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And STILL no change

And STILL no change09-03-2017 21:45
Since this article was published there has been no measureable change in global mean temperature.


Monday, Jul. 16, 2007
IN JUNE THE New Hampshire Union Leader published a story "At mount (Cannon), talk is about global warming." This article quoted some participants making statements like "winters with less snow and more rain," without specific dates and data. It's difficult to check fuzzy comments like that.
However, there was one data set quoted, "the average winter temperatures in the Northeast have increased 4.4 degrees since 1970," which was a checkable piece of information. These same erroneous data were quoted in the Keene Sentinel last August, but in the context of a 4.4 degree increase in winter temperatures in New England. The Sentinel published my response stating that the actual change in winter temperature in New England, based on all 11 first-order National Weather Service stations in New England, from the early 1970s to the early 2000s, was a whopping two tenths of one degree!
Now we have the very same erroneous number quoted for the Northeast, and it's just as wrong this year as it was last year.
Looking at the same years as previously for New England, but adding three randomly selected stations outside New England but in the Northeast -- Cleveland, Buffalo and Philadelphia -- for the same years (1971-1975 and 2001-2005), the data show that the average winter temperature at Cleveland had actually fallen from 30.2 in the early 1970s to 29.6 in the early 2000s, Buffalo had fallen from 27.2 to 26.9 and Philadelphia from 35.8 to 35.1.
It's unlikely that the weather data from other stations in the northeastern United States would give much different results.
So why do the global warming zealots continue to quote 4.4 degrees?
One has to wonder if any one of "the panel of experts" at the conference knew better. Did he or she speak up to correct such a glaring misstatement of fact?
If the last 30 years show little change, what about climate change over centuries or millennia? Good, worldwide temperature data are available for less than a century, but that hasn't stopped the alarmists from quoting what are called "temperature" data extending back to the Romans. Such data are not temperatures, but proxies which are claimed to measure temperature.
Such proxies include tree rings, ice cores and the like, but they all suffer from one serious limitation. The proxies can be calculated from the weather, but the weather cannot be calculated from the proxies. The brief reason is that many different weather elements work in complex ways to produce the proxy.
Tree rings are a simple case, made thicker or thinner by a combination of autumn and spring rains, sun and temperature. All kinds of combinations of these weather elements can produce a thick ring or a thin ring. But which combination? Was it a lot of sun, or maybe gentle rains, or what? All proxies have similar, but different problems.
A more interesting argument heard in New Hampshire is that the ski areas and the maple syrup industries are hurting because of global warming. Using skis and syrup to make the case that the temperature in New Hampshire has warmed substantially is disingenuous because the actual temperature data for New Hampshire are available. Why would you use ski and syrup data to measure temperature when the temperature data are easy to find?
You could suspect that anyone using the ski and syrup data, rather than the temperature data, has already looked at the actual temperature data and found what I found, little or no warming, so they turned to skis and syrup. Interesting!
Finally, for those of you old enough to read in the 1970s, there was a lot of hysteria back then about the global temperature. The same "if we don't act promptly, in 10 years it will be too late" statements were published, on the covers of reputable papers and magazines, by many of the same "scientists," and for many of the same base motives. The only difference between the 1970s and now was that the disaster that was just around the corner was global cooling!
How times change, while people don't.
Is it global warming, political warming or globaloney?
Fred Ward of Stoddard has a Ph.D. in meteorology from MIT
10-03-2017 00:59
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
Monday, Jul. 16, 2007

Quotin' a 10 year old broken down weatherman's report, who has not updated its resume, ain't no way to expedite yer agenda.
10-03-2017 02:11
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Wake wrote:
Since this article was published there has been no measureable change in global mean temperature.


Monday, Jul. 16, 2007
IN JUNE THE New Hampshire Union Leader published a story "At mount (Cannon), talk is about global warming." This article quoted some participants making statements like "winters with less snow and more rain," without specific dates and data. It's difficult to check fuzzy comments like that.
However, there was one data set quoted, "the average winter temperatures in the Northeast have increased 4.4 degrees since 1970," which was a checkable piece of information. These same erroneous data were quoted in the Keene Sentinel last August, but in the context of a 4.4 degree increase in winter temperatures in New England. The Sentinel published my response stating that the actual change in winter temperature in New England, based on all 11 first-order National Weather Service stations in New England, from the early 1970s to the early 2000s, was a whopping two tenths of one degree!
Now we have the very same erroneous number quoted for the Northeast, and it's just as wrong this year as it was last year.
Looking at the same years as previously for New England, but adding three randomly selected stations outside New England but in the Northeast -- Cleveland, Buffalo and Philadelphia -- for the same years (1971-1975 and 2001-2005), the data show that the average winter temperature at Cleveland had actually fallen from 30.2 in the early 1970s to 29.6 in the early 2000s, Buffalo had fallen from 27.2 to 26.9 and Philadelphia from 35.8 to 35.1.
It's unlikely that the weather data from other stations in the northeastern United States would give much different results.
So why do the global warming zealots continue to quote 4.4 degrees?
One has to wonder if any one of "the panel of experts" at the conference knew better. Did he or she speak up to correct such a glaring misstatement of fact?
If the last 30 years show little change, what about climate change over centuries or millennia? Good, worldwide temperature data are available for less than a century, but that hasn't stopped the alarmists from quoting what are called "temperature" data extending back to the Romans. Such data are not temperatures, but proxies which are claimed to measure temperature.
Such proxies include tree rings, ice cores and the like, but they all suffer from one serious limitation. The proxies can be calculated from the weather, but the weather cannot be calculated from the proxies. The brief reason is that many different weather elements work in complex ways to produce the proxy.
Tree rings are a simple case, made thicker or thinner by a combination of autumn and spring rains, sun and temperature. All kinds of combinations of these weather elements can produce a thick ring or a thin ring. But which combination? Was it a lot of sun, or maybe gentle rains, or what? All proxies have similar, but different problems.
A more interesting argument heard in New Hampshire is that the ski areas and the maple syrup industries are hurting because of global warming. Using skis and syrup to make the case that the temperature in New Hampshire has warmed substantially is disingenuous because the actual temperature data for New Hampshire are available. Why would you use ski and syrup data to measure temperature when the temperature data are easy to find?
You could suspect that anyone using the ski and syrup data, rather than the temperature data, has already looked at the actual temperature data and found what I found, little or no warming, so they turned to skis and syrup. Interesting!
Finally, for those of you old enough to read in the 1970s, there was a lot of hysteria back then about the global temperature. The same "if we don't act promptly, in 10 years it will be too late" statements were published, on the covers of reputable papers and magazines, by many of the same "scientists," and for many of the same base motives. The only difference between the 1970s and now was that the disaster that was just around the corner was global cooling!
How times change, while people don't.
Is it global warming, political warming or globaloney?
Fred Ward of Stoddard has a Ph.D. in meteorology from MIT

Ole' Freddy has made the same mistake of the Church of Global Warming, that of assuming a few stations represent the temperature of the globe.

We can't measure or calculate the temperature of the globe to any useful accuracy using the instrumentation we have. There is nowhere near enough instrumentation.

Chief Litebeer is at least obvious about making shit up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
10-03-2017 02:30
"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy stupid steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight" bluffed: We can't measure or calculate the temperature...

"old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy stupid steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight" egotistically believes if it can't do sumpun', no scientist can do sumpun'.
Edited on 10-03-2017 02:31
10-03-2017 17:03
Into the Night wrote:
Ole' Freddy has made the same mistake of the Church of Global Warming, that of assuming a few stations represent the temperature of the globe.

We can't measure or calculate the temperature of the globe to any useful accuracy using the instrumentation we have. There is nowhere near enough instrumentation.

Chief Litebeer is at least obvious about making shit up.

I don't think that you followed the good Dr. He used the same data as the True Believers and demonstrated that you could make it mean anything you want.

Chief Dumbass simply makes things up necause he prefers lying over telling trhe truth.
10-03-2017 17:54
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
badnight bluffs: litesong is at least obvious about making shit up.

litesong simply makes things up necause(sic) he prefers lying over telling trhe(sic) truth.

Ooh! "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" is so upset, it LOST the SPELLING BEE.
Good that "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" & "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight" disagree with me. They are proof that I am correct & speaking truth.

Oh, yeah! It is good that "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy stupid steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" doesn't pay attention to me, anymore.
Edited on 10-03-2017 18:04
10-03-2017 18:32
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs:
badnight bluffs: litesong is at least obvious about making shit up.

litesong simply makes things up necause(sic) he prefers lying over telling trhe(sic) truth.

Ooh! "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" is so upset, it LOST the SPELLING BEE.
Good that "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" & "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner badnight" disagree with me. They are proof that I am correct & speaking truth.

Oh, yeah! It is good that "old sick silly sleepy sleazy slimy stupid steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" doesn't pay attention to me, anymore.

Isn't it about time you tell us how you and your wife have been threatened? That's a laugh. People don't pick on mindless people that come waist high to a burro.
11-03-2017 02:17
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: Isn't it about time you....

Isn't it about time you stopped answering me.... after you advertised to all your old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner ilks that you stopped answering me?
11-03-2017 16:42
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: Isn't it about time you....

Isn't it about time you stopped answering me.... after you advertised to all your old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner ilks that you stopped answering me?

How does it feel to be a loser at every single thing you've every done? It's pretty bad when you have to resort to false claims of threats to you wife to try and get some sympathy. Why, it's taken you several years to be able to put together a string of what you think of as insults when it really makes you look like the mindless losing fool you are.

Give us some more of those cut and paste idiocies from the mouth of a loser.

Or better yet, tell us your pitiful tales of how both you and your wife have been threatened. You don't think that a single person on this site believes you are anything other than a mentally retarded homosexual do you?
11-03-2017 17:11
Wake wrote:
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: Isn't it about time you....

Isn't it about time you stopped answering me.... after you advertised to all your old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner ilks that you stopped answering me?

How does it feel to be a loser at every single thing you've every done? It's pretty bad when you have to resort to false claims of threats to you wife to try and get some sympathy. Why, it's taken you several years to be able to put together a string of what you think of as insults when it really makes you look like the mindless losing fool you are.

Give us some more of those cut and paste idiocies from the mouth of a loser.

Or better yet, tell us your pitiful tales of how both you and your wife have been threatened. You don't think that a single person on this site believes you are anything other than a mentally retarded homosexual do you?

Again Homosexuality seems an issue for you. But you were defending Milo Yiannopoulos. mad as Litesong is he says he has a wife, how does that infer the henious crime of Homosexuality in your mind?

IBdaMann wrote:
"Air" is not a body in and of itself. Ergo it is not a blackbody.

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
11-03-2017 19:20
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" are anything other than a mentally retarded homosexual...

Isn't it about time "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" stopped answering me.... after you advertised to all your old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner ilks that you stopped answering me?

Ah, now I understand. "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" likes being "old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up".
Edited on 11-03-2017 19:24
11-03-2017 23:09
spot wrote:
Wake wrote:
litesong wrote:
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: Isn't it about time you....

Isn't it about time you stopped answering me.... after you advertised to all your old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner ilks that you stopped answering me?

How does it feel to be a loser at every single thing you've every done? It's pretty bad when you have to resort to false claims of threats to you wife to try and get some sympathy. Why, it's taken you several years to be able to put together a string of what you think of as insults when it really makes you look like the mindless losing fool you are.

Give us some more of those cut and paste idiocies from the mouth of a loser.

Or better yet, tell us your pitiful tales of how both you and your wife have been threatened. You don't think that a single person on this site believes you are anything other than a mentally retarded homosexual do you?

Again Homosexuality seems an issue for you. But you were defending Milo Yiannopoulos. mad as Litesong is he says he has a wife, how does that infer the henious crime of Homosexuality in your mind?

His claim of a wife is nothing more than cover. He is obviously has severe mental problems and who would stay anywhere near him in real life? Remember I have worked in an around San Francisco my whole life and I have watch his kind all the time.
11-03-2017 23:41
"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" woofs: I have worked in an around San Francisco my whole life and I have watch(sic) his kind all the time.

"old sick silly sleepy sleezy slimy steenkin' filthy vile reprobate rooting (& rotting) racist pukey proud pig AGW denier liar whiner wake-me-up" has been enviously watching homosexuals.... with hidden cameras?

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