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Barrow Alaska Rapid Heating

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Barrow Alaska Rapid Heating06-09-2017 15:37

For some reason, the arctic and antarctic regions are leading the planet in warming. This link allows you to see all the records in graph form, for Alaska's average temperature since 1949, when they began collecting reliable data [but probably not up to the Parrot Killer Parrot's standards.

Gas Guzzler, this is like the site you referenced, but it's for Alaska [your site didn't have Alaska]. You can select different parts of the state, and see where most of the change is occurring, which is in the extreme northern areas, like Barrow.

I'm interested in anyone's opinion about why it is warming more in the polar regions of the world than it is everywhere else. [Besides you, Parrot Killer Parrot. I already know that you think the data is manufactured by the evil scientists who are out to destroy capitalism and destroy your wonderful life.]

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
06-09-2017 16:07
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

06-09-2017 22:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

The reason Greenlite's chart looks the way it does is because it is manufactured data.

The site you used is referencing actual weather stations and other actual data, but some things on that site are biased, notably certain opinions. The data itself, though, is quite valid.

Greenlite's link is to a commonly known Holy Site for the Church of Global Warming. It was built as a 'climatology center' by the State of Alaska to scam money from the Federal Government.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 06-09-2017 22:56
07-09-2017 02:21
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

Quite frankly Gassy (maybe you've been eating my cooking?) we have a case of Greenman looking for proof that climate change is occurring. Remember; "Look and ye shall find"? Mean Global Temperature is a measurement of the entire world. Using ANY single location is completely meaningless. But Greenman is not a scientist and doesn't understand that.

Nightmare is the strangest thing I have ever seen - one moment he is saying one thing and the next completely the opposite and he doesn't even know it. I am more and more coming to the conclusion that he is either here to stroke his ego that he has knowledge (which remains well hidden) or his purpose is to destroy any and all credibility to any science which proves there isn't AGW.

Jim is also a weird one. It is as if he were reading a science book and sees a term and instantly begins using that term to explain something. Even when there is absolutely no connection between the term and his explanation of it.

I had gotten to the point that I was simply going to go to another forum and what I found is that there IS no other forums. There is nothing more than an extremely long string of sites that refer to themselves as forums but are only peddling the same discredited science that we have shown here to be false.

We cannot allow the only site where we CAN have a voice to be smothered by the likes of the idiots.
07-09-2017 02:48
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Because someone didn't want you to know that the temperature is rising.

GasGuzzler wrote:
Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways. Not.

Yeah, I did get the idea. They leave out some weather stations around the world, because they are not "Urban reporting stations," because of the heat islands in the cities makes it look warmer than it is. And it also gives them a viable [in their opinion] way to present their data as legitimate even though it differs quite a bit from NOAA data.

So I took a look at what your site suggested I look at, which is the polar regions, because that is where you should see the most increase. But low and behold, they show no increase in Antarctica! OMG, we have been misled by all the scientists in the world, including these guys, who showed me their version of Antarctic's temperature.

Of course, that being a government site and all, they probably manufactured their data, so that they could all keep their jobs under the Obama Administration, and haven't gotten around to straightening it all back up now that Trump is the man. They probably need to go take out all the temperature data they got from the big cities down there, and their data would look just like what your site's data looks like.

So anyway, thanks again Jizz Guzzler, for your eye opening propaganda site. I noticed they had some good Church of AGW Denial stuff on their front page. Just backspace over a couple of the //s, to get there. They got a lot of stuff in there you can suck on. And don't worry, I'm sure they are not carrying any STDs that you need to be concerned about.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
07-09-2017 02:58
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

Quite frankly Gassy (maybe you've been eating my cooking?) we have a case of Greenman looking for proof that climate change is occurring. Remember; "Look and ye shall find"? Mean Global Temperature is a measurement of the entire world. Using ANY single location is completely meaningless. But Greenman is not a scientist and doesn't understand that.

Nightmare is the strangest thing I have ever seen - one moment he is saying one thing and the next completely the opposite and he doesn't even know it. I am more and more coming to the conclusion that he is either here to stroke his ego that he has knowledge (which remains well hidden) or his purpose is to destroy any and all credibility to any science which proves there isn't AGW.

Jim is also a weird one. It is as if he were reading a science book and sees a term and instantly begins using that term to explain something. Even when there is absolutely no connection between the term and his explanation of it.

I had gotten to the point that I was simply going to go to another forum and what I found is that there IS no other forums. There is nothing more than an extremely long string of sites that refer to themselves as forums but are only peddling the same discredited science that we have shown here to be false.

We cannot allow the only site where we CAN have a voice to be smothered by the likes of the idiots.

You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly. When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit. I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man threatening everyone with physical violence. And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
07-09-2017 03:04
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

Quite frankly Gassy (maybe you've been eating my cooking?) we have a case of Greenman looking for proof that climate change is occurring. Remember; "Look and ye shall find"? Mean Global Temperature is a measurement of the entire world. Using ANY single location is completely meaningless. But Greenman is not a scientist and doesn't understand that.

Not a science question. It's a mathematical one. You DO tend to confuse mathematics and science.
Wake wrote:
Nightmare is the strangest thing I have ever seen - one moment he is saying one thing and the next completely the opposite and he doesn't even know it.

I have been quite consistent. YOU seem to have a problem.
Wake wrote:
I am more and more coming to the conclusion that he is either here to stroke his ego that he has knowledge (which remains well hidden)

Everything I have said can be looked up. The two theories I use have been published and are well known. The mathematics can be learned by anyone that cares to study it. It is the same with formal logic, and also the philosophy.

Since you so willingly stick your head in the sand and make a bunch of accusations because you won't bother to learn any of this stuff, YOU have the problem.
Wake wrote:
or his purpose is to destroy any and all credibility to any science which proves there isn't AGW.

Science has no proofs. It is an open system. AGW, however, is not science. It is not even a theory. It is a religion.
Wake wrote:
Jim is also a weird one. It is as if he were reading a science book and sees a term and instantly begins using that term to explain something. Even when there is absolutely no connection between the term and his explanation of it.

He does like the buzzwords. I have called him on this several times.
Wake wrote:
I had gotten to the point that I was simply going to go to another forum and what I found is that there IS no other forums.

Keep looking! They're out there! This IS a particularly good forum though. My compliments to Branner, our chef. He has built a marvelous piece of software and taken a good attitude with the debates here.
Wake wrote:
There is nothing more than an extremely long string of sites that refer to themselves as forums but are only peddling the same discredited science that we have shown here to be false.

You're going to find the Church of Global Warming on any forum. The biggest difference with a lot of them is the tolerance of the Outsiders. There are few forums that do that. This is one of them.
Wake wrote:
We cannot allow the only site where we CAN have a voice to be smothered by the likes of the idiots.

Nothing is getting smothered. In case you haven't noticed, everyone here has a say, whether they are the Church of Global Warming, an Outsider, or even a manufactured data quoter like litebeer and Greenlite.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 03:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Because someone didn't want you to know that the temperature is rising.

It is not possible to determine the temperature of the Earth.

These weather stations only show the temperature AT the station...nothing else.

GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways. Not.

Obviously, you don't want to come to terms with the data from these stations. These are real stations reporting real data. I know where they are. I know what their instrumentation is. I have even visited some of them.
GreenMan wrote:
Yeah, I did get the idea. They leave out some weather stations around the world, because they are not "Urban reporting stations," because of the heat islands in the cities makes it look warmer than it is. And it also gives them a viable [in their opinion] way to present their data as legitimate even though it differs quite a bit from NOAA data.

Many of these stations are the ONLY stations in the area. Personally, I don't consider Barlow, Nome, or even Fairbanks 'urban'. There ARE stations listed that are not urban or anywhere close to any city or town. They are located usually in some mountain pass.
GreenMan wrote:
So I took a look at what your site suggested I look at, which is the polar regions, because that is where you should see the most increase. But low and behold, they show no increase in Antarctica!

That's right. Antarctica has been cooling. The ice sheet has been growing too.
GreenMan wrote:
OMG, we have been misled by all the scientists in the world, including these guys, who showed me their version of Antarctic's temperature.

...deleted Holy Link...

Berkeley is a well known center for spreading the 'global warming' religion. They often publish manufactured data.
GreenMan wrote:

Of course, that being a government site and all, they probably manufactured their data, so that they could all keep their jobs under the Obama Administration, and haven't gotten around to straightening it all back up now that Trump is the man. They probably need to go take out all the temperature data they got from the big cities down there, and their data would look just like what your site's data looks like.

They don't have any data. They manufacture it.
GreenMan wrote:
So anyway, thanks again Jizz Guzzler, for your eye opening propaganda site.

While the site is put together by an Outsider, the stations referenced by it are real stations with real and verifiable data taken by known instrumentation of known accuracy.
GreenMan wrote:
I noticed they had some good Church of AGW Denial stuff on their front page.

There is no Church of AGW Denial. Nothing about denying the Church of Global Warming is based on a circular argument. You are making an inversion fallacy.
GreenMan wrote:
Just backspace over a couple of the //s, to get there. They got a lot of stuff in there you can suck on. And don't worry, I'm sure they are not carrying any STDs that you need to be concerned about.

The stations are NOT part of the site. The site only references them.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 03:34
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Why does my chart look like this?

Here ya go, anywhere in the world...Urban reporting stations.. Only up to about 2000, but you get the idea...these are not manufactured.There charts are not meant to prove a point. They're meant to show the temps.

Quite frankly Gassy (maybe you've been eating my cooking?) we have a case of Greenman looking for proof that climate change is occurring. Remember; "Look and ye shall find"? Mean Global Temperature is a measurement of the entire world. Using ANY single location is completely meaningless. But Greenman is not a scientist and doesn't understand that.

Nightmare is the strangest thing I have ever seen - one moment he is saying one thing and the next completely the opposite and he doesn't even know it. I am more and more coming to the conclusion that he is either here to stroke his ego that he has knowledge (which remains well hidden) or his purpose is to destroy any and all credibility to any science which proves there isn't AGW.

Jim is also a weird one. It is as if he were reading a science book and sees a term and instantly begins using that term to explain something. Even when there is absolutely no connection between the term and his explanation of it.

I had gotten to the point that I was simply going to go to another forum and what I found is that there IS no other forums. There is nothing more than an extremely long string of sites that refer to themselves as forums but are only peddling the same discredited science that we have shown here to be false.

We cannot allow the only site where we CAN have a voice to be smothered by the likes of the idiots.

You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly.

When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

Welcome to your new paradox.

1) only urban temperatures are used.
2) There are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

Which is it dude? Quite a few stations listed happen to be in Alaska!

GreenMan wrote:
It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

The data did not come from that site. The site only references the weather stations.
GreenMan wrote:
And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit.

I didn't realize bullshit was terrorism. Is this another fake definition of yours?
GreenMan wrote:
I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man

You don't know what he looks like.
GreenMan wrote:
threatening everyone with physical violence.

While he has. It only indicates the level of tolerance here. Those sorts of comments get you kicked off of most forums. I have seen one kicked off of THIS forum when he went off the deep end like that. He happened to be one of the more unhinged members of the Church of Global Warming.
GreenMan wrote:
And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

I do not laugh at Wake. He really is trying to make a good case. If he could understand the math and bother to look up the origins of a couple theories of science, he could make an even better case.

You, on the other hand, are firmly entrenched in your religions. You continually deny science and mathematics. You carry hatred in you for many people. You demonstrate you have little understanding of any science, mathematics, logic, history, economics, or philosophy. Your religions have made you illiterate.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 04:45
[b]GasGuzzler wrote:..Why does my chart look like this?

Cause John L.Daly had cred from Tim Ball & WUWT.
Its nice to know, Ball & WUWT didn't have original assessments.
Edited on 07-09-2017 04:58
07-09-2017 05:15
Greenlite wrote;
So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways.

I think maybe he's coming around to our way of thinking. Welcome home Greenlite.

Seriously though there were a few sites that did show significant warming, but I know ya can't spend all day there. Who's got time for that? Anyway, this is why I started the conversation with you on another thread, but it got bottled up and I don't think you even read my challenge for you. It's simple. Before you can figure out why it's warming, first YOU have to show that it actually is warming. We certainly do have some conflicting info. How can YOU convince ME that it is warming?
And no, you're not required to convince me of anything, but I will tell you this...
9 months ago I was watching a conservative TV host that I completely respected. I had always thought global warming was a joke, but I couldn't tell you why if I had to. Then one night the host says,"...and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with this global warming issue or we're going to have a serious problem". My eyes about fell out of my head. Was I wrong and headed straight to hell? (OK sorry bout that one!
I started digging for all the info I could find and understand. There was so much conflicting info!! I decided to start right where I'm asking you to start. Show us that it is actually warming. I have found ALL compilation graphs are highly suspect, whether they show warming OR cooling. I have been unable to find convincing evidence that we we are warming anything beyond a local weather event....definitely not on a global scale. Can you?
Edited on 07-09-2017 05:17
07-09-2017 06:17
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenlite wrote;
So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways.

I think maybe he's coming around to our way of thinking. Welcome home Greenlite.

Seriously though there were a few sites that did show significant warming, but I know ya can't spend all day there. Who's got time for that? Anyway, this is why I started the conversation with you on another thread, but it got bottled up and I don't think you even read my challenge for you. It's simple. Before you can figure out why it's warming, first YOU have to show that it actually is warming. We certainly do have some conflicting info. How can YOU convince ME that it is warming?
And no, you're not required to convince me of anything, but I will tell you this...
9 months ago I was watching a conservative TV host that I completely respected. I had always thought global warming was a joke, but I couldn't tell you why if I had to. Then one night the host says,"...and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with this global warming issue or we're going to have a serious problem". My eyes about fell out of my head. Was I wrong and headed straight to hell? (OK sorry bout that one!
I started digging for all the info I could find and understand. There was so much conflicting info!! I decided to start right where I'm asking you to start. Show us that it is actually warming. I have found ALL compilation graphs are highly suspect, whether they show warming OR cooling. I have been unable to find convincing evidence that we we are warming anything beyond a local weather event....definitely not on a global scale. Can you?

Yes Jizzy, I find evidence that it is warming everywhere I look. But it's kind of like the reverse of what you are finding. For some reason when I do searches, I end up at places like NOAA, or NASA. And I see from their data that it is getting progressively warmer as time goes on. In fact, I see about a 0.18C/decade rise in most of the temperature data that I look at. It appears to be pretty consistent everywhere. But when you go looking for temperature data, you end up at some obscure denial site that is intent on confusing you about what is really going on. Then you present it in here and no one jumps on you about it. But let me put my chart up there and see what I get, lol.

I think the world really is working against you, Jizzy. They don't want you to see outside the veil which they have imposed on you. So they present all this "don't worry be happy" bullshit to you, and you gobble it all up, because it goes so good with a warm load of jizz.

You have to pull your own self out of the quagmire of confusion presented by the likes of Parrot and his Church of AGW Denial. Their mission is to mislead the public, to prevent popular opinion from forcing us to do something about curtailing our production of Greenhouse Gases. They don't care about the planet's future, as long as they get to keep on stuffing their faces with happy meals and their pockets with other people's money.

But I do see where you are coming from. I would love to have me one of them big 3500 diesel burning, rubber screaming, 4X4 crew cab, go anywhere is a hurry, hot rod pickemup trucks. Not sure if it's the $80,000 or the environment though. Yeah, mostly the $80,000 and $3.00/gallon cost of gasoline. I expect them to begin taxing the crud out of us on gas as soon as Trump is put down.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
07-09-2017 06:47
GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
[quote]Greenlite wrote;
So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways.

I think maybe he's coming around to our way of thinking. Welcome home Greenlite.

Seriously though there were a few sites that did show significant warming, but I know ya can't spend all day there. Who's got time for that? Anyway, this is why I started the conversation with you on another thread, but it got bottled up and I don't think you even read my challenge for you. It's simple. Before you can figure out why it's warming, first YOU have to show that it actually is warming. We certainly do have some conflicting info. How can YOU convince ME that it is warming?
And no, you're not required to convince me of anything, but I will tell you this...
9 months ago I was watching a conservative TV host that I completely respected. I had always thought global warming was a joke, but I couldn't tell you why if I had to. Then one night the host says,"...and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with this global warming issue or we're going to have a serious problem". My eyes about fell out of my head. Was I wrong and headed straight to hell? (OK sorry bout that one!
I started digging for all the info I could find and understand. There was so much conflicting info!! I decided to start right where I'm asking you to start. Show us that it is actually warming. I have found ALL compilation graphs are highly suspect, whether they show warming OR cooling. I have been unable to find convincing evidence that we we are warming anything beyond a local weather event....definitely not on a global scale. Can you?

Yes Jizzy, I find evidence that it is warming everywhere I look. But it's kind of like the reverse of what you are finding. For some reason when I do searches, I end up at places like NOAA, or NASA. And I see from their data that it is getting progressively warmer as time goes on. In fact, I see about a 0.18C/decade rise in most of the temperature data that I look at. It appears to be pretty consistent everywhere. But when you go looking for temperature data, you end up at some obscure denial site that is intent on confusing you about what is really going on. Then you present it in here and no one jumps on you about it. But let me put my chart up there and see what I get, lol.

So you'll put your faith in NASA and NOAA? The first site I posted for the lower 48 was in no way a denier site. Simply recording stations. The one I put up today was somewhat of a denier site, but there is no compilation graphs. All individual sites. Don't you find it odd that you can look at 100s of plots and none look like NOAAs? And believe me, it pains me to pound on NOAA. Being a bit of a weather nut, I love what the regional forecasters do every day and I think they are generally honest, leaving any agenda out of their forecasts.

I think the world really is working against you, Jizzy. They don't want you to see outside the veil which they have imposed on you. So they present all this "don't worry be happy" bullshit to you, and you gobble it all up, because it goes so good......

I see it exactly opposite. Did you ever turn on the news and the anchor said, "Well, nothing happened today". Or did they ever spend the entire news hour on all the good things that happened? No, because people love to watch death, destruction, doom and gloom. Look at the new Hurricane for example. Did you know all the models are trending farther east, and a strong 185 mph hit to Florida is looking much less likely? The media know this damn well but they're not reporting it. Not to say these models are right, but that's the info in front of them.

You have to pull your own self out of the quagmire of confusion presented by the likes of Parrot and his Church of AGW Denial. Their mission is to mislead the public, to prevent popular opinion from forcing us to do something about curtailing our production of Greenhouse Gases.

Marxists democrats have always been the one's to take more of my dollars at tax time, and spend it in ways I think are insane.

They don't care about the planet's future, as long as they get to keep on stuffing their faces with happy meals and their pockets with other people's money

I don't know what the other fellas eat, but I do believe I owe the Parrot killer an Iowa corn fed ribeye...I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

But I do see where you are coming from. I would love to have me one of them big 3500 diesel burning, rubber screaming, 4X4 crew cab, go anywhere is a hurry, hot rod pickemup trucks. Not sure if it's the $80,000 or the environment though. Yeah, mostly the $80,000 and $3.00/gallon cost of gasoline. I expect them to begin taxing the crud out of us on gas as soon as Trump is put down.

I paid $12,000 cash for my 04 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton with 70,000 miles on it in 2012. It is certainly a gas guzzler, but my job requires thousands of mile dragging trailer and plow on the front in the winter, so the power and size are necessity. I now have 359,230 miles on that truck and it just won't die. Wife is begging me to get something that looks nicer but this one makes me money every time I turn the key. Oh yeah, it's not a diesel, it's a 5.7 gasser. I put my 4th set of tires and first front end alignment on it just today. I'm a cheap ass.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Edited on 07-09-2017 06:54
07-09-2017 07:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Greenlite wrote;
So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways.

I think maybe he's coming around to our way of thinking. Welcome home Greenlite.

Seriously though there were a few sites that did show significant warming, but I know ya can't spend all day there. Who's got time for that? Anyway, this is why I started the conversation with you on another thread, but it got bottled up and I don't think you even read my challenge for you. It's simple. Before you can figure out why it's warming, first YOU have to show that it actually is warming. We certainly do have some conflicting info. How can YOU convince ME that it is warming?
And no, you're not required to convince me of anything, but I will tell you this...
9 months ago I was watching a conservative TV host that I completely respected. I had always thought global warming was a joke, but I couldn't tell you why if I had to. Then one night the host says,"...and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with this global warming issue or we're going to have a serious problem". My eyes about fell out of my head. Was I wrong and headed straight to hell? (OK sorry bout that one!
I started digging for all the info I could find and understand. There was so much conflicting info!! I decided to start right where I'm asking you to start. Show us that it is actually warming. I have found ALL compilation graphs are highly suspect, whether they show warming OR cooling. I have been unable to find convincing evidence that we we are warming anything beyond a local weather event....definitely not on a global scale. Can you?

Yes Jizzy, I find evidence that it is warming everywhere I look.

Yeah. Propaganda is everywhere.
GreenMan wrote:
But it's kind of like the reverse of what you are finding.

That because what he found is actual individual weather station logs.
GreenMan wrote:
For some reason when I do searches, I end up at places like NOAA, or NASA.

These are government agencies with an agenda.
GreenMan wrote:
And I see from their data that it is getting progressively warmer as time goes on.

They don't know the temperature of the Earth. Neither do you. It is not possible to determine it.
GreenMan wrote:
In fact, I see about a 0.18C/decade rise in most of the temperature data that I look at.

Because what you are looking at is the same manufactured data repeated over and over.
GreenMan wrote:
It appears to be pretty consistent everywhere.

A lot of people have copied it.
GreenMan wrote:
But when you go looking for temperature data, you end up at some obscure denial site that is intent on confusing you about what is really going on.

WRONG. He found the individual station logs. The CDIAC maintained the lower 48 NOAA station logs. The other site referenced other station logs that are not part of NOAA.
GreenMan wrote:
Then you present it in here and no one jumps on you about it.

You did.
GreenMan wrote:
But let me put my chart up there and see what I get, lol.

Yeah..I'll stomp on manufactured data. You keep presenting charts that try to show the temperature of the Earth. It is not possible to determine the temperature of the Earth.
GreenMan wrote:
I think the world really is working against you, Jizzy. They don't want you to see outside the veil which they have imposed on you.

There is no veil. YOU are trying to push your propaganda and religion.
GreenMan wrote:
So they present all this "don't worry be happy" bullshit to you, and you gobble it all up, because it goes so good with a warm load of jizz.

Not bullshit. There really is no 'global warming' or destruction of the Earth that you keep fortelling.
GreenMan wrote:
You have to pull your own self out of the quagmire of confusion presented by the likes of Parrot and his Church of AGW Denial.

There is no Church of AGW Denial. The Outsider's argument is not based on a circular argument.
GreenMan wrote:
Their mission is to mislead the public,

Open the eyes of people to your bullshit is not misleading them. Opening the eyes to a couple of theories of science and how the Church of Global Warming completely fails to reconcile itself against them is not bullshit. Trying to get you to even define 'global warming', 'climate change', or 'greenhouse effect' without depending circular definitions is not bullshit. Mathematics is not bullshit.
GreenMan wrote:
to prevent popular opinion from forcing us to do something about curtailing our production of Greenhouse Gases.

There are no 'greenhouse' gases. Neither CO2 nor water vapor have the capability to warm the Earth.
GreenMan wrote:
They don't care about the planet's future,

You are clueless what I care about. I am not out to destroy the planet.
GreenMan wrote:
as long as they get to keep on stuffing their faces with happy meals and their pockets with other people's money.

The only money I put in my pocket is what I have earned.
GreenMan wrote:
But I do see where you are coming from. I would love to have me one of them big 3500 diesel burning, rubber screaming, 4X4 crew cab, go anywhere is a hurry, hot rod pickemup trucks. Not sure if it's the $80,000 or the environment though. Yeah, mostly the $80,000 and $3.00/gallon cost of gasoline. I expect them to begin taxing the crud out of us on gas as soon as Trump is put down.

You can stuff your Marxism and fascism where the Sun don't shine. I'll have no part of it.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 07:43
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
I don't know what the other fellas eat, but I do believe I owe the Parrot killer an Iowa corn fed ribeye...I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

Glad you were able to find some records on it. A bit surprised, but glad of it.

I will take the ribeye only as a spirit of compliment that you meant it. You do not owe me anything. Thanks a lot for the thought!

To perhaps clear up any confusion:

The surface is warmed by the Sun. The air is warmed by the surface. Losing the output of the Sun for even a few minutes means losing that energy warming the surface. It is still conducting thermal energy into the air, and the air is still fluid, moving energy further upward. The bulk of the energy loss is by radiance. The surface is still radiating energy.

Each material has a property called the specific heat. That is the amount of heat it takes to warm it or cool it one degree in one second. The usual standard is one gram of the material. You can find charts of common materials including dry soil, dry air, water vapor, and liquid water, as well as CO2, O2, and N2. The Engineering Toolbox site has a list of many of these materials.

In general, the higher the number, the harder it is to heat and cool the material. If you look at dry air and dry soil, you will find them low in specific heat values. That means it doesn't take much for their temperature to change over time.

The rapid temperature drop is a function of the low specific heat of the land you are standing on and the air you are standing in.

It is why a liquid cooled system is better for cars and trucks than an air cooled system. Water has a high specific heat. It can absorb a lot of energy before it changes much in temperature. It is a good conductor of heat though, so it is a wonderful conveyor of thermal energy to a point outside the engine where it can be radiated into the air using a much greater surface area than the engine cylinders themselves has.

You would think a heck of wind would follow such a rapid temperature drop. Air, though, has inertia. There really is no time for a pressure gradient to develop in the time for an eclipse to pass.

So while you feel the temperature drop, there is surprisingly little to no wind associated with it.

Hope that clears up some confusion you may still have. If you have a specific question, I'll do my best to try to answer it for you.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 07:45
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
I paid $12,000 cash for my 04 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton with 70,000 miles on it in 2012. ...

Sounds you're getting your money's worth out of that truck! Keep on truckin' dude.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 10:24
GasGuzzler wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
[quote]Greenlite wrote;
So I went to a lot of places in the world, and didn't see any temperature increase anywhere! Wow, this whole thing must be a giant hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese, who somehow got NASA and NOAA involved. And they are doing it to destroy capitalism, because they hate freedom. I am amazed that I was fooled so long. Thank you Jizzy, for showing me the light, and the error of my ways.

I think maybe he's coming around to our way of thinking. Welcome home Greenlite.

Seriously though there were a few sites that did show significant warming, but I know ya can't spend all day there. Who's got time for that? Anyway, this is why I started the conversation with you on another thread, but it got bottled up and I don't think you even read my challenge for you. It's simple. Before you can figure out why it's warming, first YOU have to show that it actually is warming. We certainly do have some conflicting info. How can YOU convince ME that it is warming?
And no, you're not required to convince me of anything, but I will tell you this...
9 months ago I was watching a conservative TV host that I completely respected. I had always thought global warming was a joke, but I couldn't tell you why if I had to. Then one night the host says,"...and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with this global warming issue or we're going to have a serious problem". My eyes about fell out of my head. Was I wrong and headed straight to hell? (OK sorry bout that one!
I started digging for all the info I could find and understand. There was so much conflicting info!! I decided to start right where I'm asking you to start. Show us that it is actually warming. I have found ALL compilation graphs are highly suspect, whether they show warming OR cooling. I have been unable to find convincing evidence that we we are warming anything beyond a local weather event....definitely not on a global scale. Can you?

Yes Jizzy, I find evidence that it is warming everywhere I look. But it's kind of like the reverse of what you are finding. For some reason when I do searches, I end up at places like NOAA, or NASA. And I see from their data that it is getting progressively warmer as time goes on. In fact, I see about a 0.18C/decade rise in most of the temperature data that I look at. It appears to be pretty consistent everywhere. But when you go looking for temperature data, you end up at some obscure denial site that is intent on confusing you about what is really going on. Then you present it in here and no one jumps on you about it. But let me put my chart up there and see what I get, lol.

So you'll put your faith in NASA and NOAA? The first site I posted for the lower 48 was in no way a denier site. Simply recording stations. The one I put up today was somewhat of a denier site, but there is no compilation graphs. All individual sites. Don't you find it odd that you can look at 100s of plots and none look like NOAAs? And believe me, it pains me to pound on NOAA. Being a bit of a weather nut, I love what the regional forecasters do every day and I think they are generally honest, leaving any agenda out of their forecasts.

I don't consider it putting my "faith in NASA and NOAA," but I do have confidence that they aren't trying to mislead people with erroneous data. And at the same time, I have tremendous confidence also in denier websites doing just that. There are other indicators that we can look at, besides temperature data from the evil scientists, or the godawful storms that are eating our lunches right now.

GasGuzzler wrote:

I think the world really is working against you, Jizzy. They don't want you to see outside the veil which they have imposed on you. So they present all this "don't worry be happy" bullshit to you, and you gobble it all up, because it goes so good......

I see it exactly opposite. Did you ever turn on the news and the anchor said, "Well, nothing happened today". Or did they ever spend the entire news hour on all the good things that happened? No, because people love to watch death, destruction, doom and gloom. Look at the new Hurricane for example. Did you know all the models are trending farther east, and a strong 185 mph hit to Florida is looking much less likely? The media know this damn well but they're not reporting it. Not to say these models are right, but that's the info in front of them.

Funny, I just took a look at the projected path of Irma, and they had it taking a northern turn just as it approached Florida, so it could cause the most damage there, and then go on up and wipe out my part of the world. I didn't see the report you are referencing, that shows it going further east. Maybe God isn't through pummeling Houston yet, for being so LBGT friendly. [Sorry, just read a news article about Christian Evangelicals blaming Houston's LBGT community for Harvey, lol]

You might be right, and the media is working against you too, even to the point of misleading people about which way the storm is going to track, just to boost their ratings. And they don't care if half the state of Florida evacuates to Georgia, just for giggles and grunts. But I doubt it. I'm not really into the conspiracy thing, anymore than I'm into believing that God is punishing Houston for being friendly to the LBGT community.

I should mention that I'm not a part of the LBGT community, before I get accused of that. But I do think that it is your right to do whatever you want to with your mouth, and your other end. If you want to guzzle jizz and even take a load up the butt, that is your business.

GasGuzzler wrote:

You have to pull your own self out of the quagmire of confusion presented by the likes of Parrot and his Church of AGW Denial. Their mission is to mislead the public, to prevent popular opinion from forcing us to do something about curtailing our production of Greenhouse Gases.

Marxists democrats have always been the one's to take more of my dollars at tax time, and spend it in ways I think are insane.

They don't care about the planet's future, as long as they get to keep on stuffing their faces with happy meals and their pockets with other people's money

I don't know what the other fellas eat, but I do believe I owe the Parrot killer an Iowa corn fed ribeye...I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

Not so baffling. Al Roker even predicted that the temperature would drop 5-15F during the eclipse. But you can invite Parrot [haven't seen him kill anything yet] over for a big juicy ribeye if you want, and let him gawk at your corn fed wife, who you think is hot. But he's probably more interested in gawking at you.

GasGuzzler wrote:

But I do see where you are coming from. I would love to have me one of them big 3500 diesel burning, rubber screaming, 4X4 crew cab, go anywhere is a hurry, hot rod pickemup trucks. Not sure if it's the $80,000 or the environment though. Yeah, mostly the $80,000 and $3.00/gallon cost of gasoline. I expect them to begin taxing the crud out of us on gas as soon as Trump is put down.

I paid $12,000 cash for my 04 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton with 70,000 miles on it in 2012. It is certainly a gas guzzler, but my job requires thousands of mile dragging trailer and plow on the front in the winter, so the power and size are necessity. I now have 359,230 miles on that truck and it just won't die. Wife is begging me to get something that looks nicer but this one makes me money every time I turn the key. Oh yeah, it's not a diesel, it's a 5.7 gasser. I put my 4th set of tires and first front end alignment on it just today. I'm a cheap ass.

I don't care much for Dodges, but I do like Jeeps.

But back on the hunt for warming evidence.......

I just read this rather interesting news story.
They are claiming that the permafrost is thawing out. And saying awful alarmist things about that causing the release of CO2 and CH4 that have been stored for thousands of years. I don't know if they made it all up or not, but they sound pretty convincing, with all the information about what happens to roads and buildings and stuff that is built on permafrost, when the permafrost starts melting.

And I did a study on what happens just before each interglacial period ends, and found that CH4 rapidly increases and CO2 begins to decrease soon after that. That led me to believe [and this article supports the belief] that we will see a rapid increase in temperature some time in the future, followed by a rapid die off, indicated by a drop in CO2 [shut up Pigeon, I know you think I was just researching manufactured data]. Not that I wish any harm on anyone, but I'm thinking everything will be just fine for a while, and then, all of the sudden, people who aren't ready for it, will start dropping like flies.

But in the meantime, feel free to have fun in your wore out dodge. And don't heed any of my advice if you don't want to, because it doesn't hurt me one bit. And I promise that I won't be laughing when I hear about what happened to all the people in Iowa, who thought that Global Warming was a hoax.

~*~ GreenMan ~*~
07-09-2017 15:57
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
I don't know what the other fellas eat, but I do believe I owe the Parrot killer an Iowa corn fed ribeye...I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

Glad you were able to find some records on it. A bit surprised, but glad of it.

I will take the ribeye only as a spirit of compliment that you meant it. You do not owe me anything. Thanks a lot for the thought!

To perhaps clear up any confusion:

The surface is warmed by the Sun. The air is warmed by the surface. Losing the output of the Sun for even a few minutes means losing that energy warming the surface. It is still conducting thermal energy into the air, and the air is still fluid, moving energy further upward. The bulk of the energy loss is by radiance. The surface is still radiating energy.

Each material has a property called the specific heat. That is the amount of heat it takes to warm it or cool it one degree in one second. The usual standard is one gram of the material. You can find charts of common materials including dry soil, dry air, water vapor, and liquid water, as well as CO2, O2, and N2. The Engineering Toolbox site has a list of many of these materials.

In general, the higher the number, the harder it is to heat and cool the material. If you look at dry air and dry soil, you will find them low in specific heat values. That means it doesn't take much for their temperature to change over time.

The rapid temperature drop is a function of the low specific heat of the land you are standing on and the air you are standing in.

It is why a liquid cooled system is better for cars and trucks than an air cooled system. Water has a high specific heat. It can absorb a lot of energy before it changes much in temperature. It is a good conductor of heat though, so it is a wonderful conveyor of thermal energy to a point outside the engine where it can be radiated into the air using a much greater surface area than the engine cylinders themselves has.

You would think a heck of wind would follow such a rapid temperature drop. Air, though, has inertia. There really is no time for a pressure gradient to develop in the time for an eclipse to pass.

So while you feel the temperature drop, there is surprisingly little to no wind associated with it.

Hope that clears up some confusion you may still have. If you have a specific question, I'll do my best to try to answer it for you.

I wasn't exactly right on the temp drop numbers during the eclipse, but pretty close.
Looks like a 9 degree drop in 40 minutes, but 20 minute intervals likely don't capture the entire peak or valley, or both. So 10-12 degrees in 60 minutes looks very reasonable. This was data from where you said you were that day, can't remember where. I checked a few places around there and the data was mysteriously missing during the eclipse. Apparently the station data reporters wanted to see the eclipse too. Can't fault a guy for that.

My mother in law actually passed away they night of the eclipse and I actually had more important things going on than to be updating on the eclipse thread. Kinda forgot about it till now.
I still can't understand why this drops so much faster than the sun going down.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

07-09-2017 16:34
Greenlite wrote;
I don't consider it putting my "faith in NASA and NOAA," but I do have confidence that they aren't trying to mislead people with erroneous data. And at the same time, I have tremendous confidence also in denier websites doing just that.

Paradox? Hate that word faith don't you?
So far your evidence for global warming is NOAA, NASA, and a couple of Hurricanes. Can you do any better? Seriously, when you find a great article that shows warming, don't you find it odd that it's always something or somewhere that average Joe can't verify? It's something from space, or the Arctic circle, or northern Siberia, or 10,000 ft down in the ocean, or a heat wave in Zimbabwe. Why should't we be able to see this deadly warming right is our own US of A? I've seen reports of 5 million dead per year due to global warming. You know anyone?

By the way, that hurricane data I was talking about was not a report. It is raw model forecast data. The GFS is a bit more ominous, sending Erma up the Eastern Florida coast but never land falling her till Carolina. Below is the NAM, another trusted medium range model, with a due north path and giving Florida a breezy day without as much a a shingle ripped off. Erma will likely be a bad day for some, but I'm hearing some crap that she will be worse than Andrew 25 years ago and Miami Dade is going to be leveled again. Andrew by the way had a land speed recorded gust of 185.(going off memory there, correct me of I'm wrong)

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

Edited on 07-09-2017 17:08
07-09-2017 16:37
GreenMan wrote:
You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly. When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit. I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man threatening everyone with physical violence. And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

Greenman - As I pointed out you haven't even a clue what you're talking about. Looking at one point and telling us that there is AGW because one spot had a period of warm weather shows a level of ignorance of climate science so high that you simply cannot be talked with because you will use a ball rolling down a hill to "prove" that the Earth is rising.

As all little fat boys you focus on threats from an anonymous source. This shows that you are just like the rest of the social media crowd. Anyone can pull your strings or use you like the sock puppet you are.

Two weeks ago some kid cut a piece of rope off of a school curtain used to hold a drape around the tennis courts and tied it into a hangman's knot and left it on the campus. The news media doesn't have anything better to do lately with only the most powerful hurricane on record (a record of less than 60 years btw) so they have declared this a HATE CRIME. And then they interview 10th grade students about their "feeeeeeliiiings" about this. Of course it is likely that this was done by a black student to tweek people like Greenman but that doesn't matter. And they probably had to interview 10 students to find one that didn't think it was a joke.

So let's see them prosecute someone for this awful "HATE CRIME". To people like Greenman the Constitution doesn't exist. People shouldn't be allowed to disagree about what he believes. He should be able to parrot ignorance that was designed entirely to procure government power and increasing tax money. And YOU should be forced to believe it or it is a "HATE CRIME".

Let me ask you again Greenman - what scientific credentials do you have? The idea that you would propose a SLIGHT heating in Barrow, Alaska, as proof of AGW actually proves you have no credentials and barely enough intelligence to do a search. Just as your "modeling" of the climate by repeating the data from some paper and pretending that you're bright because you can ALMOST get the same numbers as the original paper.
Edited on 07-09-2017 16:56
07-09-2017 18:34
GasGuzzler wrote:
By the way, that hurricane data I was talking about was not a report. It is raw model forecast data. The GFS is a bit more ominous, sending Erma up the Eastern Florida coast but never land falling her till Carolina. Below is the NAM, another trusted medium range model, with a due north path and giving Florida a breezy day without as much a a shingle ripped off. Erma will likely be a bad day for some, but I'm hearing some crap that she will be worse than Andrew 25 years ago and Miami Dade is going to be leveled again. Andrew by the way had a land speed recorded gust of 185.(going off memory there, correct me of I'm wrong)

And just my luck, the new NAM has come in 125 west of where it was, however much weaker with winds of ~100-110...

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

07-09-2017 19:50
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzed & guzzling" gushed: I Iowa corn fed ribeye...

People in Wisconsin took us on a 15 mile, gravel, windy road through an almost totally undeveloped sector of the state. As we rounded a corner, a beautiful, elegant restaurant appeared. That night I was served with elan, the best steak I ever had, flambeed right at our table. As a rolling flame front ascended, we felt the heat & everyone roared! Sweet night...that.
07-09-2017 19:52
GreenMan wrote: I find evidence that it is warming everywhere I look.

On your chart showing 1949 to 1978 did you find mean global cooling?
07-09-2017 19:56
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner gazzed & guzzling" gushed: Marxists democrats....

No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon & following re-pubic-lick-uns, who licked pubics of chinese communists(always small letters), sending them all our tech & balance of payments, in exchange for inferior products.
Edited on 07-09-2017 19:58
07-09-2017 20:21
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.
07-09-2017 20:27
GasGuzzler wrote:
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.

He doesn't have any comments. He merely copies written attacks on some anonymous person who he believes to cover anyone he doesn't like. And then her repeats them to himself seven or eight times.
07-09-2017 20:33
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.

He doesn't have any comments. He merely copies written attacks on some anonymous person who he believes to cover anyone he doesn't like. And then her repeats them to himself seven or eight times.

Funny you say that. A while back I noticed that the copied line of "old sick silly sleepy stupid me" had a typo in it for weeks and he just kept on pasting it. It has since been "fixed" for more pasting. What drives a person to continue in a way that earns them idiot status? I have no clue. Whatever, doesn't effect my life any.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
07-09-2017 20:57
GasGuzzler wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.

He doesn't have any comments. He merely copies written attacks on some anonymous person who he believes to cover anyone he doesn't like. And then her repeats them to himself seven or eight times.

Funny you say that. A while back I noticed that the copied line of "old sick silly sleepy stupid me" had a typo in it for weeks and he just kept on pasting it. It has since been "fixed" for more pasting. What drives a person to continue in a way that earns them idiot status? I have no clue. Whatever, doesn't effect my life any.

I know who Greenman is and it's pretty funny. He actually does believe in magic. So there is no surprise that he thinks that AGW is real. He HAS to believe in something. You can't expect a whole lot more from people who live in New Hampshire. I think that he's involved in making toilet paper. There is a lot of need for a controls engineer there.
Edited on 07-09-2017 21:11
07-09-2017 21:47
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GreenMan wrote:
I don't consider it putting my "faith in NASA and NOAA," but I do have confidence that they aren't trying to mislead people with erroneous data.
That's exactly what it is, though you deny it. Faith is just another word for the circular argument. You have AGAIN failed to recognize a circular argument. You AGAIN are making a circular argument fallacy.
GreenMan wrote:
And at the same time, I have tremendous confidence also in denier websites doing just that.

The website reference weather stations. Weather stations are not part of the site. The CDIAC weather station logs are not part of any such site.
GreenMan wrote:
There are other indicators that we can look at, besides temperature data

What temperature data? There is no temperature data for the Earth. You are flunking math again.
GreenMan wrote:
from the evil scientists,

Fortunately, not many scientists are evil. Some are, but most are not.
GreenMan wrote:
or the godawful storms that are eating our lunches right now.

Circular argument that is AGAIN not recognized. Not due to global warming. This automatic knee-jerk reaction to any storm is really quite ridiculous.
GreenMan wrote:
Funny, I just took a look at the projected path of Irma, and they had it taking a northern turn just as it approached Florida, so it could cause the most damage there, and then go on up and wipe out my part of the world. I didn't see the report you are referencing, that shows it going further east. Maybe God isn't through pummeling Houston yet, for being so LBGT friendly. [Sorry, just read a news article about Christian Evangelicals blaming Houston's LBGT community for Harvey, lol]

Must you politicize everything?

GreenMan wrote:
You might be right, and the media is working against you too, even to the point of misleading people about which way the storm is going to track, just to boost their ratings.

The media doesn't know. They can't mislead on this. They are just guessing like everyone else.

No one knows the future path of Irma.

GreenMan wrote:
And they don't care if half the state of Florida evacuates to Georgia, just for giggles and grunts.

The media is having a field day about that! They love it!

GreenMan wrote:
But I doubt it. I'm not really into the conspiracy thing, anymore than I'm into believing that God is punishing Houston for being friendly to the LBGT community.

Your bigotry is showing.
GreenMan wrote:
I should mention that I'm not a part of the LBGT community, before I get accused of that.

You're a Marxist and a socialist. You might as well be accused of that. You support the behavior.
GreenMan wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

Not so baffling. Al Roker even predicted that the temperature would drop 5-15F during the eclipse.

And you denied it was even possible.
GreenMan wrote:
But you can invite Parrot [haven't seen him kill anything yet] over for a big juicy ribeye if you want, and let him gawk at your corn fed wife, who you think is hot. But he's probably more interested in gawking at you.

Stuff your political bullshit.. Your posts are more and more just insults. Your arguments are dead.
GreenMan wrote:
And I did a study on what happens just before each interglacial period ends, and found that CH4 rapidly increases and CO2 begins to decrease soon after that. That led me to believe [and this article supports the belief] that we will see a rapid increase in temperature some time in the future, followed by a rapid die off, indicated by a drop in CO2 [shut up Pigeon, I know you think I was just researching manufactured data]. Not that I wish any harm on anyone, but I'm thinking everything will be just fine for a while, and then, all of the sudden, people who aren't ready for it, will start dropping like flies.

But in the meantime, feel free to have fun in your wore out dodge. And don't heed any of my advice if you don't want to, because it doesn't hurt me one bit. And I promise that I won't be laughing when I hear about what happened to all the people in Iowa, who thought that Global Warming was a hoax.
Basing doom and gloom on manufactured data and religion is old BS. People are waking up to your BS.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 22:18
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
I don't know what the other fellas eat, but I do believe I owe the Parrot killer an Iowa corn fed ribeye...I did find temp drops recordings during the eclipse of 12F in 80 minutes. Still baffled over that one.

Glad you were able to find some records on it. A bit surprised, but glad of it.

I will take the ribeye only as a spirit of compliment that you meant it. You do not owe me anything. Thanks a lot for the thought!

To perhaps clear up any confusion:

The surface is warmed by the Sun. The air is warmed by the surface. Losing the output of the Sun for even a few minutes means losing that energy warming the surface. It is still conducting thermal energy into the air, and the air is still fluid, moving energy further upward. The bulk of the energy loss is by radiance. The surface is still radiating energy.

Each material has a property called the specific heat. That is the amount of heat it takes to warm it or cool it one degree in one second. The usual standard is one gram of the material. You can find charts of common materials including dry soil, dry air, water vapor, and liquid water, as well as CO2, O2, and N2. The Engineering Toolbox site has a list of many of these materials.

In general, the higher the number, the harder it is to heat and cool the material. If you look at dry air and dry soil, you will find them low in specific heat values. That means it doesn't take much for their temperature to change over time.

The rapid temperature drop is a function of the low specific heat of the land you are standing on and the air you are standing in.

It is why a liquid cooled system is better for cars and trucks than an air cooled system. Water has a high specific heat. It can absorb a lot of energy before it changes much in temperature. It is a good conductor of heat though, so it is a wonderful conveyor of thermal energy to a point outside the engine where it can be radiated into the air using a much greater surface area than the engine cylinders themselves has.

You would think a heck of wind would follow such a rapid temperature drop. Air, though, has inertia. There really is no time for a pressure gradient to develop in the time for an eclipse to pass.

So while you feel the temperature drop, there is surprisingly little to no wind associated with it.

Hope that clears up some confusion you may still have. If you have a specific question, I'll do my best to try to answer it for you.

I wasn't exactly right on the temp drop numbers during the eclipse, but pretty close.
Looks like a 9 degree drop in 40 minutes, but 20 minute intervals likely don't capture the entire peak or valley, or both. So 10-12 degrees in 60 minutes looks very reasonable. This was data from where you said you were that day, can't remember where. I checked a few places around there and the data was mysteriously missing during the eclipse. Apparently the station data reporters wanted to see the eclipse too. Can't fault a guy for that.

Heh. You are right. They have more important things to do then measure the temperature!

Weather stations normally post their temperature readings every hour unless a noticeable change takes place, where they will report more often. Some stations report every half hour.

The fast moving eclipse is easily missed in such a resolution of data. Some guys took the extra effort to report some of the temperature changes during the eclipse itself, however.

Ya gotta love dedication like that!

GasGuzzler wrote:
My mother in law actually passed away they night of the eclipse and I actually had more important things going on than to be updating on the eclipse thread. Kinda forgot about it till now.

Sorry to hear that. Such a thing can be mighty distracting. Seems she waited for an astronomical sign before passing.
GasGuzzler wrote:
I still can't understand why this drops so much faster than the sun going down.

It's all about the edge of the shadow.

During a total eclipse, the Moon's shadow on the Earth is quite defined. There is a wide partial area, where the Moon doesn't completely cover the Sun, but the part of totality is just a few tens of miles wide. The edge of this shadow is quite well defined and moving fast (about 2000 miles an hour at the latitude this particular eclipse happened. It is latitude dependent).

The termiinator between day and night on Earth is not as well defined. Further, the Earth's surface moves at about 1000 miles an hour. This is slower moving then the Moon's shadow.

In addition to this, the Sun, as it sets lower in the sky, is becoming more and more filtered as the light passes through more and more atmosphere (why the Sun appears redder during sunset). This process takes quite a few hours, all the time the Sun is introducing less and less energy to the land. It is why peak temperatures are typically around 2pm-3pm and begin to drop from there.

After sunset, the temperature drops more rapidly, but the shadow of the terminator is more diffuse and we aren't moving through it as fast. It is more diffuse because the Earth is larger than the Moon.

In addition, the Earth has an atmosphere, the Moon doesn't (well it does, but it's so thin it's not worth mentioning much).

The atmosphere helps to diffuse the effect of the terminator shadow somewhat. The Sun is at a low angle, so the effect is magnified. During an eclipse, the Sun is somewhat overhead, so less of the atmosphere is involved.

The Moon is smaller than the Earth. It also has no atmosphere to speak of. Temperatures drop extremely rapidly as a point on the Moon moves from day into night. The terminator there is well defined due to its size and the lack of an atmosphere.

An eclipse essentially transposes the Moon's well defined features on the Earth's surface as a shadow. A fast moving shadow at that. It cuts off energy from the Sun during totality, using a shadow that is so well defined it's like someone turning off the light. It's as if you were in a room and someone turned off the light (using a dimmer type switch). The 'night' comes in about a second.

It takes much longer for the Sun to lower in the sky and set. Twilight lasts for a long time. It is not like someone just 'turning off the light'.

Hope this helps.

BTW, when I do manage to get back into your area again during my travels, it might be good to meet up somewhere. That sort of thing can be arranged using the private messaging system here.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 22:49
So are you saying the atmosphere is still being heated a tad bit
even though the sun is down and the sky in nearly dark? Did I understand that right? And if so, why does daytime heating not begin (1-2 F in 10-15 min) until after the sun is up? Of course I'm talking about those clear calm mornings with no wind. I have even seen "flash frost" on those types of mornings in the late fall as the sun was 1/2 way clear of the horizon and the temps are hovering right at that 32-34 mark.

Sure, I'd love to pay my gambling losses. We can work together and eliminate some of that harmful methane by consuming some beef! Anytime.
Edited on 07-09-2017 22:50
07-09-2017 23:00
GasGuzzler wrote:
So are you saying the atmosphere is still being heated a tad bit
even though the sun is down and the sky in nearly dark? Did I understand that right? And if so, why does daytime heating not begin (1-2 F in 10-15 min) until after the sun is up? Of course I'm talking about those clear calm mornings with no wind. I have even seen "flash frost" on those types of mornings in the late fall as the sun was 1/2 way clear of the horizon and the temps are hovering right at that 32-34 mark.

Sure, I'd love to pay my gambling losses. We can work together and eliminate some of that harmful methane by consuming some beef! Anytime.

Last night it stayed the same temperature from two hours before sunset until 3 am. But in nightmare's world it cools 20 degrees in seconds.
07-09-2017 23:01
GasGuzzler wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.

He doesn't have any comments. He merely copies written attacks on some anonymous person who he believes to cover anyone he doesn't like. And then her repeats them to himself seven or eight times.

Funny you say that. A while back I noticed that the copied line of "old sick silly sleepy stupid me" had a typo in it for weeks and he just kept on pasting it. It has since been "fixed" for more pasting. What drives a person to continue in a way that earns them idiot status? I have no clue. Whatever, doesn't effect my life any.

Nightmare's postings are getting a whole lot like litebrain's. Now he believes that people actually measure the temperature at weather stations.

Oh, wait, I keep forgetting - he thinks that they are reading calorimeters.
Edited on 07-09-2017 23:02
07-09-2017 23:06
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly. When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit. I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man threatening everyone with physical violence. And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

Greenman - As I pointed out you haven't even a clue what you're talking about. Looking at one point and telling us that there is AGW because one spot had a period of warm weather shows a level of ignorance of climate science so high that you simply cannot be talked with because you will use a ball rolling down a hill to "prove" that the Earth is rising.

As all little fat boys you focus on threats from an anonymous source. This shows that you are just like the rest of the social media crowd. Anyone can pull your strings or use you like the sock puppet you are.

Two weeks ago some kid cut a piece of rope off of a school curtain used to hold a drape around the tennis courts and tied it into a hangman's knot and left it on the campus. The news media doesn't have anything better to do lately with only the most powerful hurricane on record (a record of less than 60 years btw) so they have declared this a HATE CRIME. And then they interview 10th grade students about their "feeeeeeliiiings" about this. Of course it is likely that this was done by a black student to tweek people like Greenman but that doesn't matter. And they probably had to interview 10 students to find one that didn't think it was a joke.

So let's see them prosecute someone for this awful "HATE CRIME". To people like Greenman the Constitution doesn't exist. People shouldn't be allowed to disagree about what he believes. He should be able to parrot ignorance that was designed entirely to procure government power and increasing tax money. And YOU should be forced to believe it or it is a "HATE CRIME".

Let me ask you again Greenman - what scientific credentials do you have? The idea that you would propose a SLIGHT heating in Barrow, Alaska, as proof of AGW actually proves you have no credentials and barely enough intelligence to do a search. Just as your "modeling" of the climate by repeating the data from some paper and pretending that you're bright because you can ALMOST get the same numbers as the original paper.

Other than bringing up the credentials argument again, nicely said.

Just remember a couple of things:

Credentials mean nothing here (or in any forum), and science isn't credentials.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 23:10
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly. When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit. I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man threatening everyone with physical violence. And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

Greenman - As I pointed out you haven't even a clue what you're talking about. Looking at one point and telling us that there is AGW because one spot had a period of warm weather shows a level of ignorance of climate science so high that you simply cannot be talked with because you will use a ball rolling down a hill to "prove" that the Earth is rising.

As all little fat boys you focus on threats from an anonymous source. This shows that you are just like the rest of the social media crowd. Anyone can pull your strings or use you like the sock puppet you are.

Two weeks ago some kid cut a piece of rope off of a school curtain used to hold a drape around the tennis courts and tied it into a hangman's knot and left it on the campus. The news media doesn't have anything better to do lately with only the most powerful hurricane on record (a record of less than 60 years btw) so they have declared this a HATE CRIME. And then they interview 10th grade students about their "feeeeeeliiiings" about this. Of course it is likely that this was done by a black student to tweek people like Greenman but that doesn't matter. And they probably had to interview 10 students to find one that didn't think it was a joke.

So let's see them prosecute someone for this awful "HATE CRIME". To people like Greenman the Constitution doesn't exist. People shouldn't be allowed to disagree about what he believes. He should be able to parrot ignorance that was designed entirely to procure government power and increasing tax money. And YOU should be forced to believe it or it is a "HATE CRIME".

Let me ask you again Greenman - what scientific credentials do you have? The idea that you would propose a SLIGHT heating in Barrow, Alaska, as proof of AGW actually proves you have no credentials and barely enough intelligence to do a search. Just as your "modeling" of the climate by repeating the data from some paper and pretending that you're bright because you can ALMOST get the same numbers as the original paper.

Other than bringing up the credentials argument again, nicely said.

Just remember a couple of things:

Credentials mean nothing here (or in any forum), and science isn't credentials.

Credentials mean nothing to you because you have none. You don't even know what a thermometer does. You don't know the difference between thermal energy and heat. You don't know what a calorimeter measures.

So of course you couldn't care less about credentials. When you don't know anything you don't want to show proof of it.
07-09-2017 23:19
GreenMan wrote:

For some reason, the arctic and antarctic regions are leading the planet in warming. This link allows you to see all the records in graph form, for Alaska's average temperature since 1949, when they began collecting reliable data [but probably not up to the Parrot Killer Parrot's standards.

Gas Guzzler, this is like the site you referenced, but it's for Alaska [your site didn't have Alaska]. You can select different parts of the state, and see where most of the change is occurring, which is in the extreme northern areas, like Barrow.

I'm interested in anyone's opinion about why it is warming more in the polar regions of the world than it is everywhere else. [Besides you, Parrot Killer Parrot. I already know that you think the data is manufactured by the evil scientists who are out to destroy capitalism and destroy your wonderful life.]

Warm water from the Greenland Sea and Arctic Oceans flows there (Bering Straights). This has to do with the thin crust that Iceland and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas sits on as well as the ridge that ends as the Gakkel Ridge. And of course waste heat and maybe some help from CO2.
07-09-2017 23:20
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
GasGuzzler wrote:
So are you saying the atmosphere is still being heated a tad bit
even though the sun is down and the sky in nearly dark? Did I understand that right?

Not quite. After sunset, temperature drops more rapidly. It HAS been dropping throughout the day as the Sun nears the horizon (usually since about 2-3pm).

You actually do see the same kind of drop in temperature as an eclipse, but it takes longer to happen. The 'eclipse' of night is longer, too, so the temperature drop is usually greater. The drop continues throughout the night (assuming no fronts or winds).
GasGuzzler wrote:
And if so, why does daytime heating not begin (1-2 F in 10-15 min) until after the sun is up? Of course I'm talking about those clear calm mornings with no wind. I have even seen "flash frost" on those types of mornings in the late fall as the sun was 1/2 way clear of the horizon and the temps are hovering right at that 32-34 mark.

The Sun is still on the horizon. The light from it is still filtered just as at sunset. Daytime heating doesn't begin until the Sun comes up (assuming no wind or fronts the previous night).

GasGuzzler wrote:
Sure, I'd love to pay my gambling losses. We can work together and eliminate some of that harmful methane by consuming some beef! Anytime.

Great! Next time I'm headed that way, we'll arrange something. I believe we could have some good chats over a good steak.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 23:21
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
So are you saying the atmosphere is still being heated a tad bit
even though the sun is down and the sky in nearly dark? Did I understand that right? And if so, why does daytime heating not begin (1-2 F in 10-15 min) until after the sun is up? Of course I'm talking about those clear calm mornings with no wind. I have even seen "flash frost" on those types of mornings in the late fall as the sun was 1/2 way clear of the horizon and the temps are hovering right at that 32-34 mark.

Sure, I'd love to pay my gambling losses. We can work together and eliminate some of that harmful methane by consuming some beef! Anytime.

Last night it stayed the same temperature from two hours before sunset until 3 am. But in nightmare's world it cools 20 degrees in seconds.

You're near the ocean.You get almost continuous air moving in from the ocean.

And yes, it CAN cool 20 degrees F in a relatively short space of time. The fastest I've seen was about 5 minutes, due to the arrival of a hail storm and a violent cold front right behind it.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
Edited on 07-09-2017 23:24
07-09-2017 23:26
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Wake wrote:
GasGuzzler wrote:
Redlite wrote;
No one played footsy with chinese communists(always small letters) better than Nixon

And your excoriating review of Bill Clinton and Sandy Burgler will be out shortly after you read the Cox Report? Good.

In the meantime, would you like to comment on a climate topic? There are plenty to choose from.

He doesn't have any comments. He merely copies written attacks on some anonymous person who he believes to cover anyone he doesn't like. And then her repeats them to himself seven or eight times.

Funny you say that. A while back I noticed that the copied line of "old sick silly sleepy stupid me" had a typo in it for weeks and he just kept on pasting it. It has since been "fixed" for more pasting. What drives a person to continue in a way that earns them idiot status? I have no clue. Whatever, doesn't effect my life any.

Nightmare's postings are getting a whole lot like litebrain's. Now he believes that people actually measure the temperature at weather stations.

Oh, wait, I keep forgetting - he thinks that they are reading calorimeters.

Are contextomies and insults the only thing you have left now?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-09-2017 23:29
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Into the Night wrote:
Wake wrote:
GreenMan wrote:
You are quite the dumb ass, Wake Me Up. I was looking at various points around the world, to see where the most warming has occurred, since Jizzy sent me to a link that showed no change anywhere in the US. I figured that there just hasn't been change here, but it was going on elsewhere. So I looked at Alaska, which wasn't on Jizzy's site [his only showed continental US] and I found that site I referenced. So Jizzy gives us another site that you can see temperatures for all over the world, and low and behold, none of them show any increase in temperature, because they only used urban temperatures, supposedly. When I looked at their Alaska data, it showed no change either. Something is hokey there, since there are no cities in Alaska to provide heat islands.

It turns out that Jizzy has been sucking on bad data, and probably got an infection.

And it would be nice if you could have found another forum to terrorize with your bull shit. I'm sure someone else would love to get a kick out of a 70 year old stick man threatening everyone with physical violence. And your stupidity is sure to keep anybody rolling the floor laughing.

Greenman - As I pointed out you haven't even a clue what you're talking about. Looking at one point and telling us that there is AGW because one spot had a period of warm weather shows a level of ignorance of climate science so high that you simply cannot be talked with because you will use a ball rolling down a hill to "prove" that the Earth is rising.

As all little fat boys you focus on threats from an anonymous source. This shows that you are just like the rest of the social media crowd. Anyone can pull your strings or use you like the sock puppet you are.

Two weeks ago some kid cut a piece of rope off of a school curtain used to hold a drape around the tennis courts and tied it into a hangman's knot and left it on the campus. The news media doesn't have anything better to do lately with only the most powerful hurricane on record (a record of less than 60 years btw) so they have declared this a HATE CRIME. And then they interview 10th grade students about their "feeeeeeliiiings" about this. Of course it is likely that this was done by a black student to tweek people like Greenman but that doesn't matter. And they probably had to interview 10 students to find one that didn't think it was a joke.

So let's see them prosecute someone for this awful "HATE CRIME". To people like Greenman the Constitution doesn't exist. People shouldn't be allowed to disagree about what he believes. He should be able to parrot ignorance that was designed entirely to procure government power and increasing tax money. And YOU should be forced to believe it or it is a "HATE CRIME".

Let me ask you again Greenman - what scientific credentials do you have? The idea that you would propose a SLIGHT heating in Barrow, Alaska, as proof of AGW actually proves you have no credentials and barely enough intelligence to do a search. Just as your "modeling" of the climate by repeating the data from some paper and pretending that you're bright because you can ALMOST get the same numbers as the original paper.

Other than bringing up the credentials argument again, nicely said.

Just remember a couple of things:

Credentials mean nothing here (or in any forum), and science isn't credentials.

Credentials mean nothing to you because you have none.

I do, but my arguments don't depend on them.
Wake wrote:
You don't even know what a thermometer does.

But I do. I know where the concept of a temperature originates from as well.
Wake wrote:
You don't know the difference between thermal energy and heat.

I have certainly explained it enough.
Wake wrote:
You don't know what a calorimeter measures.

It measures heat, unlike a thermometer which measures thermal energy.
Wake wrote:
So of course you couldn't care less about credentials. When you don't know anything you don't want to show proof of it.

Still trying that angle eh? Oh well...your loss.

Credentials mean nothing on forums.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
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