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Arctic ice trends for November

Arctic ice trends for November27-12-2014 02:48
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
Look! Since 2012 it's been on the rise ! ! !

27-12-2014 02:55
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
Abraham4 wrote:
Look! Since 2012 it's been on the rise ! ! !

How about "Except for the brief dips in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008 and 2010, it's been climbing like crazy!"
24-11-2016 16:47
An old thread, but here goes:
Abraham3 wrote:
Look! Since 2012 it's been on the rise ! ! !

old sleepy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) AGW denier liar whiners love to use past extreme Arctic sea ice lows (such as 1998 & 2007 & 2012) to compare present Arctic sea ice, as if to confirm their AGW denier stance.

Well: present Arctic sea ice has been as much as 1+ million square kilometers LOWER than 2012. Also:
1990's decade of Arctic sea ice extent to date was 4% less than that of the 1980's.
2000's decade of Arctic sea ice extent to date was 10% less than that of the 1980's.
The year 2016 of Arctic sea ice extent to date is 23% less than that of the 1980's (with the recent downward lurch, 24+%).
The 1980's average November 1 Arctic sea ice VOLUME was 18,100 cubic kilometers. November 1, 2016 Arctic sea ice VOLUME was 6400 cubic kilometers, a loss of 11,700 cubic kilometers or a loss of 64.6%. The energy needed to melt this ice is 36 times the U.S. annual energy consumption. Since 1958, High Arctic temperature has been rising (more before satellite temperatures?). Two plus years ago, High Arctic temperature over nearly 4 million square kilometers, for 140 straight days was over average. For a few days at the end of 2015, the North Pole was THAWING! From the end of 2015 into 2016, there were 150 straight days over average temperature. For 100 straight days during that period, temperatures were 3degC to 11degC over average. For 75 straight days presently, High Arctic temperatures are & have been over average AND MOSTLY WAY OVER AVERAGE. High Arctic temperatures over nearly 4 million square kilometers presently are 20degC over average...I believe the highest anomaly since 1958. For 10 years the sun has been at a low TSI (including a 3+ year period, setting a 100 year record low). But, Earth temperatures have not returned to early 20th century levels. For 385+(?) straight months, Earth temperatures have been over the 20th century average.
Citing climate scientist Ed Hawkins, Brandon compared the trend of sea ice extent to "a bouncy ball going down a hill" — it's definitely going down, but "sometimes it bounces higher and sometimes lower."
Edited on 24-11-2016 16:50
24-11-2016 17:20
Surface Detail
litesong wrote:
Citing climate scientist Ed Hawkins, Brandon compared the trend of sea ice extent to "a bouncy ball going down a hill" — it's definitely going down, but "sometimes it bounces higher and sometimes lower."

That's actually a good analogy for the warming process itself. Some deniers claim that the fact that we cannot predict the weather with any degree of accuracy beyond about two weeks means that we cannot possibly predict future climatic changes. Of course, they are wrong.

While it is impossible to predict the exact path taken by a ball bouncing down a rocky slope, we know that the trend will always be downwards due to the fundamentals of the situation. In the same way, the imbalance in radiation absorbed and emitted by the Earth (due to raised greenhouse gas concentrations) means that the temperature trend will always be upwards despite blips and pauses due to heat flux between the air and the oceans.
24-11-2016 19:32
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Surface Detail wrote: That's actually a good analogy for the warming process itself. Some deniers claim that the fact that we cannot predict the weather with any degree of accuracy beyond about two weeks means that we cannot possibly predict future climatic changes. Of course, they are wrong.

Too funny. You still can't define "climate" and you don't dare try because you know exactly how you will be backing yourself into a corner.

Surface Detail wrote: While it is impossible to predict the exact path taken by a ball bouncing down a rocky slope, we know that the trend will always be ...

You are blissful in your scientific illiteracy. Weather is random. There are no trends in random events.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
25-11-2016 04:46
[b]IBdaMann wrote: You are blissful in your scientific illiteracy.

ibm blissfully has no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra or pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa. It didn't want to bias & contaminate itself with education.
25-11-2016 07:33
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
IBdaMann wrote: You are blissful in your scientific illiteracy.

ibm blissfully has no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra or pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa. It didn't want to bias & contaminate itself with education.

Tell me more about the AGW berserker.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
25-11-2016 13:23
anyway for people interested in what is actually going on in the world rather then a trolls brain;

The report, billed as the first comprehensive study of ecosystems and societies in the region, found: "The potential effects of Arctic regime shifts [or tipping points] on the rest of the world are substantial, yet poorly understood. Human-driven climate change greatly increases the risk of Arctic regime shifts, so reducing global greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to reducing this risk."
28-11-2016 14:27
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
spot wrote:

This is nothing but a fear-mongering horror novel. You can find it in the "Fiction" aisle.

Arctic scientists have warned that the increasingly rapid melting of the ice cap risks triggering 19 "tipping points" in the region that could have catastrophic consequences around the globe.

Polar ice is accumulating, not disappearing.

There is no "rapid melting" of the ice caps.

There are no "tipping points," undefined as they are, outside of WACKY Global Warming religious dogma.

The Arctic Resilience Report found that the effects of Arctic warming could be felt as far away as the Indian Ocean, in a stark warning that changes in the region could cause uncontrollable climate change at a global level.

Nobody sitting in the Indian Ocean can feel the Arctic warming.

You have to be gullible to fall for the "uncontrollable climate change at a global level" line.

How do I get the climate forecast for my local area? How do I keep track of "climate change" in my home town?

Temperatures in the Arctic are currently about 20C above what would be expected for the time of year, which scientists describe as "off the charts". Sea ice is at the lowest extent ever recorded for the time of year.

Actually, the temperatures I "expect" are apparently nowhere near as cold as what the author arbitrarily decided to "expect."

Those scientists should be fired if they don't have charts that cover current Arctic temperatures.

The amount of sea ice is random, is based on the weather (which is random), varies throughout the year and varies from year to year. There are no trends in random events.

"The warning signals are getting louder," said Marcus Carson of the Stockholm Environment Institute and one of the lead authors of the report. "[These developments] also make the potential for triggering [tipping points] and feedback loops much larger."

The only thing getting louder is the warmizombie cacophony.

"Feedback loops" is just a warmizombie term for religious miracles.


Once again, this article is poorly-written fiction crafted for a particularly gullible (and scientifically illiterate) target audience. It's no wonder spot posted it as his perceived reality.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
28-11-2016 18:36
IBdaMann wrote: Tell me more about the AGW berserker.

Don' HAF ta tell old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiners nuthin'.
28-11-2016 19:15
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
IBdaMann wrote: Tell me more about the AGW berserker.

Don' HAF ta tell old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' AGW denier liar whiners nuthin'.

You're awesome, litesong my friend. Have a great day.

I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
28-11-2016 19:35
The High Arctic Berserker now has extended to ~ 80 straight days of over "average" temperatures. Weeks ago(?) earlier stated, the High Arctic Berserker could easily extend to 100 days & keep going. The power of the High Arctic Berserker(also encompassing regions beyond the High Arctic) is defined in the past data of the regions.
1990's decade of Arctic sea ice extent to date was 4% less than that of the 1980's.
2000's decade of Arctic sea ice extent to date was 10% less than that of the 1980's.
The year 2012 of Arctic sea ice extent to date was 20% less than that of the 1980's.
The year 2016 of Arctic sea ice extent BEFORE THE HIGH ARCTIC BERSERKER, was 23% less than that of the 1980's(the High Arctic Berserker to date, by itself, decreased Arctic sea ice by one percent, now to 24%).
The 1980's average November 1 Arctic sea ice VOLUME was 18,100 cubic kilometers. November 1, 2016 Arctic sea ice VOLUME was 6400 cubic kilometers, a loss of 11,700 cubic kilometers or a loss of 64.6%. The energy needed to melt this ice is 36 times the U.S. annual energy consumption. Tho Arctic sea ice VOLUME seldom responds directly to individual events, it does appear the High Arctic Berserker has decreased Arctic sea ice VOLUME, to date, to its lowest amount, tying(?) with 2012.
28-11-2016 19:38
IBdaMann wrote: Tell me more about the AGW berserker.
You're awesome, litesong my friend.
litesong wrote:
ibm works hard to gain friends. So far, no luck.
Edited on 28-11-2016 19:52
28-11-2016 20:05
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
IBdaMann wrote: Tell me more about the AGW berserker.
You're awesome, litesong my friend.
litesong wrote:
ibm works hard to gain friends. So far, no luck.

litesong, you're a real trooper. In fact, you might be my best friend. With that being the case, I don't need any others.

You totally rock. Have an awesome day.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
01-12-2016 18:28
IBdaMann wrote:
litesong wrote:
IBdaMann wrote: You're awesome, litesong my friend.
litesong wrote:
ibm works hard to gain friends. So far, no luck.

litesong, you're a real trooper. In fact, you might be my best friend. With that being the case, I don't need any others. You totally rock. Have an awesome day.

Noting: The sweet sliminess of "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" strongly reminds me of old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) AGW denier liar whiner racist pukey proud pigs. Yeah.... ALL the characteristics are in play.
Edited on 01-12-2016 18:29
02-12-2016 04:08
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:... pukey proud pigs. Yeah.... ALL the characteristics are in play.

pukey proud pigs ... obvious awesome alliteration.

You're awesome.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
16-12-2016 06:15
litesong wrote: Noting: The sweet sliminess of "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" strongly reminds me of old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) AGW denier liar whiner racist pukey proud pigs. Yeah.... ALL the characteristics are in play.

In the new spirit of accuracy demanded by....."old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", it is good that "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" reconfirms its joy at being recognized in fairness & accuracy in name & actions. With well-wishes, he loves the wide-spread advertising:

Correction & update:
We know "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", with no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa, can't compile & research accurate numbers & has no ability to know what ARE accurate numbers. Therefore, accurate numbers easily pass him, while it totes inaccurate numbers.
16-12-2016 08:16
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote: Noting: The sweet sliminess of "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" strongly reminds me of old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) AGW denier liar whiner racist pukey proud pigs. Yeah.... ALL the characteristics are in play.

In the new spirit of accuracy demanded by....."old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", it is good that "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" reconfirms its joy at being recognized in fairness & accuracy in name & actions. With well-wishes, he loves the wide-spread advertising:

Correction & update:
We know "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", with no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa, can't compile & research accurate numbers & has no ability to know what ARE accurate numbers. Therefore, accurate numbers easily pass him, while it totes inaccurate numbers.

litesong my friend, I don't know if I'd have used those exact words but I do know that both you and the AGW Berserker totally rock.


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
16-12-2016 19:02
IBdaMann wrote:
litesong wrote:
litesong wrote: Noting: The sweet sliminess of "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" strongly reminds me of old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting(& rotting) AGW denier liar whiner racist pukey proud pigs. Yeah.... ALL the characteristics are in play.

In the new spirit of accuracy demanded by....."old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", it is good that "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann" reconfirms its joy at being recognized in fairness & accuracy in name & actions. With well-wishes, he loves the wide-spread advertising:

Correction & update:
We know "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner i b da no sigh-ants mann", with no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa, can't compile & research accurate numbers & has no ability to know what ARE accurate numbers. Therefore, accurate numbers easily pass him, while it totes inaccurate numbers.

litesong my friend, I don't know if I'd have used those exact words but I do know that both you and the AGW Berserker totally rock.

In kindest regard to your frangible multiple mental molestations, if you could rid yourself of one busted characteristic of your being, self-delution, you would readily embrace your name in its fullest accuracy. But your drawn out deviance from decent deeds, makes your total embrace of accuracy an iffy future.
Remember tho, one goal. Love the lyrical sway of your definitive name, "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner".

It is illness, illustrated.
20-12-2016 23:42
litesong wrote:..... self-delution.....

Should be, self-delusion.

Join the debate Arctic ice trends for November:

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