal conflict with those three prolific posters.

They are not worthy of the energy required for contempt.

1593 users, but fewer than a dozen who post much of the time.

Branner could change that overnight, and I'm not giving up any time soon.

Why is THIS the website where I am stubbornly posting despite constant heckling?

I looked around a lot for websites where people could participate in discussions such as these.

Ten years ago I posted at "theenvironmentsite", until the owner decided to kill it. A second wave of trolls were more pernicious than the first. But there were more like a dozen dozen frequent posters there. Until the trolls convinced the owner that it wasn't worth it to maintain the site anymore.

I first saw this site about seven years ago. Same avatars. Same ****s. Same non debate.

The goal was to enrage and PREVENT debate. Define your terms! blah, blah, blah. "Define your fuggin terms you lying schyt." (they tell you this on day 1)

"Go learn some science". For some reason this is the identical sentence you get from multiple trolls (on day 1). And having an MS and PhD doesn't count here as a way actually "learn some science".

I don't blame tmiddles for deciding it was just hopeless here.

But I'm going to keep working on Branner.

Why? Because my plan requires it to be THIS WEBSITE.

This is the first place my searches directed me to when I was trying to find websites where people discuss these issues.

1593 people wanted it badly enough to sign up. 3 people ruined it.

I haven't given up on Branner.

Because tmiddles is a member worthy of respect.

My arrival here coincided with the finale of the humiliation and intimidation effort toward tmiddles from site members who are NOT worthy of respect. Not a bit worthy.

And that was only the most recent case. There is a long series of good people who cared about the earth and humanity and just wanted to have a rational and civil exchange. They were subjected to inexcusable behavior from basically 3 senior trolls, and maybe 4 or 5 junior trolls.

There is a long list of good people who gave up on the website for Branner to invite back.

And they will be singing, "Ding dong the witch is dead!"

I haven't given up on Branner.


tmiddles wrote:
IBdaMann wrote:
sealover wrote:This thread was created for the sole purpose of intimidating....

Incorrect ... tmiddles made statements that begged these questions for clarification.....

I was unaware this thread existed.

You are basically correct sealover. IBD and the rest of the trolls on this board are intent of destroying the ability to have a discussion so they fire hose BS over anything that starts to get in to a climate debate.

IBD of course has neglected to explain what statements I made that begged a question.

This being a forum those question should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Should anyone stumble upon this and wonder what it looks like when IBD slips up and actually starts to discuss the science here take a look (doesn't go well for him):

IBdaMann wrote:
tmiddles wrote:Are you disagreeing that there is warming of the ship when the black side is in the sunlight?

You're too stupid to be discussing at the adult table. Do you really believe that visible light is all there is?

This is pointless.

Let's just go back to me mocking the schytt out of you. Even that is more productive ... and certainly more fun. You won't even make an effort to learn anything.

yes IBD. You are, decidedly pointless.

and that's just the most recent. I'm honestly no longer amused with mopping the floor with his insane made up science.

"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." - Karl Popper
ITN/IBD Fraud exposed:  The 2nd LTD add on claiming radiance from cooler bodies can't be absorbed Max Planck debunks, they can't explain:net-thermal-radiation-you-in-a-room-as-a-reference & Proof: no data is valid for IBD or ITN

LOL you are all the same person anyway
22-04-2022 16:59
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
HarveyH55 wrote:

Harvey I like your new face it is softer but the smile is fuzzy wuzzy

22-04-2022 17:03
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
HarveyH55 wrote:

Harvey I like your new face it is softer but the smile is fuzzy wuzzy

Still working on it. Going to stretch to creep-clown face out on the sides, to better fit the circle.
22-04-2022 19:06
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
tmiddles: a member worthy of respect

sealover wrote:
tmiddles did not come here to insult or hide behind word games.

That's EXACTLY what he does, as do you!
sealover wrote:
Like so many of my colleagues, tmiddles told me I had chosen the wrong website for an effort to share scientific knowledge related to climate change.

You discard science. You discard the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
sealover wrote:
I first saw this site about seven years ago. Same avatars. Same ****s. Same non debate.

So you haven't been here only six months. You've been here SEVEN YEARS.
sealover wrote:
The goal was to enrage and PREVENT debate. Define your terms! blah, blah, blah. "Define your fuggin terms you lying schyt." (they tell you this on day 1)

You can't debate until you define what you are debating, dude.
sealover wrote:
"Go learn some science". For some reason this is the identical sentence you get from multiple trolls (on day 1). And having an MS and PhD doesn't count here as a way actually "learn some science".

No credentials count on any forum. I guess in seven years, you haven't figure that out. Science isn't credentials.
sealover wrote:
I don't blame tmiddles for deciding it was just hopeless here.

But I'm going to keep working on Branner.

Why? Because my plan requires it to be THIS WEBSITE.

Oh no! Climate-debate has been targeted!

sealover wrote:
This is the first place my searches directed me to when I was trying to find websites where people discuss these issues.

1593 people wanted it badly enough to sign up. 3 people ruined it.

It isn't ruined.
sealover wrote:
I haven't given up on Branner.

Because tmiddles is a member worthy of respect.

My arrival here coincided with the finale of the humiliation and intimidation effort toward tmiddles from site members who are NOT worthy of respect. Not a bit worthy.

And that was only the most recent case. There is a long series of good people who cared about the earth and humanity and just wanted to have a rational and civil exchange. They were subjected to inexcusable behavior from basically 3 senior trolls, and maybe 4 or 5 junior trolls.

Science isn't trolling.

You are only here to preach your religion, just like tmiddles. You won't define your terms. You won't answer for the theories of science you discard. You spend your time whining and complaining and insulting. It is YOU playing word games. Inversion fallacy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
23-04-2022 00:15
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Into the Night wrote:
sealover wrote:
tmiddles: a member worthy of respect

sealover wrote:
tmiddles did not come here to insult or hide behind word games.

That's EXACTLY what he does, as do you!
sealover wrote:
Like so many of my colleagues, tmiddles told me I had chosen the wrong website for an effort to share scientific knowledge related to climate change.

You discard science. You discard the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
sealover wrote:
I first saw this site about seven years ago. Same avatars. Same ****s. Same non debate.

So you haven't been here only six months. You've been here SEVEN YEARS.
sealover wrote:
The goal was to enrage and PREVENT debate. Define your terms! blah, blah, blah. "Define your fuggin terms you lying schyt." (they tell you this on day 1)

You can't debate until you define what you are debating, dude.
sealover wrote:
"Go learn some science". For some reason this is the identical sentence you get from multiple trolls (on day 1). And having an MS and PhD doesn't count here as a way actually "learn some science".

No credentials count on any forum. I guess in seven years, you haven't figure that out. Science isn't credentials.
sealover wrote:
I don't blame tmiddles for deciding it was just hopeless here.

But I'm going to keep working on Branner.

Why? Because my plan requires it to be THIS WEBSITE.

Oh no! Climate-debate has been targeted!

sealover wrote:
This is the first place my searches directed me to when I was trying to find websites where people discuss these issues.

1593 people wanted it badly enough to sign up. 3 people ruined it.

It isn't ruined.
sealover wrote:
I haven't given up on Branner.

Because tmiddles is a member worthy of respect.

My arrival here coincided with the finale of the humiliation and intimidation effort toward tmiddles from site members who are NOT worthy of respect. Not a bit worthy.

And that was only the most recent case. There is a long series of good people who cared about the earth and humanity and just wanted to have a rational and civil exchange. They were subjected to inexcusable behavior from basically 3 senior trolls, and maybe 4 or 5 junior trolls.

Science isn't trolling.

You are only here to preach your religion, just like tmiddles. You won't define your terms. You won't answer for the theories of science you discard. You spend your time whining and complaining and insulting. It is YOU playing word games. Inversion fallacy.

He owns your brain
RE: Just weeks away from a time to invite tmiddles back11-05-2022 01:37
Im a BM
IBdaMann wrote:
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

1) What are the unambiguous definitions of Global Warming, Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect that neither violate nor deny physics? [Status: Unanswered]
2) Why should any rational adult believe in either Global Warming, Climate Change or Greenhouse Effect? [Status: Unanswered]
3) How can I unambiguously demonstrate to my children thermal energy flowing from cooler to warmer? [Status: Unanswered]
4) How can I know the temperature of a large, unspecified volume, e.g. Denver, to within, say, 10degF with only one temperature measurement, e.g. the Denver airport? [Status: Unanswered]
5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Why do you claim that an atmosphere only makes a planet's or moon's solid surface hotter since you are fully aware that no place at the bottom of earth's atmosphere ever reaches anywhere close to the daytime temperatures of the moon's atmosphereless solid surface? [Status: Unanswered]
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Why should any rational adult believe that the earth's emissivity is somehow changing to any perceptible extent? [Status: Unanswered]
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]

IdaBM's "duties" to make members "squirm and flee on sight" were never agreed upon by "the board".

We may be just weeks away from a time to invite tmiddles back for a less hostile and more intellectually honest discussion.
11-05-2022 02:27
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:We may be just weeks away from a time to invite tmiddles back for a less hostile and more intellectually honest discussion.

OK ... I'll call. Whatcha' got?
09-06-2024 13:55
Im a BM
Yes, the "list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight..."

Failure to respond to the "questions" is inexcusable, isn't it?

Like Branner says, "stick to discussing climate change"

Looks like tmiddles has a lot of questions about (climate change?) to answer.

But there is value in the question "What evidence do you have?"

What evidence do you have that "climate cannot change"?

Does it have something to do with BLM and race relations?

That would be more compelling than any other evidence you have offered.

IBdaMann wrote:
It was brought to my attention that I have been thoroughly remiss in my duties; that I have not been properly maintaining the list of questions that make tmiddles squirm and flee on sight ... and that tmiddles is probably feeling unfairly snubbed at the moment. I would like to extend a special thanks to gfm7175 for keeping my feet to the fire and keeping me honest.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those for whom this might have caused confusion and inconvenience, especially to tmiddles. My oversight was due to my attention being directed at too many things and I assure you all that this error was purely inadvertent. I will correct it immediately.

The Official List of Questions for tmiddles that Remain Unanswered

The following questions were asked of tmiddles in response to his arguments, claims and assertions. We all await in glorious anticipation of his clear and thorough answers.

(Questions 1-4 were the kind that "only a scientifically illiterate moron...")

5) What are the unambiguous definitions of "race," "negro," "black people," "white people," "brown people," "white supremacy," "white nationalsim," "white nationalist," "white supremacist," "black supremacist" and "racist"? [Status: Unanswered]
6) Is there an official list of races? [Status: Unanswered]
- 6a) How do I determine my own race or that of my children? [Status: Unanswered]
7) Why should any rational adult believe that there is a problem of racism in the United States? [Status: Unanswered]
8) Why should law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless before rampant violent crime? [Status: Unanswered]
9) Where in the 1st Amendment is "hate" prohibited such that, if shown, a prosecutor can throw someone in jail for having had that emotion/thought? [Status: Unanswered]
10) Only a scientifically illiterate moron would ask this.
11) If we were to discover that Lisa Gherardini was actually a shitty person, would that justify Black Lives Matter storming the Louvre to destroy the Mona Lisa? [Status: Unanswered]
12) Why should we destroy artifacts and relics pertaining to history that we never want to forget or repeat? [Status: Unanswered]
13) The Aztecs committed genocide of many other tribes and practiced human sacrifice; should their artwork and artifacts be destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
14) Why would you or anyone pretend to be a judge of what history is to be revised or destroyed? [Status: Unanswered]
15) In what substantive/meaningful way do the platforms of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, The National Organization of Women, the DNC, Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA ... differ? [Status: Unanswered]
16) Which type of wood are you claiming melts (assuming the proper temperature and pressure) ... and what is that specific temperature and pressure? [Status: Unanswered]
17) Scientifically illiterate morons also want to know...
18) What evidence do you have that the hockey stick slashers you presented were neither BLM or ANTIFA? [Status: Unanswered]
19) What evidence do you have that any of the hockey stick slashers you presented were arrested and are now in prison? [color=red][Status: Unanswered]
09-06-2024 21:21
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote: Like Branner says, "stick to discussing climate change" Looks like tmiddles has a lot of questions about (climate change?) to answer.

Why did you omit tmiddles' EVASIONS of Climate Change questions in deference to pursuing rabbit holes of other topics? Why did you not explain that all of the questions that you posted came about because tmiddles took the Climate Change discussion off onto those tangents?

The questions you posted represent the brick wall into which tmiddles ultimately backed himself in justifying his Marxist party line solidarity.
Attached image:

Edited on 09-06-2024 21:23
10-06-2024 05:36
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Im a BM wrote:
What evidence do you have that "climate cannot change"?

By definition. Climate has no value associated with it. It has no temperature. It has no humidity. It has no barometric value. There is nothing that can change.


The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 10-06-2024 05:37

Join the debate Catering to tmiddles:

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