Big push! Letter from the building sector to the EU Commission17-07-2014 20:31 | |
Harry75☆☆☆☆☆ (1) |
Dear all I don't know if you are aware of this letter from the building sector to the EU Commission, with Rockwool as a leading supporter (see below). This is a huge step for fighting climate change. In my opinion, multinational companies are a powerful agents of change, having a positive effect on governments to act quickly. And building companies understand climate change is a dramatic process we must mitigate. "business as usual" is not a solution. That's why this initiative is really good news for all. It means mitigating climate change effects but also reducing energy imports, creating jobs, and so on. The deep renovation of buildings in Europe maybe not THE solution but certainly one of the cheapest and most efficient. Regards, Harry75 |
19-07-2014 12:32 | |
ChristinPassivHaus☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Hi Harry75, Thanks for sharing this news. Indeed, lot of things have to be done to improve buildings insulation, to cut energy bills and to mitigate climate change. Maybe some ideas from Germany should be spread like the passive house concept (Passivhaus). But I'm biased because I work for one of the companies quoted in the Rockwool release! Best regards ChristinPassivHaus |
20-07-2014 14:05 | |
IngridRBV☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Good morning all, I have just read your discussion and let me say the Rockwool Group initiative is also supported by local subsidiaries, as Rockwool Benelux. For example, the Corporate Social Responsibility Report was launched with the support of several influential stakeholders. Here is the press release You can also watch the 5 mn Rockwool CSR Story in which goals of the company are explained. With Regards IngridRBV |
23-07-2014 20:17 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
Hello IngridRBV, I have to say I'm quite astonished by your remarks. Obviously, climate change has to be fought. And yes, a better building insulation is a way to succeed. But what is really upsetting me is the Rockwool campaign. You talk about Corporate Social Responsibility but this is bulls**t! (sorry for the word) Google that and you will find other things, closer to the reality. For an example of CSR washing, read my contribution In fact, what the Rockwool Group does in Italy or in India doesn't really match the CSR principles promoted by Rockwool Benelux... Next time, be tempered in your words... Fabio |
26-07-2014 13:48 | |
IngridRBV☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Dear Fabio, Thank you for your comment. Me too, I'm astonished by what you say and I think there is a misunderstanding. We are fully involved in the CSR movement as you can see on our website We have a close relationship with partners, especially with De Groene Zaak, a Dutch respected association of companies fully involved in sustainable development. There is no double talk: one in Europe, and one for the rest of the world. We apply Rockwool Group CSR principles in every factory, and for every supplier. I have no doubt about that. Regards IngridRBV, Ps: obviously, I speak in my name. Not in the name of my employer. |
27-07-2014 20:50 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
Don't be naive. Watch totally this video Facts and only facts. A picture is worth a thousand words. See workers life conditions in India! Even doctors talk about skin diseases, fever, malaria, and dysentery! There's even a petition to help Rockwool workers and force the company to respect environmental and social commitments. They talk about modern-day slavery! Where are CSR principles in it? Fabio |
30-07-2014 20:55 | |
ChristinPassivHaus☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Hello Fabio, I'm sorry to say but I support IngridRBV in this case. I think there is a misunderstanding because Rockwool can't be involved in this difficult situation. This is unthinkable to believe Tom Kähler and the Kähler Family are involved, from near and far. Their values, and those promoted by their company, are really really far from modern slavery, as you say. That is just the opposite! If your informations were true, it would be amazing. Regards, ChristinPassivHaus |
19-08-2014 03:11 | |
just sayin☆☆☆☆☆ (23) |
if anybody can show me evidence of human caused climate change it will be well appreciated....ive studied this subject front and's total nonsense and i mean that in the most civil way....temperatures haven't even risen 1 F since 1978...since 1998 the average global temperature has warming what is climate change exactly..hurricane sandy? droughts? what does "climate change" even mean at this point? I really would love to see the evidence of warming or drastic change... |
26-08-2014 20:44 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
It's unbelievable?! You take few days off, you come back on the web and what's happen? My articles "The sad face of capitalism and relocation in Italy: Rockwool and the invisibles" & "Rockwool: an example of CSR-washing" have been removed from the citizen journalism website Allvoices. The 2 articles have been published in June and nothing has happened until I start commenting on this forum about the so-called Rockwool CSR Policy. Removed by whom? The Editor? Or via pressures from the Danish company? What do they want to hide? The truth about their relations with their employees, especially slavery informations in India? It's obviously easier to set up a conference to show off social commitments, with special guests as Danish Ambassador Ole Moesby, Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme, Bernard Wientjes of the Dutch trade union VNO-NCW or Marga Hoek of De Groene Zaak (the green cause LOL!)... Do they know what does Rockwool slogan "where passion meets commitment" mean? They are just used by Rockwool as moral guarantors and they don't even understand what's happening... According to their profession or duty, they should be more careful about their actions and words. But they don't! Shame on them. |
19-09-2014 20:06 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
I post my article, previously published on in June 2014 but removed in August. ROCKWOOL: AN EXAMPLE OF "CSR-WASHING" In December 2013, the Russian newspaper The Moscow Times launched the first edition of its awards ceremony, aimed to reward foreign and local initiatives which are contributing to Moscow's development as an international capital. One name stands out among the seven multinational companies (MNCs) nominated in the "Best corporate citizen" category: Rockwool. With only 10,500 employees worldwide, the Danish stone wool insulation manufacturer appeared as a small player compared to the other nominees like Nestlé, Samsung or L'Oréal. Actually, Rockwool is known as a pioneer of CSR policy in the construction industry and its continued efforts in the field of environment and fire safety have been recognized by several awards and nomination. However, are these initiatives enough to cover a much more cynical strategy? That is the question. The Rockwool's saga started in 1909, when two Danish investors specializing in the mining industry decided to produce stone wool destined for the new-born insulation market. If the insulation market slowly developed between 1910 and 1970, energy saving became much fancier than ever after the two oil prices shocks of 1973 and 1979. Indeed, stone wool insulation offers outstanding performance in matter of thermal and acoustic insulation, and also fire protection. Produced from an unlimited resource, the basalt, stone wool appears as the perfect product to face environmental issues and makes Rockwool the leader of mineral wool market with a turnover of 2.7 billion USD. Another remarkable thing about Rockwool is that the company is a pioneer in CSR policy. In its last CSR report, company values are resumed in this sentence: "the essence of our business activities - using the important characteristics of stone wool to create safer and better buildings - is inherently beneficial to society yet our responsibilities go beyond this". That is why the Danish MNCs appears as a forerunner in the construction sector, one of the most polluting industry and disrespectful of human life . That is why Rockwool received several CSR-related awards and nominations for the last years, like the Global VPL Prize in 2014 which welcomes the integration of Validation Prior Learning (VPL) into the human resource management strategy. Social, environment, governance, Rockwool is present on all fronts: "the ROCKWOOL Group has always been managed on the basis of values requiring trustworthy and decent behavior of the ROCKWOOL Group and its employees". However, the harsh reality seems to nuance Rockwool's white knight reputation. In 2009, Rockwool decided to close its Sardinian factory and to lay off 74 workers - 21 of them were temporary laborers, working illegally in the production unit for 10 years -, without any plan of retraining or compensations. They only obtained satisfaction in December 2013 after 4 years of social fight. Is this what Rockwool calls "to instil a general responsible and humane (sic) behavior among all employees"? Actually, the Sardinian factory has been relocated in India in 2011, in the state of Gujarat. And the situation of Indian workers is much more troubling. Whereas Rockwool professes adherence to UN's Universal Declaration on Human Rights, its Indian workers are treated like slaves. According to a video published on Youtube in September 2013, 200 Rockwool's laborers are housed by sub-contractors in bounded camps without minimum comfort: they live in 5-6 men rooms of 10ft/10ft, without shower system and share only 4 toilets. According to Dr. Mukti, a doctor from a local clinic, poor life conditions in the Rockwool's camp are responsible of various diseases: skin diseases, fever, malaria, leprosy, dysentery and even chikungunya. Despite of the Rockwool's commitments taken in its 2013 CSR Report Progress, these migrants coming from the poorest states of India are suffering constant discriminations. "Foreign companies are taking advantage of us to pollute our land and treat our people like slaves", Ramesh Kasondra, a local activist, adds. The Rockwool's example illustrates the abuses of CSR policy, used as a communication tool. Indeed, CSR policy appears, like some eco-friendly initiatives, as a communication strategy aimed to spread a good reputation in the public opinion and attract sympathy. But, when those commitments are broken, they refer to communication abuses and deviancy we could call CSR-washing, more and more carried out by MNCs around the world. Like Rockwool, a company which is claiming to recognize its workers' efforts, and refuses in the same time a 20 million euros contribution to its employees' retirement fund. Just another company which is lying to make always more money. |
12-11-2014 16:08 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
***new!!*** To those who want to act Fabio |
20-11-2014 09:47 | |
ChristinPassivHaus☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Dear Fabio, I understand your anger (rage?) but Rockwool has already acted against an alleged slavery case in India by removing Mr Eelco van Heel. So, in my opinion, we should thank Rockwool and be proud of that kind of companies which promotes values of transparency and responsibility. Regards, ChristinPassivHaus |
23-11-2014 15:26 | |
Abraham3★★☆☆☆ (256) |
just sayin wrote: Go to You will find a great deal of evidence. It is not nonsense. |
24-11-2014 09:23 | |
IngridRBV☆☆☆☆☆ (3) |
Dear ChristinPassivHaus, Thank you for your support. Indeed, the resignation of the former CEO is probably the consequence of what happens in India. No doubt: things like that are not in the DNA of Rockwool. However, I don't think Eelco was personally involved in the day-to-day activity in India. So, he has probably heard of this slavery case like all of us... Regards, IngridRBV |
27-11-2014 16:40 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
????? The current situation is just the disastrous outcome of the former CEO's choice. For 10 years, he has promoted the development of the company in low-wage countries as Russia and India WITHOUT caution. That is the Rockwool strategy, the one chosen by the former CEO and accepted by the board of directors. 10 years!! No one forced Rockwool to fire people in Italy, relocate in India, and enslave people there. However, you sell that "story" to markets and people by implementing your corporate social responsibility policy. But it's just a fraud. And why does Rockwool not tell reasons behind Van Heel dismissal?? |
16-12-2014 09:33 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
The cheating goes on. This time supported by the Dutch Government. Congrats Rockwool. |
10-06-2015 09:21 | |
fabiograzia☆☆☆☆☆ (8) |
VERGOGNA ROCKWOOL !!!!!! Sono pronti a nuove dure azioni di lotta se entro oggi non riceveranno risposte sulle sorti degli "Invisibili", ovvero i 13 ex lavoratori interinali della Rockwool. Suona come un vero e proprio ultimatum il contenuto della lettera inviata agli amministratori regionali e al prefetto da Elia Pili e Giorgio Piras, segretari rispettivamente della Confsal e Filc-Fismic. I rappresentanti sindacali mettono in evidenza tutto il loro rammarico per la mancata stabilizzazione dei lavoratori e, allo stesso tempo, chiedono l'attivazione immediata di un tavolo tecnico che porti alla conclusione positiva della vertenza. Nella lettera vengono riassunti i principali passaggi della lotta dall'occupazione della galleria "Villamarina", nel gennaio 2014, alla fine della protesta (a ottobre dello stesso anno) a seguito dell'approvazione unanime di una mozione in Consiglio regionale con la quale si impegnavano i presidenti di Giunta e Consiglio a «convocare immediatamente un tavolo di confronto volto a salvaguardare i posti di lavoro, con il reinserimento nel processo dell'occupazione dei 13 operai interinali». Ma da allora è calato di nuovo il silenzio. |
05-10-2015 20:05 | |
drm★☆☆☆☆ (67) |
There is no shortage in this world of people and organizations who do good things in one place and bad in another. The good doesn't excuse the bad but the bad doesn't erase the good. So congratulate them for the good things they do and keep pressuring them on the bad. |
05-10-2015 20:38 | |
IBdaMann★★★★★ (14932) |
Harry75 wrote: Would anyone care to explain how this insulation standard somehow "fights" climate change? Which definition of climate is being fought? The original letter makes no mention of climate change or of Global Warming. I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist. The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank :*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist |
06-10-2015 00:56 | |
trafn★★★☆☆ (779) |
While it's always nice to see companies like Rockwool talking about climate change, given that a corporation's primary responsibility is to secure the financial well being of it's stockholders, one must question how wide a gap exists between talking the talk and walking the walk. While time will only tell if the signatories in the article cited in this thread's original post are CSR washing or not, give how most companies have historically treated the environment, a certain degree of skeptism is warranted. |
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